HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-06-20; City Council; 10080; CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITOR'S BUREAU BUDGET PRESENTATION5 1 CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITOR'S BUREAU BUDGET PRESENTATION Oral presentation, no action required. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Carlsbad Convention and Visitor's Bureau representatives wil' presenting information pertinent to their request for 1989-90 General monies. An amount of $200,000.00 was requested. This same amoun included in the recommended budget. Mr. Peder Norby, Chair of the Advi Panel, and Scott Little, President of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, be addressing the City Council. I! 4 0 2 .. z 9 b g 4 z 3 0 0 3 I e 0 Purlpose of the! CarM.md Convention & visitors To create, maintain and supervise a coordinated marketing program to ad1 tise, promote, and otherwise make known the resources of the City of Carlisbad for the purpose of increasing trade and commerce through touris 1 t 0 0 0 e Projected Hotel Growth Number of Rooms e 0 How Visitors Spend their Money ... SHOFPING, 17.9% ATTRACTIONS & AMUSEMENTS, 12.3% n FOOD SHOPPING,7.7% 0 0 1. Increased Sales Tax Revenues 2. Increased Hotel/Motel Occupancies 3. Revenues: A. Increased Retail Business Revenues B. Increased Restaurant Revenues C. Increased Service Industry Revenues D. Increased T.O.T. Revenues 4. Low Service Demand/Increased Property Taxes 5. Tourism Creates More Opportunity for Employment 6. Opportunities for New Business 7. Recreation and Entertainment 8. I-800-CARESBAD - Central Reservation and Information Se 9. Cooperative Trade and Travel Show Program 10. Travel Agent Familiarization Tours 0 e 11. Media Promotions 12. Cooperative Advertising Programs 13. In-kind Services and Cash Support from Local Business 14. Advertising A. Consumer and/or Intended Visitor €3. Wholesale and Retail Travel Trade 15. Direct Mail Campaigns 16. Visitor Information Center-operation 17. Tourism ?ublications 18. Tourism Data Base 19. Local Industry Recognition , e 0 1. Increased Sales of Hotel/Motel Room Nights 2. Increased City Sales Tax Revenue 3. Increased T.O.T. Revenues 4. Assist and Promote Local Events 5. Special High Visibility Events 6. Travel/Trade Shows 7. 1-800CARLSBAD - Central Reservations System 8. Operation of Visitor Information Center 0 0 9. Regional Travel Agent/Tour Operator Sales Blitzes 10. Increase Visitors from Japanese Market 11. Tourism Information Publications 12. Travel Agent Familiarization Tours 13. TV, Radio and Airline Promotions 14. Cash and In-kind Cooperative Programs 15. Advertising 5 0 0 The Chamber shall create the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau (hereafter “E implement the goals and objectives set forth below. The Bureau shall be a divis CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE but with its own independent Advisc Manager and staff. The Advisory Panel is charged with the responsibility of dc implementing and supervising this agreement and program of work,and shall repor accountable to the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. The Bureau, through the Chamber of Commerce, shall submit a yearly report of its a the City Council on or before June 30 of each year. The Advisory Panel shall consist of 7 members from the following categories: 1 repi selected by the Chamber of Commerce; 2 representatives selected by the City representatives selected from the tourism industry, of whom at least 2 are from the ho restaurant industry, as more specifically set forth in the Bureau’s Standard Operai dures. All panel members must be confirmed by the City Council. The Chamber Presid Director, and Chairperson for the Advisory Panel will meet with the Mayor and/oi designates quarterly to communicate the Bureau’s progress. In addition, the Advisory Panel shall select and hire a Manager and such staff, in1 advertising and public relation firm(s), as may be needed in order to accomplish its objectives. a a (confirmed annually by the City Council) Made up of ... 1 city staff person I city appointee (Appointed by City Council) - and 2 from the Motelt/Motel Industry 2 from the business community 1 Chamber of Commerce Appointee Ex-officio members (non-voting) President of the Chamber , Executive Vice-President of the Chamber e 0 Advertising costs have accelerated dramatically since the establishment of the CC in 1985. Media Ad Size 1985 1989 Los Angeles Times 2 column x 5" $2020.00 $2828.00 Golden State Magazine 1 /16 page $875.00 $1250.00 Phoenix Magazine 1 /2 page $2265.00 $3235.00 Arizona Newspapers 2 column X 5" $815.00 $1160.00 , e 0 RESUM3 OF STEPHeN A. LINK ADDRESS : 3395 M Street Merced, CA 95348 Ph. (209) 723-2329 E DUCATION: University of Denver MA, Mass Communications Boston Unive.rsity 10 additional Graduate Units, Public Relations San Diego State BA , Pol it ical Science Institute for Organizational Management Chamber of Commerce of the United States Completed five years EMPLOWNT EXPERIENCE: Merced Convention and Visitors Bureau (Manager) Aug 87 - Present Duties: Work with TourLsm Committee and Board of Directors of Merced Chamber of Commerce to develop and implement programs to promote tourism and convention business for the community. Attend about a dozen trade shows annually, advertise in various magazines and work with groups meeting in Merced. P&C Advertising (Owner) Jan 81 - Aug 87 Duties: Promot ion and advertising programs for client businesses including: news releases, newsletters, color magazine ads, and brochures. Clients included: Yosemite Gray Line, Merced Travel, Merced Travelodge, Merced Chamber of Commerce, Merced Convention and Visitors Bureau, and Pacific Southwest Airlines for a special promotional project associated with the Summer Olympics in Los Angeles. Merced Downtown Association (Manager 1 Dec 79 - Dec 80 Duties: Worked with downtown merchants to develop and implement coordinated programs to bring customers downtown. Merced County Chamber of Commerce (Manager) Feb 75 - Dec 79 Duties: Worked with Board of Directors to promote Merced County as a good place to do business. Published statistics and responded to inquiries about the county. Assisted with and Coordinated many activi- ties of local chambers within the county. 0 e OTHER EMPLOYMENT EXVERTENCE : U.S. Air Force Reserves Duties: Public Affairs Officer, Public Affairs Office, Headquarters Strategic Air Command, Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska. Work one day a month at Public Affairs Office, Castle Air Force Base, plus two weeks annually at BQ SAC, Work with news media to inform the public of Strategic Air Command activities. Rank: Lieutenant Colonel. College Tnstruc tor Duties: Periodically instruct an upper division Marketing class at the Merced branch of Chapman College one evening a week., Have also taught several lower division classes in Advertising and Human Relations in Business at Merced Community College. CURRENT JOB-RE LATE D ACT1 VTTIE S : Member of the Rural Tourism Marketing Committee of the California Off ice of Tourism. This 16-member committee meets regularly to advise the Office of Tourism on programs to enhance tourism in the rural regions. Member of a five-person task force to research, design and write a book tentatively entitled California Adventure Guide. It is a joint venture of the California Office of Tourism and the California State Parks Department. President of the Central Valley Tourism Association. This association is composed of managers of Convention and Visitors Bureaus from Bakersfield to Chico. The Directors meet monthly to develop programs to enhance tourism in the Central Valley. Member of the State's network of Film Commissioners working to keep film production companies from leaving California to make a film or commercial. Member of Merced County's Tourism Task Force. This group meets regularly and advises the Board of Supervisors on issues affecting tourism. Member of California Tourism Industry Association Director of the Castle Air Museum. The Board oversees the growth and development of what is already the largest collection of vintage military aircraft in the West. The Museum attracts a quarter of a million visitors annually. Am also the Chairman of the Museum Publicity Committee. .. 0 CIVIC ACTIVITIES: Member of Kiwanis Involved with Merced Symphony Assocfation Member of a committee to raise $50,000 to bring a 13-36 from Illinois to Castle A€r Museum. Assisting a committee that is working to promote Merced as the next site for a University of California campus. Am producing a video and printed literature. Member of Steering Committee for Merced's Centennial Celebration. PAST ACHIEVEMENTS : Selected by the California Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives in 1977 as one of the four best chamber managers €n California with less than three years in the field. Selected as one of 50 Air Force Reserve Officers nationwide, to attend a two-week conference on national security issues, in Washington D.C. in 1980. Color photo selected for the cover of the July 1982 issue of Western & Eastern Treasures, a national magazine for treasure hunting enthusiasts . Feature article on the invention of the metal detector, published in the July 1983 issue of Lost Treasure, a national magazine for treasure hunting enthusiasts. Selected as one of 27 Air Force Reserve Officers nationwide, to attend a two-week conference on nat€onal security issues in 1986. Produced a relatively low-budge t six-minute video in 1988 to promote Merced County to tourists and travel agents. T wrote the script, selected the background music, directed the filming of each scene, and supervised the editing. A portion of it was shown nationwide on Enter- tainment Tonight on April 20, 1989. Chaired a panel discuss€on on Analyzing Your Community's Assets at the Rural Tourism Conference in October 1988. Conducted a two-hour session on promoting the Central Valley at the Governor's Conference on Tourism in March 1989. HOBBIE S : Photography . Sailing (Own a Santana 21) 0 0 I AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAi) AND THE CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITORS E THIS AGREEMENT is made, between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, Cal hereinafter called the "City," and the CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF C hereinafter called the "Chamber" as follows: WHEREAS, the Chanber has special knowledgel experience! 2 facilities for promotional and advertising work and €or doing t hereinafter agreed to be done by it; and WHEREASl the City desires to secure the services of the C establish a comprehensive and integrated tourism, informati marketing program for the City of Carlsbad as set forth below NOW THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Governing Structure The Chamber shall create the Carlsbad Convention and Visitc (hereafter "Bureau") to implement the goals and objectives set for The Bureau shall be a division of the CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE its own independent Advisory Panel, Manager and staff. The Advisc is charged with the responsibility of developing, impleme~ supervising this Agreement and program of work, and shall report ' accountable to the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. The Bureau, through the Chamber of Commerce, shall submit report of its activities to the City Council on or before June 3( year. catagories: 3 representatives selected by the Chamber of Cor representative selected by the City Council: 5 representative2 from the tourism industry, of whom at least 3 are from the hotel , restaurant industry! as more specifically set forth in the Standard Operating Procedures. In additioni the Advisory Panel shall select and hire a Mi such staff, including an advertising and public relation firm(s), needed in order to accomplish its goals and objectives. The Advisory Panel shall consist of 11 members from the 2. Goals of the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau The purpose of the Bureau is to create, maintain and su coordinated marketing program to advertise! promote and make resources of the City for the purposes of increasing the trade an( of the City, and to advertise and/or exhibit the agric horticultural , vi ticultural I mineral , industrial , commercial, educational, recreational, artistic, musical, cultural and other -1- 0 0 I and advantages of the City, and to provide informational service visitors and residents of the City of Carlsbad. 3. Objectives of the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau The immediate objectives between January 9 through June 30, 1 create and establish the Bureau which will then begin to develop Marketing Plan and media campaign to implement the following objec (a) To establishf identifyf research and develop a st1 Identification Program for the City of Carlsbad and Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau; (b) To position Carlsbad as a prime destination in Soutl California through an integrated media and promotic campaign : (c) To generate awareness of Carlsbad in those geographic reg of the United States which provide the largest number visitors to Southern California each year: (d) To increase the awareness of Carlsbad among the member the travel industry including travel agents f corporate tr< agents and tour planners: (e) To increase the awareness and interest in Carlsbad ai visitors to the San Diego and Los Angeles areas: (f) To establish a strong public relations campaign designe provide heightened visibility by providing in format io] Carlsbad in localf regional and national publications media. The Master Marketing Plan will be divided into two phases as in Exhibit 1. 4. Accounting and Audit Controls In order for the City and the Chamber to monitor and audit provided to the Bureac, the fol1owir.g procedures shall occur: (a) The Bureau shall adopt the City's chart of accounts for coding of revenues and expenditures: (b) Where possible, all expenditures shall be made by check ( no cash expenditures) and full support for each expendi shall be maintained. (Howevert petty cash funds ma allowed to facilitate small transactions of an excepti nature of $25 or less.) -2- e e I (c) All checks shall require the signature of at least members of the Advisory Panel, one of whom shall be Bureau Manager. (d) Revenues shall be recorded so as to show from whom and date received, the amount received and the purpose of receipt. (e) The Bureau shall retain an accounting firm to review t accounts on a quarterly basis and prepare an annual finan statement. The results of the quarterly budget revi along with a report as to the status of the program of during that quarter shall be submitted to the City quarte Additionally, the Bureau shall have an audit of its finan statements conducted by an independent CPA firm each y (f) The City's internal auditor shall have the right to per at least one on-site visit each year to verify the fig reported in the Quarterly / Monthly reports. (9) The Bureau shall be on a July 1 to June 30 fiscal year s to coincide with the City's fiscal year. (h) The records of the Bureau shall be available to the City inspection at any time during normal business hours and s be maintained in Carlsbad at the Bureau's principal off 5. Scope of Services The program of work of the Bureau will include the develoh coordinated, integrated and comprehensive Master Narketing Pla City of Carlsbad. (See Exhibit 1 and the explanations within 1 items within Exhibit 2). The Bureau shall have the responsibilit following activities: (a) Primary and secondary advertising in magazines, newspal direct mailr confidential inquiries and brochu' (b) Establishing f marketing and promoting tourist visita packages : (c) Providing informational services to local reside (d) Establishing and carrying out special familiarization 1 for the tourist and hospitality industry: and (e) The creationl promotion and marketing of special cornml events which promote Carlsbad as a location for s business conferences and as a travel destinat -3- L, e m I 6. Budget The initial budget for the period between April 1 through June 30, the Bureau to implement the above goals and objectives is as follows, the Advisory Panel mayl from time to time make adjustments in these cate as to produce the maximum return for the sums expended. INCOME: City of Carlsbad $100~000 TOTAL INCOME $l00,000 EXPENSES: Fixed Costs: Ac coun ti ng -Lega 1 $ 2,000 825 Auto Travel Employee Benefits 750 Insurance 500 Legal and Accounting Equipment 2,400 Off ice Supplies 1,200 Payroll Taxes 1, 250 Postage 250 Rent Telephone 800 - 0- 10,500 Salaries (1 Manager & 1 Secretary} utili ties -0- TOTAL FIXED COSTS ($6,825 per month) $ 20,475 Variable Costs: Advertising/Promotion (Media purchases) $ 40,725 Dues/Subscriptions 800 Business Meetings/Conferences 1,000 Conven tions/Trade Shows 4,000 Professional Services 3,000 Printing (including brochures) 15,000 Special Projects 15 t 000 TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS $ 79,525 TOTAL EXPENSES $100,000 * Additional matching funds or in-kind services from the "tourism indust not included in this figure but will be actively sought by the Burc detailed explanation of each expense account is attached as Exhii -4- 0 * Lb , The initial term covered by this budcjet shall be from the 1st day 1985 to and including the 30th day of June 1985. The parties further re however, that the full and professional development and implementati programs covered by this Agreement will not be completed within the tin set forth above; rather, these programs will be an ongoing, long-term behalf of the Bureau, the City and the local tourism industry. Befor 1985, the Chamber of Commerce shall prepare and present to the City Co approval an annual work program for the 1985-86 fiscal year (July I, June 30, 1986. Except for funds allocated to fixed cost tasks to be acc during the initial term of this Agreement, no funds will be released or made until the annual work program and budget has been approved by Council. For fiscal year 1986-87 and all subsequent fiscal years! the Cl Commerce shall prepare and submit an annual work program and budget April 1 of the preceding fiscal year. Allocations to the Bureau, if ai be made as part of the annual City budget. Nothincj in this Agreemc obligate the City to imke any annual budget appropriation to the Bureau. by the City to mke an annual budget appropriation to the Bureau shall c automatic termination of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be autor renewed from year to year upon approval of the annual work program and the City Council and an appropriation of funds therefore in the anr budge t . 7. Xethod of Paynent After ratification of this Agreement by the City, the Bureau shal the sum of $6,825 for its fixed expenses commencing April 1, 1985. Thc the Bureau shall be paid a like sum on or before the first day of i during the balance of the ti= of this Agreement for its fixed expens the initial sum that is received from the City, the Bureau shall rei1 Chamber for its direct costs that it has expended in forming thc advertising for a Managerr and otherwise carrying out the Bureau's prior to the ratification of this Agreement by the City which is antici to exceed $l170O. The variable costs as set forth in the budget shall be paid withii of the submittal of an invoice covering the specific project(s) or s encompassed within such billing. 8. hddi tional Services In the event the City Council desires any other or additional ma promotional or other services from either the Bureau or the Chambe request that proposals and cost estimates be prepared and present Council. Upon the approval of any additional work by the City Cou Chamber or the Bureau shall then proceed with its execution and shall b to such additional compensation as authorized by the Council. Upon the funding of the Bureau by the City Council for the JU fiscal year, that Agreement will then replace the existing City-CI Commerce Agre'ement of August 17, 1976, which expires on June Thereafter, the City and Chamber may enter into one or more project contracts (i.e. economic development and marketing! etc.) if so requ these services would be as set forth in a separate agreement. -5- b 0 0 -I *b 8 9. Termination In addition to the extension and termination provisions con Paragraph 6, this Agreement may be terminated by either party upon givin written notice thereof to the other. In the event of a termination a other than the end of the fiscal yearI an accounting of all expenses incurred to the date of termination shall be made by the Bureau and a the City, and upon approval of the accounting by the City, the Bur forthwith return to the City any and all funds advanced for servic fully performed. 10. Assignment of Agreement: The Chamber or Bureau shall not a Agreement or any part of it or any money due under it without the pri consent of the City. 11. Prohibited Interest: No official of the City who is authoriz capacity on behalf of the City to negotiate, make, accept or approve OK in negotiating, malcing, accepting or approving of any contract or subcc connection with the execution of this Agreement shall become dj indirectly interested personally in this Agreement or any part the officer or employee of the City who is authorized in such a capacity or: the City to exercise any executive, supervisory or other similar fur connection with the performance of this Agreement shall become di indirectly interested personally in this Agreement or any part thereof. 12. Entire Agreement: This Agreement is the entire Agreement k parties and supersedes all prior oral or written memoranda, underst agreements pertaining to the subject matter of this Agreement. agreement or conversation with any officer, agent or employee of the C before, during or after the execution of this Agreement shall affect any of the terms or obligations contained in this Agreement, nor 2 verbal agreement or conversation entitle the Chamber or the Bure additional payment whatsoever under the terms of this Agreement. No or alterations to this Agreement shall be effective unless evidenced 1 and. executed by all parties to this Agreement. 13. Bureau not Aqent of City: Nothing in this Agreement shall be to make the Chamber of Commerce, the Bureau, or the advisory panel this Agreement an agency, committee or body or an advisory commission committee or advisory body of the City of Carlsbad or the City Council. CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CITY OF CARLSBAD c45 By : By : LT MARY ASLER, ._7 -6-