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1989-04-25; City Council; 9997; Third Quarter Review of City Finances
. µ 1-1 0 i:i. d) 1-1 d) .a µ ',:I d) µ i:i. <II 0 0 Ill r-1 'M 0 ! i;:: ::, ' 0 u 0\ 00 -in N --:r z 0 ~ ..I u z ::::, 8 AB# fff7 ·MTG. 4/25/89 -OEP":'.,_FI_N __ CIT•-t.OF CARLSBAD -AGEN~ BILL THIRD QUARTER REVIEW OF CITY FINANCES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1988-89 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept staff report of City finances as of March 31, 1989. ITEM EXPLANATION: DEPT.HD.--li,,,t'rn-- CITYATTY~~ CiTY-'iviGffit~ In February, 1989, the Finance staff presented a report to the City Council concerning the status of City finances as of December 31, 1988. As we· are now within one quarter of fiscal year-end, staff has prepared an updated report for Council's information. The department report shows that, on a projected basis, operating funds are healthy and revenue is continuing to grow. Also, departments are,generally staying within their appropriation~. The General Fund, in particular, should end the fiscal year in good financial condition. The report also presents the status of appropriations and revenues for capital improvement funds. FISCAL IMPACT: The third quarter review does not ask for any Council action. The report is for information only. EXHIBITS: Department Report April 14, 1989 TO: FINANCE DIRECTOR FROM: Assistant Finance Director THIRD QUARTER REVIEW A review of revenue and expenditures as of March 31, 1989, shows that the support operations of the City are in fine shape, with revenues healthier than expected and expenditures generally within appropriations. Revenue for capital improvements is still not as high as expected but does not negatively affect current projects. Operating Revenues Generally, revenues are higher than those projected at the mid-year review, which was significantly higher than the revenue estimated in the FY 1988-89 operating budget. For the review of revenue at March 31, 1989, we projected year-end revenue by examining revenue collected to date and factoring this revenue based on prior year experience and current knowledge. Our projections for operating revenue are as follows: Estimatep Projected Increase Funds Revenueb Revenue 0 l (Decrease) General $28,712,900 $31,288,000 $2,575,100 Speci a 1 Revenlue 3,290,600 3,437,500 146,900 Debt Servicea 150,100 150,100 0 Enterprise 3,311,500 5,198,500 352,000 Internal Service 3,673,836 4,158,000 484,164 Redevelopment 112471000 111801000 (671000) i401385a936 i4514121lOQ $3149L 164 a) Library and Sewer BQnds b) Estimated amounts are from the operating budget and subsequent agenda items. c) Projected amounts represent current expectations. Revenues in the General fund continue to be higher than expected in most categories. However, the estimated revenue for property tax ($10 million} and transient occupancy tax ($3,126,000) may be optimistic. The new projected revenue for those two categories is $428,000 lower than what was estimated. However, this is more than offset by the $900,000 projected increase in sales tax. ' Other General Fund items that show a significant increase since the last review in December are as follows: -License tax on new construction (estimated $500,000, projected $1,000,000) Ry March 31, the City received $971,000 due to higher than anticipated development in the northwest quadrant. -Interest income (estimated $600,000, projected $1,000,000) Rising ·interest rates on investments and slower than expected outflow have caused the revenue source to increase. The increase in revenue projections for Special Revenue Funds is primarily due to the pol ice asset forfeiture program, which has already received $77,999 to date, and a projected increase in the Gas Tax Fund due to higher than anticipated taxes levied by the State. A significant increase in projected revenue for the Internal Service Funds occurred since the mid-year review. Due to a council-approved rate increase in January 1988, the Health Insurance Fund expects $172,000 more in revenue. Also, the Central Garage Fund is expecting higher revenues ($114,000) primarily due to a larger volume of vehicles to be maintained. Data Processing is higher {$188,100) due to increased costs and more customers. Debt Service, Enterprise (operations} and Redevelopment Funds have not changed significantly since the mid-year review. Operating Expenditures To project total operating expenditures for June 30, expenditures as of March 31, 1989, were analyzed and factored using past expenditure trends. These estimates are rough at best, but based on this estimate we project that the operating funds will stay d thin their appropriations and that the General Fund will spend $28.3 million of the $31.7 million appropriated. Projected General Fund expenditures by function is shown below: Projected Projected Apgropriation Expenditures Savings General Government $ 2,989,439 $ 2,556,543 $ 432,896 Public Safety 12,000,913 11,564;290 436,623 Development Services 4,365,809 3,965,016 400,793 Maintenance 4,920,211 3,764,349 1,155,862 Culture and Recreation 5,855,090 5,447,199 407,891 Nondepartmenta 1 1,218,134 1,003,364 214,770 Contingencies 3711013 3711013 Tota 1 General Fund i3127202609 ~28!3002761 i31419a848 At Ma,cli 31, 1989, the General Fuiid iiad c:ur,tracts or agreements outstanding for $792,248. If payments in April through June do not liquidate these obligations, the projected savings will decrease accordingly. The largest single amount, $155,209, is for plan checking fees in the Engineering Department. A difference between this analysis and the analysis as of December is that this analysis attempts to estimate the amount that will be expensed in June for estimated claims payable in future years for the City's two self- ; nsurance funds. These "expenses" do not represent actual payments; instead, these represent amounts to be set aside in reserves for future claims based on current year activities. Adaing this factor causes the expenses in the General Liability Self-Jnsurance Fund to exceed appropria- tions by $167,000. Also in Internal Service Funds, the Health Insurance Fund has projected expenses $96,600 higher than appropriations. There are more than sufficient reserves in that fund to cover the shortfall. Capital Project~ No attempt was made to analyte the revenues for capital projects other than to compare the estimated revenue with revenue collected to date. Revenues collected for· capital improvements are tQo sporadic to project within a three-month span with any accuracy. Al so, current revenue does not necessarily correlate with current projects (for example, Sewer Construction and Planned Local Drainage have large reserves to cover current projects). Some revenue, such as the Proposition A funds, cannot be collected more than 30 days before it is to be spent. Of the $8,567,199 estimated revenue for capital improvement funds, $4,734,583 (55.26%) was collected as of March 31, 1989. Of the $45,160,619 appropriated for capital improvements as of March 31, 1989, $12,205,701 (27.03%) had been spent. The range in percentage spent ran from no expenditures of Proposition A funds ($864,000 appropriated) to 64.29% of the Park Development appropriations for the southwest quadrant. • d~✓t!kt::ir SANDRA SCHMIDT :liY Cf CARLSB~D EEi'EtllJE mrnms tiT THIRD lll!ARTEfl r-mrnr OF REVEIIUE REVElmE ESm~TED ff:OJECfED COtlECTED COLLECTED, RE\'EIIUE 1 ~EVE~ruE PROJECTED SOURCE or: Ftmos ro F.H-8? !:AR, 3l I l'i81 FY 1188-8? fY 1968-69 D'JER rn:mrni ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~--GENERAL FUllC iAXES PROPERTY TAX 5,88b,9b9 57,'iX 10,000,00~ 9 I 828,000 nn,:m, 5ALES r,u 5,i54,298 ~8.21 7 I 10(1, fJOO 8, 000,0(J(I 1C 1)11)0:) TR~NS i Elli lAX 1,693,835 ob.a 3,m,ooo 2,870,000 12~6 I l)Q•)) FRAtlCHl SE TAX 2%,260 20.2;: bH,000 650,000 S',QO~ TRA:~SFER TAX 311,188 a3.SX m,ooo :m,ooo 57,MO TRAILER COACH 11:-LIEU 14,576 71.0:t 18,•)01) 20,0(10 2,1)C1, -----------------·--------------... ---------------TOTA~ TM:ES t4,m,m 21 1 178,MO 21, 718,1)01) 541~ '!)1;(i ---··--------------------------·---------------... - LiCEllSES 4llil FERl!i TS COIISTRUCTIO!I FERIIITS ~,0,;)24 i6. Ii. 50C,QOO 500 1COO ~ BUS rnm ll CE!lSES 602,455 a;.b~ l,Of), 1)00 650,0fJO S?,Ct-(1 UCWSE TAX-tO:◄sJRUCi iOll 'ii'l,536 b5.7i: 500,QCQ I ,000 101)0 S1iQ 1 ;)0(1 OTHER LICEllSE? It m~ITS 1~2,455 75.~l 4,(100 160,000 156,~% -------------------------------·---------------- TOiHL LICENSES ~ FER~IITS 2,136,470 1,604,000 Z1310i01)0 706 10C(t ------------------------------------------------ srm sumrmo:1s CIGAREiTE TAX 120,m 67.n 176 1QOQ 176,01)0 1) ~'EHICLE rn-uc:u 112as,m 65.27. 1,814,000 I 19001000 96,001) IIO~EO~Nrns PROP. TAX REltlB, 131,m 4'1,Sr. 235,000 235,000 Q SUSWESS Ut\'EIITORY J] I ?65 10~.07. ,o,ooo SS 10t)O 18,000 ------------------------------------------------ rnrnL SiAlE SUBVEllTiOllS 1 ,s&~, 1s0 2,m,000 2,34?,000 104,~00 -------------------------------------------------- Cil~RGES FOR SER'JICES lOllWG FEES ~s,m 7~.27. 2?,0(10 30,000 1~,~~~ SU8DIVI5rntl FEES ~1,m 68,5X 2b,OQO 12,0(lf.l 6,0~(' PLAltCHECK FEES/eUJLOllia 338,38?, ;s,sr. !5?,0(11) m1~1)Q 1~),)N PLAllCHm: mst'ENSill~ERIIIG rn:1s95 b8.6X m,oo~ 7~0,0QO m,ooo tlGINEEiHllG INSFECl!Oll r'EES 401,070 46.t,: 400,m 600,010 20~1,Q?O GRAD UlG PERHITS l7 1 lH S0,1~ 2Qt1)(10 25,000 51C(,r: OTHER EIISIIIEERW6 FEES 9,758 67,QX 6,501) ,o,ooo r~,S~') EIR FEES 1~1 ❖3{1 91,57. ~2,Q~O 14,00Q (113 1/J~•)l ZOhE F'lAll ms 85 168D t00 1 QCO 100,0~0 1) sm OF HAPS ;; Pusucmaus ;3,m 55,07. 42,300 60,000 17 17QI) ~m-ClEA!llllS i8,Jol 59.n JS,000 ,o,ooo 115,00(1} AHEUU:liCE ms 1s3 1m 69,37. m ,ooo 21)0,000 l,~00 LI ERARY FEES 43,226 67,0X J6,51)0 55,01)1) 18 1SCC• RECREA.TI O!l CLASSES 180,880 n.~1. 11Q 1Q0(1 ~20,000 31),1)1)1) AOiJLT ~ YOUill mnm 81,617 94,l)X ISO,OQ1) 90,000 110,001)) Cl TY OF CAP.L~BAD llE\lE!IUE ESill!AiES AT THIRD llllilRTE~ mctm OF ~muuE metiuE ESTWMEO PROJECTED COLlECTED i:OtlECiED, REVENUE, ~EVEl◄UE rRtlJECTEO SGURCE OF FUIWS TO 3·31-69 HAR, 31, 113? FY 1;68·81 FY 1989·89 OVER tutlDERl -------------------------~---.. ·-------------------·-------~---------------------~-----------------------~ ilAi'i~IP~ERS 41,Slb H.SX s,:,ooo 60,000 IZO,WJl OiHER ~ECnEi\T IOU ms 19,090 22. 9% 26,000 30,000 .:,JO) sm11111s rnoL ms 45,ZSS 68,SZ 95,1)1)0 65,000 (30,00(:) AGUA HEOIOtlDA FEES 10,m 55.27. 17,000' 17,000 :) srnm SERVICES 2~,661 68,Bi: 12,000 22,000 1~,Q01) POLICE mVICES 20,m 67,0X 1:5,SOI) 22,000 8,700 OTHER CHARGES OR FEES n,m 75,0X 148,301) 30,000 1118,300) ------------ ___________ .. ------------------------TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERvlCES 2,273,341 2,278,9Qi) 2,812,000 m,100 ------------------------------------------------ FI!iES i,NO FORFEITURES 'JEHICLE conE FINES-lOCAL 28,106 78,27. 30,000 30,1)1)0 0 VEHICLE CODE F 111:S ·STA TE 239,05~ 69,27. 310,000 310101)0 0 PARKINS CllATIOUS 43,il2 74,2% 53,COI) 53,000 0 ---------------------------·--------------------rDTAL FIIIES AUD J:O'.\FEllURES 361,677 m,001> 3n,ooo 0 ---------------------•-<• ------------------------- l'HE:iEET m1m ~5. 'i'X 600,1)CQ I 1v00 1 QQO 40(1,0•;0 ------------------------ ... , _________ ------------- Q!HER RmtiUE SOURCES ~ENiAL OF CITY FACILJTiES 12,836 iO. 2X 5,(sOQ 14,01)1) 1,t~O mis i RECREATIO!I REUTALS 49,781) b~.ch 9~,~00 70,000 12:), ~~'); S~ll1Xlll6 rOOL RENTAL 6,342 82, IX 14,000 o,~oo lb,Ot~l HARCARlO CsUYO?i AG, LEASE 1,788 50,0l 21,000 20,000 11 11)Q,)I l1MlCAicu COST REll!BURSEHEIITS 3,256 98, IX 1,000 3,500 2,50•) ll!SC, RE!IIBUR~ED ElPWDITURES a5,7bo 'i0,9X 1,MO 70,000 o9 ,Qoc1 ,osr REI~euRsm:ns ~1,~i7 51, 17. zo,too 32,01)0 12 1010 SALE 0~ rROPERn 1,230 69,2X l,l)OO I 1S00 500 CH~RGES TO OTHER FUHDS 178 12j6 7S,OX ~Ji ,000 23i 1000 0 OlllER SllURCES m ,4Sv iS.OX 24,000 250,000 '20,0CO ------------------·----------·-·----------------- TuTAL OTHER REVE!lUE SOURCES 550 1 ll 1 414,(100 706,0!)Q zn,Mo ----------------.-•------------·-------------·-··- TOTAL GEIIERAL FU1iD 21,655,212 28,712,900 31 1288,0QO 2,575, lQ~ ============ __________ .., __ =========:== ============ Ciii uF CttRlSEttu REVEUUE ESTIXilTES AT TlliRD GUARiER PER:EUT CF ~nEIIUE fiEvE1lUE ESTll1ATED rnOJECTED COLLECTED COLLECTED, REVEllUE 1 REVEUUE PROJECTED SGURCE OF rUliDS iO 3-31-89 M~R. 31, 196: F\' 1988-89 FY 1988-89 OVER lUllDERl ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SPECIAL REVEUUE FUUDS POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE ASSET FORFEITURES n,~99 38.91 500 80,000 79,500 lllTEREST 2,840 J9.li: 100 4,000 3,900 ------------------------------------------------ TOTAL 80 1831 600 84 ,ooo 83,401) ------------------------------------------------ ~OUSHIG IIITEREST 2,556 i4.ji, 4,(101) J,OQO 11,000) FEDERAL SRAUi s31 1m 49.JX 1,581,000 1,600,000 19 100;) ------------------------------------------------ TOTAL rn,:m 1,585,000 1,603,01)0 IS 1Q01) ------------------------------------ ___ ,.. ________ AUDIO-VISUAL WSURANCE t:HEREST J,714 55,6X s,ooo s,ooo 0 Ill3URAllCE FEES 50,m i'5,9X 60,000 o0,000 (! ----------·-------------------------------------TOTHL 54 1 l 4S 65,000 05,000 (! -------------·----------------------------------- CULTURAL ARTS FROGRAri rnTEREST 5,637 s5,n 10,000 10,000 0 ------------------------------------------------ GAS TAX rnrrnEsi 22,632 51. Ii. 25,000 30,000 5,i)OI) SMI CODE 21~6 187; 961 73,67. 230,000 240,000 10,000 srn cm 2101 410,152 73.SX m,ooo 520,000 22,coo S&II CODE 2107,5 7,590 100,0l 7,000 71500 500 ------------------------------------------------- TOiAL 62B 1245 7b0 1(rOQ 797,500 37!50(1 -------------------·---------------------------- C !TY OF CARLSBAD RE1E11UE ESTrnATES AT fHifiD QUARTER FERCEIH OF REVEUUE RE'JEIWE Emr.,mo PROJECiEO CDLLECiED CDLLECTEO, REVEIIUE, REV:l:UE FROJECJED SOURCE Or FUIWS TO Vit-a9 t!AR, 31, 1969 FY 1988-89 FY 1188-29 OVER IU!IDEii) --------------------------------------------··------------------------------------------------------------STREET i.l GHTlll:i INTEREST 5,123 51.BX 12,000 a,ooo 1-l 100(,) IIHER~EP11Ril'iE/HAL 24,000 100,0t 24,000 24,000 0 STREET Ll6HTill6 FEES 319178J 58,0X 490,000 490,000 0 DAMAGE REll:8Un5EKENT 244 100,07. 1,000 1 ,ooo 0 -----------------'------------------------------. TOTHL 349 1 l50 527 ,ooo m,ooo (4,000, ------------------------------------------------ STATE G~AIHS WTEREST 9,884 71.0X 11000 10,000 9,000 6RA!ITS 171,b2b 71. ox 171,00(1 175,000 4,000 ------------------------------------------------TOTAL 181,510 112,000 185,000 13,ooo --------------------------------------------......... SEIHOR FROGHM1S uRMHS 56,90; 48,0X 121,000 120,000 11,000) DOilATl OIIS 47,727 90,07. 50,000 50,000 0 -------------------------------------------------TOTAL 104,631 171,000 170,00~ ll,001)1 ------------------------------------------------ TOTAL SPECIAL REVE/IUE FUl:OS 2,23s,m 3,290,600 3,m,soo 146 1 700 ------------============ ------------============ ------------------------ ~EiiT SERVICE fUllDS LIBRARY 80l1DS f'ROFERTY illX 12,574 57,0i: l. ,001) 19,000 0 WTEREST 210 36, 17. lOO 1(10 0 ------------------------------------------------TOTAL 12,784 11,100 19,100 0 -----------------------------------------·------ SEWER BntlDS PROPERTY TAX 66,005 5b,2X 130,000 130,000 0 WTEREST 618 ~0.17. 1,000 1,000 0 ------------------------------------------------TOrnl 66,623 131,000 m,ooo 0 ______ .., _____ -------------------------------------TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 79,407 IS~. ,..,O 150,100 I) ------------------------============ ------------------------____ .,. _____ ,._ ------------ cm Or CARLSBAD !iEVElmE-ESTiriitES AT THIRD !lUtlRTER SOURCE OF FUtlDS RtvEllUE COLLECTED TO 3-31-89 PE~CEIIT OF mrnuE COLLECTE0 1 tlAR. 31 1 1989 ESTll!ATED P.EVEIIUE 1 FY 1988-89 PROJECTED REVE1cUE FY 1988-99 PROJECTED O\'ER IUtl!iERl ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------E!ITERPRlSE F!ltlDS ):ATER HA IIITEIIAIICE RECCIINECT FEES 7,220 IUTEREST H,m READY TO SERVE CHARGE 780,455 FIRE PROTECTiml 4,264 l!ETER CONNECTIOII FEES 51,640 LATE CHA36cS 178,351 msmumrnus 31,496 1b,3Z 23,000 s,ooo (15,000) 02.n 80,000 70,000 110,001)) 70,2X 1,030,000 I 1 100, 000 i0,000 75.37. 5,500 5,5()0 0 84.2~ 100,000 60,000 (40,000)- 0 180,000 180,000 90,2X 50,(100 35,000 (15,l}l)Ol ------------------------------------------------TOlAL 1,097,825 1,288,300 l 1458 1 500 170,000 ------------------------------------------------ SEWER MllHEI/Al!CE WWIEST 11Jb,4M aERVlCE CHARGES 1147:;1044 L:rTERAL cmmmwns 11,708 IHSCELLAtlEOUS 2118B 54.67. 14 1),1)0(1 145,600 5,000 69.5l t ,860,000 2 l 000,0(}0 14::,000 i7. 2;: 23 1(100 15,MO 18,0~•)) 75.07. (} 5,000 5,000 -------------------------------------------------rom 1,573,404 2,023,000 2 I 165,000 142,000 ------------------------------------ ___________ ... TOTAL EllTERPRISE Fmms 21611,m 3,311,500 51 198 1500 352,001) ------------------------=== ~ ======== -----------------------------------------------~- cm OF c~~lSBAD PE~CEIIT OF REVEl:UE REVEllUE ESTIMATED PROJECIED COLLECTED CULLECIEO, nEVEUUE, REVE:mE PROJECiE!l SOURCE OF FUtiDS TO 3-31-89 HAR. 31, 1989 FY 1988-89 FY 1988-69 O'JER IUUDER1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JIHERNAL SERI/ICES FUNDS WOR!:ERS' COMP SELF-UISURMICE rntEllEST 59,460 54.87. 901000 100,000 10,000 SER'IICES 153,001 75.0% 251,000 251,000 (J -------------------------------------------------TOTAL 212,461 341,000 351 ,ooo 10,0M ------------------------------------------------ LlABILIT'l SELF-IllSURAtlCE INTEREST 7t,m 5~.5X 120,000 120,000 (, SER'HCES rno,952 i5.0X 644,936 645,000 b4 ------------------------------------------------TOTAL 558,405 764, '136 i65,000 64 -------------------------·---------------------- HEAL HI lllSURA!lCE HHEREST 13,828 52.0X 12,000 12,000 0 llHERDEPARTIIEllTAL 770,917 53.n 808,000 1,0(10,000 192,000 REIMBURSEtlEIITS i73 1 lb8 79,07. 240,000 220,000 (20,000) ------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 957,913 1,060,000 1,:m,000 m,ooo -------·~---------------------------------------- CEIHR~L GAIIAGE lllTEREST 9,4:)4 52,4X 120,0CO 15,000 (105,000) VEHICLE MlNTEllMlCE 697,007 70,6X 830,000 950,000 120,000 'JEIHCLE REPLAmrnr 278,733 75,0X 311,000 370,000 591IJ00 lHSCELLMiEOUS 35,519 71.67. 0 40,000 40,000 ------------------------------------------------iaTAL 11020 16b3 1,261,000 I 1375 1000 11 ➔1 000 ------------------------------------------------ DATA PROCES5rnG JtHEREST a,728 46,97. 4,000 10,000 b,l\00 CHARGES 291,275 b8,5i. 2421900 425,000 192,100 -••••--••u-..., ________ .,. ___ --------------------------TOTAL 2'!B 1003 m,100 435,000 188 I I 01) -------------------------·---------------------... 10ml lllTERI/AL SER'/ICE FUNDS 3,047,445 31b73 183b 4,158,000 484,164 ============ ===-======== ------------------------------------------------ cm OF CARLSBAD nEVEN~E ESTl"HTES 4T THIRD GUARTER SOURCE OF FUNDS REVEIIUE COLLECiED TO 3-31-69 F'EfiCEIH GF RE'v'EllUE COLLECTED, HAR, 31, 1987 --------~-------··----------------------------------------------------------------------~----------------- PROJECTED RnEUUE FY 1988-89 rRl}JECici> OVER IU:IDER) ESHlifllED REVEIIU£1 FY 1988-89 OTHER FU!iDS REDEVELOPl1E~T PROPERTY TAX l!ITEnEST TOTAL HGRMlD TOTAL H m,736 !3B 1045 729,781 __________ ...,_ ------------ ------------------------ 50.bl 1,127,000 5o.n 120,000 ------------ 1,247,000 ============ 40,385,936 =-========== ! ,000,000 1127,000) 180,000 60,001) ------------------------ 11100 1000 167,001)) ==== ·= -====·= =======:==== 45,412, 11)0 J,491,164· ========·:::: ===========-= ( f!·;' o:: ~HfitBBAV =--s~JmED EXF EIID !TURES FCR Fl SCAL YEAfi 1988-81 iOJ'llL FRO,JEC!ED FAOJ:CTED FR~JECIEi: ~?rROPRlliTIO'IS EXPPlD I TURES EXfElrnimES E.(PE:m1 rum, :lAVWG5 AT HAR. \) I 1989 JUL 89-11AR 81 ArR-JUll 1 !'189 FY l9e%9 mmtm --... ·-------... ---·· .......... -------------------------...................... ----------srnmL GCVE~W1EIH cm COUU(:JL 132!976 82,501 3;,290 llb 1791 tb,2)5 Cl iY t:m1qsER 382,853 260,982 1oa,m 369,m n,·m PUBLIC WrORHATl OIi 50 1770 !3,932 5,791 19,723 '"'I ,,c:~ .;.,.,.·,J CITY CLER!:' 121,665 lb,976 7,056 24,03: 97,m lllffiRMilT!ON S¥STEYt3 :7:,586 17(),315 :0,813 HI 1 1S9 3 l,31f cm iHTORNE) 201,517 114 19H 47,782 162,746 ~81 i? 1 rl/lAllCE 651 ,J~B 343,716 237,858 5Bi 1574 69 ,n, CIT'{ rnEASURER 15,992 81b(t4 3,571: i2, 18(• 3,812 rlJRCH~S l!IS 2ao,m 174,772 72 ,b-tO m,rn n,05 PEliSO!INEL !55,674 324 12/il 134,772 459,033 <3.3rn ,ESEilRC!I & A!ltLYSIS ~20,341 109 ,6~3 45,562 i:S,rn5 i 1, !6•1 RISI: 11AU~6cl1Elli 197 12:>b 118,128 49,0?i lbi,225 2i, ;g ! ------------------------------------------------------______ .., ___ Till 4L 6cUERAL GOvERllr.cllT 2,m,n9 117:iB,834 Bli 1i09 2,556,54'1 4~:,8% ____________ ,. ____ --------------------------------------_______ ,... __ PUBLIC Sll.mY ;oucE ~~~5~,150 4,500,093 1,870,367 b,37(1,H(I 81,b?b F!RE 41832 15b~ 3,129,324 I 1100,b36 4,4~9,%0 -l02,6Q5 OUILDlll5 HISFECTIOtl m,192 539,598 224,272 763,87i) 1~7,676) ---------------------------------------------------------------·--HHAL rUBLIC s;,Fm 12,000,913 81 169 1015 3,395,275 11,~6!,2i'i) 4:.lb,b:J ----------------------------------------------------------------PUBL! C WDRK5 cotmilll!TY DEVELOF'lcNT AD~III 383,527 237 18b2 98,862 m,m 4b 1e03 DE,ELOP~Etli FRllCESS SVCS !55, 153 222,554 92,50 1) 315,()54 14C-,(l'i9 ermrnmrna 1,m 1 tb2 1,314,m 546,~39 1,861,508 l0,,b5~ ~ti'i!C!F'tll ?ROJECiS 135,lS'i' 3~5,422 t20,m m,m (~17,115; FLAmmia i ,;JSE,005 522,189 m,m 8,-1,163 2~1,e:: G:;o»rn MMIAGEtiEIH 300,17.3 124,117 51,587 175,M m,m H!SiOnlC rRESERVATIOII corm !0,500 1 1741 1-,143 3,892 ~,61J6 BLCCK GR/Hli tiOHitllSTRATIO!t 22,100 11,025 4,582 15,607 b,413 ---------------... ---------------------··-------.................... --------··-iOl'At VEVcLOP:-IEIIT SER~ICES '1,~65,809 2,800,887 11 lb{,l2i 31965 1016 ~t:O, i1J -----------------------------t!4 HHE!lil!ICE -------------------------...................... UTILITIES ADHIHISIRATIO" 15,J23 22,307 9,271 31,578 bJ,rn:i srnms 3,830,306 2,175,580 9(14,233 3,on,m 75t},H3 BUiLDHIG r.Ai!HEIIAIICE 610,604 340,215 141,436 m,m 128,873 TRAFFIC S!Gtlfil MAHliEtlAtlCE 383,978 !20,955 50,272 171,227 212,751 -----------~------------------------------_____ .., ______ -----------TOTAL HAIIIIEIIAIICE 41'm,211 2,659 t 137 I i!05 1212 3,764,34? 1,155,862 ---------------------------------------·--------------.......... ______ t! lY Of Ct~LSS~O rfiOJECTED EXFEtlDliURES tOR FISCAL '<EHR Vi88·8'i iQTAL FP.OJEClEO FROJECTEO FRO:WEJ tPFSOfR !AT IONS EXFEIIDl!Ur.Es EHE:lDliU:;Es ElrEIIDITU:iES, sr,w,~s AT IIAR, 31 1 1989 JUL BB·HM, 89 m:-JUll 1 1m ff 1938·8? IDEFl::.I P -----------------__________ ... ___ -----------------------------------CUUURE mm RECRrnllm: LIBRHR1 11168 180b l ,336 1 189 555,358 1,891,SH 11,m CULTURttL ARiS ?R06RA~ 168,525 115,054 47,820 162,874 25,651 PARKS AllD RECREAT 1011 3,493,162 2,304,735 957,914 J,~b2 1b49 2.30,m SEil IOR PROGRAMS 204,597 91,923 38,20b 130,129 74,468 ---------------------------------------------·--------------·---TOThl CULTURQL ~ RECREAilOll 5,855,090 3,847,901 1,599,298 s,447,m 407,8?1 -----------------------------------------------------------------SUBTOTAL-DEPMlMEllTS 30,131,462 l9,2l5 1774 8,031,623 2i,297,39i 2,834 1 l)b:i ____ ... ___________ ------------------------------------------------l~OllOEP1iRl/1EIHAL converm Oil ~ VIS liOilS BUREAU 202,000 200,089 1,911 202,1100 (J co1111urmv ASSISlAllCE 57 ,50() ~i ,50f, 0 57,50(1 ~· llUµIT 19,7H s,m 13,iSQ 11,717 1) DUES & SUBSCRl?TIGNS Z:i,000 21,485 8,,30 30,415 G,mi LE4SES 287,bl)O 70,000 40,000 110,000 17!,bO? CAPITAL 111PROmrnrs 128,817 54,134 1;,::Bl 125,517 1) r.lSC COfHRACi SER'IICES 75,Q?O 2!,435 a,no 30,415 .:4,~~5 !IOSF BRO~E PAYtlENT 400,000 31):3, 7b0 91,2~0 400,001) (, 2TP.EcT LIGHT COSTS 24,S 1)0 0 24,500 24,~Q:) -----------------·-------------------------------------·--... ·-----i OiAL !lO»OEFAST:1E!H 11L 1,218,134 7:;i;,,390 m,·m 1,Q03,3H 214,mi ------· --------------------------------------------------------- 3UHOT ql-6ENER~L FUIID 311:i49,596 19 1155 1 lb4 81345,597 28,3~0, 161 3,:}18,8~5 cmmNGE!iCiE~ m,013 m,on ---------------- _.,. ____________ -----------.... ----------------------- TOTAL GEIJER!'lL FUUil 311720,601 19,955, ta~ 8,345,597 28,300,761 3,m!S4S ================ I =====-==-==== _____ .., _______ ======-==::: --------------------------------- SPEC I AL REVENUE FU!IDS POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE m,m 82,457 32, ?67 115,424 0 HOUS llm AUillOR IT'/ 1,505,729 1,082,410 411,31b t,~93,721> 12,003 AUDIO-VISUAL INSURAIICE 64 1101 45;044 19,057 &4 1 101 0 CULTURAL ARlS PROGRA~ 149,264 73 16!tb 75,598 149 12M {i SlREET LI BHTlllG 660 1325 401,tbl 1b7 1025 Sbs,sa; ·,1,m STATE 6RAIH3 217,969 127,789 51,113 180,902 31,001 SEIi! OR SRANT 145,427 90 1m 37,545 127,877 11,m CD86-ADMINISTRAT 1011 M,102 lb 11TO 6,729 22,m 37 1 1S3 ----------------------------------------------------------------- TOlAL-SFECiAL RE'JEUUE 21ns,3q1 11n1,m 803,351) 2,723,0ii 175,m -••---•-•-•••-r• ---------·----------------------------- _______ .,. __ CITY 0~ CA~lSBAG rROJECiED EXfEIIDIIURES FOR FISCAL n:r,n 1988-B? TOTAL PROJECTED fROJEmo FRJJECTED APP~OPRIAUOIJS EXPEND I TORES EXPEllO I TURES EXPEIWITUR£5 1 SA'/1:IGs AT 11AR. 31, 198? JUL 88-HAR 87 APR·JUII, 1989 FY 1938·89 IOEFICID -----------------------------------------------------------------DEBT SEilVICE FUUD3 LI ERARY 601!DS 18,bOO lb,800 I ,800 la,bOO 0 SEIIER BONDS 129,956 121,446 8,510 !29 195b 0 --••••-•••---•d• -------------·-------------------------··-------- TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 148,556 138,240 10,:;10 148,556 C ---·------------------------------------------------------------- EmERPRISE Fll;iDMf'ERAirnNS UATER ElliEllPRISE 1,587,576 944,53! 392,574 1,m,105 25G 14i! t:mr. so:ms 178,460 165,~59 13,1)01 11s,m 0 SEllER E!lTERrRISE 1,0;1, 95() 5U,2!~ 221,m i74,b55 3!7,~95 Er:crn~ 1,m15i)7 838,52() 565,987 1,454,507 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------- TOIAl EllTERPRISE OFERiHrnNs 4,312,49:J 2,545,726 1,m-.001 3,744,727 5b7,Hb --------------------------...... -------------------------------··--- t:HERNAL SER\'iCE FU!IDS ~ORt.ERS CO~PEllSAflON rns 250,000 90 177B 158,862 249,MO 360 LIABILITY SELHNSURA!ICE 940,484 m,BbO 758,771 1,107,631 U67 ,Im V FLEEi OPtRATIOllS m,2M b48 1U,8 269,605 918,273 25,m VEHICLE REPLACEHE11T m,,195 342,550 36,9~5 379,495 (J BEALiH lNSURA!lCE 1,0~1,818 802,837 333,682 1,!Jb,51? l?b,6211 D1HA P~OCESSWG 482,006 W,572 131,992 449,564 32;442 ---------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HHER!!Al SERVI CE 4,036,147 2,551,~65 1,689,957 4,241,122 120-1.m, ••••-••••••••••a ---------------------------------·--------··----- F,EDEVELOPtlENl ~EDEmor:irnr 3PER1HI01IS m,n.? 491,296 :o4-, t 17 m,m ;~,m DEBT SER'JICE ON NC'TES m,353 212,"J7 66'1 144£1 87i,353 C -----.. ·---··-----------··--------------------------------............ '"I ........ TOTAL RED~VELOFHEtH I 1M7 1082 704,203 868,643 1,572,846 74,236 --------------------------------------------------------~ .. ·-------- TOTAL ornrn omrnms Furms 1;,062,61? 7,95?,189 4,571 1 lb! 12,430,350 b3Z,m ================ -------------============= ============ ========== ------------- lOTAl. OPERAiillG BUDGET 4=, 78J,2:B 27 I 814,353 12,9lo,758 40,731,111 4,(!5:'.:,117 ================ ========~==== ===========-= =========::: ========== :1 Ti' UF CC1RL53:HJ STHTOS G~ ::HFiih~ Ir.Pntr:~::EHi Ftu:ns- kP?RO?R!hTIGllS tlfi'C n:t·:nt:ES ~s Gr ~ARCF. 3!, 193~ A?PROPR iA i IOt,S EXPEUDITU:iES -r£ncE:ti ur AP?RDPRlATID!lS ¼ ESTillKTE!t FiE~·etmE f.EVEIWE TC DAii: ?Ef,CEUI GF ESilHAii:u --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6tliC:Rili. Cfi'r'!THL :or:Sini;::iiO/i CDB5-Ct.F'iThL PflGJ£Ci5 tmRRG!HiOllROE lllTi:!iEX?n:;s1m~ PnG?CiSiiHlll l't SALi:S r;i~ TnArf!C Ir.?ACi FEES PUBLIC FACILITIES COliSI&:.:::rro11 ?ARI: DPJEt.0?1':Elii AREA 1 ilREft 2 11:lE:. 3 hrtEk ~ fU,llriED LOCAL DRfiH;~SE BRIDSE ~ iHOP.DUSEFARE smE Gi!ft!ITS FEDERAL GRAIHS REVEl;iJE Siiftim:a 5:~ER ~D:15iEiU:I!01; F.clicVEi.O?/!Elli Cil:i:iiRJCi: ~/; H7Giii:.H .;,296,226 474,318 6~0 1000 sb.;1000 SU,nl 12,988,336 121 1615 75,153 2,soo,000 Hil 1 9ob 162i)OO 1,B0,182 7TJ107b l,b1~1 447 f.07,907 3,055 12m 9,49~,252 !,5,teO,ol9 ---=========== m,,n 11~14n 2b 1305 04 1 192 5,877,583 44Ci t,,77b 11soo,ooo 81148 [; 11s,::;95 318,4b'i' b,bb4 197,G83 I,220,848 1,.w;1 ii>5 22.v2~ ;fo.79% ;.os~ (,,OCX 7.e1i: 4C' ?t"'f "'i"' ... J,. 0,37;: b.3b:: 04.29% = .. .,._. .J,-r,,. v,(iOX ?.9bX 41.20% O.!,ll 3'"~ Ar>-, t".,"JL• i5.~Ji. • • ,..~ti,, l.'1,0J, • 12 12os 1101 27.v37. -----------=== ============== t t f f f : • f f -f f f t l f t f f I: t f i f t f i f t f f :f ¼ 1,000 m,ooo C 6!H 100C ;;35,l);)(l J,90C 1 00C: H.;,2.;o 68,52() 96 1 160 • ,... '>r'!'• ........ , . .,~ ... - lW,OO,:, 38(;:000 282,699 01.;,soo 20,000 ! 1310,0Gr; ., •.• i I {46 ib;,351 ,. V (, .. "" . ,..,.. }QI 1't"t"t 11896,C.76 50,BH 59,545 a,\rn b3, 1C2 21;,g5c, 357,19, ~~1,3~1 ;,b3b l7 1 260 m,690 (. i ---------------------------- f 1: s,5;,;, 1s1 (,13~.5S3 f ============== ============== ,i~.w;: 13b. ;o;: ;).(/~,:. 66.0Si. ~s.a~:: J5.2.ji; Sb. 9(17. 92.67'1. ~s.1.;:. 251.aG: 9.;,1;0:: l5l.b5i. (;,75:. ab. 30i. 71.3~:: C'C' ,. •• J .. -,.:.o:. --=--===== ,>