HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-10-03; City Council; 10283; ACCEPTANCE OF CALIFORNIA ARTS COUNCIL GRANT AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS1 r Lgb 29 0 tx 4 8 .. z 0 e - 6 s z 3 0 0 ClmOF CARLSBAD - AGENWBILL r/. c AB#&&CC. TITLE: ACCEPTANCE OF CALIFORNIA ARTS D \ COUNCIL GRANT AND APPROPRIATION c MTG.~ OF FUNDS DEPT. L'B C RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. p I+Yapproving a grant from the California Arts Council in the amount of $2,425. ITEM EXPLANATION The Arts Commission recommends that the Arts Office con the one-week artist residency program with support from California Arts Council. The Bilingual Foundation for Arts is scheduled for a three-day residency including t theatre workshops and one performance from March 19-21, 1990. The Bilingual Foundation for the Arts presents dramatic works, developed from Hispanic literature, whi range from the classics to contemporary works from Lati South America. Performances are given in both Spanish English. Workshops will be open to schools and the general publi Stuart Fox, performer on lute and guitar and Mary Rawcl soprano, are scheduled for a community one-week resider from April 16-20, 1990. During a one week residency, artists give informal performances throughout the commu at such locations as the Senior Center, service clubs a retirement homes. The community performances will be h at the Carlsbad Community Cultural Arts Center. FISCAL IMPACT The Bilingual Foundation for the Arts contract amount i $1,650, Stuart Fox/Mary Rawcliffe's contract amount is $3,200. The California Arts Council has agreed to rein the Arts Office $2,425 (50%) for the two touring compar The remainder of funds are budgeted in FY 1989/90 Arts Office budget. EXHIBITS 1. 2. Contract with California Arts Council. Resolution no.^*^^^ accepting the California I Council grant. agenda/grant.cac 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 @ e 89-349 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A $2,425 GRANT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ARTS COUNCIL FOR AR IN-RESIDENCE, THE BILINGUAL FOUNDATION FOR TH AND STUART FOX/MARY RAWCLIFFE City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Califor hereby resolve as follows: WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1279 and the Arts Elem General Plan state the goal to ''provide opportunities f Artistic and Cultural development of its citizens" with number one Itto develop and maintain an environment that encourages diverse program activity in the arts, and WHEREAS, the Arts Commission recommends a min artists-in-residence programs be held in FY 1989/90 to those goals and objectives, and WHEREAS, the California Arts Council provides funds up to 50 percent for artists listed on their tour program, and WHEREAS, the California Arts Council has awar grant to the City of Carlsbad, Arts Program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City CC the City of Carlsbad, California as follows: 1. That the California Arts Council grant of hereby accepted. 2, That the grant amount is hereby appropriz account number 180-840-8126-2495 for the uses describec ~ , //// //// //// < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 e PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular mee Carlsbad City Council held on the 3rd day of October 1989 by the following votes, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Pettine, Mamaux and Lax NOES: None ABSENT : Council Member Kulchin ‘h ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City ClerId (SEAL) ,I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -2- j "&om& A! p,,,j-J Djyctcy ;:cr< 6,iicr c;i;cd :he ContractoT. Carlsbad Arts Office, City of Carlsbad TpLg- 1 25 CONTRACTOQ~ @ m 1 The Contractor agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmles the State. its officers, agents ai employees from any and all claims and losses accriiing or resulting to any and all contractors, sul>ca tractors, materialmen, laborers and any other person, firm or corporation furnishing or supplyil work, services, materials or supplies in connection with the performiince of this contract, and fro any and all claims and losses accruing or resulting to any person, firm or corporation who may lw i jured or damaged by the Contractor in the performance of this contract 2. The Contractor, and the agents and employees of Contractor, in the performance of this agre ment, shall act in an independent capacity anti not as officers or employees or agents of State ( :a1 ifom ia 3 The State may terminate this agreement and be relieved of the payment of any consideration Contractor should Contractor fail to perform the covenants herein contained at the time and in I manner herein provided. In the event of such termination the State ma) proceed with the work any manner deemed proper by the State. The cost to the State shall be deducted from any sum d the Contractor under this agreement, and the balance, if any, shall be paid the Contractor upon { mand. 4. Without the written consent of the State, this agreement is not assignable by Contractor either whole or in part 5 Time is of the essence in t€@s agreement. 6. No alteration or varia -_ -- the terms of this contract shall be valid unless made in writing a no oral understanding or agreement not incorporated herein, SI 4 1 - .,_ .- ... 5 a* g. _.-- tractor, as provided herein, shall be in compensation for al performance hereof, including travel and per diem, un m 0 SCHEDULE OF AGREEMENT (Touring Program Roster) Between the California Arts Council (hereinafter called the aforenamed Contractor for participation in the CAC Program (TP) for 1989-90, The Contractor does hereby agree to furnish to CAC the 1 services (1-4): 1. Under the terms of the CAC-TP to enter into contract engagement(s) listed on Exhibit A - Engagements atte hereto as a part of this contract. 2. To abide by the terms and conditions of the FY 89-9( Program Sponsor Guidelines as specified in the curr Touring Artist Director and as amended. 3. To submit to the Touring Program within sixty days t completion of the engagement of said contracyee a de fion of the engagement, including but not limited t numbers of participants, admission charged for each activity, an income and expense report and an evalut the engagement on the Presenting Organization Report Program, examples of publicity and promtion, and an for the grant share of the performing group's fee mL accompany each evaluation. 4. To include in ALL programs and other published mater related to the CAC-TP A SPECIAL NOTE THAT: "THIS EE IS SUPPORTED, IN PART, WITH FUNDS PROVIDED BY THE C/ ARTS COUNCIL., A STATE AGENCY, AND THE NATIONAL END01 THE ARTS, A FEDERAL AGENCY." 5. Upon submittal of the Evaluation, the Presenting Or< tion Report, programs from the engagement and sample motional materials, if available, and an invoice to Touring Program, CAC shall pay Contractor the fee si as designated for the specified engagement. Total payment for any single engagement will be witt until submission of all required reports. 6. The CAC is only obligated for its share mentioned at the extent that it receives funds approved for such during the terms of this agreement. Notwithstandir other provision of this agreement to the contrary, 1 charge of any financial obligation of the CAC hereur shall be deferred by the CAC until such time as it t ceived during this agreement funds available for suc -1- rn 0 pose. CAC execution of this agreement shall l'n any dependent upon the receipt of properly executed copi of by the contractor. Contractor understands the NE Touring Program Roster provides reimbursement for a of the artist's fee only. No other costs are allowe 7. Copies of the fully executed Artist-Presenter contre be received by the Touring Program before fee suppor be provided by CAC. 8. The Contractor must notify Touring Program of any ct- the contract with the performing group or of any scb changes, All such changes shall be subject to the b approval of the CAC. 9. The Nondiscrim-inat ion Clause (OCP-1 ), General Ce Arts Council Requirements are attached hereto and ar by made a part of this agreement. It is the Contrac responsibility to read and adhere to the requirement these attachments and the Program Access regulations the State of California Government Code 11133.5. IO. This grant shall not be deemed accepted, valid or b- on the part of the State unless approved by the Depc of Finance and/or General Services of the State of C nia, where their approval is required. 11. Contractor shall be subject to the examination of tt tor General for a period of three years after the f- ment under the contract (Government Code Section IO[ -2- , i I io: 1. ! La : p\I i i?' - :hl NI i ; '11; I I I I ,_ 1:l gi 1 I N * -..--.-------_1--.- ---- I J I ;I! I I i jj/j/ Ii !I! - .. i: .: -- - _- -- -< :, I I - -- I _.. n > 3 0 5 uu so zw cz ze g c3 c - LZ m hw tn F c E- T' z L VI 322 c\ k' IC; c\ az 3< -tC u 0 cz c 0 z .H r 3 0 b - 2 UJ (J<cI< 0 u 0 < -N a 53aEv I .. <W-G< I L 0 0 GZNEWsL CALIFORNIA A3TS COTJNCIL R~QUIR~M~?NTS CALIE'O3NIA ADMINISTZATIV~ CO~E 3640. General State 3eQuirenents. (a) The following requirements, in addition to any sp conci t ions incorporated in the California ~rts council F Criteria, are applicable to and binding upon recipients of froz tke California Arts Council. (b) Xote: Most of the funds that are allocated in fro3 the CAC are State funds; nowever, the Council receives from the Federal Goverment. Therefore, some of the grant consist in whole or in part of Federal. funds. These grants will De made only to organizations which do n, Federal funds as part Of their match. Since Federal funds be used to match Federal funds, if your grant includes E funds, you will not be able to accept Federal funds fo specific project. NOTE: Authority cited Section 8750, Governrient Code RefF Sections 8750-8756, Governzent Code. 3644. Project Defined. (a) As used in these ?revisions, the term "project1' ! be deemed to inciude a specific project or progr4 zdxinistrative or on-going support for the organization af for which the grants funds are awarded. (1) Excess Costs: In the ever,t that the projecl exceed the azount specified in the apsroved budget, 5 asrees to cocplete the ?reject anci 5;;r.d the cost ab01 budset from sources other than State furies. (2) Ccst Disallowance: GranTee agrees to use thl funds solely for the purposes of tne zpgroved project itezs for tile prpose of determining the "cost" of the a project, as that terx is used in these requirements, inciude cash ex2ended (or in lisu thereof, cont;: cbiications incurreg for tne project) and the fair v 5e.cerz.ized by the COU~C~~, of services or products a incorporated therein. The bureen of proof shall be u grantee to establish such cost items, ana such cost items aisailowed if not adequately supporTea by the records. grantee aisapply any grant monies, and fail to make res1 to the Stzte of any amounts due under the terms o agreement, in addition to any other reneciy provided by 1 state shall have to the extent of- its appropriate cl cwnershi? in any funds or property acquired with the use nisapplied funds. (3) Assigcment or Transfer: This grant, or the relating to this grant shall Rot be assigned, sub- t-arsferred, in whole or ix part, without the prior con{ of the California Arts Co*LnCil. (4) Return of Grant Zur.6~ EZirIXtrkeC but NO Longer ' f5r specific ~tess: kinere rke budge: s2ecifies that gra are to be used for specjfic itexs, ar.d szjscquent to the of the grant, ti;e grantee obtains the S3r.n xithout COSt, , a 0 reczced Cost, the Saving, except for good cause in the jud of the California Arts Council, shall be promptly returned t State. of California, its officers, agents and empioyees, agains ciaiz.s and to pay any ju6snents obtained against the sta Lc- __ u- nia, its officers, agents and employees, arising frc services or zateriais furnished, or any injuries or other ea suffered by any party in connection with the conduct o 3roject, and agrees to nold tne State harmless. (6) Terxination: If the California Arts Council detel subsequent to the approval of the project: (1) grante failed to perform any of its obligations under the grant. grantee nas assisned, subject, or transferred any part c project in violation of Section 3 above, or (3) violated E :he other conditions of the signed contract. Council may - descretion terminate in whole or in part, the grant upon w notice to the grantee specifying the services terminated a: effective date of termination. Within 60 days of termination, grantee agrees to furnish the State an it zccoxnting of funds expended, obllgated and remaining unci1 grant. Grantee right of ap?eal is deternined by the regul of the State Control Board. (7) Reduction of State's Grant: Not withstanding any ~rovlsfon of these requlremezts, shoilld the project, to t conpletion, or tercination in wnoie or in part, cost les the approved budget amount on which tne grant was ~,-as:ee's na:cnlng amounts (including funds, or servi croc',uc+s incorporated into the project in lieu thereof) si s~zcl-~siveiy Eeer.:ed to have been ex?encied first, and the sl~ali be reduced by any amounts rezaining after conplet terxlnation of the project. Such remaining amounts sf prc~,i,t:y forwarded to the Arts Council. (8) Travel Expenses Limitation on allowable Cos Czllfoinia Arts Cowicil xi11 not recognize ts a natc'nin5 travel expenses, though inciuded in the project budget. (9) Costs Records: Grantee shall iaaintain cor acc-jrate aza current records of all income, inclualng obli ir,curred with respect thereto. Such records, or xeroxes records, s:-iall be kept separate fron other ccst records. after completion or termination of the project, grante r.ake available for examination or audit any books, doc za2ers or records pertairdng to the project, to the Cal i.r ts Council, State Controller or where pertinent, the ~overnnent. Upon request of such parties, grantee shall 3: its own expense legible copies of xaterial the deem pe: (10) Evaluation and Expenditure Reports: Grantee a! furnish at such times during or u?on the completion project, as nay 3e determined by the State, and where r( oy ::?e state, on forms furnished by the State, evalua' c;<pe-yciture repcrts relating to the project. (11) ~ndependent Contractor: Grantee shall not r 70 ~T,Y person, foundation, group, organization or go (5) Indemnity Clause: Grantee agrees to defend the .. -- - .i,- 8 the duration of the project and for not less than fou .. @ 0 entity, whether e~~~loyed by it or not, that it is acting as for the State or that it is entitled in any way to act or okli5ations on behalf of the State. (12) Nondiscrlnination Clause: The atta Jiondrscr!ninaticn Clause, Standard Form 17R, (5-83) is her race a ?_.art of these General State Requirements. (13) Third Parties: llothing contair.ed in the terms c ~zr2.n: shall creaTe or give to third parties, any claim or of action asalnst the State. (14) A??roTJalS by Departments of Finance and G~ Services: This grant shall not be deemed accepted, Val3 Sizdin5, on the part Of the State unless approved b De2artnents of Finance or General Servlces of the sta California where their approval is required. -- (15) Entire Agreement: The terms of the grant, whc grant has been :.Zde, Constitute the entire ucderstanding b the parties hereto and no statement, promise, cond: understanding, inducement, or representation, oral or w expressed or icplied, which is not contained herein sh; o:ndir?g or valld. After the grant has been accepted grantee, the terx of the grant shall not be changed, mod or alterea in any mnner, except by an irstrument in v, execcted by the parties hereto, subject, where required, a?,provais of the Departaents of Finance or General Services ( l6) Federal Minimum Wage Requirements: Grantee tLat where the s:rant consists in whole or in part of F fznds, end/or State that all professional performers and 1 cr silsporting cersonnel employed on the pro2ect will be withon: subsequent Zeduction or rebate on any account, RC ::?en he o<nic=ln: cczpensation as aetermined by the Secret Labor to be rk.e prevziling mininum wage of the St california for Fersons employed in similar activities. 5 proper co~struction of this section, grantee is referred I 595 32 ~itle 29 of this Code of Federal Zegulations, i azenaed 3-ae 19, 1972, and as it may be further amended fr to tine. (17 j ?:onticn of the "California Arts Council'' and "N znCow-ent fGr ti,e Arts" 07 any Federal Agency Support: ~rinted, visual or recorded matter, or in any exhibition, Lr perforaance, which describes or is prepared in con with, or results in whole or part from the srant, mentio be made of the California Arts Council's support, and wh grant is derived in whole or in part from Federal funds, support of the Federal Agency. Copies of printed containing sach mention should be sent to the CAC w evaluation re.port required by the terms of the granl doccxents containing such xention shall specify tl fi3dizSs, opinlon, or conclusions conta.ined therein nrc-ssariiy these of the California Arts Council and ap2i:cajle, not necessarily those of the Federal Goverr the ;;at--cxal ~;-E.owxlent for the Arts. -. 0 0 (18) Evaluation: The final ten percent (10%) of the grant xi11 be withheld until grantee has submitted the final eva] reacrt. ;:oTZ: Authority cited: Section 8753, Governnext zeference: Sections 8750-8756, Government Code. - 0 0 . NOND I SCRIM1 NATION CLAUSE (OCP - I) 1, During the performance of this contract, contractor and subcontractors shall not unlawfully discriminate agains. employee or applicant for employment because of race, rl glon, color, national or1 in, ancestry, physlcol handfci Contrcctors and subcontroctors shall insure that the ev tion and treatnent of their employees and applicants fo em-loyrnent are free of such discrimination, Contractor subcontractors shall comply with the provisions of the Employment and Housing Act (Government Code, Section 12 el seg,? and the applicoSle reguIations promul ated the seq,), The applicable regulations of the Fair Employmc Housing Conrnission im lemnting Government Code, Sectlc fornia Administrative Code are incorporated into this ( by reference and made a part hereof as If set forth in Contractor md Its subcontractors shall give written nc their obllgatlons under this Clause to labor organizat nhlch they have a collective bargaining or other agree 2, Thls zontrcctor shall include the nondiscrimination an pliance provisions of this clause in all subcontracts Hark under the contract, medica! condition, rnarlta 7 status, age (over 40) or sex (Calirornia Administrative Code, Title 2, Sect 9 on 7285, set forth in Chapter 5 of Division 4 of Title 2 of the - \ - _, 5TD. 17A (my 5-83) 0 0 , re i1.e Califcrxla Arts Council is required to co;nply xFth star.?.ayd regulatj.Gns c ga-err.z~r.t for all grarits xa2e unCer tile auscices of tk-,e :<?p.. Cc.r.2 CI L:;CSZ re5ulations rc-c_L;ire ccmFliz.r.ce 03 the part of t:he subgrantee (k Y;o Ere >.rov:c:r.q you \*:it:? E su~?,ary of selected rey2lations for your ir.foma; hoi.:2;.er I te a:,:are of tkAe cc~~alete requlaticns. T're folic\iir.cj is a list of circclars that ap_nly to CLC s3kqrantees, tile addre j-cu s:?oulE -..:rite to request cosies of the cixculars ar.6 the cffice -,.:here your s3culd. k.e Eirected. - ., . -. c.:.:~ (office cf :.:ar,acener,t 2nd BuCget) Cizcular A-1C2, ALTinistrati-e Require: Grazzs-in :-id to State and Local Gov~TP-TI~~~~s, plzs attack..ent ?1 fcr Audit x-< Ir.quixies: Financial !b!anacener.t Ertncf? Bc2g.e t F;euiew Divi'sicn Office of :.:anaceF.er.c an6 %dget ?:achir:gton D. c. 25.503 (2C2) 335-4773 c:.:~ cLrcu:~r ~~-87, Cost ?rincieles for State or Local Governnents: Izqciries: nezuty Chief -. t ir,~ncisl !:anagerr;er.t Eranch 3 2 cc i t XEV i ew 3 i i- i c i on \:z-.hir.gtcrL 9. C. 2C503 (202) 335-4773 7.. - - .. . 6002 !<e-,: Ej:ecuti\Te ',ffice 2cileir,c c:.:~ Circular ;..-122, cost ~rinci_nles for Kcn-?rofit C'rcz:izzticns Iriquiries: Office of !.'.anaqenezt 6: 3uCgei GeReral I p,.--- . VY&_ ; c-+ LiLlb..3 ' -..-? CffiCf ZfiL Si:-*Ol !:e-,; L>:ecuti\7e cfficp ~xLIE~R~ (2C2) Room C-236 b:zs:hington D. C. 20503 c:.:~ CircXlar p.-21 l cost Trinciples for Colleges a22 Universities Inquiries: Chief . Financial !lanaGener,t Ertnc;? Office of :'ianagemerit & E&get New Executive Office Suileing 726 Jackson Place, N.D. Kas:n.ington D. C. 20533 (2C2) 395-6323 S i ri5 le : Ccpies 90 ci;~~ r, t "u :s t r ih t i c n Cent e r Cffice of ;dy.inistratlc> G-236 ::ev: ~:;:eci~t~\~e Cffice ELSg. ;:as:?i:.c;:ci, i1.C. 20503 0 -...-.- -_ yIdIc-aII _____..____._ (1, ?E% -. Si'l;G';'aTr?- .. *LUJ.-> . 1. Fair Lz.'Lcr Standards . L-1 -- - ;rcf~ssic:.al ;erfoz:ters ~.nd relatr-d GT scpprtinc professional perscnnel e: rrcSezks CT rroCncticns *~-nicii are fizanced in i.:?.~le or in part under the grant zc-L, :,:itts.dt suSseq-erAt Zeecction or rebate on any zcccl;nt, riot less th;an the cs~>ensa:icn zs &ter;rAne< by the Secretary of Lakor to be the ?revailing mini! cz2ensstlcn fcr rersoxs ezl;loy~d in sirrclar activitles. --. rart 5CS (29 X.FO Labor Standai-Es on Frojects or Troductions P.ssisted by G frc: tP.e S~tFcr.zl En2o\,-xent for the 3rts. " i\~ ?;art cf a7.y Sroject or FroZuction i<hicn is fir.anced in whole or in part und 5rzr.t will ke -erfo-med or engaged in cr.der working conditions vhicb are unsan or rro2ucticn. Cczplience witli the safety and sznitsry laws of the State in ii perfor-azce or part thereof is to take place shall SP prima facie evidence of 2. SckkyLng -n accorCa.r.ce with a Cocgressionzl Zirective, craxtees are reqnested. to note t CY ,-c-;isicns cf Feeera1 lay reFardlng t?.e c-Ee of EnEoc.T.er;t fands for lobbyinq zc 10 ,.s.C. SEC. i913 LcStl-i~~q 7,iitk ascrcpriated ;ror,ies f;c zar-t G: t?e naney ac2rosrizted by ar.y er.actment of Corcress shall, in ths 2 -,f F:.:S~-~SS ~.:t?,crization ky cc?gi-eccI k,e usee Iirectly or indirectly to p~y fc .C-t'?_ ._ __ -c:-.a1 _c-r-r-,-Ice, ~C-~rer~lse~.ent, tele-.---, y.. =.,, tele;:?cze l letter I printed or writ: cr c,:>..er ~e-.~icel iz;tez?eC or Eesi2r.ed tc infliier.ce ir. a>.y xannei- a !;enk~r of C =O f~-;or CT ~~20se~ ky vo:e or ctk.er:..-l.re, my leqlslztion or ZsFropriation Sy -,,->;c:?.e~ ~efe-e cr after =>.e introeuctios of any jill or resolution proljosing 5 :ecj.~l~tic~ - cr ;a?Fro?riztion; but =?.is si:all not cre-;er.t officers cr employee: cr', ::-.e r~g~cs~ of any :,kT>cr or to Ccr.;ress, ti-.rouglr. t?.e proper official chanI r.:r.-.:s:s f2.r loci~lztic- cr sncrcnri _- - aticn~ V::-;:CT. tk-.ey c',r-ern ~ecessa~y for the c bu..:-ct rnrr.. cf t:-e ~xblic zxszr.esz. .. , .. .----. .. L.aSor stan2arS.s are ;? $97. x- c.- -_ :-.azz.i-Zc::s cr Zar.5-r-z~~ to the hezit;? 2nd safety cf the ernployee in such pro - . c .. _. - .--: -..-=e, - c=F.=E~ cr of its E~szrtzie~ts cr aqc_ncies frcz cc~xunicating to !"!e:&rs .. . .. __-_- or e;;,;:cy.ee of ::-.e Ur;Lted States of eny depart-xnt ( shall be fined not mor( S5GO or Irr.priscr.ed r.ot gore than one yezr, or kotk; anE after Rotice an6 hear =?,e sggericr officer vested xith the Fewer of renoving >in, shall be L-erncved CII ecglo?.rr;ent. ~. .- ,.,.-.ce\-er, Del:.: EX of=: -e-- *- ,.-.E,IE~~, vic:ates or arte;n?zs to violace this c~ccicn, .. 7 4. civil ?.<~>~ts '"itle \TI of the ci\?il ~iiq?,ts AC~ of 1964 _~ro~ides tkat: .- -,o Fer-0:. in ",.e u~ite6 ,states s!:a].l, on the groun2.s of race, color or natior, ERy r;rc.;r-rt or activity receivir,g Federal flncncicl assistznce (Section Le e,:clucec 5~~3 2zrticicstic.n in, be denied tP-5 Ber.efits of, or be subject t . --!cer .? c - 0 .e 04- EanCicapped c,ctFe:? 53; cf tke j?ekaSiliteticn ~ct ~f 1973 cr-ovi?es that: !\o ctkeruise qualified handicai2ped ineivicl-lal in the SnitEd States ~ 2s defined SECX~C:~ 7(6)*, cl-.all, solely be rezsoT: of his Y.-;indica~, be exclu&& fray, the p in, t.s Eezied %he benefits of, or be sxhjected to discriminzticn under ariy pro< activity receiving ?ederzl assistance. *?or the pGrposes of Section 504, the term "han6icaF2sd individcal" n.eanr any -r \..-?.e (a) ~ES 2 ;k\?siczl ~r rental ir,Fair-mer.t which substantially limits oje or 7 such zerson's xjor life activities, (5) has a recod of such an inpairGent, CY recarzed as having such an inpairnent. Titie IX of tke Education P.ner,&.ents of 1572 provides that: !;o ~erscn in the Ur.ited States shall, or: the basis of sex, be excluded fron pa? in, Se ZeZieC the bellefits of, or be subjectec! to discrhinztion GzEer my eecc gr~;xc..: CY cctivity receiving Federal r'irizncial assistance. 5. ;iceit of cecor2s ?':?e State Arts ~gcncy, the !?atior.zl Z?Eo-...xent for tke Arts and t3e Conptroller cf tke Lriited States, or any 61.2ly E.Ltl-.Grizec! resresentatives, shall have acces sm::s , 20ccze1lts , gapers , and recores xzintained to zccount for funds exsenc!sd cucer",-s a7.C tr~cscrlzts. ,~eccrEs skcclllz he reksirie2 for t:;irse years frcm tkLc ::?e ccrr;rssicr. CT tze rizal exrenCiture L-EZC_Y~ or ur.til 2r.y a.u-?it f irlCirss ir.1 the reccres i-.ave been resolved, -v:hickG-,Ter is zhe lcx;er perio2.. 6. Sta7C.ar2.s fcr sc5qrantee ?inancia1 i:anace;nent Systems - .- --;D L..- L LE~.s 2r.d cocditiozs c;f this crant for t;-.e ~urpose of rn2kir.g audit, exznir .. r .. - . .L -. .L - y - ,- c --r_ =..tee firE?cizl mE?.-.acE:nei-,t 5'1:stex.c SkG11 pzcvice for: Z. >-ci~Y~t? , --_- r'l..YT-E~-; e:*;$ c~~::~le~e EiSC! ~''~~e cf t-F.5 finaficial results cf pat - crocrz~ in ~ccore.ar.ce v:it~, tke Stcte >.rts ?:qezc;.' s xeportinc; recuirments 5. r;ecorEs **.>icI-i icentify aCec_sately the scsrce zn? z2plicatioz 31 ZCSCS for scp2orted activities. These records shall contain infomGtion pertaiPiZ5 grznt awarls a~d authorizaticns, cblisations, unobligated balances, asset CL - .- liabilities, octlays ad incone. c. Effective control over the accocntzbility for all funds, r,ro?erty and ot? . Grantees shall. azequatcly safeguard all such assets arid shall assure that used solely for authorized purposes. 3. C~z~z.riscn of actual tiith 5ud.gete2 arnounts for each gragt. Also, relatic fi~.~:c:~l ir.fol~..ation ~ith perfoK.ance or productivity date, ificlcdirc t: of crit cost infcz-ratior. w:-,enever zpproprizte anE required. .. e. ~-9c-c~;res to ninl~~ze ti-:.e tine elepsing t;etv:een the transfer of f~nc',~ f ctzte ~~~~::y~~~.~ cffice ar.6 t:qe ej.shxrse~,er;x La\: the c;r.z.ntv:e wken L:-..\:G~c> .. chliqatic7.5 inccrred. e e .. Y, CL-GCECX~ES fcr Cetexn;?iT.c t?.e alloi.i.ebility 2nd allGcability of costs in ac w;'" -:. ALii L..e ~rc\~isions ~.f C:'.3 Circa7zr A-&7 if the s~kcra.ntee is a state 01: IC ccverr-~ext, >.-i22 if a r.c:;r~fit orqznizztion, or A-21 if en eZucationa1 ir z. ;.ccozntir.c recor-2s wliich are sc2,ncrted by so'drce locuaentation. h. 1r.Ee2ecCer.t au5its of fi.-.ar.ciai cperations, incluling ccz:pliance with certz . ~rovisrzzs of Federal law &?e requletion. Audits uscally will be na2e ann\: kt rot less frequently 5:zn every two years. Aceits shall meet the repix set forth is Attaclii?.ent ? to 01.3 Circular A-102. .. i. A syste~.~tic r,echoc? to ass'xre tinely and approprizte resolution of au2it fi &?E reccrrrsxCations. -l I * ?=c:+:?@.<lecb-.ent In all p:tiished material z-2 Ennouncements regar2ing this project it is SL 5rcz t:-.e Celir'ornia >.rts Cc..x-.cil an2 the I\'ztio>al Er.Eoc.-nent for the >.rks." Ci L..CL - c a s>~.cial notice be r~2.d~ that: "This Frojecc is smported joiritly by E * Rec.Ll&tioF.s ~-2bcrantees ;T.US~ adhere to the ackiinistrstive reqireirents for qrants-in-a: 5:ste a:-.d :.oca1 ~overrr,?ezz as ;rcx~lgated in Office of i~:a.rlagernent an6 Eudgt Circular &.-1@2. ---. e 3 '. RESOLUTION Pub1 ic Meeting Sacramento, CA June 1-2, 1989 WHEREAS, the California Arts Council budget for 1990-91 I for the continuation of the Performing Arts Toui Presenting Program; and, WHEREAS, the awarding of contracts to presenters ut program is established by regulation; and, WHEREAS, the regulations specify that artist selection: presented to the Council, which will make the final dec a public meeting, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The California Arts Council accepts the recommendatioi Performing Arts Touring and Presenting Program Roster Panels, and hereby authorizes the Director to en contracts and agreements as are necessary for implementa this Council program and g-ives final approval to award fl the 1990-91 season. 1 Robert H. Reid Executive Director