HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-08-08; City Council; 10189; LA COSTA 5K CHALLENGE SPECIAL EVENTS FEE WAIVER REQUESTk ; B .d M c .rl E a, 6" 0 L) k. ow u aC a0 k *d u (dm N d uc *rl co k k 5u u aJw -d UI oa wo d wc a Uk arc -rl k rl arc *d (d 3M $40 k ua mcd e am a(d alv (d a dk (do w a, am 2; arc a)cd uu fi wa, P ad rlu cda, -I dal 0.s dU 3 >w 30 35? R 3 . .. 22 .s 3 6 4 =! 0 z 3 0 0 py !a CImOF CARLSBAD - AGEN-BILL "., A AB# l'!lgy TITLE DEPT. HD./ DEPT. CM SPECIAL EVENTS FEE WAIVER REQUEST CITY MG& CITY A* LA COSTA 5K CHALLENGE MTG. f-8-27 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Consider the request being made by the La Costa 5K Challenge Run and Walk and take the appropriate action. ITEM EXPLANATION: The sponsors of the La Costa 5K Challenge Run and Walk have requested that the City waive the $500 special events fee which is required by the City of Carlsbad. Attached as Exhibit #1 is a letter from Mr. David Miller representing the La Costa 5K Challenge. Staff has reviewed this request and cannot recommend that the fee be waived. Attached as Exhibit #2 is a memorandum from Sergeant Howard Carpenter of the Traffic Division providing staff's review of this item. As a result of staff's denial of this request, the representatives of the La Costa 5K Challenge are now asking the City Council to consider their fee waiver request. FISCAL IMPACT: If this fee is waived, the City will be providing $500 of staff time at no cost. EXH I B ITS : 1. 2. Letter from Mr. David Miller representing the La Costa 5K Challenge Memorandum from Sergeant Howard Carpenter, Traffic Division I 0 a DAVID R. MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW 3156 VISTA WAY SUITE 301 OCEANS I DE, CALIFORNIA 92056 (619) 439-2210 July 12, 1989 City Hall 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: La Costa 5K Challenge City Council and City Manager: On October 7, 1989, the La Costa 5K Challenge Run and Walk will be held, which event ccommences at El Camino Real and continues on Alga Street until finishing at St. Elizabeth Seton Church. The event is being sponsored by St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church, which church is located at the top of the hill on Alga Street in south Carlsbad. Last year was the first year for this 5K race. The 5K race is part of a weekend church festival, which profits are used for the building fund for the building of a new St. Elizabeth Seton church which will be constructed on the same parcel of land where the temporary building which now houses the church is located. I am sure that you are well aware that the church is a non-profit organization. This is a request for a waiver of the five hundred dollar filing fee as now required by City of Carlsbad ordinance 8.17.050. Five hundred dollars would be the permit fee since there are more than five intersections of traffic variance that would be involved in the 5K race. Last year's race netted only six hundred dollars after expenses. Obviously, if we are required to pay the five hundred dollar filing fee this year, the fee may negate the entire amount of proceeds which are earmarked for the building fund. I am not requesting permanent variance as to this fee for this event, since it is our hope that the event will become more successful each and every year, thereby generating greater revenues which will provide us with enough proceeds that if we are required to pay the five hundred dollar filing fee that it will not consume in excess of eighty per cent of the net revenue. We are hoping to have five hundred participants in this year's event which will more than double participation in last year's event. The event was received very well by the participants last year, with very good feedback from the runners, so we are hoping for a substantial increase. However, until reglstration actually takes place we cannot be sure that any more than the two hundred participants who were involved in last year's race will in fact once again participate. 0 e This 5K run and walk is the only such event during the entire year in the south Carlsbad area. We are hoping that it will be an annual event that will be well-embraced by not only the entire city of Carlsbad, but by many other citizens in the surrounding communities. As previously mentioned, the funds are to be used to help defer the cost of the building of a new St. Elizabeth Seton church in south Carlsbad. I am sure we can all appreciate that a new church will help to beautify the area and provide a place of worship for the families presently living in the area and for new families that will be moving into the area. The event lasts for approximately two hours, which thereby necessitates our use, if memory serves me correctly from last year, four police officers for approximately three hours to monitor the main intersections involved in this 5K run. Additionally, two members of the streets and maintenance department were necessary to position the street cones, which street cones we rented at our expense from a private company, with it taking the two employees forty-five minutes to place the cones in position and thirty minutes to pick the cones back up. As before men.tioned, this request is only for temporary relief from the permit fee until such time as the event is more self-sustaining. appreciated by everyone involved in the event. The waiver of the fee would be greatly # a e FEE PAID$- SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT RECV'D BY- Fl CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FOR (PAGE 1 OF 2) EVENT NAME OB TITLE EVENT LOCdTION(S)q~~~~ /hi 0 m LRLm s"K 4ziS2 C*%LL.w cz TYPE OF EVENT \ T K. &d& * Wkt'r;, DATEtS) OF EVENT: ~J~P,START TIM% -,END TIMF )~;o~/)/y ESTIMATEC TTENDAMCX so EsTrMnm PARTICIPANTS= pq? LG A *J AMOUNTS 15.m YES- NO- 2 ADMISSION/PARKING CRBBGED? AMOUNT% YESL NO- PARTICIPANT CHARGED? YES- N0-d WILL THERE BE AMPLIFIED MUSIC OB P.A. SYSTEM? FIRE 4/WILL A TENT OB CANOPY BE USED? YES--.- YES- MQyWILL NO COOKING EQUIPMENT BE USED? YES- NOZWILI. SPACE HEATERS BE USED? YES- NOGILL THERE BE ANY FIREWORKS? YES- MOA'yWILL THEBE BE ANY SPEClAL SEATING ARRANGE- YES- NOLWILL ANY ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT E USED? MENTS? IF YES, SUBMIT A SEATING PLAN TO THE FIRE YES- NO- AD WILL EF A R T THEBE VI EnlT BE ANY OPEN FLAMES 0% FIRES? IF YES YOU WILL ALSO NEED A FIRE PERMIT FORM THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. GENERAL WILL YOU NEED ANY SERVICES, PERSONNEL OR EQUIPMENT PROM YES- NO- OLICE DEPARTMENT YES1 NO- TREETS, UTIiiTIES MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT.[[ odC. PcQ LWU', 'IES- NOAABKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT AMY CITY DEPARTMENT? v I ES- /A NQ- PARAMEDICS/FIRE DEPARTMENT YES- NO~THER CITY DEPARTMENT RISK MANAGER LIABILITY INSURANCE NAMING THE CITY A$ AN ADDITIONALLY INSURED HAS B,EEN 0 TAINED FOR THIS EVENT. THE INSURANCE COMPANY IS fl .-. 6 lJ . T%E AMOUNT IS $-/ @; 07P POLICE I ESTIMATE THE AGES OF THE PERSONS ATTENDING THIS EVENT WILL BE AS FOLLOWS: (USE PERCENTAGES) S% 0-12, /o% 13-17, S&% 13-25, X% 26-40,Z% OVER 40 YEARS OLD. e 0 SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT !PAGE 2 OF 2) I AM REQUE TING THE FOLLOWING PARKING OR TRAFFIC VARIANCE: YES- NO 2 HAT PARKING BE PERMITTED AT A LOCATION OR IN A MANNER NOT USUALLY PERMITTED. YES- NOAHAT PARKING BE PROHIBITED AT A LOCATION WHERE IT 1s GENERALLy PERMITTED. THIS EVENT WILL INVOLVE CITY ROADWAY (INCLUDES, ROAD SUR- YES $Nod ROAD CLOSURE-A SPECIFIC SECTION OF ROAD CLOSED YES_lL/,O- TOUR-THE EVENT WILL USE A PORTION OF THE ROAD FACE, SIDEWALK OR SHOULDERS) IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER: FOR A SPECIFIC TIME TO ALLOW FOR AN EVENT SUCH AS A STREET FAIR, BLOCK PARTY, ETC. AND ALL TRAFFIC LAWS WILL BE FOLLOWED. WAY AND ALL TRAFFIC LAWS MAY NOT BE OBEYED. THIS INCLUDES ANY EVENT WHERE POSITION OF FIN- ISH IS IDENTIFIED AND/OR TIME TO FINISH IS IDENT- IFIED. YES- NO JRACE-THE EVENT wLL USE A PORTION OF THE ROAD ALCOBOL WILL BE PERMITTED AT THIS EVENT UNDER THE POLLOW- ING CONDITIONS: YES- Nod LCOHOL WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. YES- - YES- NO- PARTICIPANTS WILL BE PERMITTED TO BRING YES__ NOALCOHOL WILL BE PROVIDED TO PARTICIPANTS FREE NOFLCOHOL WILL BE SOLD TO PARTICIPANTS. PY THE SPONSOR/PROMPTER. ALCOHOL TO THE EVENT ORGANIZATION siT/ Cw -23i.l.3't- Ssm??.JC*U/& APPLICANTS ADDRESS LM , %JLLS&A$& ?HONE * zf3z-3373 APPLICANTS NAME - %cL ALTERNATE NAME PHONE * APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE BATE THIS PERMIT IS: -APPROVED, -CONDITIONALLY AQPPBOVED, -DENIED. CITY MANAGER DATE - .a 0 SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT GENERAL INFORMATION SPECIAL EVENT-ANY ORGANIZED ACTIVITY HELD HELD COMPLETELY OR FARTIALLY ON PUBLIC LAND (DOES NOT INCLUDE PARKS AND RECREATION CENTERS), OR EVENT REQUIRING ADdACENT PARKING OR TRAFFIC VARIANCES, OR ACTIVITY l3N FRIVAT‘ELY OWNED PROPERTY WHEN THE FROPERTY IS NOT DESIGNED OR INTENDED FOR THAT ACTIVITY. (8.17.010) APPLXCATIO$I PROCESS FILING DATE-APPLfCATICRS ?LUST 9E FILED WITH THE CHIEF OF POLICE NO LESS THAN 60 DAYS BEFORE TXE FROPOSED EVENT. (8.17.050) VARIANCES MAY BE REQUiBED TO PAY UP TO A $500 FILING FEE.(8.17.050) PROCEDURE-COPIES OF THE APPLICATION WILL BE FORWARDED TO THE MEMBERS OF THE SPECIAL CQMMITTEE (CITY ENGINEER, FIRE CHIEF, PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR, PLANNING DIRECTOR, POLICE CHIEF, RISK MANAGER, AND UTILITIES AND MAINTENANCE DIRECTOR). COMMIT- TEE MEMBERS MAY RECOMMEND THAT YOUR APPLICATION BE; AP- PROVED, CONDITIONALLY APPROVED OR DENIED. THE APPLICANT WILL BE TO DETERMINE IF HE CAN MEET AMY CONDE’IONS WHICII HAVE BEEN SET BY THE COMMITTEE. MENDATION WILL BE FORWARDED TO THE CITY MANAGER WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE FILING. (8 17 060) FEE-THE MINIMUM FILING FEE rs $25. EVENTS WHICH REQUIRE TRAFFIC ‘Z-52 APPLICATION WITH THE COMMITTEE RECOM- INSURANCE-AN INSURANCE POLICY NAMING THE CITY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED WILL USUALLY BE REQUIRED. THE AMOUNT OF THE INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS WILL BE SET IN COMPLIANCE WITH MUNICIPAL CODE 5 hO.010 AND COUNCIL POLICY NUMBER 37. THE APPLICANT WILL BE CON- DITIONED TO SUBMIT PROOF OF INSURANCE AT A DATE PRIOR TO THE EVENT COSTS-THE APPLICANT 1NIX.L BE: REQUIRED TO COMPENSATE THE CITY FOR ANY COST INCURED DUE TO THE USE OF CITY PERSONNEL OR EQUIPMENT. THE APPLICANT MAY BE REQUIRED TO POST A SWRITY BOND OR CASH DEPOSIT IN A AMOUNT SUFFICIENT TO PAY THE ADDITIONAL COSTS OF SUCH PERSONNEL OR EQUIPMENT. (8,17 I 100) m I) MEMORANDUM TO: PHILIP 0. CARTER DATE: 7-21-89 FROM: Sgt. Howard Carpenter/Traffic Division SUBJECT: Per your memo dated 7-19, I am responding to Mr. Miller's letter regarding waiving the $500.00 application fee for the La Costa 5K Challenge Run. It is my opinion that this fee should not be waived for the following reasons: 1. The Special Events Ordinance was written to standardize the Special Event La Costa 5K Challenge Run approval process. standardization. Waiving this fee would set an unwanted precedent. implies that because this run is non-profit and benefits a church, it should be afforded special consideration. rent Special Event Ordinances, events conducted for purely private profit are prohibited. proved are to some degree non-profi t. 3. Mr. Miller states that the event netted $600.00 last year, and that he expects to double the number of participants in this years event. should provide a net profit in excess of last years even after paying the required application fee. projects, it won't take long for the event to be a significant money- maker for the church. Creating an exception defeats the purpose of this 2. Mr. Miller's letter Per the previous and cur- Consequently, all of the events now being ap- That If this event grows in size as Mr. Miller If there are any questions please call. Howard Carpenter Sergeant TRAFFIC DIVISION