HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-01-02; City Council; 10441; Temporary Community Directional Sign Program2 - u c 2 . . # 0 p m . N 2 . 4 4 G 5 8 CIT- OF CARLSBAD - AGEND -BILL //+ (g A&# /o, -+& -EXTENSION OF CARLSBAD'S TEMPORARY MTG.-m.-- l/2/90 COMMUNITY DIRECTIONAL SIGN PROGRAM DEPT. Pm ZCA-175(A) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff is recommending that the City Council introduce Ordinance No. NJ- A3 Temporary Community APPROVING ZCA-175(A), to extend Carlsbadls Directional Sign Program until January 1, 1995. ITEM EXPLANATION On October 16, 1984 the City Council approved a Temporary Community Directional Sign Program for new subdivisions within the City. A copy of the associated agenda bill and ordinance is attached. As specified within Section 21.41.076(8)(f) of Title 21, the Temporary Community Directional Sign Program "shall be effective until January 1, 1990, unless before that date the ordinance codified in this section is reviewed and extended by the City Counci1.l' In accordance with this provision, SunCal Outdoor Advertising (the sign consultant under contract with the City to install and maintain the temporary community directional signs) is requesting (see attached letter dated October 2, 1989) that Section 21.41.076(8)(f) of Title 21 be amended to extend the Temporary Community Directional Sign Program until January 1, 1995. As shown on Exhibit "A", there currently exists 15 wooden sign kiosks located at major intersections throughout the City. Located upon these kiosks are wooden plagues (see Exhibit lrBll) identifying the name of major subdivisions with directional arrows pointing towards their locations. Overall, the Temporary Community Directional Sign Program has been an effective medium for providing off-site identification for and directions to major subdivisions within the City. The Temporary Community Directional Sign Program has also functioned to reduce the existence of illegal off-site subdivision signs within Carlsbad. SunCal Outdoor Advertising has also satisfactorily administered (i.e, construction, maintenance, repair, leasing of sign space and billing) the Temporary Community Directional Sign Program. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The environmental effects of the Temporary Community Directional Sign Program have already been considered in conjunction with previously certified environmental documents. In accordance, the Planning Director has issued a Notice of Prior Compliance on November 22, 1989. A . PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. /q 44/ FISCAL IMPACT Suncal has paid to the City $6,102.39 to cover staff administrative costs for kiosk signs during 1989 (January through October). The monthly fees vary due to added or deleted plagues. Suncal is now submitting a monthly inventory matrix detailing subdivision plaques (single and/or double faced) displayed on each kiosk. All costs associated with staff time involved in administering the community directional sign program will be recovered by monthly fees collected for each sign. EXHIBITS 1. City Council Ordinance No. MS- /d-3 2. City Council Agenda Bill and Ordinance dated October 16, 1984 3. Letter from SunCal Outdoor Advertising 4 Exhibit lrA'l . - Community Directional Sign Locations 5 Exhibit IrBWr . - Community Direction Sign Plaques , f - ORDINANCE NO. NS-103 1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 2 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.41 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE. 3 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does 4 ordain as follows: 5 That Title 21, Chapter 21.41 of the Carlsbad Municipal 6 Code is amended by the amendment of Section 21.41.076(8)(f) to 7 read as follows: 8 "This section shall be effective until January 1, 1995, 9 unless before that date the ordinance codified in this section is reviewed and extended by the City Council.W 10 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty 11 II days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to 12 the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at 13 least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after 14 its 15 . . . 16 . . . 17 . . . 18 . . . 19 . . . 20 . . . 21 . . . 22 . . . 23 . . . 24 . . . 25 . . . 26 . . . 27 28 adoption. - - . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1C 17 If 1s 2c . 23 22 22 24 2E 26 27 2f INTRODUCTED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the 2arlsbad City Council on the -2nd day of January , 1990, , and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City zouncil of the City of Carlsbad on the 9th day of January I 1990, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ALETHA L. UTENKRANZ, City C&erk 2 - - -. _ t-#PJA- _ -_ elf ‘)F CARLSBAD - AQEhOI JILL cc qud. ,y AM 7w-z TITLE: stlEloNfs1m SIQJ oRDINwE MT&- z~17s-cITYoecARw0AD DEPT.- CITY MaRa L RECOMMENOtD ACTION: I . 8 I eoththePlanningCamnissimandstaffare raaamrtrding that the city ciznmcil inttoduce Ordinance No. 4 7 T7 t m ZCA-175. -- On January 17, 1984, the Ciw CbrpIcfl dimcta3 the Land Use Planning Office b workwith acitizen's am&tea tpde~lop aacdinanmwhich muld prwide for sam fom of off-site identification hot subdivisions. Staff arrd the amtittee (nrambcrs list attached) mt a rnmtw of tinma ad finishal a draft acdinance on April 30. It tm8 brought bfore the City candl a a &rlcsbp itan in July. Atthattinm, theCity Quncildimcted staff- ~uletb~ardinarm for a public hearing at the Plam&q Cfaddon. The ozdinafm is &signed tm b a aimunity directiaal sign wan rather than an off=site m&division cxdinance. The m ordinarm wuld provide tit the cstablishmnt of a mnbr of kiosks at major intemactiam thraqhout the city. SBactantheki~warldbale~tDdrvslaprrstoIprwi~thairnamarda drmctional arrw pointing towani their mbdivision. These directional rigm mounted cm the kiosk8 weld be cmsistent in size arxl aolat. User the prapoecd ordinanm, the City Council could designate the mspmsibility Sot lemirq space on thekiotdcs toanotheragencyororganizstion. Theocdinancenwld also provide for the city bo use spaccm the kiosks !br the city's directional needs. The draftordinancewas bard by the Planning Camnission onSepta&er 12, 1984. ThePlanniryCannission l4ked theordimand pmposedme&aqe to the cannittee's mammndation. This &angewouldlimit theordinan~ to mekiosk type insteadof tkR,with a 5 foot width. The Planning Camission also zqpromd the kiosk design and the kiosk location plan, bath attached. When thecity Ccuncil first looked at the draft Otdi- inJuly, they voiced sane a3necrns regarding the size, the mrberof kiosk locations, am3 the provision pmittiq the city b c&legate the leasiq of kiosk space tD anther publicor quasi-public agency. Saneof these issues have tmn resolwd. As mentiomd, the PlanniqCamission limit& sign width to 5 feetad staff has teummd mneof thepropo#dkiosklocations and has mlesignatsd others zm possible future locatitms. Y A Neqativa Declaration ms issued by the Land Use Planniq Manager 01 August 20, E 1984 arid qpmved ty the Planning Ccmission QI Septarkr 12, 1984. .* -. , c - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 _/ 16 17 18 19 ORDINANCE NO. 9737 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AMENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.41 OF THE CARLSEAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 21.41.076 PERMITTING TEMPORARY COMMUNITY DIRECTIONAL SIGNS. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does ordain as followr: SECTION lx That Title 21, Chapter 21.41 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code be amended by the addition of Section 21.41.076 to read as follows: "21.41.076 Temporary community directional signs. (a) The intent of this temporary section is to provide directional information so that residents of and visitors-to the City can easily find public places, residential neighborhoods or remote areas in an attractive and safe mannr?r consistent with the City's prohibition against off site advertising signs or displays. A community directional signa is a sign installed and maintained according to the provisions of this section. Other signs owned ant maintained by the City of Carlsbad or the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Agency shall not be subject to the provision8 of thi.1 section. (b) Temporary community directional signs are permitted : all zones subject to the provi8ione of this section. (c) All community directional signs shall be located on one of the approved community directional kiosks located at variour points throughout the City. (1) The Land Use Planning Manager shall prepare a kiosk location plan showing the locations where kiosks may be / permitted. This plan shall be approved by the City Council and 20 1 shall be kept on file in the Land Use Planning Office. The specif: I location of each kiosk shall be approved by the Land Use Planning 21 ! Manager prior to construction. Each kiosk location shall conform 1 the plan approved by the City Council and shall not interfere with 22 traffic safety. 23 j (2) One kiosk design will be utilized throughout thl City. This kiosk design is on file in the Land Use Planning I office. 24 i 'I (3) Kiosks may be located on private property or in 1, the public street right-of-way. All kio.sks that are to be placed ( 25' , private property shall be with written consent of the property !I owner. Written consent shall also include a provision permitting 26ii the City, in the event of non-compliance, // remove the sign or its attachments. to enter said property aI A copy of said consent shall 1 271 filed with the Land Use Planning office prior to approval of the i, kiosk by the Land Use Planning Manager. 28 " - A 1 (4) The construCtion of the kiO8kS and leasing of 2 space on the kiosk shall be administered by the City Council or their designee. The City Council, at their option, may designate 3 another public or quasi-public organization to administer the COnStrUCtiOn and/or leasing Of Sign apace on the kiOSk8. The lease 4 cost shall be eatablirhed by the City Council. (5) Each kiosk will have "C.i.ty of Carlsbad" or the 5 City logo dirplayed in a prominent location on the sign. (6) Each kiosk shall contain space for at least one 6 sign indicating the location of individual communities, public building8 or public facilitie8 or services. 7 (b) Each approved neighborhood or subdivision over four units may have up to a maximum of eight community directional signe 0 as defined in Section 21.41.030. (1) The number and locations of community directiona 9 signs for each project 8hall be determined by the Land Use Planning Manager after final map approval and prior to the issuance 10 of building permit. Criteria for determining the number of directional kiosk signs Shall inclue the size and location of the 11 subdivision. The City Council may be resolution adopt guidelines establishing more specific criteria. 12 (2) Each kiosk shall not exceed five feet in width and ten feet in height. Lndividual directional kiosk signs shall 13 be constructed to conform to the size and design of the kiosks. In , no event may the signs exceed 10" x 60". 14 (3) All individual community directional signs mounted on the kio8ks shall be the same design and shall be dark 15 brown wood with routed-in white lettering. Letters Shall be con818tent in size, width and thickness of print. Letters ehall be 16 all upper case letter8 not more than six inches in height. Individual community directional signs Shall be approved by the 17 Land Use Planning Manager prior to mounting on a kiosk to ensure compliance with this ordinance. In no case shall a sign be mounted 18 on a kiosk before building permits have been issued for the model : homes. 19 ,! (4) Each sign may contain only the name of the , subdivision or community and must contain a directional arrow. 20 : (5) There Shall be no additions, tag signs, ' streamers, devicea, display boards, or appurtenances added to the 21 sign as originally approved. Further, no other directional signing may be USed such a6 posters, trailer signs or temporary subdivisior 22 directional signs. (6) Any sign placed contrary to the provisions of 231; this ordinance may be removed by the City without prior notice. 1; (7) Upon approval by the Land Use Planning Manager, 2481 community directional signs shall be permitted until the homes within the subdiviSion are sold or for a period of one year, 25 I whichever comes first. Extensions not exceeding one year may be 2c 1 granted by the Land Use Planning Manager. (8) A neighborhood shall not be Qllowed any j directional kiosk signs if there are any other signs advertising tt neiqhborhood anywhere in the area covered by the City's general If any advertising eigne are erected and n-t promptly remove b x t e the City, all kiosk signs for that subdivision shall lease Cal-celled and no refund given. . (c) The City Council may establish a fee for City review of each individual community directional sign that will be mounted on the kiosks. (d) This section shall be effective until January 1, 1990, unless before that date this ordinance is reviewed and extended by the City Council. (e) This section is intended to permit off site directional signs necessary to serve the people of Carlsbad. By enacting this section the City Council does not intend to alter its total ban on all off site advertiainng signs or dirplay8. If this Section or any part of it is deemed unconstitutional all kiosks Shall be irmnediately removed along with all directional l igns permitted under thiu section. Any lease payment made for the time after the removal of a kiosk shall be returned to the lessee, less a charge of twenty-five percent of the leasa payment which shall bs retained by the City to cover its admini8trative costs. 10 II EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty 11 days after its adoption, I and the City Clerk shall certify to the 12 adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least 13 once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen day8 after its 14! adoption. 15 INTRODUCTION AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the __ 16 Carlsbad City Council held on the 16th day of October , 17 1984, and thereafter 18 i PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City I 19,; Council held on the 23x-d day of Ocmber , 1984, by the 20 [ following vote, to wit: 21; AYES: Council H?rnters Casler, bwis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescott 22 ; NOES3 the I 23 ; II ABSENT% None 24 ‘j I 25 / 26 !I 27// ATTEST: i/l**,d. lLL% MARY H. CASLER, Mayor /! 28’i ( &i!d&d&mb . LD . Z, 1 y rx Ii -1 OUTDOOR ADVERTISING October 2, 1989 City of Carlsbad Attn: Mr. Holzmiller 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 RE: Carlsbad Kiosk Sign Program Dear Mr. Holzmiller: The sunset date for the Carlsbad kiosk sign program will soon be upon us (January 1, 1990). At this time I would like to request that this program be extended for a like period of time (5 years) under the same terms and conditions. I also ask that this request for extension be placed on the agenda for review and approval by the Carlsbad City Council. Enclosed is a current inventory and map for your information. Code Enforcement Officer,Michael Harrington should be able to comment on the high level of attention and maintenance the kiosk program is receiving from SunCal Outdoor. We are very happy with the way the kiosk program is running, and will do our utmost to insure that all the needs of the City, as well as the developers are met. Thank you very much for your attention to this matter. If I can be of assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me at (619) 291-4441. Sincerely, A/, -., r,d( Michae? Casinelli MC:bb Enclosures ,: ;: ; f,*., ‘1,; 5005 TEXAS STREET, SUITE 305 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92108 16191291-4441 i 0 T- a L 0 Q) I- \ ‘PH aaodz?v ~arno-[~~ EXHIBIT, "1 I ‘ r ; j ! / I 1 ! I I ! , / , EXHIBIT "B" S”nCal OUTDOOR ADVERTtSINO CARLSBAD KIOSK (As of September STRUCTURE LOCATION C-l La Costa & I-5 C-2 Poinsettia E/of I-5 C-3 Tamarack & El Camino Real C-4 El Cam. Real S/of Tamarack C-5 Palomar Airport Rd. E/of Paseo De1 Verde C-6 El Cam. Real & Palomar Airport Rd. C-7 El Camino Real C Alga C-8 La Costa & El Camino Real C-9 Olivenhain & El Cam. Real C-10 La Costa & Ranch0 Santa Fe C-11 Ranch0 Santa Fe S/of Alga C-12 Elm & El Camino Real PLAQUES 25, 1989) PLAQUES Alga Bills Alicante Hills Monarch Villas The Summit Seascape Apt. The S-it The Summit Tamarack Pt. Tamarack Pt. NO STBUCTUFUZ NO STRUCTURE Alga Hills Alga Bills The Summit The Summit Ranch Carlsbad Spyglass Pt. Alga Hills Alicante Hills Spyglass Pt. Promenade Alga Bills Alga Hills Monarch Villas Monarch Villas The Summit The Summit Alicaute Hills - Alicante Hills Spyglass Pt. Alga Bills ' STRUCTURE ONLY NO STRUCTURE The Summit The Summit -l- facing W facing W facing W facing W facing W facing N d S facing W facing N L S facing W facing N facing E & W facing S facing E & W facing S facing W facing N & S facing N b S facing N & S facing N & S facing S facing E d W facing N facing E & W facing E & W facing S facing E d W facing S facing W facing S facing N facing W 5005 TEXAS STREET, SUITE 305 SAN DIEGO, CAtlF0RNlA 92109 (6191291-P441 * sunCar OUTDOOR ADVERTISING CARLSBAD KIOSK PLAQUES (Continued) STRUCTURE LOCATION PLAQUES C-13 Alga & Alicante Alga Hills Alicante Hills Spyglass Pt. facing E & W facing E & W facing E & W C-14 Elm & Monroe The Summit C-15 Poinsettia & Carlsbad Blvd. NO STRUCTURE facing W 5005 TEXAS STREET. SUITE 305 SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92708 ~6191291-4441 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:00 PM., on Tuesday, January 2, 1990, requesting that Section 21.41.076(8)(f) of Title 21 be amended to extend Carlsbad's Temporary Community Directional Sign Program until January 1, 1995. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. If you have any questions, please call the Planning Department at 438-1161. If you challenge ZCA-175(A) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. CASE FILE: ZCA-175(A) APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLISH: December 20, 1989 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL - (Form A) TO: CITY CLERK’S OFFICE FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT RE: PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST Attached are the materials necessary for you to notice ZCA-175(A) - CITY OF CARLSBAD for a public hearing before the City Council. Please notice the item for the council meeting of , . I SY . Thank you. Assistant City Man-- 12lSlSS Date ..” l - Carlsbad Journal Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County Mail all correspondence regarding public notice advertising to North Coast Publishers, Inc. corporate offices: P.O. Box 878, Encinitas, CA 92024 (619) 753-6543 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general circulation, published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and which newspaper is published for the dissemination of local newsand intelligence of a general character, and which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers, and which newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular intervals in the said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one year next preceding the date of publication of the notice hereinafter referred to; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issueof said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: HEARING - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carls- bad will hold a public hearing at December 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1989 . . . . the Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:oo P.M. on Tuebday, January 2, IQQO, requesting that Section 21.41.076(8Hf) of Title 21 be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.... amended to extend Carlsbad’s Temporaig Community Directional Sign Program until Januaiy I, lQQ5. Those persons wishing ta speak on this proposal are cordially in- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.. . . vited to attend the public hearing. If you have any questions, please call the Planning Department at 4361161. If you challenge ZCA-175(A) in co&, you may be limited to raising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.. . . only those issues you or someone else raised,at the public hearing described in this notice or. in Writ- ten correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad. at or prior to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.... the public hearing. Case File: ZCA-17KA) Applicant: City of Carlsbad CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CJ ,482l: December 20,lQEQ I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California on the 70th day of Ja 19R9 Clerk of the Printer tm-ZM-12ia7