HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-09-05; City Council; 10239; REPORT OF THE CITIZENS COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW OF CARLSBAD'S OPEN SPACE PLAN AND PROGRAMSt i d $ 2 0 %I .A c, a, & L, %I 0 .ti c, rd u a a, g V a 0 *ti L, V L4 0 5 g -ti (I] 1 F: E: 0 a FI rd L, M 0 a a, u a, D cu U 5 8 4 5 \ a z u e rd cd 4 c *ri 2 .. u g 8 a 03 5 1 ul 4 \ m $ z 3 0 0 - a ..c _- ClWOF CARLSBAD - AGENWBILL AB#- TITLE: REPORT OF THE CITIZENS COMMITTEE FOR DEP CITY MTG. 9/05/89 DEPT. PLN CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1) Accept Citizens Committee Report and direct staff to prepare a work pro( implement the recommendations. 2) Refer the proposed Updated Open Space and Conservation Elements to the P’ Commission for review as part of the pending General Plan update. 3) Authorize staff to extend the contract with the consulting firm of W, Todd and Roberts for purposes of preparing a study on the feasibilitj interconnecting, Citywide trail system. REVIEW OF CARLSBAD’S OPEN SPACE PLAN AND PROGRAMS ITEM EXPLANATION In October of 1988, the City Council appointed a 15-member Citizens Commii review the City’s existing Open Space plans and programs and to report or adequacy and the overall status of Open Space protection in Carlsbad Committee met from December, 1988 through July, 1989 and preparc comprehensive report which is attached. The Committee is making numerous recommendations to strengthen and, in some broaden City ordinances pertaining to Open Space. Some of the other major recommendations of the report include: Preparing an Open Space plan which would provide more detail tt- existing documents or policies regarding the preservation, acqui: financing and maintenance of Open Space areas. 2) Pursuing the development of an interconnecting, Citywide trail 5 3) Creating natural and man-made 1 inks between 1 arger Open Space ai order to give the perception of a more comprehensive system of ope and to facilitate the establishment of an interconnecting trail : Establishing an Open Space Commission. 1) 4) The Citizens Committee is also recommending an Updated Open Space and Conser Element for incorporation into the General Plan. The Element will be revic the Planning Commission as part of the pending comprehensive update of the General Plan. With respect to the trail system, the Committee is recommending that the C an in-depth study on the feasibility of an interconnecting Citywide syste order to accomplish this study in an expeditious manner, staff would re( that the contract with the consulting firm which has assisted staff duri Committee’s review be extended to do the study. There are still addi consultant funds in the Committee’s budget although a supplement may be ne( at a later time. The consultant has become very familiar with the City i issues which need to be addressed in a feasibility study. I w e r -* , Page '2 of Agenda Bill No. /< 23.7 .. - ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW None required at this time. If approved by the City Council, implementation of the recommendations of the Committee report will require individual environmental review. FISCAL IMPACT $80,000 was already budgeted by the City Council for the work of the Citizens Committee. Most of the budgeted funds have already been uti1 ized. Implementation of the recommendations of this report will require substantial staff time and additional expenditures. Detailed costs will be provided when the work program to implement the recommendation is brought back for City Council review. EXHIBITS 1. Citizens Committee Report (previously distributed)