HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-03-28; City Council; 9944; SB 140 arterial funding applicationsCITV OF CARLSBAD - AGENDP BILL SENATE BILL 140 APPLICATIONS FOR ARTERIAL FUNDING )EPT.- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council authorize City Engineer to make an application to CALTRANS for Senate Bill 140 Funding for certain arterial street improvements. Adopt Resolution No. 84-/&3 . ITEM EXPLANATION: In 1988 the State Legislature with the support of the Governor approved Senate Bill 140, the Transportation Demonstration Program. The purpose of this program was to provide $300 million in matching funds to local agencies willing to generate new sources of revenue for projects. The State Legislature is currently reviewing budget appropriations to fund this program and CALTRANS is accepting applications for funding. To qualify for funds a project must demonstrate that it will increase capacity, extend service to a new area or increase the life of an existing facility for at least 10 years. In addition, matching funds are restricted to City General Fund monies, General Development fees such as T.I.F., PFF and Bridge and Thoroughfare fees, Local Sale Taxes such as Prop. A funds and Assessment Districts or other non-State or Federal transportation funds. The program is specifically designed to encourage or to reward local agencies who are actively pursuing a1 ternative funding sources for transportation improvements. Senate Bill 140 also stipulates that qualifying projects must begin construction by June 30, 1991, and all funds be expended by June 30, 1993. Applications for funding must be received by CALTRANS before June 30, 1989. All eligible projects will receive funding up to 50% of construction costs plus ten percent (10%) for contingencies and construction engineering. Should more than $600 million in projects qualify for funding, the matching ratio will be reduced proportionately. Carlsbad’s active growth management financing and fee programs put us in a particularly good position to potentially take advantage of these funds. Staff is requesting authorization for the City Engineer to make application to CALTRANS for the following projects: Alga Road and Poinsettia Lane missing portion between 1-5 and El Camino Real. Rancho Santa Fe Road - Melrose Avenue to La Costa Avenue Cannon Road - 1-5 to east City Limits College Boulevard - El Camino Real to Oceanside Monroe Street widening through Hosp Grove College Boulevard - Palomar Airport Road to Poinsettia Lane El Cami no Real and other mi scell aneous over1 ay and reconstruction projects Tamarack Avenue - Carlsbad Boulevard to Jefferson Street Total project costs are estimated to approach $65 mi 11 ion. State contribution could range from $7 to $30 million, depending on the final matching ratio. i PAGE TWO OF AB# fFd/ Funding for most of the proposed projects currently contemplate funding under the Growth Management Financing Program. Potential to leverage State funds will provide an incentive to proceed quickly with the District formation process. City has until December 31, 1989 to secure funding or drop a project. Projects not progressing adequately would be dropped by staff on that date. FISCAL IMPACT: If applications are successful, program could generate up to $30,000,000 for major circulation links. Costs are staff time in the preparation of applications and administration of contracts. EXHIBITS : 1. Resolution authorizing application 89-/83 . 2. Project Map. 3. Time frames for the State-Local Transportation Demonstration Program (Senate Bill 140). 4. State-Local Transportation Demonstration Program Application; Questions and Answers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 89-103 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY ENGINEER TO MAKE APPLICATION TO CALTRANS FOR SENATE BILL 140 FUNDING FOR CERTAIN ARTERIAL STREET IMPROVEMENTS. WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends and the City Council concurs that the City Engineer should be authorized to make application to CALTRANS for Senate Bill 140 Funding for certain arterial street improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council authorizes the City Engineer to make application to CALTRANS for Senate Bill 140 Funding for the following arterial street improvements: A. Alga Road and Poinsettia Lane missing portion between 1-5 and El Camino Real. B. Rancho Santa Fe Road - Melrose Avenue to La Costa Avenue C. Cannon Road - 1-5 to east City Limits D. College Boulevard - El Camino Real to Oceanside E. Monroe Street widening through Hosp Grove F. College Boulevard - Palomar Airport Road to Poinsettia Lane G. El Camino Real and other miscellaneous overlay and reconstruction projects . H. Tamarack Avenue - Carlsbad Boulevard to Jefferson Street PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 28th day of March , 1989 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Mamaux, Larson & Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: " (SEAL) 3 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3 TIME FRAMES FOR THE STATE-LOCAL TRANSPORTATION DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM (SB 140) DUE DATE & TASK. 06-30-88: Caltrans District Local Streets and Roads Engineers provide notice that project application packages are available to qualified applicants. 07-0 1-88: Caltrans District and Headquarters Local Streets and Roads Engineers and other staff provide guidance to applicants as they prepare for the Process. 06-30-89: Final date which applicants may submit application forms to the Caltrans District Local Streets and Roads Engineer. 09-30-89: Caltrans Headquarters Division of Local Streets and Roads provides informal list to all applicants which show projects submitted to date. This is an administrative date which is not included in the SB 140 legislation. The purpose of this informal list is to notify applicants of the approximate percentage reimburse- ment rate prior to the final date to officially withdraw a project from the program. 12-31-89: Final date by which Caltrans Headquarters Division of Local Streets and Roads compiles a list of the submitted projects. If the requested State Share exceeds the $300 million, Caltrans computes the pro rata share for the projects, and notifies the applicants of the resulting percentage. Any project dropped after this date will result in a reduction of the $300 million in an amount equal to the State Share of the project cost. 04-01-90: Applicants who wish to proceed with the originally proposed project at the final resulting State Share percentage shall notify Caltrans. Some applicants may drop one or more projects if the State percentage share is too low. 05-01-90: final list of eligible projects, calculates the amount of State Share funds required (up to $300 million) and informs the Legislature of the amount. Caltrans Headquarters Division of Local Streets and Roads compiles a 06-30-90: Date by which the Legislature intends to appropriate State Share funds (up to 8300 million). 06-30-9 1: THE LAST DATE TO AWARD CONTRACTS. Eligible projects for which applicants have not awarded construction contracts on or before this date must be withdrawn from the current year’s program. 06-30-93: Last day for applicants to spend all allocated funds. All unused or uns- pent allocated funds will be returned to the State. 2 4 Exhibit 4 STATE-LOCAL TRANSPORTATION DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM APPLICATION: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. WHERE CAN APPLICATIONS BE PICKED UP? k At your nearest Caltrans District Local Streets and Roads O#ice. Q. WHERE DO WE SEND COMPLETED APPLICATIONS? A. Send completed applications to the Caltrans District Local Streets and Roads Engineer for the District in which the project is Located If there is any question as to which District the project is located in, call the nearest Caltrans District Onice for instructions. Q. WHO CAN APPLY FOR STATE-LOCAL TRANSPORTATION DEMONSTRATfON PROGRAM FUNDS.? A. A county, an incorporated city, or a local entity authorized to impose taxes or fees and which has responsibility for constructing public roads, streets, and/or highways, or exclusive public mass transit guideways. Q. WHAT IS AN ELIGIBLE PROJECT? A. For a project to be eligible, it must be locally constructed. it must be an improve- ment project on a local road a state highway, or an exclusive mass transit guideway; and the completed project must be a usable segment which increases capacity or. extends service to a new area or, through rehabilitation, extends the useful life of the roadway. Q. IS MITIGATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AN ELIGIBLE ITEM FOR COST SHARING? A. NO, if the mitigation Is REQUIRED by the local permitting agency, it is NOT an eligible item for cost sharing. An example of this is where a developerproposes a subdivision in the vicinity of a highway or local road and the local permitting agency requires a lane be added to the highway to accommodate the increased traffic The added lane is mitigation for the project and is not eligible. 5 YES, i,fa highway or local road project requires mitigation An example of this is where the project is to add a lane to an existing highway and a soundwall fs required to mitigate for the increased noise. The soundwall fs eligible for cost sharing. Q. WHAT IS AN "EXCLUSIVE PUBLIC MASSTRANSIT GUIDEWAY?" A. An exclusive public mass-transit guideway are public rights of way upon which the travel mode is limited by a slot, track overhead power source or some other guidance system wherein the driver's line of motion is limited directionally by said limitations. 9. WHAT ARE ELIGIBLE ITEMS IN AN EXCLUSIVE PUBLIC MASSTRANSIT GUIDEWAY PROJECT? k Construction of the slot. track or overhead powerfacilities and construction of passenger stations, passenger parking lots and maintenance buildings when they are an integral part of the guideway system Q. WHAT ITEMS ARE ET ELIGIBLE FOR AN EXCLUSIVE PUBLIC MASS-TRAN- SIT GUIDEWAY PROJECT? A. 0 Research, planning, design 0 Acquisition of rights of way and replacement housing 0 Maintenance of the quideway system 0 Acqufsftion of buses or rail transit vehicles 0 Administrative costs for the above Maintenance and operating costs for transit vehicles, equipment. power systems. service, and passenger facilities. Q. WHAT IS THE PROCEDURE TO APPLY FOR PROJECTS ON A STATE HIGHWAY? A The procedure for applying forprojects on state highways is much the same as for other cooperative projects, Le. the Caltrans Districts will work closely with their respective local entities to provide assistance with the application process in terms of project scope and cost estimates; and coordinate with Caltrans Headquarters for project programming and inclusion in the State Transportation Improvement 6 Program (STP). In order for a local entity to construct on a state highway. agree- ment must be reached with Caltrans. Q. WHAT STANDARDS APPLY TO THESE PROJECTS? A. For projects on state highways, applicable state and federal standards must be adhered to, and long-term maintenance costs are to be minimized Forprojects on local facilities, applicable local standards or standards for projects funded with other State orfederal funds. will be acceptable. Q. WHAT CONSTITUTES ROADWAY REHABILITATION ON LOCAL STREETS AND ROADS? A. The roadway rehabilitation strategy must extend the useful life of the roadway a minimum of 10 years. Typically, rehabilitation strategies supported by deflection studies (including defectometer readings) will be acceptable; strategies which will prevent refection of load associated cracking (typically 1/2 the thickness of the existing pavement less 0.1 ' ifPRF is used) will be acceptable. However, in any case the pavement rehabilitation strategy shall not propose less than 0.IO'of ACOL over AC, and 0.30' of ACOL for crack, seat. PCC. 9. WHAT LOCAL FUNDS CAN NOT BE USED FOR THE "LOCAL SHARE?" A. Federal funds (Le. FAS, FAU); other state funds (Le. FAS exchange dollars/state match gas tax subventions (21 04.21 06,2107, etcll; developer-supplied fees can not be used for local share. See Listing on page 10 for a specific transportation project Q. WHAT LOCAL FUNDS CAN BE USED FOR "LOCAL SHARE?" A. Local share funds can be from any locally imposed tax or formally adopted development district or othergeneral revenue fee program; transportation assess- ment fee, or in-lieu fees orproperty taxes such as USFS timber receipts, TDA funds and locally imposed fines and forfeitures. See Listing on Page 10. Q. WILL DBE/WBE GOALS APPLY TO THESE PROJECTS? A. State DBE and WBE goals apply to all SB 140 projects. 7 Q. WHAT PROJECT COSTS ARE ELIGIBLE FOR THE “STATE SHARE” PARTICIPATION? A. Contract construction. construction engineering and contingency are the only three costs eligible for funding with ‘‘state share” funds. PE and Ware not eligible for State Share participation Construction engineering plus contingency cannot exceed IO percent of the construction costs. Q. WHAT ARE PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING (PE) TASKS? A. Preliminary engineering includes all preliminary (pre-bid opening) work related to the project, including but not limited to preliminary surveys and reports, laborato y work soil investigations, preparation of plans, designs, specification. advertising for bids, awarding contract, environmental clearances, and rights of way relocation prior to awarding the construction contract Q. WHAT ARE ELIGIBLE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING (CE) COSTS? A. Eligible construction engineering costs include actual inspection and supervi- sion of the construction work, construction staking, labomto y and fieid testing, preparation and processing of field reports and records, estimates, final reports, and allowable expenses of employees engaged in such activities. Consultants can be used as Resident Engineers. Q. CAN PROJECTS BE ADVERTISED FOR CONSTRUCTION BEFORE THE LEGISLATURE HAS APPROPRIATED THE STATE SHARE FUNDS? A. YES. provided prior to advertising, the local entity has an approved project applfcation and the local entity has acknowledged in writing that it understands that no State commitment is made and that it is proceeding at its own risk Q. CAN PROJECTS BE AWARDED FOR CONSTRUCTION BEFORE THE LEGISLA- TURE HAS APPROPRIATED THE STATE SHARE FUNDS? A. YES, provided that the applicant is willing to accept full financial responsibil- ity for the project and understands that no State commitment is made and that it is proceeding at its own risk Qi WHEN IS THE APPLICATION APPROVED? A. When the District Director sends applicant an “Application Acceptance Letter.” This letter will be sent out by December31,1989. 8 "- Q. CAN STATE SHARE FUNDS BE ADVAECED? A. YES, once the local entity has entered into a State-Local Agreement AND AWAR- DED THE CONTRACT FORA QUALIFYING PRWECT, it may submit an invoice to the District Local Streets and Roads Engineer for the full amount of the contract plus the estimated amount of CE and contingency costs (not to exceed 10%) mul- tiplied by the final State Share participation rate. The final State Share amount will not exceed the amount shown on the approved application and the final State Share amount could be less depending on actual eligible project costs. NOTE: Since all State Share funds must be spent by June 30.1993, those funds may be spent for approved eligible costs, first Q. WHAT ARE THE mY PROJECT TIME-FRAMES? A. The applicant must award its contract(s) by June 30,1991; and the State Share funds must be spent by June 30,1993. Q. WILL THE PROJECTS BE AUDITED? k YES, the applicant must contract for theflnalflnancial audit of the construction engineering and construction costs. This is not eligible for "State Share" participa- tion. The State reserues the right to conduct technical and financial audits if it is determined necessary. THE FINAL FINANCIAL AUDIT WILL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1. Determine if claim for actual construction costs are supported by payment vouchers and canceled checks. 2. Determine ifcharges for engineering and other related costs incurred by the local agency are fully supported 3. Determine if reported expenditures for construction engineering and contingency do not exceed 10% of the construction costs. 4. Determine if the local match funds came from an approved source in accordance with the list on page 10. After the Final Audit is completed, a report of expenditures must be transmitted to the Caltrans District Office. The Audit and report of expenditures must be com- pleted withfn one year of construction completion. 9 SUMMARY FUNDTYPE General Fund Gas Tax-2 104 Gas Tax-2 106 Gas Tax-21 07 Revenue Sharing Title 23 FAU, FAS. BR HES State Exchange Funds Section 190 TDA Funds h-operty Taxes USE Timber Receipts (in-lieu property tax) Assessment District Local Bonds Local Sales Tax (Prop Measure) Developer Contribution Uniform Developer Fees Fines and Forfeitures Major Thoroughfares Fund SOURCE Varies State State State Federal Federal State State/Federal Local Local Local Local Local Local h-ivate Local Local Local MATCH? Yes No No No No No No No Yes YeS YeS Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 10