HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-10-10; City Council; 10301; Design Guidelines For SubdivisionsCITY OF CARLSBAD SINGLE FAMILY SUBDIVISIONS - RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council APPROVE the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director and ADOPT Resolution No. 362 1 APPROVING Council Policy No. && for small lot single family developments. It is also recommended that the Council direct the Planning Commission to review the City's Planned Development Ordinance. ITEM EXPLANATION The Planning Commission and staff are recommending that the City Council adopt a policy approving design guidelines for small lot single family planned unit developments. The guidelines are a result of a Planning Commission workshop held earlier this year. The purpose of the workshop was to address several issues which have surfaced in the last eighteen months. The first issue involves small lot single family projects that were approved several years ago. Many of these projects were approved with Before they could be built the City passed the Growth Management 1400 to 1800 sq.ft. homes on small lots (4,000-5,000 sq.ft.). Ordinance which meant that these projects were held up until conditions" the developers are now asking to put larger homes zone plans could be completed. Because of "changing marketing (2500 to 3300 sq.ft.) on the same lots. The second issue was whether or not design guidelines (attached) should be adopted to supplement the standards of the Planned Development Ordinance for small lot single family developments. There had been some concern from the Planning Commission that many of the small lot single family detached units appear to be too crowded. There had been some feeling by the Commission that it may be necessary to increase the distance between buildings to 20 feet. The Planning Commission decided on the first issue that each of the developments coming back for larger houses would be considered on a case-by-case basis. Larger homes may work on the proposed guidelines that there might be some leeway on some some lots but not on others. It was also felt that in terms of of the projects to provide relief from these guidelines. With regard to increasing the distance between buildings to 20' the Planning Commission felt that adoption of the guidelines and utilization on new projects may prevent the need for this increase in distance. The Planning Commission felt they would like to give this about a 6 month trial period. The Planning Commission also would like the City Council to direct them to look at the Planned Development Ordinance later this year to ~ c Page 2 of Agenda Bill NO. /O, 301 revise problem areas, to update the ordinance, and to see if the design guidelines should actually be added to the Planned Development Ordinance. with small lot single family subdivisions. The problem is the The attached guidelines attempt to address the basic problem appearance of too much house on small lots due to narrow frontages containing large two-story units. The guidelines are designed to reduce the impact of this type of development by requiring additional relief on all four sides of the unit and by requiring that at least a portion of each building have a single story element. This is depicted in the graphics attached to the guidelines. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT have a significant impact on the environment and therefore has The Planning Director has determined that this project will not issued a negative declaration of June 20, 1989. FISCAL IMPACT There will be no direct fiscal impact to the City of Carlsbad from adoption of the proposed Design Guidelines. EXHIBITS 1. City Council Resolution No. 8Y -3b/ 2. City Council Policy Statement NO. YY 4. Negative Declaration 3. Memorandum to the Planning Commission dated 2/15/89 1 2 z 4 E f 7 E s 1c 11 12 1: 14 1: 16 11 1E 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 L RESOLUTION NO. 89-361 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A POLICY OF SMALL-LOT SINGLE FAMILY PROJECTS. IMPLEMENTING GUIDELINES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT CITY COUNCIL POLICY NO. 44 - CITY OF CARLSBAD WHEREAS, the City is receiving a number of applications )r small-lot single family developments: and WHEREAS, many of the existing small-lot single family rojects in the City appear crowded and visually unappealing: Id WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has studied the matter Id determined that guidelines for this type of development will nprove the quality and visual attractiveness. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the ity of Carlsbad, California, as follows: That the above recitations are true and correct. That based on the evidence presented, the City Council hereby approves City Council Policy No. lrlr , attached hereto, and incorporated herein, based on the following findings: That adoption of the guidelines will promote higher quality development in Carlsbad. The guidelines will help ensure more pleasing architecture, greater visual relief, and more open projects . PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the ity Council of the City of Carlsbad on the J&L day of , 1989, by the following vote, to Wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson 7 3 2. ITY OF CARLSBAD I Policy No. 44 COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Date Issued 10/10/89 Specific Subject: Cancellation Date ESTABLISHING GUIDELINES FOR ME DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL LOTS Supersedes No. ~ ~~ Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File PURPOSE To provide guidelines to encourage the quality development of small-lot (less than 7500 sq.ft.) single family projects. The intent of the guidelines is to ensure that units have building articulation on all four sides and will not appear as "row" housing. They are primarily designed to apply to projects where there is a predominance of two-story units. POLICY Guidelines for Small-Lot Sinqle Familv Proiects 1. 2. 3. 4. In projects where there are three 2 story units in a row situated less than 15 feet apart, at least one of the three units shall have a single story building edge. The depth of the single-story edge shall not be less than 10 and shall run the length of the building pad. The roof covering the single story element shall be substantially lower than the roof for the 2 story element to the unit (this is not intended to preclude long shed-type roofs falling to a single-story element). In projects where there are three 2 story units in a row situated between 15 and 20 feet apart, at least one of the three units shall have a single story building edge with a depth of not less than 5 feet running the length of the building pad. The roof of the single story element shall be substantially lower than the roof for the two story element of the building (this is not intended to preclude long shed-type roofs falling to a single- story element). On a project basis, thirty-three percent (33%) of all units shall have a single story edge for forty percent (40%) of the perimeter of the building. For the purpose of this guideline the single story edge shall be a minimum depth of three feet (3). The units qualifying under the 33% shall be distributed throughout the project. The main purpose of this guideline is to ensure some building relief on the front and sides of each unit. For at least 50% of the units in a project, there shall be at least three separate building planes on street side elevations of lots with 45 feet of frontage or less, and four separate building planes on street side elevations of lots with a frontage greater than 45 feet. The minimum offset in planes shall be 18 inches and shall include but not be limited to building walls, windows and roofs. The minimum depth between the faces of the forward-most plane and the rear plane on the front elevation shall be 10 feet and a plane must be a minimum of 30 sq. ft. to receive credit under this section. - LTY OF CARLSBAD Policy No. 44 COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: Specific Subject: I Supersedes No. "pies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Rear elevations shall adhere to the same criteria outlined in number 4 above for front elevations except that the minimum depth between front and back planes on the rear elevation shall be 3 feet. At least 50% of the units in a project shall have one side elevation where there are sufficient offsets or cutouts so that the side yard setback averages a minimum of 7 feet. Projects with an average lot size of 5,000 sq. ft. or less shall limit the number of units with three car garages to 75% of the plans in the project. Project units with three car garages shall be a mix of two door garages, three door garages, and offset (2 planes min. 12) two door garages. Fifty percent (50%) of exterior openings (doors/windows) shall be recessed or projected a minimum of 2' and shall be with wood or colored aluminum window frames (no mill finishes). The predominant roof framing for each floor plan in a project shall exhibit directional variety to the other floor plans and to the street. Notes: a) For the purpose of these guidelines a single story element shall be defined as a plate line maximum of 12 feet (1 0 feet preferred). b) In addition, when a percentage of units is described in the guidelines the intent is to have that percentage spread throughout the entire project. c) "In a row" shall include curves and shall terminate at a 90 degree street intersection. MEMORANDUM DATE : FEBRUARY 15, 1989 TO : PLANNING COMMISSION FROM : Planning Department WORKSHOP ON SMALL - LOT SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED UNITS Commission set up a workshop for February 15, 1989 to discuss two In December, following a request from a developer, the Planning issues - 1) how to handle increases in the square footage of previously approved units in small lot subdivisions, and 2) whether or not there should be some guidelines for the development of small-lot single family detached units. There has been concern regarding the appearance of projects that have already been approved and built under current standards. The concerns primarily involve street scenes and unit aesthetics. Since December, staff has been working with several different guidelines. These groups have been extremely helpful in providing developer and architect groups trying to formulate small-lot number of development professionals feel that some general staff with a number of different ideas and possibilities as a guidelines would be helpful. Staff has also spent a lot of time trying to figure out if there is any consistency in the better in the field looking at different projects and product types in projects. Staff feels that the two issues identified above can actually be handled in the same way. If guidelines are established they could be applied to both the existing projects that are looking for an increase in unit size, and to new projects. At this time, staff feels that anything agreed upon should only be in the form of guidelines. It may be necessary on some of the may be necessary on projects that were approved under older existing projects to use the guidelines as a base, as some leeway standards. At the meeting of the 15th, staff will be giving a being proposed. The guidelines as staff is recommending them are slide presentation, and will be discussing in detail the guidelines as follows: GUIDELINES FOR SMALL-LOT SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED PROJECTS PURPOSE The purpose of these guidelines is to provide the staff and the developer with a design framework in which quality design can be achieved in the development of a small-lot detached single substantial loss in design flexibility. These guidelines are family product without architectural review or without a excess of four units where lot frontages are less than 60 feet in intended to be applied to any single family detached project in length or where the PD ordinance (sec. 21.45) is being utilized. / . ~. . ~~ "I STANDARD 2-STORY BOX I I 3 FEET MINIMUM SINGLE STORY ELEMENT LOT WIDTH 45 FEET OR LESS L LOT I I I L WIDTH ā€œ1 Iā€- GREATER THAN 45 FEET ! I L I I 7 FEET AVERAGE i ! I i ! i ! I I i ! ! i i i i -,I 2 DOOR 3 DOOR 2 DOOR, OFFSET^ i FH I i j "7" ROOF LINE VARIATION c I