HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-10-03; City Council; 10282; Expanded Juvenile Diversion Programz 0 ti < .., 0 z ::, 0 (,) CIT~OF CARLSBAD -AGEN~4)._B_IL_L _1_ff__,~.--5 __ (j) __ '-1...,....-~---.+r /1117,<7< !'2 IlI.1£; DEPT. HD. /'\ V AB# MTG. 13/3 h9 EXPANDED JUVENILE DIVERSION CITY ATTY V,t:A - PROGRAM ~ DEPT .. POI CITY MGR.~- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. f'f-,.l~/7 authorizing the City of Carlsbad to contract with Penny Velazquez to administer the expanded Juvenile Diversion Program. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Police Department has developed an expanded and upgraded Juvenile Diversion Program. The expanded program was desigr.,~d to allow parent education, drug diversion and general diversion groups to be run currently with the Police Department's Juvenile Diversion Program. The expanded program will provide youthful offenders who have been seen initially in the Police Department's Juvenile Diversion Program with further services of counseling and education in the areas of drug and general diversion. It will also provide a parent' education group for the parents who go through the Juvenile Diversion Program and adult community members who might also benefit this service. The expanded program and coordinator will also be working closely with and in conjunction with the Carlsbad Unified School Diotrict's newly implemented student behavior program. The police program will hopefully assist the youth of Carlsbad in a preventative capacity prior to their becoming delinqqents. FrSCAL IMPACT: If implementation occurs in October 1989 the cost for FY 89-90 will be approximately $13,500. Funds to cover the cost were included in the Police Department's current budget. The yearly cost of this program is approximately $16,000. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. f,f J if': 2. Copy of liability insurance coverage. 3. Standard consultant agreement. ( J. 2 sl 4 5 6 7 RESOLUTION NO. 89-348 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA. APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BEIWEEN THE CI1Y OF CARLSBAD AND PENNY VELAZQUEZ TO ADMINISTRATE/ FACILITATE THE POLICE DEPARTMENT'S EXPANDED JUVENILE DIVERSION PROGRAM WrIEREAS. the Carlsbad Police Department has dev .!loped an expanded and upgraded Juvenile Diversion Program to be run 8 concurrently with the Police Department Juvenile Diversion Program. 9 WHEREAS. an integral component of the expanded diversion 10 program requires an administrator to prepare material for groups. 11 facilitate weekly groups. produce necessary documentation and; 12 WHEREAS, Penny Velazquez is qualified and capable of 13 performing the required services and; 14 15 16 17 18 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council recognizes the Police Department's 19 concern in preventing juvenile related crimes against the community 20 and strongly supports the Expanded Juvenile Diversion Program. 21 3. That certain agreement between the City of Carlsbad and 22 Penny Velazquez for administering the Police Department's Expanded 23 Juvenile Diversion Program is accepted. 24 /// 25 Ill 26 Ill 27 Ill 28 / .). ' I ' ' 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPrED at a regular meeting of 2 the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held on the 3rd 3 day of _____ o=ct=o.;;.be=r----___ , 1989, by the following vote, to wit: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Kulchin ATTEST: ruJ~ I £~~~ ALETHA L. RAUTENiffiANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) I I AGREEMENT FOR ADMINISTERING JUVENILE: DIVERSION PROGRAM This agrecm~nt is made and entered into this ___ day of _______ , 1989, by and between the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation, (hei;-einafter referred to as "City"}, and Penny Velazquez (hereinafter referred to as "Consultant") RECITALS City requires the services of Consultant to administer/facilitate the Police Department's Expanded Juvenile Diversion Program. Consultant possesses the necessru:y skills and qualifications to provide the services required by City. Consultant was contracted with City from October 1986 through May 1989 as coordinator of the Police Department's Juvenile Diversion Program. Now, therefore, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, the City and Consultant agree as follows: 1. Consultant's Obligations A. Consultant shall provide, under the direction of Carlsbad Police Juvenile Investigator, in a professional manner and in conformance with the most current standards and practices of the Consultant's profession, the services and practices of Consultant's profession, the services which would upgrade and expound the current c.Juvenile Diversion Program. The City has approved and adopted the consultant's position in the FY 1989-90 budget. Services to be provided shall include, but not be limited to: Administer/facilitate a parent education group, drug diversion group and general diversion self-esteem group to run concurrent with the existing Juvenile Diversion Program. Assist the current Juvenile Diversion Coordinator in her duties. Produce appropriate documentation. Work in conjunction with Carlsbad Unified School District's newly implement discipline procedure. 2. Payment As full compensation for Consultant's performance of work under this contract, City shall pay to Consultant within thirty (30) days after submission of a written bill for payment fees oi $20 per hour for services performed, not to exceed fifteen ( 15) hours per week. 3. Term of Agreement The term of this agreement shall be for one (1) year. The City Manager is authorized to periodically extend the term of this agreement for additional periods of one (1) year or less provided that City Council shall have first approved sufficient budget appropriations in the annual budget of the Police Deparbnent to cover the cost of the services performed during the extension period. In approving an extension, the City Manager is authorized to adjust the payment schedule provided, however, that the amount of compensation paid to Consultant during an extension period shall not exceed the amount previously appropriated by City Council. City may terminate the contract at any time without liability if Consultant fails to satisfactorily perform the services under this contract. Notice of the termination shall be made in writing exec11 ted by the City Manager. 4. Status of Consultant The consultant shall perform the services provided herein in Consultant's own way as an independent contractor and in pursuit of Consultant's independent calling and not as an employee of the City. Consultant shall be under the control of the City only as to the result to be accomplished, the scheduling of the services, and the provision of a location for the performance of the servic~s in a place convenient to Carlsbad Police Department. Consultant shall comply with the requirement of Section 3700 of the California Labor Code and shall also assume the defense and indemnify and save harmless the City and its officers and employees from all claims, loss, damage, injury, and liability of every kind, nature and description brought by any person employed or used by Consultant to perform any work under this contract regardless of responsibility for negligence. 5. Indemnity and Insurance A. Indemnity. Consultant shall assume the defense of and indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers and employees of all claims, loss, damage, injury and liability of every kind, nature and description directly or indirectly arising from or in conneci:ion with the performance of the contract or from any failure or alleged failure of consultant to comply with any applicable laws, rules, or regulations including those relating to health and safety or resulting or arising from any advice or information provided by Consultant to any member of Carlsbad Police Department except for loss or damage which was caused solely by the active negligence of the City. The expenses of defense include all costs and expenses including attorneys fees for litigation, arbitration or other dispute resolution method. B. Insurance. Consultant shall carry insurance in an amount not less than Six Hundred Thousand ($600.000) Dollars coverinl! the I..., A liability stated in this paragraph, naming the City as an additional insured. 6. Assignment of Contract Consultant shall not assign this contract or any part thereof or any monies due hereunder without. the prior written consent of the City. 7. Verbal Agreement or Conversation No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent, or employee of the City either before, during, or after the execution of this contract shall effect or modify any of the terms or obligations contained herein nor shall such verbal agreement or conversation entitle Consultant to any additional payment whatsoever under the terms of this contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this agreement has been executed the day and year first above writ.ten. DATED: CITY OF CARLSBAD By: ___________ _ CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: VINCE1\1T BIONDO City Attorney 1989 PENNY VELAZQUEZ ATTEST· LEE RAUTENIIBANZ City Clerk Alternatives Counseling & Consulting Center 550 West Vista Way • Suite 206 • Vista, CA 92083 • ( 619) 758-0691 September 7. 1989 Lt. Don Lewis Carlsbad Police Department Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: Position of Juvenile Diversion Consultant I'm writing this letter to express my interest in the position of Juvenile Diversion Consultant for the Carlsbad Police Department. I worked for the Police Department as the Juvenile Justice Program Coordinator from October. 1986-May, 1989. It was a rewarding and fulfilling experience for me. During that time I learned alot about the juvenile justice system, and came to know the community on many levels i.e .• city government issues; important school district affairs and private citjzens' concerns. I believe that my work experience and education (resume inclosed) explicate my qualifications for the position, On a personal level. I look forward to the opportunity to reestablish my ties to the Police Department and with the many people I worked with there and to again help the community's youth and their families. I did not include references on my resume but are available upon request. Thank you for your attention. and I look forward to hearing -·,j;;\,)l.G~)(,/✓ Penny\ ½ela~~~~~) M. S. Marria'ge, Fam1~y and Child Counselor #18814 an association of Independent practitioners .I •I-::;------. .. Penny Velazquez 550 West Vista Way f206 Vista, CA 92083 Home (619) 722-0908 Work (613) 758-0691 (619) 931-2162 'l'l'l'LE Marriage, LICENSE fMF18814 Family and Child Counselor . January, 1984 EOUCA'l'ION M.s. Counseling Psychology June, 1982 California State University San Bernardino B.A. Social Science . June, 1978 California State University San Bernardino EXPERIENCE Administrator/Counselor, Carlsbad Police Department. Coordinate a program for first time offending juveniles in lieu of their cases being sent to San Diego Juvenile Court. Included in my duties are assessment, evaluation and follow-up of cases, making referrals and program development. October 1986~Mny 1989 Private Practice, Alternatives Counseling and Consulting Cehter, Vista, CA< I practice individual, family and group psychoth~rapy with a group of Marriage, Family and Child Counselors. Our center specializes in child, adolescent and family therapy, relationship problems, parentir.g issues,farnilies with sexual and physical abuse histcriea and substance abuse. October 1987-Present Supervisor,·centro Yourth Services, Oceanside, CA. Along with my regular counseling caseload I supervised an office of four counselors and a secretary. June 1985-March 1986 Counselor, Centro Youth Services, Oceanside, CA. I counseled children, adolescents and their families. I worked closely with·law enforcement and school personnel. October 1984-March1986 Volunteer Therapist, Daughters and Sons United, Oceanside, CA. I worked with groups dealing with the dyn~mics of family molestation and interpersonal issues related to incest. December 1984-Marchl986 Counselor, Youth Service Center, Riverside, CA I counseled adolescents and their families, and lead groups for troubled teenagers and support groups for parents. October 1983-September 1984 ., Penny Velazquez Page 2 Privat~ Therapist, Evergreen Counseling Group, Wrightwood, CA. I counseled individuals, couples, families, adolescents and children. November 1982-August 1984 Counaelor, Agape House Counseling Center, San Bernardino, CA. I counseled individuals and families1 co-lead adolescent a·nd women's support groups and ran drug diversion programs for court ordered drug offenders . . September 1980-June 1984 Student Counselor, Community Counseling Center, CSUSB, San Bernardino, CA. I acquired skills and gained experience through extensive study and training· in counseling, with emphasis on meeting MFCC licenscre requirements. September 1979-June 1984 Advisor/Counselor, Upward Bound Program, CSUSB, San Bernardino, CA I counseled High School age minority students and theri families. I facilitated career objectives and goals and developed ac/emic achievement programs. I serve~ as liason between High School administration and program. September 1977-June 1979 , Counselor, West End Women's Medical Group, San Bernardino, CA. Crisis intervention, counseling decision making w~th crisis population1 educate pa\i~nts on family planning. May 1977-October 1977 CONTINUING EDUCATION . One day seminar with Virginia Satir, Systems approach to family therapy. Fall, 1983 Thr~~ day workshop with Virginia Satir. Spring, 1984 Two day workshop with Virginia Satir. Winter, 1988 Two day workshop with Judith Brown, focusing on a gestalt approach to couple therapy. Fall, 1982 One day workshop with~Violet Oaklander, focusing on a gestalt approach to play therapy with children. Summer, 1982 Two day workshop with Violet Oaklander. Spring, 1984 Two, One day workshops sponsored by The Family Growth and Counseling Center, Focusing on counseling with "at risk" teenagers Spring, 1984 Spring, 1985 One day workshop on Child Abuse, designed to fullfill requirements to renew ~CC license. Spring, 1987 Two Years: Intensive Family Therapy Training: Live-supervision; vidiotaping actual families of trainees. Fall 1987-June 1989 / -------------- I I 5/ 22./89 I-\IVIC11l1.,AN HUIVlt A->.:>UllANl,t l,UMt f-\1~ Y MARRIAGE AND FAMI~THERAPISTS PROFESSIONAL ***RENEWAL*** l ---·01· ITU P"'' IC" ,--c\ I-If UL. f ,...,,."l NOTICE: A SMALLER LIMIT OF LIABILITY APPLIES TO JUDGEMENTS OR SETTLEMENTS WHEN THERE ARE ALLEGATIONS OF SEXUAL MISCONDUCT (SEE THE SPECIAL PROVISION "SEXUAL MISCONDUCT" IN THE POLICY). POLICY NO: MFT-2243 813 ITEM 1. NAME AND ADDRESS OF INSURED: PENELOPE VcLAZQUEZ 550 WEST VISTA WAY STE. 206 VISTA, CA 92083 , ITEM 2, • ADDITIONAL INSUREDS: CI.TY OF CARLSBAD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DECLARATIONS ACCOUNTN~ CA-VELP550-0 ADDITIONAL NAMED INSUREDS: .... __ . ,_ .. I TYPE OF ORG: INDIVIDUAL " ITEM 3, POLICY PERIOD: FROM: 6/01/89 TO: 6/01/90 12:01 AJA, STANDARD TIME AT THE ADDRESS OF THF. INSURED AS STATED HEREIN: ITEM 4, LIMITS OF LIABILITY: $200,000 EACH WRONGFUL ACT OR SERIES OF CONTINUOUS, REPEATED _______ OR INTl:RRELATED WRONGFUL ACTS Ort OCCURRENCE $600,000 AGGREGATE ITEM 5, DEDUCTIBLE $ N~ E EACH WRONGFUL ACT OR SERIES OF CONTINUOUS, REPEATED ______ OR INTERRELAlED WRONGFUL ACTS OR OCCURRENCE ITEM 6. PREMIUM SCHEDULE: --· . CLASSIFICATION .. .. . ~ NUMBER -RATE._ ANNUAL PREMIUM -· NAMED INSUREDS MARRIAGE ANO FAMILY THE-RAPISTS l 163.00 163.00 ADDITIONAL INSUREDS l 33.00 33.00 TOTAL PREMIUM: 196. 00 'TEM 7, POLICY FORMS AND ENDORSEMENT ATTACHED TO THIS POLICY: RM .~47347 5-8d FORM ~471~4 3-88 THIS IS NOT A BILL. PREMIUM HAS BEEN PAID. I , -__ ________.c,,___ ---