HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-09-12; City Council; 10251; Annual Contract for Outfitting Emergency Vehiclesj { l ·, i " 0 ~ a: 0. ~ .. z 0 ~ < -' 0 z ::, 0 c., c,_ OF CARLSBAD -AGEN[w BILL AB# !0,9..SI MTG.09-12-89 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR OUTFITTING EMERGENCY VEHICLES DEPT. HD.---=--- CITY ATTY\)@ CITYMG~ DEPT.· PCB RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 8:9-3,i.5 , awarding the annual contract for outfitting emergency vehicles to Hi Standard Automotive of Santa Ana, CA. ITEM.EXPLANATION: When the City purchases emergency vehicles, it is necessary for them to be outfitted with special equipment. These items include a lightbar, radio, siren, push bumper, metal cage, gun lock, baton holder and lap belt. Often it is possible to remove the equipment from an out of service unit and install the items in the new vehicle. When the components are not available from an out of service unit, new items need to be purchased and installed in the emergency vehicle. D~ring 1989-90, the City will acquire thirteen patrol cars, nine are replacement vehicles and four are additional units. The cost for outfitting these vehicles will exceed $15,ooo • .:''t"oposals for outfitting emergency vehicles were received from three vendors. The lowest responsive proposal, based on total cost was submitted by Hi standard Automotive of Santa Ana, ca. They specialize in this type of service and provide outf·itting to numerous local, State and Federal Agencies in Southern California. FISCAL. IMPACT: It is estimated the outfitting of emergency vehicles during 1989-90 fiscal year will cost $25,000. Unencumbered funds are available in Fleet Operations, Police and Fire Departments capital outlay accounts, 620-5210-3900, 001-2120-3900 and 001- 2220-3900 to cover the cost of the contract. EXHIBIT: 1. Summary of Proposals -Exhibit "A" 2. Proposal for outfitting Emergency Vehicles from Hi Standard -Exhibit "B" 3. Resolution No. 89-.JJl..5 I SUMMARY OF PROPOSALS FOR OUTFITTING EMERGENCY VEHICLES VENDOR Hi standard Santa Ana, CA Pursuit Specialties Whittier, CA Danardi Equipment* El Cajon, CA HOURLY LABOR CHARGES $38.00 40.00 49.00 * Does not install radios. EXHIBIT 11 A11 TRANSPORI' CHARGES $52.50 78.75 52.50 August 25, 1989 ~I ITAMWID AUTatlDTI\~ EIIEIGENCY IESPONSE VEHICLE SPECIALISTS 521 EAST FIRi:1' STREET -SANTA ANA, CA. 92?0 l (71·0 ,12-213-f -(?l-4) 512-7971 -FAX{? 11)342-0320 City of Carlsbad Purchasing Division 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad,Ca.92008 Attn: Ruth Fletcher Purchasing Officer SUBJECT: PROPOSAL AND QUOTATION, to perform Fleet Vehic:1, a.noEmerBency -vehicle Unit Convenfons, Specia&ed Vehkle Modifications, and Repair of Eme.rsen~ Vehide Equipment and Components, TERIIS m CQIIDITIQIS Qf QJJOTATIOJ AD AU IESULTIIG comACr 1. This Proposal is submitted on an ALL or NONE basis. 2. Payment Terms: NET 30 DAYS from date of Invoice. 3. Guarantee Policy: Vehiclt, Comrsions and Chanae over. Special Vehicle Construction All 'flort performed and aU 1oods supplied is guaranteed for a period of t'flelve (12) months from date of completion, to be free of defects in material and 'florkmanship. We 'flill at our discreation, repair or replace IUlY defective g{:ods supplied by us, at no cost to the City of Carlsbad within this period. Repair and MalnteaiQce or nhicle eq,ulpm.ent and components All 'flor.t performed and all parts supplied is suaranteed for a period of ninety (90) days from date of completion, to 1'e free of defects in material and "l'ortmanship. We •ill at our disc.reati!JJ1 repair or replace any defective goods or services supplied by us, at no ccst to the City of Cii.lsbad •ithw this period. 4. Standard Cost of Labor Provided: Our present Shop Labor Rate is computed at $38,00 Per Hou.r. Tenths of an hour are computed at $3.80 per one tenth hour, Thfa rate 'fliU remain fixed for a period of eighteen (18) months from 8/1/89. Projected rate increase not to exceed a $2.00 per hour increase (to -i0.00 per hour) over the term of this proposal and MY resultin1 contract, 5. Cost of Goods Susipliesii All goods supplied and all replacement parts provided are billed at List Price J HS 20% Discount to the City. Computation of discount ls made at tlme Invoice is generated and is not directly indicated in price column, Exception to this pricing policy would be the purchase of Major Equipment ie: Light Bars, Siren Units, Siren Speuers, Push Bumpers, etc. These components normally are priced at s .roi discount from list price, and are covered by manufacturers warranty -usually in the two (2) year or more range. (f Prl\ Exhibit W Quotation -City of Carlsbad, cont: Pqe2 6. Teem of Contract. The intent of this proposal. pricing shown and guarantee of filed rate te1·ms, is projected ove.r a thirty-six (36) month period. Consideration of this term period is to the direct benefit of both parties and is strongly encouraged to maintain prices as quoted. The option of extension on a yearly basis or the option of cancellation by either party is qreeu to by mutual consent at any time during the term of contract. 7. Performance: Alt work to be performed at Contractors place of business: HI STANDARD AUTOMOTIVE, 521 E. 1st. Street, San.ta Ana, Ca. 92701. It is Ute responsibility of the City of Carlsbad to provide for the transport of units to and from this location. COST IIEAIDQJI -II CAIAGQII 1. Standard Patrol Sedan: to iJlclude removal of a11 police patrol type vehicle equipin.enrfrom disposal units taken out of service. Refurbish all .removed components as required, to include but not limited to: overhead light bar, electronic siren/lighting controller, shotgun rack and lock mechanism, vehicle safety partition, and .radio control console. Installation of components to new vehicle include those above items and the following: mobile two way radio equipment, first aid kit, fire e:itingusher, dash mounted map llghl, flashlight charger unit, h~adlight flasher, baton holders.and required wiring and cableing. Vehilcij .modifications include but are not ilmited to immobilization of .rear wiJldo,r mechanisms, door tock mechanisms, interface ofvehide brake 1ightand back-up lights thru siren/lighting controller system. These constitiute the minimum requirements and represent a standard vehicle change-over. The vehicle once completed is fully operational in alt .requirements when delivered, and is fit for first line use. Fixed Time -Per Unit (12.0 hours e, 38.00 per hour) Fixed Material Cost -Per Unit Sales Tr.1-Per Unit (61) Per Unit Cost C@ 38.00 per hour) 456.00 .ro.oo 2.-tO $-i98,'i0 2. EmeraeD~Y iWD Vehicle/Suburban Patrol Unit: Includes all ope.rations described above under standard patrol sedan catago.ry, vith the additional requirement of fabrication of rear passenger area. stroage compartment with raised deck at tailgate area, and .remounting of s_pare tire. AdditionaUy 011 Blazer type vehicles with fiberglass roof pana1s, the fab.ricaU011 and instaHation of radio antenna ground plane disks at antenna mount locations. Fixed Time -Per Unit ( 15.0 hours «& 38.00 per hour) Fixed Material Cost -Pe.r Unit Sates Tax -Per Unit (6%) Per Unit Cost(@ 38.00 per hour) 570.00 110.00 8.-tO $718.40 4- ~ QuotaUon -City of Carlsbad: Cont: Page3 3. Police/Fire Staff Vehicle and Unmarked Units: Includes installation of concealed siren system, underhood siren speaker, mobile radio system. rear amb~r varning light, rear seat safety partition and modifications to vehicle similar to patrol unit. Fixed Time -Per Unit (7,5 hours~ 38.00 hr.) Fixed Material -Per Unit Sales Tu-Per Unit (6~) Per.Unit Cost( i) 38.00 per hour) 2s:;.oo 20.00 1.20 $306.20 4. Eiudpment [nt-taUatfon on Fire Ap_paratus: Due to th, numerous and various desi111s, requirements, and specifications required, these units are computed on a Straight Time and Material Basis, Labor is computed at our staadard Shop Labor Rate of 38,00 per hour (or revised), Written quotations vill be provided on a casv by case basis upon request. 5. Electronic Arroy Bowl InmHation: Dependent upon extent of required f abrkation to mount ufi!t on various chassis/body combinations. Computed on a Stn.isht Tim, and Material Basis. Labor is computed at our standard Shop Labor Rate of 38,00 per hour (or revised), Average cost based on previous installations performed range from $250,00 to :~275,00 per unit, 6. Repair of Emergency Response Vohicle Equipment: As each repair is uniquie unto itself and cannot be anticipated in advance the only basis for quotation is upon a Slaight Time and Material Basis. There is no general flat rate guide available on such repairs. Experience on past repairs made, range from a low of 19.00 to and average high of 80.00. Labor is computed at our standard Shop Labor Rate of 38.00 per hour (or revised), plus cost of parts and material. On major repairs "Which exceed 125.00, itis our policy to consult with the appropriate representitive of the Fleet Maintenance Department for verbal authorization before mating repairs. Parts cost are computed at List Price less 20~ discount to City. GQERAL. 1, M8Wrial listed on invoice a:, "Misc, Material Reqd," consists of: All bolts, nuts) fa:,teners, 'Vire, connectors, tape, loom, solder, clamps, circuit breakers, fuses, switches, paint and fabricating material. 2. Major components are listed by ParL Number or Model Number as well as a v.ritten common description by Part Name. 3, All "Work ptrformt<l is finished in a vor1tman1ib manner and is subject to the approval ot the F!eetMaJnte.nance Manaier or .bJs designated repemntitlve. i. As a vendor with Dh1trlbutor Slat\15 with the majority of all major emergency vehicle equipmenl ma.our adure.rs, we nquesl lhe opportunity of Bidding on aU acqui5itfons of vehicle equipment requirement!!. Inctudeing allt related vehlde equipment as pertains to Police, Fire1 and Public Safety vehicles. ,... '.; Quotation -City of Carl~, Cont: M iage-4 5. fl e reserve the right to supply-and provide on a case by Cl!e beis any equipme.nt requested by 1.11 authorized representlUve of the Fleet Maintenance Divisi.on without the requirement of submitting a written quotaUo.n to the Purchasing Department. 6. Should a Cvntnct be awarded the terms herein shall be made a part of said Contract. THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS AND AGREES, TF THIS QUOTATION AND PROPOSAL JS ACCEPTED AND A CONTP.ACT IS AWARDED, TO FURNISH ANY OR ALL ITEMS QUOTED, AT THE PRICES SHOWN AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CONDITIONS HEREIN. REVISION OF LABOR RATES TO BE MADE BY MtITURAL AGREEMENT OF BOTH PARTIES TO THIS AGREEMENT. NEGOTIATION OF SAID REVISION TO BE MADE NO SOONER THAN EIGHTEEN MONTHS AFTER DAT£0F ACCEPTANCE OFmis QUOTATION. THE UNDERSIGNED FURTHER AGREES TO A fIXED LABOR RATE NOT TO EXCEED S«-.00 PER HOUR FOR TBE·TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT. MAXIMUMTERMOF AGREEMENTNOTTOEXCEEDTHIRTY-SIX (36)MONTHS. PROVISION FOR EXTENSION BEYOND THIS PERIOD TO BE MADE BY MUTUAL AGREEMENT OF,BOTH PARTIS. BIDDER -HI STANDARD AUTOMOTIVE BY~~r Mart Vi ilj TITLE/ Qwou: DATE/ Au1ust 2'5, 1989 ADDRESS/ lli.l~, 1st, Street, Santa Ana, Ca, 92101 PHONE/ CZJ•O 'li2-2i3i -5iZ-Z9Zi CFAX 7lt:5i2-03W ... l 2 I'> 3 4 5 ~ 6 7 8 9 r 10 l. ~: 11 -l l 12 13 14 15 16 ·17 18' 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 89-325 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARISBAD, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT FOR THE OUTFITTING OF EMERGENCY VEHICLES BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California as follows: 1. That the proposal of Hi standard Automotive, 521 East First street, Santa Ana, ca. 92201 dated August 25, 1989, as Exhibit "A" a copy of which is attached and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby accepted and the Purchasing Officer is hereby authorized to execute a Purchase Order for the o·utfitting of emergency vehicles as may be required for a period of one year beginning September l!i, 1989, per prices as listed in Proposal with the option to renew for two additional one year periods at an increase not to exceed $40.00 per hour for labor charges, plus patts at list price less 20% disqount. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting held on the 12 th day of September , 1989, by the following vote, to wit: AY~S: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Mamaux & P1.:ttine NOES; Noni.-, ABSENT: None ATTEST: ~,(!~ ALETHA L. RAUTENZ,Citylerk (SEAL) \ l I / August 25, 1989 ~ HI ITANDARD AUTCNOTIG ElllRGENCY RESPO.NSE VEHICLE SPECIALISTS ,2 f EAST FIRST STREBT -SANTA ANA, CA. 92?0 I (?l·O ,'i~-2131-(?t-t>,'12-7971 -FAX (711>,12-0320 City of Carlsbad Purchasing Division 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbaa, Ca. 92008 Attn: Rulh fletcher Purchasing Officer SUBJECT: PROPOSAL AND QUOTATION, to perform Fleet V,hid, andEm,rgen~ Vehicle Unil Convenion,, Specialized Vehkle Modifications, and Repair of Emer5ency Vehk1e Equipment and Components, TERMS, AND CONDITIONS OF OUOTATIOH AND ANY RESULTING comACT 1. This Proposal is submitted on an ALL or NONE basis. 2. Payment Terms: NET 30 DAYS from date of Invoice. 3. ~ Yehicle Conversion.sand Cha.nae Over. Spgcial Vehicle Construction AU work performed and all goods supplied is guaranteed for a period of tvetve (12) months from date of completion, to be free of defects in material and workmanship. We will at our discreation, repair or replace any defective Roods supplied by us, at no cost to the City of Carlsbad vithin this period. Rep11r an!l Ma,lnteo111ce or vehicle egulpmenl and components All work performed and all parts supplied is guaranteed for a period of ninety (90) days from dale of completion, to be free of defects in material and vor.tmaJJ.ship. We will at our discreation repair or replace any defective goods or services supplied by us, at no cost to the City of Carlsbad 'Within this period. 4. Standard Cost or Labor Proyided; Our present Shop Labor Rate is computed at S38.00 Per Hour. Tenths of an hour are computed at $3.80 per one tenth hour. This rate ,vill remain fixed for a period of eighteen ( 18) months from 8/1/89. Projected rate increase not to e1ceed a SZ.00 per hour increase (to .f0.00 per hour) over the term of this proposal and any resulting contract. 5, Cost of Goc;Js Supplied: All goods supplied and aft replacement parts provided are biUed at List Price less 20% Discount to the City, Computation of dis~ount 1s made at time Invoice is generated and is not diredly indicated in price column. Eueption to this pricing policy 'Would be the purchase of Major Equipment ie: Light Bars, Siren Units, Siren Speakers, Push Bumpers, etc. These components normally are priced al a <l0% discount from list price, and are covered by manufacturers warranty -usually in the two (2) year or more range. / "i-r'\ Exhibit 'W ffi f I --------------~ ---;:y ----- • QuC1lalfon -City of Carlsbad, cont: Page2 6. Term of Contract; The intent of this proposal. pricing shovn and guarantee of fixed rate terms, is projected over a thirty-six (36) month period. Consideration of this term period is to the direct benefit of both parties and is strongly encC1uraged to maintain prices as quoted .. The option of extension on a yearly basis or the option of cancelfation by either party is agreed to by mutual consent at any time during the term of contract 7. Performance: AH work to be performed at Contractors plate of business: HI STANDARD AUfOMOTIVE, 521 E. 1st. Street, Santa Ana, Ca. 92701. It is lhe re~ponsibHity of the City of Carlsbad lo provide for the transport of units to and from this 1ocatfon. COST BREAl'.DOWH -BY CATAGORY 1. Standard Patrol Sedan; to include removal of all polite patrol type vehicle equipment from disposal units taken out of service. Refurbish all removed c9mponents as required, to include but not limited to: overhead light bar. electronic siren/lighting controller. shotgun rack ond lock mechanism, vehicle safety partition, and radio control console. InstaUation of components to new vehicle include those above items and the foUoving: mobile tvo way radio equipmenl, first aid kil, fire e1tingusher, dash mounted map tight, flashlight charger unit, headlight flasher, baton holders.and required wiring and cab1ei.ng. VehHce modifications include but are not limited lo immobilization of real° windov mechanisms, doC1r lock me,hanisms, interface ofve.hkle brake light and back-up lights thru siren/Hghting controller ~stem. The~ constitiute the minimum requirements and represent a standard vehicle change-over. The vehicle once completed is fully operational in all requirements when delivered, and is fit for first line use. Fixed Time -Per Unit (12.0 hours@ 38.00 per hour) Fixed Material Cost-Per Unit Sales Tax -Per Unit (6i) Per Unit Cost(~ 38.00 per hour) <f56.00 <f0.00 2.~o $'f93.~0 2. Emenency ◄WD VehiclP./Suburban Patrol Unit: In dudes all operations described above under standard patrol sedan catago.ry. with the additional requirement of fabricatlon of rear passenger area stroage compartment with raised deck at tailgate area, and remounting of spare tire. Additionally on Blazer type vehicles with fiberglass roof panals, the fabrication and installation of radio antenna ground plane disks at antenna mount locations. Fh<ed Tim, -Per Unit ( 15.0 hours @ 38 .00 per hour) Fixed Material Cosl -Per Unit Sale~ Tax -Per Unit (6~) Per Unit Cost ("1' 38.00 per hour) 570.00 H0.00 8.◄0 $718.◄0 _I 1 ~ Quot.alfon -City of Carlsbad; Cont: Page 3 3. Police/Fire St3ff Vehicle and Unmarked Uni~: In dudes installation of concealed siren system, underhood siren speaker, mobile radio system, rear amber vcrning tight, rear ~a, safety partition and modifkations to vehicle similar to patrol unil. 4, Fiied Time -Per Unit (7,5 hours ii 38.00 hr.) Fixed Material -Per Unit Sales Tax -Per Unit (6~) Per UnU Cost ( i> 38.00 per hour) 285,00 20.00 1.20 $306.20 EQuigmeot In:;taHatfoo on Fire A.riiacah1t1! Due to the numerous and varlotas d~sit1ns, requirement,, and ttpecifkations nqufred, these unit, are comptited on a Straight Time and Material Basis. Labor is computed at our standard Shop Labor Rate of 38.00 per hour (or revised), Written quotations will be provided on a ciue by case basis upon request. Electrnaic. Arroi: Board fo!!tsllation: Dependent upon extent of required fabrication to mount unil on various cha5sis/body combinations. Computed on a Straisht Time and Matt rial Basis. Labor.is computed at our standard Shop Labor Rate of 38,00 per hour (or revised), Average cost based on previous in,taUations performed range from $250.00 to $275,00 per unit. 6, Repair of Emergency Response Vehicle Equipment: As each repair is u.niquie unto itself and cannot be anticipated in advance the only basis for quotation is upon a Staight Time aad Material Basis. There is no general'flat rate guide available on such repairs. Experience on past repairs made, range from a low of 19.00 to and averaae high of 80.00; Labor is computed at our standard Shop Labor Rate of 38.00 per hour (or revised), plus cost of parts and material. On major repairsvhich eicee·d 125.00, itis our policy to consult vith the appropriate representitive of the Fleet Maintenance Department for verbal authorization before mating repairs. Parts cost are computed at List Price Jess 20~ discount to City. GENERAL l. Material listed on invoice as "Misc, Material Reqr.!:' consl:.d, of: All bolkc, nuts] fMteners,-wire, connectors, tApe, loom, solder, damps, circuit breakers, fuses, switches, paint and fabricating material. 2. Major components are listed by Part Number or Model Number as -well as a written common description by Part Name. 3, AU vork performed is finished in a workmanlike manne.r and is subject to the approval or the Fleet Maintenance Manager or bis designated repersentiUve. As a vendor with Distrlbutor Status with the majority of all major emergency vehicle iqujpme.ot manufaclurers, we request the opportunity of Bjdding on aJI acqui:dtions of vehkle equipment requirements. Includeing 1\111 related vehicle equipment as pertains to Police, Fire, and Public Safety vehicles. I 'l I -· ' ' .. l l t 1 ..,_.-,. Quotation -City of Caris~. Cont: 5, We re,erve the right to supply and _provide on a case by ca,e ba,is any equipment requested by an authorized represent.itlve of the Fleet Maintenance Division without the requirement of submitting a written quotation to the Purchasing Depart.meat. 6. Should a Contract be awarded the terms herein shall be made a part of said Contract. TIIE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS AND AGREES, If THIS QUOTATION AND PROPOSAL IS ACCEmD AND A CONI'RACT IS AWARDED, TO FURNISH ANY OR ALL ITEMS QUOTED, AT THE PRICES SHOWN AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CONDITIONS HEREIN. REVISION OF LABOR RATES-TO-BE MADE BY MUTURAL AGREEMENT OF BOTH PARTIES TO THIS AGREEMENT. NEGOTIATION OF SAID REVISION TO BE MAD.ENO SOONER THAN EIGHTEEN MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THIS QUOTATION. THE UNDERSIGNED FURTHER AGREES TO A'FIXEDtABOR RAT£ NOT TO EXCEED $-40.00 'PER HOUR FOR THE TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT. MAXIMUM TERM OF AGREEMENT NOT TO EXCEED THIRTY-SIX (36) MONTHS. PROVISION FOR EXT£NSION BEYOND THIS PERIOD TO BE MADE· BY MUTUAL AGREEMENT OF BOTH PARTIS. BIDDER --HJ STANDARD AlffOMOTIVE , , BYI--.--,,..--~=--------~---- DATE/ Aueust 25, 198i TITLE/ --0mr. ADDRESS/ SZJ E 1st, Street. Saota Ana. C,. 927Q1 PHONE/ iZl'f) 51Z-2iH -5i2-Z<>Zi <FAX 71f:i12-03Z01 / I !