HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-07-11; City Council; 10124; REQUEST TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR ZONE 21' g g 2 i3 .. z s c 5: A Cj z g 0 Glm UP GAHLSBAU - AUtNw BILL I AB#&+,!-$& TITLE: REQUEST TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MTG. 7-11-u DEPT. CITY P MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR ZONE 21 DEPT. GM CITY n RECOMMENDED ACTION: Authorize Planning Systems to prepare the Local Facilities Management Plai Zone 21. ITEM EXPLANATION This Agenda Bill is the result of a petition presented to the City Co requesting authorization under Section 21.90.120(d) of the Carlsbad Municipal for a group of owners to prepare a Local Facilities Management Plan. following questions should be considered prior to rendering a decision. 1. What percentage of owners are willing to proceed and prepare the plan? 2. Has the City approved projects within the Zone which cannot proceed un local plan is prepared? 3. Have the petitioners made a reasonable effort to contact and discuss desires to prepare a local plan with the other property owners in the z 4. Is the development of this area of the City premature? Request Review 1. 47% of the property owners have agreed to have the local plan prepared. owners represent 67% of the privately owned acreage of the zone. 2. There are no projects either applied for or approved within the zone. 3. The petitioners have made a reasonable attempt to discuss their desir prepare a local plan. 100% of the zone's property owners have been not by mail. In addition, several property owner meetings have been held, to all property owners within the zone were invited. 4. Although there is no existing development, this zone is adjacent to devc and developing areas. It also contains the site for the Alga Road Scha The Growth Management Program allows for the property owners wishing to pr the facility plan to be reimbursed the prorata share of the cost to prepar plan by those property owners not participating in its preparation. However property owners wishing to proceed have agreed to pay for all costs associai preparing the plan and will not seek reimbursement from the remaining prc owners. FISCAL IMPACT None EXHIBITS 1) Letter dated May 31, 1989 from Roy N. Mayemura 2) List of Zone 21 property owners , rn W '. May 31, 1989 15012 Redhill, Suite A Tustin, CA 92680 Honorable Mayor & City Council City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: 1200 Elm Avenue Request for Permission to Prepare Local Facilities Management Plan Honorable Mayur & Members of the Councilt This is an update to our letter of Mirch 9: 1989. Under the provisions of the City's Growth Management Program, a Facilities Management Plan must be approved for each uf Che 25 Local Facilities Management Zones. There are three ways that this can be accomplished. First, the City can prepare the plan with the costs assessed to the owners within the Zone. Second, - ALL property owners may jointly submit a plan. Third, where a "jdnt:" submission is not pcmible, any group of owners may petition the Council for authorization to proceed with preparation and submittal o The property owners in Zone 21 hereby request authorization under the third alternative to begin work on the LFMP. This effort began in 1987 with letters to each property owner in the zone. These letters were 5er.t Registered Mail with Return Receipt ReyuesLed (see attached). Following the letter, several meetings have beell held. Attendance at the meetings has been good, with those attending indicating their commitment to preparing the LFMP. property owners intend to retain Mr. Tam Hageman of Planning Systems to prepare the plan. After contacting all 15 private property owners, since owners representing 162.51 acres, or 67% of the Zone's total privately owned land area. Several of the larger ownerships have agreed to pick up costs where a property owner does not desire to share in costs. This option will be made available to all property owners after build-out projections are approved by the staff. This eliminates the need for- City involvement in cost apportionment. Although efforts will continue to solicit the participation of the 7 remaining ownerships, we are now seeking Council authorization to proceed with the Zone 21 Fdcilities Plan. The participating January 9, 1987, we have received a commitment of 8 properly L .I* m m Appraval csf this request at yaue earlieak canvenic~l~e would be appreciated. Very truly yours, MYSAK INVESTMENT CORP. , General Partner for CARLSBAD ONE, A General '1 ~artner">ll(p E *b .tt' "% Lt ,,qa[y--- Roy/ . Maycrnura cc : Zone 21 Property Owners: Joseph Sfregola/Terry Reiter Joseph Levatino Jack Sudduth Anthony Eons Joseph Steiner Isabel DeSaska Lawrence Lux Security Pacific Bank Trust for Bressi Ranch Robert Downs Robert Kervane Reh, Waggoner. et a1 Carlsbad Partners (formerly Hunt Bros . ) David Maldonado Alice Lamplugh ._ -.. @ W- - - - -_-_ - 15012 Red Hill, Suite A Tustin, CA 92680 January 9, 1987 I Terry and Margaret Reiter 6 Saddleback Road Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Dear Terry and Margaret Reiter: As one of the property owners within Zone 21, designated by Carlsbad's Local Facility Management Plan, we would like to ask you to attend a meeting to introduce all the landowners in our zone to each other. A meeting has been set for January 21, 1987, at 10 A.M. at the offices of Coldwell Banker, 5130 Avienida Encinas, Carlsbad, tel ephone (61 9) 438-8500. The purpose of the meeting is not only to introduce each other, but to indroduce our consultants, to inform a1 1 landowners of the procedures involved in the plan, and to organize our mutual efforts to process the Plan through the City of Carlsbad. Please confirm this meeting by calling me at (714) 259-9600. Your attendance will be needed and appreciated. Yours very truly, MAYSAK INVESTMENT CORPORATION /..+/* fly=zH-u ROY N. MAYEMURA - n RNM-qn L. 2-27-89 ;10:22AM ; ZIP 18594 171 4259' $-. 5 r: . SENT By:THE OH COMPANY 5, . a'. , + CARLSBAD I c/o Steve Nishhura 120 South San Pedro Street, Suite 523 Los Angeles, California 90012 , . .. .. ... * :... ' .-. ' .. :r; . : .' $.. <' 9 ::, . .. ..'e : '8. . -: February 24, 1989 :: , .,> . 4 .I.. ' .. .j;; . . .: ..4 . L;. A 'u I (213) 680-1020 .. .. _L . e .. ... g . ,<,* -' $*. :.? - j . .. r I i ! .. 1 . ; .. .; . c 5. g I 1. . .As .a folfow up to our prior letter to you, we are . notifying-you of a meeting of property owners within Zone 21 in_ the City of Carlsbad to discuss Zone 2l'.s application €or Public Facilities Plan approvals, as The meeting will take place on March 9, 1989 at 1:30 P.M. .' .: . required 1, by City initiative, '-. . 2011 PalOmir Airport Road, Suite 206, Carlsbad, CA. 9'2009. 2. af the, offices of Hillman Propertiee/Avfara Propexties, The offices are located at the southeast.corner of Palomar Airport Road and Camino Vida Roble. We sould appreciate a reply as to whether you will or Will not be able to attend; Please call either . Roy Mayemura at (714). 259-9600-or Liz Wlegand at Sincerely, .. (619) 438-3877. &% Steve Nishimura ' Partner - - F; I t 1. I 1. w w k$/ .. ,.. . .. 0 CC :::; LIZ U1EGihD . . ..-... . .. Y .--.* ... 0 0 PRIVATE OWNERSHIP - FORMATION 01 ZONE 21 IS NAME & ADDRESS A.P. # ACREAGE ACCEPTABLE 120 So. San Pedro #523 Los Angeles, CA 90012 6 Saddleback Rd. Rolling Hills, CA Carlsbad One 215-020-01 36.20 X Terry & Margaret Reiter, et al. 215-020-06 20.02 X David & Olivia Maldonado 215-020-07 20.02 X 1668 Freda Lane Cardiff, CA 92007 Anthony & Dicky K. Bons 215-020-12 6.55 X 1565 Mulberry Drive San Marcos, CA 92069 Carl sbad Partners 215-020-13 31.65 X 2011 Palomar Airport Rd. Suite 206 Carlsbad, CA 92009 Security Paci f i c Nat i onal 215-020-15, 21.08 X Bank in Trust for Mary E. Bressi P.O. Box 1666 Carlsbad, Ca 92008 Robert L. & Anita M. 215-050-12 10.10 X Downs, et a1 . 17 10780 San Gabriel Way Valley Center, CA 92082 Ms. A1 ice M. Lamp1 ugh 215-050-18 20.34 6869 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92008 Gabor and Ilona Reh 215-050-21 11.00 155 Santa Sabina Court Solana Beach, CA 92705 Jack & Patricia A. Sudduth 215-050-22 9.27 1301 Fortside Drive Ft. Washington, MD 20744 James C. Waggoner, et al. David & Vera Del Guidice 0 0 FORMATION 01 NAME & ZONE 21 IS ADDRESS A.P. # ACREAGE ACCEPTABLE Robert F. & Cheryl Kevane 215-050-44, 20.27 Gremkl LTD No. 1 45,46,47 8480 La Mesa Boulevard La Mesa, CA 92041 Ms. Isabel De Saska 215-050-57 1.10 6721 El Camino Real Carl sbad, CA 92008 Joseph R. 81 Marion Steiner 215-050-58 2.88 6675 El Camino Real Carl sbad, CA 92008 Mr. Lawrence L. Lux 2 15-050-59 16.37 6723 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92008 2212 Malibu Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92646 Joseph V. & Noreen Levatino 215-050-60 16.89 X Subtotal - Private Acreage 243.74 PUBLIC OWNERSHIP - Carl sbad Uni f i ed School 215-050-11 10.07 Carlsbad Unified School 215-050-62 10.08 District Di strict Subtotal - Pub1 ic Acreage 20.15 TOTAL ACREAGE - ZONE 21 263.89 m NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hol a public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California at 6:OO p.m. on Tuesday, , to consider approval of petition for authorization to begin preparation of a Local Facilities Managemer Plan for Zone 21. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially i the public hearing. If you have any questions, please call t m Y38- I I& I G~QL~IT~ /rlAbJA( If you challenge the City Council’s Decision in court, you may be limited 1 raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearirl described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City o Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. CASE FILE: LFMP 21 APPLICANT: Zone 21 Property Owners PUBLISH : CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL m rn (Form A) - TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FROM: #d +?- I RE: PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST Attached are the materials necessary for you to notice Please notice the item for the council meeting of ,'IF7 Thank you. 6 - /6- 8'7 -c- Assistant City Man-- Date 4 @i% F %&e. AcL-8A-"7/ c{ + B-+*?+ , . e 0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING LFMP-21 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, Califo at 6:OO P.M., on Tuesday, July 11, 1989, to consider a petition for authorizat to begin preparation of a Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 21. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call the Growth Manage Department, at 438-1161. If you challenge the City Council's decision in court, you may be limited to r only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described i this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad, C Clerk's Office, at or prior to the public hearing. APPLICANT: Zone 21 Property Owners PUBLISH : June 30, 1989 CARLSBALI CITY COUNCIL 4 ZONE 21 tity of tarlsbad Local Facilities Management Plan OTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING LFMP-9 3ammis). If you have any questions regarding this matter, p: If you challenge the City Council's decision in court APPLICANT: Zone 21 Property Owners PUBLISH: June 30,1989 PLICANT: SAMMIS PROPERTIES BLISH: June 30,1989 CARLSBAD CITY COUS CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL __ - - .. -- -- ---- .- _- tion, call 727-3800. The Oceanside Single Sailing for sailing, parties, brunc th American Conference of Club meets for coffee and special occasion gatheri ated andDivorcedCatholics doughnuts at 10 a.m. every Sun- sailing lessons and more. n to all ages, as well as to day at the Oceanside Light- more information, call the lnmarried and widowed. house, Oceanside Harbor. At 11 hour recording at 224-7444. at 7:30 p.m. first and third a.m. the group sails from Ocean- Rancho Pacifica Health Ced sys of every month at St. side Harbor. Skippers, crew and in Encinitas presents c~I~~~~~ s can join them three times ed. For more information, call ’ Shipmates, a C keets from 8 p.m. to mid- with over 300 members, meets is for Jewish singles of all age Sundays and Mondays at from 8 to 9:30 p.m. every Tues- Membership fee for the year I ’ireside Restaurant, 439 day at the Bali Hai Restaurant $12. For information or to be i- ngton Ave., Escondido. For on Shelter Island. Guests are cluded on the group’s mailii nformation, call 941-5315 or welcome to visit three times be- list, call Catherine Elbert 13. fore joining. Sign up at meetings 433-7773.