HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-03-14; City Council; 9910; Out of State Travel Requestc .. OUT OF STATE TRClVEL REQUEST AB# qy/’ TITLE: DEPT. RED MTG. 3/14/89 DEPT, CITY i CITY r La ULB g: s. b 2 .. z 0 6 a 5 J z 3 0 0 &e w CI~ OF CARLSBAD - AGEN~ BILL RECOMMENDED ACTION: If City Council concurs, your action is to authorize the Senior Management Ftnalyst, Hiousing and Redevel.opment Department to attend the American Society for Public Administration Conference in Miami, Florida. ITEM EXPLANATION: The American Society for Public Administration will hold i 50th National Conference in Miami, Florida, on Qpril 6-13, 1989. The conference addresses various issues relating t clients served by the housing program, contracting, privai public partnerships and economic development. In addition, the Senior Management Analyst, Housing and Redevelopment Department serves on the Board of Editors fc the ASPA Jaurnal. The City recognizes the value of havins an employee on the board of this organization and in at-tenaance at this National Conference. FISCAL IMPACT: Fupds are available in Housing Budget account 131-3330-29L Expenditures will not exceed $1,600. EXHI El ITS : 1 - Ccinference Pragram excerpts 1) 0 The Changing Public Service: looking Buck. = w = 50fh National Conference American Society for Public Administrati1 April 8- 12, 1989 Hyatf Regency Miami Miami, Florida \ Topics cutting across many areas of public management will be featured as Special Focus Sessions. Jorge Manuel Dengo, the First Vice President of Costa Rica, will discuss the impact of current economic challenges in Latin istrator, will combine his academic and practitioner expertise at the plenary session Tuesday morning, April 1 1, when he speaks about the future of public service. e The opening plenary on Sunday, April 9 will feature prominent national figures. Invitations to speak and bring greetings to conference participants have been extended to many of Florida's elected Public Sector Adjustment e AIDS Crisis and AlDS Education e The Career Executive and The Political Executive: The Job, Loyalty, and the Public lntereSt e Fifty Years of Budget Theory: From Line Items, PPBS, MBO, ZBB, to Performance Budgeting Economic Development of Natura/ Resources: officials. At What Cost?-- Florida: Disaster or Paradise? e Report of the National Economic Commission e The National Public Service Awards, recog- nized CIS the most prestigious honor which can be bestowed on individuals in the field of public management, will be presented at a special luncheon on Monday, April 10. brings the conference to a dramatic close with the presidential address by incoming President Morris W.H. "Bill" Collins Jr. e Turning Your Organization Around: Transistions Using Strategic Management Processes e Professionalizing County Government e The Changing Public Service: Looking e Changes in Health Care Financing and Their e Population Aging and Its Multiple Ramifications e Western Hemisphere Focus on Management The President's luncheon on Wednesday Back .... Moving Forward lmpact on Government Programs Issues and the Administration of Multilateral and Bilateral Assistance in the Americas 8 R '(b 3 Theme 2--Managing Human and Theme 1 --Changing Populations: Understanding, Adapting, Shaping Technological Systems 0 Cultural/Ethnic Diversity 0 Population Shifts--Age, Location, Density 0 Changing Distribution of Resources 0 Financing Government--Who Pays? 0 Infrastructure, Waste, Transportation 0 Management Systems: Theories Decaying and Obsolete 0 Implications for Social and Ecological Environments and Techniques Who Benefits? Technologies Theme 3-Reshaping the Public Service 0 Broader Definitions of "Public Sewice"-- Theme 4--Serving in a Global Community Nonprofits, Contractors, and Partnerships with Traditional Governments 0 Institutional Cooperation and 0 Changing Responsibilities and Management of State and Local Government 0 Developing Management Skills for the Future 0 Concern for Ethics and Individual Liberties Issues in Economic Development 0 International Finance 0 Knowledge and Technology Conflict Transfer s 3 Q) E 0 'W u) m k. Q) .r )s 101 Problems and Prospects in Local 11 1 The Properly Tax: Past, Present, and Fut Government Program Measurement Trends Systems SBFM SBFM, SMSPA 1 12 The Index of Social Health: Implication the Planning and Management of Pub 102 Challenging the Future: Women in Public 103 Administration of Native American COMPA, SHSH, SWPA Management Sector Human Services 113 Health Care in the 21st Century: Com- Programs petition, Technology, and Demograph 114 Managing Melting Pots: The Impact 01 Immigration on Municipal Service Provi COMPA, NYPE SPOD, SWPA SHSH SGAB, SHSH, SPALR 104 Meeting the Health Care Needs of a Changing Population: Public and Private Perspectives COMPA, SHSH S€?FM, SHSH Disabled Elderly 1 15 SNREA Field Trips 1 16 Workforce 2000 1 17 Overview of Current EEO and Labor 1s: 105 Linkages: The Elderly Disabled and the SNREA SHSH, SWPA COMPA, SHSH, SWPA 106 Managerial and Organizational Impacts of Rapid Growth Affecting Employers SBFM, SIAM, SNREA SPLALR COMPA, SHSH, SWPA 107 Sustaining Programs for the Urban Homeless 108 Do Communities Have Options? Tourism's Role in Shaping Community Character 118 Community Mental Health Services: A Retrospective and Prospective Vim SHSH, SWPA SBFM, SNREA SEM, SNREA 119 National Hurricane Center Field Trip Management Strategies for the Future Global Community: Impacts and Issues SMSPA, SNSDA, SSTlG SGAB, SICA, SSTlG A Challenge for Public Administrators SPALR SCJA, SGAB, SMSPA 205 Drugs and Public Policy SCJA, SHSH, SNSDA RPA N 226 New Ways of Looking at Small Organi- zations: Resource and Information Use 206 Using Evaluation to Strengthen Public 227 Entry Level Professional Hiring: Can Govern- Programs: Effective Strategies and Approaches SNSDA, SPALR, SWPA ment Compete for the Best and Brightest? 228 Federal Labor Relations: Title VI1 After Ten NYPF, SNSDA 207 Natural Resource Management in the Post- Years Reagan Era: Prometheus Unbound or Sisyphus Redux? 208 Cities and Disaster: International Case SPALR 229 A Not So Trivial Regulatory Pursuit: SEM, YAM, SNREA A Hazardous Materials Management Exploration Workshop and Field Trip Studies (fee to be determined) SEM, SNSDA SEM, SNREA 209 Problem Solving and Strategic Policy Development: A Model for Public Institutions SSTlG 230 Technology and Competitiveness: Changing Public/Private Relations SPOD 231 Creating A Modern Comprehensive Human Resources Management Program: Capitalizing on Employee Commitment, 210 State Budgeting in The United States: Back and To the Future SBFM Energy, and Creativity SCJA, SPALR COMPA, NYPE SPALR 21 1 Auditing Criminal Justice Programs 232 Courts, Legislatures, and Interest Groups: Changing the Distribution of Resources for Environmental Protection 212 Getting Your House in Order: Hazardous SNREA Materials Management for State and Local Government SfM 213 Are We Managing Our Coasts? tD ru 0 a cn cr, 5' 3 cn SNREA 214 Creating A Family-Oriented Workplace: Dependent Care as a Public Sector Employee Benefit SHSH, SPALR, SWPA 215 Financing Capital Improvements: The Changing Municipal Bond Market SBFM SIAM, SNREA 21 4 State-Federal Relations in the Environment 21 7 The Changing Worid of Water Policy and Administration: Looking Back .... Moving Forward SNREA 218 House Arrest and Electronic Monitoring: Human and Technological Responses to Prison and Jail Overcrowding SCJA 219 Financing Infrastructure: Federal and State Assistance for Local Government SBFM, SlAM 220 Assessing the Feasibility of Recycling 221 Whither Nuclear Power: Dead or Alive? SEM, SIAM, SNREA Over 100 program sessions are scheduled for the 50th ASPA National Conference. Many sessions were developed by ASP, Sections. Many others are being endorsed by Sections and recommended to members of that Section. Section abbrevic listed with session titles indicate these endorsements. COMPA The Conference of Minority Public Administrators ElHIC The Working Group on Ethics Education NYPF The National Young Professionals Forum RPAN The Rural Publlc Administration Network SBFM The Section on Budgeting and Financial Management SCJA The Section on Criminal Justice Administration SEM The Section on Emergency Management SGAB The Section on Government and Business SHSH The Section on Human Services and Health - SAM The Section on Intergovernmental Administration SICA The Section on International Comparative Administratior SMSPA The Section on Management Science and Political Anal SNREA The Section on Natural Resources and Environmental SNSDA The Section on National Security Defense Administration SPAE The Section on Public Administration Education SPALR The Section on Personnel Administration and Labor Rela SPOD The Section on Professional and Organizational Develop WIG The Section on Science and Technology in Government SWPA The Section for Women in Public Administration PAm The Public Administration Theory Nefwork Administration administration as those 2 3 0 .Ir v) c/) m a, E I$: - b- as members of staffs of research or educational organizations, as well who are preparing themselves for entrance into administrative careers .... * 301 Educating Public Managers for the Future 318 An Intergovernmental Research Agt COMPA, SPAE for the 1990s 302 Changing Directions in Government SlAM Finance: Reforms and Restructuring of Revenue for the 1990's and Beyond 303 Services Integration Pilot Projects (SIPP): 319 Leadership and Change: Reshapin! Effective Organization S5FM NYPE SGAB, SNSDA, SPOD 320 Developing Success Skills: Strategie: Experiences and Lessons Public Administration Faculty SHSU COMPA, SPAE, SPOD, SWPA 321 Practitioners in the Classroom: Expectations and Reality The Role of the Female Hero 323 Managing Ethical IXmmas: A Management in the 1990s 305 Privatization: A Public Option? 306 Changing Responsibilities and Challenges in Public Service Posed by the Rise of Third- Party Dynamics ' i 304 Changing Patterns of State and Local SGAB, SPOD SGAB, SPAE SCJA, SGAB, SNSDA 322 Reshaping the Image of Public Servi COMPA, SPALR, SPOD, SWPA Perspective from Minorities and Wor SBFM, SGAB, SHSH, SNSDA COMPA, ETHIC, SWPA SCJA, SGAB 307 Drugs, Sex, and Gambling: Moral issues in the Administration of Laws Prohibiting Certain "Victimless" Acts 324 Can Prisons be Q~erned? 325 Ethics at the Government/industry ETHIC, SCJA Interface 308 Rural Economic Development: Foreign ETHIC, SNSDA, SPALR and Domestic Partnerships 326 Organizational Management Stratel the Public, Private, and Nonprofit Se Worlds Alike or Worlds Apart? SBFM 309 Managing Change in the Public Sector: International Perspectives PATN, SGAB, SMSPA 327 Financial Future Shock Are You Rec GASBs Measurement Focus? '328 The Role of the Ombudsperson: Yes NYPE SNSDA, SPOD SCJA, SGAB, SNSDA SBFM 310 Privatization: Issues with National Security 31 1 Coping with Federal Cutbacks: The Evolution of Nonprofits Today, and Tomorrow SBFM SHSH 312 Public Entreprenuership, Privatization, and 329 Neworking for lvlinorities and Wome What's Different? What's New? HOV 330 Action Learning: A Critical Factor in lmprovingthe Effectiveness of Public Prcductivity COMPA, NYPE SWPA COMPA, NYPE SBFM, SGAB, SPOD Supervisors, Managerial, and Confidential Employees Organizations in the 1990s 313 The Unionization of Public Sector SPALR SPOD 331 How to Turn Headhunters' Heads NYPE SPALR, SWPA 332 The Challenge of Developing the PL Managers: How to Thrive in Chaos ii to Survive and Grow in a Changing Community 314 Academic-Practitioner Partnerships: Lessons from Today's Management Development Programs for Tomorrow's Workforce NYPE SGA5, SPAE, SPALR, SPOD 315 The Two Faces of Professionalism in Public Administration: Guild Protectionism vs. A Performance Ethic for the Public Interest SPA€, SPOD 333 Non-Traditional Jobs: "Crossing the I 334 The Development of "Generalist" Sei ETHIC, PATN, SPALR SPALR, SWPA SlAM Public Administrators 31 6 Managing Mandates--After Reagan 31 7 Science, Technology, and State Economic SPALR Development SBFM, SSTlG SlCA Development Programs that Work Approaches to Common African, E THC Caribbean, and United States 41 7 Moving Forward in Development 402 Administrative Theology SlCA 41 6 Cross-National Administrative 403 New Directions in Development 404 Bilateral and Multilateral Technical Administration Teaching and Research Minority Problems SICA, SPAE, SFALR COMPA, SNSDA Assistance in Civil Conflict Areas 405 Risk, Conflict, and Adaptation in Management The Prospects for Global Networking COMPA, SICA SlCA Developmental C>rganizations: Comparative and Cross-Cultural Perspectives SlCA 418 Cross-National Comparison of Criminal Justice Institutions SCJA, SHSH, SlCA 419 The Role of State and Local Governments in Promoting 406 Three Decades of Administrative Change in Developing Countries: An Appraisal SBFM, SlAM or in the Black? COMPA International Competitiveness 420 Economic Development In the Red SlCA 407 Comparative Pri\/atization Strategies in Developing and industrialized Countries 421 Economic Development for Native Americans: Public Service as an Investment SBFM, SlCA 408 Economic Devebpment in Western Europe and Its Former Colonies SBFM, SlCA COMPA 409 The Impact of Presidentialism on Bureaucratic Performance 410 United States Role in the United 422 Intergovernmental Relations and Policy Implementation: The Nuclear SlCA, SPALR Waste Policy Act 1983-89 . SEM, SIAM, SNREA Nations System 3 3 (b cb dh cn (b cn w 5' 3 m SlCA 41 1 A New Role for 7 he United States in Central America? SICA, SNSDA 412 Technology and American Compe- titiveness: A Federal Perspective 413 Defense Policy IS Public Policy 414 The Status of Emergency Preparedness SGAB, SNSDA, SSTlG SNSDA Planning: Guidance for a New Administration SEM, SNSDA NEW! Certificates of Attendance ... at the ASPA National Conference! Professionals in the field of public administration recognize importance of continuing professional development. ,The ASPA National Conference is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to staying on the cutting E of public administration and improving your skills in management. This year, ASPA will help recognize your commitment by offering a 'Certiiicate of Attendance.. Tt attractive certiiicates will be suitable for framing to be displayed in your office. To receive one of these certifical see Section I, Code P of the registration form. I and the 8 3 0 G p beginnings of the embodiment of the ideal in practical administration. ' Workshop A--Public Policy and Administrative Practice in an Era of AIDS Administrators will be introduced to a new and innovative model for dealing with AIDS-with special attention to research and development issues, understanding target groups and their issues, workplace issues, designing an effective administrative and societal issues raised by AIDS. Presentation methods will include audio-visual materials, experiential groups, written materials, and group discussion. Facilitators: Wallace Swan procurement strategy, (4) Develop a de service work statement, and (5) Objecti monitor contractor performance. Facilitator: Lawrence L. Martin Assistant Professor Florida Atlantic Universil Boca Raton, FL delivery system. and coping with the Saturday, April 8,800 am, - 5:OO par Fee: $ 50 Conference Registrant $100 Non Conference Registrc Workshop D--Managing Ethics Community Faculty Member Metropolitan State University St. Paul, MN Lyle Rossman MSW, ACSW Mental Health Specialist School Systems St. Paul, MN Saturday, April 8,9:00 a.m. - 4:OO p.m. Fee: S 50 Conference Registrant This highly participative workshop will de the importance of ethics in professional connect the use of an ethical framewor decision making to overall organization, excellence, demonstrate how to draft ( implement an organizational code of e delineate what managers should do to and encourage sound ethical behavioi Facilitator: Linda Hopper Director of Training International City Man Washington, D.C. $100 Non Conference Registrant Association Workshop B--Writing for Productivity Saturday, April 8,8:00 a.m. - 5:OO p. Fee: $ 50 Conference Registrant Does writing a report or letter top your headache $100 Non Conference Registi list? Do they come back to you bleeding with red Workshop E--Public Adminisfraflon Thc revisions? Since we spend at least 50% of our time putting thoughts on paper, why not learn the easier way to do it? With the ideas you'll learn in Symposium this workshop, you'll be able to handle all your writing tasks more quickly and with greater This symposium offers an opportunrly fc confidence that your letters, memos, and reports dialogue about a diverse set of ideas t are clear, concise, persuasive and have the "right" influence the theory and practice of p administration. Potential themes incluc tone, Learn the clues that will take the mystely out of effective writing. And like any good organizational culture, administrative F mystery, finding the clues will be intriguing. practitioner knowledge, bureaucracy methodology, ethics, and administrati Facilitator: Renee B. Simon responsibilii. The symposium will be si a way that will enhance discussion am participants. Theorists, practitioners, a students are urged to attend. President Institute of Management Long Beach, CA Facilitator: Jay D. White Communications Saturday, April 8,8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Fee: S 50 Conference Registrant Workshop C--Contracting for Services Asociate Professor University of Nebraskc Omaha Omaha, NE S 100 Non Conference Registrant Friday, April 7, 1:oO p.m. through Sunday, April 9,1200 noon Fee: $30 Conference Registrant Participants will learn how to: (1) Select an approach to contracting, (2) Conduct a valid make or buy analysis, (3) Select the optimum $60 Non Conference Registi . Workshop F--1nternaflonalizing the e Metro-Dade Tr anmgenc y Miami, FL Director, Public Administration Department Florida International University North Miami, FL Saturday, April 8,8:00 a.m. - 12:OO noon Fee: $ 60 Conference Registrant . Management of Social and Economic Development Ralph Lewis Major themes, approaches, and theories of development management will be explored through case'studies, small group discussions and simuiations. The workshop will combine officials of donor agencies, PVO's, academics, and consultants, and will include participation by development management professionals and scholars from developing countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Topics will include managing policy reform, internationalizing the management of development and preparing the development management profession for the challenges of the 1990's. The workshop will also promote networking among participants. $120 Non Conference Registrant Workshop I--leadership lab for the Public Manager Of the Future This learn by doing workshop will identify critical leadership tools and techniques to get superior results, It will help managers to: (1) learn when they need to lead and when they need to manage, (2) make the best use of their time, (3) how to take positive actions to get people to deliver quality service, and (4) how to balance innovation with the requirements for compliance. Facilitator: Larry Cooley President Management Systems Washington, D.C. International Friday, April 7, 1:OO p.m. through Sunday, April 9,12:OO noon Facilitator: Steven Oxenhandler Assistant Director of Building Fee: $40 Conference Registrant City of Coral Springs Coral Springs, FL and Zoning $80 Non Conference Registrant Workshop G--Community Emergency Response Planning This workshop walks through how to develop a community emergency response plan, including: hazards analysis, risk assessment, community diagnosis, command structure, participant identification, response procedure, and plan exercise. Participants will begin to develop a response plan for their community and will identify the information and cooperation required to complete it. Facilitators: Nancy K. Grant Saturday, April 8,8:OO a.m. - 5:OO p.m. Fee: $40 Conference Registrant $80 Non Conference Registrant Workshop J--Using Microcomputers as Decision Aids in All Fields of Public Administration This workshop will provide hands-on experience with the use of microcomputers in administrative decision-making and public policy analysis. achieved, alternatives for achieving them, and relations between goals and alternatives in order to choose the best alternative, combination, allocation, or predictive decision rule. Applications include budgeting, personnel, and all substantive fields. Emphasis is on processing sets of goals to be Assistant Professor The University of Akron Akron, OH David H; Hoover Assistant Professor University of Akron Akron, OH Professor Burton Clark Chair, Management Science National Fire Academy Urbana, lL Emmitsburg, MD Facilitator: Stuart S. Nagel Deparfment of Political Science University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign Saturday, April 8,9:00 a.m. - 4:OO p.m. Fee: $ 50 Conference Registrant Saturday, April 8, 1:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Fee: $40 Conference Registrant $80 Non Conference Registrant $100 Non Conference Registrant t/ Workshop H--Values and Ethics in Multi-Cultural "HOW TO" WORKSHOPS Sgttings a This workshop will provide public sector admini- shators and academics additional insights on the impact culture and values have on ethical standards and decision-making, It will also present techniques to analyze these factors in mutti- cultural settings characteristic of major urban areas in the US. and internationally, Facilitators: Danny Alvarez Executive Assistant to the Director The conference program includes the following "How To" workshops on Monday and Tuesday afternoons for no additianal fee- How To ..... COPE WITH THE LEGAL ASPECTS OF AIDS IN How To ..... ENGAGE IN STRATEGIC PLANNING How To ..... USE COMPUTERS IN PUBLIC BUDGETING HOW TO ..... ACCESS C-SPAN THE WORKPLACE I