HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-08-15; City Council; 10197; GOLF COURSE DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL LAKE CALAVERA- ._ rn 4ua 5 ?I 3 k a 0 z :: g ’ - -_ - x E< -aJa w a 2- mw g a% 8 wo cdu - .1J au Um a U c E 2 3 .rl u n .n : 5 24 -rl 24 aJa a 2 aJaJ U 60 rn 0 (6 UO 9 N Urn Wc) a, 3; c ou k -2 .”, ah $ IO E d4:4 * msl am ma M .rl 5 ?* acd -4 a c6u M-rl aJ c) f .c u 5.rlF: rl c) c c .rl u (6 .rl UU .c E -5 2 e ou-rl a c go o Q c) cdg a: c\l.rlVC;Id meum* & s cd m ~d : Ea m E d cd 2 d“ g am@ aJ UT7-j Wf O E a 0”“ cd os L, aJ ‘d a.5 e rl -rl a @ 4 3 c)A,G*d $4 c U +, o w 3 .rl Ti c V V E+ a .n Ir) M*rl (‘ co .rl o $4 aJ M ..z -4 tJcosu as $4 u cd 033gg a M \ tu N 1 co co 1 m rl 1 co .. z 0 5 s 8 a Z 3 ,’ u ‘ - CITWF CARLSBAD - AGENDWILL -- AB#--. TITLE: CITY AT MTG. !?-S-p? DEPT. ?bR CITY MC RECOMMENDED ACTION: GOLF COURSE DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL LAKE CALAVERA If Council concurs, your action is to approve a golf course development program (Plan B) ; to adopt Resolution No. Ffii’%d approving the appointment of a seven (7) member Golf Course Citizen Steering Committee; direct staff to proceed with selection of a financing team and return with appropriate 3 transferring money from the documents; and adopt Resolution No. General Fund Contingencies for Envir nmental Studies, a Preliminary Golf Course Design, a Soils Report and a Real Property Appraisal. ITEM EXPLANATION: On March 7, 1989, the City Council directed staff to pursue the development of a regulation size 18 hole municipal golf course at the 252 acre Lake Calavera site. The City Council further authorized staff to hire a Golf Course Consultant to assist in analyzing development strategies. In April, staff selected William Sherman, of Golf Course Realty Corporation, to review the City‘s golf course plans and recommend development concepts. The Sherman report out1 ines three basic golf course management options. The first option is Direct Operation in which the City designs, finances builds, and operates the golf course. The second alternative is th( Management Contract. In this alternative, the City designs, finances builds, and then enlists the services of a management firm to run al‘ aspects of the golf course operations. The last alternative outli. ed in thc Lease and Lease of Improved Property. In the Ground Lease, a lessec provides a turn key concept involving designing, construction, operation and financing. In the Lease of Improved Property alternative, the Cit Mr Sherman concluded that any one of the above options or a combination thereo can be employed. Moreover, the implementation of these options are enhance if the City -is willing to pledge some portion of its revenues in the go1 course development program. Sherman suggested that the City retain David Rainville, Golf Cour: Architect, to prepare the Preliminary Golf Course Plan needed to begin tk necessary environmental studies. Sherman felt this would be beneficial t the City because Rainville has already prepared a preliminary routing pl; for the site and is highly regarded in the golf course architect field. Mr. Sherman also recommended that the City retain the services of a go1 course architect to advise the City during the entire development proce (regardless of which development option the City chooses to pursue Further, Mr. Sherman outlined and provided models of various contrac including measures by which the City can maintain quality controls. F Sherman report is the Lease option of which there are two types: Grounc selects an operator (lessee) to run the course after it is completed. 0 0 .# AB # /< /Sr Page 2 Based on advice from the consultant and review by staff, three (3) development options are proposed: 1. PLAN A - City contract with a developer for design, construction, and operation (management or ground lease option). 2. PLAN B - City provide preliminary design then contract with a devel oper/management company( s) for final design/construction documents, construction, and operation (combination of direct operation and management or ground lease options). 3. PLAN C - City to design, construct, and contract out for operation (direct operation and management options). As a result of analyzing the Sherman Report, and review by City staff, it is recommended that the Council consider Plan B; however, it should be noted that the other alternatives (Plan A & C) are also viable alternatives. In Plan B, the City would hire a consultant (golf course architect) to provide a preliminary plan showing conceptual grading, circulation, and general project information in sufficient scope so that the environmental and planning approvals can take place. After the basic project is approved, the development/management company would retain the City’s golf course architect or provide their own consultant to refine the preliminary design and produce construction documents to build the course. The devel oper/management company would then bid, construct the project, and manage the golf course operations. (Depending on the proposals received, the City may hire a separate entity to manage the golf course.) These plans and an accompanying development flow chart will be reviewed in detail during the City Council meeting. In addition, staff suggests that a seven member (plus one alternate) Citizen Steering Committee be appointed whose purpose would be to monitor and review the planning of golf course and related amenities. Staff is working under the assumption that a General Fund supported debt issue will be used to pay the cost of golf course construction. The Finance Director recommends that a Bond Counsel be hired to assist in structuring development/operation contracts that would enable the City to stay within the tax laws in order to provide for tax exempt financing. The selection of other members of the financing team can be delayed until the City nears the construction date. L 8/4/89 . 0 0 .a AB # /0//?5’ Page 3 In reviewing the ownership status of the Lake Calavera property, staff has discovered that a small parcel of land within the City’s Lake Calavera ownership is apparently privately owned. (See Exhibit 5.) Staff has requested a preliminary title report to more adequately determine the ownership status. Assuming the parcel is privately owned, the City will need to obtain either fee title to the property or a long term lease interest to proceed with the golf course project. To obtain either fee title or a lease hold interest, an appraisal will be required to determine the fair market value of the property. An appraisal is expected to cost between $3,000 to $5,000. In order to initiate the required studies (i.e., Environmental Impact Report, a Preliminary Golf Course Plan, Soils Report and the Appraisal) staff requests that two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) bc transferred from the General Fund Contingency Account to a newly establ ishec Go1 f Course Development Account (#001-840-1890-3342) . RECOMMENDATIONS 1. - 8/4/89 After staff discussion and review of the various management option: and development strategies, it is recommended that the Council adopt Option B described under the Item Explanation. 2. The City appoint a seven (7) member Golf Course Citizen Steerinc Committee comprised of two (2) members from the Recreationa Facility Financing Committee; two (2) members from the Carlsbad Go1 Association; two (2) at large members; one (1) member from the Park and Recreation Commission and one (1) alternate. 3. Authorize staff to hire a Bond Counsel to assist the City ii structuring financial options for City Council review and preparl the necessary documents for the selection of a financing team. Authorize staff to obtain an appraisal of the 1.28 acre parcel. Approve an appropriation from the General Fund for two hundred fift thousand ($250,000) dollars to hire consultants to provide Preliminary Golf Course Design (to include rough grading circulation, lighting impacts, etc.); an environmental consultan to prepare an Environmental Impact Report; a geotechnical firm t provide preliminary soils investigation; and to pay for any cost associated with an appraisal of the 1.28 acre parcel. Staff recommends that David Rainville, Golf Course Architect, wl is familiar with the project, and will be able to expedite preparir the information needed for the environmental review be retained 1 provide the Preliminary Golf Course Plan. If preferred, the Cil Council may choose to review the qualifications of other golf cour! designers. This, however, would necessitate the preparation of Request for Proposal and a selection process that may extend tt devel opment time 1 i ne. 4. 5. 0 0 A0 # 4 M7 - 8/4/89 Page 4 FISCAL IMPACT: Construction costs for the 18 hole regulation golf course are estimated t range from eight to ten million dollars. If Option B is approved, the developer/management company may be require to finance certain improvements and equipment at the golf course (i.e., go1 carts and storage facilities, tenant improvements and furnishings, fixture and equipment for clubhouse and pro shop operations, and golf cours maintenance equipment). The ultimate impact on the general fund will no be known until final development strategy is approved and construction bid are received. The cost of various preliminary required studies and reports has bee estimated to be two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000). It i recommended to transfer monies from the General Fund Contingency Account t a newly established Golf Course Development Account #001-840-1890-3342. It should be noted that the two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,00C can be reimbursed after the financing strategies have been considered. EXHIBITS : 1. Resolution <%29L approving the appointment of a seven member go1 course Steering Committee to monitor and review the progress of th go1 f course and re1 ated amenities. Resolution c9-273 approving the transfer of funds in the amoun of two hundred fifty thousand ($250,000) dollars from the Genera Fund Contingency Account #001-840-1990-2999 into a new1 establ ished go1 f course development account #001-840-1890-3342 2. 3. Preliminary Processing Schedule. 4. Plan B - Development Flow Chart. 5. Plat Map - Lake Calavera .* 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 w e RESOLUTION NO. 89-292 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORh APPOINTING A STEERING COMMITTEE TO MONITOR AND REVIEW THE PROGRESS OF GOLF COURSE AND RELATED AMENITIES. WHEREAS, the City Council has selected the 252 acre Lake CalaL parcel as the site to develop a regulation 18 hole size golf course; an WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to appoint a Steering Commit charged with the duty of providing input on the design of the golf cour establishing a vehicle for public input on the golf course design, serving as an advisory and review committee; and *WHEREAS, one (1) member from the Recreational Faci 1 i ty Finan( Committee; one (1) member from the Carlsbad Golf Association; one (1) met from the Planning Commission; one (1) member from the City Council; one member from the Parks and Recreation Commission, and two at large meml shall be appointed by the Mayor to serve on this Committee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Citj Carlsbad, California, the following: 1. That the following citizens are hereby appointed to the I Course Steering Committee: I AL SUTTON JACK SCHUMAKER ANNA KNOX JOHN MAMAUX TOM ERWIN PAT KRIMINIAN LEO DULACKI .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3.0 11 12 l3 14 15 16 17 18 19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 I, 2. That the Golf Course Citizen Steering Committee is direct€ monitor and review the progress of the golf course and related amenities shall work with staff and consultants throughout this process. 3. That the City Manager shall assign such City staff as neces to provide assistance to this Committee. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad Council held on the 2Znd day of August, 1989, by the following vote, to 1 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Mamaux & Pett NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: I ALgHwiAdENGN-i 1 1 (SEAL) / / / / / / / / 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17' 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2s rn q 89-293 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORI APPROPRIATING TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND ($250,000) DOLLARS FROM THE GENl CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE GOLF COURSE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. FUND CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT #001-840-1990-2999 TO FUND VARIOUS PRELIM11 WHEREAS, the City Council has approved the development of a regula' 18 hole size golf course at the 252 acre Lake Calavera site; and WHEREAS, funds are necessary to hire consultants to prepare environmental impact report, preliminary golf course design; soils repc and a real property appraisal and; WHEREAS, funds are available in the General Fund Contingency Accc #001-840-1990-2999; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Citj Carlsbad, California, the following: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. A transfer of funds in the amount of two hundred fifty thous ($250,000) dollars from the General Fund Contingency Account #001-840-1S 2999, into a newly established golf course development account #001-E 1890-3342, has been authorized. I PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad C Council held on the 15th day of August, 1989, by the following vote, to b AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Mamaux & Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Larson k ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, CITY CLERk (SEAL) EXHIBIT 2 CARLSE~ MUNICIPAL GOLF .OURSE -. - .PRELIMINARY PROCESSING SCHEDULE (30-36 MONTHS) DATE (AUG '89). CITY COUNCIL DIRECTION ON PLAN A, B, OR c. (AUG '89 - SOLICIT R.F.P. FOR GOLF COURSE CONSULTANT OR CONTRACl PRELIMINARY GOLF COURSE PLAN AND OTHER RELATED INFORD REQUIRED FOR THE C.U.P. PROCESS. OCT '89) DAVID RAINVILLE, GOLF COURSE ARCHITECT, TO PREPARE TF (SEPT '89) PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF FINANCING OPTIONS, RECOMMENDED STRUCTURE, LEASE OPTIONS/AGREEMENTS AND REVENUES FOR ASPECTS OF GOLF COURSE OPERATION WITH STAFF AND BOND COUNSEL. (SEPT '89 - SOLICIT R.F.P. FOR GOLF COURSE DEVELOPER (TO PREPARE DEC '89) FINAL DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS, CONSTRUCT AND/ (Nov '89) REVIEW ROUTING PLAN WITH STEERING COMMITTEE (TWO MEE (DEC '89) CITY COUNCIL TO SELECT GOLF COURSE DEVELOPER/OPERATC (FEB '90) PRELIMINARY PLAN COMPLETE AND SUBMITTED FOR STEERING COMMITTEE AND ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW. (FEB '90 - ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PERIOD. OPERATE GOLF COURSE) (PLAN B). IF REQUHRED). Nov '90) (DEC '90) CITY COUNCIL TO APPROVE PROJECT (E.I.R. / C.U.P.). (DEC '90 - PREPARATION OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS (GOLF COURSE APR '91) DEVELOPER/OPERATOR) . (MAY '91 - BID PERIOD. AUG '91) (AUG '91 - CONSTRUCTION AND ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD. AUG '92) (MID - PROJECT COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE. YR. '92) 0 gg 40: Ge.6 -. ir; 3. n non 0 os* 3'* '< 11 n (4 nz.3 &I (D 0. 3 2.- 3. 3 ,I1 TT] n z .- II 3ra tn n 00 03 ; 2. -. - mz E. (D 0 3 \/ /\ -_-_ --.- ~ - 't clr i h PALITILII Ib-n rv I I I rn 1 - *< *. - ti i A x- z Kg x3 X ' QS .L 'I. 8 2; 2 :S S: 25 GZ p 2- <O -. 2 +I 2%. 5 S 22 tD -- q'Q 1 \/ A 30 -In \/ --.------ x- !! E! 3 x \ / ..-_- _-.____._. ---I_.___.____- 8 z ii \/