HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-06-06; City Council; 10062; CHILD CARE COMMISSION ORDINANCEA -. M ac a *rl -rl k $4 ao u Ord ok u $4c a0 Mu (d Ga g: 2 '5 hw ow .rl (d vu 0 al .c CH uo ac a0 u -4 00 al -4 a$4 a a GM (dG .rl rnk nC ha I uu * mea ZOM ua 1 464 amu @E aw oc c u $4-4 -4 0 g *rl c-l rJ +J (d Z do0 G $4 a -4.4 u o -U .I-! 2 e-rl 1-d m G [ k3 .rl 0 $40 0-rl a WA ukw 100 Q ua 05 0 L) c t 0 1 % \ \D 9 o\ co \ \c) g u $ z g 0 6 b8* - CyY OF CARLSBAD - AGE- BILL AB# /e> f16A TITLE: DEP' MTG. 6/6/89 CHILD CARE COMMISSION ORDINANCE CITY CITY DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Determine i f "Sunset C1 ause" should be incorporated into ordi nar 2. Introduce Ordinance No. reating the Carlsbad Child Care Commissic 3. Direct staff to incorporate the Child Care Commission Budget into 1 RES creating the Child Care Commission. City's 1989-90 Budget. ITEM EXPLANATION: Child Care Commission Ordinance The City Council, at its April 11, 1989 meeting, decided to form a Child Ci Commission. The City Attorney has prepared the ordinance creating a Carlst Child Care Commission, which is attached as Exhibit 1. There were sevei other important issues regarding the Child Care Commission discussed at 1 City Council meeting. These issues are outlined below to receive guidar in implementing the Carlsbad Child Care Commission and to provide approprii staffing for the Commission. Child Care Sunset Clause The City Council discussed a four-year Child Care Commission sunset clai to be incorporated into the ordinance creating the Child Care Commissic The City Attorney has incorporated such a clause within the ordinal (Section 2.30.100) for City Council consideration. As the Sunset Clause now written, the Child Care Commission ordinance will be repealed four ye; from the date of the enactment of the ordinance, unless an action by the C Council Child Care Commission Remonsibilities The Child Care Commission is an advisory commission to the City Council, ( is charged with furthering the City's adopted Child Care Policy, acting a facilitator, encouraging the private and public sectors to become partnc in child care services; acting as a public forum to enable all interes. parties to address child care needs; and being an advisor on child cl matters, as requested by the City Council. The City Council discussed charging the Child Care Commission to do ne1 assessments in each of the city's four quadrants, plus consider acquirini site in each quadrant that would be available to lease out on a joint vent basis for a child care center. either deletes the Sunset Clause provision, or extends the time. d 0 0 -, PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL # /&, DLz The City Council also clearly stated that in implementing the responsibilities the City is not in the business of providing child care. Chi 1 d Care Commission Staff Support Budqet The budgets vary for each commission, board or committee within the Ci structure. Departments absorb the staffing and supply costs in differe ways, depending on the commission/cornmittee. The Child Care Commissi staffing and program costs are presented below. Included is a full ti general management staff Jwson, with part time clerical support. All ott costs include office start-up and furnishings costs, as well as office sp; rental : Budqet Yearlv Cost Full time personnel $ 62,500 Maintenance & operation 25,500 Capital costs 2,000 TOTAL : s 90,000 Fundi nci Source The Child Care Commission's funding source will be the General Fund. FISCAL IMPACT: The first year funding is estimated to be $90,000. EXH I BITS : 1. Child Care Ordinance. d-wo. 9 I x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Oal cn> SwZ 13 kE& %<:OS 14 OOQQ Z>iZ bsg 15 m oak u. sad >ma SUcnCJ wZ&o 16 qgy >rq 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o;g2 2083 &v 0 0 ORDINANCE NO. NS-73 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AMENDING TITLE 2 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 2.30 CREATING A CHILD CARE COMMISSION The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Californ: ordain as follows: WHEREAS, the City Council acknowledges the import; affordable and accessible quality child care; and WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes the detrimentz impact that the lack of such affordable child care has individual, the family, the work place, and the community; WHEREAS, the number of families seeking affoi quality child care services greatly exceeds the current supp: WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad intends to take an role in the development, coordination and promotion of coopc among parents, employees, child care professionals, e1 organizati.ons, businesses, educators, community leader government officials; and WHEREAS, the common goal of such partnership increase the availability of accessible and affordable chilc and WHEREAS, the City has determined to amend the Li Element of its General Plan to encourage and promo1 establishment of child care facilities in safe and con’ locations throughout the community to accommodate the t demand for child care in the community caused by demog. economic and soc;ial forces. P.9 NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of C1 does ordain as follows: 6 I(, I. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 n l2 m>Z SIlJ% 13 5408 $E& 0:$2 so<< -'z l4 $umo E$&b 16 ZO?j$ qgy >s?% 60 l7 18 l9 20 21 oz+z mGOg 15 U'<J >ma e 0 SECTION I: That Title 2 of the Carlsbad Municipz is amended by the addition of Chapter 2.30 to read as folic "Chapter 2.30 Child Care Commission Sections: 2.30.010 Created. 2.30.020 Purpose. 2.30.030 Membership. 2.30.040 Meetings, 2.30.050 Compensation. 2.30.060 Duties. 2.30.070 2.30.080 Sunset clause. 2.30.010 Child Care Commission created. A Child Care Commission of the City is created. 2.30.020 Pumose. The purpose of the Child Care Commission is to adv City Council on the implementation of that portion of the Li Element of the General Plan adopted to encourage and promc establishment of child care facilities in safe and con7 locations throughout the community to accommodate the < demand for child care in the community caused by demog- economic and social forces. Powers delegated to commission to be ad7 2.30.030 Membershb. The Child Care Commission shall consist of seven appointed by the mayor with the approval of the City Counc the members so appointed, three shall be for a term of three two shall be for a term of two years, and two shall be for of one year. Their successors shall be appointed for a . four years. shall be residents of the City of Carlsbad. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner. 2.30.040 Meetinqs. The Child Care Commission shall meet regularly ~ 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 month, or more frequently if necessary, for the transacl business. Its meetings shall be open to the public. Thl Care Commission shall elect a charperson and a vice-chai from its membership who shall hold office for one year. Th Care Commission may establish its own rules and pro necessary for the conduct of its business. Four member: constitute a quorum. 2.30.050 ComDensation. The child Care Commission shall act without compen 2.30.060 Duties. The Child Care Commission shall act in an adviso 2 I * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Om 13 $E& Ea08 0;$3 ooaa 14 Z>dZ O+s= mGoE 15 t~ >ma *a~ Swm0 yZ$6 16 ZOJQ, >2% 17 to l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 sugj m> qgz 0 a a to the City Council and shall provide support, advic assistance as well as recommendations as to how to monit evaluate child care delivery in the City. The Chilc Commission shall make recommendations to the City Council matter referred to it within 30 days. Failure to make recommendation to the City Council within such time period be deemed to be approval of the matter so referred. Th Council may by resolution establish specific functions f Child Care Commission. 2.30.070 Powers delesated to commission to be adv Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as restr or curtailing any of the powers of the City Council, 01 delegation to the Child Care Commission of any of the author discretionary powers vested and imposed by law in the City Cc The City Council declares that the public interest, convenier welfare required the appointment of a Child Care Commission in a purely advisory capacity to the City Council for the pu enumerated herein. Any power herein delegated to the Chi1 Commission to adopt rules and regulations shall not be cor as a delegation of legislative authority but purely a dele of administrative authority. 2.30.080 Sunset clause. This chapter shall remain in effect only for four from the date of its enactment and as of that date is reF unless a later enacted chapter deletes or extends that date This ordinance shall be effective days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days aft6 adoption. EFFECTIVE DATE: INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting Carlsbad City Council on the 6 th day of June and thereafter 1 n 3 t c' b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Dm sum m>E 13 #+zm %$"Z 96;: Z>ji 14 Ql-sg mbau- 15 u'ui >mu gwmv EZ26 16 208s S$gy >:'9 17 Lv 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 'I i rl) e PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of tl Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 20th day of June 1989, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Mamaux & Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: Council Members Kulchin & Larson APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY ATTEST : a.L&LR ALETHA L. RAU 6 4