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AB# /qtflfl5 TITLE: DEF
CIT MTG. 5-3-89
No action required.
As Council is aware, the staff this past month has been conducting opl tests on the Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Facility. These tests
conducted in compliance with the City's Capacity Lease Agreement witt
of Vista.
As a result of these testing operations, a number of residents in the expressed questions and concerns about the City's future plans c operation of the facility.
Attached for the Council's review are memoranda from the City Eng the Planning Director concerning the history of the facility a remaining in the full evaluation process. At the Council meeting : present results of the testing operations.
Residents in the area will likely be seeking final action to remove at this time. It is staff's position that it is premature to take l until the Encina Phase IV expansion is completed and the Cit Reclamation P1 ans have been fully devel oped.
1. Planning Director's Memo of April 13, 1989.
2. City Engineer's Memo of April 10, 1989.
m e i -<
APRIL 13, 1989
FROM: Planning Director
Per your request, I had Erin Letsch review all of our
pertaining to the Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Facil
determine whether Condition No. 17 of the Precise Developme
(attached as Exhibit 1) was ever implemented. Our rt indicated that the condition was never included in the
CC&R*s for the projects in the Calavera Hills Master Plan an( is no evidence that an odor easement has been placed on any
properties in the Calavera Hills area.
Listed below are the discretionary planning actions taken
city regarding the plant. These actions all occurred prior time when the first residential project was approved with Calavera Hills Master Plan. Exhibit 2 (attached) is a s chronological summary of these actions.
General Plan Amendments 511B) and 53 - Approved Octo,
1978. Amended the land use plan by placing a Public U
designation (U) within the Lake Calavera Hills area, a1
the siting of a satellite sewage treatment facility. RI
the text of the Public Utility description in the la1
element to allow a satellite wastewater treatment fa
within a one kilometer radius of the Public Ut
Master Plan 150CA) - Apuroved December 28, 1978 - The I
Plan for Calavera Hills was amended to include the pott
for a satellite wastewater treatment facility. Requi
zone change from P-C to P-U in the'event a specific prc
was made. In addition, condition number 35 states
*'Approval of said facility may require the additic conditions to this Master Plan to provide for items su odor easements, CCCR amendments, hold harmless agreemer plant operation, agricultural preservation and conditions necessary to accommodate the development of a facility as a part of this Master Planned Community.'*
EIR-528 - Amroved ADril 3, 1979 - Environmental Impact R
for the treatment plan. The EIR concluded that odor fro
plant would not be a problem.
Zone Chancre 203 - Approved July 178 1979 - Zone change
P-C to P-U zone to allow the use of the property f treatment plan.
@ m
Precise DeveloDment Plan 2 - Amroved Aucrust 7, 1
Approved the site plan for the wastewater treatment fac:
including effluent line and percolation ponds. Conditic
17 (Exhibit 1) was applied to the Precise Development I
The developer of Calavera Hills never implemented Condition 1
as agreed to under the terms of the Master Plan and PI
Development Plan. The City probably should have followed tt
by ensuring that this condition was included in the Master c prior to approval of the first residential development.
Please let me know if I can provide any additional informati
' r, I \:LU A _I/ \c w&+ --?
Planning Director
cc: Community Development Director
City Engineer Utilities/Maintenance Director
0 m
17. The applicant shall include in its master
CC&Rts for the entire project and in the subdivision public reports for each phase a detailed description of the facility,
its proximity to dwelling units, and the
potential for adverse impact. The CC&Rts
shall provide that the property owners
and their successors in interest covenant not to object to or take any action,
directly or indirectly, in opposition to
the location of the facility nor its
continued operation, except to the extent
that such objections and/or action in
furtherance thereof relate to the
negligence or willful misconduct of the
persons or entities then operating the
f- 0 m
October 3, 1978 GPA-51(B) & GPA-53
December 28, 1978 Master Plan 150(A)*
April 3, 1979 EIR-528
July 17, 1979 Zone Change 203
August 7, 1979 Precise Development Plan*
February 16, 1982 First Tentative Tract Map
CT 81-47 (The Cape)
* Includes condition similar to condition number 17 of Pr
Development Plan
** Includes condition number 17 found in Exhibit 1
April 10, 1989
The purpose of this memo is to give a brief summary of pertinent facts relative history and operational aspects of the Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Plant.
A more detailed report is attached describing the facility and costs involved to opera plant. (Appendix D from the Updated Sewer Master Plan.)
The Calavera Hills Reclamation Plant was conceived in the late 1970’s during a ti a periodic drought and during a moratorium on development due to a short? wastewater treatment capacity. The plant was originally designed and approved capacity of 1.2 million gallons per day (MGD) serving major segments of the noi quadrant of the City. Effluent discharge was proposed to be disposed of on th upstream of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. No ocean outfall was permitted or inclu initial construction.
The facility was not completed until late in 1981. The City accepted the pl: agreement dated January 20, 1982. Upon acceptance of the facility, the develop issued a $2,866,778 credit against future sewer connection fees.
The plant has never operated with wastewater until the current testing being perf as a condition of the City’s Wastewater Treatment Capacity Lease with the City of That agreement stipulates the Calavera Plant a potential back up capacity to Emir
such time as the Phase IV expansion of Encina is completed sometime in 1992.
The purpose of the thirty-day test was to determine the technical and operational \ of plant. Testing was initiated on March 21, and should be completed by April 2
The attached appendix to the 1987 Sewer Master Plan presents a detailed evalua the costs associated with operation of the Calavera Plant. This study concludi operation - of the facility for wastewater treatment is not cost-effective as long as c exists at Encina.
Although the plant is designed for 1.2 MGD, 0.20 MGD reaches the plant curren a planned potential of 0.88 MGD. To reach this potential, six sewer lift static required, of which four are currently operational.
0 m
Flow Area EDUs Average MGD
Zone 7 Existing 1,153 0.25 Approved 750 0.17 Future 613 0.13
Subtotal 2,5 16 0.55
Zone 2B and 2C
Existing 1,321 0.29 Approved 168 0.04 Future 6 0.00 Sub to tal 1,495 0.33
TOTAL 4,011 0.88
The annual cost of operating a lift station has been estimated at $15,900 in current ( Total cost of $95,400 annually at full operation. The master plan calls for gravity se these facilities to allow mothballing lift stations to reduce costs. Full operation of C: at 1.2 MGD would require additional pumping to the plant.
To make the Calavera facility operational for wastewater treatment will requi installation of an Effluent Disposal Line (EDL) and lift station, a solids disposal li improvements to the existing lift station at El Camino Real and Tamarack. estimated costs is $1,605,000.
Staff has recently been exploring utilization of CRMWD waterline in El Camino E the EDL. This would effect a potential savings of up to $500,000.
These improvements would only allow operation as a wastewater facility. To upgrz
plant for water reclamation would require installation of additional facilities estimi cost $1,028,000.
The current planned expansion of Encina is estimated to cost approximately $2,800,( MGD. To replace the Calavera capacity at Encina would cost an estimated $2,5 This should be compared to the $1,000,000 to $1,605,000 to make Calavera operatic wastewater treatment. The net replacement cost at Encina is therefore $900, $1,400,000.
The Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Plant is a small isolated operation that has rec the installation of numerous small pump stations to fully utilize. It does not enjc tremendous economics of scale available at Encina.
The Sewer Master Plan quantifies the cost differences, and concluded that the incren cost of operating Calavera in-lieu of the same capacity at Encina exceeds $300,00 year.
Based on the expense of bringing Lake Calavera Hills Reclamation Plant on-line ar operational expenses associated with the facility the adopted Council policv - has bee the facility should onlv operate as last resort wastewater treatment capacity - or as i of an overall water reclamation program.
In considering the long-term future of the Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Plant, s issues remains to be resolved:
1. Can the plant operate with minimal negative environmental impacts. 2. The market and economics of reclaimed water usage. 3. Wastewater treatment capacity needs.
Operation Consideration
The current testing program will give us our first direct experience to evaluai operational problems associated with the facility. operations and capital costs that may be further required to operate the plant with m neighborhood disturbance.
Water Reclamation Role
The City is currently preparing a Water Reclamation plan which will fully asst markets, costs and financial considerations involved in the use of reclaimed throughout the City.
The San Diego region is an arid coastal plain which imports almost its total water I Very little of that water is currently reclaimed, and most is disposed of into the Should water become scarce, utilization of reclaimed water will likely become a ne
Under those circumstances, the Calavera Hills facility could become an invaluable the City’s overall water supply.
The full value of the Calavera Hills Plant will only be known at the completion current Water Reclamation Master Plan.
It will also help us further
PAGE: 4 0
Buildout Treatment Capacity
Carlsbad is a member of the Encina Joint Powers which provides wastewater trea capacity to the Encina Sewer basin. This capacity is currently provided at the E Treatment Plant (WPCF) located southwest of Interstate 5 and Palomar Airport Ri Carlsbad.
The Encina WPCF has an existing capacity of 22.5 MGD, but will soon be expanc 36 MGD. The original master plan called for the Encina WPCF to reach 45 Mc buildout of the basin.
Recent studies would seem to indicate that at buildout the region will require i treatment capacity of 54 MGD.
To provide buildout capacity will require either additional inland treatment capac expansion of the Encina WPCF beyond the originally master planned 45 MGD. alternative impacts residents of Carlsbad and water reclamation policies for the rei
In conclusion, it is staffs opinion that insufficient knowledge exists to determi1 ultimate fate of the Lake Calavera Hills Water Reclamation facility. Current conc make operation of the facility unnecessary and fiscally imprudent.
Future consideration of wastewater treatment and overall water supply considerations make the facility a valuable asset.
It is recommended that Council maintain the facility in the "mothballed" state and co to explore all relevant facts. At conclusion of the City's Water Reclamation Maste and Encina Master Planning, the matter can be further evaluated.
City Engineer
c: Community Development Director Assistant City Manager Utilities Maintenance Director
m @
D- 1
., @
LIST OF TABLES ................... D-4
LIST OF FIGURES .................. D-5
History of the Lake Calavera Hills Water
Reclamation Plant .............. D-6
Purpose .................... D-6
Description of Treatment Processes ...... 0-7
Headworks ................. D-7
Aeration Channels/Oxidation Ditch Process . . D-9
Clarifiers ................. D-9
Chlorination ................ D-9 Return Activated Sludge-Waste Activated
Sludge Pumps ............... D-9
Aerobic Digester .............. D-9 Belt Filter Presses ............ D-9
Standby Power ............... D-10
Service Area ................. D-10 Pumped Flow to the Lake Calavera Hills Water
Reclamation Plant ............ D-11
Effluent Disposal Line ............ D-13
Solids Disposal Line ............. D-15
Solids Treatment Alternatives ......... D-15 Onsite Treatment of Solids ......... D-15
Offsite Treatment of Solids ........ D-16
Sewage Lift Station .............. D-16
Cost of Treatment ............... D-17
Pumping Costs ................. D-17
Operational Improvements ........... D-17
D- 2
m a
D- 3
a 0
Table D2-1 Capacity of the Lake Calavera
Table D2-2 Lake Calavera Hills Water Reclamation
Table D2-3 Cost to Operate and Maintain a
Hills Water Reclamation Plant . . . . D-7
Plant Service Area . . . . . . . . . D-1l
Small Lift Station for One Year
(100 gpm @ 100' of Head) . . . . . . . D-1; Table D3-1 Cost to Make the Lake Calavera Hills ,
Water Reclamation Plant Operational as
a Wastewater Treatment Plant . . . o . D-1' Table D4-1 Operation and Maintenance Cost
Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-1S Table D6-1 Cost Estimate for Tertiary Treatment . D-21
m a
Figure D2-1 Lake Calavera Hills Water Reclamation
Plant Site Plan ........... D-8
Figure D3-1 Excess Effluent Disposal Line and
Solids Disposal Line ......... D-11
Figure D5-1 Time Table .............. D-21
D- 5
(h 0
The Lake Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Plant
constructed to provide sewage treatment for the L
Calavera Hills Master Plan Community and other developme.
east of El Camino Real in the proximity of the Calavc
Development. The plant was originally conceived as
reclamation facility, but to date has never been operatc
Major construction and a substantial expenditure of fu~
would be required to make the plant operational.
History of the Lake Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Plan1
The plant was completed in 1981 and turned over to the C:
of Carlsbad for operation and maintenance. The plant is 1
owned by the City of Carlsbad and all future upgrades i
all costs for operation and maintenance of the plant will borne by the City of Carlsbad.
The original service area for the plant has been modifie
When the plant was conceived, most of the northeast quadre
of the City of Carlsbad was served by this plant. The Jur 1984 Master Plan recommended including only the Ls
Calavera Hills Planning Area in the plant's service are Lake Calavera Hills Planning Area is Growth Management Zc
The purpose of this report is to evaluate the status of t
Lake Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Plant and to establi
policies for when the plant could be made operational. T
plant could be put into operation to provide addition
wastewater treatment capacity or to reclaim water. T majority of this report will focus on the start-up of t
plant for additional wastewater treatment capacity. T final chapter of this report will examine reclamati
issues. This report will also provide a time line and co estimates for start-up of the Lake Calavera Hills Wat
Reclamation Plant for comparison with other treatme
Oxidation Ditch Reactors
Aerobic Digester
Belt Press Sludge Dewatering
Emergenc g Power
Quantity Size Capacity Each
2 mgd Peak I -------
2 650,000 gallons 0.6 mgd Average
2 113,700 gallons 0.6 mgd Average
1 43,000 gallons 2 mgd (30 minutes)
1 75,000 gallons ---
1 1/2 meter
1 300 KV ---
(h 0
Aeration Channels/Oxidation Ditch Process. The LC Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Plant is an extenc
aeration plant utilizing the oxidation ditch process.
oxidation ditch process utilizes oval tanks to provide bc primary and secondary treatment to the wastewater.
Oxygen is introduced into the tanks by the use of brt
aerators. Each tank has two brush aerators. The tanks i
designed with a detention time of 24.9 hours and have
biochemical oxygen demand loading rate of 2,500 pounds E
day. Flow from these tanks is sent to the clarifiers.
Clarifiers. The clarifiers at the plant provide the fir
unit process for the liquid stream prior to chlorinatio
The clarifiers separate the aeration tank effluent into
solid stream and a liquid stream. The liquid stream is se
to the chlorine contact facilities and the solid stream
either sent back to the oxidation ditch process or to t solids processing train. The clarifiers have an overfl
rate of 400 gallons per square foot per day and a design
detention time of 4.5 hours at average flow.
Chlorination. The chlorine contact chamber has a volume
43,000 gallons and provides for a detention time of
minutes at peak flow. This facility is not needed for oce
discharge but would be needed for reclamation.
Return Activated Sludge - Waste Activated Sludge Pumps. T
clarifier underdrains are connected to three pumps. The
pumps can either be used to return solids to the aerati
tanks or to send them to the aerobic. digester. Solids a
normally returned to the aeration tanks as part of t
secondary treatment process. In order to prevent
accumulation of solids in the aeration tanks, solids ai
routinely wasted to the aerobic digester.
Aerobic Digester. The aerobic digester has a volume (
75,000 gallons. It provides for a liquid detention time ( 25 days. The purpose of the aerobic digester is '
stabilize the solids prior to ultimate disposal.
Belt Filter Presses. The plant has a Winkle belt filtt press capable of handling 25 gallons per minute with t
approximate influent solids of 1.5 percent. It will outpt
a minimum solids of 15 percent. This process dewaters tk
digested sludge and reduces the volume which needs to t trucked to a landfill. This is the final sludge processir
unit prior to disposal.
D- 9
Zone 7
Zone 2B and 2C
Flow, EDUs Average mgd
1,153 0.25
750 0.17
613 0.13
2,516 0.55
1 , 321 0.29
168 0.04
6 0.00
1 , 495 0.33
4,011 0.88
a a
The current estimated flow from Zones 2B, 2C and 7 is 0
million gallons per day. This flow could reach the pl,
utilizing existing sewage pumping stations. The serv area should be fully developed within the next five yea
Thus, within five years, 0.88 million gallons per day
flow could reach the Lake Calavera Hills Water Reclamat
Plant utilizing existing sewage lift stations.
The service area ultimate flow of 0.88 million gallons I
day should meet the reclamation needs for the foreseeal
future. We, therefore, do not recommend increasing I
service area of the plant beyond Zones ZB, 2C and 7 becat
this would require the construction of new sewage 1:
stations. If additional reclaimed water is needed in I
future beyond the 0.88 million gallons per day, this nc
could be met either by other upstream reclamation plan1
such as Shadow Ridge, Meadowlark or the Gafner plant, or
that time construction of additional lift stations could
reviewed to increase the inflow to the Lake Calavera Hi1
Water Reclamation Plant to its 1.2 million gallons per d
design capacity.
Pumped Flow to the Lake Calavera Hills Water Reclamati
Plant. There are four lift stations serving Zone 7. The
lift stations are needed to get sewage to the Lake Calave
Hills Water Reclamation Plant. The master plan calls f
two sewage lift stations to serve the Zone 7 area. Howeve
the location of development has required more stations
serve the Lake Calavera Hills area. If the Lake Calave Hills Water Reclamation Plant was not used, these fo
sewage pumping stations could be abandoned. The flow wou
have to be pumped to the Encina Water Pollution Contr
Facility through other lift stations. However, these 0th
lift stations would be needed regardless of flows from t Lake Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Plant. Thus, the La
Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Plant is requiring the Ci
of Carlsbad to maintain an additional four pumping station
The pumping costs associated with these stations are minc
but the labor costs and equipment costs to keep thes
stations running are significant.
Table D2-3 estimates the cost to operate and maintain small sewage lift station for a one year period to 1 $15,900. Since there are four stations at the present time
it is costing an additional $63,600 per year to have th
option of operating the Lake .GalaVera Hills Wate
Reclamation Plant. This money could be saved if the Lak
Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Plant was not operated an
gravity lines were provided.
Rep lac e men t
Unit Cost Total Annual Cost, dollars
250 Manhours/year 7,500 @ $30 per hour
$2.50 per day 900
5% of Capital 7,500
Cost per year 150,000 (5%)
per year
I) e
In order to make the plant operational for wastewa
treatment, a number of improvements are needed. Additio
facilities would be required to operate the plant for wa
reclamation. Those improvements are discussed in Chapter
Major offsite improvements include completion of
effluent disposal line and the sludge disposal line,
effluent pump station and Zone 2 lift station improvement
Effluent Disposal Line
The effluent disposal line will have to be completed f
the Lake Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Plant to the oc
outfall at the Encina Water Pollution Control Facili
Some reaches of the line exist, some reaches are un
construction and some reaches have not been installed. S
of the existing reaches need to be replaced due to impro
construction. The reaches are identified in Figure D3-1.
The section of line from the Lake Calavera Hills Wal
Reclamation Plant to the intersection of El Camino Real i
Tamarack Avenue, Reach A, exists but will need to
replaced based on testing done by the City of Carlsb; This reach of line will not hold test pressures.
The portion of line from the intersection of El Camino Rt
and Tamarack Avenue to El Camino Real at College Boulevai Reach B, has been designed, but has not yet be
constructed .
The section of line in College Boulevard from El Camino RE to Palomar Airport Road, Reach C, is currently unc
construction by The Koll Company. The City of Carlsbad 1
ownership in the existing effluent line constructed by t
San Marcos County Water District from Palomar Airport Rc
to the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility, Reach
The estimated cost to complete the effluent disposal line
shown on Table D3-1.
In order to convey excess treated effluent to the Enci
Ocean Outfall, an effluent pumping station would have to
constructed downstream from the Lake Calavera Hills Wat
Reclamation Plant. Figure D3-1 indentifies the efflue
pump station, and Table D3-1 includes the estimated cost
this facility. To date no work has been done to size
locate this facility.
Effluent Disposal Line
Reach A
Reach B
Effluent Pumping Station
Solids Disposal Line
Improvements to Sewage
Lift Station at El Camino Real and Tamarack Avenue
Length, cost ,
dollars feet
2,800 224,000
9,350 748 , 000
300 , 000 --
1 , 272,000
4,500 293 , 000
40 , 000
333 , 000
0 a
Treatment of solids at the Lake Calavera Hills Wat
Reclamation Plant would also require hauling of sludge fr
the site to a landfill. Due to the current restrictions
sludge disposal in landfills, it may be difficult to obta
approval for hauling the solids to a landfill. For the
reasons we recommend offsite treatment of solids.
Offsite Treatment of Solids. The City of Carlsbad h, excess solids handling capacity at the Encina Wati
Pollution Control Facility. This excess solids handli
capacity would meet the needs of the full 1.2 mgd capaci
of the Lake Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Plant.
order to discharge solids from the Lake Calavera Hills Wat
Reclamation Plant into gravity sewers for conveyance to t.
Encina Water Pollution Control Facility, construction (
approximately 4,500 feet of 8-inch gravity sewer would 1
required. The cost for construction of this gravity sew(
as shown in Table D3-1 is $293,000. The proposed route :
shown on Figure D3-1. Treatment of the solids at the EnciI
Water Pollution Control Facility would greatly reduce tl risk of odors being generated at the Lake Calavera Hil:
Water Reclamation Plant.
Sewage Lift Station
In order to fully utilize the capacity of the Lake Calaver Hills Water Reclamation Plant, the existing lift station a
Tamarack Avenue and El Camino Real would have to b
utilized. This lift station has a number of improvement
which should be put in place prior to making it operational
These improvements involve site work to allow for the safe
efficient maintenance of the station.- We estimate that i will cost $40,000 for paving, fencing and a roadway into th
existing lift station. This estimate assumes that th existing lift station has no inherent equipment problem
which would require replacement of major components.
e 0
The operational cost of the Lake Calavera Hills Wa
Reclamation Plant cannot be analyzed independently.
cost of pumping to and treatment at the Lake Calavera Hi Water Reclamation Plant must be contrasted with the cost
pumping to and treatment at the Encina Water Pollut:
Control Facility.
Cost of Treatment
Table D4-1 provides a detailed comparison of the cost
operation of the Lake Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Plc
versus the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. TI
estimate assumes the City of Carlsbad has capacity availal at both facilities. The operation and maintenance cost
the Lake Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Plant with a fl
of 0.88 million gallons per day would be approximatc
$262,100 per year more than treatment at the Encina Wat
Pollution Control Facility. Charges for treatment at t
Encina Water Pollution Control Facility are based on bo ownership and flow. The ownership cost at the Encina Wat
Pollution Control Facility is the same whether or not t
flow is routed to Lake Calavera Hills Water Reclamati
Plant. The ownership cost makes up a large percentage
the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility treatment cos Thus, the saving at the Encina Water Pollution Contr
Facility for the Lake Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Pla
is less than the cost of treatment.
Pumping Costs
Flow must be pumped to reach either the Lake Calavera Hil.
Water Reclamation Plant or the Encina Water Pollutic
Control Facility. However, as discussed in Chapter 2, fii lift stations are needed to pump the entire service area 1
the Lake Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Plant. To opera1
all of these stations would cost $79,500 per year. Four (
these stations are currently operating. If gravity sewei
were installed and the Lake Calavera Hills Water Reclamatic Plant was not operating, $63,600 per year in pumping cost
could be saved.
Operational Improvements
A gravity outfall from the Lake Calavera Hills Wate
Reclamation Plant to the gravity sewer in El Camino Real a
Tamarack Avenue should be installed. This line could serv
0 0
two purposes. When the plant is not operational, it c(
be a gravity outfall for the flow from the plant. When
plant is operational, it would serve as the solids dispc
line discussed in Chapter 3.
e 0
Table D4-1. Operation and Maintenance Cost Estimate
1. Labor
Plant Supervisor 32,300
Plant Operator 1 21,400
Trainee 17,900
Fringe Benefits (31%) 22,200
Subtotal 93,800
2. Contract Services/Additional Staff Requirements
6,000 $500 per month
$750 per month 9,000
$1,000 per month 12,000
Additional Maintenance Personnel
$500 per month 6,000
Sludge Transport and Disposal
0.5 dry tons per day x $200
x 365 36,500
Uniforms 1,000
Laboratory Testing
6,000 $500 per month
$200 per month 2,400
Subtotal 78,900
0 m
Table D4-1. Operation and Maintenance Cost Estimate (Continued)
3. Utilities
Electrical Power
a. Aerators for Oxidation Ditch 4 @ 30 HP (40 HP Motors)
89.5 X 365 X 24 X $.12 = (HP x 783.9 = $ per year)
b. Aerator for Aerobic Digester
22 HP
c. RAS Pumps
120 HP = 89.5 KW
7.5 HP 5,900
d. Effluent Pumps
e. Miscellaneous
15 HP 11,700
15 HP 11,700
Subtotal 140,500
500 Water
Telephone 2,400
Subtotal 143,400
4. Chemical
Chlorine @ 5 mg/l
5.0 X 8.34 X 0.88 X $0.15 X 365 = 2,000
$500 per month 6,000
Subtotal 8,000
a e
Table D4-1, Operation and Maintenance Cost Estimate (Continued)
5. Miscellaneous Expenses
$250 per month 3,000
Office Material Supplies
$100 per month 1,200
$100 per month 1,200
Laboratory Supplies
Parts and 0 & M Supplies
$2,500 per month 30,000
Subtotal 35,400
Total 359,500
Carlsbad Cost at Encina (1987/88)
Total Yearly Flow 1,465 MG Cost per MG
Ownership $ 655,760 $447.62
Usage 444,207 303.21
$1,099,967 $750.83
If Lake Calavera treats 0.88 mgd,
Encina Water Pollution Control Facilit-y would be:
the yearly savings at th
303.21 X 0.88 X 365 = $97,400
Yearly additional cost to treat at the Lake Calvera Hill: Water Reclamation Plant if capacity is available at thf
Encina Water Pollution Control Facility.
Yearly Cost of the Lake Calavera $359,500 Hills Water Reclamation Plant
Less Credit from the Encina $ 97,400 Water Pollution Control Facility
Total $262,100
D-2 1
* 0
Figure D5-1 provides a time table for the start-up of t
Lake Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Plant as a treatmc
plant. As can be seen in this chart, there are three ma.
items which must be completed to start up the plant. TI
are the effluent disposal line, the sludge disposal line i
staffing of the plant. It is estimated that it could ta
up to two years from the date of completion of the desi
for the effluent disposal line and the sludge disposal li
until the plant can be started up.
This time table assumes that the City of Carlsbad staff wi
operate the plant. It may be more cost effective a
require less time to contract with the Encina Wat
Pollution Control Facility for operation of the plant.
order to assure that sewage treatment capacity will
available when it is needed, the City of Carlsbad shou
commence design work for the needed facilities for the La
Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Plant three years prior
anticipated need.
- 0 rr)
I- 3 0
- e a (v IJ
- a0 - z 0
n -
I- to 0 X
Z t- 3
0 z a
0 t- -
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Chemical Feed System Static Mixer and Influent Channel Flocculators Filters Backwash Water Tank Washwater Reclamation System Plant Piping Electrical Systems Earthwork, Grading, Landscaping
Contingencies, 15% Contractor Overhead & Profit, 35% Engfneering Design, 10%
Cost, dollars
200,000 25,000 50,000 45,000 30,000
643 , 000
" e e
public contact in these parkway and greenbelt areas,
would recommend the use of filtered chlorinated effluent
these areas. We feel that all planning for reclaimed wa
use in parkways and greenbelts should be structured aro
using filtered chlorinated effluent as opposed
chlorinated secondary effluent.
4 * II)
This chapter provides a summary of the policies conclusions presented in this appendix.
1. The ultimate service area for the Lake Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Plant, whether it is 1
as a reclamation plant or a treatment plant, shc
be Growth Management Zones 7, 2B and 2C.
2. A gravity outfall sewer line from the Lake Calav Hills Water Reclamation Plant to the corner
Tamarack Avenue and El Camino Real should
constructed.. This line will serve as the sol
disposal line when the plant is operating and w
serve as the wastewater outfall line to the Enc
Water Pollution Control Facility when the plant
not operating.
3. Gravity pipelines should be constructed to all
sewage lift stations in Zone 2 and Zone 7 wh:
pump flow to the Lake Calavera Hills Wa'
Reclamation Plant in order to convey flow to 1
Encina Water Pollution Control Facility when ; Lake Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Plant is r
in operation.
4. The total cost to operate the Lake Calavera Hill2 Water Reclamation Plant, when capacity is availat,
at the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility,
$341,600 annually, including associated pumpi
costs of $79,500 per year, The Lake Calavera Hi1 Water Reclamation Plant should only be utilized
a treatment facility when there is no 0th
treatment capacity available or as a part of a se
sustaining water reclamation program.
0 San Diego,
CA 92110
8 1751 Hmcock
Statement to Mayor & Council
Oe!zlo~rnenlCtmpsry May2, 1989
I am here tonight in my capacity as Vice President, Re
Estate Division of Foote Development Company and as a reside
and homeowner in Carlsbad. In the early ~O'S, Foote Developme
Company purchased 4 parcels of land consisting of 85 1/2 acre
This land was taken through a pre-annexational zone chang
annexation to the city, tentative map and ultimately was approvl
on 2/5/85 for 248 single-family residences as Carlsbad Tract 84-3
Today this tract is called The Summit.
The Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Plant is located ab0
300' east of the eastern edge of the development. I think it's fair
say that these homeowners are innocent victims of circumstanc
beyond their control. I feel these people are victims because they:
Are not served by this plant - not a drop of thr
sewage would be treated by this facility - The plant
adjacent to them yet not a single Summit homeown
will be served by it.
These homeowners are victims because no amount
research would have led them to the conclusion th
this plant would be a problem;
In fact as you are hearing this evening the research clear
indicates that operation of this plant simply goes against the be
interests of Carlsbad in general, and the Northeast quadrant
As the developer of The Summit we are frequently asked wl
we did not disclose that this sewage treatment plant would or cou
be operated. The answer is that as soon as we became aware oft
operation we passed this information along to our owners ai
m San Diego,
CA 92110
1751 Hmcock e
v buyers. However, the first indication we heard of a problems w;
when residents at The Summit called and wanted to know aboi
odor and noise easements. These requests for easemei
information were directed to the Title Company and as I think \
all know now - there are absolutely no odor or noise easements ov
any Summit property.
I think we all agree it's difficult to know what another perst
is thinking - knowing the city's thought process is even mo
challenging because it involves lots of people and the people chan
all the time. New councilmembers, new city manager, nf
department heads, etc.
Given this framework it is near impossible to answer tl
question, "Why did the city let homes be built so near a treatme
plant if the City knew the plant was going to operate?" I sugge
that the city realized in the early 80's that this plant really did n
make sense and could not be economically operated.
During this time frame Carlsbad Tract 84-35 was approve
The mapping process is discretionary - at the discretion of the Cii
The City attaches conditions to these approvals and the
conditions must be met in order to get building permits. There a
literally pages of conditions - some significant and some not
significant. A close reading of these conditions of approval disclos
no mention of the Calavera Hills Plant. There is frequent mention
sewer availability and public improvements, but absolutely .
mention of the sewage plant.
An attentive reader of these approvals could conclude that t
Calavera Hills Plant either did not exist, or, certainly the City ne\
intended to use it.
The findings of the planning commission and City Coun
include, and I am quoting #4, "The proposed project is compatit
with surrounding future land uses since surrounding properties i
1751 H?acock @ San Diego, 0
CA 92110 Street
designated for residential development on the general plan." Tk
ueveioflrentComflany plant property is contiguous to The Summit and therefore, woul
logically be considered one of the "surrounding properties whic
are designated for residential development."
Item 8 gives the city Land Use and Planning Manager th
right to approve the CC&Rs - again no mention of odor or nois
Item 16 states that "The Developer shall display a curren
Zoning and Land Use Map in the sales office at all times, and/o
suitable alternative to the satisfaction of the Land Use Planninj
Manager. "
Item 17 states that "All sales maps that are distributed 01
made available to the public shall include but not be limited to trails
future and existing schools, parks, and streets."
These conditions are specific and Foote Development
Company complied with each and every one. I feel that if the City
had any intention of ever using this facility, the City would have and
certainly should have, required notification to all homebuyers in this
Hindsight is 20/20. Now we need a plan to resolve the
current problems. I think we have two different questions to
address, The agreement with Vista apparently must be honored and
if that's the case so be it. The other question is the operation of the
plant. I expect that your study will confirm what the homeowners
here tonight are telling you. However, that study won't be available
until the fall and these people deserve some help and clarification of
this issue now - tonight.
I suggest that this council pass a resolution that prior to any
permanent operation of this plant the city will proceed as if it were
proposing a new facility and do a new EIR and have public hearings,
0 San Diego,
CA 92110
e 1751 Hmcock
plant did not exist and I think if the city plans on operating thit
facility, they should commit to starting from square one and do tht
full blown EIR and public hearing process.
The city by its acts over the last 7 or 8 years has acted like this -
I personally am convinced that if this is done, this plant wil
never operate.
Thank you.
Dennis Meehan
3981 Gloria Lane
Carlsbad, CA 92008
0 0
Mayor Lewis and Council Members,
My name is Jim Rankin and I live at 9358 Stanford in Carlsbai
I would like to read a part of Condition No. 17 which was ap'
to the Precise Development Plan for the Calavera Hills Area.
This condition, that refers to the treatment plant, should h
been included in the Vaster CC&Rs for the Calavera Hills
"The applicant shall include in its masttw
CC&R's for the entire project and in the
subdivision public reports for each phase a
detailed description of the facility, its
proximity to dwelling units, and the
potential for adverse impact."
The developer did not include this condition in his CC
and the City did not ensure that the condition was included.
don't know if this oversight was done by choice or by neglec
But a very important disclosure was omitted.
This is the same developer that the City granted
approximately 2.8 million dollars in future sewer connection
fees. Is the City really obligated to honor these sewer crE
since the developer neglected to include Condition 17 in his
a m
The plant itself has many problems. It is not designed
accept gravity flow in or out.
Sewage has to be pumped in and effluent pumped out at g
The plant is noisy and produces objectionable odors eve
without the solids operation.
In the recent test only 200,000 GPD were processed in a
plant designed for 1.2 million GPD. It was objectionable.
The odor control is made up of two 55 Gal drums wi
extension cords run to a pump spraying ”God only knows” what
of chemicals into the air.
The noise abatement program consisted of plywood boards
partially assembled around the pumps.
When the emergency generator was started up for testing
vibration cracked the floor of the building.
I have prepared adMher economic analysis of the plan
which I submit for your consideration.
a m
For wastewater treatment.. ....... ,,.......$1,605,000
For Water Reclamation.............. ....... 1,028,000 --....
Total $2,633,000
Annual cost to operate Calavera Hills ........ $359,500
Annual cost for 5 lift stas. reqd. @15,900 ... 73,500
Interest on capital costs @ 7%... ............ 189,310
Total $623,310
INCOME FROM WATER RECLAMATION -- -________-__ -_____ ____ -
Cone unit - 100 Cubic feet - about 750 gallons)
At 100% Operation;
880,000 GPD
750 = 1,173 Units/day * 365 days = '-428,267 unit
Sales Price Now = 0.83/unit = $355,'-461 per year maximum ir
The City would lose $267,6Wl per year
However, according to experts in water reclamation, because
reclaimed water is normally used at night, and inflow is IJSL
in the daytime, and because no reclaimed water is sold in tl
wet winter months, only about 50% of the water could be solc
Therefore: The City would lose = $WS,579/year.
Coperating Costs minus one half of possible income = SLf'-45,5;
0 0'
These are real numbers.
assumptions, but they will not be far off base.
What is it worth for us to keep this plant?
1. If it just sits there and rusts away, it costs us a1
Perhaps you can argue with some of
$100,000 in additional expense per year.
2. If we run it for sewage treatment, the cost is $3Yl
in additional expense per year.
3. If we run it as a water reclamation plant the cost t
be SLiLi5,OOO in additional expense per year.
IF the plant were dis-mantled and retired, and the equij
sold or used at other city facilities, the 9.5 acre site cou:
used as a producing asset instead of a liability.
Perhaps the property could be used for city offices, a 1:
a botanical garden and museum site, or as a location For the
Ueterans Memorial that the City is considering commissioning,
We would like the plant dis-mantled and retired from
service forever.
This Council can correct past mistakes!
e a
We’re here tonight to discuss the Calavera Hills Sewage
Treatment Plant.
MY NAME IS BOB HAHNEL. I reside at 2692 Glasgow Drive.
am President of HANEC <Homeowner’s Associations in Northeast
Carlsbadl. We represent the various homeowner’s association
N.E. Carlsbad consisting of approximately 3500 homeowners.
main purpose is to coordinate community problems with the ci
other entities.
I have lived in Calavera Hills for four CLf3 years and w
aware of the Sewage Treatment Plant off of Tamarack, but
understood that it was all but abandoned, and was just sitti
there as the City didn’t know what to do with it since it wa
an inconvenient location.
In mid-January I had a phone call from the city Engine€
Office requesting time to make a presentation to our group.
February 6, 1989 we met with Lloyd Hubbs, Ralph Anderson anc
councilman John Mamaux. They explained that a lease agreemE
had been signed with the City of Vista for sewage capacity E
part of the agreement required that the City of Carlsbad hac
run a thirty (301 day test of the Calavera Hills Plant. The
asked us to disseminate the information to the homeowners ii
The planned period of the test was not divulged since 1
wanted to find out if there were any odor or other problems
having residents call in during the test. This was to elim:
any false complaints as no one would know exactly when the t
would start or end.
We disseminated the information to the area residents IL
are members of HANEC and received mixed responses varying fr
mild concern to all out rage. The Summit Development, some
whom live within 100 yards of the plant, does not have a
homeowner’s association and was not included in the group ac
by Hanec. Consequently, these people not only found out at
the test when the plant started running, but also found out
a sewage plant and a water reclamation plant were one and tl
HANEC and other area residents are here tonight to expr
our concerns about the operation of this plant and ask the
council for a commitment to investigate the dismantlement of
in the future.
The next speaker is Mr. George Smith, a homeowner in tl-
Summit Tract.
Bob Hahnel........ .WLf-1807
-3 0 0
Mr. Mayor, City Council ---
My name is Allan Van Soest and I live at 4326 Stanford Street.
I will
the Calavera Hills Sewage Treatment plant now:
1. Calavera Hills Sewage Treatment Plant Is NOT NEEDED.
4. The Calavera Hills Sewage Treatment Plant Is Not Even Useful f
discuss four Key Reasons why the City of Carlsbad should shut
Experts Agree the Plant Should Not Be Activated.
Last Resort.
1 0 e
1. Calavera Hills Sewage Treatment Plant Is NOT NEEDED.
A. According to a "Master Plan of Sewerage" conducted for
City in Dec. "87:
The planned Phase IV expansion of the Encina Sewage Treatr
Plant will answer Carlsbad's needs to the year 2010 and Pl V will provide capacity beyond 2010.
B. Another study completed this month by HYA for the City sl
that the City has more than enough capacity to ha1
Carlsbad's needs until Phase IV is completed at Encina wit1
using the costly Calavera Hills plant.
C. Calavera Hills plant does not give the City additional se
capacity because sewage must be pumped uphill to the Cala
Hills plant and pumped back to the Encina plant. The only
it could provide additional capacity would be to const
effluent and solids disposal lines at a cost in 1987 dol
of $1,605,000.
D. The sewer system in the area functions very well without
Calavera Hills sewage plant as it has done for the past
years while the plant stood idle.
2. The Calavera Hills Sewage Treatment Plant Is TOO COSTLY TO OPERATE.
A. City council members have told us that the Calavera H
plant would be much more expensive to operate than the Er
B. It is very expensive to operate. The citizens of Carl
should know that according to the Master Sewerage study:
"Yearly additional cost to treat at the Calavera Hills F
if capacity is available at the Encina Facility is $262,100"
In other words, to treat 0.88 million gallons per day fc
year would cost $97,400 at Encina but it would cost $355
at Calavera Hills --- a whopping $262,100 difference.
3. Experts Agree the Calavera Hills Plant Should Not Be Activated
A. The Wilson Engineering "Master Sewerage Study" stated:
"The Lake Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Plant should no1
activated at the present time. The plant should on:
utilized if:
a) There is a need for reclaimed water.
b) If the City of Carlsbad has insufficient capacity at
Encina facility. " --- 2 ---
V @ 0
B. We have reason to believe that the City Engineer and most,
not all, of the City Council would prefer to "mothball"
plant. The adopted Council policy has been that the facil
should only operate as a last resort wastewater treatm
capacity or as a part of an overall water reclamation program
4. The Calavera Hills Sewage Treatment Plant Is Not Even Useful P
Last Resort.
A. Calavera Hills could not respond to a water short
emergency. Engineers report "there is approximately a
year start-up time to put the improvements in place wf
would be needed to operate the Lake Calavera Hills W;
Reclamation Plant ... and one report states the design %
should begin three years before operation ... by that time
emergency would be over.
We can only conclude from these facts, that the plant should
dismantled, the parts sold and the area converted to parking or I
space in this heavy residential area. Every year the plant remains,
city spends $63,600 to keep it in a state of non-operation.
The City has earmarked some $1.6 million in the General Fund
construction of effluent and solid disposal lines to Encina and
ocean. With the plant dismantled, these funds could be used
something worthwhile such as:
Parks and recreation
Senior citizens
The homeless
Police or fire protection
or even precluding the need for the Finance Department to cons
higher sewer and water fees for citizens of Carlsbad.
It is time for the City Council to face up to this decision and do
they know in their hearts is right---dismantle the plant NOW.
--- 3 ---
a e I ,i.
MAYOR LEWIS, Members of the City Council. My name is George Sn
live at Lf378 Stanford Street, in Carlsbad, CA. e
I have in my hand a petition signed by nearly 500 resid€
living in the several Home Owner Associations surrounding the C
Hills Water Treatment Plant (C.H.1 Each of you received a cop!
this petition recently. I hope that the number of people whu '
signed this petition will dispel stories that only a handful o
disgruntled homeowners oppose the operation of this sewage pla
The position of the signatories stated on the petition
As property owners in areas surrounding the Water Treat
Plant CSewage Plant), we are very distressed with the City's
actions in operating the Plant.
We would like to be good neighbors and good citizens wi
the city, and we understand that the lease agreement with Ui
requires a sixty C601 day test of this treatment facility wi
thirty C30) days of the test actually processing raw sewage
are willing to submit to this procedure without threat of le
action, review of environmental impact report, noise abateme
complaints or other delaying tactics, providing the Council
willing to support our efforts after the test.
We want Lake Calavera Hills Water Treatment Plant dismz
forever. We do not want raw sewage in our neighborhood.
want to continue to enjoy the fresh air of Carlsbad. We do
want to live with our doors and windows closed to avoid odox
noise. Shutting this plant down is the only way our lifesl
and property values can be protected.
e e . . I".
I Simply stated, our position is that having a sewage plan
a residential neighborhood is inappropriate and it should bE
dismantled and shut down.
I would like to point out, also, that although the
plant is called a water reclamation plant, it is actually a
sewage treatment plant and that is what it should be called
because it was planned for that very purpose,
It has been claimed that residents of the various :
have no reason for complaint because all the CC&Rs in the
Calavera Hills area include a detailed description of the pl
and the potential for adverse impact and that all homeowners
signed odor and noise easements. THFIT IS NOT THE CASE. Wh
the City had an agreement with the developer to include such
conditions in all CC&R's, the developer never did so. Rnd,
compound the error, the City was negligent in not following
catch that those very important disclosure conditions had bE
omitted from the CC&R's. Thus, from the very beginning of t
Calavera Hills and later developments, no home buyers were E
notified of the existence of the sewage plant nor the adver:
impact it could have on the area. This lack of notificatioi
buyers has continued for the past nine years. Many of us w'
live here now would never have bought here if we knew these
and that we would be required to sign easements accepting t!
My wife and I learned of the plant's existence last Ha
during escrow and inquired about it. First, we went to Cit
and were referred to the Engineering and Planning Departmen
e 4D L , 1-b
There we were told that it was a water treatment plant but t
it had not been operated in nine years. Furthermore, that i
would require two to three million dollars to bring the plar
to operating condition and that there were no plans to raise
kind of money nor to operate the plant. We also inquired of
developer (Michael Foote Development Company) about the plar
They disclaimed any knowledge of the plant’s existence and
referred us to the City Council. I followed up on that and
Councilman I talked with told me essentially what I had beer
by the Engineering and Planning Departments. That the plant
not been operated in nine years and that there were no plan:
operate it in the future. With those assurances, and only
we completed our escrow, only to learn six months later thal
plant was going to be tested for possible long term sewage
We are bitter about what has happened to us as we woulc
have bought a home within 105 yards of a sewage plant if we
known it could be an operating plant.
As it is, there is a sewage plant in the Calavera Hill!
that has cost residents substantial amounts of money in the:
purchase contracts that cannot yet operate as intended; thi
will cost taxpayers another 2-3 million dollars to make ful.
operative; and then will be too small to justify such cost:
urge that the council act to dismantle the CH Sewage Plant i
close it down. $q5$
0 ,) i,
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.. .. .Introduction .. ' . '.
j .. .My: name ..is T9jri.i sohoo~s. ..
: . ' I' live. at. 43'7'4 Stanford. St. -with ,my.husband':' Wiilik .. i Schools'. . We live on the ridge.direct1y:above the Calavera Hills '1
.. . . plant. In .'fact ' our backyard, ove'rtooks the' %6'8w8x?J' : althougl
.TherefOrt3, we. am quite, concerned' , about. the future operatiol the sewer. We..often. get gentle breezes through the, c.anyon 1
. ' . the plant .. sits; .and., are 'fearful. that. .noise and odor fkom
., I plane will prevent f.u.l.1 ..and peaceful. enjoyment of 'our home.
.' He h4ve worked. very hard $0 own .. our home in, the ' Si
' * development.' As .:a,. neighborhood,. we. take great pride .'in.'our 1
.. .. which .:can' be. , r.eadily, noticed. if . 'one. were:.to- drive ,.thrisUgh :..neighborhood. :' .The .same: .c'an. be said for the 'entire' Calavera 1
.. .. . &. . Good: Evening Counci 1. members ,'. Mr. .Maydr. : :
.. .. ..
... .. ... ..
..... view . of the .. .plant :' 'is mostl.y.: 'blocked.. by Eucalyptus .t:
... ... ........ ... ..... ... .r ..
.... .. .. ....
.. ..
... .. ..............
.. .. ..
area. ..
.-. ..
..Puppose :.
:received -about' tb.i's p1an.t;. 'I wou.ld l.ike ts-, .address .the various ::misinformation'.tha.
along. *about.. this sewer by the sales people, $he .,devel01 !City .officials..," .We... believe; 'all of' these' people&,;h'ad' :'a....: -.duty . .to tell .us !.'exactly .what':that '.sewer . '-pJarit .was, 'wd' 8x1 Howev6r, .... we;.. .not told the plant even existed. Many homeowners. fn the area surrounding the sewer weri even aware the existence of- the plant. ..
. Those of us that asked the'sales staff were told that plant was .a "clean water plant." When my husband a~
specifically asked-the sales staff if the plant wa8.a SEW: were told no, of course nut, only clean water goes througl plant. We felt we could rely on that representation, and after that representation did we purchase the home. Howeve.
were mistaken in our reliance, since we now know the plant fact a sewer. Obviously we were given misinformation. misinformation was given. uniformly to. all neighbors who inquiries. In fact, we know of no single buyer who was inf.1 that this plant is actually a raw sewage treatment plant. Even though Foote development sold us a very nice, well-' home, we clearly would not have bought our home had we : th,ere was a sewer directly below our backyard!!
the sewer were told by city officials that they had nothi: complain about because they all signed "odor easements.". ,
' further research ,the city.had .,to acknowledge that the
.. ...'.e asements. were not in fact placed on any of the 'homes surrou: the: .pl:ant.;. Again... .Iqisinformatior?.: was given ko. us. al.1. ... .....
.. .. In fact the City has .admitt$d .that "Condition. .# .17" wa included in the Master- CC&R's. for' . the projects in the' Cal Hills Master Plan.
..... ... .. .. .... .. .. ..
_. .
. , .._I
....... We. c.annot bel@, but ,'feel that:..we .&av.e.~ been ... outrigh.$. :deci
... .. -. .. .*:
. :. ' . . i ' . . f what. the. city,' s inkended .use of .%he sewer was'. .. .. .. .. ...
A couple of months ago various neighbors who inquired
.. ..
* e
We-know about the Vista-Carlsbad agreement requiring thc day test period, in which 30 days would have sewage run1 through u1.e plant, in exchange for leased oapacity at the En(
plant from Vista. That agreement provides. that Vista has
power to cancel the leased capacity at any time by giving wri. notice. ' Mhen that notice is given, Carlsbad has 180 dm replace the needed capacity in one of 3 ways: 1. Activate the Calavera Hills HZ0 treatment plant 2. Transfer the sewer flows for treatment by the 1 of Oceans ide. 3. Get into another lease with another Encina owne What does not make sense is that the Calavera Hills sewer ca be immediately activated; not even' 180 days under the agree is sufficient to get this plant in operation--instead it's like 2 years according to the previous speakers who researched this area thoroughly, So, the need to run this s test to begin with under the guise-of the Vista agreement baffled those of us who are. just trying to understand 8x8 ... what the City is intending to do with this plant. Since residents were not even informed about the sewer, and in wsre told it was.never%o operate or that it was not a sewer cannot help but wonder why the City Council.has now seen ehe to conduct this 30 day test. We sinberely hope that the tes not a hint of planned permanent use of the plant, Furthermore,. during-the. 30 d~sewage, and a few w
. . preceding the aotuel. *'sewer run, the plant was . very . .nc particularly at night. The highest noise was noticed the wee
before the raw' sewage was dumped in with some heavy,-loud pun: noises that entire weekend. There was an obvious difference the prior peaceful environment we had prior to February 1 The noise was so bad that I personally called in a compla only to have the newspapers respond with an interview of officials insinuating there was no noise since the plant had even been "running". This was outright deception, because
the surrounding neighbors will agree there was a lot of n before the March 21, sewage running. As concerned citizen
Carlsbad, one does not appreciate an insinuation that a compl is unfounded with the use of semantics. Most people are pu
pretty far before they bother to complain and we had endur couple weeks of disturbing noise before I took time to compla Also, during the 30 day test period there was a SatL morning when many neighbors noticed an odor of raw sewage. it was investigated, it was learned that the two odor mas chemicals both ran out at the same time! This is just withir: the short testing period, where a low capacity of sewage was We rightfully have great concern if the plant were to OPE permanently, at full capacity. Also, the chemicals involved the treatment are a concerned to those who often get breezes. do not want to be subjected to disease or illness. We also contend the 10 year old Environmental Impact RE
is outdated and is unacceptable with the substantial change has occurred in the Calavera Hills area. 10 years ago, t were no homes, but rather merely vacant property. The develc who cared only to develop the hundreds of acres in the E
e e
would have agreed to anything to get his sewer permits app
at a time when there was a freeze on sewer permits.
developer proposed building his own sewage plant within 180 , of future homes, when ehepe were no homeuwners to 'object.
proposal was accepted, but before the plant was complete(
Encina plant had sufficient capacity to handle Calavera I
sewage, so the Calavera plant was never operated, nor wl completed to be operational. The EIR would not get app
today since the area has changed quite dramatically. We fl
new EIR must be developed with input from homeowners givei
consideration as deserved.
Regardless if there were intentional failures to disl the existence of the sewer, or mere neglect occurred, we wil
sit back and allow anyone to operate this plant wi.
We believe we have a strong legal leg to stand on due tc
abundance of misinformation and deception, and there is a
big class of homeowners affected.by the failure to disclasc plant by the city and developers, however, we hope to avoid 1
forced into legal action, which we hope will be unnecessary L
all accurate reports are completed regarding this unnecess
and downright unhealthy sewer.
We urge the City Council to dismantle this sewer.
April 18, 1989
Mr. George Smith
4378 Stanford Street
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Dear Mr. Smith:
Thank you for bringing in the copies of the petitions
regarding the Calavera Hills Water Treatment facility.
The copies have been distributed to the other Council
Members, and the original you gave me has been filed
with the City Clerk, so it will remain a matter of
public record with the Clerk.
I look forward to seeing you at the Council meeting
of May 2, 1989.
cc: City Clerk
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 - (619) 434
’I e a J ,-. +>&d i”
April 13, I989
Council members: Ann Kulchin
flark Pettine
John flamaux
Eric Larson City Manager: Way Patchett
RE: Calavara Hills Water Treatment Facility
The attached letter was written about thirty (301 days ago.
few of our neighbors read the letter and expressed a strang
desire to affix their names to it. Soon a ground swell of
interest in signing the letter resulted in the signatures yc
see. We have become an organized interest group with a comn
desire to have the Calavera Hills Sewage Plant dismantled ar
retired from service. This group contains participants fron neighborhoods all around the Northeast quadrant of Carlsbad,
We will be presenting our views before the council at an up-
coming meeting, and will appreciate your support at future
council decisions which will have much influence on the qual
of life in our neighborhood and in our city.
We feel that we are victims. Many of us asked questions of
employees about the plant before we purchased our homes and
told it would never be used. We are asking for your help.
you are not responsive to our needs, where do we turn?
Thank you very much for your consideration in this very impc
matter. We wish to make Carlsbad a better place to live. \
your help we will accomplish that goal.
a 0 c
TO: Mayor Lewis, Councilpersons Larson, Kulchin, Mamaux and
Petti ne
Concerned citizens residing in. the area of the Calavara Hills Water Treatment Plant
As property owners in areas surrounding the Water Treatment Plant (Sewage Plant), we are very distressed with the City’s actions in operating the Plant.
We would like to be good neighbors amd good citizens within the
city, and we understand that the lease agreement with Vista requires a sixty (60) day test of this treatment facility with thirty (30) days of the test actually processing raw sewage. this procedure without threat of legal action , review of environmental impact report, noise abatement complaints or other delaying tactics, providing the Council is willing to support our efforts after the test.
We want Lake- Calavara tiills Water Treatinent Plant dismantled forever. We do not want raw sewage in our neighborhood. We want to ‘continue to enjoy the fresh air of Carlsbad. We do not want to live with our doors and windows closed to avoid odors and noise. Shutting this plant down is the only way our lifestyles and property values can be protected.
We are willing to submit to
ADDRESS , ---e NAME -----
-4 ’TLa-LkaTy ----------- -2]2% - UdQK --- --------- (0 4.u f ---qp!CL%YLa ........................ J7cI I VI c -lGv,Lt - ---- &e --- ------ ‘22-
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-L - ~ -. . TO ; mayor g *.?)is, COUnCilperSOnS Larson, .Kulchin, Mzmeux, Pettine
Concerned citizens residing in the area of the Calat Water Treatment Plant
As property owners in areas surrounding the Water Treatn
Plant (Sewage Plant), we are very distressed with the City’s actions in operating the Plant.
We would like to be good neighbors and good citizens wit
the city, and we understand that the lease agreement with Uii requires a sixty (601 day test of this treatment facility wit
thirty (301 days of the test actually processing raw sewage
are willing to submit to this procedure without threat of leg
action, review of environmental impact report, noise abaternel
complaints or other delaying tactics, providing the Council 2
willing to support our efforts after the test.
We want Lake Calavera Hills Water Treatment Plant dismal 1
forever. We do not want raw sewage in our nelghborhood.
want to continue to enjoy the fresh air of Carlsbad. We do 1 want to live with our doors and windows closed to avoid odor!
noise. Shutting this plant down is the only way our lifest! and property values can be protected.
-. \. -
a 0
CL-4LltnI A. dAs)q cJyr7 &KUA/w/C/.t -
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- sccuch -.--- I &v? &A& l..l....~_..__ Ff CaciQ
e 0
- - _I__--_-_ -I---..-- -
e m
TO; Mayor Lewis, Councilpersons Larson, Kulchin, Mamaux
FROM : Concerned citizens residing in the area of the Calai
Water Treatment Plant
As property owners in areas surrounding the Water Treat1
Plant (Sewage Plant), we are very distressed with the City's
actions in operating the Plant.
We would like to be good neighbors and good citizens wid
the city, and we understand that the lease agreement with Vi
requires a sixty C60> day test of this treatment facility wi.
thirty (30) days of the test actually processing raw sewage
are willing to submit to this procedure without threat of lei
action, review of environmental impact report, noise abateme
complaints or other delaying tactics, providing the Council
willing to support our efforts after the test.
We want Lake Calavera Hills Water Treatment Plant disma
forever. We do not want raw sewage in our neighborhood.
want to continue to enjoy the fresh air of Carlsbad.
want to live with our doors and windows closed to avoid odor
noise. Shutting this plant down is the only way our lifest
and property values can be protected.
We do
Name Address zip Lb2%qw /v1 /L&P- 452 6 tjMrwp ?ma7 92m
% j&Y) ~1over CIS2 In tfCf3ff)yi p\ 012Q(
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aw &m w& w%J-
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------^__ -I^__------I-__I __- ______-___ "_ ___________ &w_--
0 0
TO: Mayor Lewis, Councilpersons Larson , Kulchin, Mamaux and
FROM: Concerned citizens residing in. the area of the Calavara Hills
As property owners in areas surrounding the Water Treatment Plant
Petti ne
Water Treatment Plant
(Sewage Plant), we are very distressed with the City's actions in operating the Plant.
We would like to be good neighbors and good citizens within the city, and we understand that the lease agreement with Vista requires a sixty (60) day test of this treatment facility with thirty (30) days of the test actually processing raw sewage. We are willing to submit to this procedure without threat of legal action , review of environmental impact report, noise abatement complaints or other delaying tactics, providing the Council is willing to support our efforts after the test.
We want Lake Calavara Hills Water Treatment Plant dismantled forever. We do not want raw sewage in our neighborhood. We want to continue to enjoy the fresh air of Carlsbad. We do not want to live with our doors and windows. closed to avoid odors and noise. Shutting this plant down is the only way our lifestyles and property values can be protected.
-e---- 92&-&2dkL -------- .i:
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a 0 <
TO; Mayor Lewis, Councilpersons Larson, Kulchin, Mamaux,
FROM: Concerned citizens residing in the area of the Calav
Water Treatment Plant
As property owners in areas surrounding the Water Treatrr
Plant (Sewage Plant), we are very distressed with the City's
actions in operating the Plant.
We would like to be good neighbors and good citizens wit
the city, and we understand that the lease agreement with Vi5
requires a sixty (60) day test of this treatment facility wit thirty (301 days of the test actually processing raw sewage .
are willing to submit to this procedure without threat of leg
action, review of environmental impact report, noise abatemer
complaints or other delaying tactics, providing the Council i
willing to support our efforts after the test.
We want Lake Calavera Hills Water Treatment Plant dismal
want to continue to enjoy the fresh air of Carlsbad, We do 1
want to live with our doors and windows closed to avoid odor!
noise. Shutting this plant down is the only way our lifest!
and property values can be protected.
forever, We do not want raw sewage in our neighborhood. I
Name Address Zip
:&&-& L. J++3 w , /A? %3/-A/35
l ./j&LJ -.& fvu 3q37 &2+%&&L& $7. e<- 3 6.
a 2;~ a+37 % 3 67. it3G-31
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e m
,1' TO: Mayor Lewis, Council persons Larson, Kulchin, Mamaux and P etti ne
FROM: Concerned citizens residing in- the area of the Calavara Hills
As property owners in areas surrounding the Water Treatment Plant
Water Treatment Plant
(Sewage Plant), we are very distressed with the City's actions in operating the Plant.
We would like to be good neighbors and good citizens within the city, and we understand that the lease agreement with Vista requires a sixty (60) day test of this treatment facility with thirty (30) days of the test actually processing raw sewage. this procedure without threat of legal action, review of environmental impact report, noise abatement complaints or other delaying tactics, providing the Council is willing to support our efforts after the test.
We want Lake Calavara Hills Water Treatment Plant dismantled forever. We do not want raw sewage in our neighborhood. We want to continue to enjoy the fresh air of Carlsbad. We do not want to live with our doors and windows closed to avoid odors and noise. Shutting this plant down is the only way our lifestyles and property values can be protected.
We are willing to submit to
__-------------- xy-J e - Q.@4 L!!l - &lc~L~L?J[x?w~ - -- - &.---
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&\ 7T3dkL -- ~~_=*aa-&d@Ks~&L--wA
4 0 0
TO; Mayor Lewis, Councilpersons Larson, Kulchin, Mamaux,
FROM : Concerned citizens residing in the area of the Gala\
Water Treatment Plant
As property owners in areas surrounding the Water Treatn
Plant (Sewage Plant), we are very distressed with the City's
actions in operating the Plant.
We would like to be good neighbors and good citizens wit
the city, and we understand that the lease agreement with Ui*
requires a sixty (601 day test of this treatment facility wi-
thirty C301 days of the test actually processing raw sewage
are willing to submit to this procedure without threat of le]
action, review of environmental impact report, noise abateme
complaints or other delaying tactics, providing the Council
willing to support our efforts after the test.
We want Lake Calavera Hills Water Treatment Plant dismal
forever. We do not want raw sewage in our neighborhood.
want to continue to enjoy the fresh air of Carlsbad. We do 1
want to live with our doors and windows closed to avoid odor
noise, Shutting this plant down is the only way our lifest!
and property values can be protected.
\ \c/\cw-w--- i. dh XW am^,^^-, Ru c I
z - e 0
- -_-_--___- ~ - -_^... - -I
c. d W 6 --
TO; Mayor Lewis, Councilpersons Larson, Kulchin, Mamaux,
FROM : Concerned citizens residing in the area of the Calav
Water Treatment Plant
As property owners in areas surrounding the Water Treatm
Plant (Sewage Plant), we are very distressed with the City’s
actions in operating the Plant.
/ We would like to be good neighbors and good citizens wit
the city, and we understand that the lease agreement with Vis
requires a sixty (60) day test of this treatment facility wit
thirty (30) days of the test actually processing raw sewage .
are willing to submit to this procedure without threat of le€
action, review of environmental impact report, noise abatemer
complaints or other delaying tactics, providing the Council i
willing to support our efforts after the test.
We want Lake Calavera Hills Water Treatment Plant dismar
want to continue to enjoy the fresh air of Caqlsbad. We do r
want to live with our doors and windows closed to avoid odor2
noise. Shutting this plant dawn is the only’way our lifest!
and property values can be protected.
forever. We do not want raw sewage in our neighborhood. b
i I
Name Address Zip
a a
-- -
0 m \ 5.
TO; Mayor Lewis, Councilpersons Larson, Kulchin, Mamaux
FROM: Concerned citizens residing in the area of the Calac
Water Treatment Plant
As property owners in areas surrounding the Water Treat1
Plant CSewage Plant), we are very distressed with the City’s
actions in operating the Plant.
We would like to be good neighbors and good citizens wii
the city, and we understand that the lease agreement with Uit
requires a sixty (601 day test of this treatment facility wi’
thirty (301 days of the test actually processing raw sewage
are willing to submit to this procedure without threat of lei
action, review of environmental impact report, noise abateme
complaints or other delaying tactics, providing the Council willing to support our efforts after the test.
forever. We do not want raw sewage in our neighborhood.
want to contsinue to enjoy the fresh air of Carlsbad.
want to live with our doors and windows closed to avoid odor
noise. Shutting this plant down is the only way our lifest
and property values can be protected.
We want Lake Calavera Hills Water Treatment Plant disrna
We do
?& Address =-F+
ua p& y3Ua.,& c.- QA. - 43q-Q
F a 0 i.
%‘ ‘2
I e 0 0
TO: Mayor Lewis, Council persons Larson, Kulchin, Mamaux and
FROM: Concerned citizens residing in. the area of the Calavara Hills
As property owners in areas surrounding the Water Treatment Plant
Petti ne
Water Treatment Plant
(Sewage Plant), we are very distressed with the City's actions in operating the Plant.
We would like to be good neighbors and good citizens within the city, and we understand that the lease agreement with Vista requires a sixty (60) day test of this treatment facility with thirty (30) days of the test actually processing raw sewage. We are willing to submit to this procedure without threat of legal action, review of environmental
impact report, noise abatement complaints or other delaying tactics, providing the Council is willing to support our efforts after the test.
We want Lake Calavara Hills Water Treatment Plant dismantled forever. We do not want raw sewage in our neighborhood. We want to continue to enjoy the fresh air of Carlsbad. We do not want to live with our doors and windows closed to avoid odors and noise. Shutting this plant down is the only way our lifestyles and property values can be protected.
-___------ 2833 -- @A- ----------------------------1 6.
-------- 2-kLl -liiJj.$&.xLLL- ----------------- a11 N -L----c ----------- fa --d
-___------ 283q H\U~$b~ ----- ------------------- CF 72
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8-84s ............................... d/cmmh c;- -73
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$3 4
--2-%3 ----------- s- /fiL& QLQ ------------ r/- zz-
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A!L?)--~d&GS-ka--L~ -------___ 543
1, $3 't & 2Z-h
c 0 ADDRESS ---- 0 NAME ----
Y3 cf-
----------- $59 ----.
--------------- 4!2k
-----e 72Q.
------ Y52.
----- 4!&
* 0 435l
434 - =57 e - d:@ ---
TO; Mayor Lewis, Councilpersons Larson, Kulchin, flamaux,
FROM : Concerned citizens residing in the area of the Calavi
Water Treatment Plant
As property owners in areas surrounding the Water Treatm
Plant (Sewage Plant), we are very distressed with the City’s
actions in operating the Plant.
We would like to be good neighbors and good citizens wit
the city, and we understand that the lease agreement with Vis
requires a sixty (601 day test of this treatment facility wit
thirty (30) days of the test actually processing raw sewage .
are willing to submit to this procedure without threat of le€
action, review of environmental impact report, noise abatemer
complaints or other delaying tactics, providing the Council i
willing to support our efforts after the test.
We want Lake Calavera Hills Water Treatment Plant dismar
want to continue to enjoy the fresh air of Carlsbad. We do r
want to live with our doors and windows closed to avoid odor:
noise, Shutting this plant down is the only way our lifest!
and property values can be protected.
Forever. We do not want raw sewage in our neighborhood. IJ
Name Address Zip
. - 0 0
_-_--_-I_I_- _--I---__.___ ----- ---^- ----I-_- _I_----.. 3
e 0 /
TO; Mayor Lewis, Councilpersons Larson, Kulchin, Mamaux
FROM : Concerned citizens residing in the area of the Calal
Water Treatment Plant
As property owners in areas surrounding the Water Treat1
Plant (Sewage Plant], we are very distressed with the City’s actions in operating the Plant.
We would like to be good neighbors and good citizens wi.
the city, and we understand that the lease agreement with Ui
requires a sixty (601 day test of this treatment facility wi.
thirty (301 days of the test actually processing raw sewage
are willing to submit to this procedure without threat of lei
action, review of environmental impact report, noise abateme
complaints or other delaying tactics, providing the Council
willing to support our efforts after the test.
We want Lake Calavera Hills Water Treatment Plant dismaq
forever. We do not want raw sewage in our neighborhood.
want to continue to enjoy the fresh air of Carlsbad. We do q
want to live with our doors and windows closed to avoid odor
noise. Shutting this plant down is the only way our lifestl
and property values can be protected.
Address Zip
0 m
%x3 -&J 4 %m
I..,’ -
- -
- ___ __ - ______ __-__c......- -- 4
e 0
TO: Mayor Lewis, Councilpersons tarson, Kulchin, Mamaux and
FROM: Concerned citizens residing in. the area of the Calavara Hills
As property owners in areas surrounding the Water Treatment Plant
Petti ne
Water Treatment Plant
(Sewage Plant), we are very distressed with the City's actions in operating the Plant.
We would like to be good neighbors and good citizens within the city, and we understand that the lease agreement with Vista requires a sixty (60) day test of this treatment facility with thirty (30) days of the test actually processing raw sewage. this procedure without threat of legal action, review of environmental impact report, noise abatement complaints or other delaying tactics, providing the Council is willing to support our efforts after the test.
We want Lake Calavara Hills Water Treatment Plant dismantled forever. We do not want raw sewage in our neighborhood. We want to continue to enjoy the fresh air of Carlsbad. We do not want to live with our doors and windows closed to avoid odors and noise. Shutting this plant down is the only way our lifestyles and property values can be protected.
We are willing to submit to
--- -,,-d- ,,,,,-,,,,,-,-,~-,,,,-,----------------------------- 77L 0 $6LL+r9NLJ 72 2:-
7 lQLqLC$Jd2%5aL%&- .F ---- q;pj - e- r
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- Ad&$*;.&--- ."r' NAME_ ---A-
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QW&$r) t,U La -7 fvXL=--- 3--)%&9Lcj&< 724
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, a * ----- ADDRESS NAME ----
-,--------------i-----;------------------------------------------- I I TqY Til i iX5A &&Ck&- (44- -
QK/&UGiP Liiv&yc./A .3 727 g&w&&- L /&? -7 q-1
><. y LhJ3iiL ---- A&L?LLk:c- ---- cr ----
------------ -L/-,L-,,------ x------ - -’-----------------------
6. - e 0 -. ,
TO: Mayor Lewis, Council persons Larson, Kulchin, Mamaux and
FROM: Concerned citizens residing in the area of the Calavara Hills
As property owners in areas surrounding the Water Treatment Plant
Petti ne
Water Treatment Plant
(Sewage Plant), we are very distressed with the City's actions in operating the Plant.
We would like to be good neighbors and good citizens within the city, and we understand that the lease agreement with Vista requires a sixty (60) day test of this treatment facility with thirty (30) days of the test actually processing raw sewage. We are willing to submit to this procedure without threat of legal action, review of environmental impact report, noise abatement complaints or other delaying tactics, providing the Council is willing to support our efforts after the test.
We want Lake Calavara Hills Water Treatment Plant dismantled forever. We do not want raw sewage in our neighborhood. We want to continue to enjoy the fresh air of Carlsbad. We do not want to live with our doors and windows closed to avoid odors and noise. Shutting this plant down is the only way our lifestyles and property values can be protected.
ADDRESS 1 ---- NAME -----
Z2LU* -- -- -- u -
__ A&'L&&!h2?,--,~
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I a 0 ----- ADDRESS
NAME ----
------------ 45-4 - &-----1
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pJ+(&fpdLW rl A&,R-r fiJd6(%-" Iu "I. L&, fi .: ',&h Eh,Ld&p
TO: Mayor Lewis, Council persons Larson , Kulchin, Mamaux and
FROM: Concerned citizens residing in. the area of the Calavara Hills
As property owners in areas surrounding the Water Treatment Plant
P etti ne
Water Treatment Plant
(Sewage Plant), we are very distressed with the City's actions in operating the Plant.
We would like to be good neighbors and good citizens within the city, and we understand that the lease agreement with Vista requires a sixty (60) day test of this treatment facility with thirty (30) days of the test actually processing raw sewage. We are willing to submit to this procedure without threat of legal action, review of environmental impact report, noise abatement complaints or other delaying tactics, providing the Council is willing to support our efforts after the test.
We want Lake Calavara Hills Water Treatment Plant dismantled forever. We do not want raw sewage in our neighborhood. We want to continue to enjoy the fresh air of Carlsbad. We do not want to li,ve with our doors and windows closed to avoid odors and noise. Shutting this plant down is the only way our lifestyles and property values can be protected.
ADDRESS ----- NAME ----
21?3- ...........................
-------- 3ZL
0 0 /
TO: Mayor Lewis, Council persons Larson, Kulchin, Mamaux and
FROM: Concerned citizens residing in. the area of the Calavara Hills
As property Qwners in areas surrounding the Water Treatment Plant
Petti ne
Water Treatment Plant
(Sewage Plant), we are very distressed with the City's actions in operating the Plant.
We would like to be good neighbors and good citizens within the city, and we understand that the lease agreement with Vista requires a sixty (60) day test of this treatment facility with thirty (30) days of the test actually processing raw sewage. We are willing to submit to this procedure without threat of legal action, review of environmental impact reDort, noise abatement complaints or other delaying tactics, providing the Council is willing to support our efforts after the test.
We want Lake Calavara Hills Water Treatment Plant disma'ntled forever. We do not want raw sewage in our neighborhood. We want to continue to enjoy the fresh air of Carlsbad. We do not want to live with our doors and windows closed to avoid odors and noise. Shutting this plant down is the only way our lifestyles and property values can be protected.
0 0 /
TO; Mayor Lewis, Councilpersons Larson, Kulchin, Mamaux,
FROM : Concerned citizens residing in the area of the Calai
Water Treatment Plant
As property owners in areas surrounding the Water Treatn
Plant CSewage Plant), we are very distressed with the City's
actions in operating the Plant.
We would like to be good neighbors and good citizens wit
the city, and we understand that the lease agreement with Uir
requires a sixty C601 day test of this treatment facility wit
thirty (30) days of the test actually processing raw sewage
are willing to submit to this procedure without threat of leg
action, review of environmental impact report, noise abatemer
complaints or other delaying tactics, providing the Council j
willing to support our efforts after the test.
We want Lake Calavera Hills Water Treatment Plant dismal
want to continue to enjoy the fresh air of Carlsbad. We do I
want to live with our doors and windows closed to avoid odor1
noise. Shutting this plant down is the only way our lifest!
and property values can be protected.
forever. We do not want raw sewage in our neighborhood. I
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JB& / pl& - 4774 STitLFORa sr c4RC 'Ye b qi
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TO; Mayor Lewis, Councilpersons Larson, Kulchin, Mamaux,
FROM : Concerned citizens residing in the area of the Calav
Water Treatment Plant
As property owners in areas surrounding the Water Treatrn Plant CSewage Plant), we are very distressed with the City’s
actions in operating the Plant.
We would like to be good neighbors and good citizens wit
the city, and we understand that the lease agreement with Uis
requires a sixty (601 day test of this treatment facility wit
thirty (30) days of the test actually processing raw sewage .
are willing to submit to this procedure without threat of leg action, review of environmental impact report, noise abatemer
complaints or other delaying tactics, providing the Council i
willing to support our efforts after the test.
We want Lake Calavera Hills Water Treatment Plant dismar
1 Forever. We do not want raw sewage in our neighborhood.
want to continue to enjoy the fresh air of Carlsbad. We do T
want to live with our doors and windows closed to avoid odor!
noise. Shutting this plant down is the only way our lifestk
and property values can be protected.
Zip Name Address
- --
/. 0 a
TO:.. Mayor Lewis, Council persons Larson, Kulchin, Mamaux and
FROM: Concerned citizens residing in. the area of the Calavara Hills
As property owners in areas surrounding the Water Treatment Plant (Sewage Plant), we are very distressed with the City's actions in operating the Plant.
We would like to be good neighbors and good citizens within the city, and we understand that the lease agreement with Vista requires a sixty (60) day test of this treatment facility with thirty (30) days of the test actually processing raw sewage. We are willing to submit to this procedure without threat of legal action, review of environmental impact report, noise abatement complaints or other delaying tactics, providing the Council is willing to support our efforts after the test.
We want Lake Calavara Hills Water Treatment Plant dismantled forever. We do not want raw sewage in our neighborhood. We want to continue to enjoy the fresh air of Carlsbad. We do not want to live with our doors and windows closed to avoid odors and noise. Shutting this plant down is the only way our lifestyles and property values can be protected.
Petti ne
. Water Treatment Plant
/ 0
* 0
TO: Mayor Lewis, Council persons Larson, Kulchin, Mamaux and
FROM: Concerned citizens residing in. the area of the Calavara Hills
As property owners in areas surrounding the Water Treatment Plant
Petti ne
Water Treatment Plant
(Sewage Plant), we are very distressed with the City's actions in operating the Plant.
We would like to be good neighbors and good citizens within the city, and we understand that the lease agreement with Vista requires a sixty (60) day test of this treatment facility with thirty (30) days of the test actually processing raw sewage. We are willing to submit to this procedure without threat of legal action, review of environmental impact report, noise abatement complaints or other delaying tactics, providing the Council is willing to support our efforts after the test.
We want Lake Calavara Hills Water Treatment Plant dismantled forever. We do not want raw sewage in our neighborhood. We want to continue to enjoy the fresh air of Carlsbad. We do not want to live with our doors and windows closed to avoid odors and noise. Shutting this plant down is the only way our lifestyles and property values can be protected.
ADDRESS --- NAME -34 2 758 Td derness >Q. __--__----_---______------------_ ___------------- 322
72 4
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TO; Mayor Lewis, Councilpersons Larson, Kulchin, Mamaux,
Concerned citizens residing in the area of the Calav
Water Treatment Plant
r. ' Pettine
As property owners in areas surrounding the Water Treatm Plant (Sewage Plant), we are very distressed with the City's
actions in operating the Plant.
We would like to be good neighbors and good citizens wit the city, and we understand that the lease agreement with Uis
requires a sixty (601 day test of this treatment facility wit
thirty (301 days of the test actually processing raw sewage . are willing to submit to this procedure without threat of lag
action, review of environmental impact report, noise abatemer
complaints or other delaying tactics, providing the Council i
willing to support our &forts after the test.
We want Lake Calavera Hills Water Treatment Plant dismar b
forever. We do not want raw sewage in our neighborhood.
want to continue to enjoy the fresh air of Carlsbad. We do r want to live with our doors and windows closed to avoid odor:
noise. Shutting this plant down is the only way our lifest&
and property values can be protected.
Name Address Zip
____________________--------------------_-_-_-------- -______-__.
-4- I) 9
TO; Mayor Lewis, Councilpersons Larson, Kulchin, Mamaux,
3 Pettine
1 FROM : Concerned citizens residing in the area of the Calav
Water Treatment Plant
As property owners in areas surrounding the Water Treatm Plant (Sewage Plant), we are very distressed with the City’s
actions in operating the Plant.
We would like to be good.neighbors and good citizens wit
the city, and we understand that the lease agreement with Vi.
requires a sixty (60) day test of this treatment facility wit
thirty (30) days of the test actually processing raw sewage ,
are willing to submit to this procedure without threat of leg
action, review of environmental impact report, noise abatemer
complaints or other delaying tactics, providing the Council i
willing to support our efforts after the test.
We want Lake Calavera Hills Water Treatment Plant dismal
want to continue to enjoy the fresh air of Carlsbad. We do I
want to live with our doors and windows closed to avoid odor!
noise. Shutting this plant down is the only way our lifest!
and property values can be protected.
forever. We do not want raw sewage in our neighborhood. 1
-I ---I__
- -
la - ’% IT!
Date 41211
0 Reply Wanted To File
From Karen ONo Reply Necessary
The information requested by Council on 5/2/89 regarding costs and effec
of dismantling the Calavera Hills plant is included in the Water Reclami
Master Plan, which was approved by the Water District Board on 3/3/92.
(See CMWD AB#154)