HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-11-21; City Council; 10380; Appeal of Notice of Violation and Order to Remove 3745 Adams StreetI cm OF CARLSBAD - AGENIX BILL 3" \ s oQ\ .o am ad 4- 9.- -h h Ll. kj; 25 :$ 2% .z a " uu Q)Q) 01Q) Q)Q) fiE 55 00 uu :: 7s .a a * uu a cc 2 z 2 .rl w ~ ~~ ~ Eiig T'TLE: ~~~ ~ -1 ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ DEPT. HI APPW OF NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND ORD CITY An To REMOVE AT 3745 ADAMS STREET CITY MG I I RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council DENY the appellants request for an APPEAL of the Notice and Order issued by the Community Development Director. I EEIvf EXPLANATION This is a request for an appeal of the requirement to repair and abate several violations of joint tenant owners of the real property. Mrs. Bryan requests unspecified additional time to repair and abate the violations. Mrs. Bryan's appeal is based on several reasons which are more fully disclosed within the attached request for appeal dated August 21, 1989. the Carlsbad Municipal Code at 3745 Adams Street made by Mrs. Betty Bryan, one of the Staff has prepared a detailed response to each of the appellants statements. Essentially, staff believes that the immediate health and safety concerns due to some of the violations to the property owners and residents, as well as, surrounding neighborhood override the appellant's requests for an extension of time. Staff has not put an unreasonable burden, either by time or repairs required, to warrant any extensions. EzCHlBrrs Urn m $g 5 M2-l M (dm .IJ 2: 2 uu EE 1 22 2 ElH El Q\ *o Nhl '1 44 2q 4 0 Q\ \ \o \ hl z 0 a .. 6 =i 0 z 3 0 0 / 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Location Map Notice of Violation Offical Notices from San Diego County Health Department Memo to file of inspection record Memo to Code Enforcement from Building Inspector Memorandum from Code Enforcement to Community Development Director dated October 12, 1989 Request of Appeal FIRST BAPTIST ST, PATRICK’S CHURCH & SCHOOL i 4 city of Carlsbad /I e w b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -E$- *r*it'.\ Lt L",C. (JE qr:; : ' : VC1 .. :' . , ' (-IT!; (y <fl >; 3; r- 1 DEL". - . ..-.>. u"~_ b, .. :k.J.- BEFORE THE BOARD OF APPEALS \ryl n, ~~?~,,~ I__r. OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD In Re: Appeal of BETTY BRYAN, 1 APPEAL OF NOTICE OF VIOLATION ) AND ORDER TO REMOVE 1 1 ) Appellant. ) 1 BETTY BRYAN, for herself alone, respectfully appeals the Notice of Violation and Order to Remove issued by the City of Carlsbad, dated AUGUST 21, 1989. 1. APPELLANT'S LEGAL INTEREST: Appellant is a joint tenant owner of the real property commonly known as 3745 Adams Street in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California. Appellant further has a Community Property interest in and to the real property described herein by virtue of the marriage to CLARENCE C. BRYAN. 2. STATEMENT OF ORDER PROTESTED: Appellant seeks a modification of the Notice of Violation and Order to Remove, a "true and correct copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference, as follows: a. Appellant acknowledges the list of required repairs and specifically represents that she will undertake to complete the stated repairs as more fully set forth herein, except 1 // 0 w 'Y 1 2 3 4 for the following stated items which Appellant denies art in need of correction: 1) Item 3, p.1: Appellant denies that the basemen, excavation below the main structure was completed withoui 5 6 7 8 9 10 I permits, and states that said excavation was completed witi appropriate building department approval at the time 01 1 original construction of the dwelling. (2) Item 10, p.2: Appellant denies that there is an ope] well in the sub-floor of the basement and states that therc is no well being maintained on the subjecl I 11 li ProPertY.Further, Appellant contends that said foundatior 14 I meets applicable code requirements. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 3. STATEMENT OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Appellant respectfully seeks the following relief by virtue of this Appeal: A. As to the matters stated int he Notice of Violation and Order to Remove (other than those set forth in Paragraph 2 of this Appeal, above) Appellant seeks relief from the Order to permit Appellant a reasonable period of time in which to make the specified repairs in a proper manner. Appellant is current obtaining estimates from licensed contractors to undertake the necessary repairs and will 4 1 present td this Board at the time of the hearing on this 23 Appeal a schedule of the repairs to be completed, 24 25 26 27 B. As to the matters to which Appellant has objected as set forth in Paragraph 2, above, Appellant asks that these portions of the Order be set aside upon a finding that these are not violations of the Carlsbad Municipal Code 28 2 k 6 m 1 and/or San Diego County Codes. Specifically, Appellant 2 3 4 5 6 7 respectfully asserts that there is no open well maintainec on the premises, that the foundation has not deterioratec to the extent necessary to require repair, and/or that thc basement excavation was constructed in accordance with appropriate building requirements in effect at the time of construction of the dwelling. 8 9 4. REASONS FOR RELIEF SOUGHT: Appellant has attempted Over the past few months to obtain the cooperation of CLARENCE 1o C. BRYAN in making the necessary repairs to the dwelling, and in discontinuing his conduct which has lead to these proceedings. However, he has failed and refused to cooperate with Appellant. Appellant is seeking to take remedial measures against MR. BRYAN to protect Appellant's interest in the subject property, including, without limitation, seeking to have a conservatorship declared over MR. BRYAN'S estate and/or to seek temporary orders from the Superior Court preventing further acts of waste with regard to the subject property. Appellant will present to this Board with evidence of those proceedings at the time of 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 hearing herein. 22 Becaus6 of Appellants age, her financial condition, and 23 the lack of cooperation from MR. BRYAN, Appellant is unable 24 to complete the repairs set forth in the Notice of 25 Violation and Order to Remove within the times stated. 26 Appellant fully intends to make all required repairs to 27 save her residence from condemnation, and asks this Board 28 3 U i I1 e w I 11 to permit her the opportunity to do so. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Lastly, Appellant is being assisted by her daughter KATHERINE TOURUBAROFF in scheduling and coordinating the required repairs to the approval and satisfaction of this Board so as to save the only significant asset of thc estate between my husband and myself.. She is likewisc . seeking assistance from the Senior Citizen Legal Counsel and the Carpenters Union in order to make the necessarl repairs and compel the cooperation of the joint tenant, MR. BRYAN. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoin< is true and correct. Executed this 26th day of September, 1989 at Oceanside, California. 14 15 16 17 2204 El Camino Real, Ste. 314 Oceanside, CA 92054 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2% 4 II 4 0 +, - CERTi"ED August 31, 1389 Clarcncc C. Bqan 3745 Adams Strcct Carlsbad, CA 92008 ' Bctty L Bryan .-. - 3745 ADAMS !TIZEET, APN: 205-270-13 NOTTCE OF VTOLATION ORDER TO REMOVE An inspcction of thc abovc rclcrcnccd propcrty and structurcs was performed on August 24, 19S9. The inspection rcvealcd several violations of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, San Diego County Codes, rcgarding health, sanitation and safcty, Uniform Housing Code and National Elcctrical Code. Thc following is 8 list of thc dcrccts found on the propcrty: 1. Rooms in thc main structure utilized as bcdrooms without adcquate light and 2. Ijnthrmrns without ndcquate light and ventilation [UI-TC 504(a)]. 3. BuiIding foundation, supporting a two story unrcinforccd adobe construction, 1x1s bccn undcrmincd by cxcnvation oE a bascmcnt. Thc cxcnvation was done without propcr approvaI or pcrmit [UHC 1001(c), UBC 302(n)]. , 4. Above-mcntione? bascmcnt/cxcavation being utilized for human habitation without adequate light and ventilation VHC 504(a)]. 5. Hazardous electricd cnnditions WC lOOl(e)]: a. Extensive use of extension cords and lamp cord in lieu of permanently . installed wiring, insidc and outside, to facilitnte main structure as we11 as additionaI unpcrmitted structures, tent, tent trailer PC lOOl(e)]. vcntilation [UHC 504(a)]. b. LighpfEturcs in bathhhowcr area [NEC 410-4, UHC lOOl(c)]. C. Junction boxcs cx-poscd with poorly made conncctions (taped only) 2nd overcrowdcd with wiring PHC lWl(e)(i)]. d. Main clcctricd scrvicc ovcr tucd with all the additional wiring and clcctrical USCS on thc propcrty [UT-IC lOOl(c)]. 6. Substandard plumbing as follows [UHC 1001(b)(d)(l)]: a. Raw scwage lcaking and pooling in two arcas of subfloor [UHC 1). USC of PVC wntcr piping insidc structurc [UT-IC 100l(f)]. C. USC of gardcn hosc water piping insidc structurc [UIIC lCK)l(r)]. d. Gas watcr hcatcr in bascmcnt, unvcntcd with burncr unit covered by 1001(b)(d)(f)(k) and CMC 6.02.010]. sloughing dirt [UT.IC lCQl(b)(T)j. approved fashion yVRC 1001(d)(k) and ChlC 6.02.0101. e. Gray watcr, scwagc and cfflucnt bcing dcpositcd 01: thc property not in an 7. Subfloor framing dctcriornting duc to lack of vcntilation and plumbing [cab [UI.TC 1001 (c)]. Ex "p' -. 1 -Allnllrt-21--1~Sr) -. . - "- -1 .1--+ fl-1;fnt-m;~ ~?3nnO-~~5~ao/~~) 423-7 1 fjl e w August 31, 1989 Pace Two 8. 9. IO. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. SLoragc of a trcmcndous amount or comt>ustiblcs in n poorly wircd structurc VI-IC 1001 (i)(k)]. No smoke alarm WHC lOl(n)]. Opcn well in sublloor of bascmcnt PWC 1001(b)(k) and CMC 6.02.010]. Scvcral shacks, a tcnt, and tent trailer king utilizcd Cor human h:lbitntion [CMC 21.10.010(i)]. 1001(b)(d)(T)(k) and CMC 6.02.010). Kcrosenc powered stoves for cooking in the shacks crcating a fire hazard [UHC Structures, except main structure (excluding basement excavation), constructec without proper approval or permits [CMC 18.04.0101. Large accumula’tion of trash, junk and brush which constitutes a fire hazard anc rodent harborage [UHC lOOl(i)(k) and CMC 6.08.2801. Wrcckcd/disablcd motor vchiclc storcd in front yard PIC 1001(k), CMC 10.52.01c Opcn pit privy (tailct) cmptying sewage and effluent into soils on property [WMC lOol(i)]. and CMC 21.44.060J. The BuiIding OCficiaI of the City of Carlsbad has determined that the above-mentioned structure: nrc substnndord and unfit for human habitation in accordance with UBC 203 and UHC 202. TI]( following actions must bc takcn to correct the aforcmcntioncd dcfccts by the following appointec data. Thc following corrections must bc complctcd by Scptember 15,1989, and an inspection mus bc performed by this oflicc within fivc (5) working days oE completion date to verify corrcctionr 1. Repair all scwage lcak in subfloor areas of main structure. 2. Rcmove all scwage and efflucnt from subfloor area. 3. Demolish and rcmovc open pit privy (toiict) structurc and bury scwage and elflucn bcncath a minimum of one foot OC soils. 4. Disassemble and remove all shacks, bamboo structure, tent and tent trailer Disconnect and remove any and all utilities to these structures and vehicle. @ @ An open well in subfloor of basement, must be filled and sealed, or approv; ??/” obtained by San Dicgo County Health Departmcnt to maintain it. ne fohwtng correcdons..tnust bc complctcd by October I, 1989, and an inspection n\ust b pcrformcd by this office within five (5) working days of completion date to verify corrections. 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. Ccase the use of all rooms utilizcd for bedroom without light and ventilation. Disconncct and rcmovc all cxtcnsion cords and lamp cord insidc and outsidc 11. structure, and cease any further use oE this type of wiring. Rcmovc all light fiurcs, outlets and wiring from the bathtub and shower area. Install n smoke alnrm. Repair and propcrly install clcctricd conncctions, junction boxcs, outlcts and Sxturc Rcmove all trash, junk, brush and other debris accumulating on property. Properly install water heater in accordance with all Codes. A permit will be requirc for this corrcction. Thc following corrections must bc completed by November 1, 1989, and an inspection must 1 pcrformcd by this office to verify corrcctions within fivc (5) working days of thc comy?lction dnt L i rnrorp .. vIPT~I!~ Iipht 2nd vcntilntion to all bathrooms. \ 0 w August 31, IN9 Pncc Thrcc @ Repair building foundation that has bccn dctcriorntcd by lack of vcntilntion and plumbing Icaks. a Obtain proper approval and pcrmit for basemcnt excavation bclow main structure on thc south side, or rcstore to originaI condition with approval of the Bujldinl Dcpartmcnt. 4. Rcmovc all PVC and water hose piping within the structure and replace witl- nuthorizcd matcrinls. 5. Rcpair or rcplacc all plumhing within thc structurc to corrcct wntcr lcnks ir plumbing systcm. Encloscd with this lcttcr is two official notices from the San Diego County Health Senice rcgarding somc of the aforerncnfioncd dcfccts. If corrections and demolitions are not corrected within the time specified the Bu;Id;ng 0ff;cid w;: ordcr thc buildings vacated and postcd to prcvent further occupancy untiI work is completed am may procccd to cause thc work to hc donc and charge the costs thereof against the proper or it owncrs. Thc City may also pursue any and all Icgal cquitablc and adrninistrativc rcmcdies available to gni compliancc regarding this mattcr if compliance is not reachcd by the appointed timcs. Any pcnon or pcrsons having any rccord titlc or Icgal infcrcsl in thc buildings may appcnl th; Notice nnd Ordcr, or nny action ol thc Building Olficiai to L!IC City Council providcd thc nppc; is made in writing as providcd in thc Uniform Housing Wc, Scction 1201(a) and filcd with th Building Official within thirty (30) days from the date of the Noticc and Order. Failure to appc: - will constitute a waivcr of a11 rights to an administrative hearing and detcrrnination oE this matte) Any qucstions rcgarding this Noticc and Order shouId be directed to Michael A Harrington, Cod Enforcement Officer, at 438-1 161. @%\ Community RTIN ORENYAK Devclopmcnt DI ctor bj n C: City Attorncy .City Managcr Lt. Don Lewis, Policc Firc Dcpartmcnt San Dicgo County I-Tcalth Scrvices Principal Building Inspector ,Building Pcrmit Filc P,!rlil(iine Pcrmit Dcpnrtmcnt ’ Code Enforcement Olficc 0 0 I - CERTIFllED August 31, 1989 Clarence C. Bryan Betty L Bryan 3745 Adam Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 3745 ADAMS STREET, APN: 205-270-13 NOTICE OF VIOLATION ORDER TO REMOVE An inspection of the above referenced property and structures was performed on August 24, 1989. The inspection revealed several violations of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, San Diego County Codes, regarding health, sanitation and safety, Uniform Housing Code and National Electrical Code. The following is a list of the defects found on the property: 1. Rooms in the main structure utilized as bedrooms without adequate light and 2. Bathrooms without adequate light and ventilation [UHC 504(a)]. ventilation PHC 504(a)]. 3, Building foundation, supporting a two story unreinforced adobe construction, has been undermined by excavation of a basement. The excavation was done without proper approval or permit [UHC 1001(c), UBC 302(a)]. 4. Abovementioned basement/excavation being utilized for human habitation without adequate light and ventilation PHC 504(a)]. 5. Hazardous electrical conditions [UHC 1001(e)]: a. Extensive use of extension cords and lamp cord in lieu of permanently installed wiring, inside and outside, to facilitate main structure as well as qdditional unpermitted structures, tent, tent trailer [UHC l00l(e)]. b. ],tight furtures in bathhhower area lrJEC 410-4, UHC lWl(e)]. c. llunction boxes exposed with poorly made connections (taped only) and d. Main electrical service over taxed with all the additional wiring and electrical qvercrowded with wiring PC lool(e)(i)]. llses on the property [UHC lOOl(e)]. 6. Substandard plumbing as follows [UHC lOOl@)(d)(f)]: a. ]Raw sewage leaking and pooling in two areas of subfloor PHC 1001@)(d)(f)(k) and CMC 6.02.0101. b. Use of PVC water piping inside structure (UHC IOOi(f)]. C. Use oE garden hose water piping inside structure [UHC loOl(f)]. d. Gas water heater in basement, unvented with burner unit covered by e. Gray water, sewage and effluent being deposited on the property not in an 7. Subfloolr framing deteriorating due to lack of ventilation and plumbing leaks [UHC sloughing dirt [UHC lOol(b)(f)]. gpproved fashion [UHC 1001(d)(k) and CMC 6.02.0101. l~l(c)ll- -!as 2 (Drive- Carlsbad, California 92009-4859*(619) 438-1 161 e 0 i August 31,1989 Pave 'Ttvo 8 9. 10. 11. 12, 13. 14. 15. 16. Storage of a tremendous amount of combustibles in a poorly wired structure PC 1001 (i)(k)]. No smoke alarm [UHC lWl(n)]. open well in subfloor of basement WC lWl@)(k) and CMC 6.02.010]. Several shacks, a tent, and tent trailer being utilized for human habitation [CMC 21.10.010(i)]. Open pit privy (toilet) emptying sewage and effluent into soils on property [UHC 1001(b)(d)(f)(k) and CMC 6.02.010]. Kerosene powered stoves for cooking in the shacks creating a fire hazard [UHC lOOl(i)]. Structures, except main structure (excluding basement excavation), constructed without proper approval or permits [CMC 18.04.0101. Large accumulation of trash, junk and brush which constitutes a fire hazard and rodent harborage FHC lOOl(i)(k) and CMC 6.08.2801, Wreckddisabled motor vehicle stored in front yard [UHC 1001(k), CMC 10.52.010 and CMC 21.44.0601. The Building Official (of the City of Carlsbad has determined that the above-mentioned structures arc substandard and unfit for human habitation in accordance with UBC 203 and UHC 202. The following actions must. be taken to correct the aforementioned dcfects by the following appointed dates. The following carrections must be completed by September 15, 1989, and an inspection must be performed by this office within five (5) working days of completion date to veri4 corrections. 1. Repair all sewage leaks in subfloor areas oE main structure. 2. Remove all sewage and effluent from subfloor area. 3. Demolish and remove open pit privy (toilet) structure and bury sewage and eFfluen beneatih a minimum of one foot of soils. 4. Disassemble and remove all shacks, bamboo structure, tent and tent trailer Discoonat and remove any and all utilities to these structures and vehicle. 5. An open well in subfloor of basement, must be filled and sealed, or approva obtain4 by San Diego County Health Department to maintain it. I The following correqtions must be completed by October 1, 1989, and an inspection must bc performed by this oqce within five (5) working days of completion date to verify corrections. 1. Cease the use of all rooms utilized for bedroom without light and ventilation. 2, DWpnect and remove all extension cords and lamp cord inside and outside th 3. Remave all light fwures, outlets and wiring from the bathtub and shower area. 4. Install a smoke alarm. 5. Repair and properly install electrical connections, junction boxes, outlets and furture 6. Remsve all trash, junk, brush and other debris accumulating on property. 7. Promrly install water heater in accordance with all Codes. A permit will be require structyre, and cease any further use of this type of wiring. for this correction. . The following corrqtions must be completed by November 1, 1989, and an inspection must t performed by this office to verify corrections within five (5) working days oE the completion dat 1. - Ensure adequate light and ventilation to all bathrooms. f 0 0 August 31, I989 Page Three 2 3. 4. 5. Repair building foundation that has been deteriorated by lack of ventilation and plumbirllg leaks. Obtain proper approval and permit for basement excavation below main structure, on the south side, or restore to original condition with approval of the Building Department. Remow all PVC and water hose piping within the structure and replace with au thoripxi materials. Repair or replace all plumbing within the structure to correct water leaks in plumbing system. Enclosed with this letter is two official notices from the San Diego County Health Services regarding some of the aforementioned defects. If corrections and demolitions are not corrected within the time specified the Building Official will order the buildings vacated and posted to prevent further occupancy until work is completed and may proceed to cause the work to be done and charge the costs thereof against the proper or its owners. The City may also pursue any and all legal equitable and administrative remedies available to gain compliance regarding this matter if compliance is not reached by the appointed times. " Any person or persons having any record title or legal interest in the buildings may appeal this Notice and Order, or any action of the Building Official, to the City Council provided the appeal is made in writing as provided in the Uniform Housing Code, Section 1201(a) and filed with the Building Official within thirty (30) days from the date of the Notice and Order. Failure to appeal . will constitute a waiver of all rights to an administrative hearing and determination of this matter. Any questions regarding this Notice and Order should be directed to Michael A. Harrington, Code Enforcement Officer, at 438-1161. &%\ Community Developrpent DI tor bjn C: City Attorney City Manager Lt. Don Lew@, Police Fire Departrnpnt San Diego Qunty Health SeMces Principal Builfling Inspector Code Enforcqment OEfice Building Pernit File Building Permit Department I e 0 * .. EST. I: Sinqlc amlntg of j&nt pi2p Dwell: DATE: 8,/10/1 J. WILLIAM COX. M.D., Ph.D (610) 236-2237 DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES REINSPECT ON oi 1700 PACIFIC HIGHWAY, SAN OIEGO, CALIFORNIA e2101-2417 I STEVEN A. ESCOBOZA ASSISTANT OIRECTOR (61 9) 236-7633 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES P.O. BOX 85261 OFFICIAL NOTICE Page 1 of - SAN DIEGO, CA 92138-5261 (619) 338-2222 NAME: Clarence C. Bryan Owner of Record ADDRESS: 3745 Adams Street CITY: Pay1 shad ZIP: 92 You are hereby notified that an inspection of your Dwellin? Ff rst Last Owner, Permittee, Agent, Tenant 3745 u Street parlchad (unincorporated was made on 8/24/ by Tamec: Cnhrec. of the County of San Diego Department of Health Services. The f Address of Violation ci ty Da t Specialist described condition(s) is/are in violation of &1 i f0rn-i ,z, Hpa1 +h & =fe+y c~dp- spp+1 n~ 17920.3, Paraqraph 14. Pub1 ic Health Laws and shall be corrected within 15 erved the faJJow1na vlplat1on.s of tht State Housinu Law, section 17920.3, paraqraph 14, in that raw sewage wi CP of thp nr- - was under the house. Within the time stated above, repair the damaged sew' connections and remove all soiled toilet paper and fecal matter off thc around. All plurnbina repairs are to be done by a State licensed plumb: contractor. It was also observed that a pit privy was being used for sewaqe disposi - Dronertv. The mt Drivv shall be removed and tl hole filled with clean dirt. Further, a washing machine was observed discharuina urev water (washina machine wash water) on the qround. Th. washing machine must be connected to an approved sewage disposal systel ~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ removed from the property. Received By: Maifed Special 1st: Owner, Manager, Agent, Tenant 7 40-2877 DHS:EHS-424 (5/89) :>' i a. 0 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL i '. &n~xtig of $&~n ?'&go , &d 270 A J, WlLLlAM COX, MSDv Ph.0 OIRECTOR (6191 236-2237 DEPARTMENT -OF HEALTH SERVICES C.T*: 176 I o 1700 PACIFIC HIGHWAY. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 82101-24'17 DATE: q- 3 6 e g( ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES c I~SPECT ON OR ABOU (619) 236-2243 OFFICIAL NOTICE '; I ~~~ ~ ~~~~__~ ~ ~ NAME: ca.~nCe c. my AhP OuYu2G$, 4 &coTeD tirst Last Owner, Permittee, Agent, enant ADDRESS:. 3745 ADky\/\S st - City c4els lh4.D 92 You are hereby notified that an inspection of your WELL located at ;37+s &),&)'V5 - ci tY WIG &A ($incorporated) was m L d e or; v- ta& by &w\ of the County of San Diego Department of Health Servic The following described condition(s) is/are in violation of San Diego County Code, Sec 67.431 and shall. be corrected within - 10 d ays : 1. There is a well on your property which appears to be abandoned and not in use. a. To comply, within 10 days this well shall be properly backfilled and sealed L 'permit and inspection of the San Diego Department of Health S.ervices by a 1 icensec bonded C57 well driller or contractor in accordance with the provision of the Cont tor's License Law. The we1 1 shall be destroyed in accordance with Water We1 1 : dards, State of California, Chapter 11, Part 11, Section 23. If the well is to bc back into use at a later date, it must be sealed and protected and maintained as 1 ows : "Water Well Standards, State of California, Chapter 11, Part 11, Sclction 21: 1. The well shall be maintained so that it wi1"l have no defects which will f( itate the impairment of quality of water in the well or it1 the water be, formations penetrated. 2. The well is covered with an appropriate locked cap. 3. The well is marked so that it can be clearly seen. 4. The area surrounding the well is kept clear of brush or de5ris.I' In addition, the owner shal.1 declare in writing, to the Deputy Director of Env mental Health Services, his/her intention to use the well again for supplying watt other associated purposes (such as an observation well or an injection well) ant ceives approval of such declaration from the Deputy Director. A11 such ldfclara shall be renewed annually and at such time be resubmitted to the -Deputy Directol approval . RECEIVED 8Y: &)E9 SANITARIAN: Owner, Manager, Agent, Tenant DHS : EHS-473 (5/88) (IF MORE SPACE IS NEEDED, USE THE REVERSE 0 e TO: FILE FROM: CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER 3745 ADAMS STREEX, APN 205-270-13 INSPECTION RECORD An inspection of the structures and property at the above referenced address was performed by Police, Fire, Building, and Code Enforcement persons from the City of Carlsbad and a Health Sanitarian from San Diego County on August 24, 1989. The inspection revealed the following defects: Main Structure ~ousc] 1. Bedrooms without light and ventilation, UHC 1205(a) 2. Bathrooms without light and ventilation, UBC 1205(a) 3. Building foundations, supporting two story unreinforced adobe construction, has been undermined by excavation of a basement. 4. Above-mentioned basement is being utilized for human habitation without light and ventilation. 5. Extcnsive use of extcnsion cords and lamp cord in licu of pcrmancntly installcd wiring, inside and outside, to facilitate acccssory structurc as wcll as main structurc. 6. Light fEtures in bath and shower, NEC 410-4 7. Junction boxes exposed with poorly made connections (taped only) and overcrowding. 8. Substandard plumbing system: a. Raw sewage leaking and pooling in subfloor (two areas), c. Use of garden hose water piping in structure, d. Gas water heater in basement, which was converted to sleeping rooms, b. Use of PVC water piping in structure, unvented with burner unit covered by sIoughing dirt. 9. Subfloor framing deteriorating due to lack of ventilation and plumbing Icaks. 10. Unreinforccd adobe construction (original) on sccond floor walls. 11. Storage of a tremendous amount of combustiblcs in a poorly wired structure. 12. Open well in subfloor area. Bremiscs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Several shacks, tent, tent trailcr, and temporary structures utilized for human habitation. I ElectricaI cord (extension) supplying power to outlying structures and tent trailcr. Open air toilet emptying sewage into ground. Gray water and effluent on ground from washing machine, baths, sink, and cooking water. Kerosene powcred stoves for cooking in bamboo structure, a fire hazard. Evidence of several persons utilizing shacks, tent, tent trailer on a regular basis to camphive. Accumulation of trash, brush and other combustibles in pilc, a fire hazard and rodcnt harborage. House being maintained to close to dwclling on propcrty as wcll as adjaccnt dwclling. Wrccked vehicle stored in front yard. Structures, except main house, not constructcd undcr permit. ., e AUGUST 24, 1989 e TO: CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER FROM: BUILDING INSPECTOR I1 INSPE~ON AT 3741 ADAMS smuxr Thc following is a list of thc significant Code violations I notcd during our inspection this mornir They include but are not limitcd to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9, 10. 11. Bedrooms without light and ventilation - UBC 1205(a). Bathrooms without light and ventilation - UBC 1205(a). Building foundation, supporting two story unrcinforccd adobc construction, has bc undermined by excavation of a basement. Aforementioned bascmcnt used as habitablc space without light or ventilation. Extensive use of extcnsion cords, inside and outsidc, to hilitate acccssory structur (hovels, trailer, shacks). Extensive use of lamp cord in lieu of permanently installed wiring. Light fuctures in bath/shower in violation of NEC 410-4. Junction boxcs exposed with poorly made conncclions (tapcd only) and ovcrcrowdi Substandard plumbing system; A. Raw seweragc leaking and pooling in subfloor, 13. Us of PVC watcr piping in structurc, C. Us of gardcn hose watcr piping in structurc, D. Gas water heater in basement converted to sleeping rooms - unvcnted w burner unit covered by sloughing dirt. Subfloor framing dctcriorating duc to lack of vcntilation and plumbing Icnks. Unrcinforccd adobc construction (original) on sccond floor walls. There are, no doubt, other violations which remain undiscovcrcd due to thc quantity of junk st01 throughout the structure. I cannot see any reason this building should be allowcd as habitable its present condition. The storage of a tremendous amount of combustiblcs in such a poorly wi structure is an invitation for fire and with the floor plan such a mazc of intcrconncctcd rooms, inhabitants wouldn’t stand a chance of escape. ---=” PAT KELLEY I bjn e 0 L OCTOBER 12, 1989 TO: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR FROM Code Enforcement Officer RESPONSE To MRS. BETIY BRYAN'S APPEAL REQUEST I have reviewed the request for appeal by Mrs. Betty Bryan dated August 21, 1989. It is my opinion that we recommend denial of the request based on the following: 1. Item 1 of Appeal - The excavation of the area where the water heater is located, under the southwest side of the main structure, has dirt walls which are sloughing in. There exists no means of retaining the earth and, therefore, is not up to any acceptable Code standard. 2. Item 2 of Appeal - Both the Code Enforcement Officer and San Diego County Health Sanitarian assumed that the brick lined, wood covered, hole with pump and water at the bottom was a well of sorts. Mrs. Bryan has claimed this is a sump mechanism to control water levels in the basement area. It will be up to the San Diego County Health Department to determine this as acceptable or not. However, the buildings foundation mentioned in the appeal in this paragraph, has been determined by the Building Inspector, Pat Kelley, to be deteriorating. The joist system in the area of the sewage leak in the north side is affected by the moisture and lack of ventilation. In the area excavated near the water heater, the foundation is exposed and the dirt walls are sloughing causing deterioration to the foundation system. 3. Staff does not feel that the abatement dates assigned in the Notice of Violation Order to Remove are unreasonable. The health and safety violations requiring correction within fifteen days of the date of notice is a normal policy. The fact that none of the items have been corrected, to our knowledge as of yet, twenty-five days after the required date of correction, leads staff to believe that no intent to make correction in a timely manner exists. The necessity to repair the sewage leaks and remove the existing pools of sewage below the structure is a health and safety matter which not only affects the owners and residents of 3745 Adams Street, but the surrounding persons and properties also. The demolition of an open pit privy and the requirement to bury the sewage under at least one foot of earth is also a health and safety matter which affects adjacent properties, as well as one which is a school. The removal of the substandard structures, shacks of bamboo utilized for human habitation, and all utilities connected to these structures are a requirement because of the fire and health and safety violations. Open cooking fires and the discharge of grey water in these shacks results in adding to the hazard beyond the substandard construction, and * * a 1 accumulation of trash and brush. Both the City of Carlsbad and the San Diego Health Department requested similar corrections to be made by the 15th day. This is not an unreasonable time frame. The remainder of the corrections required in the Notice of Violation were to be could be corrected easily by the owner. The others will require work by a knowledgeable person to conform with the applicable codes. It is evident that the lack of maintenance regarding the plumbing and electrical f"urtures have lead to many of the existing problems on the property. Improper occupancy in some of the areas can be abated immediately by ceasing to utilize these areas. accomplished within thirty to slxty days from the date of the notice. Some of these items Due to the lack of a reasonable estimation of time for compliance and the probability that several months may be required for legal action to gain conservatorship and/or a restraining order to allow for corrections to be made with or without Mr. Bryan's cooperation, this office does not support any extension for the correction required by September 15, 1989, already several days overdue. This office also recommends no extension past an additional 30 days should be given past the final November 1, 1989 date for abatement. Due to several complaints received by this office regarding this property from the surrounding neighborhood and the history of failure to comply to requests, as well as, Notice and Order in a timely manner in the past. This office recommends denial of the request for appeal of the Notice and Order issued by the Community Development Director. This office also recommends that if the property owners fail to comply with the Notice and Order, that the City Council consider taking action to declare the property a public nuisance in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code 6.16, copy attached. c MICHAEL A. HARRINGTON MAI3bjn .- e 0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAEUNG NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public November 21 , 1989, to consider an appeal of a Notice of Violation and Order to Remove hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO p.m. on Tuesday, at 3745 Adams Street. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. If you have any questions please call the Building Department at 438-1161. If you challenge the Notice of Violation and Order to Remove in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing descriied in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. APPELLANT : MRS. BETTY BRYAN PUBLISH. November 10, 1989 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL 5005.Maynard Street r 0 ryI'L6L .I.. "all VVLUGL 1175 Magnolia Street Dam or rulzaoern benau: @ 1149 Magnolia Avenue San Diego, CA 92122 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 92008 * First Baptist Church of Carlsbad 3789 Pi0 Pic0 Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Diocese of San Diego Educational & Welfare Corp. 3801 Adams Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Julian & Anastacia Serna 3710 Adams Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 James & Ruth Herman 3720 Adams Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Katsuyoshi & Isako Fujimoto 3709 Grecourt Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 Anita H. Donahue 3719 Grecourt way Carlsbad, CA 92008 Brian & Edith Smith 3729 Grecourt way Carlsbad, CA 92008 Robert & Phyllis Setser 3739 G recourt way Carlsbad, CA 92008 Robert & Lisa Fischer 1209 Magnolia Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Virginia Stees 1207 Magnolia Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Richard G. Punsly 1230 Magnolia Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Victor & Maria Fische: 3630 Adams Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 James & Dianne Bobbitt 3730 Adams Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ted & Violet Gustafson 3758 Adams Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Kathleen Shirley 1199 Magnolia Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Thomas W. Miller 1201 Magnolia Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Elmer & Hildur Keturi 3764 Adams Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Gene & Betty Masterson 1165 Magnolia Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Richard & Marcia Darling 3749 Grecourt Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 Hugh & Deborah Foley 3759 Grecourt Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 Raymond & Billie Neff 3790 Adams Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Stephan & Joanna Tichenko 3802 Adams Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 H.W. & Donna Standard 3808 Adams Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Sam & Elizabeth Gendusa 1149 Magnolia Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Douglas & Susan Jacob 1196 Magnolia Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 James R. Swab 3640 Adams Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Lou M. Dufner 1184 Magnolia Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Robert 6r Katherine Wil 1144 Magnolia Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Lee & Ione Harris 3676 Adams Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Robert & Jan Beyrouty 3684 Adams Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 wte* Bobby & Beverly Petersen r 22 '1145 Larkspur Lane Oceans' , 2054 314 Carlsbad, CA 92008 * William L. Conti, Esg. Robert & Rita Sullivan 2204 El Camino Real, Ste. 314 1135 Larkspur Lane Oceanside, CA 92054 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Betty Bryan John & Nancy Hook 2204 El Camino Real, Ste. 314 1125 Larkspur Lane Oceanside, cA 92054 Carlsbad, CA 92008 'Joseph Sandy 1205 Magnolia Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Paul & Betty Lampe 3840 Adams Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 John & Rosalie Miller Phyllis Kennedy 1136 Larkspur Lane 3860 Adams Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Shelley K. Sinclair 1166 Larkspur Lane Carlsbad, CA 92008 Alonzo & Katy Cowling 3810 Adams Street Calrsbad, CA 92008 Carl A. Schmidt 3880 Adams Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 John & Charlene Moore 3810 Adair Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 Yvonne M, Caveney 1126 Larkspur Lane Carlsbad, CA 92008 P.O. $oman Catholic Bishop OM Diego Celia F. Crowe 1146 Larkspur Lane San Diego Carlsbad, CA 92008 Roman Catholic Bishop of 3821 Adams Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Jerry & Judy Stettler George & Irene Fick 1156 Larkspur Lane 3781 Adams Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Marie C, Horton Clarence & Betty Bryan 1176 Larkspur Lane 3745 Adams Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 92008 m uau CI dauc uavruuLa 1045 Magnolia Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 William & Barbara Tucl 1055 Magnolia Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Andrew & Robin Whitem; 1065 Magnolia Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Mildred Schiffert 1075 Magnolia Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Barbara A. Avery 1085 Mangolia Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 John & Pitho Merzanis 1095 Magnolia Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Christopher & Candace 3725 Adams Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Teng-Shu & Yueh-Ju Li 1021 Magnolia Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Forest F. Fisher 5890 Pi0 Pic0 Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Forest F. Fisher 3890 Pic0 Pic0 Drive Carlbad, CA 92008 Forest F, Fisher C/O Chevron USA Inc. P.O. Box 7611 San Francisco, CA 94 .-J -"J 3$92 Adams Street 9 Carlsbad, CA 92008 6. Cinnamon Apartment Partnership C/O James F. Wever 580 Beech Ave., Ste. A Carlsbad, CA 92008 Nellie Bertino Joseph Bertino Jr. 3655 Adams Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Rajenda & Mayuri Pujarra 3666 Pi0 Pic0 Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Roland & Frances Mercer 1016 Magnolia Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 David & Deborah Jones 1030 Magnolia Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Harry & Adrienne Christman 1040 Magnolia Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 R. Bertino Joseph Bertino Jr. 3655 Adams Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Esther S. Gastelum 1098 Magnolia Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Theodore & Edith Rhodes 3640 Pi0 Pic0 Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 e ,. 9 '. 0, (Form 'A) s a '. .. TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE \ .. FROM: BUILDING DEPARTMENT .. .. ,. . . RE: PUBLIC H.EARING REQUEST Attached are the materials necessary for you to notice the Appeal of Notice of Violation and Order to Remove for a public hearing before the City Council. Please notice the item for the council meeting of +I. q /fff . Thank you. 10/19/89 Date ::.-- v Carlsbad Journal e Decreed A Legol Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County Mail all correspondence regarding public notice advertising to North Coast Publishers, Inc. corporate offices: P.O. Box 878, Encinitas, CA 92024 (61 9) 753-6543 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general circulation, published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and which. newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, and which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers, and which newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular intervals in the said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one year next preceding the date of publication of the notice hereinafter referred to; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: ' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING November 10 89 .. ................................. ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that , 4 the City Council ofthe City ofCarls- 1 bad will hold a public hearing at : Avenue, Carlsbad. California, at , the Council Chambers, 1200 Elm I 6:OOP.M. onTuesday, NovemberZl, ' 19.. ' 1989, to consider an appeal of a 19.. ................................. .. ." ~ ., Notice of Violation and Order to , -. " Remove at 3745 Adams Street. Those persons wishing to speak ' on this proposal are cordially in- ................................. 19.. .. : If YOU have any questions please i vited to attend the public hearing, 4381181. call the Building Department at , Violation and Order to Remove in Court. YOU may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone - 'else raised at the. public hearing described in this notice, or in writ- .. ' ten correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. Appellant: Mrs. Betty Bryan CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL U 5967: November 10,1989 I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and If YOU challenge the Notice of ................................. 19.. .. ................................. 19.. __~ __ correct. Executed at Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California on the 10th day of -1989 /I I I - #202-2M-12/07