HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-01-02; City Council; 10438; NOTICE OF COMPLETION APPROVAL OF FINAL PROJECT CHAORDERS FOR PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WEST ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PROJECT NO 3151(. . .I W 0 u GU 0 *rl .rl k uL, om 3 *rl ha u mu E *E s: sm uaJ .rl m a aJw aJF: L) .rl Od h .rl ard E OaJ Wh WaJ ws (du u mA u a *rl a3 u L)a k0 ala a dFr; (da GO rl .rl k 0 1-4 mk rd 00 *E 24 rd EIpl 0 .rl uo G 4M 5 cn OG .d &(d aJa urd aJG M 0 aG rdrd -rl -4 L)Em a, * Ga uulw g3 g z 0 0 m 5 \ e4 4 \ Ti 1 0 g 0 0 u ak L) aa 45 GI I WP LAHLSiLIAU - AGENDWILL &x;; e ., AB# '5 5&/ TITLE: NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND APPROVAL OF DEPT. HD( MTG .I/ 2/ 9 0 C~TYA~- PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WEST ASSESSMENT z DEPT. MP DISTRICT, PROJECT NO. 3151 CITY MGW RECOMMENDED ACTION: pifl fZ-/ Adopt Resolution No. %--/ accepting the Palomar Airport Road West Assessment District Project as complete, directing the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion, approving Change Order Nos. 10, 11, and 12, appropriating additional available project funding and increasing the project's construction purchase order to reflect final pro j ect costs. ITEM EXPLANATION: The construction of the Palomar Airport Road West Assessment District, Project No. 3151, is complete. Staff recommends the project be formally accepted and the City Clerk be directed to record the Notice of Completion. Staff also recommends the approval ofthe final construction change orders for the project which reflect final construction quantities for three (3) items. Attached are Change Order Nos. 10, 11 and 12 for the proj ect . Change Order No. 10 involves the increase in construction bid item 2 from 267,500 cubic yards of unclassified excavation to the final quantity of 279,826.9 cubic yards. The unit price for this item remains unchanged. This increase is necessitated to reflect the final unclassified excavation quantities encountered in the field due to the discovery of pockets of unsuitable material, additional grading of the temporary detour road area, and finished grading quantities throughout the two (2) mile long project. Final grading quantities have been verified with the contractor and substantiated through the daily grading quantity calculations on a station-by- station basis throughout the project performed by the resident engineer and resident inspector. Additionally, an independent engineering analysis of all project items confirms the additional 12,326.9 cubic yards of unclassified excavation. Staff recommends approval of Change Order No. 10 in the amount of $78,645.62. Change Order No. 11 involves the increase in the final quantities in construction bid item 7 from 36,950 cubic yards of untreated base material to a final quantity of 47,792 cubic yards. The unit price for this item remains unchanged. This increase is necessitated to reflect the final quantities of untreated base material utilized to support the pavement section and curb and gutter throughout the project. Final quantities have been verified with the contractor and substantiated through the receipt and calculation of the actual load and delivery tickets for the untreated base material. Additional material was placed during the forming of the outside curbs in order to fully base beneath the curbs for the entire length of the project, approximately 16,000 linear feet. The original calculations of base material did not account for this additional volume of material nor equipment FINAL PROJECT CHANGE ORDERS FOR THE .. m 0 Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. /D/ &/ accuracy and placement. In order to ensure the full depth of street section throughout the project , the contractor was authorized to increase the depth of cut by approximately 1" which contributed to the additional quantities of base material. Staff recommends approval of Change Order No. 11 in the amount of $179,977.20. Change,Order No. 12 involves the increase in final unclassified fill quantities in construction bid item 3 from 57,000 cubic yards to a final measured quantity of 76,192 cubic yards. The unit price for this item remains unchanged. Daily field reviews of fill operations, construction staking, and verification of final finished elevations substantiates the increase of this unit item to the final fill quantity. It appears that the design engineer's original take-off calculation for unclassified fill was underestimated. Staff recommends approval of Change Order No. 12 in the amount of $18,992.00. The total cost of all project change orders including numbers 10, 11, and 12 represents only a 7% increase in the original $5,457,714.84 construction cost. FISCAL IMPACT: The total cost for all elements of the Palomar Airport Road West Assessment District Project including construction, right-of-way acquisition, inspection, bond administration, legal fees, and miscellaneous district expenses subject to final assessment accounting is as follows: Design ' $ 136,045.00 Assessment Engineering $ 155,000.00 Construction $5,844,644.07 Inspection $ 184,733.00 Administration $ 173,108.00 Soils Testing $ 29,339.00 Miscellaneous Construction Related Expenses $ 30,589.00 Right-of-way Acquisition $ 792,075.00 Legal and Appraisal Fees $ 56,097.00 Plan Checking Fees and Printing $ 24,376.00 Utility Services s 53,000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS: $7,479,006.07 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUNDS AVAILABLE: Assessment District Appropriations $4,033,079.00 Interest on Bond Funds $ 310,000.00 Carlsbad Municipal Water District $ 162,725.00 City of Carlsbad Appropriations $3,456,048.00 TOTAL DISTRICT FUNDS AVAILABLE: $7,961,852.00 ESTIMATED AVAILABLE DISTRICT FUNDS: $ 482,845.93 I. m W Page 3 of Agenda Bill No. The total cost of Change Order Nos. 10, 11, and 12 is as follows: C.O. #lo: Unclassified Excavation $ 78,645.62 C.O. #11: Untreated Base Material $179,678.40 C.O. #12: Unclassified Fill $ 18,992.00 TOTAL COST $277,316.02 /3 5@f The total cost of Change Order Nos. 10, 11 and 12 will be included as an element of the final construction cost to all participants at the time of the preparation of the final District assessment spread. The District's contingency accounts have adequate funding for the approval of Change Order Nos. 10, 11 and 12. Staff recommends the City Council appropriate the $310,000 to the project account as earned interest on the bond funds during the course of construction. This appropriation will make the interest earnings available for District purposes. As indicated above, there will be an estimated available District balance of $482,845.93. Assessment District procedures enable the use of unexpended District funds for other District purposes including maintenance, construction of other elements such as completion of the medians on Palomar Airport Road, completion of streetlighting, sidewalks and parkway landscaping, undergrounding of overhead utilities, and other related expenditures. Staff will return in approximately 90 days with a series of options and cost estimates for the Council to consider applying the available District fund balance to other improvements on Palomar Airport Road within the District boundaries. EXHIBITS 1. Resolution No. %-/ regarding the completion of the Palomar 2. Change Orders No. 10, 11 and 12. 3. Notice of Completion. Airport Road West Assessment District Project. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 W RESOLUTION NO. 90-1 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REGARDING THE PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WEST ASSESSMENT DISTRICT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad hz previously awarded a contract for the construction of the Palomi Airport Road West Assessment District, Project No. 3151; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds it necessar] desirable and in the public interest to approve certa modifications and additions to said project; and WHEREAS, costs relating to said modifications have ber negotiated with the project contractor resulting in Change Ordr Nos. 10, 11 and 12, for said project; and WHEREAS, said project is hereby complete: and WHEREAS, said project requires modifications to t: funding appropriations to reflect additional available projel funding. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That Change Order Nos. 10, 11 and 12 for t construction of the Palomar Airport Road West Assessment Distric Project No. 3151, are hereby approved and the Mayor is here authorized and directed to execute said Change Orders. 3. That following the Mayor's signature of said Chan Orders, the City Clerk is authorized and directed to forward sa executed Change Orders to the Municipal Projects Department f processing. /// .I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 m W 4. That the Purchasing Officer is hereby authorii and directed to increase Purchase Order No. 5744 a total $277,316.02 to reflect the approval of said Change Orders. 5. That in accordance with the provisions of Carlsk Ordinance No. NS-55, and Section 3.28.080 and Section 3.28.172 the Carlsbad Municipal Code, the City Manager's authority 1 approving change orders for this project up to a limit of $15,( per change order shall be extended an additional cumulative amoi not to exceed an additional $100,000 in accordance with said c( sections. 6. That the construction of the Palomar Airport Rc West Assessment District Project is hereby deemed complete i accepted by the City of Carlsbad and the City Clerk is hert authorized and directed to record the Notice of Completion. 7. That the City Council does hereby approprii $310,000 of earned interest on the project bond funds to 1 project account and make said funds available for related Distr: purposes. 8. That the Purchasing Officer is hereby authorized i directed to increase Purchase Order No. 5744 an additional amoi of $48,211.88 representing approved bid item adjustments dur. construction not requiring formal construction change orders. 9. That the Finance Director is hereby authorized i directed to prepare immediately following the City Counci: adoption of this resolution a City check in the amount represent /// /// /// a. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 m w the final progress payment less project retention and make SE check available to the project contractor, M.L. Chilcot Incorporated. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of t Carlsbad City Council held on the 2nd day of January 1990, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and La1 NOES: None ABSENT : None 7 1 &d@hp ,, CLAkDE A. LEdIS, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City @erk tu- A%?- ( SEAL ) .. *. e m CITY OF CARLSBAD €UE3LXC FxlRKs PIMSECT CHANGE ORDER NO. 10 CDN"F?ACI'NO. 3151 €URCHASE ORDER NO. 5744 A- NO. 410 820 1880 3151 CXINI'RAmR'S NAME M.L. CHILCOTE, INC. CDNTRAWR'S ADDRESS 2660 FLETCHER PARKWAY, SUITE F, EL CAJON, CA 92020 The contractor is directed to make the folluwhg changes as described herein. Chan~ shall include all labor, materials, equipnmt, contract time extensions, and all ot! goods and services required to implement this change. payment stat& on this cha order includes all charges, direct or inairecrt , arishg out of this additional work is expressly agreed between City an3 contractor to be the cmplete and final co hereof. The requirements of the specifications, where pertinent and not in conflict w this change order, shall apply to these changes. This change order is not effect unless signed by the City Manager and/or the Mayor. cHANGJ.?l: See Attached REASON FOR CHANGl3: m: , TlME CIIANGE: w-- Unit prices - bth - Add days Deduct days Total this extra $ 78,645.62 Add/deduct days this change previous net changes s- original contract amount $ 5,00Lh54.7Q New contract total $ 5,590,534-99 New contract th Previous add/d&ct days Original contract days CXNIRA~R 16ate/ -,'or Mayor 'Date White -Job File pink -ProjectInspector Yelluw - Contractor Gold - purcslasbg with P.O. Change Or I. I .- 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD lWE%LLC WORKS pRQ7ECT CHANGE ORDER NO. 11 cm~~~rn NO. 3151 FURCHASE ORDEB NO. 5744 ACCCU" NO. 410 820 1880 3151 CONTRACIYR'S NAME M.L. CHILCOTE, INC. CDN'I'RACIBR'S ADDRESS 2660 FLETCHER PARK WAY. SUITF F. FI CAJON. CA 97020 The Contractor is directed to make the follawhg changes as described herein. - shall include all labor, materials, equipment, contract time extensions, and all otk goods and services required to hplement this change. payment stat& on this char order includes all charyes, direct or hdirect, arising out of this additional work a is expressly agreed between City and Contractor to be the camplete and final COS hereof. The requirements of the specifications, where pertinent and not in conflict wi this change order, shall apply to these changes. This change order is not effecti unless signed by the City Manager and/or the Mayor. CHANGE : Increased quantities of untreated base 18" Bid Item 7 from 36,950 C.Y. to 47,792 C.Y. 10,842 (3 $16.60 = $179,977.20 REASON FOR CHANGE: Design engineer under estimate of quanti ties and additional base necessary for construction phasing and detouring requi rements. COST: TIME CHANGE: L;Lrmp sJm - Unit prices Both - Add days Deduct days Total this extra $ 179,977.20 Adwdeduct days this change Previous adwdeduct days Original contract days previous net changes $- original contract amount $ 5.001.654. 20 New contract total $ 5.770.517.19 New contract time CONJXArnR /a-/20/ \Jw 'Dad White - Job File pink - Project Inspector Yellow - Contractor Gold - purchasing with P.O. Change Ord GI ~ .. e e CITY OF CAWSBAD HTBLJCC WORKS PRQSECT CHANGE ORDER NO. 12 CONTRACT NO. 3151 FURCHASE ORDER NO. 5744 ACXWN" NO. 410 820 1880 3151 ~=~RIS NAME M.L. CHILCOTE, INC. ~NTRA~R'S ADDES The Contractor is directed to &e the following changes as described herein. Qlam shall include all labor, materials, equipment, contract time extensions, and all otl goods and services required to implement this change. Payment stated on this cha order includes all charyes, direct or indirect, arising out of this additional work i is expressly agreed between city and Contractor to be the complete and final COI hereof. The requirements of the specifications, where pertinent and not in conflict w. this change order, shall apply to these changes. This change order is not effect. unless signed by the City Emager and/or the Mayor. CHANGE: 2660 FLETCHER PARKWAY, SUITE F, EL CAJON, CA 92020 Increase quantity of unclassified fill, Bid Item No. 3 from 57,200 c.y. to 76,192 c.y. The unit price of $1.00 per cubic yard remains unchanged 76,192 57,200 18,992 (3 $l.OO/cy = $1; REASON FOR CHANGE: Design engineer under estimated quanti ties. staking and verification of final finished elevations, support volumes in place. A constant field review of construction COST : TIME CHANGE: Iumpsurn- Unit prices - Both - Add days Deduct days Total this extra $ 18.9 92.00 Advdeduct days this change Previous net changes $ 768.8 57.99 Previous advdeduct days Original contract amount $ 5.001.654.20 Original contract days Vmx contract babak subtotal$ 5.78 9.504.19 New Contract the C.O.'s 13 & 14 pre-approved $ Bid Item Adjstmnt. w/o C.O. $ 48,331.88 New Contract Total $ 5.844.6 44.07 6,928.00 White - Job File Pink - Project Inspector Yellow - Contractor Gold - Purchasing with P.O. Change Om Recording requested by. CITY OF CARLSBAD When recorded mail to: City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Space above for Recorderls use