HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-12-05; City Council; 10401; ZONE 7 - LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLANn- ,' f ' a W is E 2 .. z 0 E s a z 3 0 0 DEPT. AuCNLCIP'LL ur LARL~~AU - MTGe- ZONE 7 - LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN b' m AB# IF, Lid-/ TITLE: CITY 1 DEPT. GM CITY I RECOMMENDED ACTION: The Planning Commission and staff are recommending that the City Council adopt Resolutic No. u approving the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director and ado1 Resolution No. m approving the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone ? ITEM EXPLANATION Zone 7 is the ninth property owner-initiated and privately prepared Local Faciliti Management Plan to be heard by the City Council. It is the first privately prepared plan the Northeast Quadrant. On October 18, 1989, the Planning Commission unanimously approved this plan as describc in the minutes from the Planning Commission meeting attached as Exhibit 6. The Plan is based on the land uses specified in the Calavera Hills Master Plan (MP-13 The projected residential buildout of the Zone is 2,333 dwelling units, which is fully compliance with Proposition E and the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan. The Plan is a regulatory document which analyzes all eleven public facilities to determii whether they conform with the adopted performance standards. Several facilities a identified as requiring upgrading in order to accommodate future development in the zor Specifically, the Plan identifies needed improvements to drainage, circulation, schools, sewc and water. Therefore, specific conditions of approval have been included in the Plan guarantee that all of the public facility standards will continue to be met through buildout the Zone. The conditions state that, prior to the first final map or issuance of a grading permit building permit, whichever occurs first in Zone 7, a Financing Plan must be approved by t City guaranteeing funding for construction of all public facility improvements identified in t Local Facilities Management Plan. Until this financing mechanism has been approved by t City, no development will occur within Zone 7. The complete wording of the conditions included in the Plan's Executive Summary which is attached as Exhibit No. 4. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW A Negative Declaration was issued by the Planning Director on August 19, 1988, indicati that the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 7 is not anticipated to have any advei impacts on the environment. The Negative Declaration was recommended for approval the Planning Commission on October 18, 1989. I: I 1 I (It (3! LBA Page TWO of Agenda BU NO. jC i '-I i I The Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 7 will not cause any significai environmental impacts. The Plan is a public facilities planning document that implemen Carlsbad's General Plan. The Plan makes generalized projections as to the demand for ar with the estimated demands. The Plan recognizes that further environmental review pursua to the California Environmental Quality Act will be required prior to the development of ai public or private project that is generally discussed in this plan. supply of public facilities and outlines the provision of adequate public facilities concurre FISCAL IMPACT Staff time has been utilized in the preparation of this Plan. These costs will be recoverr through the processing fee established by the City Council. It is anticipated that further sta time will be necessary to monitor this Plan and other zone plans on a yearly basis. 'I? implementation of this Plan, however, should help future fiscal planning by estimating tl timing of future public facilities and their costs. ExHIBm 1. City Council Resolution No. %f! - L/9 :5 2. City Council Resolution No. 9'1 - 4Qy 3. Location Map - Facilities Management Zone 7 4. Executive Summary - Zone 7 5. Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 2936 and 2937 6. Excerpt of Planning Commission Minutes dated October 18, 1989 c i '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e RESOLUTION NO. 89-423 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN 7. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad did on day of October, 1989, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribe to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and conside testimony and arguments, examining the initial study, analyzing the inf submitted by staff, and considering any written comments received, Council considered all factors relating to the Negative Declaration i Planning Commission Resolution No. 2936 granting Planning Commission of said Negative Declaration; and NOW, THEREFORE, be it hereby resolved by the City Counci City of Carlsbad, California as follows: 1) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. 2) That the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Dir August 19, 1988 was prepared in compliance with the Ca Environmental Qualify Act and Title 19 of the Carlsbad M Code. 3) That there is no substantial evidence that the pro conditioned may have a significant effect on the environme 4) That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad incorporates i resolution Planning Commission Resolution No. 2936 ii findings contained therein. I .... .... -... .... .... I L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 W w PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of t Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 5th day of Dt 1989, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine and Larson NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Mamaux ATTEST : Cic.ttul ff C&- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Oerk (SEAL) CC RES0 NO. -2- L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e RESOLUTION NO. 8 9 - 4 2 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 7. WHEREAS, a Local Facilities Management Plan has been prep Local Facilities Management Zone 7 in accordance with Chapter 21.9C Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on October 18, 1989 hol noticed public hearing as required by law to consider said plan an( conclusion of the hearing adopted Resolution No. 2937 making findi recommending that the City Council adopt a plan; and WHEREAS, a Negative Declaration was issued by the Planning I on August 19, 1988 indicating that the Local Facilities Management Pla anticipated to have any significant adverse impact on the environment WHEREAS, the City Council at their meeting of December 5, 1 a duly noticed public hearing and considered all testimony and argur anyone desiring to be heard; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Councii City of Carlsbad, California as follows: 1) That the above recitations are true and correct. 2) That the findings and conditions of the Planning Commis Resolution No. 2937 also constitute the findings and condil the City Council. That the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 7 dated 18, 1989 on file with the City Clerk and incorporated he reference is hereby approved. Any development occurring wi' boundaries of Zone 7 shall comply with all the terms and cor of said plan. 3) .... .... .... \ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I 0 e PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 5th day of December, 1989, by the following wit: AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Mamaux Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine and Larson ATTEST: llkdt&J RaL- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Cle>k (SEAL) 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 -2- CC RES0 NO. 1 e EXHIBIT #3 CITY OF OCEANSIDE T Local Facllltles Management Plan CITY Of- ENClNlTAS 1 .\- .......-... ....... .- -------._ --_..-._-- ___I GROWTH ....... -.- . .---_.. ...... ....-_......._ EX-H.! B Zo PROGRAM .......... .-. ............ ....... _- .--- -.._ unsa kef m MANAGEMENT Lo.c-a.ti.or --\ ----. ..................-_ I_ --.-------- ssociae No SC*kE---.-.. 3.- 'BllnDicgo. nc. 8 EXHIBIT #4 I W I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) for Zone 7 prepared pursuant to the City's Growth Management Program, Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The p incorporates and implements the 1986 Citywide Facilities Improvements Plan. 1 The plan begins with the assumptions used to generate the bu out projections for residential and non-residential developm within Zone 7. Build out is the type and amount of land planned for by the City's General Plan. The plan then phases estimates the zone's development on a yearly basis until bu out is reached. Phasing is done to predict future facil demands. The adequacy of public facilities is analyzed accord to this demand. The analysis includes an inventory of exist and proposed facilities, a phasing schedule that establishes timing for the provision of facilities in relationship to dema and a financing plan that establishes methods of funding nee facilities. Since the plan is a regulatory document, e facility section contains conditions to ensure that facilit will conform to the adopted performance standards. Mandat of facilities within Zone 7. Exhibit 1 on page 8 indicates where Zone 7 is within the Ci Exhibit 2 on page 9 provides a brief synopsis of the adequacy facilities for Zone 7. Exhibit 3 on page 10 provides a one p highlight of the build out synopsis. FINANCE OVERVIEW The Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 7 identifies th facilities (schools, drainage and sewer) which currently do conform with the adopted performance standards without spec mitigation measures. As part of this Local Facilities Managelr Plan, an attempt has been made to bring these facilities i conformance with the adopted performance standards. During t process it has become clear that no one financing mechanism satisfy the complex infrastructure requirements of this zone of the northeast quadrant. However, a combination of financ techniques can address both the need for upgrading facilit enabling them to conform with the adopted performance standa and ensuring conformance of future facilities as developn occurs. A common set of goals for the financing of the ma facilities can be stated as follows: compliance with the plan and conditions will assure the adequ 1 The 1986 CFIP was adopted by City Council on 9-23 (CC Resolution No. 8797). 1 8 I e m 1. Provide feasible financing techniques to enmre that all facilities are provided in conformance with the adopted performance standards. 2. Provide for the implementation of financing technic which consider the. financial limitations associi with the high costs of infrastructure construction. 3. Provide for financing options which consider both needs of the city and the property owners. The adopted Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan identi: the various ways that capital improvements can be financed. capital facilities necessary to support the City of Carl: generally fall into two categories -- those provided developers as a condition of development approvals, and tl provided by the City through a system of fees, taxes, or 01 financing sources. It is the City's responsibility to plan for the construction maintenance of City projects and to finance these projects in best possible way. The following describes some of the financ options available. A. Cash/Pay-as-you-so financinq. The City has used 1 method of financing to pay for most capi improvements constructed to date. In concept, the City charges the development commui a series of fees which provide the source of incomc pay for capital projects. When enough cash has 1 assembled, the City constructs the next capital pro: in order of priority. This method forces the Citj delay construction of various projects until funds 1 been collected. These fees include: 1. Public Facilities Fee 2. Park-In-Lieu Fees 3. Planned Local Drainage Fees 4. Traffic Impact Fees 5. Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District Fee 6. Sewer Fees 7. Water Fees Special Districts collect their own various fees. ', B. Reimbursement Asreements. In certain instances developer may ask the City to move a project forwarc time and to construct a facility before funds have 1 collected. When this occurs, the City could adopt ?olicy of having the interested developer construct project based on a reimbursement agreement. Ove 2 I a 0 period of time, the City would reimburse the develc for the porfivn of the project that was to be fundec City resources. The City would pay the developer : for the portion of the project that was to be fundec City resources over a period of time. Payments WI commence at the time the City had originally sched the construction of the facility in the Cap Improvement Program. Moving the pro] ect f orwarc time is for the benefit of the developer. Theref the City's repayment would be limited to the cos1 the public portion of the project and no interest w accrue to the developer. The use of this metho( project financing does not eliminate the develop obligation to pay City fees. The developer must s pay all City fees associated with a development. C. Credit for Citv' Fees. When it is in the pu interest to construct certain public facilities ear than would be possible under a pay-as-you-go prog the City can consider giving a developer credit fees that would otherwise be paid, up to the cos1 the public improvement. These credits would reduce amount of fees payable in future years from a cer development. Fee credits must be used carefully to avoid elimina of income from capital fees necessary to finance o projects. Two alternatives exist for fee credits: -- Full Fee Credit Immediately: Under this option, the developer who builds a public improvement would be eligible to deduct 100% of the cost of the improvement from fees payable. Once the fee credit is exhausted, the developer begins paying fees as normally assessed by the City. Under this option the developer gets immediate credit for the total cost of a project. -- Partial Fee Credit - credit over time: In this option, the developer who builds a public improvement receives a credit for the cost of a public improvement. However, the use of that credit is spread over a series of years. This allows the City to continue to receive at least a portion of fees designated for other capital projects while giving the developer credit for the construction of public improvements that would have otherwise been paid for by the City. No interest would accruE to the developer as a part of this arrangement. 3 W w D. Debt Financinq. A range of debt financing alternatives available to the City. If it is in the public interest construct an improvement before funds are on hand, d financing may be the answer. If the project is being pus forward for the convenience or benefit of a developer, t developer should bear the cost of issuance and interest c the life of the debt issue. The actual mechanics of a d issue and determination of the developer's responsibility support these costs would be defined as the method of d financing is chosen. Some of the debt financing vehicles available are SF below: Assessment Districts: . Under Council Policy No. 33, the City may assist a develc in the construction of various public improvements thrc the use of assessment districts if there is signific public benefit from the improvement. In cases where a C contribution is planned, the City may ask a developer to the City contribution. The deyeloper could then reimbursed at a later date (Le., in the year that capital project has been originally scheduled construction) or through a' system of credits as descrj earlier. Special Benefit Districts: State law allows the formation of a variety of spec benefit districts. These districts may be used to fund construction of parks, libraries, police or fire facilitj and street lighting systems, and similar improvemer These districts may be _formed by a vote of the prop6 owners who then assess themselves for the cost improvements. The developer and/or land owner bears the burden of ( service payments. City participation in a district of 1 type is possible to the extent of public improvements 1 would have otherwise been the responsibility of the C: However, accelerated scheduling of capital improvemc should be accompanied by some concession from the deveh to offset costs, debt issuance costs, or other additic costs. Community Facility District: (Mello-Roos) Under Council Policy No. 38, the City may assist thrc Mello-Roos financing the construction of public facili' in conjunction with development. Mello-Roos Commui d 4 W W Facility Districts (CFD's) operate similar to assessm districts, but provide a more flexible tool for governmen entities to finance a wider range of public infrastructu again through the issuance of tax exempt bonds. Facilit which may be financed by a Mello-Roos District incl parks, parkways, open - space, schools, libraries, pipelines and telephone lines. They can be used eliminate special assessment liens. These districts also pay operating costs to the extent the services are addition to those already being provided prior to formation of the district. Revenue Bonds : The City may elect to issue revenue bonds to fina improvements related to utility functions or other C services that generate a fee for service, although ot City functions could support the use of revenue bonds. accommodate a developer, the City would expect the develc to offset many of the costs of such an issue as descrj above. Tax Increment Bonds: Public improvements in the City's redevelopment area car financed through the use of tax increment bonds. Redeveaopment Agency has developed a plan for construction of public improvements using this method financing. A developer asking for public improvements tc constructed ahead of schedule must consider the agenc ability and willingness to defer other projects. Certificates of Participation: public improvements are being installed ahead of schedule Certain public facilities such as buildings can be final: through Certificates of Participation. This is, in ef ft a lease agreement between the City and another agency. developer wishing to push projects forward might cons: constructing facilities such as a libraries or fire stat: using this financing tool. The developer may be asked bear certain costs or to accept credit in lieu of pay for certain improvements. General Obligation Bonds: The City has the ability to issue General Obligation Bc to fund the construction of public improvements. This only be done with the approval of 2/3 of the voters ir election. It is unlikely that the City will have ability to use this method of funding public projects wl benefit specific: developments. 5 0 0 E. Financinq Policies I The adopted Citywide Facilities and Improvements ; contains the following-financing policies: 1. Recognize that those'projects identified in the Pul Facilities Fee Calculation are the ultin responsibility of the City to fund, however, priority for funding projects is at the discretior the City Council. 2. Recognize that the Capital Improvements Program \ play a significant role in helping to estab: compliance with the adopted performance standai Priority for the funding of projects should go to fill areas or areas of the City where exisl deficiencies exist. 3. Agree to consider assisting developers with crec against future fees, reimbursement agreements, fon assessment districts, etc. only when it is clear11 the public interest to do so or to rectify pul facility deficiencies and not to induce growth prematurely upgrading public facilities. Recognize that all credit or reimbursement arrangemc will be made based upon the City's plans for timinc certain public facilities. For example, if a develc wanted to put in an improvement that the City had planned for 5 years and was not necessary to rectif] existing deficiency, the City would not cons; beginning to provide credits or reimbursement until 5th year, if at all. 5. Recognize that public facility improvements made front or ahead of City plans by developers must proT the funds necessary to cover annual operating costs the facility until the time the City had previot planned to provide the facility. overall restriction on residential developmc recognize that it may be necessary to start char? fees to commercial and industrial land uses in ci where they are not presently assessed. With reduction in residential land uses and density, it be necessary to charge commercial and industrial make up the deficit. 4. 6. With the recent reduction in residential densities 1 6 0 e Financing Summary This Local Facilities Management Plan has identified drainage, school and sewer facilities are currently below adopted performance standards. The developers in Zone 7 are proposing to provide mitigatio bring these facilities into conformance with the ado performance standards. The specific mitigation for facilities is shown in the correspondiny facility section2 this plan. This plan also identifies when future public facilities needed as growth occurs to ensure compliance with the ado performance standards. A complete financing section is prov at the end of this plan which provides a description of faci improvements to be made, timing of improvements, cost estima and funding priorities. , 7 W CITY OF OCEANSIDE F Local Facliltles Management Plan CITY Of ENClNlTAS I-_._. ... -- -....-..__. \-- ........-.. .........--- _I__._____ ~ _____ -- -... GROWTH ..... -.- . __--. .. .......................... EX-H!! -___ ---. MANAGEMENT ............ ___ .__.____._I_______...._ Lo.c..at!.c! Zl _-_I PROGRAM ............ .... ........................ __._.___ - unsa kef --- ssocia f F! 1 NO SCALE 3.- "S;GiDGgo nc rclcI*, 8 a 0 EXHIBIT 2 ZONE 7 EXISTING PUBLIC FACILITIES SUMMARY SHEET LFKP 89-7 Conformance with Adopted Fac il itv Performance Standard City Administrative Yes, existing facilities meet th Facilities adopted performance standard. Library Facilities Yes, existing facilities meet adopted performance standard. Wastewater Yes, existing facilities meet Treatment Capacity adopted performance standard. Parks Yes, Park District 2 (northe quadrant) currently meets adopted performance standard. Drainage No, existing drainage facilities not meet the adopted performa standard. Circulation Yes, existing circulat facilities meet the adop performance standard. , Fire Yes, existing fire facilities n the adopted performance standard Open Space Yes, existing open space meets adopted performance standard. Schools No, existing school facilities not currently meet the ado1 performance standard. Sewer Collection No, existing sewer facilities not currently meet the adoF performance standard. Water Distribution Yes, existing water facilities n the adopted performance standard 9 m EXHIBIT 3 ZONE 7 BUILD OUT PUBLIC FACILITIES SUMMARY SHEET LFMP 89-7 Conformance with Adopted Facility Performance Standard City Administrative Existing facilities will meet tl Facilities adopted performance standard UI build out. Library Facilities Existing facilities will meet adopted performance standard UI build out. Wastewater ' Existing facilities meet Treatment Capacity adopted performance standard UI Parks Park District 2 (northe quadrant) meets the adop performance standard until 1993, 2000. Drainage Drainage facilities meek adopted performance standard t the proposed mitigation until bi , out. Circulation Circulation facilities meet adopted performance standard I the proposed mitigation until bl out. Fire Fire facilities meet the ado] performance standard until bl out. Open Space Open space meets the ado& performance standard until bi out. Schools School facilities meet the ado] performance standard with proposed mitigation until b1 out. 10 0 W Sewer collection Sewer facilities meet the ado1 performance standard with proposed mitigation until bi out. Water Distribution Water facilities meet the ado1 performance standard with proposed mitigation until bt out. , 11 W m EXHIBIT 4 GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR ZONE 7 LFMP 89-7 1. All development within Zone 7 shall conform to provisions of Section 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal C and to the provisions and conditions of this Lo Facilities Management Plan. 2. All development within Zone 7 shall be required to pal public facilities fee pursuant to the standards adopted' the City Council on July 28, 1987, and as amended from t to time and all other applicable fees. Development in Z 7 shall also be responsible for any additional fees to incorporated into this-plan that are found to be necess to enable facilities to meet the adopted performa standard. 3. The City of Carlsbad shall monitor all facilities in Zon pursuant to Subsections 21.90.130(c), (d) and (e) of Carlsbad Municipal Code. 4. All development in Zone 7 shall be in conformance with adopted Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan as adop by City Council Resolution 8797 on September 23, 1986. Periodic amendment to the Zone 7 Local Facilities Managem Plan is anticipated to incorporate newly acquired data, amend conditions and upgrade standards as determined thro the required monitoring program. be initiated by action of the Planning Commission, C Council or property owners at any time. 6. If a public facility or service is found not to be conformance with an adopted performance standard during yearly monitoring, or at any other time, the matter will immediately brought before the City Council. If the C Council determines that a non-conformance does exist then future building or development permits shall be iss unless an amendment to the CFIP or the LFMP for this z is approved by the City Council which addresses th facility shortfalls and brings those facilities i conformance with the adopted performance standards. After adoption of this Plan by the City Council, no build permits will be allowed unless the performance standards complied with. 5. Amendment to this Plan 7. 12 W w 8. Approval of this LFMP does not constitute pi t environmental review for projects within Zone 7. All fu projects within Zone 7 shall undergo environmental re. measures determined during a project's environmental re shall be complied with in their entirety unless finding: overriding consideration are made by the City Council. 9. Approval of this plan does not constitute pi discretionary review for projects within Zone 7. All fu projects shall undergo review per Title 21 of the Carl Municipal Code. The plan establishes the maximum allow number of residential units for facilities planning purp only. The plan does not guarantee any specific residen density. per Title 19 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Any mitiga i 13 m a EXHIBIT 5 SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR ZONE 7 LFMP 89-7 CITY ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES No special conditions. LIBRARY No special conditions. WASTEWATER TREATMENT CAPACITY The following actions shall be pursued jointly by each sc district to ensure adequate wastewater treatment capacity thrc the year 2000: A. Monitor Encina treatment plant flows on a monthly basis determine actual flow rates and to have an early warnins capacity problems. Actively pursue acceleration and phasing of treatment pl Phase IV expansion to provide adequate capacity. C. The six member agencies shall form an agreement to maxi1 the utilization of available treatment capacity at Enc WPCF. B. PARKS A. All development shall pay Park-in-Lieu Fees and Pul Facility Fees for Park District 2. B. No residential development shall be allowed after : unless actions have been taken by the City to consti additional park facilities. DRAINAGE A. All future development in Zone 7 will be required construct any future Zone 7 storm drain facilil identified in the current Drainage Master Plan and rev: Drainage Master Plan as determined by the City Engine Any facilities necessary to accommodate future develop1 must be guaranteed prior to the recordation of any f: map, issuance of a grading permit or building permit, any development requiring future storm facilities in Zmt 14 W m B. Prior to the recordation of the final map, issuance grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs f; for any specific village within Zone -7, the developers that project are required-to: 1. Pay the required drainage area fees established in current Drainage Master Plan and: 2. Execute an agreement to pay any drainage area 1 established in the forthcoming revised Master Draii Plan. C. WATERSHED A 1. Prior to the recordation of the first final 1 issuance of grading permit or building pen whichever occurs first within Watershed A of Zone the developers are required to financially guarai the construction of the 36" continuation of the SI drain in College Boulevard northerly into the Citi Oceanside. D. WATERSHED B 1. Prior to the recordation of the first final I issuance of grading permit or building pen wwichever occurs first within Watershed B of Zone the developers are required to financially guarai the construction of the following storm di facilities: a. 30" storm drain (BF) crossing into Zone 14 : b. 30" storm drain crossing College Blvd. c. 36" storm drain (BH-1) crossing into Zone 14. d. 48" and 42" storm drains (BE) adjacent to Tarnal Zone 7B. Avenue. 2. Prior to recordation of the first final map, issui of a grading or building permit within Watershed I Zone 7, the developers are required to guarantee : 7's proportional share of the following facilities the satisfaction of the City Engineer: a. Sediment detention basin approximately 1-2 a( in size to be installed in Zone 14 upstrean Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park. 15 . w W b. Restoration by dredging and lining approximately 3,500 feet of Agua Hedionda Cr from the Calavera Lake Creek to El Camino I; bridge. sediment detention basin. c. Provide a mechanism for the maintenance of Prior to issuance of any building permits for dwell units draining south into Agua Hedionda creek wit Watershed B of Zone 7, the sediment detention basin restoration of Agua Hedionda Creek shall be provided CIRCULATION A. An on-going monitoring program shall be established evaluate the aspects of improvements, development, demand on circulation facilities. The required timing improvements is based upon the projected demand development in the zone and the surrounding region. 'I timing may be modified without amendment to this pl however, any deletions or additions to the improvements b require amending this local plan. B. Prior to the approval of any tentative map for any fut developtnent within Zone 7, except for Villages Q, T and the specific alignment for College Boulevard between Avenue and Cannon Road must be established. This st include the necessary environmental clearances and requj public hearings so that construction of College Boule1 construction of College Boulevard will be guaranteed provided by Condition C below. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuancc grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs fix within Zone 7, a comprehensive financing prog guaranteeing construction of the following circulat improvements shall be approved: can accommodate future development. The funding for C. 1. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED NOW No improvements are needed. 16 w w 2, IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY 1990 a. Colleqe Boulevard College Boulevard from Elm Avenue to 1 Boulevard shall be constructed to include following improvements: 1. Complete grading to ultimate right-of- width to major arterial standards. 2. Construction of four through travel li including a fully landscaped median. 3. Improvement of Elm/College intersection include .the installation of a traffic sic when traffic signals warrants are met determined by the City Engineer. Estimated Cost - $3,074,000 Completion Date - 1990 b. Elm Avenue Elm Avenue from Tamarack Avenue to Glasgow DI shall be Constructed to major arterial stand: 1. Construction of two additional through tri lanes including a fully landscaped median# 2. Installation of a traffic signal at intersection of Elm Avenue and Tarnal Avenue when traffic signals warrants are as determined by the City engineer. ’ to include the following improvements: Estimated Cost - $160,000 Completion Date - 1990 c. Elm Avenue Elm Avenue from Glasgow Drive to College Boule1 shall be constructed to major arterial standi to include the following improvements: 1. Complete grading to ultimate right-of- width to secondary arterial standards. 17 w m 2. Construction of four through travel lc Estimated Cost - $535,000 ComDletion Date - 1990 including a fully landscaped median. 3. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY 1995 a. Collese Boulevard College Boulevard from Elm Avenue to Cannon I shall be constructed to include the follol improvements: 1. Complete grading to ultimate right-of- width to major arterial standards. 2. Construction of two through travel li including a fully landscaped median. 3. Improvement of Elm/College intersection. Estimated Cost - $3,773,000 ComDletion Date - 1995 , b. Cannon Road: El Camino Real to Colleae Boulevai Cannon Road from El Camino Real to Col: Boulevard shall be constructed to include following improvements: 1. Grading of Cannon Road to ultimate right- way width to major arterial standards. 2. Construction of two through lanes includii fully landscaped median. 3. Improvement of El Camino Real/Car intersection. 4. Improvement of College/Cannon intersectioi Estimated Cost - $3,450,000 ComDletion Date - 1995 18 1 w w 4. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY 2000 a. Collese Boulevard College Boulevard from Elm Avenue to Cannon E: shall be constructed to include the follocl improvements: 1. Two additional lanes necessary to compl full width improvements to major artei standards. 2. Improvement of Elm/College intersection. Estimated Cost - $1,220,000 ComDletion Date - 2000 5. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY BUILD OUT a. Elm Avenue - Pontiac Drive to Victoria Avenue Elm Avenue from Pontiac Drive to Victoria Ave shall be constructed to include the folloi improvements: ', 1. Two additional lanes necessary to compl full width improvements to major artei standards. Estimated Cost - $1,391,500 Completion Date - Build Out FIRE FACILITIES No special conditions. OPEN SPACE No special conditions. 19 w SCHOOL FACILITIES -Prior to recordation of the first final map, issuance of grad permit or building permit, whichever occurs first, within Zone the developers and Carlsbad Unified School District will er; into an agreement which will exchange parcel tax and develc fee credit for the land valuation, site preparation costs, certain off-site improvements for the 20 acre site known Village S. SEWER FACILITIES A. WATERSHED A 1. Prior to the recordation of the first final n issuance of building permit or grading pern whichever occurs first for any development in Waters A of Zone 7, a financing mechanism guaranteeing provided : a. Reach VCTlA from Zone 7 boundary to Marron Roac b. Gravity flow from Simsberry Pump Station to 2 c. Reach NAHTlA along Tamarack Avenue. Reach NAHTlA shall be completed and operational to satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to occupancy of the first unit in Watershed A of Zone : construction of the following sewer facilities must 7/25 boundary. , B. WATERSHED B 1. Prior to the recordation of the first final I issuance of a grading permit or building pen whichever occurs first , for any development Watershed B of Zone 7, a financing mechar guaranteeing the construction of the following sc facilities must be provided: a. Reach NAHTlA shall be completed and operational to satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to occupancy of the first unit in Watershed B of Zone . Reach NAHTlA along Tamarack Avenue. 20 0 0 C. WATERSHED C Two options for future development of Watershed C provided . below. SAHT2C is projected to be bc concurrently with Cannon Road from College Boulevard to Camino Real. If development within Watershed C occurs pr to construction of the SAHT2C, then the Calavera Hi Master Plan provides for temporary sewerage to pump i North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Basin as outlined in Opt #2 9 ODtion #1 1. Prior to the recordation of the first final n issuance of a grading permit or building pen whichever occurs first, for any development Watershed C of Zone 7, a financing mechan guaranteeing the construction of the following SE facilities must be provided: a. Reach SAHT2B from Zone 7 to Cannon Road. b. Reach SAHT2C from College Boulevard to El Can 2. Prior to the recordation of the first final n issuance of a grading permit or building pem wHichever occurs first , for any development Watershed C of Zone 7, a financing mechan guaranteeing Zone 7's proportional share for construction of the following sewer facilities must Real. provided : a. SAHl adjacent to Cannon Road. b. SAH2 adjacent to Cannon Road. c. SAH3 adjacent to Cannon Road. d. SAH4 adjacent to Cannon Road. If the construction of the South Agua Hedic Interceptor west of El Camino Real is not complet Reach SAHT2C shall connect into the existing North P Hedionda Interceptor. Reaches SAHT2B and SAHT2C shall be completed operational to the satisfaction of the City Engir prior to the occupancy of the first unit in Waters C. 21 w W ODtibn #2 1. Prior to. the recordation of the first final issuance of a grading permit or building per whichever occurs first , for any development Watershed C of Zone 7, a financing plan guarante the construction of the following sewer facilities be provided: a. Reach SAHT2B from Zone 7 to Cannon Road. b. Reach SAHT2C from Cannon Road to El Camino Rea c. Reach NAHTlA along Tamarack Avenue- Reach NAHTlA satisfaction of. the City Engineer prior to occupancy of the first unit in Watershed C of Zone issuance of a grading permit or building per whichever occurs first , for any development Watershed C of Zone 7, a financing mechai guaranteeing Zone 7's proportional share for construction of the following sewer facilities mus' provided : a. SAHl adjacent to Cannon Road. b: SAH2 adjacent to Cannon Road. c. SAH3 adjacent to Cannon Road. d. SAH4 adjacent to Cannon Road. shall be completed and operational to 2. Prior to the recordation of the first final 3. Prior to the recordation of the first final issuance of a grading permit or building per whichever occurs first , for any development Watershed C of Zone 7, a financing plan guarantei the construction of the following sewer facilities ' be provided: a. Construction of a temporary pump station service all units in Watershed C that can gra flow to the pump station. b. Construction of a force main from the tempo pump station to convey sewage to Reach NAHT11 Tamarack Avenue. c. Yearly operational and maintenance costs for temporary pump station- 22 , m d. Removal of the temporary pump station restoration of the pump station site L completion of the SAHT2B and SAHT2C. D. ALL WATERSHEDS Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs fi for any development in Zone 7, a financing mechar guaranteeing construction of Reach NAHTlB shall be provi which will ensure that adequate funding is available upgrade the NAHTlB sewer line prior to the issuance of 590th building permit in Zone 7. WATER FACILITIES A. All future development in Zone 7 shall be required provide any water reclamation facilities as identified the future Water Reclamation Master Plan as determined the City Engineer. Any water reclamation facilit necessary to accommodate future development must guaranteed prior to the recordation of a final map, issuz of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occ first for any project in Zone 7. B. SERVICE AREA A 1. Water facilities will be provided at the time development to the satisfaction of CMWD. The exist pressure reducing and pumping station at intersection of College Boulevard and Elm Avenue the transmission lines from this station to existing 6.0 MG TAP reservoir are installed. a, Transmission lines in College Boulevard Tamarack Avenue (Facilities #3 and 9) will granted to the district by development at ultin final grade and right-of-way prior to any grant of occupancy. Any expenses for transmission lj installed by the district will be reimbursed the developer. b. A portion of the easement in College Boulevard Elm Avenue will be granted to the district pi to recordation of any final map, issuance o building permit or grading permit, whichc occurs first in Service Area A. 1 23 m m C. SERVICE AREA B 1. Water facilities will be provided concurrent i transmission lines [Facilities # 8 and 9) from Squ Dam I are to be installed as required by CMWD. development to the satisfaction of the CMWD. 1 4 24 L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXHIBIT #5 W e PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2936 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR A LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF THE CITY OF OCEANSIDE, WEST OF CALAVERA LAKE, AND EAST OF ZONE 2. APPLICANT: HOFMAN PLANNING ASSOCIATES CASE NO.: LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN - ZONE 7 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 18th day of October, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to conside request, and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considerii testimony and arguments, examining the initial study, analyzing the infor submitted by staff, and considering any written comments received, the P1 Commission considered all factors relating to the Negative Declaration, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commiss follows: A) B) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the P1 Commission hereby recommends APPROVAL of the Negative Decla according to Exhibit "ND" dated August 19, 1988, and "PII", dated 15, 1988, attached hereto and made a part hereof, based on the fol findings and conditions: Findinqs: 1. The Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 7 will not cau significant environmental impacts. The plan is a public faci planning document that implements the existing General Plan. Th makes generalized projections as to the demand for and supply of facilities, and outlines the provision of adequate public faci concurrent with estimated demands. The plan recognizes that CEQA will be required prior to mitigation of any public or private F that is generally discussed in the plan. A Negative Declaration h; issued on August 19, 1988 and recommended for approval by the P1 Commission on October 18, 1989. //// //// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 l3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the P1 Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 18th October, 1989, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. Chairman Hall ) Commissioners; Schlehuber, Schrt Erwin, McFadden, Holmes and Marcus. 4dwAh MATTHEW HALL, Chairman CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSIl ATTEST: . -* i -% J2Gq i!k/LkkH0*& PLANNING 0 I RECTOR PC RES0 NO. 2936 -2- m w 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CAALSEAD. CA 92009459 1 @it! uf QkrlabaP PLANNING DEPARTMENT NE6ATIVE DECLARA TION PROJECT ADDRESS/LOCATION: Coll ege Avenue and Elm Avenue intersection surrounding 818 acres. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Local Facil ities Management Plan Zone 7 which guarar the adequacy of pub1 lc facilities concurrent with development to ad( performance standards. The City of Carlsbad has conducted an environmental review of the above desci project pursuant to the Guide1 ines for Implementation of the Cal ifc Environmental Quality Act and the Environmental Protection Ordinance of the of Carlsbad. As a result of said review, a Negative Declaration (declare that the project will not have a significant impact on the environment) is he issued for the subject project. Justification for this action is on file ir P1 ann i ng Department. A copy of the Negative Declaration with supportive documents is on file in Planning Department, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, California 92009. Corn from the public are invited. Please submit comnents in writing to the Plan Department within ten (10) days of date of issuance. DATED: August 19, 1988 CASE NO: LFMP 7 Planning Director APPLICANT: Hofman Planning Associates PUBLISH DATE: Auguk 19, 1988 BH:af A1LctYLWAru. cci: - t MICHAEL J. HOLaILLERo w e ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESS~NT FORM - PART I1 (TO BE COMPETED BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT) CASE NO. LFNP 7 DATE : AUUUSt 15. 198 I. BACKGROUND 1. APPLICANT: Hofman Plann ina Associates 2. ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER OF APPLICANT: 6994 E 1 Camino Real (619) 438-1465 Suite 208, Carlsbad. CA 92009 3. DATE CHECK LIST SUBMITTED: Aumst 8. 1988 11. ENVIRONMENT AL IMPA CTS (Explanations of all Affirmative Answers are to be written under Section I11 - Discussion of Environmental Evaluation) XES MAYBF 1. Earth - Will the proposal have significant results in: a. Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? b. Disruptions, displacements, compaction or overcovering of the soil? c. Change in topography or ground surface relief features? d. The destruction, covering of modification of any unique geologic or physical features? e. Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off the site? f. Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel or a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? 2. - will the proposal have significant results in: a. Air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? b. The creation of objectionable odors? c. Alteration of air movement, moisture or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? 3. Water - Will the proposal have significant results in: a. Changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? b. Changes in absorption rates, drainage patters, or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? c. Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? d. Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? e. Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, including but not limited to, temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? f. Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? !* g. Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifmr by cut8 or excavations? h. Reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? \ X / X X x X X x x x x -2- w us MAYBE 4. Plant Life - Will the proposal have significant results in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of plants crops, microflora and aquatic plants)? b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants? c. Introduction of new species of plants into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? d. Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? Animal Life - Will the proposal have significant results in: (including trees, shrubs, grass, 5. a. Changes in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of animals (birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms, insects or microfauna)? b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? c. Introduction of new species of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of animals? d. Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habite? increase existing noise levels? nificantly produce new light or glare? Und Use - Will the proposal have significant results in the alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? 6. Noise - will the proposal significantly 7. 8. qht and Glare - Will the proposal sig- -3- 9. Natwal Resources - Will the proposal have significant results in: a. Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? 10. b. Depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? x ask of Uwet - Does the proposal involve a significant risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? x 11. - Will the proposal signif- icantly alter the location, distribu- tion, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? - Will the proposal signif- icantly affect existing housing, or x 12. create a demand for additional housing? x 13. ortuon/Ciraatiop - Will the proposal have significant results in: a. Generation of additional vehicular movement? b. Effects on existing parking facili- ties, or demand for new parking? c. Impact upon existing transportation systems? d. Alteration8 to prosont patterns of circulation or,aovement of people and/or goods? I ' e. Alterations to watorborne, rail or air traffic? f. Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? x x x x x x -4- 0 m - YES MAYBE 14. Public Servic es - Will the proposal have a significant effect upon, or have signif- icant results in the need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? b. Police protection? c. Schools? d. Parks or other recreational facilities? including roads? e. Maintenance of public facilities, f. Other governmental services? 15. Enerav - Will the proposal have significant results in: a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? b. Demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? Uti1 ities - Will the proposal have significant results in the need for new systems, or alterations to the following utilities: 16. a. Power or natural gas? b. Communications systems? c. Water? d. Sewer or septic tanks? e. Storm water drainage? f. Solid waste and disposal? I 17. Human H ealth - Will the proposal have significant results in the creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? -5- 18. 19. 20. 21. MAYBE Besthew - Will the proposal have significant results in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in creation of an aesthetically offensive public view? pecru - Will the proposal have significant results in the impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? oloaical/Bistorical/PaleontQ&ouica - Will the proposal have significant results in the alteration of a significant archeological, paleontological or historical site, structure, object or building? x X x Analyze viable alternati ves to the DrODOSed Droiect such as: a) Phased development of the project, b) alternate site designs, c) alternate scale of development, d) alternate uses for the site, e) development at some future time rather than now, f) alter- nate sites for the proposed, and g) no project alternative. The project is a public facility information and planning study. Phased planning will not efficiently of adequately address the need for public facilities. The project is a public facility information and planning study. The project is a public facility information and planning study. Uses for the area covered by the plan are based on the existing General Plan. The plan Consider8 phased development. The project is a public facility information and planning study. A8 the project is a public facility information and planning study the no project alternative would not assure adequate public facilities to meet demand. The no project alternative would therefore cause the most detriment. ?- -6- w 0 YES MAYBE - 22. Mandatory f indinas of siunificance - a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, or curtail the diversity in the environment? b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the dis- goals? environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) c. Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? (A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) d. Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? advantage of long-term, environmental (A short-term impact on the 111. DISCUSS1 ON OF ENVIRONMENTAL E VALUATION The Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 7 is a faci planning document. the intent of the plan is to establish para and thresholds that assure public facilities are available needed as determined by the City's adopted performance standard accomplish this purpose occasionally locations and costs of facility improvempnts are estimated for informational pur These estimates may result in increased development fees. Traditionally the developer in maximizing their capital return such fees on to the home buyer or tenant. This results in priced housing which affects the availability of low and mo primarily by location, without other market incentives, unreasonable to assume the subject property would be develope( either low or moderate income housing due to its view proxim the Pacific Ocean. income housing, However, as real estate value is dete -7- . YY - a DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONM VALUATION (Continued) It is not the development fee that will force low and moderate inco families into other communities, but the existing nature of t market place. It is recognized that CEQA review for these public facilities estimates is general, and does not satisfy CEQA requirements for the specific project. The Zone 7 Local Facilities Management Plan requires complete CEQA review prior to initialization of any public or private project discussed in the Local Facilities Management Plan. , c -8- IV. DETERMINATION (Torn Completed By The Plannie Department) ? On the basis of this initial evaluation: x I find the proposed project COULD N OT have a significant effect the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a signific effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effe this case because the mitigation measures described on an attac sheet have been added to the project. Declaration will be proposed. I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on th environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. A Conditional Negative & I /&, \\ ,/ m -- x+!&/ Date Sign t re I > -) I ci,-,Jg ’2 ‘l\d&k ,# ’ f.birc &-/ I Date Planning“ DiWctor V. MITIGATING MEASUF?JW (If Applicable) 4’ -9- I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXHIBIT #5 W PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2937 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR ZONE 7 ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF THE CITY OF OCEANSIDE, WEST OF CALAVERA LAKE, AND EAST OF ZONE 2. APPLICANT: HOFMAN PLANNING ASSOCIATES CASE NO.: LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN - ZONE 7 WHEREAS, a verified application has been filed with the City of C; and referred to the Planning Commission, and WHEREAS, the City Council passed Resolution No. 8797 adopting tt Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan establishing facility zon performance standards for public facilities, and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 9808 requiri processing of a Local Facilities Management Plan, and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 8110 an( implementing Proposition E approved on November 4, 1986 by the citi2 Carlsbad, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 18th day of October hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to conside request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and consideri testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be hearc Commission considered all factors relating to the Local Facilities Man Plan for Zone 7. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commis! follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. //// //// $ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 W W B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearins 7, based on the following findings and subject to the fol condition: Commission recommends APPROVAL of Local Facilities Management Plan Fi ndi nqs : 1) That the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 7 is consister the Land Use Element, the Public Facilities Element, and the Elements contained in Carlsbad’s General Plan. That the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 7 is consister Section 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (Growth Managemen amended by Ordinance No. 8110 and Ordinance No. 9829 and with the i 1986 Citywide Facilities and Improvement Plan. That the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 7 and the cond contained therein will promote the public safety and welfare by en that public facilities will be provided in conformance with the a performance standards. 4) The Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 7 will control the and locations of growth by tying the pace of development to the prc 2) 3) of public facilities and improvements, 5) The Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 7 will ensure facilities and services are available in conformance with the 2 performance standards prior to development occurring. Condi t i on 1) Approval is granted for Local Facilities Management Plan - Zon contained in the Plan titled Local Facilities Management Plan 2 dated October 18, 1989, incorporated herein by reference. ///I /I// //// 1/11 ///I //// ///I //// PC RES0 NO. 2937 -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 w PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the P1 Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 18th 4 October, 1989, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : NOES : None. ABSENT : None. ABSTAIN: None. Chairman Hall, Commissioners: Schlehuber, Schramm, Erwi McFadden, Holmes & Marcus. f MATTHEW HALL, Chairman CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSIO ATTEST: ? \ / UA$$&-&&$ w Q& MICHAEL J. HOLZNLLER 0 PLANNING DIRECTOR PC RES0 NO. 2937 -3- October 18, 1989 PLANNING COMMISSION Page 7 ion was duly made, seconded, and carried to adopt Commission Resolution No. 2919 approving the %h?q Negative' claration issued by the Planning Director and adopt Plannin omission Resolution Nos. 2920 and 2921 approving SDP 89- nd CP 89-7 based on the findings and subject to the conditi contained therein, with the following added conditions. (a) sidewalks in the front, and (b) a combination of soli wrought iron fences to provide vie in order to provide separate private ba RECESS The Planning Commission recessed at 7:19 p.m. and reconv \ \ \ nces between yards and through the site, all and side yards. at 7:28 p.m. 3) LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN ZONE 7 - Request for approval of the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 7 on property located in the northeastern quadrant of the City adjacent to the southern edge of the City of Oceanside. Don Rideout, Senior Management Analyst, presented an overview of Zone 7 and stated that this zone is located in the northeastern quadrant of the City adjacent to the southern edge of the City of Oceanside. first privately sponsored Local Facilities Management Plan to be brought before the Planning Commission. Of the 819 total acres in Zone 7, 744 are residential. The Calavera Hills Master Plan divided the zone into villages and the Zone Plan is based on this Master Plan. The existing development includes the Hope Elementary School (Village M), the Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Plant (Village HI. and the Calavera Hills Community Park (Villages E2 and P). In terms of future development, Villages Q and T have approved tentative maps; Village L1 has an approved final map; Village El will be a commercial area; and Village S is a future school site. There are presently 1,101 existing du's. 556 approved units (in Villages Q, T and Ll), and 666 future units, for a total buildout of 2,333 du's. The non-residential buildout of the zone will consist of approximately 119,212 s.f. figures are in full compliance with Proposition E and the Citywide Facilities and Improvement Plan. zone plan will not confer any entitlement to develop nor will it approve any specific number of du's for the zone. intended purely for facility planning purposes. Brian Hunter, Senior Planner, discussed Schools and stated that the performance standard stipulates that the capacity to meet the projected enrollment must be provided prior to occupancy. To ensure that this requirement occurs, the plan has been conditioned as follows: Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of a grading permit, or building permit, whichever occurs first, within Zone 7, the developers and Carlsbad Unified School District will enter into an agreement which will exchange parcel tax and He noted that this is the The buildout Approval of this It is developer fee credit for the land valuation, site preparation costs. and certain offsite improvements for the 20 acre site known as Village S. as a junior high school site. indicated it will be a K-8 site. Steven Jantz, Associate Civil Engineer, discussed Drainage, Circulation, and Sewer Collection. Village S is shown on the General Plan The school district has COMMISSIONERS Erwin Hall Ho he s Marcus HcFadden Schlehuber Schramm QRAFB MlNUFS \ October 18, 1989 PLANNING COMMISSION Drainage - Various drainage facilities will be required of future development within Zone 7. The facilities impacted by future runoff in the zone have been identified by a hydrology study which was conducted by an outside consultant. The study proposes a desiltation basin and some dredging to be done along the north boundary of the Rancho Carlsbad of the existing channel. Prior to future development in Zone 7 a financing mechanism must be in place to guarantee the construction of the desiltation basin and the dredging of the creek. Construction of the desiltation basin must be completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to the issuance of any building permits in the tributary area adjacent to the mobile home park. Mobile Hoae Park due to the siltation deposits at the bottom Circulation - Prior to the development of Villages Q and T, it will be necessary to complete the construction of College Boulevard from Elm Avenue northerly to Lake, within the City of Oceanside. and to complete the widening of Elm Avenue to four lanes from College Boulevard to Tamarack Avenue. As development continues, other facilities may be required. In the year 1995 it is projected that College Boulevard will be constructed from Elm Avenue southerly to Cannon Road, and Cannon Road constructed to El Camino Real. By buildout, it is projected to widen Elm Avenue from Victoria to Pantiac. that prior to the approval of any further development, a financing plan guaranteeing the construction of these facilities must be approved. This zone plan has been conditioned Sewer Collection - Due to the topography and drainage areas of the zone, by buildout Zone 7 will be serviced by three separate interceptor systems. The northwest quarter of the zone will be serviced by the Vista-Carlsbad interceptor, the southwest quarter of the zone will be serviced by the North Agua Hedionda interceptor, and the east half (which is now undeveloped) will be serviced by the South Agua Hedionda interceptor which is not in place at this time. trunk line in the North Agua Hedionda interceptor system is almost at capacity (590 edu's remaining), the plan is conditioned that prior to the 590th building permit a financing plan must be approved to guarantee that adequate funds will be available for the construction of the required sewer collection system. In addition, the Calavera Hills Pump Station, which was approved to permit development in Villages Q and T, is only temporary and when the South Agua Hedionda interceptor is completed, funding must be available to remove the temporary pump station and restore the area to its original condition. The financing plan must also address Because a the operating and maintenance costs associated with the operation of the pump station until the construction of the ultimate sever collection system. Don Rideout, Senior Management Analyst, concluded the staff report by stating that the Zone Plan contains approximate costs for necessary facilities and conditions for financing which must be complied with in order for development to occur in the zone. is $19 million. Proposition E and the Citywide Facilities and Management Plan. Staff reconmends approval. Chairman Hall inquired hov many available du's are left in Zone 7. The estimated costs of the required facilities This plan meets all of the requirements of Mr. Rideout replied that there are 666 future units. Page 9 COMMISSIONERS October 18, 1989 PLANNING COMMISSION Commissioner Schlehuber inquired about the remaining 590 Jantz replied Zones 1 and 2 are close to buildout which leaves 589 edu's remaining for Zones 7 and 14. Prior to the issuance of the 589th building permit, lOOZ of the funds must be available to construct the new line. Commissioner Schlehuber inquired if it would be better to have the financing well in advance of this time to enable the line to be completed prior to issuance of the 589th building permit. Mr. Hunter replied that the financing agreement must be in place before 3 building permit is issued and that the agreement will contain a trigger factor as to when construction must begin. Commissioner Erwin requested staff to comment on the Parks years. Mr. Hunter replied that Parks will enter a deficit in 1993. can occur until the Parks standard has been satisfied. Commissioner McPadden inquired about the comment on page 114 of the plan which states that the two additional lanes on Elm Avenue may not be needed. projections and cited the traffic problems on College Avenue near Highway 78. Mr. Jantz replied that the analysis was based on local traffic patterns and confirmed by SANDAC projections. The financing plan will ensure that there is money to widen Elm Avenue if it is necessary. traffic monitoring program is being established that will provide an early warning mechanism which may trigger the construction of any required circulation facilities. Commissioner Marcus stated that she finds it hard to believe that the traffic will not increase on Elm Avenue enough to require the additional lanes. It is difficult to convince residents to widen a street at a later date because many do not want the additional traffic in their neighborhoods. Chairman Hall opened the public testimony and issued the . edu's remaining on the North Agua Hedionda interceptor. Mr. which will only meet the performance standard for three more The plan has been conditioned so that no development She is very leery about traffic Also, a invitation to speak. Bill Hofman. Hofman Planning Associates, 2386 Faraday Avenue, Suite 120, Carlsbad, addressed the Commission and stated that his firm prepared the plan for Zone 7. He stated that the zone plans are becoming much more difficult to complete and cited the Hecht I1 drainage study, a detailed study of the sewer system, and a detailed study of the traffic circulation which were required in this zone. The $30 million of improvements required in Zone 7 proves that growth management is doing its job. He acknowledged the work of Sheila Donovan of his staff who completed the major work for this plan. stated that he would be happy to answer questions. There being no other persons desiring to address the Commission on this topic, Chairman Hall declared the public testimony closed and opened the item for discussion among the Commission members. Commissioner Schlehuber is concerned about lowering the standard for Elm Avenue. He would like to see the plan amended to eliminate the "if needed" situation regarding the widening of Elm Avenue. He Comissioner Schtamm and Chairman Hall agree with Comissioner Schlehuber. Page lo October 18, 1989 PLANNING COMMISSION Motion was duly made, seconded. and carried to adopt Declaration issued by the Planning Director and adopt Resolution No. 2937 recommending approval of Local Facilities Management Plan 7, with the amendment to require the full width of Elm Avenue between Victoria . Resolution No. 2936 recornending approval of the Negative and Pontiac, bISCUSSION ITPIS: 4)"., \ PUD 103, 104 AND 105 - HILLMAN PROPERTIES - Request for \approval of the Site Planning Information for a 95, 66 \,and 49 dwelling unit Planned Unit Development on kroperty generally located south of Alga Road and on the nbrth side of Batiquitos Drive. \ Charles iimn, Assistant Planning Director, reviewed the backgroun of the request and stated that on June 7, 1989 the Planning C ission denied a request by Hillman Properties to reduce the ster Plan required building separation standards for small F lo single family Planning Areas 4, 8 and 14 within the Avf ra Master Plan. Specifically, Master Plan 177 requires a minb building separation of 10 ft. between one-story units,\l5 ft. between one and two-story units, and 20 ft. between t -story units. Hillman Properties had requested that th building separation standard be reduced to an overall aver e of 12 ft. between du's. On June 26, 1989 the Carlsbad Cf y Council approved the Final Subdivision Map for the Aviara P \ se I Tentative Map (CT 85-35) with the condition that site 5 p nning information for Planning Areas 4, 8 and 14 be submitt for Planning Gomission review and approval prior to the i uance of building permits, instead of final map, as origina' y conditioned. Planning Area 4 is a 27.7 arre site located immediately south of Alga Road and will consi* of 95 single family du's with a net density of 3.46 dufacre. ' The du's range in size from 2,266 to 2,818 s.f. and will & located on lots which range between 5,000 and 7,500 s.f. in\size. Of the 95 total du's, 28 (30%) will be a maximum of ode story. This area will include a 1.95 acre linear open s ace corridor running north to south which will be richly lan course, picnic areas, an oak grove, and a tot-lotlgreenbelt area. Planning Area 8 is a 27.3 acre site lohated immediately to the west of the Murphy Property and betkeen the approved alignments of Alga Road and Batiquitos Dkive. include 66 single family du's with a denkjty of 2.41 dufacre. The du's range in size from 2,353 s.f. to '3.500 s.f. and will be located on average 6,000 s.f. lots. Eleven of the 66 du's will be one story and the remaining 55 units,will be two stories. This project will include a three dcre eucalyptus grove at the northwest comer to be mintained in open space and a comon recreation lot located at the entry way to the project. course views. Planning Area 14 is a 20.9 acre site located along'.the north side of Batiquitos Drive and is bordered on the easi and west by the proposed Aviara Golf Course. include 49 single family du's with a density of 2.34 du/acre. The du's range in size from 2,353 to 3,500 s.f. and wi41 be located on minimum 6.000 s.f. lots. The majority of the du's will be two stories with the exception of six one-story i t caped and include a par 4 \ This PUD will Homes on the western perimeter will have golf This project will \ COMMISSIONERS Erwin Hall Holmes Yarcus YcFadden Schlehuber Schrm W NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING .I' 0 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hol a public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, Californiz at 6:OO p.m. on Tuesday, November 14, 1989, to consider approval of a Locz Facilities Management Plan on property generally located at Zone 7. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to atter the public hearing. If you have any questions, please call the W-k i If you challenge the LFMP in court, you may be limited to raising only tho: issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notic or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior 1 the public hearing. -* 43f-//d/ ass- d&mf i 'u CASE FILE: LFMP 89-7 APPLICANT: ZOtE-7 d&peh--T, PUBLISH: NOVEMBER 3, 1989 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL 6 &I ' w Y (Form A) TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FROM: RE: PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST Attached are the materials necessary for you to notice Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 7 for a public hearing before the City Council. Please notice the item for the council meeting of -78 a$ q'''g Thank you. - 10-31-89 - Assistant City Man-" Date a NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING LFMP (ZONE 7) .* 1 I, . 1 I, s , 9, - f b'l ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO P.M., on Tuesday, December 5, 1989, to consider approval of a Local Facilitj Management Plan on property generally located at Zone 7. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call the Growth Managemer Division at 438-1161. If you challenge the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 7 in court, you m: limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public he: described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of ( City Clerk's Office at or prior to the public hearing. APPLICANT: Hofman Planning Associates PUBLISH: November 24, 1989 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OCEANSIDE : -.4\+: Local Facilltles Management Plan CITY OF ENCINITAS it was themessage delivered else?” sh lked. Services Coordir r Elizabeth tapb Oceanside’s Technical Graff said she has oeen working ;ory Committee on Hazard- with the city’s Chamber of Taste by Linda Pratt, a coun- Commerce to encourage industry cardous materials specialist. representatives to participate in was invited to address the the committee meetings. To date, however, those efforts have been as it customizes the county The coudy plan calls for a 30- percent reduction in hazardous waste over the next five years, although Pratt said that portion was added against her wishes. niques. The county annually “It’s a joke,” she said. educating officials whose busi- nesses generate pollution as to proper waste-reduction tech- prepares a newsletter that is distributed among Industry representatives, a practice she the committee has been rdous Waste Management Instead, Pratt said she supports unsuccessful. to suit Oceanside’s needs. ce the Oceanside City Coun- )proved the county’s plan in opingprocedures for manag- hazardous waste. When ked, the council will be asked rove the local plan as a new mt of the Oceanside General Day or-nighty the c’assified section can work for you’ today! Hurry and place your ad Call 942- 7 IO0 le first thing I would not do is 1 percentage mandates,” said . “It’s a guess and that is all things can be ” hile specific pollution- :tion guidelines appear to it the community, Pratt said actually punish those compa- taking steps to reduce their 3 prior to establishment of NOTICE IS HEARBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO p.m., on Tuesday, December 5,1989, to consider approval of a Local Facilities Management Plan r needs are changing too on property generally located at Zone 7. all absolutely FREE Milllons of If you have any questions regarding this nen new parents new citizens matter, please call the Growth If you challange the Local Facilities rdiff 632-1 503 Management Plan for Zone 7 in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at ncho Santa Fe 792-7220 the public hearing described in this c notice, or in written correspondence Changed Your Lifestyle? :all Welcome W,igon Jhen YOU change your lifestyle hne Wagon can help you ftnd /ices that meet your requirements ly basket of gifts and information mans contact us engaged People who have lust moved e you changed your lifestyle or Management Division at 438-1 161. w someone else who has? All Complimentary I Mar 755-8659 rlsbad 741 -6888 lana Beach 755-8434 eanside 758-31 25 cinitas 944-1 299 delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. APPLICANT: Hofman Planning Associates CARLSBAD CITY PUBLISH: November 24,1989 COUNCIL %hWYO& .... ..c. id- - Dl stt “ t Rf 8” I Irt a a I t I PI 25- a 8 t t 21 a s 8 i 8 s i I I I i r I 1. ,I I L le accident. the city at 160 Recreation Drive businesses. NOTE OF PUBLIC HEARING LFMP (ZONE 7) EREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public earing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO ,M., on Tuesday, December 5, 1989, to consider approval of a Local Facilities lanagement Plan on property generally located at Zone 7. , Ell. Or 0CUIII)I If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call the Gkowth Management Division at 438-1 1 61 . If you challenge the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 7 in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public os hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of ---- Carlsbad City Clerk’s office at or prior to the ! public hearing. ‘- APPLICANT Hofman Planning Associates ] Local Facllltlos Managernenl Plan Zorle 7 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL DJll c. I”C*l., 4.P Fi ’