HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-11-07; City Council; 10346; Purchase of Mobile Intensive Care Unit" I• ' .. , '. 0 w 6 a: a. ~ z 0 ~ ..I 0 z ::::, 0 (,) ,1't·,1r· CITlfF CARLSBAD = AGENDt,ILL l• •> c:2. 3 • .-A_B_#_/_0_, 3-,-, {o---TI-TLE: 7oE-P-T.--:1111~r,r-j~ MTG. 11 / 7./f:j PuRcHAsE oF MOBILE INTENSIVE cARE uNIT lciTY ATTY DEPT. P<"'H CITY MG . RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No.89...:~L, approving the purchase of a Mobile Intensive care Unit and authorizing the appropriation of $65,250.42 from the Central Garage Vehicle Replacement Fund Retained Earnings Account. ITEM EXPLANATION When the 1989-90 Operating Budget was prepared, a final decision as to the type of mobile intensive care unit that should replace a 1984 Ford MICU (F093) had not been made; therefore, no vehicle was listed in the 1989-90 Budget. originally, the staff of the Fire Department and Fleet Operations had considered re-chassising a MICU. However, due to the length of time the MICU would be out of service (approximately 12-14 weeks) for the re-chassising, it was determined the purchase of a walk-through modular MICU would best meet the City's needs. The new vehicle will replace an existing MICU which has been driven in excess of 80,000 miles, . the standard for replacement for this type of vehicle. MICU's are operated by the paramedics and are used in the treatment and transportation of patients requiring emergency medical care. Request for Proposals for a Type III MICU were sent to five vendors. Five responses were received July 28, 1989. Each proposal was reviewed and evaluated by the staff of the Fire Department. The criteria used to judge each unit included the following: (1) Design of the patient & exterior compartments (2) Availability of repair service (3) Delivery (4) Cost It was the decision of the staff that the unit manufactured by Collins Ambulance best met the established criteria. FISCAL IMPACT: since 1987-88, the Fire Department has contributed $24,150 into the Vehicle Replacement Fund for the replacement of F093. In addition to these funds, $43,900 was transferred in May 1989 from various Fire Department accounts to the Vehicle Replacement Fund to cover the cost of an MICU. The total amount contributed by the Fire Department for an MICU is $68,050. Presently, funds in the amount of $207,299 are available in the Central Garage Vehicle Replacement Fund Retained Earnings Account . Agenda Bill No ID1 31-/(p Page 2 Staff recommends the appropriation of $65,250.42 from Account No. 620-890-5220 be placed into the Central Garage Vehicle Replacement Capital outlay Account No. 620-840-5220-3900 for the purchase of the MICU. EXHIBITS: 1. Purchase Agreement -Exhibit A 2. Tabulation of Proposals -Exhibit B. 3. Resolution No. 89--:39 I • Exhibit A PURCHASE AGREEMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS B:.i.'TWEEN COLLINS AMBULANCE WEST AND CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 1,01 DEFINITIONS 1.010 The word "City" shall mean the "City of Carlsbad, CaU.fomia" and its authorized representative. 1.011 The term "authorized representative" shall mean the Fire Chief, and/or his deslgnee, and no other person. For the purpose of this agreement, the Fire Chief of the Carlsbad Fire Department, or his designee, shall seive as technical advisor to the Purchasing Officer, and shall assist and advise on all technical matters pertaining to the materials, design, engineering principles and/or equipment specified herein. 1.012 The word "Contractor" shall mean "Colllns Ambulance West" and its authorized representatives. 1,0'l INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE 1.020 The City of Carlsbad, through its authortzed representative, shall be the sole judge as to the acceptability of materials, equipment, and/ or workmanship furnished under this agreement. All such decisions made shall be final. 1.021 All material, equipment, and workmanship furnished must be in conformity with specifications, and wlll be subject to inspection and acceptance. The right ls reserved to reject and return at the risk and expense of the contractor any portion of any shipment or schedule which may be defective, or which fails to comply with specification without lnvalldatlng the other items listed in schedule. 1.022 Proposed apparatus shall meet or exceed current ambulance specifications as set forth by the Federal General Seivlces Admlnlstratlon, and the specifications contained in Exhibits B and C of this agreement. 1.023 An inspection by an authorized representative wlll be held at the Contractor's facility after final assembly, but prior to delivery. Transportation costs for one authorized representatives shall be paid for by the Contractor. 1,03 DISPUTES Except as otherwise provided in this agrement, any dispute arising under this agreement which is not disposed of by agreement shall be decided by the City through its authorized representallve who shall reduce his decision to writing and mall, or otherwise f urnlsh a copy thereof to the vendor. This decision shall be final and binding on both parlles. 1.M CONTRACTOR'S SPECIFICATIONS The Contractor must provide two (2) sets of specifications which contain apparatus assembly drawings, complete wiring diagrams, and other lnf orrnation. The apparatus drawing shall be not less than five views: top, front end, rear end, left side, and right side; and shall be to a scale of not less than three fourths inch to one foot and shall clearly indicate to accurate scale all exterior portions of the proposed apparatus. Additional drawings shall be supplied that detail all interior portions of the module portion of the apparatus. If the specifications differ in any respect from the specifications contained in the attached exhibits, the City shall be the sole judge of acceptance or rejection of same. / :, ..,.J t 1. respect from the specifications contained in the attached exhibits, the City shall be the sole judge of acceptance or rejection of same. 1.QS MANUALS O.E.M. shop manuals, maintenance literature, and all related product literature of alJ components found in the ambulance are to be provided. One copy of aforementioned to be provided in high quality, loose leaf binders, Binders will contain a comprehensive table of contents, and be segmented into three (3) major sections: 1) Cab and Chassis: 2) Box: 3) MisceJlaneous Equipment Not Permanently Affixed In Cab, On Chassis, or In Box. 1.06 WARRANTIES At the time of delivery, the Contractor shall deJiver to the City one (I) copy of each of these certificates or forms, properly completed, and covering the apparatus deJivered: A. Chassis manufacturer's certified warranty. B. Patient cabin and body manufacturer's certified warranty. C. Accessory item information and warranties. At the Ume of acceptance of this agreement, the vendor shall complete the following: 'This is to certify that we, COLLINS AMBULANCE WEST, of 499 Nlbus. Suite A, Bra. QA 92621, warrant this apparatus manufactured by us as prnposed to you to be free from defects in materials and worlananship under normal use and seivice. If during a period of two (2) years from the date of final acceptance there is a failure of any part of the apparatus or equipment due to defective material or worlananship, including latent defects, we shall replace such part without cost to the City." Name of Apparatus Manufacturer BY: Authorized Slgnatur~ DELIVERY 1.070 The method will be truck freighted ,or other approved manner. 1.071 There wUl be a preliminary acceptance performance test by Carlsbad Fire Department personnel. 1.072 The Contractor will be required to demonstrate the ambulance's functions, operaUons, proc~dures, and maintenance to the authorized representatives. 1.08 LATE CHARGES A charge of one hundred dolJars ($100) wJll be deducted from the total ptl~e of the unit for each day past the agreed upon delivery date that the unit ls late. The agreed upon delivery date ls cstabltshed as ninety (90) calendar days after receipt of the written purchase order. 0 1,09 FINAL ACCEPTANCE Final acceptance will be recognized as payment in full from the City. The City wlll retain ten percent (10%) of the total purchase price until final acceptance ls authorized by the Carlsbad Fire Department representative. Toe City, together with its authorized representative, will be the sole Judge of final acceptance. 1,10 PA"YMENT SCHEDULE AND TERMS '111c Clly agrees to purchase from the Contractor a 1990 Type III Mobile Intensive Care Unit designed and built to the specifications contained in Exhibit B with options contained ln Exhibit C. Toe full purchase price for the vehicle and equipment is $65,250.42, Payments shall be made bc1sed upon the following schedule: A. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of vehicle, after preliminary acceptance test: $58,725.36, B. Accompanying written nctificaUon of final acceptance of vehicle: $6,525.04. C. Total: $65,250.42. 1,11 NOTICE All notices, requests, demands, and other communications shall be 1n writing and sent by registered mail, certified mail, or hand delivery addressed i:o the party's principal place of business. CONTRACTOR: JERRY GRINSTEM>, Regional Manager Collins Ambulance West 499 Nibus, Suite A Brea, CA 926m APPROVED AS TO FORM: VINCENT F. BIONDO, JR., City Attorney City of Carlsbad CITY JA.'l\fES K. THOMPSON, Fire Chief Carlsbad Fire Department 2560 Orlon Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 CITY OF CARLSBAD: CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor City of Carlsbad 1200 Ehn Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Exhibit B CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 i DATE: 9/12/89 l ~ I l I TO: RUTH FLETCHER ! ! FROM: BRIAN WATSON, BATTALION CHIEF, EMERGENCY SERVICES SUBJECT: MICU VENDOR COMPARISON THE FOLLOWING MATRIX IS A COMPARISON OF THE CRITERIA USED IN SELECTING A VENDOR FOR OUR NEXT MICU. THESE CRITERIA WERE STATED IN OURRFP. VENDOR PRICE DELIVERY SERVICE SPECS COLLINS $60,554 60-90 DAYS BREA FULL ADHERENCE LIMITED LEADER $65,552 120-150 S. EL MONTE FULL FULL ARATA $61,181 120 BURLINGAME NEAR FULL FULL SIERRA $71,163 60-90 CHICO PARTIAL FULL WEST COAST $61,104 60-90 THOUSAND OAKS PARTIAL FULL IN MY OPINION, THE MOST RESPONSIVE BID, IN TERMS OF THE OVERALL NEEDS OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, WAS RECEIVED FROM COLLINS AMBULANCE WEST. I HAVE ISSUED A LETTER OF INTENT TO PURCHASE AND WILL BE MEETING WITH THEIR REPRESENTATIVE TO ,IRON OUT THE SPECIFICS. ' ,< ~ , l l .,,. . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l?. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 89-391 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF A MOBILE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT. WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad desires to purchase a Mobile Intensive care Unit; and WHEREAS, the city is unable to develop descriptive specifications; and WHEREAS, it is desirable for the Mobile Intensive Care unit to be compatible with existing unit to interchange the on-board equipment; and WHEREAS, request for proposals for the purchase are most advantageous to the city; and WHEREAS, proposals were solicited from five vendors and were judged against known criteria; and WHEREAS, funds are available in the Central Garage Vehicle Replacement Fund Retained Earnings Account for this. purchase; and WHEREAS, the purchase of the Mobile Intensive Care Unit from Collins Ambulance West is in the best interest ~f the City. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby resolve as follows: XXX XXX XXX 1. That the above facts are true and correct. 7 ... . l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , 11 ';• 12 }; ,, 13 14 a I 15 16 17 18 19 ,20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2. That an appropriation of $65,251 be taken from the Central Garage Vehicle Replacement l•'und Retained Earnings Account No. 620-890-5220 and placed into the Central Garage Vehicle Replacement Capital Outlay Account No. 620- 840-5220-3900 for the purchase of the MICU. 3. That an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Collins Ambulance West for the purchase of a Mobile Intensive Care Unit, a copy of which is attached (Exhibit A) and made a part hereof, is hereby approved. 4 . That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the city council of the City of Carlsbad on the --1.£!!.. day of Novembe; 1989, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, ¥iamaux and Larson NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: (SEAL) lerk --/