HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-11-21; City Council; 10383; CONTRACT FOR GRAFFITI REMOVAL FROM THE CARLSBAD SEA WALL CONTINUED MAINTENANCEa' , b a w tT: 12. 25 3 .. z 0 E a i 0 z 3 8 CITFF CARLSBAU - AUtNUwlLL ':v x AB# /+df3 TITLE: DEPT. CITY I DEPT. U/M CONTINUED MAINTENANCE CITY I RECOMMENDED ACTION: MTG. Id-2hs"I CONTRACT FOR GRAFFITI REMOVAL FROM THE CARLSBAD SEA WALL AND Adopt Resolution No. ff4// finding, pursuant to Sectic 3.28.090 (3) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, that graffit removal, using a non-toxic sacrificial coating, and continue maintenance services for the Carlsbad sea wall can' IC obtained from only one vendor: approving contract documents special provisions and specifications and awarding a contrac in the amount of $47,900 to Graffiti Prevention Systems c Sepulveda, California, for sea wall graffiti removal ar maintenance. ITEM EXPLANATION: Graffiti has been present in the City for many years although it has not been a major problem. Graffiti was four in small amounts in such areas as bridge abutments c buildings located away from populated areas. Recent11 graffiti has been appearing with increasing frequency c public and private property in Carlsbad. By far, the moc significant increase in graffiti has been experienced ontI sea wall. Initially, staff responded within 24 to 48 houi of notice and removed graffiti from the sea wall. TI incidence of graffiti on the sea wall has increased so muc over the past eighteen months that City staff retain€ contractors to assist in removing graffiti on the wall. TI present contractor uses a process known as hydroblastin? (high-pressure water) to remove the graffiti. This proce: removes the graffiti, but also erodes the finished surfac of the wall. The result is the next graffiti painter has more porous surface that becomes very difficult to cleai To limit damage to the wall finish, the contractor has bec directed to use hydroblasting to remove only racial, ethn: and sexually oriented graffiti. The remaining graffiti : removed by other methods as staff time is availablf Unfortunately, graffiti reappears, usually expanded in scopf at a rate faster than available staff can respond. It wi apparent that additional staff and equipment would I: necessary if the City was to continue to remove graffiti 1 a timely manner. As an alternative to adding staff ai equipment, staff determined to research other method: including contract services. Accordingly, over the last twelve months, the Utilities Maintenance Department staff has been investigating a variei of products and services to determine whether any of tho! products or services would protect the sea wall and be t assistance in removing graffiti from the sea wall. TI investigation has revealed that covering the sea wall wi. one of the many epoxy based graffiti resistant coatings wou. cost in the neighborhood of $200,000 to $300,000. Aft1 application of an epoxy-based coating, City staff wou continue to remove graffiti. 7 e 0 PAGE 2 OF AB# /83f3 . In addition to the epoxy based graffiti resistant coating, staff researched materials and services which could be 0: assistance in removing graffiti from the sea wall. Stear cleaning, sand blasting and hydroblasting services were al: used as a means of removing graffiti, with limited success In discussing graffiti removal practices with other cities we learned that there were companies that applied sacrificia: coatings to protect surfaces and aid in removing graffiti an( that the cost to apply the sacrificial coating was much les: sacrificial coating is a coating that is removed whei graffiti is removed and then reapplied to protect thc surface.) Upon further investigation, we found one company Graffiti Prevention Systems , Inc .., which could provide fo: initial graffiti removal services, application of ( sacrificial, non-toxic, coating and continuing graffit removal services. Our research did not reveal any othe vendorsthatperformedthis service. However, to assuretha any potential vendor had the opportunity to compete for th work, staff determined to pursue a competitive solicitatio rather than a sole source procurement. Accordingly specifications were prepared and a notice inviting bids wa advertised and distributed to the appropriate clearin houses, plan rooms and interested vendors. On August 21 1989, bids were opened. Only one bid was received, that o Graffiti Prevention Systems, Inc.. Other vendors indicate that they were unable to obtain an appropriate non-toxi sacrificial coating and therefore, could not bid. It now appears that Graffiti Preventions Systems is the sol vendor which can provide the desired graffiti remova process. Therefore staff recommends a sole-sourc procurement pursuant to Municipal Code Section 3.28.090 (3) as there are no other vendors that can supply a non-toxi sacrificial coating coupled with a continued maintenanc service for protection and removal of graffiti from th Carlsbad sea wall. The term of the contract is one year ? $47,900, with an option for a second year at $25,200. The recommended service to be provided will initially cal for total graffiti removal and application of a protectiT clear wax coating on the Carlsbad sea wall and associatt structures. Thereafter, removal of graffiti and re-coati1 with a new clear wax finish will be accomplished within : 2 working days of notification. The initial coating sha: be a removable, non-toxic, wax-like protective barric between the base surface and graffiti markings. Follow-1 graffiti removal will be accomplished by heated water ( affected areas to remove the wax coating, then re-coati] that area with a new clear wax finish. At the present timt only those portions of the sea wall which have been subjec to graffiti will be treated with the protective wax coatinc than the cost of applying an epoxy based coating. (i * 0 e PAGE 3 OF AB# /<, 383 FISCAL IMPACT The original budget estimate for this work was $30,000 fol graffiti removal service to 40,000 square feet of the sez wall ($.75 square foot). The recommended contract is $47,90( ($.686 square foot) or 60% more than the budget estimate, The difference between budget estimate and the recommendec contract occurred because the area of the sea wall to bt serviced has increased from approximately 40,000 square feet to 70,000 square feet since the original budget estimate wa: prepared in January, 1989. Sufficient savings have beel identified in the Street Maintenance Program to fund tht project at the higher cost. EXHIBIT: 1. Resolution No. ff-&/. % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 m RESOLUTION NO, 89-41 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ESSENTIAL COMMODITY FOR GRAFFITI REMOVAL AND CONTROL CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED FROM ONE SOURCE AND APPROVING CONTRACT DOCUMENTS8 SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS; ACCEPTING BID AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR GRAFFITI REMOVAL AND CONTROL, CONTRACT NO. U/M-27, OF CARLSBAD8 CALIFORNIA FINDING THAT THE WHEREAS, the contract documents, special provisioi and specifications for the furnishing of all labor, materia. tools, equipment, transportation and other expenses necessa and incidental for the Graffiti Removal and Control, Contra( No. U/M-27 have been prepared, provided to potential bidde when bids were solicited, are on file in the City Clerk office of the City of Carlsbad and are incorporated reference herein; and WHEREAS, only one bid was received by the City Carlsbad and is on file in the City Clerk's office; and WHEREAS, the bid for the work was submitted Graffiti Prevention Systems of Sepulveda, California, in t amount of $47,900; and WHEREAS, the present City estimate for the cost providing this commodity is $52,500; and WHEREAS, the normal bidding procedure can dispensed with pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Secti 3.28.090(3) because staff surveyed vendors in the Southe California area and found only one vendor capable providing the specified service and further advertised t availability of the contract with only one vendor respondir and I// c * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 €3 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e WHEREAS, there are sufficient funds in Account No. 001-820-5110-2489 for the work. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the contract documents, special provisions and specifications as presented are hereby approved. 3. The bid of $47,900 by Graffiti Prevention System: of Sepulveda, California, as the sole source available tl accomplish the required work for the Graffiti Removal ant Control, Contract No. U/M-27, is hereby accepted and th Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed t execute said contract therefore. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting 0 the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 21st day o November , 1989, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Larson Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine and Mamaux - CLAUDE A. %iWtS, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, CityGlerk (SEAL) L.&