HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-04-11; City Council; 9971; Cross-Connection Control Programo� tj a 0 v f � 41 a .i .� 4' 41 41 t b a N .as � �4 z ., 14 A b O 00 h/ P M 4, H � N U O 00 V � ;r Q Z 0 0 Cl"" OF CARLSBAD — AGENP BILL // y AS# 9g7i' TITLE DEPT. HD. MTG. 4-11-89 CROSS -CONNECTION CONTROL PROGRAM CITY ATTY DEPT. U/M CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Title the ordinance by the first reading and set a public hearing for May 2, 1989 for Ordinance No./)S-Gz adopting Article 1 of Group 4 of subchapter 1 of Chapter 5 of Title 17 of the California Administrative Code. ITEM EXPLANATIONt Water agencies throughout California are required by State law to provide for a Cross -connection Control Program. The City of Carlsbad, under the water merger agreement, is required to establish and administer a cross -connection control program. A cross -connection control program requires installation of mechanical devices on customers water lines to protect water supply from contamination. The mechanical devices, knrN,,i as backflow preventers, are usually installed on the service lines of commercial, industrial, multiple residential and agricultural premises. Backflow preventers are rarely installed on single family residential service lines. (Refer to Exhibit 3 - Type zf Backflow Protection Required.) In the past, the City has operated a cross -connection control program in compliance with provisions of the California Administrative Code, Title 17. Essentially, these regulations provided for protection of the public water supply through the installation of simple double-check val�,e backflow preventers. Record keeping requirements were rudimentary and Cesting was not required. Recently, the State enacted more stringent requirements for public water supply protection. The new regulations require that local agencies adopt cross -connection rules and regulations which provide for: 1. Installation of more sophisticated and effective backflow preventers on existing and new service lines. 2. Annual inspection of backflow preventers by qualified technicians. 3. Maintenance of records concerning the location, testing and repair of backflow preventers. The regulations also require each water agency to employ a person trained in cross -connection control. The new State regulations became enforceable on July 1, 1988, and City staff has been enforcing the regulations since that time. Based on the size of the customer's service line, installation of the new backflow preventers will cost between $500-$800, the cost being born by the individual user. Annual testing by private sector technicians will cost between $75-$100, annually. The proposed ordinance meets all State requirements for cross -connection control and provides for testing by qualified private sector technicians. The City presently employs staff trained in cross -connection control. PAGE 2 OF AB# fI f%l Since the proposed ordinance adopts by reference a portion of Title 17 of the California Administration Code, the Government Code requires that a noticed public hearing be conducted prior to adoption of the ordinance. Accordingly, after first reading and titling of the ordinance, staff recommends that the Council set the public hearing on May 2, 1989. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The installation of backflow preventers will prevent the possible contamination of the potable water system. FISCAL _IMPACT: There will be no direct fiscal impact to the City in that those water users required to install backflow devices will bear all costs associated with installation, inspection and record keeping. The City will notify those water• clients of the need to install, test or maintain the cross -connection devices with the City maintaining records of annual tests. The cost of notification and record keeping is marginal at this time and can be absorbed within the present revenue of the Water Enterprise Fund. EXHIBITS: 1 Ordinance No. /(I544. 2 r Copy of Article 1 of Group 4 of Subchapter 1 of Chapter 5 of Title 17 of the California Administrative Code. 3.✓ Exhibit 3 - Type of Backflow Protection Required Z a a m J p U. Z0W¢ c > 0 t0�=a j Y W zZ c Z co CC >a a h � v 1I2 3 4 5 6 71 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. NS-62 All ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBALt CALIFORNIA AMENDING TITLE 14, CHAPTER 14.08 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY REPEALING SECTION 14.08.010 AND ADDING CHAPTER 14.12 RELATING TO CROSS -CONNECTION CONTROL PROGRAM AND ADOPTING ARTICLE 1 OF GROUP 4 OF SUBCHAPTER 1 OF CHAPTER 5 OF TITLE 17 OF THE CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does ordain as follows: SECTION I: That Title 14, Chapter 14.08 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the repeal of Section 14.08.010. SECTION 2: That Title 14 is amended by the addition of Chapter 14.12 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to read as follows: SECTIONS: Iscross-Connection Control Program Chapter 14.12 14.12.010 Cross connection control program. 14.12.020 Adopted by reference. 14.12.030 Backflow prevention device removal. 14.12.040 User supervisor. 14.12.050 Water system survey. 14.12.060 Customer notification - device installation. 14.12.070 Customer noticiation - testing and maintenance. 14.12.080 Water service termination. 14.12.090 Requirements for certification as a backflow prevention device tester. 14.12.100 Fees. 14.12.110 Violations. 14.12.120 Severability. 14.12.010 Cross -connection control nrocrram. (a) The purpose of this chapter is to: (1) Protect the public water supply against actual or potential contamination through cross -connections by isolating sources of contamination that may occur within a water user's premises because of some undiscovered or unauthorized cross - connection on the premises; (2) Eliminate existing connections between drinking water systems and other sources of water that are not approved as safe and potable for human consumption; (3) Eliminate cross -connections between drinking water systems and sources of contamination; (4) Prevent making cross -connections in the future. 1 14.12.020 Ado ted by Of subchapter 1 refe encof e, article i of Group 4 2 Administrative Code entitled "Drinking 1 Water 3u the California §7583 et seq.) relating to the Supplies" (17 CAC 3 connection program and implementation of the cross - and maintenance of provisions for backflow protection, testing 4 backflow prevention devices are hereby adoptedcords Of onst testsand repairs of supplemented and implemented by this capte. y reference and 5 14.12.030 Backflow revention device removal. 6 Approval must be obtained from the City before a backflo prevention device is removed, relocated, or replaced. 7 w (1) The use of a devise may be discontinued and the device removed from service 8 evidence to the Cityto verifyupon presentation of at a sufficient 9 is not likely to be created in the futurezard no longer exists or (2) A device be confirmation by the City that the may relocation relocated will dcontinue following 10 provide the required requirements. A retest Protection and satisfy installation 11 of the device. est will be required following the relocation A device 12 the water use is3either discontinued until rbe e for repair, provided m the device is returned to service, or the service connection 13 equipped with other backflow repair is completed and Protection a n is �a 9 retest will be re approved by the City. g o Z Z 14 required following the repair of the device. y� A the water use is) disco t Hued y be until the removed and replaced ° � 'a � provided 15 installed. All replacement devices must be replacement device is W and must be commensurate with the degree Q 8 a 15 of hazard involvede City k 14.12.040 Q a 17 User su ervisor. opinion of (the City, each premise, where it is necessary in the 18 at othLpinion a y, a user supervisor shall be designated by and expense of the water user. This user supervisor shall be responsible for the monitoring of the backflow 19 and for avoidance of cross -connections. In the event prevention devices contamination or pollution of the drinking water sys em due tooa 20 cross -connection on the notified by the user supervisor so that the a apitypropriate shall be promptly 21 be taken to overcome the contamination, pPr°Priate measures may (b) The water user shall inform the City of the user 22 supervisor's identity (name, address and telephone number 23 o annual basis and whenever a change occurs. ) n an 24 1 .12.05o Water sv�tem surve (a) The City shall review all requests for new services to determine if backflow 25 specifications must be submitted protection the is Cit upon needed. Plans and review of possible cross -connection hazards as aon quest for 26 service for new service connections. a condition of backflow prevention device is necessary to protect the public water 27 system, the required device must be installed before service w' 28 be granted. ill 2 1.1 c 00 Ce J N M cV O U ? Z W 2 > O m-a LL LC0J w U c`.i(rSm Z_o'"N >a a H U U 11 21 3 4'' 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (b) The City may require an on -premise inspection to evaluate cross -connection hazards. The City will transmit a written notice requesting an inspection appointment to each affected water user. Any water user who cannot or will not allow an on -premise inspection of his piping system shall be required to install the backflow prevention device the City considers necessary. (c) The City may, at its discretion, require a r?inspection for cross -connection hazards of any premise to which it serves water. The City will transmit a written notice requesting an inspection appointment to each affected water user. Any water user who cannot or will not allow an on -premise inspection of his piping system shall be required to install the backflow prevention device the City considers necessary. In addition, the City may use any lawful procedure to enter and inspect any premises. 14.12.060 Customer notification - device installation. (a) The City will notify the water user of the survey findings, listing the corrective actions to be taken if any are required. A period of ten calendar days for the water use to contact the City will be given, with thirty days to complete all corrective actions required including the installation of backflow devices. (b) A second notice will be sent to each water user who does not take the required corrective actions prescribed in the first notice within the thirty calendar days allowed. The second notice will give the water user a two week period to take the required corrective action. If no action is taken within the two week period, the City shall terminate water service to the affected water user until the required corrective actions are taken. 14.12.070 Customer notification - testing and maintenance. (a) The City will notify each affected water user when it is time for the backflow prevention device installed on their service connection to be tested. This written notice shall give the water user thirty calendar days to have the device tested and provides the water user with the necessary form to be completed and resubmitted to the City. (b) A second notice shall be sent to each water user which does not have the backflow prevention device tested as prescribed in the first notice within the thirty calendar day period allowed. The second notice will give the water user a two week period to have the backflow prevention device tested. If no action is taken within the two week period, the City shall terminate water service to the affected water user until the subject device is tested. 080 -Water service termination. (a) When the City encounters water uses that represent a clear and immediate hazard to the potable water supply that cannot be immediately abated, the City shall institute the procedure for discontinuing the City water service. 3 1 jI2I 3 4' 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 m 13 � s 14 0LL;- z°Wo 15 , U. U. J 16 a CC >Q a 17 J. U H ° 18 19 20 21 22 221 24 2;% 2( 2' 2! (b) Conditions or water uses that create a basis for water service termination shall include, but are not limited to the following items: - required backflow (1) Refusal �o install, � prevention device. (2) Refusal to test a backflow prevention device. (3) Refusal to repair a faulty backflow prevention device. (4) Refusal to replace a faulty backflow prevention device. (5) Direct or indirect connection between the public water system and a sewer line. (6) Unprotected direct or indirect connection between, the public water system and a system or equipment containing contaminants. (7) Unprotected direct or indirect connection between the publ's. water system and an auxiliary water system. (8) A situation which presents an immediate health hazard to the public water system. 2 3 or (4), the City will (c) For conditions (1) , ( ) , ( ) ► terminate service to a customer's premise after two written notices have been sent specifying the corrective action needed and the time period in which it must be done. If no action is taken within the allowed time period water service shall be terminated. City will (d) For conditions (5), (6), (7) or (8), Y take the following steps: (1) Make reasonable effort to advise water user of intent to terminate water service. (2) Terminate water supply and lock service valve. The water service will remain inactive until correction of violations has been approved by the City. 4.12.090 Reguirements for certification as a backflow revention device tester. (a) Each applicant for certification as a tester of backflow prevention devices shall file an approved application with the City Clerk, together with a fee of twenty five dollars. (b) competency in all phases of backflow prevention device testing and repair must be demonstrated by means of education and/or experience in order to obtain certification. (c) The following are minimum requirement: (1) Applicants shall have had at least two years experience in pluming or pipe fitting or equivalent qualifications. (2) Applicants shall hold a valid cross -connection control certification from the American Water Works Association (AWWA), California -Nevada section, from a county certification program, or have equivalent training in the opinion of the City and the Health Department. (3) Each applicant for certification as a tester of backflow prevention devices shall furnish evidence to show that he/she has available the necessary tools and equipment to properly test t ne he and1eaccuracyof Applicant all tests and responsible bt prepared by compe Y him/her. 4 M 0 12 m 13 IM *3< Q e°U >z 14, oZ o}>o mt:a. 15 JU }W WZ Q 16 a z0 jai J 17 a >- U t 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 111 (d) The certificate issued to any tester is valid for a period of one year and may be re*oked, suspended, or not renewed 2 by the City for improper testing, repairs and/or reporting. 3 14.12.100 Fees. Fees to implement, maintain, administer and enforce this chapter shall be established by resolution of the City Council. 14.12.110 Violations. It is unlawful for an violate any provision or fail to complyY person to requirements of this chapter. An with any of the provision or failing to com 1� Y Person violating any of the chapter shall be comply with any of the provisions of this a fine of not more hano$1a0mis a by impriso ment r and shall be Punished by in the county jail for a period not exceeding six months or by both. 14.12.120 Severabilit . If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase ordinance or any part thereof, is fheld to this' invalid, such decision or any reason shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance or an Council hereby declares that it would have Y part thereof. The subsection, subdivision Passed each section, thereof, irrespective of theafacththat nany conecoru more osections, subsections, subdivision, paragraphs, sentences phrases be declared invalid." � clauses, or EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the llth _ day of April and thereafter IM9 ' 5 1- 1I PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City 2 Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 2nd day of May 3 1989, by the following vote, to wit: 4 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson 5 NOES: None 6 ABSENT: None 7 APPROVED AS TO EiRM AND LEGALITY 8 9 10 VI Ct N , R., —CftAAttorney 11 ' c 12 DE A. S, Mayor c a N 13 ATTEST: �s Q o°tea 14 zOwO 15 F } W ALE HA L M75tENgKANZ, City Clerk w z °a 16 N R. K , Deputy City Clerk io m >Q a 17 y U 1- 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 6 ;Register $7. No. 23--44471 • �P 1)1� Arh..- 1. General 7,>a7• Definitions. In addition to the definitions in !section 4010.1 of the Health and S,)fet�, (;ode, the following terms are defined for the purpose of this Chater: (a) "Approved Water Supply" isa water supph whose potapbility i. regulated by a State or local health agency. fro {^t)a pt miAuxica a erry tter S system Pl) is any waster supply -,her than that received (c) "air•gap Separation (AM " is a ph%sical break between the supply line and a receiving vessel. (d) '•1�tiWA Standard" is 'in official standard developed kind Ippro%ed by the American Water Works Association t,1WW,q) (e) "Cross Connection" is an unprotected actual or potential connection between a potable water system used to supply water for drinking put poses and any source or sys am containing unapproved water or a subs;artce that ist not or cannot be appraved as safe, wholesome, ,uid potable. Bypass 1cptrrathat 4 (lot jumper connections, removable sections, swivel or change¢ t r devices, or other devices through which backflow could occur, shall he stdered to be cross•connections. �f) "Double Check Valve Assembly (DC)"is an assembly of at least t,vo itt ependently acting check valves including tightly closing s ut•off valves on each side of the check valve assembly and test cocks available ,for testing the watertightness of each check valve. (g) "Health Agency" means the Ca;ifornia Department of Health Services, or the local health 0 iicer with respect to a small water system. (h) "Local Health Agency" means the county or city health authority.(f)"Reclaimed Water" is a wastewater which u s a result of t is suitable for uses other than potable use. (1) "Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Device (RP)" is a backilow preventer incorportin not less than two check valves, an automati- cally operated differential relief�valve located between the two check valves, a tightly closing shut-off valve on each side of the check valve assembly, acid equipped with necessary test cocks for testing. (k) "User Connection" is the point of connection of a user's piping to the water su�ppplier's facilities. (1) "Water Supplier" is the person who owns or operates the public water system. (m) "Water User" is any person obtaining water from a public water supply, NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 208 and 4026, Health and Safeh Code. Reference: Sec. tion 4026. Health and Safety 'ode. HISTORY: I. Repealer of Articles I through l0 and New articles I through 4 iSect:ons -,W. 7 through 7394. 7603 through 7605, and 7613 through 7622) filed 5.8.53; effect, thirtieth thereafter' (Register 33. No 8) 2. New section it 5-26.87. operative 6.23.87 (ReR „er 87, No 23) T17.75M. Purpose. NOTE..luthoru} cued: Sections 208 and 4026, Ile•ilth tn.i Safety Cotle. Reference Sec. tion i1M6. Ilealth and Safety Code I l IS'rORy: I. Repealer filed 5•26.87; operative 6.2s•87 (Register 47. No 23) •p. t,_, iRegister $7• No. 2y—bgd71 '5'34• ReTpomibility and Scope of Prot; i'he i%,uer,epplier,hull protect the public antrr supply from contamination ) Icy' implementation of a croNs•c„ tine:tion cotltrri program. The program, or any portion thereof, may be implemented directly by the ,eater supplier or by means rf a contract with the local health agency, or with another agency approved Iry the health agency. The water supplier's cross -connection control program ,hall for the purpu,e of : tddressir►g the rcqqutreincnts of Sections 7585 through 75(>v; include, but not be. limited to, the following elvinents. (a) The , .,� t, .on of t;peraling rules or ordinances to implement the cross- connection program. Ibt "'Ile con acting of uirve°rs to identify water user prtmises where cross- connectinns are likely to occur. (c) •rhe pro%isions of backflow protection by the water user at the user's connection or within the user's premises or both, (d) The provision of at le.wt one person trained in cross•counection control to carry out the cross -connection program, (e) The establishment of a procedure or system for testing backflow pre. ' renters. and (A The maintenance of records of locations, tests, and repairs of backflow { preve(Iters. \011` •iuthorit► cited. Sections 2tl8 and 4026, 1ItAth tion ,uxl Safety Code. Reference See. 1tt26, lleAllh and Safety Qxle. Itt1['')Rl': 1. \ew %ectiou fdcd 3•26•87: ol)vratt,e ti "3.87 (Register 87. No. 23). 7M. Evaluation of Hazard. The water supplier shall evaluate the degree of potential health hazard to the public water,upply which may be created as a result of conditions existing on 0 —•—_._ _ a user's premises The water supplier, however, shall not be responsible for abatement of cross -connections which may exist within a user's premises. As a minimum, the evaluation should consider: the existence of cross -connections, the nature of materials handled on the Propstem erty, the probability of a backflow so stem modificatiurring, the on. Specialree of tconsideration shall the given! topotential for i the premi es otf the following types of water users: (a) Premises where substances harmful to health are handled under pres• sore in a tnanner which could permit their entry into the public water system. This includes chemical or biological process waters and water from public water . supplies which have deteriorated in sanitary quality. (b) Premises having an auxiliary water supply, unless the auxiliary suppply is accepted -is an additional source bi• the water supplier and is approved by the health agency. (c) Premises that have internal cross•contiections that are not abated to the satisfaction of the water supplier or the health agency. (d) Premises where cross -connections are likely to occur and entry is re- stricted so that cross -connection inspections cannot he n►ade with sufficient frequency or at sufficiently <hort notice to assure that cross•connectioll do not mist. i let Premises h;1►ii:g u•hed or rt:•vatahlise3. a repeated history of cross -con nee tions being estab- h \U1 L. %tttlinitt%, rued. �.•chuna _ k4 d-1.140 26, 1lc.11th dud Safety Code. Reference: ties• tint 41r36, li,^allh ,,sill ti,�fi t('nil.• 1. \,-w ,:c!u it tiled i 2t+•.lT, ,q,,•r.il•, a ti•2i .�7 rRe;ah r .r'• \,,. 2)i (Repistsr V. No. U-- 4411) p 7586. User Supervisor. The health agency and water supplier may, at their discretion, require an industrial water pser to designate a user iupervisor when the water user's Premises has a multi system that convey various types of fluids, some of which may be hazarddous and where changes in the piping system are frequent- ly made. The user supervisor shall be responsible for the avoidance of cross- connechons during the irstslls;ior., oprra on and maintenanceof the h alter nd user's pipelines aequipment. NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 208 and 41M, Itealth and Safety Code Reference. Sec- tion 4026, health and Satiety Code. HISTORY: L New ,ection filed 5.26.87; operative 6.25-87 iRegister 87. No. 23). T17.7538. Cross -connection. NOTE.: Authority cited: Sections Mi -and 4026, Health and Safoh Code Reference: Sec. Lion 4026, Health and Safety Code. I ISTORY: L Repealer filed 5.26.87; operative 6.23.87 ( Register 87. No. 23) T17.7a89. Approved Water Supply. NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 208 •and 4026. Health and Safety Code. Reference. Sec. tion 4026. Ilealth and Sufety Code. HISTORY: • 1. Repealer riled 5-26.87; operative 6.25-87 ( Register 87, No. 23). T17.7590. Auxiliary Supply. NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 208 and 4026, Iteulth and Safety Code. Reference: Sec. tion 4026. Health and Safety Code. HISTORY: 1. Repealer riled 5.26.87; operative 6.29.87 ( Register 87, No. 23) i T17.7591. Approved Check Valve. t NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 208 and 4026, Health and Sufetv Code. Reference: Sec- 1 lion 4026, Health and Safety Code. I t HISTORY: 1. Repealer filed 5.26.87; operative 6.25.87 (Register 87, No. 23). { T17.7592. Approved Double Cheek Valve Assembly. NOTE; Authority cited: Sections 20 and 4026, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sec- tion 4026, Health and Safety Code. HISTORY: 1. Repealer filed 5.26.87; operutive 6.25-87 (Register 87, No. 231. ? T17.7M. Air -gap Separation. VOTE. Authority cited: Sections 2W and 4026. Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sec. tion 4026. Health and Safety Code. HISTORY: L Repealer filed ,t-264 ; operative 6.25.87 ( Register 87. \o. 23) T17.7594, Approved Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention De- vice. VOM Authority cited: Sections 206 and 4026, Health and Safety Code. Reference, St-C. Lion 4026, tiealth and Safety Code. HISTORY. 1. Repealer filed 3.2647. operative 6.25.87 (Register 37. Nu.231• �Ogrster ar Va.21--6W! lr iLle 2. Pert, „;, ❑ .,f hater ,%,t• rl Approval of Racktlow PrevenNrs. �kflovs l)rv%vnters rcquirod by tE.;s chapter shah race p;rs5ed laboratory Ad evaluation 'U'As perlarine(1 by a r x,)1;IIZe(1 to%talg erg,anization %%hicE, emonstrpcd their •.vtiipetrncy to perform such tots to the Department. luth:,nr; cite(! Section, 2t}+ and 4026. Ifealth ,uid S.iti t, (',„!e• NrGvrnce tire• 26• ilcalth and S.,fch OHI \(:« •, ct:uu tiled .i•2Fi•�7. ,i)er,ttnr Rr2m,�r N7 Con0ruction of B ickflocv Pre%enters. Air -gap Separation. AnAir-al) eparttion , W i .h ul be at least double liana+ter the e st c ing vesselel to ppipe. Ine•.w:rod %ertir (,ic !rr+tn the flood ring of the ban one inch. the xtpply r pipe: ho%%evcr. in no .ue ,hall this separation be r Doable (.heck 1' it e Assetnbly A recitiired double cheek c A% a assent- 1 DO shall. as a minimum, conl'orm h) th„r 1�1'1�'.� Standard (:3lki ;8 tR�3, ted on January 11.1978 for Double (:heck 1'al%e Type B.iC ki1ocv Proventi%e ces %%Ilieh is herein incorporato(E hy- reference. ) Reduced Pressure Principle B,(ckflon• Prevc+ntirnl Decice. A required c,,d pressure principle We floe. prevention (ic%ice ( RP: ;hall, as a nittlf 1, Conform to the .11t't4'A Standard C506-75 , R\3 i .idoptr(1 on Janitary 23. for Reduced Pressure Principle T% pe Rackfloa Prev ention Dec ices %%hick rein incorporated by reference h .luahur,t), cited: S..•ttiol, L 18 ,ead 4Q6. ilealth and Safety (',+dr Rch•renc c• Sec• ttr26• fle.dth and Safety C,xie. Oily. \e% .ection filed 5.2h•87: operati%e fi•25•,si • R",„!er S7• \u. 2.J! Location of Backflovv Proventers. f Air -gap Separation. An air -gap separation shall be located as close as tical to the user's connection and all piping betn'een the user's connection the receiving tank shall be entirely visible unless otherwise approved in ing by the % ater supplier and the health agency. ;)Double Check Valve Assembly. A double check v�al'e assembly shall be x :ed as close is practical to the user's connection and shall be installed above e, if possible, and in a manner n'here it is readily accessible for testing :uld 1 ' E penance. j 1 Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Device. A reduced stare principle buckflovv prevention device .hall he located as close ;is prac- to the user's connection and shall be installed t minimum of tvvel.c if ch!•s F f ahoy a grade and not more than thirty' -sir In.hes 36" 1 above ,grade rne•is- i ! from the bottom of the device and n ith a minimum of tvc vive itches t 12" clearance. F: 1;nrority crt•al Sccunn; :(kS and 41126. 11r.alth .rnd:•atrt� ('ode Refen•rcc �••c• 426. Ile.dth and iafet, 010, \r,+ ,rr;;rit !il+.l 3.26••'. +gleaiti+r , 2,i V7 R, ,,,+ter 1,' \ , 21 ,Reg.ster !t No 23-6.6-171 t- • — .604.. Type of Protection Required The t%pe of protection that shall he provided to present backfiov, into the public %%ater siipph �ha l be corimensurate with the degree of hazard that e;uts on the conburnvr'� premises. The tape of protective deice that may be required listed tit an increasing level ott protection) includes Double Check Valve Assembly—i DCi. Reduced Pressure Principle 6ackflow Prevenhon De- ; tce--i M. artd an .air-Y ip Separation—( AG). The ester user tray choose a higher le; el of protection than required by the water supplier. The minimum t%pes of backflow protection required to pprotect the public water supply, at the %%ater user's connection to premises with various deg ees of hazard are given to Table 1. situations %%hich are not covered in Table 1 shall be e%,duated on a case -by -case basis and the appropriate backflow protectionhall be deter- mined by the %%ester supplier or health astency. TABLE 1 TYPE OF BACKFLOW PROTECTION REQUIRED %firutnunt T}pc Of Bickilow Oegrev of FL1zard Pretenuou sal 5ew.itze and ll.wardous substances it) Premises there the public water system is used to supple• i anent the reclaimed :cater ,apply. AG t2) Premises %there there are wastewater pumping and:or treatment plants and there is no interconnection with the potable %%.tter syAcm. This does not include a single-family residence that !,:is .1 sew•aGe lift pomp. A RP may be provided in lieu of an AC if appro%ed by the health a)tency .u1d water supplier. AC tat Premises "here reclaitned eater is used and there is no interconnection %%nth the potable water system. A Re may be pro. ( %ided in lieu of an Af; if apprmed by the health agency and water supplier. (41 Promises %%here huzardou; substances are handled in any AG yy Inimner in which the substances m:ty enter the potable water sys• 3 tein. This does not include a single-family residence that has a sewage lift pump. A RP may be provided in lieu of an AG if up - proved by the health agency and water supplier. AG t5) Premises where there are irritation systems into which fer- tilizers. herbicides, or pesticides are, or can be, injected. RP ' b) auxiliary Water Supplies 11 premises w here there is an unappro%ed auxiliary water silt - ply w hich is interconnected with the public water system. A fiP or DC' eta) t:e provided in lieu of an AG if appro%ed by the health x4elic% and %%ester %uppiier. \G r3> Premwn %%here there is an unuppro%ed auxiliary water sup. pl% and there are no interconnections wtth the public water sys• i tint A DC may be provided in lieu of a RP if approved by the t health agency and %% iter %upplaer lip -v) Fire Pr:,tetuon ,-%stress t 1) Premises a %•err tht• fire %v%tem is directly supplied frorn the htibhc .%.uer <) �t• ir• and ;here is to unappro%ed aurihary w.iter %uplrly on or to • he p,rmim s it,., intern nnected). DC p'__ — 1 (Regiotor 87, No. 37—?12471 T17.7604-' Type of Protection, NOTE: Authority cued: Sections 208 and 4026, Health and Safety Code. Reference• Sec. tion 4026, Health and Safety Code HISTORY: I. Repealer filed 3.26.87; operative 6.25.87 (Register 87, No. 23). Article 4. Protection of Potable ,Vater System :'r'ithilt Premises T17.7615. Separate Drinking Water Systems. TOTE: Authority cited: Sections 208 and 4026, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sec- tion 4026. Health and Safety Code. HISTORY: I. Repealer filed 3.26.87; operative 6.25-87 (Register 87, No. 23). T17.7616. Fire System. NOT& Authority cited: Sections M8 and 4026, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sec- tion 208, Health and Safety Code. HISTORY: 1. Amendment filed 3.3-71; effective thirtieth day thereafter. Approved by State Build- ing Standards Commission 2.26.71 (Register 71, No. 10). 2. Repealer filed 5.26-87, operative 6.25-87 (Register 87, No. 23). T17-7617. Proem Waters. NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 206 and 4026, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sec- tion 208, Health and Safety Code. HISTORY: 1. Repealer filed S-26.87; operative 6-23.87 (Register 87, No. 23). T17-761& Sewage Treatment Plants and Pumping Stations. NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 208 and 4026, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sea tion 208, Health and Safety Code. HISTORY. 1. Repealer filed 3.26-87, operative 6.25-87 (Register 87, No. 23). T17.7619. Plumbing Connections, NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 208 and 4026, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sec. tion 4026, Health and Safety Code. HISTORY: 1. Repealer filed 3.26.87; operative fr25-87 (Register 87, No. 23). T17.7620. Pier and Dock Hydrants. NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 208 and 4026, Health and Safety Code. Reference: sec- tion 4026, Health and Safety Code. HISTORY: 1. Repealer filed 3-26-87, operative 6.25.87 (Register 87. No. 23). T17.7621. Marking Safe and Unsafe Water Lines. NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 208 and 4026, Healtn and Safety Code. Reference: Sec- tion 4026, Health and Safety Code. HISTORY: 1. Repealer filed 3.26.87; operative 6.25.87 1Register 37, No. 23). T17-7622 Wa►:r Supervisor. NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 208 and 4026, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sec- tion 4026, Health and Safety Code. HISTORY: 1. Repealer filed 3-26-87: operative 6.25-W ( Register 87. No. 23). f J. ,. 134) (Register 87. No. 37-31247) Article 3. Domestic Water Supply Reservoits i23. Intent of Regulations. OTE: Authority cited. Sections 208 and 4051, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sec- ms 40124015, 4051, 4463 and 4470.1. Health and Safety Code. iS'ORt: 1. New Articles (§4 7623 through7S30) filed 12-14-36; effective thirtieth day thereafter 3egister 56, No. 22). 2. Repealer filed 9-10.87; operative 10.10-87 (Register 87, No. 37) 624. Application of Regulations. ' .OTE: Authority cited: Sections 208 and 4051, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sec- ons 4012— 015, 4031, 4463 and 4470.1, Health and Safety Code USTORY: 1. Repealer filed 9.10.87; operative 10.10.87 (Register 87. No. 37). Definitions. t (a) "Domestic water supply reservoir" as used herein means a reservoir used ! o (b)p"Distribution reservoirund or store water " aseused lhlereinmeans la reservoir. sdiretic ctlycon- Zected with the distribution system of the domestic water supply project, used primarily to care for fluctuations in demand which occur over short periods of ! trom several hours to several days, or as local storage in case of emergency such as a break.in a main supply line or failure of pumping plant. NOTE: Authority cited: Sections :08 and 4051. Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sec. tions 401"13, 4050, 4051, 4463 and 4470.1, Health and Safety Code. HISTORY: 1. Amendment filed 9-10-87; operative 10.10.67 (Register 87. No. 37). 7626. Application for Permit. (a) Recreational use on and around a domestic water supply reservoir is prohibited unless specifically authorized in a water supply permit. (b) Within 30 calendar days of receipt of an application for a permit or petition for permit modification pursuant to Section 4011 or 4019, Health and Safety Code, the Department shall inform the applicant in writing that it is either complete and accepted for filing or that it is deficient and what specific information or documentation is required to complete the application. An a pplacation is considered complete if it is in compliance with the requirements oSection 4012, Health and Safety Code. For proposed water system improve- ments, new water systems or a "project" as defined in Section 15378, Title 14, California Administrative Code where environmental documentation is re- quired, a copy of such documentation shall be included in the application. (c) Within 90 calendar daps from the date of filing of a completed applica- tion, the Department shall inform the applicant in writing of its decision regard- ing an application. (d) The Department's time periods for processing an application from the receipt of the initial application ;o the final decision regarding issuance or denial of a water permit based on the Department's actual performance during the two years preceding the proposal of this section, were as follows: I� I Exhibit 3 TYPE OF BACKFLOW PROTECTION REQUIRED Degree of Hazard Minimum Tvpe of Backflow Prevention (a) Sewage and Hazardous Substances (1) Premises where the public water system is used to supplement the reclaimed water supply. AG (2) Premises where there are wastewater pumping and/or treatment plants and there is no interconnection with the potable water system. This does not include a single fa;oily residence AG that has a sewage lift pump. A RP may be provided in lieu of an AG if approved by the health agency and the City. (3) Premises where reclaimed water is used and there is no interconnection with the potable water system. A RP may be provided in lieu of an AG if approved AG by the health agency and the City. (4) Premises where hazardous substances are handled in any manner in which the substances may enter a potable water system. This does not include a single family residence that has a sewage lift AG pump. A RP may be provided in lieu of an AG if approved by the health agency and the City. AG - Air -gap Separation DC - Double Check Valve Assembly RP - Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Device f/, EXHIBIT 3 - Continued (5} Premises where there are irrigation systems into which fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides are, or can be, injected. (b) Auxiliary Water Supplies (1) Premises where there is an unapproved auxiliary water supply which is interconnected with the public water system. A RP may be provided in lieu of an AG if approved by the health agency and the City. (2) Premises where there is an unapproved auxiliary water supply and there are no interconnections with the public water system. (c) Fire Protection Systems (1) Premises where the fire system is directly supplied from the public water system and there is an unapproved auxiliary water supply on or to the premises (not interconnected). (2) Premises where the fire system is supplied from the public water system and interconnected with an unapproved auxiliary water supply. A RP may be provided in lieu of an AG if approved by the health agency and City. (3) Premises where the fire system is supplied from the public water system and where either elevated storage tanks or fire pumps which take suction from the private reservoirs or tanks are used. AG - Air -gap Separation DC - Double Check Valve Assembly RP - Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Device RP AG RP DC AG DC EXHIBIT 3 - Continued (d) Dockside Watering Points and Marine Facilities (1) Pier hydrants for supplying water to vessels ¢ for any purpose. RP i (2) Premises where there are marine facilities. RP (e) Premises where entry is restricted so that inspections for cross -connections cannot be made with sufficient frequency or at sufficiently short RP I notice to assure that cross -corn ,ctions do not exist. { (f) Premises where there is a repeated history of cross -connections being established or re-established. RP i t s f AG - Air -gap Separation DC - Double Check Valve Assembly RP - Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Device s NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, May 2, 1989, at 6:00 P.M., at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, to consider the establishment of a cross -connection control program and the adoption by reference of Article 1 of Group 4 of Subchapter 1 of Chapter 5 of Title 17 of the California Administrative Code. Copies of the above -referenced portion of the California Administrative Code as well as copies of the Ordinance adopting the Code are on file in the City Clerk's Office of the City of Carlsbad, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, and are open to public inspection. If you challenge the adoption of Article 1 of Group 4 of Subchapter 1 of Chapter 5 of Title 17 of the California Administrative Code in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad City Clerk's Office at or prior to the public hearing. APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad PUBLISH: April 21, 1989 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL IJ