HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-07-11; City Council; 10128; Selection/Training Standards Safety Dispatchers. 00 ,-.. I . Cl) z 00 ,-.. . I 'ti C/) ~ z 0 . 'ti 'ti ~ (IJ 0 CJ :, ":I 'ti 0 (IJ ~ ,I.I ,I.I 0. C: 0 'ti "M !'Cl r-1 r-1 •n •ri CJ C: u :, C: 0 ::, u 0 u 0\ 0\ 00 00 --r-1 00 r-1 ,..., -,..._ -,-.... z 0 i3 ~ ..I c3 z :> 0 C) CIUOF CARLSBAD -AGENL';qBILL ✓Jf AB# JD, I 9-8 MTG. 7/tdN r• DEPT. __ P_O_L_ I.IIl,,,,g; AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING PENAL CODE REQUIREMENTS RELATING TO SELECTION/ TRAINING STANDARDS OF PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCHERS RECOMMENDED ACTION: DEPT. HD. __ CITY ATT'J j/f/3_ CITYMG~ If Council concurs, your action is to introduce Ordinance No. /t) S -71S' providing that while receiving state aid pursuant to Chapter 1 of Title 4 of Part 4 of the Penal Code {PC §13500 et seq.), the city will adhere to the standards for recruitment and training established by the Department of Justice Commission on Peace Officer standards and Training (POST). ITEM EXPLANATION California Penal Code Section 13510 has been amended to require commission on POST to establish minimum selection and training standards for local public safety dispatchers. Following public hearing on July 21, 1988, the Commission adopted standards as part of a voluntary Public Safety Dispatcher Program. The program will became effective, subject to review and approval of the Commission's regulatory actions by the Office of Administrative Law, on January 1, 1989. All local agencies that are in POST Peace Officer Program are eligible to participate in the program which will provide reimbursement for certain dispatcher training costs. The minimum standard requirements are: a thorough background investigation; medical examination; evaluation of oral communication skills; satisfactory completion of POST certified 80- hour basic complaint/dispatcher course within 12 months of date of hire; and a minimum of 12 months probation. staff recommends this ordinance be adopted based upon the fact that the police department has been a part of the peace officer program since its inception and because the present recruitment and training standards for public safety dispatchers exceed those required of this program. FISCAL IMPACT City would receive reimbursement of certain funds expended for training public safety dispatchers. EXHIBITS Commission on POST Bulletin #88-7 Ordinance No. 11 J $ -::2 &?: I -Ui,t.e~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA '"'""------------"-·----G-EO_R_G_E_o_E_UK ... M_E __ J1.A .... N.;,,;;G;.;;,ov,,;,;r._,'/lo_, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE JOHN K. VAN DE KAMP,Attorn•y G,nml , i COMMISSION ON PEACE OFFICER STANDARDS AND TRAINING ·;~( 1601 ALHAMBRA BOULEVARD ~ SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95816•7083 August 20, 1988 BULLETIN: 88-7 SUBJECT: IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCHER PROGRAM Penal Code Section 13510 has been amended to require the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training {POST) to establish minimum selection and training standards for local public safety dispatchers. The Commission, following the public hearing on July 21, 1988, adopted standards as part of a voluntary Public Safety Dispatcher Program. The program, described below, will become effective, subject to review and approval of the Commission's regulatory actions by the Office of Administrative Law, on January 1, 1989, All local agencies that are now in the POST peace officer program are eligible to participate in the Public Safety Dispatcher Program. Eligible agencies will be reimbursed for certain dispatcher training costs only if they participate in the dispatcher program. In addition, certain consolidated dispatch centers operated by a city, county, city and county, districts defined in Penal Code Section 13507, or a district authorized by statute to maintain a police department can also qualify. A specialized program will be available for non-reimbursable state and local agencies. Minimum standards for public safety dispatchers hired after the date an agency joins the program include: o a thorough background investigation; o a medical examination; o an evaluatiQn of oral ~ornrnunicatio~ skills; o satisfactory completion of a POST-certified, 80-hour Basic Complaint/ Dispatche~ course within 12 months of the date of hire; and o a minimum of 12 months probation. To participate in the Public Safety Dispatcher Program, a city, county, city and county, or qualified district must submit a letter to the Commission requesting participation, accompanied by a copy of an ordinance {or resolution when appropriate) pledginQ adherence to the standards adopted by the Commission. State agencies that are now not eligible for reimbursement must submit a letter of intent in order to participate in the non-reimbursable program. / Penal Code Section 13510(c) limits the Publit Safety Dispatcher Program to dispat<;hers having primary responsibility (at least 50% of the time) for law enforcement dispatching duties. Therefore, the letter requesting participa- tion in the program must include a statement (based on the agency's records) that 50% or more of the conmunication center's dispatch time in aach pay period is in the performance of law enforcement dispatching activities. The laws pertaining to public safety dispatchers are provided in Attachment A; Corrmission Kegulations and Procedures are provided in Attachment B; and a sample ordinance for local reimbursable agencies is provided in Attachment C~ Other sample ordinances, resolutions, or letters of intent are available from Compliance and Certificate Services Bureau; questions regarding the Public Safety Dispatcher Program should be directed to Bureau Chief Darrell Stewart, at (916) 739-5377. NORMAN C. BOEHM Executive Director Attachment A LAW Penal Code Section 13510 (a) For the purpose of raising the level of competence of local law enforcement officars, the corrmission shall adopt, and may, from time to time amend, rules establishing minimum standards relating to physical, mental, and moral fitness, which shall govern the recruitment of any city police officers, peace officer members of a county sheriff's office, marshals or deputy marshals of a municipal court, reserve officers as defined in subdivision (a) of Section 830.6, policemen of a district authorized by statute to maintain a police department, regularly employed and paid inspectors and investigators of a district attorney 1 5 office as defined in Section 830.l who conduct criminal investigations, or peace officer members of a district, in any city, county, city and county, or district receiving state aid pursuant to this chapter, and shall adopt, and may, from time to time amend, rules establishing minimum standards for training of city police officers, peace officer members of county sheriff's offices, marshals or deputy marshals of a municipal court, reserve officers as defined in subdivision (a) of Section 830.6, policemen of a district authorized by statute to maintain a police department, regularly employed and paid inspectors and investigators of a district attorney's office as defined in Section 830.l who conduct criminal investigations, and peace officer members of a district which shall apply to those cities, counties, cities and counties, and districts receiving state aid pursuant to this chapter .... (b) (c) For the purpose of raising the level of competenc~ of local public safety dispatchers, the commission shall adopt and may> from time to time amend, rules establishing minimum standards relating to the recruitment and training of local public safety dispatchers having a primary responsibility for providing dispatching services for local law enforcement agencies described in subdivision (a), which standards shall apply to those cities, counties, cities and counties, and districts receiving state aid pursuant to this chapter .... As used in this section, "primary responsibility" refers to the performance of law enforcement dispatching duties for a minimum of 50 percent of the time worked within a pay period. Penal Code Section 13525 An_y city, county, city and county, or district which desires to receive state aid pursuant to this chapter for the training of regularly employed and paid 1ocal public safety dispatchers, as described in subdivision (c) of Section 13510, shall include that request for aid in its application to the commission pursuant to Section 13522 and 13523. Attachment B REGULATIONS* 1001. Definitions (h) 11 Department 11 in the Regular Program is a city police department, a county sheriff's department, a regional park district, a district authorized by statute to maintain a police department, the California Highway Patrol, the University of California Police, the California State University and Colleges Police, marshals departments, district attorney offices employing investigators, and Community College District Police; in the Specialized Program 11 department" is a specialized agency, department, division, branch, bureau, unit, section, office or district that provides investigative or general law enforcement services; and in the Public Safety Dispatcher Program and Specialized Public Safety Dispatcher Program, "department" is the governmental entity which provides the dispatch services. ( 1) "Full-time Employment 11 as defined by local charter or ordinance; and, the employee normally works in excess of 20 hours weekly or 87 hours monthly; and, the employee is tenured or has a right to due process in personnel matters; and, the employee is entitled to workmans compensation and retirement provisions as are other full-time employees of the same personnel classification in the department. (t) 11 Public Safety Dispatcher" is a non-peace officer who is employed full time or part time to perform duties whi;h include receiving emergency calls for law enforcement service and/or dispatching law enforcement personnel. NOTE: Present (t) through (z) and (aa) will be relettered. 1003. Notice of Appointment/Termination Whenever a regular, specialized, limited function, or reserve peace officer is newly appointed, enters a department laterally, terminates, or changes peace officer status within the same agency, the department :;hall notify the Commission within 30 days of such action on the Notice of Appointment/ Termination Form 2-114 (Rev ), as prescribed in PAM, Section C-4, "Notice of Appointment/ Termination." For departments in the Public Safety Dispatcher Programs, the form shall be submitted whenever a person is appointed, promoted, reclassified, or transferred to a public safety dispatcher position, or whenever the person is terminated from a public safety dispatcher position. 1006. Extension of Time Limit for Course Completion (a) The Commission will grant an extension of time limit for com~leticn of any course required by Section 1005 or 1018 of the Regulations upon presentation of satisfactory evidence by a department that a * The review and approval process by the Office of Administrative Law must be completed before the amended Regulations and Procedures take effect. / 1006. Extension of Time Limit for Course Completion (continued) peace officer or dispatcher is unable to complete the required course within the time limit prescribed because of illness, injury, military service, or special duty assignment required and made in the public interest of the concerned jurisdiction; or upon presentation of evidence by a department that a peace officer or dispatcher is unable to complete the required course within the time prescribed. Time extensions granted under this sub-section shall not exceed that which is reasonable, bearing in mind each individual circumstance. lUlO. Eligibility for Participation (a) To be eligible for participation in the POST Program, a jurisdiction or department must adhere to the minimum standards for selection and training as defined in Regulations 1002, 1005, and 100~, for every peace officer, and for every dispatcher employed by a jurisdiction or department the n1inimum standards for selection and training as defined in Regulation 1018. The minimum standards for selection and training of peace officers and/or public safety dispatchers shall apply only to Jurisdictions or departments that have pledged to adhere to these standards. (b) A jurisdiction or agency shall be ineligible to participate if it: (1) Employs one or more peace officers or dispatchers who do not meet the minimum standards for employment; or (c) (2) Does not require that every peace officer or dispatcher satisfactorily completes the required training as prescribed in these Regulations; or (3) Has in its employ any Regular Program peace officer hired after January 1, 1971, who has not acquired the Basic Certificate within six months after date of completion of 12 months of satisfactory service from the date first hired as a peace officer, or as otherwise determined by the Commission in PAM, Section F-1-5-a; or (4) Effective upon entry into the Specialized Law Enforcement Certification Program, has in its employ any specialized peace officer hired thereafter who has not acquired the Basic Certificate within six months after date of completion of 12 months of satisfactory service from the date first hired as a peace officer; or (5) Fails to permit the Commission to make such inquiries and in- spection of records as may be necessary to verify claims for reimbursement or to determine whether the jurisdiction or agency department is, in fact, adhering to the Commission's Regulations. I V' 1015. Reimbursements {a) Proportionate Reimbursement { b) Reimbursements to cities, counties, and districts shall be granted by the Corrmission in accordance with Section 13523 Penal Code. {l) Marshals' and district attorneys' departments are included in the Regular Program for reimbursement even though individual officers employed by the agencies have retained specialized peace officer classification. (2) A jurisdiction that employs limited function peace officers may be reimbursed for allowable expenses related to attendance of POST-certified courses. (c) Training Expenses May Be Claimed Only Once ( d) ( e) When a trainee has attended a course certified by the Commission for which reimbursement has been legally requested and paid, an employing jurisdiction may not receive reimbursement for subsequent attendance by the same trainee of the same course except where attendance of the course is authorized to be repeated periodically, such as for Seminars, Advanced Officer Courses, and selected Technical Courses which deal with laws, court decisions, procedures, techniques and equipment which are subject to rapid development or change. Exceptions or special circumstances must be approved by the Executive Director prior to beginning the training course. (f) Reimbursement may be made to a jurisdiction which terminates a Basic Course trainee, allows a trainee to resign prior to completion of a certified basic course, or if the trainee is unable to complete a certified basic course due to illness, injury, or other physical or a.cademic deficiency, provided the background investigation requirements have been completed prior to the trainee's appointment date and the date the course began. The remaining reimbursement entitlement for those trainees eligible to be re-enrolled, may be applied to any certified basic course which is subsequently attended. (g) Reimburseillent may be paid to a jurisdiction when a trainee fails a certified basic course only because of not passing a locally required training subject(s), but the trainee otherwise satisfactorily completes the course. 1015. Reimbursements (continued) (h) ( i) 1018. ( a) ( b) When a peace officer trainee has attended a POST-certified basic course for which reimbursement has been provided, an employing jurisdiction may receive reimbursement for subsequent attendance of a POST-certified basic training course by the same trainee who has a three-year or longer break in service as a peace officer and must be retrained (Section l008(b)). Public Safety Dispatcher Programs The Commission shall establish a Public Safety Dispatcher Program for the purpose of raising the level of competence of public safety dispatchers having primary responsibility for providing dispatching services for local law enforcement agencies listed in subsection (a) of Penal Code Section l35i0. Specialized Public Safety Dispatcher Program Any public jurisdiction or agency, other than those described in Penal Code Section l3510(a), which employs public safety dispatchers whose primary responsibility is providing dispatch services for law enforcement personnel, may participate in the Specialized Public Safety Dispatcher Program. Such participants shall not be eligible for reimbursement. All rules and procedures, except reimbursement provisions, that apply to the Public Safety Dispatcher Program shall also apply to the Specialized Public Safety Dispatcher Program. (c) Minimum Selection Standards for Public Safety Dispatchers (1) Every public safety dispatcher shall be subject to the following requirements: a) Background Investigation: A thorough background investigation shall be conducted before hire to verify the absence of past behavior indicative of unsuitability to perform public safety dispatcher duties. The background investigation shall include a check of Department of Motor Vehicle records, and a search of local, state, and national fingerprint files to disclose any crim~nal record. Results of the background invest i gat io,. sha 11 be reduced to writing and retained by the departmen :. b) Medical Examination: A medical examination shall be conducted before hire to verify the absence of any medical condition which would preclude the safe and efficient performance of dispatcher duties. Signed written verification of the medical examination having been conducted in accordance with this requirement, by a licensed physician and surgeon, shall be retained by the department. / ... f-1\ y~~ ' c) Oral Lonmunications: Oral conmunication skills shall be evaluated before hire to assure the presence of skill levels conrnensurate with the performance of dispatcher duties. (d) Minimum training standards for public safety dispatchers ( 1) Every public safety dispatcher shall satisfactorily complete the POST-certified Basic Complaint/Dispatcher Course as set forth in PAM, Section D-1-7 before or within 12 months after the date of appointment, promotion, reclassification, or transfer to a public safety dispatcher position. (e) Probation Period (1) Every public safety dispatcher after hire shall demonstrate competence in the performance of the duties of a public safety dispatcher by satisfactory completion of a probationary period of at least 12 months. Upon entry into the program, departments with a probation period of less than 12 months, when established by ordinance, charter, or memorandum of understanding, shall be granted a waiver of this requirement until a 12-month probation period can be established. __,,........--,,,..:---...---- Commission Procedure E-4 4-3. Courses With Maximum Reimbursement limitations: Subsistence, commuter lunch, and trave 1 allowances wi 11 be reimbursed up to the date the maximum number of weeks is reached; and salary allowances will be reimbursed up to the maximum number of hours shown for the following courses: * Basic Course Basic Complaint/ Dispatcher Course Marshals and Deputy Marshals Basic Training requirement is a combination of: * Basic Course ar.d Bailiff and Civil Process Course District Attorney Inspectors or Investigators Basic Training requirement is a combination of: Weeks/Hours 13/520 2/80 9.65/386 2/80 * Basic Course and 8.5~/342 Investigation and Trial Preparation Course 2/80 Commission Procedure D-1 Weeks/Hours Supervisory Course 2/80 Advanced Officer Course 1/40 Executive Development Course 2/80 Management Course 2/80 Management, Supervisory, Executive Seminars 1/40 1-7 Basic Complaint/Dispatcher Course. The Basic Complaint/Dispatcher Course contains the following Functional Areas and minimum hours. This course provides instruction regarding entry-level skills and knowledge to personnel whose duties include receiving emergency calls for services and dispatching law enforcement personnel. With prior POST approval, flexibility shall be granted to adjust hours between functional areas. Functional Areas: 1. 0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 Professional Orientation Administration of Justice Lega 1 Aspects Telephone Procedures Radio Procedures Dispatch Practicals (Role-play exercise) Stress Management Telecommunications Basic Emergency Medical Services Dispatching Unusual Incidents Examinations Total Minimum Required Hours ( 4 hours) ( 4 Hours) (16Hours) ( 10 Hours) (10 Hours) ( 12 Hours) ( 6 Hours) ( 6 Hours) ( 4 Hours) ( 6 Hours) 2 Hours) (80 Hours) / / J I -, ....... 1 Attachment C State of California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training SAMPLE ORDINANCE* AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE PENAL CODE REQUIREl'-£NTS RELATING TO THE SELECTION AND TRAINING STANDARDS OF PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCHES Section 1. The (city/county) declares that it desires to qualify to receive aid from the~tate of California under the provisions of Section 13522, Chapter l, of Title 4, Part 4, of the California Penal Code. Section 2. Pursuant to Section l3510(c), Chapter 1, the {Agency) will adhere to standards for recuitment and training established by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training {POST). Section 3. Pursuant to Section 13512, Chapter l, the Commission and its representatives may make such inquiries as deemed appropriate by the Commission to ascertain that the {Agency's) public safety dispatcher personnel adhere to standards for selection and training established by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training. (Cert1ficabon) *Use for City and County Agencies Only Police Departments Sheriff's Department Marshals District Attorney 3842C/476 I, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 II ORDINANCE NO. NS-78 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE COMMISSION ON PEACE OFFICER STANDARDS AND TRAINING STANDARDS FOR RECRUITMENT AND TRAINING FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCHER PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad desires to qualify to receive aid from the State of California under provisions of Chapter 1 of Title 4 of Part 4 of the California Penal Code (Penal Code Section 13500 et seq.); and WHERE!'.S, the City desires to maintain its continuing high level of education and training for dispatchers, NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as follows: SECTION I: Pursuant to Penal Code Section 13512, the Carlsbad Police Department will adhere to standards for recruitment and training established by California commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (Commission). SECTION II: The City consents to permit the Commission, on Peace Officer Standards and Training to make such inquiries as deemed appropriate by said Commission in order to ascertain that Carlsbad Police Department public safety dispatcher personnel have adhered to standards for selection and training established by the Commission. SECTION III: That such inquiries and information receiv~d in response thereto shall be deemed confidential for all purposes and shall not be construed to require disclosure pursuant to Chapter 3.5 of Division 71 of Title 1 of the Government Code I)- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (Government Code Section 6250 et seq.). EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within f"fteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 11th and thereafter day of __ J __ u __ l,A.y _____ , 1989, PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 18th day of __ Ju_l_y __ _ 1989, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None ABSENT: None APPROVED AS TO FORM AN.p LEGALITY ATTEST: