HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-06-20; City Council; 10066; Approval of Out-of-State Travel and Trainingz 0 ~ ...I 0 z ::, 0 0 c11-OF CARLSBAD -AGENr~ BILL AB# 10, 0 (o (e MTG. 6/20/89 ncnT FIN -., .. , -, ·-------- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No.%9-1'18' authorizing out-of-state travel and training expenses for the Finance Director. ITEM EXPLANATION Each year the Government Finance Officer's Association (GFOA) selects approximately 50 City Managers and Finance Directors to participate in the Advanced Government Finance Institute. The Institute's program is designed for Finance Officials ~ho are at or near the top of their government's organizational structure. Participants are selected on the basis of their experience, government positi6ns, and educational background. The GFOA selected James Elliott, Finance Director for the City of Carlsbad, to participate in the Advanced Government Finance Institute for 1989. The GFOA's goal is to cre3te a student body that reflects geographic diversity and a broad spectrum of types and sizes of governments. The curriculum will include studies of economics, capit~l improvement financing, management, and other areas taught by the instructors of the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University, New York. The Institute begins August 13, 1989 and runs through August 18, 1989. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost for attending the GFOA's Advanced Government Finance Institutj will be approximately $1,600. Funds can be made available through transfers within existing accounts in the general fund to cover these expenses. EXHIBITS: 1. 2. 3. 4. Copy of the description of the GFOA's Advanced. Government Finance Institute curriculum. Resolution No.@~,)~~uthorizing the Finance Director to attend the GFOA's Advanced Government Finance Institute. An invitation from the GFOA describing the day-by-day program. Letter dated May 10, 1989 notifying Finance Director of acceptance to the program . .,. The Day-by-Day Progra.m Evening of Arrival: Check-in, Informal Reception, Orientation Session Day One: A Changing Economic and Financial Environment Public finance is an applied science that d{'a!s in the very real world of what's going on in the economy and society at large, What's the front-page issue next year? And, is the economy going to surge or will it slump? Nobody knows, but whatever direction taken, state and local finances arc sure to be affected: • • • Trends in the National Economy: Deficits, Taxes, and Trade Demography and Technology: Their Impacts on State and Local Finances Fiscal Fortunes of States and Localitie5: Today and Tomorrow Day Two: Changing Public Policy Issues Every jurisdiction is faced with a procession of pressing policy issues, most of which will have implications for the finance official. Day two is devote:! to scanning the horizon for what are or S'}On will be the key issues that governments face and how they are likely to react and interact: • • • • Intergovernmental Relations: Who's Responsible and for What? Development Finance and Public Policy: Balancing Private Gain and Public Benefit Decision Makers' Dilemmas: Fiscal Impacts, Jmpa~1cs and Damage Control Day Three: Changing Financial Tools and Techniques Financial managers in the public sector find their technological environment and the high- tech tools available to them changing eYery day. This cay's session is devoted to scouting several of the latest developments to sec how they apply to the financial function, ranging from the rapid evolution of the microcomputer to conjuring up new sources of capital: • Microcomputers: What They Can ... and Cannot Do • International Financing--A New Dimension • Interjurisdictional Planning: Making It Work Day Four: Changing Management Styles and Oig3nizational St1ucture Chief financial officers are concerned not only with the substance of policy or. the mechanics of finance. To an increasing extent, they have the more general managerial concerns of organizing and motivating. the people in their charge to accomplish organization goals: • Management Styles: What Fits You? • Organizational Structure: Who's Really in Charge? • Analyzing Management Problems Day Five: Putting It All Together: Tactics As Part of Strategy Just about every decision that a chief financial official makes is part of a larger matrix of decisions that influence the longer-term objectives of the jurisdiction. Ne one has perfec~ foresi&ht, but bein$ able to identify the players, their motl.vations, the possible trade-offs, and the fu,urc implications of actions is an important asset to the manager/policymaker: • Strategic Planning: Separating Myth from Reality • Group Dynamics in Probler., Solving • Closing Luncheon and Ceremony l 3 4 RESOLUTION NO. 89-178 A RESOLUTION OF THE°CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL 5 WHEREAS, the City Council's policy on travel requires that any out- 6 of-state travel not previously approved by the adoption of the operating 7 budget must be approved by the City Council; and 8 WHEREAS, the Finance Director has been accepted to attend the 9 Government Finance Officer's Association's Advanced Government Finance 10 Institute in Syracuse, New York; ~nd 11 WHEREAS, the Finance Director's attendance at this Institute will 12 directly benefit the City of Carlsbad and the operation of the Finance 13 Department through improving the knowledge and skills of the Finance 14 Director; and 15 WHEREAS, funds can be made available within the existing operating 16 budget to cover the expenses of said travel. 17 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 18 Carlsbad, as follows: 19 20 /// 21 Ill 22 Ill 23 Ill 24 Ill 25 Ill 26 Ill 27 Ill 28 Ill 1. That the above citations are true and correct. J. 2. That the Finance Di rector is hereby .. authorized to attend the 2 I Government Finance Officer's Association's Advanced Government Finance 3 Institute in Syracuse, New York during the month of August, 1989. 4 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council at a regular 5 meeting thereof held on the lli.!L day of __,J:.:u=n-=-e ____ , 1989, by the 6 following vote, to wit: 7 a. 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25, 26 27 28 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Mamaux & Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: Council Members Kulchin & Cl ATTEST: (SEAL) IJ6, 06. 8:~ ·+-~ COSTA REA WATER"' .?03 AN INVITATION TO YOU ... Finance officers in state and local government ply their trade in an increasingly complex and volatile world. Not only must they remain proficient in their technical skills, as they advance to positions of greater responsibility in their jurisdictions, they find themselves increasingly confronted with managerial and policy concerns. In other words, being good in the technical aspects of the disciplines of accounting, budgeting. cash management, debt adminisll'ation, and the like is not enough to do the job. Rather, what is required•is an ability to use such skills in meeting emerging policy needs a.i,d managing resources effectively. The GFOA recognizes that those officers who are at or near the top of their government's organization structur~ need a forum that addresses their special requirements. That is the purpose of the Advanced Government Finance Institute. The Institute is specifically designed for chief financial officers to update them on what's changing, how it affects them, and what they can do about it: • Changing Economic and Financial Environments • Changing Policy Issues in Government Finance • Changing Technologies and Management Techniques, and • The Tactics and Strategies of Planning for Change As the enclosed Program Plan details, the Advanced Institute will encompass a wide range of policy and management subjects ... all rooted in the day-to-day experience ... of government financial management. The program is not for everyone. The curriculum is intensive and demanding. It is geared to those who are anxious net only to learn from others but, through interaction with the other attendees, to help others learn as well. The class wili be limited to approximately 50, with selection of the best qualified applicants in the order in which applications are received. Therefore, early application is recommended. • The Institute will be held August 13 through August 18, in Syracuse, New York, at the campus of Syracuse Unive1·sity and will use university housing and meeting room facilities. The program is developed in conjunction with the universi~'s Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. The total cost of the program, including tuition, housing, materials, special events, and most meals, is $1,100. Questions regarding the Advanced Institute should be directed to Barbara Weiss or Carole Ku mer of GFOA's Government Finance Research Center, Washington, D.C. (202/429-2750). • You can apply for admission to the Advanced Government Finance Institute using the enclosed application form. There is no financial obligation until such time as you are notified of acceptance. Applications are due no later than May 20, 1989. May 10, 1989 James F. Elliott Finance Director City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Elliott: GOVERNMENT FINANCE RESEARCH CENTER GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION We are pl~ased to notify you that your application to the Advanced Government Finance Institute at Syracuse University, in Syracus~, New York, August 13-18, 1989, has been accepted. You will be enrolled as a participant in the Institute upon our receipt of the enclosed acceptance form and payment of the tuition fee. We will appreciate your compl~ting enrollment as soon as possible, so that applicants on the waiting l·ist can be accommodated if there should be any change of plans among those who h~ve been accepted. In any case, your acceptance, with payment, must be received by June 20, 1989. For your planning purposes, please note that Institute facilities at Syracuse will be available for occupancy starting at 3:00 p.m., Sunday, August 13th, and the program will conclude about 1:30 p.m., Friday, August 18th. Additional materials concerning the program, the accommodations and transportation from the Syracuse airport, will be sent to you towards the end of June. With best regards, ~~-L/J~ John E. Petersen Senior Director Government Finance Research Center Enc. fOllMElllYTHl"MUNIClrALFINANCEOfFICEllSASSOCIATION 1750KSTR€El:NW •SUlTE200•WAStllNGTON.0C •20006•20?/,129-:?750 0