HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-09-05; City Council; 10235; Fire Classes specifications amendment- . . AB# ’6 A’3K MTG. 9-Og-89 PER DEPT. P w pc 8 5 .. z 0 U =1 0 z 3 0 0 5 AMENDING THE CLASS SPECIFICATIONS FOR CERTAIN FIRE CLASSES RECOMMENDED ACTION: :ity Council adopt Resolution No. amending the class specifications for ‘i ref ighter, Paramedi c/Fi ref and Fire Captain. TEM EXPLANATION ’he California Department of Motor Vehicles has mandated new requirements for the iperating of all fire apparatus and ambulances. Fire Personnel shall be required to Lcquire and maintain a valid Class B Drivers License to operate fire vehicles. The ialifornia Department of Motor Vehicles has revised the requirements for a Class B icense to include water tank and air brake endorsements and submitting to a medical !xamination every two years as a condition of maintaining a Class B license. The ’ersonnel Department in concurrence with the Fire Department is recommending that the :lass specifications for Firefighter, Paramedic/Firefighter, Fire Engineer, and Fire laptain be modified to reflect these new requirements. :ISCAL IMPACT ’he estimated cost to the Fire Department for the written test and medical examination ‘equirements. for acquiring and maintaining a Class B drivers license will be ipproximately $1,357 for fiscal year 88/89. The funds are available in the Department hdget. :XHI BITS tesolution NO. 592/7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1E 17 1E 1: 2c 21 2: 22 24 2: 2E 2'; 2E RESOLUTION NO. 89-317 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE CLASSIFICA- TION PLAN OF THE CITY TO REVISE THE CLASS SPECIF- ICAT IONS OF F I REF IGHTER, PARAMEDI C/F I REF I GHTER, FIRE ENGINEER, AND FIRE CAPTAIN. WHEREAS, the State of California, Department of Motor Vehicles has issued a mandate enacting new requirements for the operation of all fire apparatus; and WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends and the City Council concurs that the cl assi fi cations of Firefighter, Paramedi c/Fi ref ighter, Fire Engineer, and Fire Captain be revised in the City's Classification Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council authorized and directs the City Manager to revise the classification of Firefighter (Attachment A), Paramedic/Firefighter (Attachment B), Fire Engineer (Attachment C) and Fire Captain (Attachment D), as described in Attachments A-D, attached hereto and made a part thereof. /// /// /// /// /// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1E 15 2c 21 22 22 24 2f 26 27 2€ PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of ;he City of Carlsbad on the 5th day of September , 1989, by the following rote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None \TT E ST : :SEAL) Attachment A Resolution No. ??-a? FIREFIGHTER DEF I N IT ION Under supervision, to fight fires and to participate in fire prevention activities in protecting life and property; to operate and maintain fire fighting and rescue equipment, and fire stations; and to do related work as assigned. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Serve as hose operator if fire fighting situations including pulling working lines, manning the nozzle to direct the stream of water on the fire, placing, raising, lowering, and climbing ladderrs, and assisting in overhaul and salvage operations. Respond to resuce calls and administer first aid. Clean and inspect equipment, perform lubrication, make adjustments and repairs to equipment, and maintain fuel and oil supply. Clean and test fire hoses. Routine inspection and maintenance of fire hydrants. Operate radio-telephone equipment. Study Fire Department rules and regulations, fire hazards, fire fighting techniques and related subjects. Conduct f i re preventi on inspect i on and education programs. Participate in fire drills and training exercises. Respond to fire calls during non-duty hours. Participate in continuous training in fire prevention, inspection and suppression through both simulated and on-the-job-exercises. May be assigned as a paramedic if properly trained, certified and appointed to perform such duties by the Fire Chief. Serve as Acting Fire Engineer or Acting Captain as assigned for emergency relief purposes. .- FIREFIGHTER, Continued OUAL I F ICATIONS Knowledqe of Rul es , regul at i ons , and operational procedures of the Fi re Department. Ability to Demonstrate physical endurance, agility and strength sufficient to meet the establ i shed standards of the City. Demonstrate a high degree of'mechanical aptitude. Learn fire fighting methods and techniques, the operation of fire fighting equipment, street location and physical layout of the City, and major traffic and fire hazards. Think and act quickly in emergencies. Understand and follow oral and written directions promptly and accurately. Deal courteously and effectively with the general public. Establish and maintain cooperative relationships with those contacted in the course of work. ExDeri ence and Education Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. NECESSARY SPECIAL REOUIREMENTS Within one year from date of hire, employee must possess and maintain a valid Class B California drivers license, to include a water tank and air brake endorsement. Must possess and maintain current certification as an Emergency Medical Technician-I in the State of California. As a condition of continued employment, shall satisfactorily complete an annual physical fitness program which will include physical agility and medical testing authorized by the City Council and prescribed by the City Manager. Attachment B Resolution No. g9-317 PARAMEDIC/FIREFIGHTER DEF I N IT I ON Under general supervision, provide basic and advanced 1 ife support services to ill or injured persons in accordance with the policies established by the Department of Emergency Medical Services of San Diego County; performs general duty firefighting and fire prevention activities; and to do other work as assigned . EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Respond to medical emergencies. Conduct or assist in extrication of trapped persons. Perform primary and secondary physical assessment of ill or injured person. Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Maintain an effective airway for patients with compromised breathing. Immobilize injured limbs and spinal vertebra where injury is suspected. Control bleeding of external injuries. Assist with emergency childbirth. Provide emotional support to distressed persons. Administer oxygen to support respiratory functions Uti1 ized adjunctive ventilation devices, such as endotracheal tubes. Apply and utilize pneumatic anti-shock garments. Analyze el ectrocardi ograms and recognize cardiac arrhythmias. Administer medications by intravenous, intramuscular or topical means, Perform electrical defibrillation. Operate radio-telephone equipment and communicate medical information to base hospital medical personnel and others. Serve as a preceptor for paramedic and emergency medical technician trainees. Compi 1 e necessary reports and records. Drive an ambul ance vehi cl e. , PARAMEDIC/FIREFIGHTER, Cont i nued Extend and operate hose1 ines in training and fire suppression situations. Place, raise, lower and climb ladders in training, fire suppression and rescue situations. Assist in salvage of property and contents of occupancies affected by or threatened by fire, smoke, or water damage. Assist in extinguishing and overhaul of fires. Clean and maintain apparatus and equipment. Clean and test fire hoses. Clean and maintain fire station facilities. Maintain current knowledge of fire department rules and regulations, fire hazards, fire suppression strategies and techniques, and related subjects. Conduct f i re prevent i on inspection and pub1 i c fire safety education programs. Participate in and contribute to drills and training exercises. Respond to emergencies during off-duty hours when required. Serve as Acting Fire Engineer or Acting Captain, as assigned, for emergency re1 i ef purposes. gUALIFICATIONS Knowledqe of Basic and advance 1 i fe support pri nci pl es and procedures. San Di ego County EMS regul at i ons , protocol s and procedures. Principles and techniques of fire prevention and fire suppression. Rules, regulations, and operational procedures of the Carl sbad Fire Department. Geography and topography of the City of Carlsbad. Ability to Maintain current certifications as a paramedic in San Diego County. Demonstrate physical endurance, agility and strength sufficient to meet the established standards of the Carlsbad Fire Department. Demonstrate a high degree of mechanical aptitude. .- PARAMEDIC/FIREFIGHTER, Continued Learn suppression methods and techniques, the operation of fire suppression apparatus and equipment, major traffic and fire hazards, and the geography and topography of the City of Carlsbad. Think and act effectively and quickly in emergency situations. Understand and follow oral and written directions promptly and accurately. Deal courteously and effectively with the general public. Establish and maintain cooperative relationships with those contacted in the course of work. ExDeri ence and Education Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could 1 i kely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. NECESSARY SPECIAL REOUIREMENTS Within one year from date of hire, employee must possess and maintain a valid Class B California drivers license, to include a water tank and air brake endorsement. Must possess and maintain current certification as a Paramedic, issued by the County of San Diego. As a condition of continued employment, shall satisfactorily complete an annual physical fitness program which will include physical agility and medical testing authorized by the City Council and prescribed by the City Manager. FIRE ENGINEER Attachment C Resol uti on No. 89-31 7 DEF I N IT ION Under supervision, to operate and maintain fire trucks, fire fighting and response equipment, and fire stations; to participate in fire prevention activities in protecting life and property; and to do related work as assigned. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Drive and operate fire equipment. Maintain fire apparatus and other emergency vehicles. Respond to incidents and select the most direct route to the fire. Lay hose lines, operate fire fighting and rescue equipment as required. Man nozzles to direct stream of water on fire. Assist in overhaul and salvage operations. Respond to rescue calls and administer first aid. Operate radio-telephone equipment. Inspect equipment, perform lubrication, make minor adjustments and repairs, and maintain fuel and oil supply. Wash and test fire hoses. Clean station quarters and equipment and maintain a clean and orderly condition in and about the fire house. Study Fire Department rules and regulations, fire hazards and fire fighting techniques. Participate in fire drills and training exercises. Conduct f i re prevent i on inspection and education programs. Prepare reports with respect to equipment maintenance and work operations. Instruct fire personnel in the operation and maintenance of fire equipment. Respond to fire calls during non-duty hours. Serve as Acting Fire Captain as assigned. Routine inspection and maintenance of fire hydrants. FIRE ENGINEER, OUAL I F ICAT IONS Knowledqe of - Continued Street system, the physical layout of the City and the location of fire hydrants, mains and their fire flow capabilities. Fire fighting methods and techniques. Operating and mechanical principles involved in the operation and maintenance of fire apparatus and equipment. Fire hydrants. Fire aid and CPR. Rules, regulations and operational procedures of the Fire Department. Ability to Establish and maintain cooperative relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Understand and follow oral and written instructions quickly and correctly. Operate fire equipment and apparatus. Maintain fire equipment and apparatus. Think and act quickly in emergencies. Understand and follow oral and written directions promptly and accurately. Write clear, concise and accurate reports. Perform field calculations in hydraulics for proper and safe operations at emergency scenes. ExDeri ence and Education Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could 1 ikely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: ExDerience: Two years of municipal fire fighting experience. Education: High school diploma or equivalent. Completion of college level courses or their equivalent in Fire Science in compliance with departmental pol icies. FIRE ENGINEER, Continued NECESSARY SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Possession and maintenance of a valid Class B California drivers license, to include a water tank and air brake endorsement. Possession and maintenance of an Emergency Medical Technician-F.S. Certificate. As a condition of continued employment, shall satisfactorily complete an annual physical fitness program which will include physical agility and medical testing authorized by the City Council and prescribed by the City Manager. Attachment Resol uti on No. J?-3/ 7 FIRE CAPTAIN DEFINITION Under direction, to perform management, supervisory and technical work in fire fighting, emergency rescue, fire inspection, fire prevention, and fire training activities; and to do related work as assigned. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Plan and execute work assignments of fire prevention, fire suppression and rescue personnel in an assigned company. Respond to fire alarms as commanding officer, and as such is responsible for the fire supervision and performance and safety of assigned fire fighting personnel. Di rect f i re fight i ng , rescue and emergency medi cal operations unt i 1 re1 i eved by a superior officer. Operate radio-telephone equipment. Supervise and participate in salvage and overhaul operations. Supervise and assist in rendering first aid in an emergency incident. Supervise the assignments and work of emergency medical technicians and paramedics on an assigned shift basis. Direct the cleaning of quarters, equipment an apparatus at fire station. Inspect personnel and maintain discipline. Instruct personnel in the proper use of safety precautions; assure adherence to establ ished safety standards in daily operations involving personnel and equipment. Instruct and drill fire department personnel in fire prevention and fire fighting methods, techniques, and related subjects. Supervise and participate in the inspection of buildings and installations for fire hazards and fire safety systems as required by State laws and City ordinances. Assist in planning and conducting the City wide fire prevention program and education program. Assume administrative responsibilities involving the department’s budgeting, purchasing, equipment maintenance, and personnel functions. Prepare reports and maintain records. FIRE CAPTAIN, Continued May be required to respond to fire calls during non-duty hous. May serve as a paramedic team coordinator and supervisor if properly trained certified and appointed to such duties by the Fire Chief. May be assigned a variety of special assignments involving emergency medica operat i ons , f i re prevention, department communi cations and others. Supervise, train, and evaluate subordinates. Serve as Acting Battalion Fire Chief as assigned. OUALIFICATIONS Knowledae of Principles, practices, and procedures of modern fire fighting, fire prevention practices, and protection of lives and property. Rul es , regul at ions, and operational procedures of the Fi re Department. Operation and maintenance of the type of apparatus and equipment used in modern fire fighting activities. First aid and CPR. Principles of supervision, training, and performance evaluation. Mechanical, chemical and related characteristics of a wide variety of flammable and explosive materials and objects. Local geography including the location of main and hydrants, GPM (gallons per minute) per capacity, and the major fire hazards of the City. Abilitv to Communicate clearly and concisely, orally and in writing. Conduct thorough fact finding inspection and investigation. Oerate apparatus and equipment used in modern fire fighting activities. Establish and maintain cooperative relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Supervise, train, and evaluate assigned staff. Think and act quickly in emergencies. FIRE CAPTAIN, Continued Experience and Education Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could 1 i kely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: ExDerience: Four years of municipal fire fighting experience. Education: High school diploma or equivalent, supplemented by the equivalent of 60 units college course work which can be credited toward a major in Fire Science. NECESSARY SPECIAL REOUIREMENTS Possession and maintenance of a valid Class B California drivers license, to include a water tank and air brake endorsement. Possession and maintenance of an Emergency Medical Technician-F.S. Certificate. Instructor Training No. 1 and No. 2 or equivalent. As a condition of continued employment, shall satisfactorily complete an annual physical fitness program which will include physical agility and medical testing authorized by the City Council and prescribed by the City Manager. ’