HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-07-11; City Council; 10116; MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR NOTIFICATION OF LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT ACTIONS BY COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO AND THE CITIES. ? AB#$Oi //iO DEPT. PLN SAN DIEGO AND THE CITIES TITLE:MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR NOTIFICATION OF IAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT ACTIONS BY COUNTY OF MTG..*. DEPl CITY CITY B w PC U B 2 .. z G '0 a d " z 3 0 0 Clm OF CARLSBAD - AGENWBILL -:: RECOMMENDED ACTION: ADOPT Resolution No. 8&t-a%% , APPROVING a Memorandum Understanding between the Cities of the San Diego Region a said Cities and the County of San Diego. ITEM EXPL2WATION The SANDAG Task Force on Cities-County Coordination was fom as a result of the SANDAG Regional Governmental Responsibilitj and Revenues Study which recommended that a task force composed of representatives of the San Diego County Plannj Directors Association and Public Works Directors to prepare set of procedures intended to increase coordination among cit: in the County and between Cities and the County planning and land use regulation. In the past, interjurisdictional notification has been triggel by proximity. For instance, the County of San Diego sei referrals to a City if a proposed project is located within : sphere of influence or within a one mile radius of the C. Boundary. This Memorandum of Understanding (Exhibit 3) has bc prepared by the task force to establish a regional notificat system and is designed to ensure full communication betwc jurisdictions on land use and development matters. identifies a notification procedure for development projet which may have regional impacts, as well as providing notification between cities. The Memorandum (MOU) is based upon Government Code Sect 65919.1 (Exhibit 3), that states a county and a city may ag upon a procedure for referral of comments on proposed 1 development projects. The MOU identifies procedures for all the following types of notification: in regard 1. 2. 3. County Referral of Proposed Actions to City City Referral of Proposed Actions to County City Referral of Proposed Actions to Another Ci The San Diego County Board of Supervisors approved Memorandum of Understanding on May 22, 1989 and transmitted 8 to each of the cities for approval. EXHIBITS 1. 2. Exhibit 2 (Letter from County of San Diego, dated June 3. Exhibit 3 (MOU) 4. Exhibit 4 (Government Code Section 65919.1) Exhibit 1 (City Council Resolution No. 89 -233 ) 1989) c 7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a @ RESOLUTION NO. 89-223 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANC BETWEEN THE CITIES OF THE SAN DIEGO REGION AND SAID CITIES AND THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Californ hereby resolve the following: WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65919.1 states that i and a City may agree upon a procedure for referral by the to the City or by the City to the County of proposed act: for comments upon those proposals: and WHEREAS, Board of Supervisors Policy 1-55 encourage land use planning in spheres of influence and recognizes 1 accommodation of both City and County interests "might agreement on land use and circulation systems, the pha development and annexations, facility financing arrangemen review of proposed designs/facilities/plans for compatibil City standards and/or other planning and fiscal arrange1 address the unique needs of the sphere territoriestt: and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of S 1 has recommended that all jurisdictions within San Diegc should agree to provide notice, share information and comments from adjacent jurisdictions when development propc within a certain proximity of, and/or have impacts on sur jurisdictions; and I WHEREAS, obtaining early notification of proposed solicitation of affected jurisdictions input and resol regional issues is beneficial to all jurisdictions; 5- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a 9 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Cou Carlsbad, California as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and corr 2. That the City Council approves the Memora Understanding For Notification of Land Use And Development By County of San Diego And The Cities. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meetinc 11th day City Council of the City of Carlsbad held on July , 1989 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux NOES : None ABSENT: None ATTEST : o,z5 RQhk ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, Cit3Clerk (SEAL) j i a 0 EXHlBiT ' &U€dg Of $kH $h$d NORMAN W HICKEY CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (619) 531-6226 CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE (Location Code 7301 1600 PACIFIC HIGHWAY, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101-2472 June 15, 1989 Ray Patchett, City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Ca 92008 CITIES AND COUNTY COORDINATION ON LAND USE MATTERS Dear Mr. Patchett: On behalf of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, I would like to invite each of the cities within the San Diego region t join with the County Board of Supervisors in approving the enclosed Memorandum of Understanding, which is designed to improve notification and coordination on land use matters betwe jurisdictions. This Memorandum of understanding (MOU) is based upon Government Code Section 65919.1, which authorizes the County and the citie to agree upon a procedure for referral and comment on proposed land development projects. In an attempt to design one agreeme that could be used by all jurisdictions in the region, the SAND Task Force on City-County Coordination drafted the proposed MOU and forwarded it to the County and to each of the cities for review and comment. As a result of this staff review, the Task Force revised the MOU to respond to the comments received, and transmitted it to the Board of Supervisors for action. The Boa unanimously approved the revised Memorandum of Understanding on May 22, 1989, and is herein transmitting same to each of the cities for similar approval. Please note that the Memorandum provides for a 45 day referral and comment period for major discretionary pro-jects of regional significance (as defined by the State Environmental Quality Act Guidelines), and for a lesser referral period (based on each city's normal notification requirements) for the smaller projec located within the Sphere of Influence areas and/or located in close proximity to the common boundary between jurisdictions. The attempt here was to avoid unnecessary paperwork and changes to existing city and County notification procedures, while assuring adequate notification on projects of interest to other jurisdictions. % 0 e Norman W. Hickey -2- June 15, 1989 Note that the intent of the MOU is to voluntarily enhance notification/coordination procedures on land use projects which are of interest to other jurisdictions. The MOU is not intendel as a means for potential litigation for failure to provide such notice. The MOU specifically states that failure to provide th notice, or failure to consider the comments received, shall not constitute grounds for a court to invalidate the actions of the jurisdiction. Also, please note that any jurisdiction may terminate their participation in the MOU by providing ninety da notice. We hope that this MOU will respond to the needs of each city, a will provide a useful procedure that all jurisdictions can use enhance regional coordination on major land use matters. With your support, this agreement will act to further our goal of improving regional coordination. If you have any questions with regard to the proposed agreement please contact Mr. William Healy, Deputy Director of the County Department of Planning and Land Use, at 694-2969. Sincerely, NWH: WTH : tew Attachments: 1) May 22, 1989 Board Report 2) Proposed Memorandum of Understanding a 0 EXHIBIT MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR NOTIFICATION OF LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT ACTtONS BY COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO AND THE CITIES THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between each of the Cities of t San Diego Region, hereinafter called "Cities", and the COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, a political subdivision of the State of California, hereinafter called "County"; RECITALS WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65919.1 states that a county and a city may agree upon a procedure for referral by the county to the city or by the city t the county of proposed actions and for comments upon those proposals; and WHEREAS, Board of Supervisors Policy 1-55 encourages joint land use planning i spheres of influence and recognizes that the accommodation of both city and County interests "might involve agreement on land use and circulation systems, the phasing of development and annexations, facility financing arrangements, city review of proposed designs/facilities/plans for compatibility with city standards and/or other planning and fiscal arrangements to address the unique needs of the sphere territories"; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego has recommended that all jurisdictions within San Diego County should agree to provide notice, development proposals are within a certain proximity of, and/or have impacts 0' surrounding jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, obtaining early notification of proposed actions, solicitation of affected jurisdictions' input and resolution of regional issues is beneficial a1 1 jurisdictions; share information and solicit comments from adjacent jurisdictions when AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: The County shall refer any proposed discretionary action regarding land use anc development including General Plan Amendments, zoning amendments, specific plans, and discretionary development applications to the City when the project or actions meets any of the following criteria: a. The proposed project or action is within a City's Sphere of Influence, as defined by the Local Agency Formation Commission, or is within a City's designated planning review areas, as mutually defined and agreed to by thi County and the City; or The proposed project or action is within a one mile radius of a City's boundary; or Section 1. County Referral of Proposed Actions to City. b. M a 0 -2- c. The proposed project or action is located within a five (5) mile radius of a city's boundary, if said project or action permits one of the following types of regional facilities or has any of the following regional project characteristics: Facilities: o New regional wastewater treatment plants or solid waste disposal o o New government centers, university or college campuses, regional o sites; or New airports, transportation centers or 1 ight rail transit facilities or recreation facilities, or criminal justice facilities; or Modifications of floodplains which would cause an accelerated flow of floodwaters or otherwise potentially affect downstream properties located in adjacent jurisdictions; or o Modifications or relocations of regional circulation element roads ar highways which would adversely affect their capacity or function; or Characteristics: o Projects having regional characteristics as defined in Section 15206(b) (2) of the Cal ifornia Envi ronmental Qual i ty Act Guide1 ines: o residential developments of more than 500 dwelling units; o shopping centers or business establishments employing more than 1,000 persons or encompassing more than 500,000 square feet of f 1 oor space; o commercial office buildings employing more than 1,000 persons or encompassing more than 250,000 square feet of floor space; o hotel /motel developments of mor? than 500 rooms; o industrial, manufacturing, processing plants, or industrial park planned for more than 1,000 persons, occupying more than 40 acre area. of land, or encompassing more than 650,000 square feet of floor d. Exclusion Areas. Notwithstanding the above criteria, County referrals shall not be required for specific geographic areas, projects or actions which may be exempted in writing by a City otherwise entitled to receive the notice. Section 2. City Referral of Proposed Actions to County. A City shall refer any proposed discretionary action regarding land use and development, including General Plan Amendments, zoning amendments, specific plans and discretionary development applications to the County when the propose project or action meets any of the following criteria: MI 0 e -3- a. The proposed project or action is located within a quarter mile of the nearest boundary between the City and the County; or The proposed project or action permits one of the following types of regional facilities or has any of the following regional project characteristics: Facil i ties I b. o New regional wastewater treatment plants or solid waste disposal o New airports, transportation centers or light rail transit facilities o o sites; or or New government centers , university or col 1 ege campuses , regional recreation facilities, or criminal justice facilities; or Modifications of floodplains which would cause an accelerated flow of floodwaters or otherwise potentially affect downstream properties located in adjacent jurisdictions; or o Modifications or relocations of regional circulation element roads anc highways which would adversely affect their capacity or function; or Characteristics: o Projects having regional characteristics as defined in Section 15206 (b) (2) of the Cal if orni a Envi ronmental Qual i ty Act Gui del i nes ; o residential developments of more than 500 dwelling units; o shopping centers or business establishments employing more than 1,000 persons or encompassing more than 500,000 square feet of f 1 oor space ; o commercial office buildings emp1,oying more than 1,000 persons or encompassing more than 250,000 square feet of floor space; o hotel /motel developments of more than 500 rooms; o industrial, manufacturing, processing plants, or industrial parks planned for more than 1,000 persons, occupying more than 40 acre2 of land, or encompassing more than 650,000 square feet of floor area. c. Exclusion Areas. Notwithstanding the above criteria, City referrals shall not be required for specific geographic areas, projects or actions which may be exempted in writing by the County. Section 3. City Referral of Proposed Actions to Another City. A City shall refer any proposed discretionary action regarding land use and development, including General Plan Amendments , zoning amendments, specific plans and discretionary development applications to the appropriate city when the proposed project or action meets any of the following criteria: a. The proposed project or action is located within a quarter mile of the MA adjacent city's boundary; or 0 0 -4- b. The proposed project or action is located within an area where two or more City Spheres of Influence over1 ap; or The proposed project or action permits one of the following types of regional facilities or has any of the following regional project characteristics: Facilities: o New regional wastewater treatment plants or solid waste disposal o New airports, transportation centers or light rail transit facilities. o New government centers, university or college campuses, regional o c. sites; or or recreation facilities, or criminal justice facilities; 3r Modifications of floodplains which would cause an accelerated flow of floodwaters or otherwise potentially affect downstream properties located in adjacent jurisdictions; or o Modifications or relocations of regional circulation element roads an( highways which would adversely affect their capacity or function; or Characteristics: o Projects having regional characteristics as defined in Section 15206(b)(2) of the California Environmental Quality Act Guide1 ines: o residential developments of more than 500 dwelling units; o shopping centers or business establ ishments employing more than 1,000 persons or encompassing more than 500,000 square feet of floor space; o commercial office buildings emp1,oying more than 1,000 persons or encompassing more than 250,000 square feet of floor space; o hotel /motel developments of more than 500 rooms; o industrial, manufacturing, processing plants, or industrial park: planned for more than 1,000 persons, occupying more than 40 acre< of land, or encompassing more than 650,000 square feet of floor area. d. Exclusion Areas. Notwithstanding the above criteria, City referrals to another City shall not he required for specific geographic areas, projects the notice. Section 4. or actions as may be exempted in writing by the City otherwise receiving Review and Comment by Affected City or County. The referral shall be directed to the City's or County's Planning Department, unless otherwise designated. For any General Plan Amendment, Zone Reclassification, Specific Plan application or amendment, or for any project of regional significance as set forth by Sections l(c), 2(b) or 3(c), the affected City or County shall have forty-five (45) days from the date the referral of th proposed project or action is mailed, or such longer time as may be specified b h! @ m -5- the referring agency, to review, comment and make recommendations in writing on the consistency of the proposed project or action with the affected City or County General Plan, specific plans, and Zoning Ordinance. discretionary actions regarding land use and development, the affected city or County shall be provided notice of the local hearing(s) on said action, and shall have the same time to review and comment as set forth in the public notic( requirements of the referring City or County. For all other Section 5. Consideration of Comments. The Cities and the County shall coordinate on the review of certain discretionary actions regarding land use and development and shall provide comments and recommendations within the established time limits, the decision-making body shall consider said comments and recommendations prior to taking action. Upon request, the decision-making jurisdictions shall, prior to the public hearing, provide the commenting agency with the staff report or othei appropriate document( s) which contain the consideration of comments received during the review period. adequate opportunity for comment, If the affected City or County provides Section 6. Failure to Receive or Consider Referral. The failure of any jurisdiction to provide a referral pursuant to this Agreement, or failure to consider the comments received on a referral , shall no1 constitute grounds for any court to invalidate the actions of the local agency. This agreement shall be effective as to any individual party upon that party's approval. Understanding may be terminated by any of the participating jurisdictions with regard to their individual participation upon ninety days of written notice to all other parties hereinafter signed. * resolutions and on the dates set forth below: CITY OF CARLSBAD Resol uti on Date Date CITY OF CORONADO CITY OF DEL MAR Resol uti on Resolution Date Date Section 7, Term of Agreement, It is mutually understood and agreed that this Memorandum of IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have entered into this Agreement by the CITY OF CHULA VISTA Res ol ut i on N WiWi3 it; 1; l u,;,,i ,.itu L~~;,lIN COCiqTY co~;;:zL "&*&-r&~ V'PI IN ab a -6- CITY OF EL CAJON Resolution Resolution Date Date CITY OF ESCONDIDO CITY OF IMPERIAL BEACH Resol uti on Date Date CITY OF LA MESA CITY OF LEWON GROVE Resolution Resolution Date Date CITY OF NATIONAL CITY CITY OF OCEANSIDE Resol ution Resol uti on Date Date CITY OF POWAY Resolution Resol uti on Date Date CITY OF SAN MARCOS Resolution Resol uti on Date Date CITY OF SOLANA BEACH CITY OF VISTA Resol uti on Date Date COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Resolution Date CITY OF ENCINITAS Resolution CITY OF SAN DIEGO CITY OF SANTEE Resol uti on CRESTO;C/C/ATTACHBC;sv N @EXHIBIT “4” e ( i ( ) V t.1 I t N RI b; NT C () I) g 1. 4 G.5919. 1)cCtnitiunu As uscd in Uiis dirpCLr Clw followhg ternis Itlc;ttl: (a) “Affect4 city” mcans a city withiti wliosc plaiitiirig rcvicw ;irca at1 affccLed tern (1)) “Affcctcd territory” nicans ati area of I:uid Ioci~kxi in Uic wiincoqmrakd poortic wliicli is Uie subject 011 onc or more proposctl ;ictions. (c) “Prolmscd action“ means r prolmsal Lo :idopt or arnend all or part of a general o or to adopt or arncnd a zoning ordinance, but docs not iticlude action taken by an or’ became effective immediately pursuaiit tc, sultdivisiori (b) or (d) of Section Z123 o Scction 65858. (d) “Planning review area” means the territory included iu a * * general plan or il @ of 5 city or county. A planning review area in the case of a city shall not e whichever of the foilowing includes the largest area and, in the case of a county, sha beyond the territory described in paragraph’ (2) or (3), whichever includes the (I) The area included within the sphere of influence of the city. (2) A radius of one mile outside the boundary of the city which area shall not include within the sphere of influence of another city. (3) An - which is agrred upon and designated by a county and a &y within (Added by Stak.1983. c 860. 9 2. Amended by Stats.1986, c 443, g 1.) 1 Sa in adkd bin Litnary Rdac#a Words 4 phrrra (PcmL Ed.) $ 65919.1. proaedarc md comment on referrala w agreement, the.@ocedum pmcribed by this cbppter ahall be followed. (Added by Stsb.1983, c SO,§ 2 Amended by Stata1986, c 443, Q 2) Q 659192. M.p of pbdrlg mien w A city whictr desires dexrals from a county or a mty which desinr dards f pursuant to this cbrpta rh.n-fiL? with the counw or the ’ asthea~am am (Addedby Stata.lS83, c SOs 0 2 Amended byStatal986.c 443, § 4 Q 659193. Reftniag propascd dona to affected dtkr or da Acoan~ and a city may agree upon a procedure for refd by the mty to the& totbecoun ofpmposedtctioas~foraMunentupsatbosepm~”’. In: * ~~nh*bird*.tlathepm(ioOof~ lb asemr . Plannmgtwren~ .. t. . .. &@& ld O&&k? prov&d in !b&on 65919.10, befon? .tfie boud Of 8- proposed action# the amQ shan refer the ptoposed action to each affected city, and befo witbtheproced oresetforthi!lsectio 11s 6S19.4 and 65919.5. coundnctsonaDrowmed action, the city Shan refer* proposed actiontotheaxm&mr (Added by statn1983, c 860. Q 2 Amended by Ststsl986, c 443, § 4) 8 65919.4. Notioe; propored actione @ Not later tfran the date the county notices the public hearing on a proposed adka b COW& pbnning ~omm’Lssin, the county sfiall notify an affected city of the nature of the action (b) Not later than the date the city notices the public hearing on a proposed action befor plahp: commission, the city shall notify the county of the nature of the propose ~cJ The information in the notification shall not be less than the information contained in t of public hearing. The notification required by this section and by Section 65919.8 shall be fint<lass mail or by hand delivery. The notice shall also indicate the earliest date on v Asterisks 8 indicate deletions by amendment 21 GO\' bod of supervisors or city council, as thc C;ISCL may Ix, c;ln ;ICL on the 11 rnociification to Uic prolmscd action. (Added by St;its.1!183, C. 860, 6 2. g 65919.5. The board of supervisors or city council to wtiicli tlic proposctl action is Section 65919.3 shall have 45 days from the date the county or city, as thc delivers the proposed action. or such longer time as tlic county or city, as thc or allows at the request of the affected city or county, as the case may be. to r and to make recommendations on the consistency of the proposcd action with specific plans and zoning ordinances of the affected city or county. If the a does not provide the comments and recommendations to the referring coui 4May period, or such longer time as the referring county OM has speci request of the affected city or county, the board of supervisors or city COI considering those comments. If the affected city or county provides the comments and recommendations the planning commission ads on the proposed action, the planning consider the comments and recommendations. * 9 65919.4 1) 4' 4% Anicctdcd by Stats.1986, c. 443. 4 5.) licvicw nnd comment by affected cilics or counties (Added by Stats.1983, c. 860, g 2. Amended by Stats.1986, c. 443, g 6.) 5 65919.6. Comments and recommendations of affected cities or counties; Before acting upon a proposed action, the county shall consider comments received from each affected city and the city shall consider comments and reco from the county- (Added by Stats.1983, c 860, § 2 Amended by Sbts.1986, c 443, § 7.) 8 65919.7. Modifk&ioa and referral back of proposed &ns ~f the board of eupehrn or council modifies and refers a pmpm refer the modifica tion to the p~ the case may be, shall at the same time affected + or county in 8~cordamx with Sections 659198 and 65919.9. (Added by Stats.1983, c 860,s 2. Amended by Stata.1986, c 443.8 8.) 4 659198 Review of, conarmnt U;d.kkomm&tioaa .. on modiliatiow. ti The referrrlrhdl reyonaMydercrbethe.modifikation to thepmposed laio! to which the modifiatjon is referred shall have 25 days %om the dateof the re rpecifies or allows at tbe cequeat of the d to review to comment to make recommendatjoas on the amsktency < of the off& time = theP -%P with applicable general d spee@cplans and zoning oxdkmces the affected dty or corn does not provide the comments and recommenda kLay 4 or such longer time a the ref- ;**wed at the requel3t-of the affeetea aty 0- the-&iif Qluncil may act without eonsidering those comments. If the affected a@ or yunty provides the comments and recommendations the"' planning comrmssron acts on the proposed action. the planning < consider the comments and recommendations. If the planning commission fails to act, the modifcation may become effecti? 65356 or m, without consideration of the comments and recommendations (Added by Stats.1983, c 860, 4 2 Amended by Stats.1986, e. 443, 4 9.) 4 65919.9. Comments and recommendations of affected cities or count Prior to acting on the mnodification, the board of supervisors shall consid recommendations received from each affected city and the city council shall c and recommendations from the county. (Added by Stats.1983, c. 860, 6 2. Amended by Stats.1986, c. 443. 5 LO.) planning commission parstaant to + n 65356 or 6585'7,.the board of supmi! Underline Indicates changes or. addi 22 0 ro Pa * 4 0 GOVKltNhlI.:NT COl)l< 5 C.5919.10. 7,hiiiiiK cirdioctncc cl~ltnjirn: rcfcrrals: cxeml,tion .?* If tlic popscd actio11 is 3 ChiiUKC iu it J.Ot\\i\g OYdil\3l\cc. u\C cout~ly & nc- zoritng proposal LO an affcctcd city or county, as tlic caw may tr, if thc miling props with thc gcncral plan * and tllc gcncral plan proposal was rcfcrrcd and ackd up &dons 65919.4 to 65!#19.9, inclusive, as a{ipkahk. (Addcd by Sms.1983. c. 860. 4 2. Amcndcd by Slat5.1986. c. 443, p It.) 6 659 19.1 1. ally proposed action. (Added by Stats.1983, c. 860. $ 2.) p 65919.12. Duration of chapter This chapter shall remain in effect only until January 1, 1990. and as of that da, unless a later enacted statute, which is chapter4 before January 1, 1990, deletes or date. (Added by StakS.1983, c. 860, $ 2.) CHAPTER 4.5. - Procedural nonconipkwcc; validity of proposed actions Failure to comply with the proccdurai rcquiremcnts of Lhis cliaptcr shall not affect REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF DEVELQPMENT PROJE AR'I'ICLF, 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 65!E2.5. Advisory nature of guideliws 6!j922.7. Expzdhdpennitpmcess; techniraloaaistBaceandgran~ coaflictbe 659238 (3rarrRdaWu wate (reilitl projaq lde Halth .ad slfc* codt. ''. Q 25199.2" 659223. Oe Of pedt.~kUw duties. purpose^ and re~p~n~ibilities; -lines €toes and expedited permit pmcess of county or city. Dev-t project lead agency to inform applicant of office-of penail .. .. AppththdcbrpCalorppliatiarrfahmrdota ... . .. .: . .. .. . . :. oSs9i kbk~~noftimeUmfts;..eplicrtioaofdupta~ .. .. .- . .. N.(a.(-. .. pcrrpacdriichkb:pnmac*.i .epcrrniOaeprro.il.a~~i.+f ~**cm).~Itrfut~ --. i d -parato kh.~sporercOdcLammt - tblpmimb ~y~pa&&d~~~~~~~~.ucu~Gx~~ Wash. ~Fcricr.doaxocdlia,txtruba.krmdr dl cooll*. (ApP.tDbtlW 198 c+R -dnr-!dbetchrrdICb .. trs- - -adinrrr roos.IdadiYmuGrb*h-- li%tiqdpa&&daranqdifudbytatterpwirlm. W672 5 65922.3. offkc of permit asistan- duties, purposca, mspoasibilitiea; guidelines The Office of Permit Assistance is hereby created in the Office of Planning and Res offk 8ud to, and is vested with, all of the duties, purposes. and responssib~ rec performed by the.Office of Pbnning and &search pursuant to former Artide 6 (eomm sectioa 65050) ot Chapter 1.5 of Diin 1 of Title 7 of the Government Code. Tfie 4 develop guidelines to pmvide technii assistance to counties and cities in establiihing an( an expedited development permit process. The guidelines shall include, but not be IimitE the following elements of a local permit process: (a) A WUhI contact point with a public agency where a11 permit applications can b. information on all permit requirements can be obtained. (b) ,A referral process to (1) refer the applicant to the appropriate functional area for rc problems and fulfillment of requirements, (2) refer the applicant to citiqs within the count: Asterisks indicate detetions by amendment 23 0 % Q