HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-12-19; City Council; 10435; Expand scope for preparation of final EIR/EISo\ _lo oo CIT OF CARLSBAD — AGEND/ 3ILL ^^(3^ AB# /t?,^^^ MTfi.12/19/89 DFPT PLN ILT-LEJEXPAND SCOPE FOR PREPARATION OF FINAL EIR/EIS FOR BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PROJECT, PROJECT NO. 0000 DEPT. HP. h^vH CITY ATTY(jj^ CITY MGR^te?~V_ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. . approving Amendment A to the Reimbursement Agreement with the Port of Los Angeles (POLA) and adopt Resolution No. ffl-44-*? . approving Change Order No. 2 for additional work required to prepare the final environmental documentation for the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project. ITEM EXPLANATION On April 19, 1988 the City Council approved two items relative to the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project: A reimbursement agreement with POLA to cover all costs related to the environmental review phase of the project for $828,666 (including contingencies), and a contract with the firm of CH2M Hill for the preparation of the required environmental documentation for the enhancement project for $563,901. On December 6, 1988 the City Council approved Change Order No. 1 (Resolution No. 88-418) to the CH2M Hill contract (for an additional $54,074) bringing CH2M Hill's contract total to $617,975. The CH2M Hill contract approved by the City and POLA was based on a scope of work developed by the consultant, City and port staffs, and the Army Corps of Engineers (COE). The Corps is the City's federal counterpart as lead agency for the environmental review of the enhancement project. The original scope of work recognized that once comments were received on the draft environmental document, a rescoping process would occur as required, to make adjustments to the scope of work for preparation of the final environmental documentation. During the public review period for the draft environmental document, the COE and the City received 45 letters representing over 1,000 individual comments. Some of the more significant comments requiring a response address: further documentation/verification of the physical functioning of the lagoon and tidal inlet structure; modifications to the proposed enhancement alternatives to incorporate modifications/mitigations requested by agencies and the public; expansion of the existing analysis of alternatives; more complete documentation of regional biological relationships; and development of a monitoring plan for the restored lagoon. In order to adequately respond to these and a number of other issues, extensive coordination is planned to include meetings with appropriate commenting agencies, organizations and individuals; and a peer review of the physical and ecological components of the enhancement plan is anticipated. To address the above comments, the consultant under City and Corps supervision, has revised the scope of work to prepare the final environmental documentation. CH2M Hill per the requirements of Section 7 of its contract with the City is requesting a change of work order be approved by the City Council to cover the costs of the expanded scope of work. Preparation of the final environmental documentation is to be completed within six months of funding approval by City Council. PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. /c/; The cost required to cover CH2M Hill's change order, other consultant services (e.g, peer review) and Carlsbad's additional administrative costs, exceed the funding available through the existing Reimbursement Agreement with POLA. Therefore, this agreement has been amended to incorporate the increased cost. On December 13, 1989, POLA approved the amendment to the Reimbursement Agreement (Exhibit No. 1) and approved the revised scope of work for CH2M Hill (Exhibit 3). FISCAL IMPACT There will be no fiscal impact on City resources resulting from the approval of these resolutions. Resolution No. ffl-4e/$f(Amendment A to Reimbursement Agreement) provides for an increase of funds available to Carlsbad by $671,250, or from $828,666 to $1,499,916 (including contingencies). This includes an increase of $630,000 to CH2M Hill to prepare final environmental documents, a reallocation of excess funds from title search and appraisal services to allow third party peer review using existing funding, and an increase in administrative funds available to Carlsbad by $41,250, or from $64,625 to $105,875. This will cover any additional Carlsbad administrative expenses related to this expanded work effort. Resolution No. W-t/Mprovides the change order to CH2M Hill for $525,000. (A 20% contingency of $105,000 for a total of $630,000 is allowed for by the Reimbursement Agreement.) EXHIBITS 1. Resolution No. 07-44% approving Amendment A to Reimbursement Agreement with POLA (LAND Agreement No. 1419-2A) for increased contractual and administrative services provided by Carlsbad on the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project. 2. Amendment A to Reimbursement Agreement No. 1419-2 between the City of Carlsbad and the City of Los Angeles. 3. Resolution No. //-?Vf approving Change Order No. 2 for additional work by CH2M Hill to prepare the final environmental documentation for the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project. 4. CH2M Hill Change Order No. 2 5. Letter dated December 13, 1989 to Mayor Lewis from Lillian Kawasaki, POLA Director of Environmental Management, documenting approval of Reimbursement Agreement and expenditure to cover costs related to the Revised Scope of Work dated December 8, 1989. RESOLUTION NO. 89-448 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 2 OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDMENT A TO THE REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE 3 PORT OF LOS ANGELES AND CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR THE BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PROJECT. 4 PROJECT NO. 0000 5 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, g California, approved on April 19, 1988 a reimbursement agreement 7 with the Port of Los Angeles (LAHD Agreement No. 1419-2) for the 8 environmental documentation and related technical studies and 9 Carlsbad support services for the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement 10 Project, Project No. 0000; and 11 WHEREAS, additional funding is required for this project 12 outside of the scope of work of the original agreement; and 13 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 14 California, finds it in the public interest to enlarge the scope 15 of said reimbursement agreement to prepare the final environmental 15 document and support services necessary to maximize the 17 environmental information available to the City, Responsible IQ Agencies, and the public with respect to the Batiquitos Lagoon 19 Enhancement Project; and 20 WHEREAS, the Port of Los Angeles has approved said 21 reimbursement agreement with the City of Carlsbad to undertake said 22 enlarged scope of work; and 23 WHEREAS, the reimbursement agreement contains an estimate 24 of cost to perform said additional work; 25 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council 26 of the City of Carlsbad, California as follows: 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, hereby authorizes the Mayor to execute reimbursement agreement (LAHD Agreement 1419-2A) for additional funding to prepare the final environmental document and Carlsbad support services in the amount not to exceed $671,000 in accordance with LAHD 1419-2A which is incorporated by reference and made a part hereof. 3. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, hereby authorizes the Director of Finance to increase consultant payment requests and City reimbursement expense requests to the Port of Los Angeles in accordance with the intent of this action. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 19th day of December , 1989 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None ABSENT: None JiS^Mayor ATTEST: ALBTHA L, KtfREN R. KTJNDTZ, (SEAL) Z, City Clerk uty City Clerk -2- EXHIBIT 2 AMENDMENT A TO REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT NO. 1419-2 BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD (CITY) AND THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES (BOARD) FOR THE PREPARATION OF AND EIR/EIS AND CERTAIN OTHER CONSULTANT STUDIES FOR THE BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PROJECT 1. In conformance with the Reimbursement Agreement("Agreement"), BOARD has received a request from CITY to increase the amount payable under the Agreement from $828,666 to $1,499,916 in order to complete the final Environmental Impact Report/Statement. 2. By this Amendment A, BOARD agrees to reimburse CITY actual additional expenses paid by CITY as provided for in the attached amendment to Exhibit 2 of the Agreement in an amount not to exceed $671,250 such that the total amount payable by BOARD shall not exceed $1,499,916 without further BOARD approval. - 1 - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the day and year first above written. CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Municipal Corporation of the State of California By CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor Attest City Clerk CITY OF LOS ANGELES, a Municipal Corporation of the State of California By EZUNIAL BURTS, Executive Director for Board of Harbor Commissioners APPROVED AS TO FORM:APPROVED AS TO FORM: , 1989 JAMES K HAHN City Attorney , 1989 By VINCENT M. BIONDO City Attorney By RAYMOND BENDER Assistant City Attorney LAHD AGREEMENT NO. 1419-2A AMENDED EXHIBIT 2 ANTICIPATED CONTRACTUAL SERVICES AND CARLSBAD ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES TO SUPPORT BATIQUITOS PROJECT ORIGINAL AGREEMENT AMOUNT AMENDMENT AMOUNT TOTAL AMENDED AGREEMENT AMOUNT I. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES AGREEMENT NO. 1 for Carlsbad - CH2M Hill for EIR/EIS preparation 10% contingency $563,901 $56,390 $620,291 $525,000 $1,088,901 $105,000 *** $161,390 $630,000 $1,250,291 AGREEMENT NO. 2 for Preliminary Title Searches** 25% contingency $35,000 $8,750 $43,750 ($35,000) ($8,750) ($43,750) $0 $0 $0 AGREEMENT NO. 3 for Right-of-Way Acquisition Appraisal Services** 25% contingency $50,000 $12,500 $62,500 ($310) ($12,500) ($12,810) $49,690 $0 $49,690 AGREEMENT NO. 4 for miscellaneous consultant assistance for EIR/EIS review and processing 25% contingency $30,000 $7,500 $37,500 $45,248 $11,312 $56,560 $75,248 $18,812 $94,060 II. CARLSBAD ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES* A. Staff salaries B. Supplies (reproduction, exhibits mailing) C. Travel (agency review, meetings) 25% contingency $36,000 $10,700 $5,OOP $51,700 $12,925 $64,625 $18,000 $10,000 $5,000 $33,000 $8,250 $41,250 $54,000 $20,700 $10,000 $84,700 $21,175 $105,875 III. SUMMARY Contractual Services Carlsbad Administrative Services $764,041 $64,625 (not-to-exceed)$828,666 $630,000 $41,250 $1,394,041 $105,875 $671,250 $1,499,916 *These services are related to Agreements Nos. 1-4 listed under I. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES. It does not include Carlsbad administrative services for CH2M Hill Preliminary Design Services already provided in LAHD Agreement No. 1419. **Title Searches were carried out under the Right-of-Way Acquisition item. Right-of-way appraisal will be done under a separate reimbursement agreement. ***This $105,000 represents a 20% contingency. RESOLUTION NO. 89-449 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 2 OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 FOR PREPARATION OF THE FINAL ENVIRON- 3 MENTAL DOCUMENTATION FOR THE BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PROJECT. 4 PROJECT NO. 0000 5 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, g California, has awarded on April 19, 1988 a consultant agreement 7 for the environmental documentation and related technical studies 8 for the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement project, Project No. 0000; 9 and 10 WHEREAS, additional work effort is required to respond 11 to comments on the draft environmental document for this project 12 outside of the scope of work of the project as originally defined; 13 and 14 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 15 California, finds it in the public interest to enlarge the scope 15 of work of said project to include said additional response to 17 comments to maximize the environmental information available to the IQ City, Responsible Agencies, and the public with respect to the 19 Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project; and 20 WHEREAS, the Port of Los Angeles has recommended that the 21 City of Carlsbad undertake said enlarged scope of work; and 22 WHEREAS, the consultant for said project has furnished 23 an estimate of cost to perform said additional investigations and 24 analysis; 25 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council 25 of the City of Carlsbad, California as follows: 27 28 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 1 2. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 2 California, hereby authorizes the Mayor to execute attached Change 3 Order No. 2 for additional investigations and analysis in the 4 amount not to exceed $525,00 in accordance with the consultant's 5 proposal dated December 8, 1989, which is incorporated by reference 6 and made a part hereof. 7 3. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 8 California, hereby accepts the assurance from the Port of Los 9 Angeles that all approved changes in the consultant's scope of work 10 for preparation of final environmental documentation and related studies for the project shall be reimbursed to City from the Port 12 of Los Angeles in addition to all City of Carlsbad administrative 13 reimbursement expenses for said phase of the project. 14 4. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad 15 California, hereby authorizes the Director of Finance to increase 1 fi consultant payment requests and City reimbursement expense requests 17 to the Port of Los Angeles in accordance with the intent of this 18 action. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 -2- 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 19th day of December , 1989 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None ABSENT: None , Mayor ATTEST: ALE*KA L^^AAJJltENK^ANZ, City Clerk fctfffiN R. KUNDTZ, Deputy City Clerk (SEAL) -3- EXHIBIT 4 CITY OF CARLSBAD CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 (More than $5,000) CONTRACT NO. QOQQ ACCOUNT NO. 880-519-9289-0000 PURCHASE ORDER NO.N/A CONTRACTOR' S NAME 2510 Red Hill Avenue, Suite Ar Santa Anaf CA LZJ The contractor is directed to make the following changes. Changes shall include labor, material and equipment; payment stated on the change order includes all charges direct or indirect arising out of this additional work. The requirements of the specifications where pertinent and not in conflict with the order or modified through this change order, shall apply to these changes. This change order is not effective unless signed by the Mayor. CHANGE: Expand scope of work for preparation of final environmental documentation for the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project, Project No. 0000, in accordance with the amended specification attached including addition of the proposal dated December 8, 1989 (Modified Exhibit B, Task ISA). REASON FOR CHANGE: A large number of comments received on the draft environmental document have necessitated rescoping in order to prepare the final environmental document. COST: Lump sum Unit Prices Total this extra Previous net changes Original net changes New contract total TIME CHANGE: Both X $525.000 $54.074 $563.901 $1.142.975 Add days 545 Deduct days Add/deduct days this chaj Previous add/deduct contract fewcontrac/fr'time AMENDMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE PREPARATION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT/ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT AND RELATED TECHNICAL STUDIES FOR THE BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PROJECT The following amendments shall be incorporated into City of Carlsbad "CITY" Agreement with the firm of CH2M Hill "CONSULTANT" dated April 19, 1988 and modified through Change Order 1 approved by CITY December 6, 1988. The requirements of the original agreement where pertinent and not in conflict with the amendments below shall apply. 3. PROGRESS AND COMPLETION "Work under this Contract shall be completed within 850 days of the original signing of this Contract, New Task ISA shall proceed according to the schedule attached to the Scope of Work for Task ISA (Modified Exhibit B, dated December 8, 1989)." "CITY shall have the right without additional compensation to CONSULTANT to extend the time for completion of the work by up to 180 days beyond any granted change order." 4. FEES TO BE PAID TO CONSULTANT "The lump sum fee payable according to Paragraph 5, 'Payment of Fees' shall be not to exceed $1,142,975 for tasks 1 through 15 and ISA." "CONSULTANT acknowledges that: "a. Its fee under this amended agreement (Change Order 2) more than doubles the initial cost estimate. "b. CONSULTANT to date has expended in excess of 2,000 hours (i) preparing the draft environmental impact report, and (ii) attending meetings with CITY, the Port of Los Angeles, regulatory agencies and the community surrounding Batiquitos Lagoon. CONSULTANT is thoroughly familiar with the work to be performed and the time to complete the project. Based on the above facts, CONSULTANT agrees that its fee to complete the work as set forth in task 15A (attached) shall not exceed the amount of $525,000. CONSULTANT understands and agrees that no additional charges will be permitted for completion of the work described in the scope of work. CONSULTANT agrees to provide CARLSBAD a one page written report on Friday of every other week once the notice to proceed with the work is given which states (1) if CONSULTANT is on schedule, (2) if not, why not, (3) if CONSULTANT is within its budget estimates, (4) if not, why not, (5) what work was performed the preceding week, and (6) what work is to be performed the following week." 5. PAYMENT OP FEES "CITY shall pay CONSULTANT invoices for work completed pursuant to this agreement under tasks 1 through 14 and releases funds available in Task 15 ($47,500) for invoicing. Upon receipt of these payments, CONSULTANT acknowledges that CARLSBAD has not withheld any monies to complete tasks 1 through 15 of the original work. CITY shall hold back the fee designated in Task 1SA-11 ($86,928) until the FEIR/EIS has been certified by CITY and the Corps of Engineers' Record of Decision has been published or within 120 days from the CITY'S certification of FEIR/EIS." 7, CHANGES IN WORK "Changes in work by CONSULTANT will not be allowed unless specifically requested by CARLSBAD, Such requests shall be processed pursuant to this agreement and can be approved by the City Manager up to a maximum amount of 525,000 per request." "'CONSULTANT'S compensation for Change Order 2 - Task ISA, shall be determined based on the fee schedule provided in the scope of work for Task ISA (attached as Modified Exhibit B dated December 8, 1989) which is valid through 1990" 19. SUBCONTRACTING "CITY accepts that CONSULTANT intends to engage the subcontractor firm Sea Dyne Inc. and Cheryl Connel in carrying out the scope of work for the Batiquitos project." MODIFIED EXHIBIT *B" BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK FOR FINAL EIR/EIS (TASK ISA) By CH2M HILL 3840 Rosin Court, Suite 110 Sacramento, California 95834 December 8, 1989 6AC/TU2/006.5Q 2 'd E!:2I 68/80/21 W 3*S IMH W2MD WOdd BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK FOR FINAL EIR/EIS (TASK ISA) GENERAL APPROACH AND OBJECTIVES CH2M HILL will perform the following tasks to complete the Final EIR/EIS for the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project. Each of the items presented below will be performed as a supplement (in addition to) to the existing Task 15 of Agreement For The Preparation Of The Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement And Related Technical Studies For The Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project* 1. Agency Coordination and Peer Review Consultation to develop a detailed description for the Modified Alternative B will be performed with Memoran- dum of Agreement (MOA) agencies. The consultation with California Department of Fish & Game (CDFG), U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS), and National Marine Fisher- ies Service will identify specific recommendations regarding elements to be incorporated into the Alterna- tive B configuration, location of staging areas, and any additional measures that may be requested. In addition, consultation with the MOA agencies will be performed to further clarify recommendations for the protection of the California least tern and Balding*e savannah sparrow. The results of this effort would be reflected in the Modified Alternative B Design. Sec- tion 7 consultation will consist of the information presented in the DEIR/EIS plus recently received letters from the USFWS. CDFG will also be consulted in the development of miti- gation and monitoring plans. This effort is discussed below under a separate task discussions (Task 15-9). : CH2M HILL will develop an alternative/effects matrix for presentation to the agencies during consultation. Telephone records of all agency discussions will be maintained by CH2M HILL and provided to the City on a bi-weekly basis. Minutes and meeting notes will be provided to the City within 5 working days of the meeting. 3AC/T132/069.50 tM=3I 68/80/21 W **S IIIH N3MD UlOdd IOXU1 CH2M HILL will assist and respond to information requests of the City-designated Peer Review Team. Three representatives will attend two meetings with the Peer Review personnel and other parties to assist in their review. To remain on schedule, the City, POLA, and other reviewing parties will provide all review results within 10 working days to CH2M HILL, except for materials submitted in Item ISA-11. Product - CH2M HILL will provide the City of Carlsbad copies of all meeting notes, minutes, telephone re- cords, or other documentation of agency consultation* CH2M HILL will provide the City of Carlsbad with a summary of all agency consultation indicating the con- clusions of discussions and significance to the design of the alternatives. Minutes and meeting notes will be provided within 5 working days of the meeting. 2. Expanded Information CH2M HILL will search for references referenced in the comment letters and review the material for application to the Response to Comments. In addition, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterway Experiment Station (WES) indicated that it had available a substantial body of information related to wetland restoration projects in the United States. This information as well; as other sources would be used to reinforce the conclusions presented in the Draft EIR/EIS. The Port of Los Angeles (POLA) will supply CH2M HILL with avail- able WES material. In addition, POLA will provide additional information on the CDFG proposed artificial reef and other available studies including "Coast of California Storm and Tidal Waves Study," USACOE, San Diego Region. The collection and review of this information will be divided into two phases. The first will consist of collecting and reviewing an initial list of references, targeted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station (WES), the City of Carlsbad, or cities in the comments to the DEIR. The second phase would require authorization by the City and would include collection of reference articles and additional references* The City would review the initial list and make a determination of the need or the amount of Phase 2 funds required. SAC/T132/069.50 / 3 'd 117:21 68/80/31 N 3®S IMH W3MD WOdd FROM Ch2M Hill Sac II 12/08/89 11=56 P. 3 CH2M HILL will review the materials provided by POLA, references from other experts, and other studies recently performed that are similar in scope to the Batiquitos Lagoon project. This information will be incorporated into the Final EIR/EIS and technical appendixes, as appropriate, to respond to specific comments received (see Items ISA-11 and ISA-12). Product - A list of references reviewed will be provided to the City of Carlsbad, The results and conclusion obtained during the review of this material will be inserted into the Response to Comments section of the Final EIR/EIS. 3. Regional Relationships CH2M HILL will prepare a qualitative discussion of Batiquitos Lagoon in relation to other wetland areas within the region. The information supporting this discussion will be based on combining existing data and consultation with local experts and agency personnel and the observations taken during Field Review of San Diego selected wetlands. Three field trips, as described in Task ISA-13, will be conducted with selected experts and/or agency represen- tatives to provide a forum for discussions of regional relationships and the role of individual wetlands in the San Diego County area. Product; • CH2M HILL will submit a technical memorandum for review per the project schedule (Attachment 2) presenting the conclusions obtained during the review of relevant information and consultation with local experts. This material will be enclosed within the Final EIR/EIS as an appendix* 4. Littoral Transport and Tidal Inlet Design Verification CH2M HILL and subconsultant Dave Dykstra will verify estimates regarding the operation of the proposed Batiquitos tidal inlet and littoral transport mechan- isms operating on beaches in the immediate vicinity. This work will consist of the following items which require: (1) additional discussion to provide a response to specific comments; or (2) verification of existing conclusions due to the availability of hew information. SAC/T132/069.50 FROM CH2M Hill Sac M 12/08/89 11=57 P. 4 The design of the proposed Batiquitoe tidal inlet jetty will be evaluated in relation to the existing jetty at Aqua Hedionda Lagoon. CH2M HILL will refine the com- parative analysis of the length and height of the Jetties and their relative capacity to intercept sand migration within the littoral zone. Recent studies by Scripps Institution of Oceanography on behalf of San Diego Gas and Electric will be reviewed for their application to the conditions found at the Batiquitos Lagoon inlet. This new information will provide a comparative means to verify the analysis performed on the Batiquitos inlet structure. The lack of design criteria and guidance for "small" inlets and tidal prisms is a primary source of com- ments* A major problem with the response to comments will be that we have been criticized from both direc- tions: The tidal prism is too small for the inlet to remain open on one hand and the prism can be much smaller and still keep the inlet open on the other* It is anticipated that additional information will be reviewed^ summarized, and used to evaluate existing design parameters and verify the rationale of the design criteria used. Information to be evaluated will include some information on small inlet design from Australia available in the "grey" (unpublished) literature that will be utilized. Recent articles concerning the behavior of the Tijuana Estuary inlet during the January 1988 storm may be useful as well as information on model inlet investigations by Major-Mora and Nyack at Berkeley. A re-visit to Aqua Hedionda in terms of tidal prism (even though there is a biased flood component to the prism) will be considered in the context of hydraulic and sediment transport calcula- tions presented by Bhogal and Costa at Oceans 89. Other sources of experience with small inlets (for example some of Dave Aubrey's recent work on Cape Cod, and Stauble et al. in Florida) will be examined to provide additional information on design and design criteria. The proposed CDFG artificial reef project will be as- sessed for any cumulative effects that may occur with implementation of the two enhancement projects. Attention will be placed on determining if beaches at Del Mar or Solano Beach may be subject to changes in sand quantities and quality. A response to comments will be prepared based upon the extrapolation of SAC/T132/069.50 FROM Ch2M Hill Sac M 12/08/89 11=58 P. 5 existing data and conclusions to address specific concerns expressed by these communities. CH2M HILL will verify the hydraulic estimates calculat- ed for operation of the tidal inlet structure. Specif- ic effort will be made to present required background information and calculations used in the design of this structure including tidal prism requirements, which evaluate its capacity to operate as anticipated. An expanded discussion of the physical basis of the sediment transport dynamics of this particular inlet will be developed to further evaluate predictions of the inlet in terms of scouring and stability. This description supplements the one above. The first task looks for examples; this one looks at "theory*1 and compares results to the real world examples. Of particular concern is a set of comments dealing directly and indirectly with the sediment transport in the inlet. For example, the questions about sand bulges moving past the inlet mouth can be addressed using the approach of Vitoon in his M.S. thesis work. The transport of cobbles versus sand will be evaluated. The variability of looking at tides other than the mean will be done. Information will be incorporated directly into the response to comments. If the length and complexity of this information reduces the readability* and after consulting with the City, additional appendixes will be developed to present this information. It is expected that during the compilation of the information and the generation of new data it will be possible to incorporate answers to most of the other questions on inlet stability and closure, and many of the comments on impacts of Jetties in a single appendix. Product - CH2M HILL will provide the following products as part of this effort per the project schedule (Attachment 2): o A Technical Memorandum presenting the conclusions of the Agua Hedionda Jetty analysis SAC/m2/069.50 FROM Ch2M Hill Sac M 12/08/89 11=58 P. 6 o A Technical Memorandum presenting the conclusions of potential cumulative effects of the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project and the proposed CDFG Reef Project. o A Technical Memorandum describing the poten* tial for altered sand quantity and quality at down-coast sites. o A Technical Memorandum verifying the hydraul- ic calculations of the tidal inlet structure. 5, Lagoon Model Verification CH2M HILL and subconsultant Dave Dykstra will make field measurements in Aqua Hedionda Lagoon to verify the tidal phase lag estimates used in the alternative project designs. Over a 2-week period, water surface elevations will be monitored at selected sites to determine tidal lag in that system. This information will be compared to the data previously collected in Batiquitos Lagoon to verify the assumptions used in the hydraulic model. Information will be compiled into a technical appendix describing the methods and results of the study. This information will be added to a larger technical appen- dix which describes all of the computer modelling per- formed during the analysis of the Batiquitos Lagoon planning effort. This latter appendix will be attached to the Final EIR/EIS. The appendix will include a discussion of: (1) model calibration efforts under- taken to verify the precision of the lagoon hydraulic model; and (2) a sensitivity analysis which indicates the type of changes that could take place if input parameters or model assumptions are altered. Product - CH2M HILL will provide the following products as part of this effort per the project schedule (Attachment 2): o Results of the tidal phase lag measurements taken in the Aqua Hedionda Lagoon o A technical report (Appendix to the Final EIR/EIS) describing all modelling efforts performed during the analysis of the Batiquitos Lagoon. SAC/T132/069.50 IQXUJ. 6. Sedimentation Documentation and Comment Response In response to comments, particularly from the California State Coastal Conservancy, CH2M HILL will supplement, with newly available or recently cited materials, the information used to develop estimates of sedimentation within the Batiquitos Lagoon watershed and its influence on project design. If new informa- tion held by the City of Carlsbad and San Diego County regarding sediment pond design, soil erosion, and surface water runoff is available, adjustments will be compiled. The City of Carlsbad will provide any new City-developed information to CH2M HILL for review. The information developed in this task will be included in a technical appendix in the Final EIR/EIS. Product - CH2M HILL will provide the City of Carlsbad a technical report (Appendix to the Final EIR/EIS) verifying the sedimentation estimates and study results. 7. Mitigated Alternatives A, B, & C Development Three conceptual plans describing Mitigated Alterna- tives A, B, and C will be prepared. These plans will be of sufficient detail to describe the various biolog- ical and physical components of each alternative, their locations, and amounts and types of affected habitat types within the lagoon to allow cross-evaluation with previously described alternatives. Comments received from the USFWS and other consulted agencies (see Task 15A-1) will be incorporated into the mitigated Alterna- tive B layout. A detailed Mitigated Alternative B project description will be prepared for review by the City, Port of Los Angeles and MOA agencies for inclusion in the Final EIR/EIS. A preliminary project construction plan will be prepared to address equipment requirements, staging areas, and compliance with mitigation measures. These conceptual and detailed plans will be prepared based on criteria developed in consultation with participating agencies as described in Task 15A.1 (Agency Coordination) and interested parties such as the Audubon Society, P.E.R.L., Shoreline Study Center, and other local experts (as described in Task 15A.13). SAC/T132/069.30 t? 'd t>l:2I 68/80/31 W =>»S IHH N34D A preliminary design of Mitigated Alternative B will be prepared that considers relevant physical* engineering, and biological factors. This design will be in suffi- cient detail to compare with previously considered alternatives with regard to feasibility and design objectives. The development of the preliminary design specification will be based upon the application of the "Boxer" kine- tic model to provide conclusions on flushing rates and water quality. Lagoon exposure/submergence times will be based on harmonic constituents of ocean tides and evaluated at 1-foot contour increments. This work will be performed by Dr. Steve Costa and CH2M HILL staff. The materials developed as part of this task will be included in the Final EIR/EIS as a Technical Appendix. The following items will be discussed in this appendix: o Evolution of Mitigated Alternatives o Discussion of Mitigated Alternative Development Process o Conceptual Design of Mitigated Alternatives A, B, and C o Description of Developed Mitigated Alternative B o Mitigated Alternative B Construction Elements o Discussion of Inundations at Different Tidal Elevations Product - CH2M HILL will provide to the City of Carlsbad for review per the project schedule (Attachment 2): o Three conceptual plans describing Mitigated Alternatives A, B, and C o A detailed Mitigated Alternative B project description o A Preliminary project construction plan for Mitigated Alternative B 8 SAC/T192/069.50 2 'd £2:31 68/80/31 IMH W3MD WOHd FROM Ch2M Hill Sac M 12/08/89 12:00 P. 8 o A preliminary Design of Mitigated Alterna- tive B 8. Expanded Alternative Evaluation and Discussion of Cumulative Effects "" " "~" CH2M HILL will prepare an expanded alternative evalua- tion that addressee specific project design/implementa- tion alternatives not described in detail within the Draft EIR/EIS. These alternatives include: (1) The Mitigated Alternatives A, B, and C; (2) The Intermit- tent Alternative (involving a smaller tidal prism and its relative ability to keep the inlet structure open); (3) A Phased Alternative, and (4) A Managed Inlet Facility. Each of these alternatives, including the previously described conceptual Alternatives A, B, and C and Mitigated Alternatives A, B, and C, will be evaluated in relation to the No Project Alternative. This com- parison will summarize the major differences between the alternatives, their relative effectiveness to accomplish project objectives, risks associated with implementation, and long-term management/monitoring requirements. Evaluation criteria will include biological factors which address the comparative impacts on existing habitat types and associated animal species; compara- tive effects to future habitat types that would be generated by each alternative; short-term habitat impacts and unavoidable effects. Quantitative data, when available, will be used to compare the relative effects of each alternative. When not available, qual- itative descriptions will be employed. A summary alternative evaluation matrix will be developed to present the comparative impacts of the alternatives (see Task 15A-1). A discussion of the cumulative impacts within the San Marcos/Encinitas Creek(s) watershed will be presented in relation to the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project. This discussion will include a qualitative description of other development projects including required sediment traps associated with project devel- opment and proposals and how they may effect, in a cumulative manner, the environmental conditions present in the area. SAC/T132/069.50 FROM Ch2M Hill Sac M 12/08/89 12:01 P. 9 The cumulative impact discussion will also address the cumulative effects of altering the lagoon's physical and biological conditions in relation to the other lagoon systems in San Diego County. This discussion will address the Batiquitos Lagoon system in relation to the other lagoon systems and their relative contrib- ution to specific habitat types and overall biological productivity. The results of this evaluation will be presented in the Final EIR/EIS. Product - CH2M HILL will provide to the City of Carlsbad and POLA per the project schedule (Attachment 2) the following materials for review: o . An expanded alternative evaluatipn for: Mitigated Alternatives A, B, and C Intermittent Alternative Phased Alternative Managed Inlet Facility o Discussion of cumulative effects including: In-basin development cumulative effects Regional cumulative effects 9. Mitigation and Mitigation Monitoring Plan Development CH2M HILL will develop a mitigation plan that encom- passes pre-implementation, implementation, and post- implementation phases of the project. The mitigation measures described in the DEIR/EIS will be categorized and assigned to provide the information described below. The action assignments, additional mitigation and other aspects of the plan will be prepared in con- sultation with the City of Carlsbad, CDFG, the U.S. Corps of Engineers, and other interested agencies. Each mitigation measure will be discussed in relation to it effectiveness to reduce the significance of an impact to non-significant levels, A summary table, similar to the PACTEX FEIR/EIS Table 1-1 will be prepared which presents; — o An indexed reference to each mitigation; o The specific resource and significant impact for which the measure would mitigate; 10 SAC/T132/069.50 FROM Ch2M Hill Sac M 12/08/89 12:01 P.10 o The measure's effectiveness; and, o Any residual significant impact that may occur after implementation. The plan will identify; o Goals of mitigative actions (performance standard) o Impacts requiring mitigation o Measures available to be taken and the parties responsible for implementation Each mitigation measure will be related to specific action requirements on part of the project applicant, project engineer, project construction contractor, and regulatory agencies. Mitigation funding mechanisms will be identified, where appropriate* Finally, where appropriate, mechanisms for modifying the mitigation program will be identified if future monitoring indicates noncompliance or failure of mitigation. Mitigation measures required by CEQA and adopted by POLA will be distinguished from mitigation measures that may be available but not currently proposed and from enhancement not associated with mitigation for this project. Available measures will be considered only when project impacts remain significant. All identified measures will be associated with general performance standards or mitigation objectives, par- ticularly when alternative mitigative actions may be available. A component of the mitigation plan and a recently required feature under Assembly Bill 3180 is a moni- toring and compliance program that will be developed in consultation with CDFG, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as required, and City of Carlsbad. The construction mitigation monitoring plan will encompass compliance with specific mitigation measures during the implementation of the project. The construction mitigation monitoring plan will identify a reporting and verification program for those activities undertaken during the construction of the project. Specific monitoring activities will be out- lined for each participating party. A compliance 11 SAC/T132/069.50 FROM Ch2M Hill Sac M 12/08/89 12=02 P.I1 verification reporting system will be defined for use during implementation. The City of Carlsbad will provide CH2M HILL with a suitable format for presenting the plan. CH2M HILL, the City of Carlsbad, and the Port of Los Angeles will Jointly develop the plan to provide for both regulatory compliance and ability for implementation. Product - CH2M HILL will provide the City of Carlsbad with a Mitigation and Mitigation Monitoring Flan 10. Conceptual Long-Term Biological Monitoring and Manage- ment Plan Development Since long-term project monitoring will be undertaken by CDFG as part of its management of the Batiquitos Lagoon system, the details of this portion of the plan will be limited to describing those specific resources and biological/physical parameters to be monitored that ! will gauge the success of implementation* Sufficient flexibility will be incorporated into the plan to allow CDFG to change the monitoring program to respond to future conditions. In a fashion similar to the previ- ously described task, specific monitoring activities will be outlined for each participating party. A com- pliance verification reporting system will be defined for use during implementation of the long-term monitor- ing and management program. j The plan will be prepared in consultation with all interested resource agencies. The Port of Los Angeles will provide CH2M HILL the results of discussion regarding desired plan development approach (i.e., should the plan be developed by CH2M HILL alone, or by CDFG, other consultants, or a combination of parties). If the CDFG or other agencies/consultants cannot assist in the development of the plan, CH2M HILL will independently proceed to develop a plan with an annual implementation cost assigned by the Port. At present, the level of monitoring would be limited for 5 years (years 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10) and would not exceed a cost of $100,000 for each year of monitoring. Product - CH2M HILL will provide the City of Carlsbad with a Long-term Biological Monitoring Plan 12 SAC/T132/069.50 FROM Ch2M Hill Sac M 12/08/89 12=02 P.12 I . 11. Final EIR/EIS Preparation The Final EIR/EIS will be formatted according to the attached Table of Contents (Attachment 1). The Final EIR/EIS will consist of seven sections plus appendixes* These sections will provide a concise description of the major conclusions and findings, a description of applicable mitigation measures and monitoring programs, a description of consultation and public involvement programs, and the response to comments received on the Draft EIR/EIS. CH2M HILL will provide the City of Carlsbad, Port of Los Angeles, and the US Army Corps of Engineers with 15 copies of an Administrative Draft FEIR/EIS including appendixes for review at the end of Month 4 from the date of the Notice to Proceed (As shown in Attachment 2, Project Schedule). A 3-week City/POLA/USCOE review period is currently proposed, however, CH2M HILL will not proceed with preparation of the final version of the FEIR/EIS until authorized to proceed by the City. The Port of Los Angeles will act as a clearinghouse to collect and compile review comments on the administrative draft. The City will supply CH2M HILL a single copy of the reviewed administrative draft containing all comments, and suggested clarifications 6r corrections. CH2M HILL will provide the City and POLA an opportunity po review the final version of the FEIR/EIS and appendixes for approval. CH2M HILL will provide the City two reproducible copies of the Final EIR/EIS for public distribution within 10-working days on receiving the review comments and the City's authorization to proceed with preparation of the Final EIR/EIS. Product - CH2M HILL will provide the City of Carlsbad and POLA with a Final EIR/EIS and associated technical appendixes for the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project 12. Response to Comments Received on the Draft EIR/EIS This section of the document will include all letters received during the public and agency review of the Draft EIR/EIS. Also within this section, a discussion 13 SAC/ri32/069.30 FROM Ch2M Hill Sac M 12/08/89 12=03 P.13 • of project objectives, description of project alterna- tives, comparison of alternatives, and a discussion of cumulative impacts will be presented. Individual comments contained in each of the letters will be identified and indexed for easy reference. Responses will be developed in consultation with the City and Port staff. The format of individual response to comments will be similar to that used in the PACTEX EIR. In the event that exceptional length is required to fully respond to individual comments, additional tech- nical appendices will be developed. The response to comments section will address the West Carlsbad Boule- vard Bridge as requested by the U.S. Coast Guard and California Department of Parks and Recreation, based on existing information. Any new or original studies addressing the bridge's historical significance would be performed as an out-of-scope work item. The City of Carlsbad will supply CH2M HILL with bridge design and construction plan descriptions for evalua- tion. The Port of Los Angeles will provide information to complete a 4(f) evaluation if required. A specific response to the comment on the feasibility of capping the fine sediments to be located in the West Basin will be provided. This discussion, consisting of available WES studies and information, will be I presented in this section of the document. ' Product - CH2M HILL will provide the City of Carlsbad with Response to the Comments received during the review of the Draft EIR/ EIS. This document will be included in the Final EIR/EIS. 13. Public Information Three representatives of CH2M HILL will attend three public hearings. A presentation of the Final EIR/EIS findings, conclusions, and explanation of technical details will be provided, as appropriate. Three representatives of CB2M HILL will also attend 10 additional meetings with interested parties at the request of the City of Carlsbad or the Port of Los Angeles. The schedule for these meetings is tentative- ly planned for January 1990. Attachment 3 presents the -anticipated CH2M HILL attendees and interested parties. 14 SAC/T132/069.50 FROM Ch2M Hill Sac M 12/08/89 12=04 P.14 (A contingency for participating in five Additional meetings requiring the attendance of CH2M HILL is available. These will not be performed without prior authorization of the City.) Product - CH2M HILL will attend three public hearings and 10 meetings at the request of the City of Carlsbad* Meeting notes or other documentation will be provided to the City within 5 working days of the meeting. 14. Project Management During the preparation of the Final EIR/EIS, CH2M BILL will attend eight progress report meetings with the City of Carlsbad and the Port of Los Angeles. CH2M HILL will prepare and submit to the City of Carlsbad and POLA, copies of all meeting minutes within a maxi- mum of 5 working days. Additional project management functions include: contract administration; communication; records main- tenance; schedule maintenance; and quality control. Daily project management, study coordination, report preparation, client and agency liaison are also func- tions of this task. Mr. Richard Hunn, Project Manager, will perform theses efforts through the course of this work effort. Product - CH2M HILL will attend 8 project meetings at the request of the City of Carlsbad. Meeting notes and other project status reports and a record of upcoming action items will be submitted monthly to account for project activities and cost. 15 SAC/T1J2/069.50 FROM Ch2M Hill Sac M 12/08/83 12:04 P.15 December 1989 Attachment i CONTENTS Preface I SUMMARY A. Introduction B. Major Findings and Conclusions (Including Unavoidable Adverse Effects) C. Areas of Controversy D. Choice of Alternatives II CONSULTATION AND COORDINATION A. Summary of Consultation for Draft EIR/EIS B* Summary of Consultation for Final EIR/EIS III Response to Comments A. Project Objectives I B. Description of Project Alternatives C. Comparison of Alternatives D. Cumulative Impacts E* Response to Comments and Letters Received on DEIR/EIS IV MITIGATION MEASURES AND MONITORING A. Applicant Proposed Mitigation Measures B. Other Mitigation Measures C. Project Construction Mitigation Monitoring V CORRECTIONS TO THE DEIR/EIS VI LIST OF PREPARERS VII REFERENCES SAC/TU2/006.50 FROM Ch2M Hill Sac M 12/08/89 12:05 P.16 CONTENTS (Continued) APPENDIXES A* Long-Term Biological Restoration Monitoring Plan B. Hydraulic Model Verification/Calibration C. Sedimentation D. Preliminary Design of Alternatives E. SHPO Coordination F. Section 7 Consultation Requirements/Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Requirements G. Regional Relationships H, Other (As Required) SAC/TU2/006.50 FROM Ch2M Hi 11 Sac M 12/08/89 12:05 P.l?' TAtxoEj MOUTH I MNM i NOKTII 9 MMTH 4 UEICr COMVlTATItt j| • MM AOMC? COKMHTATtai |||_ • Cfttfl CanuLTATIW || • «XU«)rT*T|0« (I EXMtetV WOUHlie* KVtlOnCIT |( • UriUTltt MAIC* l|l_ • mrauMTiw IIVIEV M MOIMM Huriommr ITUDIM II • HFatNATICH tWMtll || MACK A* Idltr VHIFICATIQ* || • IHET HrWAviic twer || • LITKUI MIFT iruwr || • »M IMF mriucnM ||• HJW-WAJT trncn 1 1 LACCm MMl VEIflCATItt 1 1 • MM H»I«M« »*r« CM.LECTIM II • lATItWrOI KBEL UNIFICATION || • rEClMICAl DEW) MEMMTIM II SKim»THlO» WIFIMTKM || - tlt>l«£«T/£«0!IW MM COU(CT[0|| • iruor PF tMfMMtt fa MTE 1 1 • TECMlCAl Nftt) HEHUAtlGN 1 1 II HITItAra AIT A,l, MO C KVtWnCKT || - cMcefruM. PUH Mvuonciir j| • ME«CE VOtl* EITIMTO 1 1 - MTMIM. ttttMWlfT Jl • HITIUHO AIT. 1 KKtirriM |JII EXfAKOEO AirEHAriVE IVUIMflO* || • NCDIFIIO <Lt, 1 || • KMkWE* IHLtf CKHUM *LT. || • >M«fB ALT. ||• until or K» IIVEL IKE || II • •• IIMttt«rie» nmttwuoHMH Jj • ntELlNIHMr *IA» WttTIUUTIOi I) . «gf«CV CdN«VlT«TI« || • fINH »UW FttMMTIM (III MWITMIM MM OEWIOPEK* || • MEKCT/EOEIT COMMMTIMI || • neimiH *ui mruurtaif || • VIM WMOVM IT C»FQ || II FEII/EU MinMAIIM [| < EIK/EJI MttMtAIIW || • mrmHU. BMFT 1 1 • eiltKT BUFT || - tflUL l| • f EM. MM) MECMtHO 1 1 - <«TEMM MAfT II • CtlWT WMFT |J • HIM. || UlltCXU lAOMCNtl || • UtKmtt MMMATIM (I • IDTirnw. WMFT || • CLUKF MAFT j | • M«AL || HJfllC IWWNtriOi || • xntic cMim <J> || • WAIIM MfMIATIIN II • HEAIIIK rAirtciMnaw || • AMJflOML MUIC NEfriMt <l»lj| • xnin WWAMTIM . || - NefTiw MrieiMri«N || - MOM IMl Hfl» ttUDin l| • OOMUTATIM */ tOCAL Omit I] HWtCT HWMOKIIT || • HOOHM MWIW1 It) -|| - attune MTtOMTIM II • Mlir HMAMNMT III - ««ECUT|« (IVIEV || II 1 fl 1 1 (I 1 1 II II -r 1" . . 1 II II 1 II 1 II "l_ IUJ~~t_ M 1 II1 II 1 L_ll 1II If l_l It I—I II 1 1 II* II ii TUii i. —iiii ii11niinn nnniin itniinn nnniiiininnn nnniin niinii. ii L_l II "'^ , I__J II1 1 II II IIn "r -r II II II II II r/iin1 1nnitniinnniiniii, — 11 —nnnn M 1 II II _l II1 II 1* II II III »_ Ml I_J IIUJ If II II II II II II II II II II II II II ' « I'-ll II N I'-ll II IIII II 1. II Jl II II IIII \t II . - "1 II II II II IIJl __ II II IIII II II II II II If 11 II II II IIII II II II J* II II II tl If II II II II II II II -I II .1 IIII II II II 1 . II I J_ II— 1 IIII II l__ H_lIII . II II II II ,_ _JI ^f II II II _^ ' N III II II IIll__ II II 11 II II II~mnnnn iinii _ MII II IIII II II II IIii IIII II IIII IIII II II II II nniin nnMiiif— -ifIi ii.._ iiniinn niini — i * nn nn_i n*nnii nnn 1 1 IMf II 1 1 IIII .1* II III 1 II II .1 II1 1 II* II 1 1 II II II II II II II II II II II 11ii II II II II N IIII II IIIIn IIIIII IIII IIIIII II N IIIIII II II II1!II II IIII II 11IIII IIII IIIIII IIII IIIIII II IIII IIIIIIII II II IIII NIIII II11 IIMII IIII IIII IIIIII1 IIII FROM Ch2M Hill Sac M 12/08/89 12=06 P.18 Attachment 3 PUBLIC MEETINGS REQUIRING THE ATTENDANCE OF CH2M HILL 1. Audubon Society and Elizabeth Copper/S. Costa, R. Mishaga, R. Hunn 2. Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation/S. Costa, R. Mishaga, R. Hunn 3. Shoreline Study Center/S. Costa, R. Mishaga, R. Hunn 4. Beach Erosion Committee/S. Costa, D. Dykstra, R. Hunn 5. Regional Water Quality Control Board/S. Costa, R. Mishaga, R, Hunn 6. Surf Riders Assoc./S. Costa, D. Dykstra, R. Hunn 7. P.E.R.L./S. Costa, R. Mishaga, R. Hunn 8. California Coastal Conservancy/S. Costa, R. Mishaga, R, Hunn 9. Local Jurisdictions (Del Mar and Solano Beach)/S. Costa, D. Dykstra, R. Mishaga 10. Local jurisdictions (Del Mar and Solano Beach)/ S. Costa, D. Dykstra, R* Mishaga (Five additional meetings to be held in contingency with three CH2M HILL representatives attending) SAC/T137/081.SO FROM Ch2M Hi 11 Sac M IS/08/89 12=06 P.13 ATTACHMENT 4 BATIQUITOS FINAL ElfVEIS COST ITEMIZATION TASK DESCRIPTION ei pp ES E6PP ECBP WPP E7 TECH OFFICE i AGENCY CONSULTATION ! -AGENCY CONSULTATION 1 - COFQ CONSULTATION I - DOCUMENTATION -TRAVEL -THIRD PARTY REVIEW 1 EXPANDED INFORMATION DEVELOPMENT | - PHASE IUT8EARCH/REVWW - PHASE II LIT SEARCH/REVIEW R6GUONAL RELATIONSHIP STUDIES • INFORMATION SYNTHESIS OCACH AND INLET VERIFICATION > - INLET HYDRAULIC STUDY - LITTORAL DRIFT STUDY - CDFO REEF INTERACTION - DOW-COAST EFFECTS LAGOON MODEL VERFICATION - AOUA HEDJONDA DATA COLLECTION - BATIOUIT08 MODEL VERIFICATION SEDIMENTATION VERIFICATION - SEDIMENT/EROSION DATA COLLECT! - STUDY OF WATERSHED BED RATE MITIGATED ALT A.B, AND C DCVELOPMEN - CONCEPTUAL PLAN DEVELOPMENT - DREDGE VOLUME ESTIMATES - PHYS/BIOL ASSESSMENT EXPANDED ALTERNATIVE EVALUATION - A.B, AND 0 AND MITIGATED A.B, ANDC - INTERMirrENT INLET CLOSURE -PHASED ALT, - EFFECTS Of SEA LEVEL RISE MITIGATION PLAN DEVELOPMENT - PRELIMINARY PLAN PREPARATION - AGENCY CONSULTATION - FINAL PLAN PREPARATION 18 1 12 it 1« 18 i« 1* 24 92 • 4 It ' M •It 16 » It 24 a 24 * 4 16 4 « 164 i a• 84 1« • 24 12 1 1 12 12 24 24 12 16 ID It 12 10 10 It 24 It 92 « 21 K II 4 4 12 » * 4 (4 2« 16 4 24 18 24 1* 4 » 6 It It 11 i t 24 • 34 1 24 1 4141 2*2 3* » 24 It 24 16 24 24 1« 1 •24 24 24 24 t 0 32 24 32 1 24 92 It 24 *ie,i«7 •17.S8) «90,04» M.670 ta.02* •a.840 FROM Ch2M Hi 11 Sac M 12/08/89 12:07 P.20 E1PP EJPP W8P ES EBPP E»BP EBPP EBBP ET TECH OFFICE | MCNTTOftlNa PLAN DEVELOPMENT 1 -AGENCY/EXPERT CONSULTATION ! - PRELIMIN PLAN PREPARATION 1 - PLAN APPROVAL BYCDFfl 1 -TRAVEL 1 FEIfVEIB PREPARATION 1 -EKVBS PREPARATION 1 -INTERNAL DRAFT 1 -CLIENT DRAFT I -FINAL J - TECH. MEMO PREPARATION 1 -INTERNAL DRAFT 1 -CUENTORAFT 1 -FINAL 1 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS 1 - RESPONSE PREPARATION 1 - INTERNAL DRAFT 1 - CLIENT DRAFT i -FINAL > 1 PUBLIC INFORMATION ' -PUBLIC HEARINGS®) I - HEARING PREPARATION 1 -HEARING PARTICIPATION 1 -TRAVEL - CONTINGENCY (ADOfTL MTO TIME) 1 -ADDITIONAL PUBLIC MEETINGS (10) 1 -MEETING PREPARATIONi -UEETINQ PARTICIPATION 1 -TRAVEL i -CONDNOENCV 1 -FIELD STUDIES Wlf LOCAL EXPERTS 1 - TRAVEL (1-TRIP. 2-OAY8) I •• m • 1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1 - PROGRESS MEETINGS (I) 1 -MEETING PARTICIPATION 1 -TRAVEL 1 - DAILY MANAQEMENT/ADMINiarRATlO 1 • EXECUTIVE REVIEW TOTAL HOURS •/HOUR 1 IB 1B • «0 24 92 92 1B 1B 40 1« — .", *» » 1«t 1M £46 •64 «70 171 24 24 BO 24 3Z 92 16 i* to 24 IB 40 IB * 20 40 24 16 B4 100 776 «M 1 IB 32 IB 24 BO 92 44 CB 32 12 40 IB ( 20 40 ao1« 3S n» $100 i M 16 40 24 24 40 32 » 40 24 18 «62 140 •100 1112 1 34 IB 24 1*12 92 12 12 24 6 1 ( i !•••*! m. 40 ' If * 20 40 60 : 16 * ! r^ * w 32 I 604 *112 24 24 1 16 40 4» 1B 32 IB IB IB IB 32 40 IB 24 16 IB 16 IB BO 60 IB 16 it 16 6 IB ' ' 94 16 92 IB 40 4* 60 40 88 224 476 612 *130 Ml $36 «22.440 C1D4.024 •84,7*1 »7t,tS7 TOTAL LABOR COOT CONDNOENQY LABOR f 11,916 M.CB1 «42.3ie «at.4«2 $73,81* «2,«24 M.77* BK.646 tB7,487 *2»,120 *3»,7»* B23.26B »,«34 •M.W1 »4*«,387 FROM Ch2M Hi 11 Sac M 12/08/89 12:07 P.21 WRECT EXPENSE BREAKDOWN "•" I WORD PROCEOSINa EQUIPMENT SUBCONTRACTOR SERVICES (D. OVK6TRA) BASIS UNITS RATES TOTAL HOURS 730 LUMP9UM OTHER TRAVEL-AUTO MILEAGE SUBSISTENCE <PCT DI6M)COMPUTER OFMFTMQ MILE OAV •EOO 110 COPYINO AND REWOOUCTION COMMUNICATIOfM 400 WOO MlSCaUANEOUS SUPPLIED HOUR PAGE MONTH 1? MONTH IE LUMP SUM 11 *10,MO *30,OM BEA OYN COST ITEMIZATlON AOUA HEDtONOA JETTY ANALV8I8 I1S.900 AOUA HEtXONOA T10ALLAO STUDY »,ooo COFQ REEF ANALYSIS 0.43 «8,7M $2,000 126 «1»,760 BATKHMTM INLET VERIFICATION «2,000 6 (2.000 O.M «U«0 200 K.MO LITTORAL TRANSPORT 17* 13.100 RESPONSE WOOO S6.000 TOTAL EXPENS£* TOTAL LABOR *70,170 *»,4M TOTAL PROJECT CO8T tSH,000 E 1 PP . VIRENDEH 8HOOAL AMWR BRAD PAULSON E2PP. CAROL aANOEM E3BP.aWOQMU.LER E8 . RICHARD WJNN EWP.StBVE COSTA E6QP • JOHN PALMMANO EWP.RIGKMMHAaA E7 . DICK IVEYANO/OA DON HOLME* 'FROM Ch2M Hi 1 1 Sac M 12/08/89 12:08 P.22 U.S. ARMY CORPS OP ENGINEERS RICH HARLACHER CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSISTANT GUY PLANNER GARY WAYNE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ERIN LETSCH PORT OF LOS ANGELES LILLIAN KAWASAKI RALPH APPY USA SALES CH2M HILL PROJECT MANAGER RICHARD HUNN SENIOR REVIEW DICK IVEY STEVE COSTA CAROL SANDERS VIRENDER BHOGAL JOE SCOTT BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES RICK MISHAGA JOHN PALMISANO GREGG MILLER LYNN HOSLEY SEA DYN DAVE DYKSTRA PROJECT TEAM ORGANIZATION FINAL EIR/EIS BATIOUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PROJECT •CKMHIIL- TOTAL P.22 December 13,1989 Mayor Claude "Bud" Lewis City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Attention: Mr. Gary Wayne EXHIBIT 5 DRAFT SUBJECT: AMENDMENT OF REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT (LAHD 1419-2) BETWEEN THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND APPROVAL OF REVISED WORK SCOPE QF CH2M HILL. On December 13, 1989 the Los Angeles Harbor Department, Board of Harbor Commissioners approved an amendment to Reimbursement Agreement LAHD 1419-2 (1419-2A) to allow completion of environmental documentation for the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project.. This amendment increases the total amount present in the agreement by $671,250 from $828,666 to $1,499,916 (including contingencies). Additionally, the Port of Los Angeles has reviewed the revised scope of work (Task 15A, dated December 18, 1989) between the City of Carlsbad and the firm of CH2M Hill to prepare the final environmental documentation for the Batiquitos project. The Port finds that the additional work is vital to the project, and approves the work scope adjustment in the amount of $525,000, pending your approval of the Amendment to Reimbursement 1419-2. We are anxious to have the work commence as expeditiously as possible. Please return a copy of the executed contract for our files. Please do not hesiteate to call me at (213) 519-3680 or Ralph Appy at (213) 519-3497, if we can be of further assistance. Sincerely, LILLIAN Y. KAWASAKI Director of Environmental Management APPROVED: DWAYNEG.LEE Deputy Executive Director of Development LYK:RGA EZUNIALBURTS Executive Director