HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-12-12; City Council; 10410; Purchase of Office Furniture--------,,,---------------- .. !l 0 w 6 a: 0. ~ z 0 ~ ..J 0 z ::, 0 (,) /;: Cll)OF CARLSBAD -AGEN[WBILL ~t AB# /d, 4/~ I.1I1E; MTG. 12/12/89 DEPT.P....,C .... R.A.-.-- RECOMMENDED ACTION: PURCHASE OF OFFICE FURNITURE CITYA Adopt Resolution No. ~ f.J:;.. and award the bids for Off ice Furniture. ITEM'EXPLANATION: The 1989-90 Budget includes funds for miscellaneous furniture for various departments. In accordance with Section 3. 28 .120 of the Municipal Code, Notice to Bidq.ers w~s published and Request for Bids was made to nineteen vendors. seven responses were received, opened, witnessed and recorded on November 10, 1989. The evaiuation of the bids was done by the staff of the Purchasing Department. Each item was examined to see if it met the specifications. Next items were grouped by manufacturers; e.g. Alma, E.o.c., Hale, and Steelcase, and cost comparisons were made. • O'Neill Envirocorp, 5152 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad, CA 92009 submitted the· lowest responsive bid for six items, in the amount of $9 ,·077. 85 including tax. southwest Business Interiors, 9650 Chesapeake Drive, San Diego, CA 92123 submitted the lowest responsive bid for thirteen items in the amount of $11,821.09 including tax. FISCAL IMPACT: Unencumbered funds are available in the following amounts $5,582. in Account Number 001-a20-1020-3900 (City Manager) for a desk and conference table costing $1,818. $3,200. in Account Number 001-820-1210-2551 (City Attorney) for bookcases costing $3,119. $2,765. in Account Number OOl-820-1410-2551 (Purchasing) for chairs and credenza costing $1,030. $700. in Account Number 001-820-1410-3900 (Purchasing) for Work station costing $661 . $2,979. in Account Number 001-820-1910-·2660 (Risk Management) for File Cabinet costing $430. i l l I I '{ l t [ .. PAGE 2 OF AB# 0 ¥/tJ $987. in Account Number 001-820-2131-2660 (Police) for File Cabinets costing $834. $2,807. in Account Number 001-820-2230-3900 (Fire) for file cabinets costing $1,249. $3,854. in Account Number 001-820-3110-3900 (Engineering) for chairs costing $1,181. $6,599. in Account Number 001-820-3130-2660 (Municipal Projects) for a desk costing $480. $4,186. in Account Number 001-820-3230-2660 {Planning) for desks costing $959. $15,060. in Account Number 001-820-3230-3900 {Planning) fQ~ desks and chairs costing $2,951. $600. in Account Number 001-820-3411-3900 (Historic Preservation) for a chair costing $591. $1,480. in Account Number 001-820-3610-3900 {Building) for a file cabinet costing $692. $51,738. in Account Number 001-820-4040-2660 {Library) for a chair costing $375. $16,505. in Account Number 001-820-4131-2660 (Recreation) for stacking chairs costing $2,874. $600. in Account Number 302-820-3510-2660 (Block Grant Capital Projects) for a chair costing $590. $480. in Account Number 810-820-3410-2551 (Redevelopment) for a chair costing $480. $599. j_n Account Number 810-820-3410-3900 (Redevelopment) for a desk costing $591. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. tff .'-/Jt-, 2. Tabulation of Bids -Exhibit "A". .1.... ./ \~ : ,,i, I ~ .1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 89 -432 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING BIDS AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THE PURCHASE OF FURNITURE. BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the bid of O'Neill Envirocorp, 5152 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad CA 92009, for Items 4, 5, 6, 7, s, and 9 as shown on Exhibit "A", is hereby accepted, and the Purchasing Officer is hereby authorized to execute a Purchase Order for the purchase of furniture in the amount of $9,077.85 including tax. 2. That the bid of Southwest Business Interiors, 9650 Chesapeake Drive, San Diego, CA 92123, for Items 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 25, and· 27 as shown on Exhibit "A", is hereby accepted, and the Purchasing Officer is hereby authorized to execute a Purchase Order for the purchase of furniture in the amount of $11,821.09 including tax. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the city council of the city of Carlsbad on the ~ day of December , 1989, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Mamaux, and Pettine. NOES: None. ABSENT: None . ATTEST: /414zi.y L lfwl.~1-f2.---. ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, Cityclerk (SEAL) J ,f ,, ~ _, ._... • ...,_. ,.,~,.., -,-~•-----.......... -------~----------,.r 7 ,, ~ NOVEMBER 1989 TABULATION OF FURNITURE.BIDS EXHIBIT "A" ·1 SOUTHWEST BUS INT PARRON HALL SHORE OFFICE FURN. SEAL FURNITURE INTERFACS MCMAHAN DESK O'NEILL ENVIROCORP ITEM 9650 CHESAPEAKE 820 WASHINGTON 5670 EL CAMINO REAL 9725 SCRANTON 9540 WAPLES ST. POBOX4707 5152 AVENIDA ENCINAS NO. $AN DIEGO, 92123 SAN DIEGO 92101 CARLSBAD 92008 SAN DIEGO 92121 SAN DIEGO, 92121 SAN DIEGO, 92104 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 1 ~-f.ciif: NB NB $464:00 NB $517.25 $488.00 2 (,#Ji•-NB NB $633.00' NB $704.45 a $377.00 3 c,,@!00, NB NB $261.00 NB $273.60 $267.00 4 $734.00 NB NB NB NB NB t:ssso.20" 5 $447'.00 NB NB NB NB NB 1:$335;.i(f 6 $466.00 NB NB NB NB NB l',"4 ·""' >-,;'~~ 7 $518.00 NB NB NB NB NB ,,~ 8 $768.00 NB NB NB NB NB t-~:~r 9 a $368.00 NB NB NB NB NB t,;-~-~ 10 r:;~•·· $1,206.00 a $528.00 NB NB $685.44 NB 11 ~ ''~· $65.00 NB NB $57.35 $72.90 NB 12 • ~,1@Ql $131.00 NB NB $116.29 $147.83 NB ,,.> ,,,~,/ 13 ·-f!'IO ' $238.00 $190.00 NB $167.55 $133.65 NB '¾•V~ 14 '~ ' $t16.00 $137.00 NB $81.10 NB NB 15 {~'1-~ $129.00 $158.00 NB $86.94 NB NB 16 , . , $240.00 $328.00 NB $165.00 NB NB ''jjn·ad 17 U~L-..Jl $1,109.00 NB NB NB $1,296.88 NB :i i ·' -I 18 $489.00 $699.00 $558.00 $510.00 $525.55 $467.45 NB 19' $712.00 $995.00 $807.00 $742.00 $847.86 $728.65 NB 20 $251.00 $331.00 NB NB NB $9J.95 NB 21 $314.00 $415.00 NB NB • NB $129.95 NB 22 $364.00 $481.00 NB NB NB $149.95 NB 23 $101.00 $162.00 $218.00 $121.00 $148.54 $85.29 NB 24 $154.00 $218.00 $288.00 $162.00 $193.67 $111.09 NB 25 [!!~-' $709.00 NB --. tlB NB $666.30 NB 26 $571.00 NB $667.00 NB NB $526.99 NB 27 ~1 $638.00 $442.00 NB NB $435.88 NB J, a -Alternate Bid -did not meet specifications. ,. f- A-::f•.,.l ~-, .., _ . .., ~.:. -,:. ~~,; J: I '