HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-03-07; City Council; 9896; NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR RESURFACING OF COURTS AT VALLEY JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL AND LA COSTA PARK$ a I5 CE: 2 4 .. z 9 4 i 0 z 3 0 0 G u-ur bAHL3BAU - AUtNw6ILL '1.j- j c DEPT. AB# 989 (Q MTG. 3/7/89 RESURFACING OF COURTS AT VALLEY JUNIOR ClTYj HIGH SCHOOL AND LA COSTA PARK DEPT.prR TITLE: NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR CITY n y 7d RECOMMENDED ACTION: 3 HA Adopt Resolution No. 8 9 - 3 2- accepting the resurfacing and restr of the tennis/basketball courts at Valley Jr. High School and La Costa Ca Park Project No. 37032 as complete, directing the City Clerk to record th Notice of Completion and authorizing the Director of Finance to close the 1 account upon payment of all final costs and claims. ITEM EXPLANATION The resurfacing and restriping at the La Costa Canyon Park and Valley J High School facilities has been satisfactorily completed. will provide 6 more public tennis courts during summer and after school k The southern two courts will be open for year round play. FISCAL IMPACT The City Council has previously awarded $1 5,897 for the resurfacing proj The projects were funded by 1986 State Park Bond Roberti-Z'Berg Grants The Junior High EKkW31-E ; 1 , qes0La-h 6 b4 (Am. 89f YL 2. N0ti.e bs. c&-npLetodfl 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e RESOLUTION NO. 89-72 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE RESURFACING AND RESTRIPING OF TENNISIBASKETBAL COURTS AT THE VALLEY JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL AND LA COSTA CANYON PARK PROJECT NO. 37032 AS COMPLETED WHEREAS, the resurfacing and restriping of the court facilities at Valley Junior High School and La Costa Canyon Park, Project No. 37032, has been satisfactorily completed, and WHEREAS, the projects were completed for the contracted sum of $15,897, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That resurfacing, resealing and striping of the court facilitie at La Costa Canyon Park and Valley Junior High School, Project No. : is deemed complete and hereby accepted. 3. That the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, California, is h I directed to record the Notice of Completion for said project. 4. That the Director of Finance is hereby authorized to pay all f retention monies due the contractor. 111 111 /I1 /I1 I/1 /I1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3.7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 W 0 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 7th day of March 1999, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Lar NOES: None ABSENT: None CLAUDE A LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: LI.ktLJR& ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City' Clerk (SEAL) & 0 0 NOTICE OF COMPLETION PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT To All Laborers and Material Men and to Every other Per! Interested: YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Januarv 17. 1989 I stripinq of tennislbasketball courts at Valley Jr. Hiah School and I? hta engineering project consisting of The resurfacing. sealing and Canyon Park. on which East-South Resurface and Stripinq Co. was the contractor, and American Motorist Insurance Company was the surety, was completed, CITY OF CARLSBAD Parks and Recreation Directc VERIFICATION OF CTTY CLERK I the undersigned, say: I am the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad; the City Counc of said City on accepted the abo described work as completed and ordered that a Notice of Completi be filed. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is tr and correct. at Carlsba Executed on California. CITY OF CARLSBAD City Clerk 2/21/89 . e * Unified School District m&+hk- “I* ,>. - I I* * 1234 Arcadia Ave., Vista, CA 92084-3404, (61 9) 726-21 70 July 5, 1988 City of Carlsbad City Clerk’s Office 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Enclosed is a copy of Vista Unified School District’s Resolutio of Overcrowding and Developer Fee Increase, No. 88-50. This wa adopted by our Board of Trustees on June 8, 1988. The develope fee increase will take effect on August 8, 1988. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Encl. Approved tn public nerjtir j. 0 0 ,;,Of ;;;yjm //fi,dk,h$fi VISTA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Marilyn Vfarnberg. Recore VISTA, CALIFORNIA Board TO : Gary S. Olson, Superintendent REGULAR MEET11 ITEM: RESOLUTION NO. 88-50. June 8, 1988 REQUESTED ACTION: Adopt Resolution of FOR ACTION Overcrowding and Developer Fee Increase BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Government Code 65971 requires an ann1 finding of overcrowding in order to collect developer fees . January 27, 1988 the State Allocation Board indicated that 1 following are the adjusted maximum fees that can be charged unc Government Code 53080. SECOND READIN( Adjusted Maximum Fee Resjdential $1.5366 Commercial/Industrial -- $ -2561 Currently, Vista Unified School District charges $1.50 per squE foot for residential and $.25 per square foot on commercial E industrial developments. On an average residential property 1,700 square feet, this increased fee amounts to $51.00 per un: Neither the current $1.50 per square foot nor the proposed $1, per square foot will offset the added need for student housi created by development activity. However, this proposed increz will assist. PROPOSED PLAN/PROGRAM REPORT: Consideration of this resolution overcrowding and proposal to increase the developer fee on resi- dential developments from $1.50 to $1.53 per square foot. SPECIFIC FINANCIAL OUTCOME OF ACTION PROPOSED/TAKEN: Increase $.03 per square foot on residential developments. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the second reading of Resolution of Ovc crowding and proposal of developer fee increase. ORIGINATOR: John Wiggins ed for Submission DEPARTMENT: Business Services usiness Serv e 0 t. Resolution No. 88-50 RESOLUTION MAKING FINDING OF OVERCROWDING AND INCREASING PERMANENT FEES TO BE LEVIED ON DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 53080 , seconded by Mer ------------ On Motion of Member Guffanti Vol lmer -, the following resolution is adopted. WHEREAS, there is continuing and substantial growth in popula within the boundaries of the Vista Unified School District to extent that the school facilities of this District are seriol overcrowded; and WHEREAS, a very significant proportion of the increasc population in this District results from construction of residen, units in new housing developments in the District; and WHEREAS, in the absence of continued assistance from developer the form of financial contributions or dedications of land, . District will not have financial resources adequate to provide sl healthful educational facilities for all the children residing in District; and WHEREAS, the Vista Unified School District has applied for fun under the Leroy F. Greene State School Building Lease-Purchase Law 1976 for construction of a new elementary school; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees intends to adopt a resolution t support a general obligation bond in the amount of $63 million in t November 1988 general election; and WHEREAS, Chapter 4.7 (commencing with Section 659701, Division Title 7 to the Government Code, as amended by Chapter 887 of the 19 Statutes, makes provision for financial or other assistance by developers to school districts if the governing board of a school district has made a finding concerning overcrowding in one or more attendance areas of the district, including data specified in Government Code Section 65971, WHEREAS, as of January 1, 1987, the authority of these agencie or the school district, to require payment of impact fees pursuant said Chapter 4.7 of the Government Code was limited by Government C Section 65995 to $1.50 per square foot of covered or enclosed space residential developments, as adjusted annually by the State Allocat Board; and 0 0 .. WHEREAS, most other local policies and ordinances for school impact mitigation by cities and counties are largely preempted as c January 1, 1987; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees determined, on August 20, 1986, that the minimum amount necessary to mitigate the effects of incre; development with a combination of temporary and permanent facilitif $4425 for residential units, if specified senior citizen housing projects are given special consideration; and WHEREAS, the Board cf Trustees has reviewed and considered tht January 16, 1987 reports of Public Affairs Consultants describing 1 impacts of residential, commercial, and industrial developments on school facilities; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees desires to increase the fees, charges, and dedications to be levied upon development projects pursuant to Government Code Section 53080; and WHEREAS, such levies will reduce the total amount to be paid c dedicated by residential developers under existing policies of the District and continue to levy fees upon commercial and residential developments causing direct and indirect impacts on school faciliti NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, FOUND, AND DETERMINED that: (1) Conditions of serious overcrowding exist in the follob attendance areas of the Vjsta Unified School District which will in: the normal functioning of educational programs in those areas and threaten the health, welfare, and safety of the students compelled attend school in substandard conditions unless additional facilitie can be financed and present lease commitments honored: fa) Alta Vista High School (b) Lincoln Middle School (c) Washington Middle School (dl Alamosa Park School (e) Beaumont School (f) Bobier School (9) Casita School (h) Crestview School (i 1 Grapevine School Cj) Monte Vista School (k) Olive School (1) Santa Fe/California School -2- e 0 *, (2) Examples of and reasons for overcrowding are: a. At the present time, the Vista Unified School District either owns, leases, or rents 211 relocatable classrooms, all of which are used to accommodate increased student needs. There is no more unoccupied land on existing school sites for additional relocatables. Sanitary facilities at existing sites are inadequate to meet current safety. demands. Additional crowding may threaten fire b. Approximately 18,000 residential housing units hav been identified as planned or under construction 33 the year 2000 within the boundaries of the Distric Supporting commercial and. industrial development a such additional housing will cause our already overcrowded facilities to be impacted even further c, This District does not now have financial resource provide additional needed classrooms and facilitie Financial or other assistance from developers of n developments is essential if the District can hope provide minimally adequate facilities to educate properly the students who may be expected to resid the District in the near future. 3. All reasonable methods of mitigating conditions of overcrowding have been evaluated, and no feasible methods for reduc such conditions exist. Methods of mitigating conditions of overcrowding which have been evaluated include the following: a, Attendance area boundaries have been adjusted and relocated in an attempt to correlate available facilities with student load. This means of reallocating students cannot provide any real solution to overall District overcrowding. b. Extensive busing of students has been undertaken, but here, too, this method cannot reduce District-\ overcrowding. c. Relocatable buildings have been acquired to provide needed classroom space, but there is not appropriate space for locating additional buildings of that sort in a number to cope with expected additional student load. -3- 0 0 .. d. The District has considered entering into contracts with other school districts for the lease or purchase of surplus or under-utilized school facilities and has concluded that none are available. 4. The already overcrowded conditions in this District an the explosive population growth projected for this area can only be accommodated by new schools for the long term; use of relocatable o temporary-use buildings and busing of students are stop-gap measure for the near term only in and of themselves do not significantly re . the overcrowded conditions. Uninterrupted support by developers in form of financial contribution or dedication of land is necessary i order to try to keep abreast of population growth, and even with th assistance, any significant reduction in the overcrowded conditions the schools will be difficult until permanent additional classroom buildings can be constructed. Failure to levy and increase school impact fees may compromise the District's eligibility for state funding. 5. The following fees shall be increased upon any developm project within the boundaries of the District as provided by Govern Code 65995(b) (3) and as determined by the State Allocation Board: a. $1.53 per square foot of habitable space of all new residential development. b. $1.53 per square foot of all other residential development to the extent of any resulting increase habitable area having a value in excess of $20,000 l determined by Vista Unified School District; c. $0.25 per square foot of all covered or enclosed sp of all commercial and industrial developments, and senior housing projects as defined in Section 51.3 I the Civil Code. The 1985 Uniform Building Code occupancy classification shall be used as a guide in determining the character of such developments. d. The amount of the limits set forth in paragraphs a, b, and c shall be annually increased according to the adjustment for inflation set forth in the state-wide Cost Index for Class B Construction, as determined by the State Allocation Board at its January meeting and affirmed by the Board of Trustees. -4- a 0 .* e. Prior to issuance of any certificate of compliance such fees shall be paid, except in the case of the of a manufactured home or mobilehome, whereas the payment of fees shall occur at the time of occupanc pursuant to Section 18080.5 of the Health and Safet Code. If payment cannot be required prior to builc permit issuance, a contract for payment shall be executed, together with an application completed b] project proponent, in form approved by the Board of Trustees,. containing such information as may be reasonably necessary to enforce payment at the timc certificate of occupancy or final inspection. 6. It is hereby determined that the amounts of the abc fees bear a reasonable relationship and are limited to the needs of community for elementary and high school facilities, and to the nee for schools caused by development, based upon the evidence present€ the Board of Trustees at the time of its revisions of Board Policy 6000 in 1986. Additional evidence, reviewed and considered by this Board in connection with the adoption of this resolution, establish that residential units of less than 2892 square feet, calculated UT! paragraph 5 hereof, will experience a reduction of school impact mitiyation fees under this policy. The Board of Trustees finds tha commercial and industrial developments have an indirect, secondary effect upon the District, in that residential growth is induced and additional persons of child-rearing age are brought to existing residential areas; such developments also benefit from the presence an educated work force. Request for Exemption A building permit applicant may request an exemption fron payment of school fees from the District. If the Superintendent or designee makes a written finding that there is no possibility that project for which the permit is sought can have an effect on the sc facilities of the District, and that the project is exempt from sch fee collection under Government Code Section 53080, then the Distri shall issue a Certificate of Compliance, noting the exemption. Tn the event the Superintendent is able to make one of t two findlings, a recommendation concerning the request for exemption shall be made to the Board as soon as practicable, for disposition the Board of Trustees. -5- 0 0 .- 7. This resolution shall not affect the validity of Boe Poljcy NO. 6000 which remains applicable to Secured Agreements for school fees under Government Code 65995(c). 8. This resolution shall be effective 60 days from its adoption. 9. The Clerk/Secretary of this Board is hereby directec Cities of Oceanside, Vista, Carlsbad, and San Marcos, and to the Bc of Supervisors of the County of San Diego. forward certified copies of this resolution to the city councils ol PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Governing Board of the Vista Unified School District this 8th day of June , 1988, by the following vote: AYES : NOES : None ABSENT : None ABSTAIN: None Members Hagar, Carter, Vollmer, Guffanti and Viger STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ) ss. I, Lance Vol 1 mer , Clerk of the Governing Board o the Vista Unjfied School District of San Diego County, California, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by said Board at a regular meting thereof held a its regular place of meting at the time and by the vote above state which sajd resolution is on file in the office of said Board. /// /+- cfg&?c / - Clefk of the Governing Board / First reading: May 25, 1988 -6- 0 a .. Unified School District DATE ADOPTED : 4-1 8-77 *DATE REVISED : 9-1 0-86 *Effective Date: 11-10 SUBJECT: DEVELOPERS, SUBDIVIDERS, AND BUILDERS CONTRIBUTIONS COGNIZANT OFFICE: APPLICABLE PROCEDURES: **See Resolution No. 88-50 REFERENCE : TO MITIGATE IMPACTS ON SCHOOL FACILITIES. ** 6-8-88 FINDING OF OVERCROWDING AND INCREASING PERMANENT FEES TO BE LEVIED ON DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS PURSUANT TO GOV. CODE SEC. 53080 In order to insure adequate school facilities within the Vista Unified School the superintendent is authorized to verify District approval of construction ( or builders assure the District that appropriate contributions will be made tc District for each living unit in the subdivision or development. Nothing in this policy precludes the District from receiving contributions ott, money which would provide adequate school facilities. In fact, after the dire of a proposed development is identified, the most appropriate and feasible mit will be recommended to the Board and then negotiated on the approved basis. This policy will be reviewed annually for applicability to District needs and purpose of adjusting fee schedules to account for inflationary factors. The C Price Index, both nationally and locally, will be used as one reference point. units to the appropriate municipal or county agency when the developers, subd. The fee per housing unit is $4,425, or $1,426 for senior citizen housing projects meeting state law requirements. When District assurances are requested prior to the issuance of building permi developers shall be requested to enter into voluntary agreements, securing a p development, in a form approved by the Board. pay such fees or make such other contributions necessary to mitigate the impac MELLO-ROOS The Vista Unified School District intends to periodically conduct proceedings under the Mello-Roos Comnunity Facilities Act or other financing acts which may be available. secured agreements with developers shall provide that the developers shall provide that the developer may, in lieu of paying school fees normally due at the time of building permit insurance, initiate and consumate proceedings under an appropriate special assessment act or the Mello-Roos Comnunity Facilities Act of 1982, for the planning, design, acquisition, construction and maintenance of school facilities. All .- Page 2 a Contj nued W BOARD POLICY NO. 6000 In determining when to conduct such proceedings, the Board shall evaluate: 1, Gthether the proceedings can be completed prior to issuance of any building penit in the financing district; 2, Whether the proceedings will adequately provide for the costs of 'planning, design, acquisition, construction and maintenance of the school facilities to be cpnstructed or acquired; 3, Whether the proceedings adequately provide for any costs advanced by participants; 4. Whether a sufficient number of approved dwelling units are included within the financing District to support financing of the facilities plan. A developer may choose to enter into an agreement with the District to provide for school facilities within a cornunity facilities District established pursuant to the Me110 - Roos Cornunity Facilities Act, which includes the developer's project. The contract shall be in. addition to the secured agreement required by this policy. The contract shall provide: . 1. %e developer shall contribute not less than 30% of the amount otherwise due pursuant to the secured agreement upon the execution of the financing agreement to the District. against fees paid under the secured agreement for a period of two years, and the District will waive any right, pursuant to that security agreement, to collect fees in excess of those in effect on the date the contribution was made an accepted by t,k District. 2. To the extent the amount initially paid by the developer is used for any purpose allowable under the Act for determining the feasibility of the proposed Cornunity Facilities District, or conducting proceedings under the Act, such amount shall be considered an advance under the Act, to be recovered from the proceeds of the tax levied. This amount may be credited I i Page 3. 0 Continued @ ',1 . . * c ' "' BOAKD POLICY NO. 6000 3. The contract shall specify the manner in which nocice shall be given to subsequent purchasers of the property within the proposed District and shall specify the maximum amount of the tax which may be levied. in any year, and the maximum duration of the levy. In the event the special tax is not approved.by the . voters, or if no proceedings are otherwise completed within two years under the pact, the District will have no ob'ligation 'to refund the amount initially contributed to the District. f. . >Y 4, .. .. TWO YEAR FIXED FEE COMMITMENT Upon receipt of a VO~Untdry Contribution from a developer equivalent to 30% of amount which would be otherwise paid under this policy in mitigation of a parti project's impact, and receipt of a secured agreement,. the following certiffcati wi 11 be issued: - +* This certifies that (hereinafter "developer"), has made a voluntary contribution of $ to assist the Vista Unified School District in providing for school facilities for the project. In'consideration of this donation, and for a period of two years ,. . . comnencing on (date), the Vista Unified .. School District shall credit such contribution against any school '.<:I .fees paid pursuant to the secured agreement entered into on (date) between developer and the District under this policy, and the District will waive any right, pursuant to that secured agreement, to collect fees in excess of those in . District as evidenced by thi s certificate, _.. c3 effect ,on the date the contribution was made and accepted by the <... ..' .- Developer understands and agrees that in.the event the two-year . ' period expires without payment of fees pursuant to the secured -. '.agreement, the District shall have no obligation to extend the 'period or return the donation, and developer hereby waives all right, title or interest in the amount donated to the District- The certification shall .be signed by the District and the Developer, and may be recorded I . . . .... .. IMPLEMENTATION .This policy shall take effect 60 days after adoption at the second reading. -. e3 .. ..' .- Page 4 e. Con ti nued BOARD POLICY NO. 6000 m * ' (I Current fees remain applicable to units in building plan check on the date of second . .reading if fees are paid in full by March 70, 1987. District. on the date of approval, which pay fees by May 10, 7987 will pay half of the fee increase,. if any, for that type of unit. thereafter would pay the full amount of any increase. c - TGs method was used in 7985, by the . . . 0 Developments. whether or not in plan check ..: i Developments . - .. i .. --- .. -.---. .-. .__ .. . . . . . . .. .-. JW: ne .- ._ . .. .f .. . '. .- .. ':j .. .' .. .. .. .. % . c "q; a a December 17, 1987 i Ir TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Assistant City Manager CITY /SCHOOL DISTRICT AGREEMENT The purpose of this memo is to summarize the agreement that was reached with School District representatives at the meeting held this morning. Thc City Committee, composed of Mayor Lewis and Council Member Mamaux, met with the School Committee, composed of Board President Julie Nygaard and Board Member Ed Switzer, met at 7 AM at City Hall to finalize the agreeme regarding the construction of a joint Senior Center/ School Office project. The agreement will be written up by Tom Clarke, the City's attorney on this project and should be available for review next week. The District will place the agreement on an early agenda in January in order to start the three week notice period required under State law, and the District will take final action on approving the agreement in late January or at thei first meeting in February. agreement through the State Allocation Board and Department of Education in Sacramento. approval in early February. The significant terms of the agreement are outlined as follows: The District will concurrently process the The final agreement should then be ready for Council &! The District will transfer 3.3 acres of land to the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission at no cost. Title tc the land will vest in the Commission. The Commission will build a 27,000 square foot building anc construct all site improvements. feet of the building will be for District Office space and 15,000 square feet is for the Senior Center. will be constructed at no cost to the District. Upon completion of the project, the Commission will transfer a condominium ownership interest to the 12,000 square foot office to the District at no cost to the District. The Commission and the District will share common area operatin expenses in proportion to their ownership interest. The Commission will advance to the District, up to $200,000 District will pay back such funds advanced at the end of 10 years plus interest. annual interest earnings and the rate will be adjusted annually. ) Construction: Twelve thousand square The building Ownership : Relocation Expenses : to pay for temporary relocation and moving expenses. The (Interest will be based on the City' rn a December 17, 198 CITY MANAGER Page 2 I The facilities and services functions currently housed at the Pine School site will be relocated to the Public Safety and Service Center. The Distril will use the 3600 square feet of modular office space, restrooms, storage trailer and parking area currently located at the Public Safety and Servicc Center. The District will pay the City $10,000 per year rent for use of t Public Safety and Service Center for 10 years. If the District remains at the Safety Center after 10 years, the District must pay fair market ren and a 2, percent rent bonus. If the District needs additional storage facilities beyond what is currently provided in the temporary buildings at the Safety Center, the District will either need to construct additional temporary storage facilities or lease warehousing space at District expense The City's Streets , Utilities and Building Maintenance operations currently housed at Oak Street will remain at Oak Street. Public Safety and Service Center facililities, The District may use the % FRANK MANNEN saf cc: Mayor Council Members City Attorney Department Heads Carls bad Unified School District Superintendent