HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-08-22; City Council; 10222; AQUISITION OF YMCA PROPERTY LYING WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL AND NORTH OF CAMINO HILLS DRIVEtJ0 E 0 a)W M (li 0 'r) eo 30 -0 n uo hO u- all+ a- 0 Nbn aG -4 ala sal .Val wx c) oa, cu 00 -4 u G -4 fflm - -4 16 u 3 mal 3 kO OM wua E u a) -4 -d mu a, MU Y M u oc -4 w3 a Wd cdu uc ffl .d a- N alu (lis - -d MU3 0 c ow sl+ u cdd ?+Jcd d0b ual 4c .d a, a, US cu M 0 3a) os uuu 0-l hl hl .-. co ual Ok co \ .. z 2 6 a s z 3 0 0 wr unnLamnu - nucn DILL DEPT CITY I U' c AB# /*iaaL TITLE: ACQUISITION OF YMCA PROPERTY LYING WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL AND NORTH OF CAKINO HILLS DRIVE MTG, 8/-- 'e<, DEPT. U/M CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: Direct Staff as the City Council deems appropriate. ITEM EXPLANATION On April 25, 1989 staff reported to the City Council thc the YMCA intended to sell their property on El Camino Re; and had offered the City the first opportunity to acquir the parcel. The YMCA estimated the value of the parcel 2 $1.1 million. The City Council determined that a potentiz municipal use for the property might exist and direct€ staff to obtain an appraisal of the property and return t Council for further consideration. Accordingly, stal contracted with the Lee C. Johnson Company of El Cajon fc an appraisal of the parcel. The appraiser has establishc the fair market value for the property at $1.0 million, c 9% under the YMCA estimated price. For the City to acquire the property requires environment: clearance and General Plan conformity to be determined 1 the Planning Commission. On July 5, 1989 the Plannir Commission considered a staff recommendation for a Negatii Declaration and a finding of General Plan conformity fc acquisition of the parcel. The Planning Commissic determined to continue the issue until September to give tl Northwest Quadrant Park Committee time to submit it report. (see Exhibit 1). Since the Councils' consideration of this matter in Apri: developers, and the Carlsbad Unified School District ha1 identified the YMCA site as one of two potential schoc sites. (see Exhibit 2). Of the two sites, the YMCA si' is preferred by the developer while it appears that tl District prefers the other site further north. Finally, although there may be several potential municip, uses for the site, staff has been unable to identify a fir] near term, need for the site. This property is not need1 to meet the park requirements of the Growth Management Pla Although there is no apparent near term use for the parce the Council may want to acquire the site for future use ( open space purposes, due to its location and vegetation. Since the Planning Commission will not act until Septemb staff has learned that Kaufman and Broad, Kelly Ranc or later and since there is some potential for the parc 0 0 to be purchased for a school site, it would seem appropriat to make a decision now as to whether to acquire the site r and not delay the YMCA further. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for the acquisition could be made available frc several sources. If the Council finds that this proper1 falls under the definition of Parks, the acquisition cou: Based on the current CIP, PIL area #1 has funds which ai currently earmarked for future park rehabilitation whic could be reallocated by the Council. If the property cannc meet defined park needs PIL and other developer funds ai not available. This places the burden of fundi] acquisition on the general fund. The general fund has an undesignated fund balance which . adequate to finance the purchase. However, two issuc should be addressed prior to allocating funds. The Counc has several other projects competing for these funds whic should be considered in priority order. Also tl expenditure of more than $1 million of general fund monc for an acquisition of this type requires voter approv, (Proposition H). Funds may also be available through the County's allocatic of 1988 Park Bond funds. $10 million was allocated to S( Diego County for purchase of Resource Conservation Areas ai Urban Canyons. Staff is advised that the County h< received requests that far exceed the allocated amount, bl the YMCA property may be eligible for consideration. Shou the City Council desire to acquire the parcel staff wi attempt to acquire funding from the County, although sui funding may not be likely. be funded from Park-in-Lieu (PIL) fees in park district #: EXHIBITS 1. Planning Commission Action 2. Letter from Kaufman and Broad JULY 6, 1989 0 * TO : MAYOR LEWIS MAYOR PRO TEM KULCHIN COUNCILMEMBER LARSON COUNCILMEMBER MAMAUX COUNCILMEMBER PETTINE FROM: Planning Director SUMMARY REPORT OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEgTXNQ OF JULY 5, 1989 1) CUP 89-4 - HOEHN TEMPORARY AUTO STORAGE - By a 4-2 vc (McFadden, Marcus) the Commission approved this Conditio] Use Permit to allow temporary auto storage on Lot 8 on ( Country Drive for one year, The Commission added 1 following conditions: a) Only new cars may be parked on the lot; b) No sales related activity may take place on the lot; c) No work on the vehicles may take place on the lot; d) The lot may not be used for employee parking;. e) The lot must be paved with class 2 base gravel; and f) Setback areas must be landscaped. In addition, the Commission will not require the storage a to be fenced. 2) CT 89-1/PUD 89-1 - ROBERT CAMPBELL - By a 4-1-1 vote (Er abstained, Marcus) the request to construct four duplexes the north side of Levante Street, west of La Costa Avenue continued to August 2, 1989. * 3) PCD/GPC 89-4 - CITY OF CARLSBAD - A General Plan Consiste Determination for the acquisition of two parcels at Elmw Street and Laguna Drive was approved 6-0. Review of pax number 212-050-40, at the northwest corner of El Camino F and Camino Hills Drive for consistency with the General I GOALS AND WORK PROGRAM - The Planning Commission's Goals Work Program to be forwarded to the City Council were apprc by a 6-0 vote. of the revised Airport Noise/Land Use Compatibility Matrix continued indefinitely by a 6-0 vote to give the City Attol time to review the matrix. 6 was continued to September 20, 1989. 4) 5) -1SED AIRPORT NOISE/LAND USE COMPATIBILITY MATRIX - A re7 . MICHAEL J. HOLZMIUER Planning Director arb c: City Manager / Assistant City Manager Assistant to the City Manager Department Heads Ekt)i42 I ’ Kaufman and Broad of San Diego, Inc. 0 w e 12520 HIQ~, Bluff Drive . Suite ’20 San Olego California 92130 (6’9) 259 6000 Kaufman A Broad August 2, 1989 Mr. Ralph Anderson Director of Utilities and Maintenance CITY OF CARLSBAD 275 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Dear Ralph: Thank you for meeting with me on Friday afternoon, July 281 Attached you will find the following copies which I hope will of use to you: - School Site Proposal (10 acre area could modified to hcfude park arc - Review Letter from State of California, Division Aeronautics - Letter regarding open space designation from M Holzmiller If I may be of any assistance, please contact me. Thank you. Very truly yours, KAUFMAN & BROAD OF SAN DIEG , INC. 4” w+)& J n W. Fulbright irector of Forward Planning 4 e JWF/blm 406 E29 Received Maintenance Enclosures II ti My/ ~&i-A c 0 .. 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE TELE CAnLSBAD, CA 92009-4859 (6 19) situ Llf aurlsbub PLANNING OEPARTMENT September 22, 1988 Kathy Riggins North Coast Family YMCA 200 Saxony Road Enchiitas, California 92024 RlI: YMCA PROPERTY/ChRLSBAD Dear Kathy: On August 9, 1988, the City Couricil adopted an Interim Open Space Ordinance with an updated Open Space Map. This is to confirm that the more specific open space map which you submitted (attached and dated August 16, 1968) appears to accurately reflect the intent of the boundaries shown or1 the City Council approved Open Space Map. If you have any additional questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, CITY OF CARLSBAD ,, iviG&.-[bg\ w!22 7 MICfIAEL J. IfOLZMILLER Planning Director arb c:" John White ! , , .. .f 0 0 Bill Hc l'@ CALIFORNIA STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 3 a *. - ,.*- Superr 727 Caprtol Mall; P. 0. Box 944272 Sacramento, CA 94244-2720 of Pub 0. <.. May 22, 1989 Thomas K. Brierley, Superintendent Carlsbad Unified School District 801 Pine Avenue Carlsbad, Ca 92008 Dear Mr. Brierley: The Division of Aeronautics, Department of Transportation completed their site investigation of the three proposed s sites located north of McClellan-Palomar Airport. Sites A did not reveal any condition that would create undue haz however, Site C is not recommended to be acquired. X copy o letter from the Division of Aeronautics is attached. You may proceed with the acquisition of either Site .4 or Sit We are attaching a copy of our Forms 4.01 and -1.02. t (9161 322-1159 UAR : mp Attachments ,. I .. Business, Transportation 0 and Housing Agen * State of California 0 . hjLcmorandum .I I TO: Mr. Urvan A. Rodriguez, Consultant Date: May 12, 1989 School Facilities Planning Division Department of Education File: 721 Capitol Mall Sacramento, CA 95814-4785 From: DEPARTMENT 0 F TR AN SP 0 RTATIO N DlVlSlON OF AERONAUTICS Subject: Site Investigation - Carlsbad Unified School District, San DI In response to your request of March 31, 1989 and Section 39006 of tk Education Code, the California Department of Transportation, Divisior Aeronautics, has analyzed three proposed school sites located north c McClellan-Palomar Airport. Please refer to the attached map for loca of the school sites. Our analysis consisted of a review of Department files as they relate airports and heliports in the area and a review of the traffic patter for McClellan-Palomar Airport. Mr. Rick Severson, Airport Manager of McClellan-Palomar Airport was given the opportunity to comment on the proposed school sites and his comments were considered during our stui On May 4, 1989, we located the proposed school sites. Sites tlAtt and are located north Of the airport, generally along El Camino Real outs of normal aircraft traffic areas. Site ttCtt is located beneath the VO1 instrument approach and at the right 45 degree downwind entry for lanc Runway 24. Aircraft on the VOR-A instrument approach fly at altitude: just 532 feet above the ground. Our investigation of Sites ttAtt and ltBtt did not reveal any condition tl would create undue hazard at the proposed school sites. Therefore, WE not object to the acquisition of these sites for classroom purposes. However, the Department cannot guarantee the safety of these plans. These sites are considered to provide at least the minimum lev of safety suitable for a school. If these sites are not acquired with five years of the date of this letter, a reevaluation will be required Our investigation of Site ttCtt revealed the close proximity of the instrument approach and right downwind entry to Runway 24. According1 we do not recommend that Site ttCtt be acquired for claSsroom purposes. JACK D. KEMMERLY, Chief m-tonautics County or any) sites based on our evaluation of existing conditions and know-developi I Peter E. Conn Aviation Consultant Enclosure cc: Rick Severson ..I .. . .' 8'. I.'. ..- Application no. SDE consultant Grade level: Y- Max. enroll:&+: O8 FtAh bet . 4-1 8-4-7 Site dentif :ion Date Dis ric Size of site SDE recommenfid Gross acres: coo+- Net useable acres: 9.c YMCi &Asb,b clkfkd 4 ! Site locatio ( ajor cross streets) c*Wb,*o &, A+ Est. land value per acr JIO + I 7 f 1 +\Ie -- - . bfO 65'1 Ad L / \e ! N 1' \ Q ,e 3 * i SDE consultant *+\ b-8'9 Max. enroll: Gross acres: 600 Site cation (Major cross streets) E( 1eru;rw. Net useable acres: Est. land value per acz \to N+ ++ si+ 4ULIMRIU OF EDUUTIOI mOOL FAaUTlES STATE DVARTYEICT a- - li-) __ SCHOOL FACILITIES PLANNING DIVISION SITE! REVIEW d - Are there existing structures on the site which need to removed or demolished? Yes No / Comment: Is condemnation required? Yes No / Unknown Street improvements: y=yes n=no p=proposed - Comment: street - Street paving - Sdd Curb &-gutter Fi e hydrant - Sidewa 1 k lighting Comments(1 or more sides, etc *e b!!~ ea w t 1/#fR a 4/f L Funding: State - Local - f Developer / Exchange Wi hin two mi of -aajrport?Y r t ?Yesv No Ranking by SDE: ' h ern -ad - \ -0lCrCJC;W aq 1 2 3 4 5 Low letion of SFP 4.01 h 4.021 Yes . - 4 tr* KO* this abru:)(pd form. ~k, A fj t I 0 e Growth Management Financing Pase - 6 ProDosed Pro-iects The fo??owing Tist of projects are currently recommended for inclusic a CFD. More precise timing and cost estimates will be developed as di stri ct format i on process cont i nues . Community Facility District Proposed Schedule (Mi 11 ion Dol 1 ars) Years Years Years YC a 6- 10 /1-15 - 1€ Pro.iect Descriotion Cost School District: Valley 3r. High Cannon Road School NE Elementary 6.4 NW El emen t ary2 SW Elementary No. 1 7.4 7.0 - SW Elementary No. 2 7.4 7.0 SW Elementary No. 3 7.0 SE Elementary 7.0 Cont i nuat i on School 5.0 Reconstruct i on Ph. 1 Reconstruction Ph. 2 8.0 Reconstruction Ph. 3 8.0 Maint. 8, Transp. Fac. Re1 ocatabl es Total School : City: Carl sbad High $11.1 $11.1 2.3 2a3 Alga Road School 9.0 9.0 - College Blvd. School 11.7 11.7 - - - . - - - - 7.0 7.0 7.6 7.0 - - - 6.0 - - - - - - - - 7 5 - - 7.0 - 8.0 - - - 8.0 - 8.0 6.0 - 3.0 3.0 4.1 - - 4.1 - - - - - - 8 - - - 42( $121.2 $48.1 629.1 $24.0 - 4.0 Library $16.0 12.0 - - - 1: i City Hall 13.0 Macario Park Faraday Ave. 3.0 3.0 - Cannon Road 6.5 6.5 - La Costa Ave. 5.0 5.0 - 01 ivenhain Road La Costa Intchg. 7.0 7.0 - - - 14.0 7.0 - - - - 6.0 6.0 - - - - 3 Leucadi a 81 vd. 3.5 Poinsettia Intchg. 9.4 9.4 - Pal. Arpt. Rd. Intchg. 9.45 9.45 - - - - - - - Pub Safety Serv. Cntr. 3.54 - 3.5 - u Total City: $96.35 $52.35 916.5 9 4,O - +--------- - -_ e- - F- - - r m < -_ m I- * 0 0 m v) v) t ! 0 < m z 0 ""$q €3 Sr I'P : '51' I II :ti s -> ; I:'; fg