HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-08-15; City Council; 10199; FORMATION OF AD-HOC COMMITTEE TO STUDY AND RECOMMEND USES FOR CABRILLO RANCHi -4 +J (d E $4 0 w c * .rl %4 q a vi Gc, 0 a -rl Ma ord 4-1 $4 :LE c, u4-1 2: am & uo -rl Gh M +Jal Gw oal u$4 44 .rl .d Ou s5 00 vu nn am \\ mN \\ 46l moo u a sz .. Z o 5 4 4 5 z 3 0 0 ( MTG. 8/15/89 STUDY AND RECOMMEND USES FOR CITY 04 L cie OF CARLSBAD - AGEN~ BILL AB#-- TITLE- DEP CITY DEPT. RED RECOMMENDED ACTION: - FORMATION OF AD-HOC COMMITTEE TO CARRILLO RANCH If Council concurs, your action is to adopt Resolution No. yq--2.T/approving formation of an ad-hoc committee to study and make recommendation on the uses for Carrillo Ranch. ITEM EXPLANATION: At their meeting of June 13, 1989, the Historic Preservation Commission recommended that the City Council authorize formation of an ad-hoc committee to study and make recommendation on the use(s) of Carrillo Ranch. The ad-hoc committee would be composed of one member of the Historic Preservation Commission, one member of the Arts Commission and one member of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Each Commission would select a representative to serve on the ad-hoc committee. A staff member from each of the Commissions would provide staff support. The ad-hoc committee would be in effect for one (1) year after which it will be disbanded. The duties of the ad-hoc committee will include: 1. Guidance in the expenditure of the $400,000 State Historic Preservation Grant. 2. A study and recommendation on the future use of Carrillo Ranch which could include a recommendation for the development of comprehensive master plan. In 1987, the City received a State Historic Preservation Grant of $90,000 for stabilization of the Ranch. The State required most of the funds to be spent on studies, reports and plans for stabilization. These reports and plans are 80 percent complete. On July 1, 1989, the City received an additional $400,000 to do the stabilization. This work is planned for late fall. In order to prudently use the $400,000, it is imperative that a preliminary plan be considered of how the Ranch will be developed. By having a plan, funds can be concentrated on the most important structures with less expenditure on those least likely to be heavily used. 0 0 PAGE 2 AGENDA BILL NO. /$/yy The Arts Commission and Parks and Recreation Commission support formation of an ad-hoc committee. FISCAL IMPACT There will be no fiscal impact with formation of an ad-hoc committee other than staff time to attend meetings and gather information. EXHIBITS 1. Resolution No. f7027# 2. Letter from consultant, Wayne Donaldson dated June 28, 1989. 3. Memo to City Manager dated July 3, 1989. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 * e RESOLUTION NO. 89-294 ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF , CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE FORMATION OF City Council of the City of Carlsbad, make recommendation on the uses of LVED by the City Council of the City of C 1. That the foregoi ation is true and corre 2. That an ad-hoc co comprised of one membe the Parks and Recrea sion is hereby formed. 3. That the duties of the ommittee will include : b. A study and recommendati n the future u of Carrillo Ranch which d include a recommendation for the dev ment of a comprehensive master plan. 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. That the ad-hoc committee shall su report to the City Council within the date of formation. 4. That the ad-hoc committee shall be di year from the date of formation. ~ \ 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of 0 MILFORD WAYNE DONALDSON ARCHITECT e Ms. Patricia Cratty LEO CARRILLO RANCH June 28, 1989 Page 2 Once formed, I would recommend a presentation to the subcommittee 1 Marilyn Lortie, Ms. Lort: is the State Historian to the California Historic Resources Commission ax could lend valuable insights into the planning and investigation process. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (615 Sincerely, of the State Office of Historic Preservation. 239-7888. I Milford Way e Donaldson President cc. Marilyn Lortie KC : cme 7’ 1 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 I I i 1 1 I I i I i I i (_- ---- a 0 EXHIB b JULY 3, 1989 TO : CITY MANAGER FROM : Senior Management Analyst/Redevelopment VIA: Housing and Redevelopment Director ~~'5- ESTIMATE FOR USE OF GARRILLO RANCH GRANTS At their meeting of June 27, 1989, the City Council had quest about how the additional $400,000 Historic Preservation Grant Carrillo Ranch would be spent. Wayne Donaldson, the consulti currently working under the first grant of $90,000, has prep; a construction scope of work (attached) for both grants.. Mr. Donaldson's current agreement is for $63,700 plus reimbursable costs. The State required that thetfirst grant t spent for reports, studies and plans for stabilizatiod. Now we have the $400,000 to do the stabilization, Mr. Donaldson'E contract will be expanded so that the plans and specificatior prepares will fully utilize the grant funds. I : a1 Attachment c: Community Development Director PATR 9% CIA A CRATTY Parks and Recreation Director L' MILFORD Wd\ywE mNt\LDSON m ARCHITECT a I" < Work Item 'r Cost Scooe Priority - 1. Yain hose $ 90,000 -Repair adobe -Replace roof on overhstnj ?.f: I. FC: KD LVAY S E UC7N.4L3SON ARCHITECT LEO CARRILLO RANCH SCOPE OF WORK June 13, 1989 Page 2 @ 44 LIILFC‘RD L\.%’tXk UOh’ALDSON A R C E3 I T E C T LEO CARRILLO RANCii SCOPE OF WORK June 13, 1989 Page 3 0 8. Caretaker’s XclLze j 35,000 -Repair or replace garage and Garage -Replace broken windows -Repair or replace roof -Repair interior water dan -Remove or replace floor c -Secure doors -Repair porch damage -Repair termite and dry FC -Termite Control -if’ d ama ge 9. Ground Repair $ ~2,3fIO Includes &abilizqtion of: (a 600) 2 windmills ($1.800) 2 footbridges ($ 600) Stone site walls ($ 300) Fences ($ 600) Fish pond ($4,500) Swimming Pool, Cabana, an ($ 400) Conquistador’s Grave Mark (3 500) Surface Artifacts ($1,600) Car Bridge ($ 400) Adobe Entrance Gate ($23,900) licadways and Site Grading ($8,000) Landscaping, Irrigation, Trails, Weed Abatement, Removal of Damaging Plan Pumphou se 10. !dater Tank $ 600 -Repair settlement damage -Paint tank 11. Wood Barn $ 25,OGO -Seismic reinforcement of structure -Repair or replace tirbers damaged by termites and dryrot -Repair or replace roof -Repair or replace siding -Stabilize and rehang slid -Termite Control --- ----- -- --_I______() * LtILFORD KAYNt WNALDSON ARCHITECT LEO CARRILL0 RANCH SCOPE OF WORK June 13, 1989 Page 4 0 12. Equipnent ?hediCy?T-n ; :G ,GOO -Repair foundations Storage -Repair adobe wall -Regrade slope away from -F.epair or replace wood me -Trim back trees -Replace roof -Repair or replace loose s -Termite Control structure .,x' j ,I @ --- --- --- --- -.--- - -4 e - VILFQXD hAYNE X7N.sLDSON ARCHITECT @ LEO CAPRILLO RANCH .' 1 COST ESIMATE Available Funding: t'?867 ?rant 90,OOcI 1989 Crant 400,000 S490,OOO .,N All costs will be reduced by 10% for contingency fees. I 6 ,+' Ma in house 90,000 Deedie's House 45,000 Stable 65,000 (Adobe Retreat) Wash House 6,000 Cantina 30,090 (Adobe with wood shake roof) Carriage House 20,000 storage Building and 10,000 Tack Shed Caretaker's House and 35,000 Garage Grounds Repair G2,300 Water Tank 600 ?hod Barn 25,003 Eqaipnent Shed and 10,000 Grain Storage - I -. __ - >‘ 9 @ ‘4lLFORC b!4YKE DONALDSON A R C H I T E C T LEO CURILL0 RANCH COST ESTIMATE June 13, 1989 Page 2 @ Professional Fees 91, LOO Architeccural Civil Engineering Structural Engineer?-ny Landscaping Cost Estimating Mechanical Plumbing Electrical Archeological .,I‘ Development Costs 20,000 j Testing 4 Construction Inspection Geotechnical Testing City of Carlsbaa Personnel $490,000 , ___I ---- ---+-