HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-04-25; City Council; 9994; North County Transfer Station Siting StudyRB# sq?yd MTG- 4-25-89 DEPT. U/M RECOMMENDED ACTION: TITLE NORTH COUNTY TRANSFER STATION SITING STUDY CITY MOR.=, Appoint two (2) Councilmembers to attend the County's North County Transfer Station Siting Study Workshops. ITEM EXPLANATION: The County of San Diego has begun the process to site a solid waste transfer station in the North County. Consultants retained by the County and a staff advisory committee of North County city representatives are now evaluating siting criteria. To provide further advice and assistance to County staff and the Board of Supervisors, the ,Chief Administrative Officer has requested the City of Carlsbad and other affected cities to appoint two (2) Councilmembers to provide policy advice at siting committee workshops, scheduled for late April, June, July and August, 1989. FISCAL IMPACT: None, as a result of this recommendation. EXHIBITS : 1. "North County Transfer Station Siting", staff report. April 13, 1989 TO: RAYMOND R. PATCHETT, CITY MANAGER VIA: Assistant City Manager + FROM: Utilities & Maintenance Director NORTH COUNTY TRANSFER STATION SITING BACKGROUND: The County has established a North County Transfer Station Siting Committee consisting of staff representatives from all of the North County Cities. The Utilities and Maintenance Director represents the City of Carlsbad. The County desires to create a policy advisory committee for the transfer station siting process which would consist of one or two Council members from each North County City. To this end, the County Chief Administrators officer will be writing to request participation of our City Council. Council participation in this process is important since it is likely that the County transfer station presently leased by Coast Waste Management will be a candidate site. TRANSFER STATION BITING PROCESS: The staff level siting committee has had two meetings, the most recent being March 31, 1989. At the meeting on March 31, County staff introduced the consultants, Brown, Vence 61 Associates and CH2M Hill. The consultants in turn, presented the siting process and criteria for review by the committee. I have attached information concerning the siting criteria and process as well as a schedule for the project. Should you have any questions please let m now. n & H W. ANDERSON RWA: sj c: Community Development Director Assistant Director, U&M .. . & Mallntg af CHIEF ADMINIBTRATIVE OFFICER LOCATION CODE 730 C H I E F AD M I N I STRATI VE 0 F F I C E NORMAN W. HICKEY 1019) 631-1210 1600 PACIFIC HIGHWAY. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 82101-2472 f 1 -; . - _/-_ April 11, 1989 TO : City Managers of Oceanside, Carlsbad, Encinitas, Solana Beach, Del Mar, Vista, San Marcos, Escondido FROM : NORMAN W. HICKEY Chief Administrative Officer NORTH COUNTY TRANSFER STATION SITING STUDY With the completion of the siting phase of the North County landfill process, the County has begun environmental review of the three finalist sites. At the same time, in conjunction with representatives from your cities, we have begun transfer station siting. At a meeting in December, the scope of work for the consultant was approved. In January, staff from Escondido, Del Mar, Oceanside and the County selected the firm of Brown, Vence and Associates to conduct the transfer station siting study and perform a detailed economic analysis. Representatives from your cities and county staff have been and will continue to meet regularly with the consultant throughout the course of the study. Operations and routing information from the transfer station study needs to be provided, on specific dates, to the consultants preparing the North County landfill EIR. The need to keep the landfill EIR on schedule necessitates the completion of the transfer station study on a tight time schedule. To help accommodate the schedule for the transfer station study, we are asking each city to designate two council members to attend the '1'r;lrnsfer Station Study workshops. Their participation will help insure the timely flow of information to the city councils and the citizens of the participating cities. 1 The study began on March 31, 1989 and is scheduled for completion at the end of August, 1989. The workshops, community meetings and action points for this study are scheduled at approximately one month intervals: 1. late April 1989 - Identify up to 5 different scenarios (number of facilities and very generalized locations) for transfer station siting. action point. We will have a community meeting in conjunction with this .. 1 City Managers -2- 2. June 1989 - Selection of one of the 5 scenarios as the preferred one. 3. July 1989 - Identification of 15 to 18 specific transfer station sites within the preferred scenario. We will have a community meeting in conjunction with this action point. 4. July 1989 - Ranking of sites and final site selections. 5. August 1989 - Draft final report. Our County staff will be happy to arrange for City Council members and staff to visit transfer stations in Orange County. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Kathy Lehtola or Jon Rollin of the Department of Public Works at 694-2177. If you have any questions or comments you would like to bring to my attention, please call my Deputy, Ns. Lari Sheehan, who has oversight responsibility for this study. Ms. Sheehan's phone number is 531-5274. cc. Department of Public Works NORTH SAN DIEGO COUNTY TRANSFER STATION SITINGSIVDY Siting Criteria March 31, 1989 Prepared for County& San Diego Department of Public Works Prepared by BROWN, VENCE & ASSOCIATES and cH2M HILL . c SITING CRITERIA INTRODUCTION Identifying suitable sites for transfer stations in the North San Diego County Study Area involves applying two types of siting criteria: 1. ExcluSionarg Criteria - a pass/fail standard set to eliminate areas that are unsuitable for further consideration as a transfer station. These will be applied at two levels of detail. The first level criteria are applied to the entire study area; the second level are applied within the general areas to identify specific sites. 2. Preferential Criteria - a standard used to rate sites on their suitability and to rank them in preferred order. These are also applied at a first and second level of detail. Figure 1 lays out the siting process including how the criteria are applied and what maps result. JOB:89001-1 03/30/89 1 . Do Weighted Analysis of 15-18 Sites to Select Short List of Sites (8- 10) . - Figure 1 -. Task Transfer Station Siting Process for North San Diego County Process Mapping Product A 2.3 A 2.3 B 2.1 B 3.1 B 4.1 B 4.3 B 5.1 Deflne Study * APPb Bl-oad Exclusionary Criteria Overlay Composite Map with Preferred Transfer Station Scenario 1 Apply Second Level Criteria to Each General Area I BaseMapof North San Diego County studyh Working Maps (4-6) Composite Map (1) Working Map Showing General Locations Working Maps for Each General Ama Showing Potential Sites (15-18 Sites) Referential Criteria Descriptive Information on each site (15-18) .. . . Q Site C-l’, 0 ----- 1 ; 45th Streel ShortList of8 - 10 Preferred Sites Working Maps Showing Preferred Sites (8 - 10) 0 FinalRankingof hfemed Sites FinalCountywide Map of Transfer Station System Final Maps of Each Selected Site cup p, 5 sites) 2 JOBt8900 1-1 03/30/89 EXCLUSIONARY CRITERIA - FIRS LEVEL 1. Distance from Waste Centmid The transfer station must be located within a convenient direct haul distance from the major collection areas. This distance will be measured from a defined "waste centroid" or center point of a waste shed. The transfer station shall be no more than three miles from the waste centroid. 2. Zoning and General Plan Designatims A transfer station should be located in an area suitable for an industrial type facility with considerable daily vehicle usage. Facilities will be sited only in areas zoned for heavy or light industrial use, for agriculture, and for other uses deemed appropriate by the local jurisdiction. The general plan areas designated for future industrial use and agricultural use would be mapped as available locations. 3. Distance from Major Transportation corridors A transfer station needs to be close to reliable major transportation routes. A transfer station will be sited no more than one mile from a limited access freeway or from a major four-lane arterial. 4. Fublbuse Lands Federal, state, and locally owned lands used for recreation, watershed, purposes are excluded from consideration as potential transfer station sites. and military EXCLUSIONARY CRITERIA -SECOND LEVEL 1. Compatibility with Adjacent Land Use Areas that are within 1,000 feet of residents, schools and hospitals will be excluded from consideration as a transfer station site. JOB:89001-1 03/30/89 3 . 2. Land Use CompatibiJity/Access Roads Sites that have access through residential areas will be excluded from further consideration. 3. Land Use Compatibility/Vii The transfer station will be sited to avoid important scenic resources. 4. slope ’ The transfer station area will avoid areas where slopes are predominantly greater than 25%. Trucks could experience difficulties with access and mobility in areas of steep slopes. Drainage facilities are also more difficult to construct in steep areas. Slopes will be determined using USGS 7.5” quad maps. 5. Natural Habitat The transfer station should not be located inan area of critical habitat cp”””L1 for,, listed threatened or endangered species, or within an area proposed for conservation in a Habitat Conservation Plan for the least Bell’s vireo. 6. The Transfer Station will not be located in a floodway. Locating a facility in a floodway would cause restriction of normal flood flow and increase upstream flood levels. Drainage from the site would be difficult to control. Existing floodway maps from the County will be used to define floodway areas. 7. Active Faulting Surface rupture could interfere with drainage and leachate control systems. active fault traces are unsuitable for construction of a transfer facility. Known JOB:89001-1 03/30/89 4 8. Riparian Habitat Areas of major riparian vegetation corridors, as identified using available aerial photographs, will be avoided. Riparian areas are valuable biological resources which should be protected. 9. CulturalResources The transfer station will avoid locations within 1,000 feet of any site recognized on the National Register. These sites have unique historical or archaeological significance which should be protected from incompatible land uses. PREFERENTIAL CRITERIA The preferential criteria; first and second level, are listed here. The descriptions and suggested ratings will be included for review at a later time. PREFERENTIAL CRITERIA - FIR= LEVEL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Size Availability Groundwater Availability of Utilities Access Travel Distance to Landfill Air Quality Existing Land Use Compatibility with Adjacent Land Use Landslides Drainage Soil Suitability Slope ~ . . . . . . . . . ,r.-. . . :. .- . ,1-: .: .. JOB:89001-1 03/30/89 5 PREFERENTIAL CRITERIA - SECOND LEVEL 1. Biological Resources 2. Cultural Resources 3. Grading 4. Surface Water 5. Soils 6. Depth to Groundwater 7. cost JOB:8900 1-1 03/30/89 6 . xi4 xx xx XX xx xx Y m \ N In In cy cy m In \ X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X d m \ f 0 u d In \ w N m \ w I- +-I w \ X X X X X X X X X X X 3 E 0 X :: m w \ I- X N NX X X \ X 0 cy E \ - xx I- X N NX \ X M w z H IJ A In I m \D a 1 w k s .It XXX \ xx xx3: m xxx cv hl I m W XX# \ x xxx mx xxx m W v) 0 4 E I eo z w w v) I I- 8 . X ! Y m de h v) W k H v) N N 0 N \ > W k !3 Y il w d W VI w w E v) il W z H E.1 w 4 P( w pi w n s 0 H a 2 0 V v) sr v) w N H E k PI 0 eo 4 vl E.1 pi 0 pc w # z 0 H la 2 H b w P z ow bU zul 0 w V ! 2 0 V w r( N \ 4 b r4 0 z U M H w W v) f: La i il w pi pc 9 E 8 VI w n n w pi E IJ 2 w Q c 0 2 I ?-I k X H & w k 4 s % I ry I -v I ul H U w d 0 V .a . PI 0 d W 3w n s s E 0 V I 3 n 1-4 H cc V V 2 0; w W 2 RECEIVED T CLERK'S OFFICE COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT, IRE. PHONE: 753-9412 or 452-9810 5960 EL CAMINO REAL, P. 0. BOX 947. CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 9&f%Y 25 f 1: 33 McDOUGAL SANITATION DEL MAR DISPOSAL CO. CITY OF CkRLSBBD CARLSBAD DISPOSAL CO. SOLANA BEACH DISPOSAL CO. RANCHO SANTA FE DISPOSAL CO. SORRENTO VALLEY DISPOSAL CO. May 23, 1989 Ralph W. Anderson Director of Utilities & Maintenance 2075 La5 Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-1519 RE: COAST WASTE MCINCIGEMENT TRANSFER SThTION QUARTERLY REPORT OF DAILY OPERATIONS QUCSRTER, FEBRUARY 1 - APRIL 30, 1989 Dear Ralph: Enclosed is the quarterly report of station operating statistics. The data in the following logs displays trash transferred in volumes of material and recyclables by weight. The information was disseminated in this manor since the County of San Diego uses a 'K' factor (volume) method of charging for disposal of material at the San Marcos landfill. Recyclable figures are shown in volumes by weight which the material is sold. As indicated I1 C. 19. and I1 E. 4. & 5. the following has occurred during the first quarter of operation. 11. c. 9. The daily log of operating log indicated no unusual occurrences as listed in this section of the permit. 11. E. 4. The station had no non-processible residue which required disposal. 11. E. 5. No types or quantities of hazardous, infectious, radioactive, or prohibited waste wa5 found in incoming waste. A SATISFIED CUSTOMER IS OUR FIRST CONSIDERATION . _- If you have any questions regarding the information submitted please give me a call. Sincerely, &dHLk2w- Conrad B. Pawelski General Manager c: Gregory Backus, San Diego County Department of Health Services J. R. Boucher, California Waste Management Board C. E. Lewis, Mayor R. R. Patchett, City Manager F. Mannen, Rssistant City Manager L. Rautenkranz, City Clerk J. N. Eggleston, Utilities & Maintenance Department TRANSFER STCITION QUARTERLY LOG VOLUMES, TRUCKS FIND INCIDENTS QUARTER, FEBRUARY 1 THROUGH APRIL 30 1989 FEB 13 6 80 5 120 2 80 FEB 14 2 21 8 180 - FER 15 10 111 4 105 - FEB 16 6 72 3 75 - FEB 17 8 79 4 112 1 40 FEB 18 - - - - - - - - - 13 280 N/A 10 201 N/A 14 216 N/A 9 147 N/A 13 231 N/A N/A - - PCIGE 1 PCIGE 2 PAGE 3 .- TRANSFER STATION QUARTERLY LOG RECYCLED CfiRDBOE\RD QUARTER, FEBRUARY 1 THROUGH APRIL 30 1989 PCIGE 4 I- - MAR 20 MAR 21 MAR 22 MFSR 23 MAR 24 MAR 25 31080 PAGE 5 . ,.I e PAGE 6 ~~ PHONE: 753-9412 or 452-9010 COAST WASTE MAIVAGEMENT, IhlC. 5960 EL CAMINO REAL, P. 0. BOX 947, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 McDOUGAL SANITATION CARLSEAD DISPOSAL CO. SOLANA BEACH DISPOSAL CO. DEL MAR DISPOSAL CO. RANCHO SANTA FE DISPOSAL CO. SORRENTO VALLEY DISPOSAL CO. August 17, 1989 Ralph W. Anderson Director of Utilities e( Maintenance 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-1519 RE: COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT TRANSFER STATION QUARTERLY REPORT OF DAILY OPERATIONS QUARTER, MAY 1 - JULY 31, 1989 ~. Dear Ralph: Enclosed is the quarterly report of station operating information. The data displays trash by cubic volume and recyclables by weight. The conditions 11. C. 9. and I1 E. 4. & 5. had no occurrences during the quarter. If you have any questions regarding the information enclosed please give me a call. Sincerely, Conrad B. Pawelski General Manager c: Gregory Barcus, San Diego County Department of Health J. R. Boucher, California Waste Management Board C. E. Lewis, Mayor R. R. Patchett, City Manager F. Mannen, Assistant City Manager J. N. Eggleston, Utilities & Maintenance Department -L. Rautenkranz, City Clerk A SPT'SFIEI? CUSTCMER IS OUR FIRST CONSIDERATION TRANSFER STATION QUARTERLY LOG VOLUMES, TRUCKS AND INCIDENTS QUARTER, MAY 1 THROUGH JULY 31 1989 PAGE 1 JUN 12 5 61 2 15 - 7 76 JUN 13 6 112 5 51 - - 11 163 JUN 14 6 76 7 70 - - 13 146 6 76 JUN 15 4 61 2 15 JUN 16 8 195 6 77 2 80 16 352 JUN 17 - - - - - - - - d- - - II II II I1 II I1 - - - - - JUN 19 - JUN 20 8 165 1 14 JUN 21 2 60 3 42 JUN 22 1 15 1 14 JUN 23 5 89 JUN 24 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 179 5 102 2 29 5 89 - - I1 II II II II II PAGE 2 PAGE 3 c t TRANSFER STATION QUARTERLY LOG RECYCLED CARDBOARD QUARTER, MAY 1 THROUGH JULY 30 1989 WEEKLY TOTALS 6 MAY 29 MAY 30 MFIY 31 2 JUN 1 7 JUN 2 JUN 3 __------__------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 5 , JUL 3 JUL 4 JUL 5 JUL 6 JUL 7 JUL 8 ___-_-- 37260 PAGE 6