HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-07-18; City Council; 10142; Increase of Water Rate0 W 0 a z 0 v a J_ V Z 0 0 0 I o C! 'OF CARLSBAD — AGER-A BILL t 'f AB# I LE: DEPT. HD, MTG. T/18/89 INCREASE OF WATER RATE FIN CITY ATT DEPT. I CITY MQ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. Iff"N11, which amends Resolution No. 88-285, to increase the potable water rate by two cents (2 �) per 100 cubic feet. ITEM EXPLANATION The Board of Directors of Carlsbad Municipal Water District will increase water rates effective July 15, 1989. The increase by CMWD is due to the increased cost of water purchased from the San Diego County Water Authority and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. The water rate is set by CMWD and revenue collected by the City is passed through to the District. The increase approved by CMWD of two cents (2 G) per 100 cubic feet will increase the current rate from 98G to $1.01 per 100 cubic feet. The water service charge set by the City will not be changed. FISCAL IMPACT: The two cents (2 �) increase in water rates will generate approximately $144,000 annually for Carlsbad Municipal Water District. There will be no direct fiscal impact to the City. The typical residential customer will realize an increase to his water bill of approximately $4.32 per year due to the rate increase. EXHIBITS: 1.� Resolution No. amending Resolution No. 88-285, to increase the potable water rate by two cents (2�) per 100 cubic feet. 2.Resolution No. 616 adopted by the Board of Directors, Carlsbad Municipal Water District. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 89-Z4b 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD REVISING WATER RATES AND CHANGES 3 WHEREAS, Section 14.04.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code 4 empowers the City Council to, from time to time, by resolution, 5 adopt rules and regulations for the operation and maintenance of 6 the Water Department of the City, and for furnishing water to users, 7 and empowers the Council to, by resolution, modify rates, charges 8 and penalties respecting water service. 9 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the hereinafter stated IO regulations respecting water rates, charges, billing and related 11 regulations shall become effective for all water billed after August 12 15, 1988. 13 I. Generally. The schedules rates, compensations, 14 charges and minimum charges as set out in this resolution are fixed 15 and established as the rates, compensations, charges and minimum 16 charges to be charged and collected by the City for domestic water 17 and water service, except as otherwise specifically provided. 18 II. Water Charges. 19 a) There shall be a separate monthly water standby 20 charge for each consumer; provided that there shall be only one monthly standby charge for 21 each equivalent dwelling unit, each agricultural and individual consumer, and each institutional 22 consumer as follows: 23 For a 5/8" meter $ 4.40 For a 3/4" meter $ 4.40 24 For a I" meter $ 5.45 For a 1 1/2" meter $ 5.90 25 For a 2" meter $ 6.40 For a 3" meter $12.3O 26 For a 4" meter $15.4O For a 6" meter $15.4O 27 For a 8" meter $23.7O 28 /// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (1) When one meter serves multiple dwelling units or multiple equivalent dwelling units, the first unit shall pay the unit rate based on the above schedule and all other units shall pay $2.53 for each additional multiple residential unit. (2) In the event no water is used through the meter or the property becomes vacant, the monthly standby charge will be charged and paid by the owner thereof. (b) The rates to be charged for potable water supplied in any one month through meters are as follows: All consumers $1.01/100 cubic feet (c) All agricultural consumers who meet the Metropolitan Water District Southern California requirements for agricultural consumers receive a pro -rate share of the agricultural rebate the City receives monthly from the Costa Real Municipal Water District. (d) There shall be a monthly charge of five dollars per month for all water connections supplying non -metered water for fire sprinkler purposes. All maintenance or repairs to fire service systems from the water main to the shut off valve shall be paid for the consumer and shall be charged on the regular water billing. All fire service systems shall be equipped with a meter by-pass which shall be paid for and installed at the consumer's expense. In the event water is served through the fire service system, the City Water Department and the Fire Department shall estimate the amount of water used and the regular charge therefore shall be put on customer's bill and shall be paid by consumer. (e) A monthly fee of one dollar shall be paid for each five rooms in any hotel, rooming house or motel, in which no cooking is allowed. (f) A monthly fee shall be charged for each individual living unit contained in any motor court, motel, hotel or rooming house or other transient type habitat which allows cooking in rooms in the amount of $ 30 in addition to other charges established. (g) A charge of twenty dollars ($20.00) will be assessed for the restoration of service after it has been terminated for non-payment. (h) A charge of 10% of the billed amount will be assessed if the bill is not paid within five days of the payment due date. I (i) A charge of $10.00 will be assessed if the bill remains unpaid and the City posts a notice of 2 termination at the address. 3 III. Payment of Bills All water bills are due and payable 4 at the City Hall of the City of Carlsbad upon presentation and are 5 delinquent if not paid within 30 days of the date billed. 6 Delinquent bills will be assessed a 10% late fee. 7 IV. Meter Reading - Water District. For convenience in 8 the reading of meters and preparation of water bills, the department 9 is expressly authorized to divide the City into districts. These 10 districts may, from time to time, be revised or changed as necessary 11 or desirable, in order to equalize the work of reading meters and 12 billing. The meters in each district so established shall be read 13 and water bills based on such meter readings, shall be prepared and 14 mailed to the consumers in each district on approximately the same 15 day of each and every month, except when Saturdays, Sundays and 16 legal holidays intervene. 17 V. Bills - Mailings. Unless the applicants for water 181 service directs otherwise, all bills will be mailed to the premises 19 where service is furnished. 20 VI. Change of Ownership or Occupancy - Notification. It 21 shall be the duty of every person signing an application for water 22 delivery and of every owner of property to which water is delivered 23 to notify the Water Department of any change in the ownership or 24 occupancy of the premises to which the water is to be furnished at 25 least two days prior to such change. Every applicant shall be 26 liable for the water furnished and metered in accordance with 27 application until the Water Department receives written notice to 28 cancel same and shut off the water when the applicant's liability E 7 E 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19� 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 L� shall cease except as to water used previous to such notice. Every owner of property is liable for water furnished to any premises he has rented in the event the tenant does not pay the water bill. Water service shall not be given to any consumer upon change of ' address until all delinquent charges owed by the consumer at a former place of residence or business shall be paid. VII. Terminatin Accounts New Accounts -Charge for Turning Water On or Off. Regulation of water service; turning on and off of water supply. A ten dollar ($10.00) charge will tie made incident to the closing of an account. A ten dollar (S10.00) charge will be made by the department for turning on the water supply when requested by the consumer incident to the opening of a new account. VIII. Non-oavment -Service Discontinuance, In the event that any consumer shall be delinquent in the payment of his water bill, and such delinquency shall continue for a period of ten days after the final date for payment of such bill, the department shall have the right forthwith to discontinue water service to the premises of such delinquent consumer. A reconnection charge of twenty dollars ($20.00) will be assessed if the service is terminated and subsequently restored. Water shall not again be supplied to him until all delinquent water bills, plus the penalties thereon, and reconnection charges, has been paid. IX. Restoring Service After Discontinuance. Procedures for restoring service after delinquency period. If water service is cut off or discontinued for failure to pay delinquent bills,such service may again be established only in the event the consumer or the applicant for service at such place pays all delinquent bills, charges and penalties, and makes such cash deposit as may be F E 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19� 20 211 22 23 241 25 26 27 28 •I required by the Water Department. When an owner or consumer has been delinquent in his water bills twice in succession or three times in any one calendar year, he shall be required to deposit a sum equal to an average two month's water bill upon such premises and pays, in addition thereto, the sum of twenty dollars ($2O.00) for turning on the water supply. Thereupon and not otherwise will water service again be made or established to the premises where the water bill has been delinquent. X. The Rates and Charges established by this resolution shall on their effective day supersede the rates established by Resolution No. 88-285. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 18thday of _ Ju__1v____, 1989, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None ABSENT: None lx� ATTEST: ALETH�LRAUTWRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) RESOLUTION NO. 616 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT FIXING RATES OF WATER SUPPLIED BY CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT EFFECTIVE JULY 15, 1989 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT has carefully investigated the rising costs of water and charges connected with the delivery of water to and by CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT; and WHEREAS, the Water Service Agreement between CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT and the City of Carlsbad states that CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT is responsible for providing the necessary wholesale water supply to the City of Carlsbad, and shall sell such water to the City of Carlsbad at a single wholesale rate to be established by CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT has determined that a revision of the charges of water delivery is necessary. NOW, THEREFORE, THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT DOES HEREBY RESOLVE THAT: Effective July 15, 1989, the wholesale rate charged for water supplied by CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DIS- TRICT shall be set at $1.01 per unit. ADOPTED, SIGNED AND APPROVED this 3rd day of May, 1989. Emmett J. oodwar ,Jr., Presi Board of rectors CARISBAD/PNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Ma gaB as, Secretary irectBoard ors rA.RLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO I ss I, MARGARET J. BONAS, Secretary of CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT and of the Board of Directors thereof, do hereby r certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of said District at a meeting of the Board held on the 3rd day of May, 1989, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: Directors: Bonas, Greer, Henley, and Woodward Maerkle NOES: Directors: None ABSENT: Directors: None ABSTAIN: Directors: None argar J. Boffas, Secretary of CARLSB D MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT and the Board of Directors thereof 1�