HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-07-11; City Council; 10122; COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT FINANCIAL ADVISORa 0 ar 4 >" & 2 a s I- 0 $ z 3 0 0 44 C1-a OF CARLSBAD - AGEN- BILL ,I AB# 18, la* TITLE: DEF MTG. 7/11/89 COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT CIT' CIT' DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: FIN FINANCIAL ADVISOR Adopt Resolution No. 5?-92%electing the firm of Kadie-Jensen, Johnsc Bodnar to act as financial advisor for the proposed Mello-Roos Commur Facilities District, and supporting funds. ITEM EXPLANATION In January, 1989, the City Council directed staff to study the feasibi of forming a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District (CFD) to finance construction of major pub1 ic improvements. As this study nears completion, it will be necessary to review the proposed tax structure debt program for reasonableness and marketabi 1 i ty from the f inan perspective. Staff is currently working with the firm, of NBS/Lowry to produce funding model and general district description. The financial advis (FA) role is to verify the results of the NBS model and to be sure the City can market the Mello-Roos bonds. The FA is also called UFO confirm the cash flow estimate and assumptions related to suppor future debt service payments from CFD taxes. The staff has requested proposals from three firms specializing in type of service: Fieldman, Rolapp & Associates, Whipple and Assoc' and Kadie-Jensen, Johnson & Bodnar. Although the firm's proposal Vi its pricing methods and terms, the decision to employ Kadie was I primarily on the type of service needed by the City. Prices based on the proposals were as follows: Fieldman, Rolapp & Associates $25,000 Whipple and Associates Kadie-Jensen, Johnson & Bodnar Hourly - expected to i about $lO,OOO/mont h Hourly - not to exceec $17,500 Kadie's proposal provided the staff the ability to work closely NBS/Lowry without trying to fit the CFD model to pre-existing mode to reinvent the District's parameters. FISCAL IMPACT: The entire costs of District formation including fees for fina consultants will be funded by the City. All expenditures related t Mello-Roos District will be recovered from bond proceeds when an occurs. The Council is being asked to appropriate $17,500 froi unappropriated fund balance to cover the expected cost of these cons1 services . I -\ 1. 0 Page TWO of Agenda Bill No. ID,/ 2s EXHIBITS : 1. Resolution No.%-a?selecting the firm of Kadie-Jensen, Johr and Bodnar as financial advisor. Proposal from Kadi e-Jensen, Johnson & Bodnar. 2. L 4- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Q 0 RESOLUTION NO. 89-229 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, SELECTING THE FIRM OF KADIE-JENSEN, JOHNSON & BODNAR TO ACT AS FINANCIAL ADVISOR FOR THE PROPOSED MELLO-ROOS COMMUNITY FACILITIES WHEREAS, the City Council has directed staff to investigatc creation of a City-wide Mello-Roos Community Facilities District to a wide range of Capital Improvements; and WHEREAS, the creation of such a District requires a det analysis of project costs, funding schedules, tax formulas and cash f and WHEREAS, the City staff has worked with the firm of NBS/Low create proposed tax formulas and project schedules; and WHEREAS, these taxing formulas and cash flow projections shou reviewed by an independent financial consultant prior to Dis formation to verify the marketability of any district that may result WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad may recover the cost of any consu services related to the creation of the Mello-Roos Community Facil District from bond proceeds from such District; and I WHEREAS, the City staff has received proposals from three qual firms; and WHEREAS, the firm of Kadie-Jensen, Johnson & Bodnar has selected by the City Council as the firm most able to meet the nec the City in this endeavor. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the C- Carlsbad, as follows: 1. That the above citations are true and correct. /// /// 1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 I.5 A6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 2. That the proposal of the firm of Kadie-Jensen, Johnson & B is hereby accepted by the City Council. 3. That funds in the amount of $17,500 is hereby appropriated the General Fund unappropriated fund balance to the Finance Depar budget to cover the costs of the financial advisor services. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council at a re meeting thereof held on the llthday of July , 1989, k following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and I NOES : None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clehk lL2crL /. Ps (SEAL) I 0 0 CARL KADI ELEANOR ]EN 6092 CUMULUS SAN DIEGO, CALIFOI FAX (619) 296: WLLQUGHBY C. Jl P.O. BOX 13 402 W. OJAl AV OjAI, CALIFOW1 (805) 64672( FAX (805) 646- ERNEST B. BO1 233 DEXTER PI SAN RAMON, CAL (415) 829.34 KADIE - JENSEN, JOHNSON & BODNAR Municipal Financing Consultants, Inc. (619) 295-259 March 30, 1989 FAX (415) 829- CITY OF CARLSBAD Attn: James Elliot Finance Director 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: Financial Consulting Services - Community Facilities District(s) to Provide Major Infrastructure Financing Dear Mr. Elliot: KJJB is pleased to offer its services as Financial Consul1 to the City of Carlsbad for the planning and implementation of Community Facilities District(s) to finance major infrastructui capital improvements (the "Projects"). The description of services leading to the authorization of bonds is broad in sco] with the intention that we work closely with City Staff, takin( specific direction from staff prior to undertaking the various tasks herein set forth. PLANNING AND CFD FORMATION SERVICES Our services will include, but will not be limited to the following: 0 Review all cost estimates, tax rate structure, proje build out and other material developed to date. 0 Based on this review, make recommendations as to any future elements which should be considered in developing the final plan. 0 0 City of Carlsbad March 30, 1989 Page 2 o Working with either the model developed by MBS or a model of our own creation, depending on the efficienc of either approach in terms of time required, test or cause to be tested various alternate scenarios to determine the sensitivity of the proposed tax formula to varying assumptions. 0 Based on any findings as to sensitivity which might adversely affect the success of the program, recommer suitable changes in the tax formula to the City. 0 As directed, write, or assist in the writing, of any reports or descriptions necessary for presentation tc City Council, property owners or other interested parties. 0 Attend such meeting as may be requested by the City 1 explain or assist in the explanation of the proposed financing plan. 0 Maintain a continuing review of the Mello-Roos tax formula and all of the assumptions leading to its development, in terms of the marketability of securities. Advise the City as to any changes belie to be necessary or desirable to assure marketing of securities at the best possible interest rates. 0 Assist the City, Bond Counsel, Special Tax Consultan or other parties in drafting any necessary legal documents and/or reports required for the implementation of the financing plan. e e City of Carlsbad March 30, 1989 Page 3 0 Provide whatever other review, assistance, analysis z recommendations may be requested by the City to be assured that the proposed tax formula and financing plan are feasible and implementable and provide the best possible solution to financing the Projects. 0 Assist the City in developing a policy with respect 1 disclosure of the Mello-Roos tax to purchasers of property within any City CFD. This assistance would include providing sample disclosure statements used elsewhere as well as drafting, or assisting to draft the disclosure statement which is determined to be appropriate for this undertaking. 0 Once bonds are authorized, determination should be m as to whether or not the best interest rates could b achieved through a negotiated sale of the bonds, competitive sale, or some combination of the two. K will work with the City Staff to make a determinatio in this regard and will prepare any written material requested by City to support the determination. Fee for Services Our fee for the above services is based on an hourly rate $125 plus reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses outside of normal office overhead, payable monthly. The total amount due hereunder would not exceed $17,500 without specific authorizat from the City. We would not undertake any of these services described above prior to being directed to do SO by City Stafl If at any time it becomes clear that the City’s request j services may result in exceeding this maximum budget, we woulc inform the City and request additional authorization. e e City of Carlsbad March 30, 1989 Page 4 BOND MARKETING SERVICES The services to be performed by KJJB with respect to marketing of bonds is described in the following section of thi proposal for both a competitive and negotiated sale of bonds. Services to be Provided Method of Salc Public Negoti; 1. Recommend specific terms and conditions X X of the issue including debt amortization schedule, estimated interest rates, call and redemption features (if any), and revenue sources for the repayment of the debt to be incurred. 2. Assist City's Legal Counsel and Bond Counsel in the preparation of: a. Resolution of issuance and legal X X documents. b. Notice of public sale. X N.A. 3. Prepare the text of a Preliminary X X/N. Official Statement which describes the securities to be issued, sources of funds to repay the debt, the City's Project including costs and sources of funds, the City's financial position, and the economic base of the City. 4. Prepare content and format of a Request N.A. X for Proposal To Furnish Underwriter 0 ~. City of Carlsbad March 30, 1989 Page 5 Services To Be Provided Method of Sale Public Negotiz Services (RFP) for distribution to Underwriters. Assist the City in: X a. Evaluating Underwriters' responses N.A. to the RFP and the short-listing of Underwriters for interview. X b. Participate in the Underwriter N.A. interviewings. X c. Assist City Staff in designating the N.A. Underwriter, or combination of Under- writers, that appears to be best qualified to underwrite the City's securities. N.A. X 5. Distribute the Preliminary Official Statement, Notice of Sale, and Legal Documents to potential purchasers of the securities. N.A. 6. Attend public bid opening, calculate X interest costs bid, and recommend the award of the securities or rejection of bids. X 7. Review and advise the City with respect N.A. to specific provisions of the Under- writer's Purchase Contract as they relate to issuance costs to be borne by the City and Underwriter; elements of the gross e m .. City of Carlsbad March 30, 1989 Page 6 Services To Be Provided Method of Sale Public Negotiz spread (discount) proposed by the Under- writer, i-e., take-down, expenses, under- writing risk, and management fee; pro- posed interest rates; redemption features of the issue; and terms and conditions for sale and delivery of the securities to the Underwriter. 8. Coordinate delivery of securities with X X the City, Bond Counsel, Underwriter, Underwriter's Counsel, Bank Trustee, and credit enhancer. Fee for Services Our fee for services would be based on an hourly rate of $125 plus reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses not to excel 0 For a public sale of bonds, $30,000 plus reimburseme for authorized printing and mailing costs, 0 For a negotiated sale of bonds where KJJB prepares t Official Statement, not to exceed $27,500 plus reimbursement for authorized printing and mailing costs. 0 For a negotiated sale of bonds where KJJB does not prepare the Official Statement, not to exceed $12,50 * 0 is City of Carlsbad March 30, 1989 Page 7 A BRIEF SUMMARY OF PRINCIPALS ASSIGNED TO THE PROJECT EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS Carl Kadie will be in charge of all services provided undc this agreement. In the case of services prior to the authori- zation of bonds, Mr. Kadie will be working directly with the C and other City consulting staff. If KJJB is given the responsibility for preparing the Official Statement, Willoughby Johnson will be working under M. Kadie's direction in the preparation of this and related documents. Experience and Qualifications Mr. Kadie has provided municipal financing services to agencies of local government on a full time basis since 1963. His experience includes over 100 Special Assessment Districts 15 Community Facilities Districts to date. In addition to Financial Consulting, Mr. Kadie also offer services in the area Assessment Engineering and Special Tax Consulting. A thorough grounding in these disciplines is believed to be essential in order to provide the range of assistance needed in analyzing and participating in the development of the final tax formula as well as determining th market implications of various decisions which may be made. Mr. Willoughby Johnson, who will be responsible for preparing the Official Statement and related documents, is an attorney. Prior to joining KJJB he was a partner and bond counsel in the firm of Orrick, Herrington, and Sutcliffe, the . e a I City of Carlsbad March 30, 1989 Page 8 largest bond counsel firm in the United States. Mr. Johnson ha been responsible for preparing Official Statements for KJJB sir joining the firm in 1981, Yours very trul @&?& resident CK:bt