HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-06-20; City Council; 10083; CONSENT FOR INCLUSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD IN THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY VECTOR CONTROL DISTICT1 d g E % .. 2 0 i= 0 a G 2 3 0 0 OF GAHLSDAU - AUtNq BILL \* DE AB#.U+S~.- TITLE: CI MTG.6/20/89 DEPT.CM CI RECOMMENDED ACTION: cv CONSENT FOR INCLUSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD IN THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT Adopt Resolution No. g?--j?/ consenting to the inclusion of the Cit Carlsbad in the San Diego County Vector Control District. ITEM EXPLANATION The San Diego County Health Department has traditionally provided ve control services for both the incorporated and unincorporated areas the County, Insects and animals such as mosquitos, flies and rats a customarily the targets of vector control programs. Diseases such as malaria, encephalitis, lyme disease and plague can be carried by SUC animals and organisms. Effective control programs can help prevent outbreaks of such diseases in the community. Historically in San D' County, the costs of vector control programs has been borne by the ( General Fund. Due to severe costs constraints, the County has not expanded the programs significantly in the last forty years. In or( deal with increasingly severe revenue restraints and to provide an expanded and higher level of vector control services, the County Bo; Supervisors has assumed the powers of a vector control district as provided for in the California Health and Safety Code. The Board 01 Supervisors will fund the district by means of a parcel fee on all property in the unincorporated area of the County. A fee of $3.80 li be charged to each single family home and equivalent fees would be charged to other land uses. The Board of Supervisors is requesting all the cities of the County consent to be included in the district consenting to be included in the district, the City Council would SI property owners to the $3.80 fee. included in the district, cities would be provided with an expanded improved level of vector control services. Mosquito, rat and fly c( would be provided as well as increased surveillance services to detc possible problem areas. If the City Council consents, the City of Carlsbad would be included in the Vector Control District as of Jul: 1989 and the service fee would appear on the property tax bills iss, the fall. There is a clear need for effective vector control services in our and specifically in Carlsbad. Carlsbad has been the location of tw significant malaria outbreaks and mosquito abatement is critical to effective control of malaria. It is in the interest of all residen Carlsbad as well as San Diego County that an effective, adequately vector control program exist in our County. It is not a matter if program is needed, but what is the most effective and efficient way administer and fund such a program. The County of San Diego is fac severe competition for County General Fund revenues and the Board o Supervisors has selected a parcel fee as the preferred way of raisi revenues to provide services in the unincorporated areas. The City Council has alternatives in regards to funding these services. The Council could fund the City's share of costs from the City General In return for consenting to be W Q Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. ,/ojfi?3 .I It is estimated that an amount equivalent to what would be raised b parcel fee $101,684 would have to be appropriated from the General The Council could choose not to consent to joining the district and appropriate monies from the General Fund and provide vector control services itself. City staff does not recommend that the City get i the vector control business and feels that the County is the approp agency to carry out these services. Once the City consents to being included in the district, the Board Supervisors would be responsible for determining the service levels the amount of service fee to be charged against parcels. The Healt Safety Code provides that the service fee would be restricted for u providing vector control services. However, the City Council would no control over the level of service or the amount of the fee. The of Supervisors has indicated its intent to consult with cities in establishing service levels and the necessity for the fee. The Bo; would establish the service levels and fees as part of their annua- budget process. Another policy concern relating to the establishment of this distr. deals with the use of County General Fund revenue and AB-8 augment; money that would be supplanted by the vector control service fees. good argument can be made that these revenue sources which are genc by all County residents both those living within cities and in the unincorporated area are appropriate to use for countywide services as vector control. The County's position is that almost all regioi services are severely underfunded. By imposing a parcel service cI the County will be able to utilize approximately $340,00 in AB-8 augmentation funds and approximately $650,000 in County General FUI other purposes. It is staff's recommendation that Council consent to inclusion of . City of Carlsbad in the Vector Control District based on the need effective, adequately funded program. FISCAL IMPACT Consenting to inclusion of the City of Carlsbad in the Vector Cont District will have no direct fiscal impact on the City of Carlsbad However, all property taxpayers within the City of Carlsbad will b subject to a service fee ranging from $3.80 for a single family ho to $19.00 for commercial and industrial property. EXHI BITS 1. Resolution No. Eq-\q \ consenting to the inclusion of the Carlsbad in the San Diego County Vector Control District w t 0 Page 3 of Agenda Bill NO. /qI?s3 2. Letter dtd. May 30, 1989, from Norman Hickey, CAO, San Diego County Executive Summary and excerpts from a report dtd. May 23, 198' the County Board of Supervisors Record of findings of an Ad Hoc Committee of City/County Manal Association 3. 4. 1 % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 w -e RESOLUTION NO. 89-191 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, CONSENTING TO THE INCLUSION IN THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT ESTABLISHED PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 25842.5 WHEREAS, in accordance with Government Code, Section 25842.5 Board of Supervisors of San Diego County may provide the same servic and exercise the powers of a mosquito abatement district or a vecto control district formed pursuant to Chapter 5 (commencing with Sect 2200) of Division 3 of the Health and Safety Code; and I WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of San Diego County has determined that the public necessity and welfare requires that the 27 28 I 1 I I I 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 W e WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad may adopt a resolution on consent the City Council for the inclusion of its territory in the San Diego County Vector Control Services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the City Council approves and consents to the inclusio of the incorporated territory of the City within the boundaries of the San Diego County Vector Control Services, and the services rendered an the concomitant powers exercised as set forth in California Health an( I [Safety Code Section 2200 et. seq., including any property service 27 I 28 Q w EXHIBIT 2 to Ager aolnttg of $an piqp NORMAN W HICKEY CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (Location Code 730) (619) 531-6226 CH I EF AD MI N ISTRATIVE OFFICE 1600 PACIFIC HIGHWAY, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101-2472 May 30, 1989 Mr. Robert R. Patchett City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-1949 Dear Mr. Patchett: On May 23, 1989 the San Diego County Board of Supewis recognizing the continued real threat of malaria, encephali lyme disease, plague, and other vector-borne diseases to the he of San Diego County residents, assumed the powers of a Ve Control District. This is a dramatic first step towards fun a comprehensive preventive approach to the control of vector-k diseases. Our objective must be to prevent disease outbr before they can spread in our communities. This is a request your City Council to pass a resolution of inclusion by June 1989, joining with the unincorporated areas for a unif realistic, county-wide approach to safeguarding all our citi from the potential devastation of these diseases. The Board of Supervisors has recognized the need for incrt control of vector-borne diseases largely as a result of 1 malaria outbreaks in 1986 and 1988 (the largest in the UI States since 1953) as well as the outbreak of mosquito-1 encephalitis in 1984, and occurrence of plague in 1987. Board's action recognized that vector control services havc been significantly increased over the past four decades acknowledged that without strong vector control prevent: measures in place, it is a near certainty that more severe vec borne disease outbreaks will occur. W * Robert R. Patchett -2- May 30, The California Government Code (Section 25842.5) has create practical procedure to establish a funding mechanism for expanded vector control program. Effective July 1, 1989 the Bc will implement this procedure and expand vector control sewic However, before such service can be provided to residents of in incorporated cities, each City Council must first pass a resolut of inclusion. We strongly urge your City Council to seize t opportunity now and to pass such a resolution of inclusion. Dc so will allow us to provide your city with mosquito control, control, fly control, and vector-borne disease surveill( services. Included for your consideration is a draft resolution of inclur for your city. Also provided is a program plan for compreheni vector control services. Additional detailed material is 4 enclosed for your review. We respectfully request that schedule this item before your City Council on or before June 1989 so that service charges from your city can be includec county assessment rolls and your city can be included in comprehensive vector control program this fiscal year. A representative from our staff will be contacting you to an: any questions you may have with this matter. Please feel fret contact Moise Mizrahi, Chief, Vector Control Division, Depart] of Health Services, at 338-2170 at any time. Sincerely, Enclosure BOARD BAlAI r,F15, GEOn bEC0 CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE SUSA TY THIRC LEON AGENDA ITEM FOVR JOHN rlFTC May 23, 1989 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REPORT ON THE ASSUMPTION OF THE PGERS OF VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICTS (Requested by: Supervisor Bilbray) REQUEST : Assume the powers of vector control districts unincorporated areas ofthe County, establish a I charge of $3.80 per assessment unit value, and : within the boundaries of the areas to be servec cities whose councils request inclusion by reso: RECOMMENDATION: Chief Administrative Officer -- Adopt the I1Resc to Provide the Same Services and Exercise the of Vector Control Districts." Declare and order that the unincorporated areas County be established as the boundaries of tht to lbe served under the powers of vector ( districts. Establish the method of funding to be a service of $3.80 per assessment unit value effective i 1989. Include within the areas to be served, those whose councils request inclusion by resolution Assumption of the powers of vector control dir will require the imposition of an annual service of $3.80 per assessment unit value (example: family residential parcel). Incorporated cities must opt to be included district. If cities choose not to opt in, Sti other resource requirements will be ai acccirdingly . FISCAL IMPACT: Assuming the powers of vector control distric. save! up to $643,565 in General Fund monies an Subsequently, approximately $339,861 in AB-8 fun be :made available for other uses, as incor citi.es enlist in the district. ISSUES : e 5 0 ALTERNATIVES: Conthue existing vector control services and G Fund expenditures, with a potential risk of health threats from diseases such as ma encephalitis and plague. Establish an Independent Vector Control Distric Pest Abatement District, both with Independent of Trustees. (one year delay in improved 5 1 eve1 s ) Call for a Vector Control County Service Area election. (One year delay in improved service 1 supports the use of alternative funding mechani vectior control services. OTHER: On March 8, 1989, the Chief Administrative ( forwarded copies of the Board-approved proposal City Managers and invited the cities' participa the March 28, 1989 public hearing. ADVISORY BOARD The ]Health Services Advisory Board (HSAB) STATEMENT : Responding to the March 28, 1989 Board directi CAO presented this issue to the City/County M Association. The Associations' Ad Hoc Commit reviewed the proposal to assume the powers of a control district in detail with County staff. F of this committee are provided in Appendix addition, County staff have met with City Manage Carlsbad, Chula Vista, Coronado, El Cajon, Enc Escondido, Imperial Beach, La Mesa and San Die every instance the City Managers have acknowlec severe need to protect the public from the th vect,or-borne diseases and the need for expandin! cant-rol services to prevent such diseases. TI- indj-cated a willingness to take the issue t council as soon as the Board takes definite ac establish the program. 0 w 7 H -# X H L1 z a PI 2 It It II - I I I IIIIII QI II II II uw 1 ocoQ)Q)aa~mc>QI I oooaoaoa\oQI I ooooooQI I Q) I co IO IO II 0 11 [I il W- I oooooOOo~>O I 0000000000 I 0000000 IO IO IO IO I1 fIIIIIIHu I e.........) .ee..oo*o*I *.***.*I .I *I *I *If 2; m QI I1 II II 315: I cnmmmbbdmcnd I ocncn~~~bcnb~d I mcn~1mmn4 I m ! m 1 Q\ I QI II m Eil co It It It 15:4W I rl-rir4tn. 1 ddddFldtn. I tn. 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Legal Authority and Limitations............................. Program Administration and Financing ........................ Implementation Procedures................................... General Activities .......................................... Mosquito Control Activities................................. Domestic Rat Control Activities....................*........ Fly Control Activities.... .................................. Vector Borne Disease Surveillance Activities................ Other Vector Control Activities.............................. i W e PURPOSE AND INTENT To protect and promote the public health, safety, and welfi Vector Surveillance and Control Services will be provided prevent vector-borne diseases and to minimize vector-ca- discomfort, injury and economic loss by suppressing mosquit flies, domestic rats, and other vectors. LEGAL AUTHORITY AND LIMITATIONS CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE Title 3, Division 2 - Officers, Part 2 - Board of Supervis Chapter 8 - Health and Safety, Article 3 - Miscellaneous CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE Division 3. ]?est Abatement, Chapter 5. Mosquito Abate Districts or Vector control Districts, Article 4. Dist Powers. PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCING Effective July 1, 1.989, the Board of Supervisors will expand vc control services under the powers of a vector control dist; The Vector Control. Services will administratively operate a: Vector Surveillance and Control Division of Environmental Hg Services within the Department of Health Services. The comprehensive vector control services will be funded th service charges based on type of use of parcels as follows: EQUIVALENT [ SERV ASSESSMENT [CHAR TYPE OR USE OF PARCEL UNIT VALUE RATE RESIDENTIAL: Time-share condo. (per share) 0.10 single Family 1.00 1.00 Condomiri ium Mob i 1 ehome 1.00 Duplex or 2 Houses 2.00 Multi 2 to 4 Units 2.00 Multi 5 to 15 Units 3.00 : Multi 16 to 60 Units 4.00 5 5.00 I Multi 61 Units and up Vacant 0.50 -1- - e COMMERCIAL: Store Building 5.00 $ Shopping Center 5.00 $ Hotel Motel 5.00 $ Service Station 2.00 Off ice Condominium 5.00 $ Parking or Used Car Lot Trailer Park 5.00 $ Auto Sales & Service Agency 2.00 General 2.00 Vacant 0.50 2.00 INDUSTRIAL: Factory 5.00 $ Warehoua ing 5.00 $ Bulk Storage 5.00 $ Extractive 61 Mining 5.00 $ Indus tr :-a1 Condominium 5.00 $ General 5.00 $ Vacant 0.50 IRRIGATED FARM: 1.00 RURAL LAND (NON-IRRIGATED) : 1.00 INSTITUTIONAL: 5.00 $ RECREATIONAL : 5.00 $ MISCELLANEOUS (not included above) : 1.00 The Board of Supeinrisors will take all necessary or proper for the control of vectors, purchase supplies and materials, e personnel and contract for services which may be necessai proper in furtherance of the objects of this purpose. The a of money necessary for comprehensive vector control purposes also include an unappropriated reserve for the purpose of defr unusual and unanticipated expenses. The Board of gupervisors has approved an interest bearing fun vector control for the deposit of monies collected for v control purposes. All monies collected shall be used solel purposes of vector surveillance and control. On or before August 1 of each year, the Board of Supervisors prepare a written estimate of the amount of money necessar: the program's purposes during the next ensuing fiscal year. C that take part in the preventive (comprehensive vector con program will be provided the opportunity to participate j annual review process concerning service levels and se charges. -2- W 0 Any city wishing to discontinue participation in the vector coni program will be expected to do so by resolution and provide County notice of it:s intentions at least ninety days prior to beginning of the fiscal year. IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES Effective July 1, 1989, the Board of Supervisors will expand ve control services. A service charge of $3.80 per assessment value on non-exempt parcels of land will be collected to pay the cost of vector surveillance and control in the unincorpor areas of the County. This would extend rat control and fly con services to all areas of the county: and expand mosquito con and vector-borne disease surveillance services to meet incre demands. Incorporated cities will be included in the Vector Surveil1 and control Services after the city council of each city cons to inclusion. Because the consent of the city council of each city mus' obtained before the Board of Supervisors exercises the power a vector control district in any incorporated city, vector cor services and service charge funding will be implementec increments, as follows: 1. Effective July 1, 1989, the Vector Surveillance and COI Division will provide comprehensive vector control sew: including mosquito control, rodent control, fly control vector-borne disease surveillance, in the unincorporated i of the county. Effective July 1, 1989, the Vector Surveillance and Co Division will provide comprehensive vector control serv including mosquito control, rodent control, fly contro vector-borne disease surveillance, in those incorpo cities whose city councils have adopted resolution inclusion into the vector control services. Funding for these services will be through service cha The service charge per assessment unit during the first of services will be $3.80. Use of State AB-8 funds formerly used to offset vector cc services costs will continue during the phase-in period h this funding year. Limited vector control services wi provided in those cities whose city councils have ad resolutions of inclusion but could not be included i fiscal year 1.989-90 because of time constraints. 2. -3- V 0 3. Commercial Poultry Ranch Annual Proposal Revenue Fees, k partially offset fly control services cost will be elimir: as they will be included in the service charges. 4. Until the cities of Coronado and San Diego enlist in expanded comprehensive vector control services, the VE Surveillance and Control Division will continue to prc rodent control services to the City of Coronado and the of San Diego under full cost recovery revenue contracts. each enlists :in the services, funding will be redirected the city's general fund to service charges, and vector cor services will then be provided. 5. The Vector Surveillance and Control Division will, in event, continue to provide rodent control services to thc Diego Unified Port District, under a full cost recc revenue contract. 6. The Vector Surveillance and Control Division may enter agreement with any federal, state or local agency, e: public or private, to monitor and control vectors whicl: arise as a result of that agency's use of any land. GENERAL ACTIVITIES Take continuous measures aimed at reduction or eliminatic known vector sources A. B. Conduct surveillance to determine effectiveness of COI operations C. Coordinate and integrate vector surveillance and COI activities with other related programs D. Coordinate with Federal, State, and local agencies with c( interests E. Provide in-service training to Vector Control and ( Environmental Health Services staff Develop and provide an education program aimed at invo. community in minimizing vector populations F. MOSQUITO AND CONTROL ACTIVITIES A. Conduct surveys and establish surveillance to dete densities, species, distribution, and control measures ni to prevent and control mosquito breeding -4- - e B. Take continuous measures aimed at reduction or eliminatic known mosquito breeding sources C. Develop and provide an education program aimed at invol community in preventing mosquito breeding and minimi mosquito populations D. Coordinate with Federal, State, and local agencies with cc interests to reduce major mosquito breeding sources E. Coordinate and integrate mosquito surveillance and cor activities with other related programs F. Provide in-service training to Vector Control and c Environmental Health Services staff Maintain ongoing surveillance to determine effectivenes mosquito control operations 1. Fact-finding 2. Inventory of breeding sources 3. Consultation 4. Law enforcement 5. Direct c'ontrol action a. Source reduction b. Biological control c. Chemical control [when necessary] G. H. Respond to citizens' requests for mosquito control sen: I. Respond to citizens' complaints regarding mosquito probl J. Promote cooperative action to exchange infprmation an provide consultations and assistance pertaining to mosc prevention/control 1. Federal agencies 2. State agencies 3. Local agencies 4. Community groups 5. Private and public individuals -5- - a K. In the event of actual or threatened outbreaks/epidemic mosquito-borne diseases 1. Institute immediate mosquito control operations a. Assess population(s) at risk b. c. d. Appropriate larvaciding operations e. Appropriate adulticiding operations Obtain assistance/cooperation of county agencies a. EHS [Land Use, Urban, and Hazardous Manag Divisions] b. PHSl [Epidemiology Unit, Public Health Labora Bureau of Health Education] c. County Department of Agriculture Obtain assistance/cooperation of State Agencies a. Public and medical provider notification Area surveys/source identification and mappin 2. 3. California Department of Health Services 1. Environmental Management Branch 2. Public Health Branch 4. Obtain assistance/cooperation of Federal Agencies a. USPHS/CDC b. United States Navy 5. .Sister/Neighboring Counties DOMESTIC RAT CONTROL ACTIVITIES A. Conduct areawide surveys to determine densities, spe distribution,, and control measures needed to prevenl control domestic rats B. Take continuous measures aimed at elimination of know harborages and sources -6- - a C. Maintain public education, consultation, and assis1 programs designed to prevent, detect, and eliminate domc rats and ectoparasite infestation D. Develop and provide an education program aimed at invo community in minimizing domestic rat populations E. Investigate reported infestations of domestic rats and corrective action as may be necessary to ensure control 1. Rat abatement 2. Eliminat.ion of harborages, food sources and I conditions contributing to infestations 3. Advice/education/consultation 4. Legal action where required F. Coordinate and integrate vector surveillance and co activities with other related programs Coordinate with Federal, State, and local agencies with c interests G. H. Provide in-service training to Vector Control and Environmental Health Services staff I. Test newly developed techniques of domestic rodent ectoparasite control J. Maintain a working liaison with pest control industi foster safe and effective service to health regu businesses and the public K. Conduct surveillance to determine effectiveness of co operations L. In the event of actual or threatened outbreaks/epidemi rodent-borne [rodent ectoparasite-borne] diseases 1. Institute immediate rodent ectoparasite co operations a. Assess population(s) at risk b. c. d. Appropriate ectoparasite control operations e. Appropriate rodent control operations Public and medical provider notification Area surveys/source identification and mappin -7- w e 2. Obtain assistance/cooperation of county agencies a. EKS [Land Use, Urban, and Hazardous Managt b. PHS [Epidemiology Unit, Public Health Laboral Bureau of Health Education] c. County Department of Agriculture Obtain assistance/cooperation of State Agencies a. California Department of Health Services 1. Environmental Management Branch 2. Public Health Branch Divisions] 3. 4. Obtain assistance/cooperation of Federal Agencies a. USP13S/CDC b. USPHS/IHS c. U.S. Navy 5. Sister/Neighboring Counties 6. Institute rodent control program in disease focus are FLY CONTROL ACTIVITIES A. Conduct areawide fly surveys to 1. determine the extent and causes of major fly problc 2. establish the fly species distribution and densit infestations 3. develop and implement necessary and proper cor measures B. Investigate citizen complaints concerning flies and necessary corrective action to eliminate fly breeding sou 1. elimination of breeding media, food sources and c 2. advice/education/consultation 3. and legal. action where required conditions contributing to breeding of flies -8- v 0 - C. Cooperate with agriculturalists, farm groups, civic grl schools, industries, and other interested parties in so area fly problems D. Provide public education, consultation, and assistance VECTOR-BORNE DISEASE SURVEILLANCE ACTIVITIES A. Determine the presence and occurrence of vector-borne dis in San Diego County as an integral part of the effoi prevent human cases of vector-borne diseases, such as mal encephalitis, and plague among others B. Monitor human and animal cases of vector-borne disease C. Monitor disease pathogen occurrence in vector populatio D. Monitor disease occurrence [infection] in sentinel ani through regular testing of these sentinels E. Monitor nuisance and disease vector populations to eva program effectiveness and detect actual and/or pote disease outbreaks F. Monitor envhonmental conditions that influence v production [for use in planning control activities] G. Maintain an mformation system on human and animal cast vector-borne diseases and provide pertinent informatic appropriate persons/agencies for action H. Review and investigate reports of abnormalities in r health, behavior, or populations suggestive of di occurrence Coordinate with carnivore serology collecting/testingpro to detect the occurrence of epizootic diseases such as p I. J. Evaluate and determine the potentiai for plague and sylvatic disease transmission to humans in suspected historically positive county areas Establish vector control program priorities to reduce the for vector-borne disease transmission and minimize ve caused nuisances K. OTHER VECTOR CONTROL ACTIVITIES Respond to relpests for assistance and to citizens' compl with information and advice A. -9- w * - B. Provide coordination, assistance and consultation to control industry in recognition and control of nui insects and other pest Work with other public agencies in the prevention of v outbreaks of potential health significance C. -10- EXHIBIT 4-1 Agenda Bill /q 0 * b APPEND1 i FINDINGS OF THE CITY/COUNTY MANAGERS ASSOCIATION AD HOC C0MM:CTTEE ON TEE COUNTY PROPOSAL TO ASSUME TEE POWERS OF A VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT During the May 11, 1989, Ad Hoc Committee meeting the follob findings were made concerning the County Proposal to Assume Powers of a Vector Control District: 1. There exist serious vector control problems throughout County, particularly with mosquitoes, and domestic ri Consequently, residents and visitors of the County are at 1 of contracting vector-borne disease such as encephal. (outbreak in 1984), malaria (outbreaks in 1986 and 1: largest in the United States since 1953), and pl; (documented in the County in 1987), among others. 2, The existing vector control program has not been increi significantly over the past four decades despite tremenc land development and population growth in all areas of County, and as such it is inadequate and must be expandec It is understood that the Board of Supervisors believes 1 it must move forward in an assertive manner to establis mechanism to fund Comprehensive Vector Control Services. 4. It is understood that the Board of Supervisors may estab a funding mechanism through service charges for unincorporated areas of the County. Subsequently, cities receive vector control services by having their City Cou pass a resolution to participate in the preventive progr Cities that take part in the preventive program will ex to participate in the annual policy review concerning ser levels and parcel fee levels. Any city wishing to discont participation in the vector control program may do sc resolution and will provide the County notice of int?,ntions ninety days prior to the beginning of the fi year. 3. 5. 6. It is understood that countywide taxes go into the Co appropriate to continue to use these funds for a county program. The Board of Supervisors should consider contir the use of this funding source and supplement this source a parcel fee to expand the vector control program. The Ad Hoc Committee raised the general issue of the Coua degree of obligation to fund public health and environmental he activities within incorporated cities from the County's Ger Fund. General Fund and support the existing program. It