HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-03-07; City Council; 9902; MARCARIO CANYON PARK PLAN REVISIONkll 8 OE 2 4 .. 2 0 5 s 8 a z 3 wwur wmL3mu - AUCNI;.)ISILL /" I AB# 9qo!b TITLE: DEPT. MTG. 3/7/89 CITY E MACARIO CANYON PARK PLAN REVISION DEPT. p & R CITY n RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review and comment on the Macario Canyon Park Plan Revisior Study. Direct staff to finalize the Master Plan and initiate environmental review prior to the actual development phase of the project. ITEM EXPLANATION: The existing Macario Master Plan was originally completed bi Iwanaga Associates in December of 1981. In an effort to updatE the plan and bring it into conformance with contemporarq recreational trends, the 1988 Parks and Recreational Element, and current planning documents (i.e., Circulation Element), staff has prepared a revision to the Iwanaga study. The revised plan was developed through information from previou: studies, citizen and staff input. From the informatior gathered, a revised Land Use Plan was developed (ICity Wid€ Community Park, Plan All, Exhibit 111) On December 27, 1988, the revised plan was reviewed by the Par1 and Recreation Commission's Park Site and Facility Planninc Committee. On January 16, 1989 staff presented the plan to thc Parks and Recreation Commission. The Commission votec unanimously to approve the Macario Canyon Park Plan Revisior Study and direct staff to finalize the Master Plan and initiate environmental review prior to the actual development phase. In addition, Plan A, staff has prepared "Plan Bug or "City Widc Community Park/Golf Course P1an.I' This plan is part of a reporl that analyzes three alternative sites for a golf course withir the City. That report will be discussed in a separate Agendz Bill. FISCAL IMPACT: Twenty eight million ($28,000,000) dollars for Macario Canyoi construction and loan payments has been identified in tht Capital Improvement program budget for 1998+ I a a AB# 490% Page 2 EXHIBITS : Attachments: Macario Master Plan Revision Study Exhibits: I. Study Area Map 11. Acreage Chart 111. Land Use Plan IV. 1981 Iwanaga Master Plan V. Comparison List of Recreation Uses (1981 Plan vs. Revisec VI. Shopping List of Recreation Uses Plan) 0 e MACARIO CANYON PARK PLAN REVISION STUI CITY OF CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT FEBRUARY 1989 ATTACHMENT 0 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. STUDY OUTLINE Pg- 1 2. GOAL #1 - CURRENT RECREATIONAL NEEDS Pg. 2 3. GOAL #2 - LAND USE PLAN Pg. 3 4. GOAL #3 - COMPARISON OF PLANS Pg- 6 EXHIBITS : I. Study Area Map 11. Acreage Chart 111. Land Use Plan IV. 1981 Iwanaga Master Plan V. Comparison List of Recreation Uses (1981 Plan vs. Revised Plan) VI. Shopping List of Recreational Uses * 0 MACARIO CANYON PARK PLAN REVISION STUDY STUDY OUTLINE GOALS GOAL #1 Identify current recreational needs that would be compatible bot functionally and environmentally with the project site. Develop a revised Land Use Plan ("PLAN A - CITY WIDE COMMUNITY PARK" to accommodate updated recreational priori ties and consider any ne information about the site (i.e., revised study area and future roa alignments) in the design of the new plan. GOAL #3 Compare the existing Master Plan (1981 Iwanaga) and the revise GOAL #2 Master Plan ("Plan A - City Wide Community Park"). STUDY AREAS (Refer to Exhibit I) 1. Macario Canyon (City owned) - 288 acres. 2. HUB Park (City leased) k 92 acres. *3. SDG&E (area with no current lease agreement located between Macario an HUB Park) f. 28 acres. SDG&E has indicated that no new area will be leased to the City. Therefor any acreage used in this area (i.e., for a circulation link between Macari and the HUB) must be subtracted from the HUB Park site on a one to on basis. * 1 0 0 GOAL #l - IDENTIFY CURRENT RECREATIONAL NEEDS (PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT The following recreational needs have been identified that update and expand up0 the program development in the 1981 Master Plan: A. GOLF COURSE There is interest, through the Carlsbad Golf Association and othe citizens, in a public golf course. There are currently three sites bein studied for possible location of a golf course; 1. The "County Site" located northeast of Palomar Airport Road and E Cami no. 2. Lake Calavera 3. Macario Canyon NOTE: A separate report has been prepared to analyze the golf course plans. B. SPORTS COMPLEX There has been and continues to be a demand for playfields by loca organized sports groups. C. AMPHITHEATER/CULTURAL ARTS CENTER The Arts Commission and citizen groups have been seeking a permanen location for the performing and visual arts. D. TENNIS COMPLEX There has been interest shown through local tennis players in seeking location for a complex of tennis courts somewhere in the City. E. MISCELLANEOUS AMENITIES The previously adopted Macario Canyon Park Master Plan identi fie compatible uses for the project site based on then current recreationa interests and consultant input. The Park and Recreation Department staf has re-evaluated, expanded upon, and updated these uses based on curren recreational needs. Based on the recreational needs identified above, a "shopping list" of amenitie was taken into consideration in the program development for the revised Macari Canyon Park Plan (See Exhibit V). 2 0 a GOAL f2 - DEVELOP A REVISED PARK PLAN (LAND USE PLAN) There has been extensive previous studies done on Macario Canyon Park: 1. Development Plan, Macario Canyon Park (Iwanaga Associates, 1981) 2. Macario Canyon Park, E.I.R. (Larry Seeman Associates, 1982) 3. Development Feasibilitv of a Public Golf Course at Macario Canyon Par (ERA, 1987) These reports outline in detail opportunities and constraints of the projec site, land use feasibility and economics of the respective plans. The plan produced for this study takes into account opportunities an constrai nts , i ncl udi ng envi ronment a1 cons i derat i ons i dent i f i ed in previ oi documents. Rather than duplicate information already set forth previously, i is the purpose of this report to use the existing information and update the lar use plan according to current recreational needs in the City of Carlsbad. The Revised Macario Canyon Park Plan (Refer to Exhibit 111) "PLAN A - CITY WIDE COMMUNITY PARK" This plan offers a wide range of recreational amenities including active sport: passive areas, cultural, and nature/educational uses. The intent of this plz is to provide the type of uses typically found in regional parks servicir diverse recreational needs such as Balboa Park in San Diego or Golden Gate Par in San Francisco. The Plan strives to group similar and compatible recreational uses together i conjunction with distinct physical areas defined by landform and constraints. 3 0 0 The Plan enacts the program developed through the process outlined in Goal #I by designating uses per major study areas and the sub-category of special "Planning Areas". MACARIO CANYON STUDY AREA (288 acres): PLANNING AREA #1 Canyon f 1 oor : predominantly active athletic uses (soccer fields. ball fields, tenni s, hardcourt basketball and vol 1 eybal 1 ) as we1 1 as somt passive uses (controlled group camping and riparian preserve). PLANNING AREA #2 West and south facing slopes and valleys: predomi nantl I cultural/educational recreational uses (conference center, amphitheater and cultural arts center) with a few picnic sites. PLANNING AREA #3 North and east facing slopes and valleys: predominantly passiv recreational uses (botanical gardens, and picnicking). HUB PARK STUDY AREA (+ 92 acres): PLANNING AREA #4 Bluff Top: limited active uses under powerlines (one soccer field) an nature/educational and passive uses along bluff top (interpretive cente and picnicking). PLANNING AREA #5 Lagoon shorel ine and beaches: predominant1 Y passive recreational use along shorel ine (1 imited access boardwalk for birdwatching, etc., beache and picnicking) and a boat launching site at the western end of the site SDG&E STUDY AREA (& 28 acres): No major uses are proposed due to constraints (steep slopes, powerline! Cannon Road and riparian habitat) and the lack of ownership or currer lease agreement. A trail system will link Macario Canyon to the HUB arc along the wetlands passing under the proposed Cannon Road bridge. Due 1 the constraints, the only vehicular connection between Macario and the HI is via proposed Cannon Road. NOTE: Major circulation routes including the vehicular, bike and a pedestrii trail system will make connections to the various planning areas wher feasible and are shown on the plan. 4 0 1) Plan A is a "Land Use Concept Plan" intended to show in a general way desigi concepts outlining the ma.ior recreational uses. It is a tool used to determini the direction to pursue further studies. The next step in the process would be 1. Refine the Land Use Plan into a Master Plan which would mori precisely define the location and nature of the program elements. 2. Based on the Master Plan, conduct environmental studies. 5 e 0 GOAL #3 - COMPARE PLANS EXISTING 1981 MACARIO CANYON PARK MASTER PLAN vs. REVISED MACARI(: CANYON PARK PLAN (“CITY-WIDE COMMUNITY PARK, PLAN A”). The general character of the two plans remains the same in that both promote i wide variety of recreational experiences while protecting the aesthetic an( environmentally sensitive character of the site. The following are areas where changes occur: STUDY AREA The revised study area does not include the Kelly wetlands property immediate1 east of the lagoon and north of Macario Canyon, (+ 50 acres). This land wa required to be retained and enhanced as a condition of the Kelly Ranch projec since the 1981 Master Plan. LAND USE (See Exhibit IV for a complete comparison list of uses). The major changes are: 1. Cultural Recreation - Increased emphasis on the cultural aspect o recreation through the addition of an amphitheater and cultural center The amphitheater is shown at the previous site of the athletic cent€ (it is the current plan to locate the athletic centers in the communit parks that will service each quadrant such as Stagecoach Community Par and Cal avera Hi1 1 s Community Park). 2. HUB Area - Location of a soccer field under the powerlines and natuv interpretive center in place of concession/view area. The agricul tur; use shown in the ‘81 plan has been recommended to be eliminated. 3. Privitization De-emphasized - Although there are still opportunities fc private participation (i .e., conference center, boat launch ar restaurant), uses that indicate solely private participation such i convenience commercial, artisan village, and concession stand have be€ dropped. (Certainly the idea that 2/3 of the development and operatir costs for Macario Canyon Park recommended in the 1981 Master Plan is r longer realistic under the revised plan). 6 0 e CIRCULATION 1. Cannon Road - The alignment stays basically the same, however, the Iwanagi Plan assumes a dike crossing through the wetlands. The new plan is for a bridge crossing (30' above existing wetlands at one point). Thc environmental impacts of Cannon Road are being dealt with separately fror park planning issues in this study. Faraday Road - Faraday was previously shown as a secondary park access It is now the primary park access and is classified as a "collector street' on the General Plan's Circulation Element. The intent of the Farads\ collector is to divert some of the traffic off of Palomar Airport Roa through the park to Cannon Road then westward, to 1-5. This causes a adverse impact to the park but was felt to be a necessary component of th Circulation Element of the City. The previously designated "primary park access'' road, Macario Canyon Roa (a.k.a. Kelly Road) which entered the park at the southwest corner vi College Boulevard, has been eliminated. This road is felt to be too stee and would create too much grading to be a desirable access. The Kelly Roa alignment now veers westward at the southern boundary of the park an travels to the west of the park finally connecting to the proposed Canno Road. 2. 7 1 EXHIBIT I e 0 CITY WIDE COMMUNITY PARK - PLAN A ACREAGE FIGURES DEVELOPABLE *ENVIRONMENTALLY STUDY TOTAL (non-constrained) CONSTRAINED % DEVELOPABLI Macario 288 144 144 50% HUB 92 37 55 40% SUBTOTAL 380 181 199 48% **SDG&E 28 7 21 25% TOTAL STUDY AREA 408 188 220 46% * INCLUDES: SLOPE OVER 25%, SENSITIVE VEGETARIANf ARCHEOLOGICAL UNSTABLE GEOLOGY AND POWERLINE FACILITY CONSTRAINTS ** NO USES PROPOSED IN THIS AREA EXHIBIT I1 I 0 e EXISTING MASTER PLAN vs. REVISED LAND USE PLAN 1981 MASTER PLAN REVISED PLAN PLAN A City Wide Community Park P1 ayf i el ds Interpretive Center Interpretive Center Boating Facility Boating Facility Beaches/ Lagoon Access Beaches/Lagoon Access Nature Study Boardwalk Viewpoints Viewpoints Park Service Yard Park Service Yard Botanical Center Botanical Center Picnicking Conference Center Conference Center Trai 1 s Camping (Hike-in Picnic/Scout Camp) Riparian Preserve Corridor Tenn i s Tenni s Wet1 and Preserve P1 ayf i el ds Nature Study Boardwalk Pi cn i c ki ng Trai 1 s Camping (Group) Ri pari an Preserve Corri Wetland Preserve (offsi *Agricultural Preserve +Amphi theater *Concession/Viewpoint +Cultural Center *Convenience Commercial *Control 1 ed Park Entry "Artisans Vi 11 age *Athletic Center *View Restaurants *ELIMINATED IN THE REVISED PLAN +NEW USES (Not Found In '81 Plan: EXHIBIT V 6 SHOP A G LIST OF RECREATION !P L AMMENITIES .- MAJOR USES: Soccer fields (full size) Ballfields (youth and adult) Amphitheatre Cultural Arts Center Olympic Volleyball Center Camping (group) Tennis Community Center (without gym) Conference Center Botanical garden/tree farm Park Service Yard Restaurant Boating facility Picnic (group) Swimming Interpretive/Nature Center SECONDARY USES (TO BE LOCATED IN OR AROUND MAJOR USES) Trails 1. Cycling 2. Jogging 3. Cross Country Hard court - basketball Sand volleyball Caretakers residence Playground (totlot) Group rentals Picnic areas EXHIBIT VI