HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-11-21; City Council; 10379; AGREEMENT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR CALAVERA LAKE GOLF COURSE DEVELOPMENT. AGREEMENT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR CALAVERA LAKE GOLF COURSE DEVELOPMENT AB#a TITLEm MTG. 1 I -2 1-M I; DEPT. PLN DEPT. CITY P CITY n / t' 0 eL1 5 g a 2 .. z e 6 a =i 0 z 3 0 0 CIWF CARLSBAD - AGENWILL I rNH c RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council ADOPT Resolution No. fl- -%/fl , authorizing thc to enter into an agreement with the consulting firm of P&D Technologies . preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for the Calavera Lake Golf [ ITEM EXPLANATION On August 15, 1989, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 89-293 trans money from the General Fund Contingencies for Environmental Studies, a Prel Golf Course Design, a Soils Report and a Real Property Appraisal. The soil has been prepared for a cost of $7,000.00. The Request for Proposals . Preliminary Golf Course Design specified a December 8, 1989 submittal date. sent out requests for proposals for preparation of the environmental stuc six environmental consultant firms (i .e., Wallace Roberts and Todd; Cotton ERC Environmental; Brian F. Mooney Associates; Michael Brandman Associati P&D Technol ogi es) . One proposal was submitted (P&D Technol ogi es) . contacted the other firms to determine why their proposals weren't submitte of the other firms indicated that their current workload was too great to to the golf course project. Staff conducted a thorough review of P & D Technologies' scope of consultants to be used, qualifications and costs ($51,714.00). Staff con additional factors which included overall understanding of the project, s work experience on similar types of projects, and technical abilities personnel and the percentage of time the key personnel would devote to th of work. Because of the above stated reasons, staff recommends that P&D Technolol hired as the consultant for the preparation of the Environmental Impact Rep the Calavera Lake Golf Course. FISCAL IMPACT No fiscal impact is anticipated in view of the fact that the previously Resolution 89-293 appropriated $250,000.00, a portion of which is to be u environmental studies ($51,714.00). EXHI BITS 1) City Council Resolution No. 2) Agreement with P&D Technologies 3) Letter of understanding, dated November 2, 1989 fT'6/fl- I 3 c t \1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 i) 0 RESOLUTION NO. 89-410 A RESOLUTION OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BEmEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND P&D TECHNOLOGIES FOR PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRON- MENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE LAKE CALAVERA MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Californit hereby resolve as follows: 1) That certain agreement between the City of Ca and P&D Technologies for preparation of an Environmental Report for the Lake Calavera Golf Course is hereby approved 2) That the City Council of the City of Car California, hereby authorizes the Mayor to execute said agr in the amount not to exceed $51,714.00 in accordance with Technologies proposal October 18, 1989 and the Lett Understanding dated November 2, 1989, which is incorpora reference and made a part hereof. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting Carlsbad City Council held on the 21st day of November by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine and Mamaux NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Larson CLAUDE A. ATTEST: Ad<&??? &<T$&+$Lerk , - , / 0 t 1 AGREEMENT FOR THE PREPARATlON OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE CALAVERA LAKE MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE PROJECT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the - day of I 1989, by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", and P & D TECHNOLOGIES, hereinafter referred to a$ "CONSULTANT." RECITALS WHEREAS, the CITY agrees to prepare an Environmental Impact Report for thl proposed project identified as the Calavera Lake Municipal Golf Course which is locate1 adjacent to Calavera Lake, and more precisely shown on the map marked Exhibit "A attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT has the qualifications to prepare the require Environmental Impact Report; and WHEREAS, it is understood that the CONSULTANT shall be an independei contractor of the CITY; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual covenants and conditior the parties hereto agree as follows: .... .... I - -. i e e (1) DUTIES OF THE CONSULTANT CONSULTANT shall prepare an Environmental Impact Report for subject projec in accord with the California Environmental Quality Act as implemented by the Stat( Guidelines and by City in Title 19 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and its implementinc resolutions. In carrying out this obligation the CONSULTANT'S duties shall include thc following: (a) CONSULTANT shall prepare a draft report in compliance with the Stud Plan contained in Exhibit "B' on file at the Planning Department (unles otherwise stated in this agreement), attached hereto and made a pa hereof and with applicable state and CITY ordinances. The CONSULTAb shall submit to CITY fifty copies (in three-ring binders) plus a reproducib master of the draft EIR to the CITY. The CONSULTANT shall (1) conduct all necessary field reconnaissanr and utilize all existing available technical studies relative to the preparatic of the technical reports for this EIR; (2) appear and be prepared to ansm questions and prepare testimony on the final Environmental Impact Rep( at all public hearings before the Planning Commission and the City Cour prior to the certification of the report; (3) make all reports necessary comply with the requirements of this section. Before preparing the dr report, the CONSULTANT shall submit five copies of a preliminary rep (screen check EIR) to the Planning Director for staff review. 7 (b) -2- I 1 -. e e * - CONSULTANT shall revise the preliminary report as requested by staff in order to make it suitable for draft EIR review. CONSULTANT shall attempt to determine as soon as possible in his study of the area involved, those factors which could severely inhibit or prohibii the proposed project. If it appears that such factors are present, he shal so inform the Planning Director who will determine the feasibility o continuing with the report. The objective of this subsection of thc agreement is to minimize the cost of these adverse factors exist. CONSULTANT shall prepare and file with the CITY written responses ti all comments received subsequent to public notice that the dra Environmental Impact Report has been filed. CONSULTANT shall alsi prepare any responses necessary to matters raised at the public hearing: The written responses shall be prepared in a form that will permit tt- responses to be incorporated into the final Environmental Impact Repor (c) (d) (2) DUTIES OF THE CITY (a) The CITY will make payment to the CONSULTANT as provided for in th agreement. The CITY will make available to the CONSULTANT any document, studie or other information in its possession related to the proposed project. (b) .... ... -3- I k 6 e m r (c) The CITY will review the Preliminary Report presented by the CONSULTANT within fourteen working days of their receipt and make written comments to the CONSULTANT within that time period. The CITY shall provide the consultant with copies of all written comment5 received on the draft Environmental Impact Report subsequent to public notice that the draft Environmental Impact Report has been filed and i: available for public review. (3) TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT (d) The CITY may terminate this agreement at any time by giving written notice t the CONSULTANT of such termination and specifying the effective date therec at least fifteen days prior to the effective date of the termination. In event 1 termination of all finished or unfinished documents and other materials preparc pursuant to this agreement shall become its property. Upon termination f reasons other than breach of this agreement CITY shall pay CONSULTANT tl reasonable value of the services completed to the date of notice of terminatic RELEASE OF INFORMATION BY CONSULTANT Any reports, information or other data, prepared or assembled by . CONSULTANT under this agreement shall not be made available to any individ or organization by the CONSULTANT without the prior written approval of CITY. (4) .... -4- I *, e e * (5) OWNERSHIP, PUBLICATION, REPRODUCTION AND USE OF LAND USE AND PUBLIC FACILITY ECONOMIC IMPACT REPORTS AND OTHER MATERIALS All documents and materials prepared pursuant to this agreement are the property of the CITY. The CITY shall have the unrestricted authority to publish, disclose, distribute and otherwise use, in whole or in part, any reports, data, or other materials prepared under this agreement. (6) PAYMENT The CONSULTANT will be paid a maximum of $51,714.00 dollars for all work necessary to carry out the requirements of this agreement. Actual payment shall be based on the cost of the report based on the costs as set forth in Attachment "8''. The CONSULTANT shall be paid twenty percent of the compensable services completed, within 15 days after receipt of the invoice for the completed constraints map. The CONSULTANT shall be paid forty percent of the compensable services completed, within 15 days after receipt of this invoice for the completion of the draft Environmental Impact Report in accordance with Paragraph 1 above. The CONSULTANT will be paid twenty-five percent upon acceptance by the CITY of the response to comments from the CONSULTANT, the final fifteen percent will be paid not to exceed the maximum amount providea in this agreement, within thirty days after receipt of invoice, to be submitted after the certification of the Environmental Impact Report by the City Council. .... -5- , I -. e 0 - (7) TIME OF COMPLETION Time is of the essence in carrying out the terms of this agreement. The CONSULTANT shall submit to the CITY five copies of the Screen Check Draft Environment Report within four weeks of the completion of the preliminary golf course design. The CONSULTANT shall submit to the CITY fifty copies of the draft Environmental Impact Report within fifteen working days of the completed staff review of the Preliminary Environmental Impact Report. (8) LIMITS OF THE OBLIGATION The limits of the obligation of the CITY under this agreement is in the sum of $51,714.00 which amount is estimated to be sufficient to compensate the consultant for all services performed hereunder during the terms of this agreement. In the event at any time it appears to the CONSULTANT that saic sum may not be sufficient, he shall immediately so notify the Planning Director He will not perform any work or incur any obligation beyond said sum o $51,714.00 without appropriate amendment to this agreement. (9) CHANGES IN WORK If, in the course of this contract, changes of the terms of this agreement seer merited by the CONSULTANT or the CITY and informal consultations indicat that a change in the conditions of the contract is warranted, the CONSULTAN or the CITY may request a change in the contract. Such changes shall k processed by the CITY in the following manner. A letter outlining the require -6- I -. 0 0 - changes shall be fotwarded to the CIlY or CONSULTANT to inform them of the proposed changes along with a statement of estimated changes in charges or time schedule. After reaching mutual agreement on the proposal, a supplemental agreement shall be prepared by the CITY and approved by the City Council. Such supplemental agreement shall not render ineffective or invalid unaffected portions of the agreement. Changes requiring immediate action by the CONSULTANT or the CITY shall be ordered by the Planning Director, who will inform a principal of the CONSULTANT'S firm of the necessity of such action and follow up with a supplemental agreement covering such work. The lump sum amounts detailed in this agreement shall be adjusted for changes, either additivc or deductive, in the scope of work. (10) HOLD HARMLESS The CONSULTANT will indemnify the CITY against and hold it harmless from a and any cost, expense, or liability for damages on account of injury or death t persons or damage to property resulting from or arising out of or in any WE connected with the performance by consultant of this agreement, including tt- defense of any action arising therefrom. CONSULTANT will reimburse the CP for all costs, expenses and losses incurred by it in consequence of any claim demands and causes of action which may be brought against it by a perst arising out of the performance by CONSULTANT of this agreement. .... -7- i -. 0 0 - (1 1) MAINTAIN INSURANCE CONSULTANT shall, at all times that this agreement is in effect or the premises are occupied by CONSULTANT, cause to be maintained in force and effect an insurance policy or policies which will insure and indemnify both CITY and CONSULTANT against liability or financial loss resulting from injuries occurring to persons or property in or about the premises or occurring as a result of any acts or activity of CONSULTANT. The liability under such insurance policy shall be not less than $100,000 for any one person injured or $300,000 for any one accident and $50,000 for property damage. The policy shall be written by E responsible company or companies to be approved by CITY, and shall be noncancelable except on ten days’ written notice to CITY. Such policy shal name CITY as co-insured and a copy of such policy shall be filed with the CITY (1 2) INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR CONSULTANT in accordance with his status as an independent contractor covenants and agrees that he will conduct himself consistent with such statu! that he will neither hold himself out as nor claim to be an officer or employee ( the CITY by reason hereof, and that he will not by reason hereof, make an claim, demand, or application to or for any right or privilege applicable to i officer or employee of the CITY including, but not limited to, workmen compensation coverage, unemployment insurance benefits, social securi coverage, or retirement membership credit. -8- -. e e - The CONSULTANT shall be aware of the requirements of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (8 USC Sec. 1101 -1525) and shall comply with those requirements, including, but not limited to, verifying the eligibility for employment of all agents, employees, su b-contractors and consultants that are included in this agreement. (13) ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT CONSULTANT shall not assign this contract or any part thereof or any monie: due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. (1 4) SUBCONTRACTING If the Consultant shall subcontract any of the work to be performed under thi contract by CONSULTANT, the CONSULTANT shall be fully responsible to th CITY for the acts and omissions of Consultant’s subcontractor and of th persons either directly or indirectly employed by the subcontractor, as Consultar is for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by CONSULTAN Nothing contained in this contract shall create any contractual relationsh between any subcontractor of CONSULTANT and the CITY. The CONSULTAh shall bind every subcontractor and every subcontractor of a subcontractor by tl terms of this contract applicable to Consultant’s work unless specifically notr to the contrary in the subcontract in question approved in writing by the CIP .... .... -9- i I. e 0 - (1 5) PROHIBITED INTEREST No official of the CITY who is authorized in such capacity on behalf of the CITY to negotiate, make, accept, or approve, or take part in negotiating, making, accepting, or approving of any architectural, engineering inspection, construction or material supply contractor, or any subcontractor in connection with the construction of the project, shall become directly or indirectly interested personally in this contract or in any part thereof. No officer, employee, architect attorney, engineer, or inspector of or for the CITY who is authorized in such capacity and on behalf of the CITY to exercise any executive, supervisory, o other similar functions in connection with the performance of this contract sha become directly or indirectly interested personally in this contract or any par thereof. VERBAL AGREEMENT OR CONVERSATION No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent, or employee of th City, either before, during, or after the execution of this contract, shall affect t modify any of the terms or obligations herein contained nor such verb agreement or conversation entitle the Consultant to any additional payment whatsoever under the terms of this agreement. (1 6) .... .... .... -1 0- . e 0 -. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the day and year first above written. CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Municipal Corporation of the State of California BY CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor BY CONSULTANT ATTESTED: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: VINCENT F. BIONDO, JR. City Attorney -1 1- -. I N011WlC* DL 2 MEW *WEN 2L 4 CAYB;(IOGE *I 3 CAPE COO Clll 3 WSOOBJRY cr k CALAVERA.LAKE MUNICIPAL 'GOLF COURSE b' #8 .. e Ex 1) .,Dit "6" . A PROPOSAL FOR PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR CALVERA LAKE GOLF COURSE October 18, 1989 Submitted to: City of Carlsbad 2075 La Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Submitted by: P&D Technologies, Inc. 401 West "A" Street Suite 2500 San Diego, CA 92101 . (619) 232-4466 0 PBD Technologies Piannmg 401 W A Street Transpori Suite 2500 San Diego CA 92101 Environrr 619.232-4466 Economil Landsca, Arcbite An Ashlard Technology Corrpany . Ergineer H ? 0 1- October 18, 1939 931 1623 Mr. Michael Holzmiller Planning Director City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Dear Mike: P&D Technologies is pleased to present this proposal to prepare an Environ- mental Impact Report for the Caiavera Lake Golf Course project. Through our recent involvement with similar projects in the area? P&cC can provide the City of Carlsbad the full expertise necessary to complete the EIR. PbcD's staff of environmental experts? engineers, and transportation specialists are very familiar with the issues to be addressed in this EIR. This project team will be further assisted by Vince Scheidt and Brian Smith who have extensive experience in the preparation of CEQA mandated documents. PdcD's Environmental Group is or has recently prepared environmental assessments for the Aviara Pump Station and Green Valley Local Facilities Management Zone 23 Plan and is involved in permit assistance and mitigation monitoring for Cannon had. Ms. Dehoney will be project manager for this project. She has completed several projects, including the permitting for sensitive projects, for the City. We appreciate this opportunity to present our qualifications and approach to this project, and look forward to your reply. Very truly yours, P&D TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Y . /,A 3 (;:I k, 6ettyDeho ey Manager, Environmental Studies Group B D: M P : be Attachment t e” 6 e TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Page 1 2 L INTRODUCTION UNDERSTANDING OF THE PROJECT 4 11. SCOPEOF WORK 4 4 OVERALL METHODOLOGY DESCRIPTION OF TASKS 11 III. PROJECT SCHEDULE 12 IV. FIRM AND PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS 18 V. COST 20 VL STATEMENT OF OFFER AND SIGNATURE . 5 0 0 I. INTRODUCTION . P&I) Technologies, Inc. (PdcD) presents the following proposal in response to the City of Carlsbad's request for proposals (RFP) for the preparation of a Draft and Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Candidate CEQA Findings for the proposed Calavera Golf Course project. As requested in the RFP, P&D proposes to: .. 1. Prepare a Draft and Final EIR, which will comply with the criteria, standards and procedures of: o The California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code Sections 21000 et seq.); The State CEQA Guidelines (Cal. Admin. Code Sections 15000 et seq.); The Environmental Protection Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad; and The regulations, requirements and procedures of any other responsible agency with jurisdiction by law, although as lead agency, the City of Carlsbad's requirements shall prevail in case of conflict; o o o 2. Assemble available relevant data, complete necessary resource/technical studies and/or assessments, and evaluate probable short and long term cumulative impacts; 3. Evaluate feasible mitigation measures which may reduce or eliminate signifi- cant impacts of the proposed project; 4. Analyze feasible alternatives to the project as proposed which could reduce significant impacts; and =. 5. Cite in the Findings the economic, social, or other conditions which render the mitigation measures or alternatives infeasible; identify which measures are incorporated into the project and any that are not, and identify feasible alternatives which could reduce impacts but are not proposed. - 1- \- m e UNDERSTANDING OF THE PROJECT -. .. The Calavera Lake Golf Course is proposed to be located in the northeast corner of the City of Carlsbad, immediately south of Lake Boulevard and west of Nighthawk Way. The proposed site consists of 252 acres situated around the north, east and south sides of Calavera Lake. The site is to be developed as a regulation size 18- hole municipal golf course with a club house and maintenance facility. 1* The site is currently undeveloped and consists of a mixture of vegetation including coastal sage scrub, chaparral and riparian habitats. The most sensitive habitat area is found along Calavera Lake Creek which feeds into the lake from the northeast. The project site is characterized by low rolling hills and small canyons ranging in elevation from approximately 200 feet mean sea level (MSL) to 415 MSL. The site has been subject to some disturbances from off-road vehicle activity and clearing possibly for a fire break. The land uses in the surrounding area consist of residential uses in the City of Oceanside to the north and undeveloped property to the east, south and west of the site. There is an approved residential tentative tract map located adjacent to the site to the south. It is anticipated that access to the site would come from the south. The site is designated as open space in the City of Carlsbad's General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. The project is located in Local Facilities Management Zone 14. This document should be adopted by the time the EIR work is to be completed. The information contained within the Local Facilities Management Zone 14 can be used to describe the regional setting for issues such as traffic, water and sewers. In .addition, the following existing environmental information is available: a hydrological study for Northeastern Carlsbad's Basins of Calavera Lake Creek and Agua Hedionda Creek and a preliminary geotechnical investigation of the project site. . * . The City has a preliminary, conceptual design for the golf course. It is the City's intention to use the information generated from the site survey work (e.g., archaeology, geology and biolosy) to determine constraints to development. The Consultant will work with the City's golf course architect to recommend redesign of the project to mitigate for potentially significant environmental impacts. A - 2- -. m e -_ Citizen Steering Committee has been appointed to monitor and review the planning of the project. The City has identified the following three development/management options for a. the golf course: 1. Management or Ground Lease Option - City to contract with a developer for design, construction, and operation. Combination of Direct Operation and Alanagement or Ground Lease Options - City to provide preliminary design then contract with a developer/manage- ment company for final design/construction document, construction, and operation. Direct Operation and Management Option - City to design, construct. and contract out for operation. 2. 3. 7. -3- -. m 0 - -. II. SCOPE OF WORK OVERALL METHODOLOGY >I The technical and procedural requirements of the Calavera Lake Golf Course EIR will be accomplished within the framework of completing four major tasks. These tasks, and their related subtask activities, are: Task 1 - Project Scoping Task 2 - Draft EIR Task 3 - Final EIR Task 4 - Hearings/ Meetings DESCRIPTION OF TASKS This section of our proposal briefly summarizes the activities that are associated with each of these tasks. Task 1 - Project Scoping The main objectives of this task are to clearly define the project description, and the issues to be evaluated for the project, and the related projects (for cumulative impacts analysis). The major activity to be performed is to meet with the City to verify project issues and details encompassing the project description. .The City will be responsible for mailing the Notice of Preparation to relevant recipients. Upon receipt of comments, P&D will review the comments to ensure that the scoping of the EIR is adequate. Of utmost concern will be the refinement of the project description and data requirements for materials to be provided by . the applicant. Task 2 - Draft EIR The preparation of technical/resource studies will rely on both secondary source data and field investigation as necessary. As described earlier, several documents -4- -. w 0 -. prepared previously will provide a portion of the data base for existing conditions. Each issue analyzed will be presented in the following format: A. Existing Conditions 1- B. Potential Impacts C. Analysis of Significance D . Mi ti gati on h1 eas ur e s/ Moni to ri ng The impact assessment process to be used will identify the types of impacts that could occur, the resource sensitivity, whether impacts would be direct or indirect, and the duration of impacts (short-term vs. long-term). The determination of significance or non-significance is an assessment of the importance of the impact, and indicates a judgment which would warrant heightened attention during project planning and the recommendation of actions necessary to avoid or mitigate the impact. Recommendations on feasible mitigiation measures which could reduce or eliminate adverse impacts from the proposed Calavera Lake Golf Course project will be made within the document. In response to recent legislation (AB 31801, this section will also include a suggested monitoring and reporting program to imple- ment each mitigation measure. A stand-alone summary will be provided which outlines the suggested monitoring/report action and the project phase at which it should be incorporated. Findings will be prepared if there are mitigation measures or alternatives which would reduce impacts, but which are economically, socially or otherwise infeasible. The approach for analysis of each issue is summarized below: Land Use The existing and proposed land uses will be identified and described both graphically and narratively. The preliminary golf course plan will be evaluated for compatibility with surrounding land uses. Relevant general plan policies regarding land use will be summarized. Consistency of the project with general plan designations will be confirmed. Project impacts which could affect nearby . -5 - i v e -. residents will be evaluated. mitigation measures will be recommended. Should significant land use conflicts be identified, Visual Quality The visual quality task will encompass an evaluation of the landform alteration and the visual sensitivity of the site. The existing landform will be presented graphically with a topographic map of the site. Rotographs of the site will be taken from key observation points to describe the existing visual nature of the site. Since grading plans are not expected to be available. only a general description of landform changes can be provided. The changes in the view corridors will be analyzed for their impacts to sensitive view receptors. ivlitigation measures will be recommended as appropriate. Access/Circulation PdcD's traffic engineers will prepare a traffic analysis which will "dovetail" into the existing studies of public facilities for Zone 14 and 15, pending their acceptance. Since the golf course proposal represents a previously untested land use within the zone plan(s), it will be necessary to incrementally add the traffic resulting from the proposed course (which exceeds the previously identified "open space" use) in whichever zone plan is the most appropriate. It is assumed that the background studies will be available from the City and that only one zone plan will need to be amended. An examination of each of the years being analyzed in the zone plan in addition to the ultimate will be made. Traffic measures and methods will follow the City's adopted policies for zone plans, particularly in the areas of level of service measures and assumptions. Roadway segment volumes and peak intersection calculations will be performed at . all affected intersections identified in the zone plan study which are expected to carry significant golf course traffic. Geology/Soil s The City will provide the preliminary geotechnical investigation report. P&D will summarize and reformat the information contained in the geotechnical report into -5 - 0 0 I the appropriate EIR format. The project setting will describe the geological units. soils and geologic hazards (e.g., slope stability, liquefaction, and landslide poten- tial) present on the site. The impacts section will analyze whether the geological and soil formations on the site will pose potential impacts to future development. Ar The mitigation section will summarize the recommendations contained in the geotec hni cal report . Hydrology/ Water Quality The City will provide the Hydrological Study for Northeastern Carlshd's Basins of Calavera Lake Creek and Agua Hedionda Creek. The EIR will provide a summary of the information contained in this study to describe the existing hydrological conditions and drainage patterns of the project area. Impacts to water quality associated with fertilizer and pesticide use for the proposed golf course are a major concern. Increases in runoff will be discussed in a general manner and features incorporated into the design to accommodate runoff will be reviewed. The Regional Water Quality Control Board will be contacted to determine the significance of impacts associated with runoff into Calavera Lake (a potable water source). Should concerns be identified by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District regarding runoff impacts, P&D will consult with a qualified geotechnicd firm to address water quality impacts associated with the quantity of runoff and the significance of impacts. If necessary, mitigation techniques will be recommended for inclusion into the project design. Economics/Pubiic Finance P&D will conduct a preliminary financial analysis of the three development/man- agement options described in the RFP including (1) the management or ground lease options; and (3) the direct operation and management options. We will work 7. with the City staff to determine the probable terms of public financing to be used and the probable terms of management contract or ground lease. The analysis will examine costs of financing, constructing and operating the golf course and the generation of revenues from fees. Cash flow to the City will be estimated under the three options. The City or the City's golf course architect will provide estimated construction costs. Operating costs from similar facilities will be used in the analysis. -7 - 1) m -_ - Biology P&D's subconsultant, Mr. Vince Scheidt, will perform a complete biological reconnaissance for the project site, to identify existing habitat and determine specific impacts. The site is currently undeveloped and consists of a variety of vegetative habitats. Riparian habitat is located along the drainage east of the lake. All observed plant and wildlife species will !x mapped and listed in the technical report. Mitigation measures will be recommended including redesign of the project to avoid significant impacts. >r Cultural Resources PErD's subconsultant, Brian Smith and Associates, will perform an archaeological record search for the project site to determine the presence of any previously recorded prehistoric or historic sites. A complete archaeological field reconnais- sance will be performed for the 252-acre site. All prehistoric and historic sites will be recorded and site records will be filed. Should sites be encountered, testing for significance is not included in this scope of work. Potential impacts will be determined and mitigation measures will be recommended. Water/ W ater Redamation/Sewer There is presently no water and sewer service to the site. P&D will work with City staff and the Carlsbad Municipal Water District personnel to identify future service capabilities in the project vicinity. Water consumption for the project is expected to be high due to the irrigation requirements for the golf course. The City is in the process of adopting a Water Reclamation blaster Plan. The feasbility of using reclaimed water from either the Calavera Hills or the Shadow Ridge (City of Vista) reclamation plants will be examined. The provision of sewer service is 7 dependent upon the timing of improvements to the south of the project site (Carlsbad Highlands). P&D will work with City staff to determine project timing and the possibility of a temporary transfer agreement for sewer service with the City of Oceanside. Any recommendation from staff for provision of service to the project site beyond that proposed in conjunction with the project, will be included as mitigation. -% - r m a Alternatives .- ..- The Alternatives section will be written to satisfy CEQA requirements and will provide a discussion of the "No Project" scenario. If the EIR identifies any significant. unmitigated impacts. PJ;D will then work with City staff to define alternatives that reduce those impacts to below a level of significance. It is anticipated that two alternatives, a sensitive design and an alternative siting. may be required. P&D will review the requirements to evaluate an alternative siting with the City. Should an alternative siting analyses be required, it would not include site reconnaissance. I. P&D will prepare the Draft EIR which will include the environmental analyses described above, as well as the following sections: o Introduction - - - Summary of Alternatives Scope and Purpose of the Report Summary of Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring Measures o Project Description - Location - Project Description and Objectives - Background - Project Setting o Environmental Analyses (described above) . o Alternatives (described above) o Sources - References - Persons Contacted - Preparers -, o Statement of Accuracy We will submit 5 copies of the Preliminary Draft EIK and Appendices to the City for their review, revise the text as appropriate, and submit 50 copies of the revised -9- .- a 0 - Draft (in 3-ring binders) and 12 copies of the Appendices to the City. One -* reproducible master COPY of the Draft EIR; suitable for City equipment will be submitted as well. The public review period will follow. 2- Task 3 - Final ER P&D will prepare responses to public comments received during the public review period (assume a maximum of 30 substantive comments). These responses will be submitted to the City for their review, and subsequently revised as appropriate. P&D will also prepare Findings, if necessary, at this time. The comments and responses, together with the Draft EIR will constitute the Final EIR. We will submit 50 copies of the Final EIR (in 3-ring binders) and 12 copies of the Appendices to the City. Task 4 - MeetingdHearings The P&D project manager will attend the required public hearings including up to four hearings (4 hours each). It is anticipated that one staff meeting, one presentation to the Citizen Steering Committee, and a City Council hearing will be required. Any required attendance beyond these four meetingdhearings will be billed on a time and materials basis. -. -10- -. W 0 _- I III. PROJECT SCHEDULE .. . . .._ The following schedule reflects the milestones and products to be produced by PbcD 1. . Technologies. This schedule .is easily achievable, assuming provision of all project information, and may be revised or amended by the City of Carlsbad as the project progresses. Cumulative Milestone/Product Weeks Notice to Proceed 0 Screencheck Draft EIR 6 6 Staff Review Draft EIR 2 8 Draft EIR 2 10 Public Review Period 6 16 Response to Comments 2 18 Staff Review 2 20 Final EIR 1 21, . ,. ..s -. .. .. -. A -1 1- , w a _- I IV. FIRM AND PERSONNEL QUALFICATIONS P&D Technologies' Environmental Studies Group provides a variety of services to public and private clients throughout the Southern California area. The principal staff members have from 10 to 15 years experience with environmental compliance requirements, and extensive knowledge of current legislation and regulations. 1- PdiD's areas of expertise include environmental analysis and documentation, ecological inventory and monitoring, feasibility and site selection studies, and public involvement programs. These services are supported and augmented by PhD's in-house planning and architecture, economics and public finance, transpor- tation, engineering, surveying and graphics services. P&D is particularly experienced in providing legally defensible environmental documentation for con- troversial projects. The staff of PhD's Environmental Stuides Group is skilled at tailoring compliance activities and documentation to each agency's regulations. P&D is well-versed in the City of Carlsbad's policies and procedures, having recently completed environmental permit processing for Palomar Airport Road and La Costa Avenue. P&D is currently preparing environmental documentation for Aviara Pump Station, Murphy Sewer, Green Valley Local Facilities Management Zone 23 Plan and Cannon Road. PhD Technologies has proven experience in completing state-required Environ- mental Impact Reports EIRs), f ederally-required Environmental Impact Statements (EISs), and other environmental analyses and assessments for a variety . of proposed urban and infrastructure development projects. Principal services that P&D offers to carry out environmental compliance requirements include: o Identification of federal, state and local permit requirements and environmental reports. Evaluation of sites in terms of environmental, engineering and regu- latory criteria. =. o o Design and implementation of environmental baseline survey and m eas ur em ent program s. -12- . e 0 -. Over 100 environmental impact reports and statements have been prepared by PEcD _r in the last 5 years on a broad spectrum of public and private projects. P&D's Environmental Studies Group primary area of expertise is the provision of high quality en vi ronm ental docum ent ation re qui red under the California Environment a1 Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). >. The P&D library houses up-to-date copies of guidelines issued by State of California Resources Agency, State Water Quality Control Doard, City and County of San Diego, CalTrans, Federal Highway Administration, Council on Environ- mental Quality, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and Department of Housing and Urban Development. EIR guidelines used by many other San Diego County cities are also included in the library's collection. Listings of rare and endangered species by Federal and State agencies and special interest groups are kept on file, as well as listings of local, State and Federal historic resources. P&D staff members have a broad base of experience working with these guidelines to prepare EIRs and EISs in the San Diego region and thoughout California. As a result of their knowledgeable adherence to agency guidelines, P&D Technologies has never experienced a viable legal challenge to an EIR or EIS. The project team organization is shown graphically in Figure 1 and the percent contribution (based on total direct labor costs) of each team member is provided below. Staff Task Percent Contribution . Betty Dehoney Project Manager 22 Mary Putnam Senior Environmental Analyst 7 Arnold Torma Access/Circulation 9 Econom ics/ Pu bli c F i nance - Craig Tackabery iIydrology/ Water Quality 4 Brian Biamonte Envi ronrn ental Analyst 20 Vince Scheidt Biology 12 Brian Smith Archaeology 3 Staff Word Processing 6 Graphics - Jun Onaka 12 5 1 GO36 Staff -13- - & ". A - ! -151; al 1; b I$ I E Ga w ?- urn i@ g 0 2p: Qz *- 4 n a -E?yz 9 -% 5 pI EE 2 PI 0- 43 b 4 &? F$ a C'Lj 3 5s DS .(. E 3: * E H - - - rn W V % g5i Hs? 25 wm 2% OZ 2 ud: % $. ES 04 z 00 >: 0 - i44 .', x kl -4u . e=E -- wo CII D@J - - - 7 E $2 $E 35.1 -0 E L2! E!m sq %x E - 2i 5 4b 33 w g J 1 ;;E E qgn -4 -* 2 2 s 32 Srn 32 n 4 -m *a w Ju 8% 8 $6 m 4z p=m 5 CJk WU * ++I 16 1 p ;I -- % JG WPj 0 4 - I m ww b 4 E gn Em JPj 0 4 u --I - z % Y E p1 34 &I 2 ZZQ a mz 4 3 ?$j c; \u -524 3 pI -Fi 2 & h- mB W zi u W V V 4 0 0 W r .- P&D TECHNOLOGIES e. Betty Dehoney - Project Manager Ms. Betty Dehoney is the manager of P3iD's Environmental Studies- Group in San Diego. She has 10 years experience in San Diego and throughout the southwestern United States. Her responsibilities include project management and the coor- dination, analysis and preparation of technical reports. She has extensive experience in conducting environmental studies for regulatory compliance and impact assessments. She is well versed in the procedures and requirements of CEQA and NEPA, as well as those of various regulatory agencies such as the California Department of Fish and Game, US. Army Corps of Engineers and US. Fish and 'A'ildlif e Serivce. >. Ms. Dehoney recently managed the permit acquisition for the La Costa Avenue Road Widening project, located adjacent to Batiquitos Lagoon, and which included involvement with the City of Carlsbad, California Coastal Commission, California Department of Fish and Game, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. She has been involved in several controversial projects including a jail in Imperial County, and Vulcan Mountain near Julian. Other recent projects include EIRs for the Rancho del Rey SPA 11, Chula Vista General Plan Update, Rancho del Sur and Sunbow projects in Chula Vista, Pilgrim Creek and Mission Wells in Oceanside and Environmental Assessments for Military Housing (WESTDIV - U.S. Navy). She is currently serving as project manager for the Cannon Road Reach 1 Mitigation Monitoring Program. * Mary Donovan Futnam - Land Use, Visual Quality Ms. Putnam is a project manager with over 11 years experience. She is currently or has recently served as project manager and principle environmental analyst for the Rancho del Rey SPA I1 EIR (Chula Vista), Rancho San Diego Golf Resort EIR (County of San Diego), 1989 Regional Transportation Plan EIR Beach Preservation Initiative EIK (Del Mar), Carmel Mountain Ranch Rock Crusher EIR (City of San Diego) and the Willow Glen Drive Borrow Site EIR (County of San Diego). Ms. Putnam was responsible for the preparation of environmental studies for the CSU site-selection study, Rams Hill Resort in Borrego Springs, Town Centre I1 -. -15- I b-' 0 W r J redevelopment project in the City of Chula Vista and the coordination of .* preparation/compilation of responses to the California Energy Cornmission's data requests for the SANDER project, which involved both technical and environmental issues. Ms. Putnarn has perforrned land use and visual quality analyses for numerous other projects in the San Diego region. 1. Dr. Jun Onaka - Econornics/Public Finance Dr. Jun Onaka has over 12 years experience, in addition to his ?h.D. dissertation research in urban and land development planning, development finance and environmental assessments. While Dr. Onaka's expertise is widespread throughout the southwestern United States, his local experience includes economic and fiscal impact studies for the City of Chula Vista in connection with its General Plan Update, the Towne Centre 11 Redevelopment project and the on-going Rancho del Rey SPA 111 project. Brian Biamonte - Environmental Analyst Mr. Biamonte is an environmental analyst with P&D. He has experience in the processing, compilation, and review of environmental documentation. He is currently working as an environmental analyst for Rancho del Rey SPA 111 EIR in Chula Vista, and the Jackson Drive Extension EIR in the City of San Diego. Prior to joining P&D, Mr. Biamonte served with the City of Poway, County of San Diego and a private engineering firm in various roles as planner, environmental analyst and engineering technician. '- J, Arnold Torma - Access Circulation Mr. Torma is the Director of Transportation Planning. In this capacity, he provides assistance on all traffic-related issues, including circulation forecasting, traffic projecting and roadway feasibility analysis. Mr. Torma has performed numerous -. impact studies on both proposed and existing roadways. Recent and on-going impact analyses include the Town Centre IH Redevelopment project, Rancho del Rey SPA U, and the Otay Mesa phasing plan. With over fifteen years of experience in transportation engineering and planning with public agencies and private firms, he has extensive experience conducting and managing municipal transportation planning, traffic operations, regional transit planning, pro j ect access/ ci rculation impacts, transportation modeling, financing, and phasing of roadway improvements. -16- 4- 0 e - ." Craig Tackabery - Hydrology/Water Quality Mr. Tackabery has five years experience in the preparation of civil engineering drawings. His experience is well rounded and indudes: the design of streets and highways, sewer systems, drainage systems (including hydrology and hydraulic calculations), detention basins, analysis of open channels and natural streams: gradindearthwork studies; site plans, tentative maps, water systems, cost estimating, field coordination and plan processing). Mr. Tackabery has a masters degree in Business Administration from San Diego State University and is a professionally registered P.E. in the State of California. His recent project experience indudes Rancho San Clemente in the City of San Clemente, 4-S Ranch in San Diego, the Pacific Rim project in Carlsbad, and Carmel Del Mar in San Diego. 1. BRIAN SMITH ASSOCIATES Brian Smith - Cultural Resources Mr. Smith will conduct the archaeological investigations for this project. Mr. Smith has a masters degree from the University of San Diego in History and Anthropology. He is certified by the City and County of San Diego, and fulfills all the Society of Professional Archaeologists (SOPA) qualifications for expertise in the fields of historic and prehistoric archaeology. Mr. Smith has completed over 400 archaeological and historical studies for various projects in the San Diego regional area. VINE SCHEIDT - CONSULTING BIOLOGIST Vince Scheidt - Biology Mr. Scheidt is a consulting field biologist with over IO years experience. He -. conducts complete biological surveys and related studies to assess resource values in conjunction with land use planning and development projects. He specializes in the identification and evaluation of rare, endangered and sensitive native com- munities of flora and fauna. He has completed numerous biological technical reports in association with P&D Technologies including those for FonJon Kennel (City of San Diego), Green Valley (Carlsbad), and the Palomar Airport Road Mitigation project (Carlsbad). -17- L * -d m e - c - V. COST CAILAVERA LAKE GOLF COURSE EIR COST ESTIMATE Task Personnel Hours Rate Amount DElR ,. . I. Sco ping Pro j ec t ’ M ana ge r 8 $ 70 $ 560 Intro/Sum rnar y Analyst 16 45 720 CEQA Mandated Analyst 20 45 90 0 Land Use Senior Analyst 24 59 1.416 Visual Senior Analyst 24 59 1.416 Ci r cul ati on Analyst 20 45 90 0 Geolog y/Soil s Analyst 16 45 720 Hydrology/ Water Engineer 24 75 1.800 Quality Analyst 24 45 1.080 Economics Analyst 16 45 720 Biology Analyst 16 45 720 Archaeology Analyst 12 45 5 40 WaterISewer Analyst 32 45 1.440 A1 ternatives Analyst 40 45 1.800 Subtotal $15,204 Pro j ect Description Senior Analyst 8 59 472 TECHNICAL STUDIES Biology Vince Scheidt 6,000 - Archaeology Brian Smith and Associates 1,500 Circulation Arnold Torma/P&D 4,250 Subtotal $16,850 Economics Dr. Jun Onaka/P&D 5,100 . 11. REPORT PREPARATION Quality Control Pro j ect M anager 16 $ 70 $ 1.120 Report Preparation Project Manager 36 70 2,520 4 Word Processing Staff 60 45 2,700 - G raphi cs Staff 60 40 2,400 Sub to tal $ 8,740 . 111. FEIR Report Preparation Proj ect Manager 32 $ 70 $ 2:240 Subtotal $ 2.240 -18- I -D a m 0. 4 4. Task Personnel Hours Rate Amount . IV. ADblINISTRATION a. Project Management Project ivianager 40 $ 70 $ 2.800 * hi ee ti ngs/ 1-1 eari ng P r o j ec t ib4 ana ge r 20 70 I .400 Economist 8 85 680 Subtot a1 $ 4.880 TOTAL DIRECT LABOR $47?914 V. OTHER 5 Screencheck EIRs (100 pages) 50 DEIRs (100 pgs.) and 12 Appendices (100 pgs.) 50 FEIRs (125 pgs.) and 12 Appendices (100 pgs.) Materials (miscellaneous, print, mileage, Photo reproduction, etc.) 300 Subtotal $ 1.800 TOTAL NOT-TO-EXCEED COST $49.714 (Submitted in Fring binders) $ 1.500 -. -19- " rl m e *. i .r VL STATEMENT OF OFFER AND SIGNATURE The proposal as stated herein is a firm offer for a maximum period of 60 days. All work, as described in the proposal, will be performed at the "not-to-exceed" price of $49,714. Once scoping meetings have occurred, and any changes made to the scope and fee as identified in this proposal. the revised fee will become a "fixed price" fee. 1. Sls. Betty Dehoney, Manager, Environmental Studies Group, of P&D Technologies, Inc.; 401 West "A" Street, Suite 2500; San Diego, CA 92101; (619) 232-4466, is the project representative responsible for scope and fee negotiations and contract bidding. She may be contacted at the address and phone number shown above during the period of proposal evaluation. Mr. Marinus W. Baak, Senior Vice President and General Manager: will be responsible for final contract dosing. /?j Jm& Lw /% -qarinus W. Baak, Senior Vice President, General Manager -- . -20- - (I) EXHIBIT 3 PBD Technologies Plannii 401 W A Street Engine Suite 2500 Transpl San Diego CA 92101 Enwror Econol 6'9.232.4466 @ u 'Y 2 c *. An Ashlard Technology Company November 2, 1989 93116. Mr. Brian Hunter City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Dear Brian: P&D Technologies is pleased to have been selected to prepare Calavera Lake Golf Course EIR. Persuant to our p conversation on November 1, 1989, this is a Letter Understanding regarding P&D's Calavera Lake Golf Course proposal dated October 18, 1989. Per your request, the follo will serve to clarify two issues within the scope of outlined in our proposal. Task 1- Project Scopinq: The City will provide tke consul with a preliminary golf course design. As part of tk SCG process, the consultant will provide the City with input re1 to the physical constraints on the property. P&D will pro the City with a constraints map to assist the City in formula a final golf course design. In particular, geology, hydro1 archaeology and biology (as the results of these surveys available) Task 4- Meetinqs/Hearings :The above input will req additional coordination with the City over that which meetings with Eity staff into our proposal, bringing the t number of meetings/hearings up to seven. Any requ zittendance beyond these seven meetings/hearings will be bi on a time and materials basis. The additional meetings and the preparation of a constraints will require an amendment to our original budget. We esti these tasks to cost $2000.00. This brings our revised t not-to-exceed cost up to $51,714.00. Please let me knorr if Lettzr of Understanding meets your requirements for proces the Agreemnent for Professional Services. Sincerely, will be plotted on a map of the property. criyi~%lly prcnmSed. AS suck, PLD ~i71 in~la3~ tkr~~ sd2!iti -3 c' ;l3 1- I- p.Iii.< ;- /LA ,[\:?/LfL>-d I Mary D. Putnam Project Manaqer