HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-11-07; City Council; 10327; LAKE CALAVERA GOLF COURSE DEVELOPMENTc \ AB# /ci 3:x7 TITLE: -- LAKE CALAVERA GOLF COURSE ~~~.11/7/3’-1 DEVELOPMENT DEPT.PIR 7 DEPT. HI CITY All CITY MG Q 3, “9 K EL y” &l k”3. 3 z 2 Q: 5 Z 3 0 0 s CITWF CARLSBAD - AGENDWILL //v RECOMMENDED ACTION: If Council concurs, your action is to direct staff to send out the Request for Proposal for a Golf Course Architect to prepare a Preliminary Golf Course Plan for an 18 hole regulation size municipal golf course and direct staff to proceed with the revised recommended development program. ITEM EXPLANATION On August 15 and 22, 1989, the City Council approved a golf course development program that included a process for developers to submit their development and operating proposals as an alternative to a City designed and constructed project, appointed a seven (7) member citizen Steering Committee, a five (5) member Technical Advisory Committee, and appropriated $250,000 for various preliminary golf course studies. Staff has further reviewed and evaluated the golf course development options. The proposed revised development process has also been addressed with the Steering and Technical Advisory Committees. These meetings with the citizen committees have further clarified some of the critical issues related to the golf course development program. On October 5, 1989, the Steering and the Technical Advisory Committee, voted to recommend soliciting proposals for a golf course architect to design the golf course. This option was selected to ensure that staff, the Committees, City Council, and the public would have the opportunity to review and recommend a golf course architect. Request for Proposals have been prepared and are ready to be sent out. Responses are due back to the City in early December. Staff and the Committees will review the proposals and will make a recommendation for City Council to hire a golf course architect in late December or early January Presently, staff has sent out Request for Proposals for the Vreliminar: environmental work. The proposals have been received and have beet evaluated. City Council will be asked to approve one of the environmenta. consultants on a separate agenda bill. The revised golf course development program being recommended calls for th City to be responsible, through its consultants, for preliminary and fina design of the golf course. This allows for the greatest degree of input an control by the City over design issues related to the golf course. Once the final design, plans, and specifications are complete and approved bids will be sought on the following alternatives: I build and operate build only I operate only I Based on evaluation of the bids received, the best possible alternative fc the City will be selected. AB# /6/:72;7 a 0 -* Page 2’ RECOMMENDATION After staff review and update, it is recommended that the City Counci approve the Request for Proposal for a golf course architect and direc staff to proceed with the recommended development program. FISCAL IMPACT The City Council at their August 15, 1989, meeting appropriated $250,001 for the various required preliminary studies. It has been estimated tha the cost for golf course preliminary design will be $25,000 - $100,000. EXHIBITS 1. Memo to Steering and Technical Advisory Committees 2. Golf Course Architect Request for Proposal 3. Revised Processing Schedule 4. Revised Flow Chart -i m a .. -. October 2, 1989 TO: GOLF COURSE STEERING COMMITTEE/ TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: CITY STAFF GOLF COURSE ARCHITECT SELECTION PROCEDURE: LAKE CALAVERA GOLF COURSE PURPOSE Staff is requesting Committee reccomendations on the procedure to be utilize for the preliminary design work for the Lake Calavera Golf Course. The tw options identified are 1) to continue using the services of David Rainville, Go1 Course Architect, who has prepared a "Conceptual Layout" for the site, or 2) t solicit proposals from other golf course architects. BACKGROUND In early 1989, a "Conceptual Layout" for the Lake Calavera site was prepared b David Rainville, Golf Course Architect. The purpose for preparing the plan wa to compare the Lake Calavera property with two other sites being considered fo an 18 hole municipal golf course, Macario Canyon and the "County Property (Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real). David Rainville was retained by the City to prepare the layout for Lake Calaver because staff already had a working relationship with him on the "Count Property". Mr. Rainville was a sub-consultant to the planning firm of P ti Technologies who were primary consultants under contract jointly with the Ci t and the County to study the potential of that site for a golf course. Because staff was pleased with David Rainville's preliminary work on the "Count Property", and he was able to perform a layout study for Lake Calavera to mee the City's time frame and for a reasonable fee, Mr. Rainville was selected 1 produce the "Prel iminary Layout Plan" for Lake Calavera. Staff feels at this time it would be appropriate to follow a more formal reque? for proposal procedure from the golf course architect community. Initially, tt City will be requesting proposals to prepare a Preliminary Golf Course Plan whic will address a final routing plan, preliminary grading, circulation, clubhousc parking, and any information needed for environmental review and approval of tt project . Further services may be requested from the golf course architect for final plar (construction documents) at a later date. EXHIBIT 1 I) a .. -- -- Paqe 2 ALTERNATIVES 1. Continue utilizing the services of David Rainville, Golf Course Architect, to refine his "Preliminary Layout Plan" and provide additional information needed to conduct environmental studies. Solicit and review proposals from other golf course architects. 2. RECOMMENDATION In order to ensure the highest level of staff and public review of potential consultants (go1 f course architects) for the Lake Cal avera Go1 f Course project, staff recommends alternative number 2. MARK STEYEART Attachment 1. Request for Proposal dmm a m *. -- -. DRAFT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL PRELIMINARY GOLF COURSE PLANNING Lake Cal avera The City of Carlsbad is soliciting proposals from consultants to prepare a Preliminary Golf Course Plan for an 18 hole, regulation size municipal golf course. The site is located in the northeast corner of the City, adjacent to the neighboring City of Oceanside. (Refer to location map, attached.) PROJECT BACKGROUND The Lake Calavera golf course site consists of a total of 252 acres and is an asset of the City's water enterprise fund. The site is zoned Open Space and is designated Open Space in the General Plan. A dam, which was constructed in 1942, created a k 35 acre water body which was utilized up until 1962 for irrigation purposes. Today the "Lake" serves no functional purposes but should be considered as an aesthetic feature and possible source of irrigation water for the golf course. In the early part of 1989, a "Conceptual Layout" for the site was designed by David Rainville, Golf Course Architect. (See Attachment.) The original purpose of preparing the plan was for site selection comparisons. Based on Rainville's plan and other considerations, the Lake Calavera site was selected. Rainville's plan utilizes 197 acres of the site for a par 72, 6710 yard regulation size course including a driving range, a clubhouse and golf course maintenance yard site. The plan sets aside 5 acres for other (non-specified) recreational amenities and leaves the remainder of the site undeveloped. TIME TABLE Development strategies are currently being reviewed by the City and a t 3 year total development schedule (from now until open to the public) is anticipated. Time is of the essence in receiving a Preliminary Golf Course Plan so that the Environmental Impact Report can be prepared. DESIGN PROCESS The City will be retaining an environmental consultant to prepare the Environmental Impact Report. As the first step in the process, the Environmental Consultant will prepare an "environmental constraints map" identifying potentially sensitive areas of the site and constraints that will effect the course design. The City recognizes the need for an environmentally sensitive design. Relatec to this concern will be the retention, wherever possible, of environmentall) significant features of the site (i .e., existing riparian habitat). Soils drainage and traffic impacts may also be major issues. The Golf Course Architect will utilize the constraints map and be required tc work with the Environmental Consultant to come up with the best possible design EXHIffiIT ; rn a .. -- _- SCOPE OF SERVICES The consultant shall provide a Preliminary Golf Course Plan(s) for the City approval to include the following information: 1. Routing of the course including the location of tees, greens, fairw( boundaries, center lines, driving range, and such other information t deemed pertinent by the Golf Course Architect. Preliminary grading information (see attached "Application Requirements" Clubhouse and maintenance building location, (approximate size and parkii requirement). The City staff and Steering Committee will work togethi with the golf course architect to develop the facility program. Vehicular circulation both temporary and permanent. (There may be a ne( for temporary access to the clubhouse, and the routing plan will need t consider accommodating this access in the interim.) See the attached "City of Carlsbad Application Requirements" for addition; information to be included on the plans. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A preliminary cost estimate. 7. Meetings with staff and citizen advisory group(s) as required (for purpose of this proposal allow four meetings with staff and two meetings wit citizen groups). OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY The City shall provide the following information: 1. The general project (program) requirements. 2. An accurate 100 scale topographic map showing 2' contours. 3. A current title report. 4. A Preliminary Soils Investigation. 5. All information shown with an asterisk on the attached "Applicatioi Requirements". SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS The proposal shall provide the following information for the City' consideration. (The information may be submitted via the company's brochure. 1. Name of firm, address, and telephone number(s). 2. Years established. a 0 -._ _. 3. Present size of firm. 4. List the name and qualifications of the person who will be the key contact and manage this project. 5. Other personnel of your firm includes: Yrs. With EmDlovee Name Firm Experience 6. Design Experience: a. Provide a recent project list of your firm‘s work, including key contacts and references, approximate budget, and other pertinent information. b. Provide a plan of one of your recent design projects. c. List those project(s) which your firm has completed that is (are,\ most s.imilar to this one. 7. Workload: Provide a list of all projects for which your firm is currentl: responsible, percent of design completion, and/or construction completed List of sub-consultants to be utilized in completing the plan. 8. 9. Schedule: Submit in graphic or narrative form your firm’s assessment of propose( preliminary design schedule. 10. Fee Schedule: Provide your firm’s fee schedule for basic services (hourly rate of eac employee). Also include an estimated lump sum fee for requested service per this RFP. (Actual fee will be negotiated after final selectio process. ) SELECTION PROCESS 1. PROCESS : It is anticipated that the City’s selection process of a design firm wil (I)! 0 .- _. follow five basic steps: a. b. Narrow selection to three to five firms. c. Interviews with the best qualified firms. d. e. 2. CRITERIA: Receipt and review of statements of qualifications. Ranking of the top firms to identify the best qualified firm. Negotiation with the top-ranked firm for scope of service and fee. Criteria to be used by the City in evaluation of proposals may include (but not be limited to) the following: a. Professional abilities of the design firm. b. Relevant project experience of the design firm. c. Qualifications of personnel to be directly involved with this project . d. Working relationship of design firm with previous clients. e. Quality and relevance of example(s) which may be requested of the firm. f. Responsiveness of proposal to program and time frames. g. Current and projected workloads that might affect the firm's abilitj to perform the required work on schedule. h. Specialized qualifications of the design firm. i. , Proposed fees. Proposals are due .in the Parks and Recreation Office 1166 Pi0 Pico, Carlsbad nc 1 ater than . The mailing address is 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008. The proposals and any questions concerning thc proposals shall be addressed to Mark Steyaert, Park Development Coordinator, ai (619) 434-2855. Attachments : 1. Application Requirements 2. Location Map 3. "Conceptual Layout" (reduced) END RFP e CITY OF CARLSBAD e I- APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR: CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS PLANNING COMM I SS ION DETERMINATIONS REDEVELOPMENT PERMITS PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLF\NS SPECIAL USE PEWITS (EXCLUDING FLOODPLAIN S.U. P'S) SPECIFIC PLANS SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS The following materials shall be submitted for each application or for coml applications on a single project: fl1. Eight (8) copies of the proposed site plan on a 24" x 36" sheet(s) fold( 8 1/2" x 11" size. Fifteen copies of the site plan shall be submitted b applicant upon request of the project planner prior to approval of the pro Each site plan shall contain the following information: - - . MASTER PLANS I. General Information & c/m ,7=4scoc> 7"6 BE' 4 d gy m~mzY~y~H-f w Name, address and telephone number of the app icant, owner and Engineer or Architect who prepared the plan. North arrow and scale. Vicinity map showing major cross streets. Date of preparat i on/revi si ons. E. Project Name and Application Types submitted. F. Name of sewer, water and school districts providing service to the project. G. All facilities labeled as "existing" or "proposed". H. A summary table of the following: 1. Street address and assessors parcel number. 2. Site acreage. 3. Existing zone and land use. Proposed land use. Total building coverage. & Building square footage. Percent Landscaping . & Number of parking spaces requi red/provided. 9. Square Footage of open or recreational space (if appl icabl f 10. Cubic footage of storage space (if appl icable) . 11. Average Daily Traffic generated by the project broken dc separate uses. Li // // // i2 // LIZ // // // // // // // // // EE 11. Site Information A. General @ 2. 3. Location of railroads. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Approximate location of existing and proposed buildings an permanent structures on site and within 100 feet of site. Location of all major vegetation showing size and type. Bearings and distances of each exterior boundary line. Distance between buildings and/or structures. Building set backs (front, side and rear). Location, height and materials of walls and fences. Location of free standing signs. Lz Lz // // // // // // ARFRMOOOl.[ B. Street and alities 0 .i2 w .-A centerline radii. @$ The location, width and proposed name of all streets withi adjacent to the proposed project. Show street grades and Name, location and width of existing adjacent streets and alleys, Include medians and adjacent driveway locations. Typical street cross sections for all adjacent and streets Width, location, and use of all existing and/or proposed pu or private easements. Public and private streets and utilites clearly identified. @ Show distance between all intersections and medium and high use driveways. 7. Clearly show parking stall and isle dimensions and truck turning radii for all parking areas. 8. Show access points to adjacent undeveloped lands. 9. Show all existing and proposed street lights and utilities (s water, major gas and fuel lines, major electric and telepho facilities) within and adjacent to the project. 10. Show location of all fire hydrants within 300 feet of site. /7 // // // // /7 zz // - G/IYM!L& -Rwtyp* w // m@@ 3. v- & within project. L7 C. Grading and Drainage 2' @? Approximate contours at & intervals for slopes less than E intervals for slopes between 5% and lo%, and 5' interval slopes over 10% (both existing and proposed). Existini proposed topographic contours within a 100 foot perimeter c boundaries of the site. Existing onsite trees; those to be rc and those to be saved; @? Earthwork volumes; cut, fill, import and export. 3. Spot elevations at the corners of each pad. 4. Method of draining each lot. Include a typical cross sc taken parallel to the frontage for lots with less than star of ::%?:; width and/or size of all watercourses and dr; facilities within and adjacent to the proposed subdivision location approximate size of any proposed detention/retenti basins . Clearly show and label the 100 year flood line for the befor after conditions for any project which is within or adjacer a FEMA flood plain. Lz ez // // Lz iz @ a 2. // 3. /7 4. // 5. Lz 6. Disclosure Statement. // 7. ProDertv Owners' List and Addressed Labels One (1) copy of 8 1/2" x 11" site plan. One (1) copy of 8 1/2" x 11" location map (suggested scale 200" Environmental Impact Assessment Form (Separate Fee Required). Public Facility Agreement: Two (2) copies: One (1) notarized original and one (1) reproduced copy. - vicinity maps on the site plan are not acceptable). - A typewritten list of names and addresses of all property owner occupants within a 600 foot radius of subject property (includir applicant and/or owner). The list shall include the San Diego ( Assessor's parcel number from the 1 atest assessment roll s. ARFRMOOOl .Dl .a location map - - - s rulure road VICINITY MAP m a an I- 3 g 4 W v) a 3 0 0 L -I JO 2: e,d Y .F 8: i -2 m 0 d. d I" LAKE CALAVERA GOLF COURSE REVISED PROCESSING SCHEDULE ESTIMATED DATE COMPLETE 1. Send out Request for Proposal for Environmental EARLY NOV '89 2. Send out Request for Proposal for Golf Course EARLY NOV '89 3. City Counci 1 select Envi ronmental Consultant. MID-DEC '89 4. Steering Committee and Technical Advisory Committee recommend Golf Course Architect. END DEC '89 5. City Council select Golf Course Architect. MID-JAN '90 6. "Environmental Constraints Map" completed bq END APR '90 7. Preliminary Golf Course Plan complete. JUN '90 8. Draft Environmental Impact Report compl ete. NOV '90 9. Environmental Review Period complete. JAN '91 10. Planning Commission certify Environmental Impac- Report and recommend approval of Conditional Usc Permit . Consultant . Architect. Environmental Consultant. JAN '91 11. City Council approve plan. MAY '91 12. P1 ans and Specifications compl ete. JUL '91 13. Plan check and bid package complete. OCT '91 14. Award contract for a) build/operate, or b) buil & operate (separately) OCT/NOV '92 15. Project complete. EXHIBIT ye , @ &!% 4 0: 'L ua ___I I/ !! cn : \ 6 \/ A\ is 11 A L 1 -'-.----- :I I l-'-.- -.-.-.- .-.-. I , ?4 1- .----