HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-01-02; City Council; 10442; Sister City Committee establishment*; < .i +' r r Q t! a: k Q 2 0 E 5 5 a z 0 ClTWF CARLSBAD - AGENDWILL P" t AB# /3 d~z CITY AT MTG. DEPT. H TITLE: ESTABLISHMENT OF A CARLSBAD 1/2/90 SISTER CITY COMMITTEE DEPT.LIB CITY MG RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 9d-3 , creating a Carlsbad Sister City comn tee and appropriating necessary funds to establish and operate tk committee. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City of Carlsbad Sister City Steering Committee [SCSC) was created by City Council Resolution No. 88-19, dated January 26, 1988. The resolution outlined specific responsibilities of the 1 and authorized the committee to manage their finances and to raii funds. Eighteen local organizations were made charter members o the committee. Various cultural exchange events have taken plac over the last two years, including several trips by Futtsu repre: tatives to Carlsbad, and a trip by Carlsbad representatives to Futtsu. Recently a 10K run was organized by the committee to ra funds to support their efforts. The chairperson of the SCSC, Carman Cedola, requested in a lette. the City Council that the City of Carlsbad create a formal Siste, City Committee to directly manage the activities of the Sister C Program. The City Council considered this request at its Octobe 17, 1989 meeting, requesting staff to return with a report conce ing the creation of a Sister City Committee, and .to include info tion on staffing and funding such a committee. I FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of establishing the Sister City Program and placing its operation under city control will be $6,500 for the remainder Of 1989-90. This cost includes staffing and M&O expenses. The 198 budget has a balance of about $4,000 remaining available for fur; incidental expenses related to this program. In addition, the C is holding $3,100 in donations and gifts received from individua and corporate sponsors which may be used to fund future function Staff recommends that Council appropriate $6,500 from the Genera Fund unappropriated fund balance to cover operating expenses for remainder of this fiscal year. With this action, the Council wi have a budget totaling $13,600 for Sister City programs: Staffing and Operations (6 months) $ 6,500 Programs City Funded (currently budgeted) 4,000 Donations and Gifts (held in trust) 3.100 Total Funds Available $13,600 (new appropriation) I I @ e I PAGE 2 OF AB# /! da EXHIBITS : 1. Resolution No. 90-3 , creating a Carlsbad Sister City Committ and appropriating necessary funds to establish and operate thc committee. 2. Staff report on managing the Carlsbad Sister City Program. 3. Item 18 of minutes of October 17, 1989 City Council meeting. 4. Agenda Bill #10,321 dated 10/17/89. - 1 , /I a: ” ’1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1’1 18 19 20 ~ 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 90-3 A.RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING THE CARLSBAD SISTER CITY COMMITTEE (CSCC) TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SISTER CITY PROGRAM IN CARLSBAD. WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes the cultural, educational and economic benefits of a Sister City relation- ship; and WHEREAS, the city council wishes to support the benefits and responsibilities of such a relationship; and WHEREAS, various organizations and individuals in the community have exhibited support and enthusiasm for a Sister City program; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of tf City of Carlsbad, California: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That Resolution No. 88-19 establishing the Sister City Steering committee is hereby repealed. I I ~ 3. That the Carlsbad Sister City Committee (CSCC) is hereby established. 4. That funds in the amount of $6,500 are hereby appropriated to support the CSCC. 5. The Committee shall be made up of nine members, representative of the various elements of the community, suc: as business, education, cultural and artistic, and service. 6. That the CSCC shall be charged with (i) planning a implementing programs which foster mutual understanding and goodwill between the citizenry of the City of Carlsbad and t citizenry of any city duly designated by the City Council of i 1 I/ m @ m I1 1 the City of Carlsbad as a "Sister City", and (ii) the finan- 2 3 cial management of the program, including all fundraising to support the Sister City Program. 4 7. That the CSCC shall advise the City Council upon 5 forwarded to the City Council. 8 summary reports on committee activities and actions shall be 7 8. That the CSCC shall meet on a monthly basis, and 6 request on matters pertaining to any Sister city program. 9 9. That once a year the CSCC shall present to the City 10 11 Council a review of the previ.ous year's activities, and recommendations for the future year's activities for Council 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I 20 21 22 23 approval. 10. That the following officers shall be selected by a majority vote of the Committee and shall serve one year term2 (i) Chairperson - Who shall oversee the affairs 01 the committee; preside at all meetings of the CSCC; appoint the chairperson of any sub-committee. (ii) Vice Chairperson - Who shall serve as Chairpel son during the absence of the Chairperson. 11. That the City Manager shall designate the Communit! Arts Coordinator to serve as the staff support to the Commit- tee - 12. That committee members shall serve without any 24 13. That Robert Rules of Order shall be observed at al: 25 compensation. public. 28 14. That meetings of the CSCC shall be open to the 27 committee &etings., 26 li I e a 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 2 1990, by the following vote to wit: 3 Carlsbad City Council held on the 2nd day of January 4 5 6 7 8 9 LO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 1 20 1 21 I AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Mamaux and Larson NOES: Council Member Pettine ABSENT : None ATTEST! (SEAL) 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I e @ - December 19, 1989 TO : CITY MANAGER FROM : Library Director MANAGING THE CARLSBAD SISTER CITY PROGRAM The Carlsbad Sister City Program is at a crossroads according to its former chairman, Carman J. Cedola, in a letter to Mayor Lewis, dated September 11, 1989. The letter points out that during this past year it has become apparent that several ex- change visits from and to our Sister City will become regular events. The 10K event will be needed to provide operating funds on an annual basis. There is a continuing need for a contact point at City Hall to manage these events and programs. The current member organization would like to continue to participate on a voluntary basis, and would like to work with, and get direction from, an appropriate city official. Mr. Cedola's letter points out a concern that city staff has also had with the Sister City Program over the past couple of years: that is, considerable resources have been utilized from a number of city departments for this program which were not anticipated during the budget process. It is also apparent that the various organizational members of the Steering Committee vary in their ability to provide continuing support to the program. Recognizing the important mission statement of the Steering Committee: IIPromote a greater understanding and respect between the citizens of Carlsbad and its Sister City, Futtsu, Japan, by enriching the cultural and economic resources of each City" and experiencing the events over the last year in meeting this mission, it is apparent to staff that a change needs to be made. Staff recommends the formation of a Carlsbad Sister City Commit- tee (CSCC), with nine appointed members, to coordinate the Sister City Program. Some of the current voluntary members of the Steering Committee could remain involved through the CSCC. The committee would be staffed by the Community Arts Coordinator, a new position in the city's Arts Office. There is a need to budget for additional staff and resources to manage the program. In order for the Community Arts Coordinator to manage the Sister City Program, an additional part time clerical position would be required. Additionally, monies need to be budgeted for meals for visitors from Futtsu, gifts, and supplies/materials. I m a City Manager December 19, 1989 Page 2 A half-year budget, January-June 1990, would be as follows: Part time clerical $3,750 Materials/supplies 1,000 Gifts/meals 1,750 January/June Total: $6 , 500 If the City Council approves the creation of a Sister City Committee, a full year budget will be submitted for the 1990-91 fiscal year. That budget proposal would total approximately $15,000. CLIFFORD 6iif- E. LANGE Pab '. ! a a. MINUTES October 17, 1989 Page 5 ~~~~~ DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Mr. Salmone stated that staff's reccmmendation was to remove the onstreet parking upon completion of these parklng lots. He added that if the lots are not opened until the middle of December, staff would recommend not eliminating the onstreet parking until after the Hol idays. In answer to Council query regarding the streetscape for Elm Avenue, Mr. Salcmone said that this is scheduled for the fall of 1990. George Willis, 539 Elm Avenue, addressed Council ln opposition to removing the onstreet parking upon cmp letion of the parking lots and suggesting that this consideration given to the merchants in the four and five hundred blocks of Elm Avenue. be done one year later, He felt there had been no Council consensus was to implement this Ordlnance after the Holldays, with ample warnings posted and Police enforcement. Council Member Larson felt the timing of the removal of the onstreet parking needed to be looked at, and suggested removing the park1 ng as the curb and gutter improvements are instal led. The construction would cause the removal of the parking and then as that moves on to another section of the street, the no parking wou Id be feft. He said he had a problem with the short term safety problem with the opening up of the four lanes. Mr. Larson said he felt it was essential to remove the parking on Elm Avenue, but would vote against this, as he believed it would be more appropriate to time the removal of the parking with the improvements on E Im Avenue. Council introduced the followlng Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. NS-91, AMENDING TITLE IO, CHAPTER 10.40 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE REVISION OF SECT I ON 10.40.053 TO DECLARE A "NO PARK I NG" ZONE ON ELM AVENUE FROV CARLSBAD BOULEVARD TO PI 0 P IC0 DRIVE; mod if ied to reflect an effeciive date of January 3, 1990. Staff was also directed to ensure sufficient slgnage and warnings, and to continue seeking additional parking downtown. 15. AB #10,320 - ESTABLISHMENT OF TWO-HOUR PARKING ZONE AT THE CARLSBAD COMMUNITY SWIV COMPLEX. Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bi I 1, using a transparency to show the parking !ot at the swim complex. , *% MEMBERS COUNCIL \\ $ % pc% %% % q Lewis X Mamaux X Kulchin xx Larson X m I .= MINUTES October 17, 1989 Page 6 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Counci I introduced the fol fowlng Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. NS-92, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.40 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 10.40.076 TO DECLARE "TWO-HOUR PARKING" BETWEEN 6:00 A.M. AND 2:OO P.M., MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY FROM SEPTEMBER 1 TO JUNE 30 FOR THE TWENTY-FIVE PARKING SPACES IN THE PARKING LOT DIRECTLY EAST OF THE CARLSBAD COMMUNITY SWIM COMPLEX. 16. AB #10,250 - CHANGES IN FEES FOR POLiCE REPORTS. Police Captain George Suttle gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, asking that Council also give staff direction to exclude victims from the fee charge for Pol'rce reports. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTiON NO. 89-324, REVISING THE FEE FOR POLICE REPORTS; with the further inclusion of an Item #3 to exclude victims from payment of fees for reports. 17. NUMBER NOT USED. 18. AB #10,321 - SISTER CITY - FUTTSU, JAPAN. Mayor Lewis stated this action would set up this Sister City Steering Committee as a regular City Committee or Commission. Council directed staff to return with a report concerning the creation of a Sister City Committee, including information on staffing and fund ing. 19. AB #10,323 - APPOINTMENT OF ALTERNATE ON GOLF COURSE CITIZEN STEERING COMMITTEE. Council adopted the foflowing Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 89-374, APPOINTING JIM SMITH A GOLF COURSE CITIZEN STEER I NG COWMITTEE ALTERNATE TO MONITOR AND REVIEW THE PROGRESS OF THE COLF COURSE AND RELATED AMENITIES. 20. AB #10,322 - REPORT ON CiTY INVESTMENTS. Council acknowledged receipt of the report from the City Treasurer on the Clty's Investment F'ortfotio as of October 1, 1989. -c Lewis xx Kulchin x X Larson X Mamaux Lew i s X Kulchin X Mamaux X Larson xx Lewis X Kulchin xx X Larson X Mamaux Lewis X Mamaux X Kulchin xx Larson X 4' CI~F CARLSBAD - AGEND~ILL j 1- 1- I AB#-^" I JITLE: I MTG.~ SISTER CITY - FUTTSU, JAPAN DEPT. cod .-c I L DEPT. H CITY A7 CITY M( RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review information and take appropriate action. ITEM EXPLANATION: Mayor Lewis has received a letter from the Chairperson of the Sister City Steering Committee, Carman Cedola, requesting that the City of Carlsbad consider "...directly managing the activities of the Sister City Program." At the City Council .meeting of January 26, 1988, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad accepted Futtsu's invitation to become a Sister City Affiliate. Resolution No. 88-19 established the Sister City St..eering Committee and described the role of this committee. It was recommended "...that a Sister City Steering Committee be established as an alternative to the City being solely responsible for the Sister City Program." I The Sister City Steering Committee was charged with: 1. Planning and implementing programs which foster mutual understanding and goodwill between the citizenry of Carlsbad and the citizenry of any city duly designated by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as a "Sister City. " 2. The financial management of the program, including all fund-raising to support the Sister City Program. At the Sister City Steering Committee meeting of March 31, 1988, the mission statement was unanimously adopted. The mission statement reads: "Promote a greater understanding and respect between the citizens of Carlsbad and its Sister City, Futtsu, Japan, by enriching the cultural and economic resources of each city." I EXHIBITS: 2 0 i= 0 4 -I z 3 a 8 1. Letter to Mayor Lewis from Carman Cedola, Chairman of Carlsbad Sister City 2. Agenda Bill No. 9277, dated 1-26-88. 3. Resolution No. 88-19, establishing Sister City Steering Committee. 4. Summary Report from the 3-31-88 Sister City Steering Committee meeting. Program, dated 9-11-89. v S:sev; Ccmm:!;ee Ca:ls:ac Arts Conrnisslon Cr-mad Busmess 8 =*desslona! Wonen!USA Ca:is>aad Chamber o! Cc..;-erce 2. ::a: Co-,:.en: on 8 2 5 ::-s Bu:ea, C2r,5L::: ECT'J3.C E-,.-s..-e-,?-' cc<-,:; -2.....5- w,,";z$" qr:i?.r, " _..- ca-:j>a: RC!S., 3rd P,?#.P," ."IS. gn ' :; jcn,..? .ars.. :. I =.... ~. -,c-. ~ ..".^ ~ - .. "._ L. . . I.. L. "__ - . . vi ,>ti>: 2:- : .. c?.c E i.s 5- c.. r .-c - - < .ti . 1 L.S.,.. As::,. g :r2-, '.L;-L..:.f'. : i;es: I-c &s-es Aircat! Ecmpay hjgres 8 Assoclates LB Ccs:a Ranch Company M.fsuD,shi Eann PES %LC. AWe-se- s Sa-r, 5 Dr:,:r*: c~ rn CAR1SBC)D (Ism CITY PR0l;RAM :.. - a- -. .' - C& ." st.!" " " September 11, 1989 f5 Mr. Claude "Bud" Lewis Mayor City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor: As you know, we have commenced several significant long-term programs which have far-reaching benefits for the citizens of proximately 20 high school students and a 10-K event on the scale of the Carlsbad 5000, will augment such traditional activities as recently hosting 23 citizens from Futtsu. As we engage in such far-reaching projects, the members of our group share some anxiety. Specifically, we have some concern about our ability to remain effective and viable over the long- term in our current organizational structure. Since it will take a sustained effort to insure the success of such extensivc projects, any loss of efficacy over the long-term could be detrimental to these projects. Accordhgly, to insure an appropriate level of continuity and political clout, we recommend that the City of Carlsbad con- sider.directly managing the activities of the Sister City Progl In our internal discussions, several suggestions have surfaced which may be worthy of your consideration. Given the cultural direction of our group, it might make sense to delegate this activity to the Carlsbad Arts Commission. Alternately, the Parks and Recreation Department could be responsible for the program. In any event, most of the member organizations would like to continue to participate on a voluntary basis and would take direction from and work with the appropriate city officia Carlsbad. These programs, such as an annual exchange of ap- > .. 1200 Elm Avenue. Carlsbad. California 92008 (61 9) 434-28L7 ** . f rn m 9/13/89 Since we are at several important crossroads, the members of our committee would appreciate your earliest possible feedback. Sincerely, &ye. Carman J. Cedola . Chairman '. < CJC:me -2- .i 1 C1T-a CARLSBAD - AGEND -aLL e,, c /< . r AB# 9277 RECOMMENDED ACTION: CITY MGF DEPT. WAG CITY Am MTG. /-Ad c ff DEPT. HD, TITLE: 1. Adopt Resolution No. ff-/p , accepting an invitation from SISTER CITY PROGRAM - FUTTSU, JAPAN the City of Futtsu, Japan, to become its Sister City. 2. Adopt Resolution No. J&/Y , establishing the Sister City Steering Committee (SCSC) to be responsible for the Sister City Program in Carlsbad. ITEM EXPLANATION: In July 1986, Mayor Kurosaka of Futtsu, Japan invited Carlsbad tc become Futtsuls sister city. Since then, several Futtsu delega- tions have visited Carlsbad and met with City ,officials, staff ar 1 community leaders. With each visit, Futtsu officials have reiter 1 ated their interest in Carlsbad. A sister city affiliation with Futtsu would have many benefits tc offer Carlsbad, such as: encouraging educational exchanges. historic displays between the two cities. promote tourism, and strengthen international relationships. Youth Programs - establishing sister school linkages and Cultural Exchanges - sharing artistic, photographic and Trade and Commerce - encourage exchanges with businesses, t > 0 e a e 4 LL! 2 F 0 0 4 r! 0 z 3 0 0 Staff surveyed several cities in California to estimate the cost a sister city program. The cities of Carson, Vallejo and Pica Rivera budget between $5,000 and $12,000 annually for direct cosi including City-paid travel expenses for city representatives, meals, gifts, and charter bus transportation. In addition, stafj time needed to coordinate the program was significant among these cities. Because the City of Futtsu has exhibited a tremendous amount of enthusiasm and interest toward this sister city affiliation, it deserves a like amount of commitment and dedication. Therefore, the City Council wishes to accept Futtsu's invitation, it is recommended that a Sister City Steering Committee (SCSC) be established as an alternative to the City being solely responsib: for the Sister City Program. The SCSC could be advisory to the City Council and could be char1 with (i) planning and implementing programs which foster under- standing and goodwill between the citizens of Carlsbad and the management of the program, including all fundraising efforts to support the Sister City Program. . The SCSC could appear before the City Council annually to review the programs of the previous year and, recommend programs for the citizens of any duly designated sister city, and (ii) the financ, " 1 .L a -0 " - - coming year. Rather than individuals, it is proposed that the SCSC be composed of public and private organizations representing a cross-section o this community. Many organizations have expressed a willingness t participate on the SCSC, including the Chamber of Commerce, all three Rotary Clubs in the City, Hughes Aircraft, and Mitsubishi financial resources to make the Sister City Program an ongoing success. Each organization could be responsible for selecting its representative to the SCSC as well as any travel expenses of its members. Staff has discussed the Sister City Steering Committee with Mr. Peter Loan of Sister Cities International. He concurs that this i a reasonable and sound approach. Bank to name a few. These organizations represent the human and _. *, FISCAL IMPACT: ., - Annual membership dues of $375 to Sister Cities International - A membership fee to the SCSC, if it decides to raise funds ir - Travel expenses of the City's designated representative(s) tc that manner. the SCSC. - Staff time required to initiate and support the SCSC. EXHIBITS : 1. Letter from Mayor Xurosaka of Futtsu, Japan to Mayor Casler inviting the City of Carlsbad to become Futtsu's sister city, dated July 1, 1986. 2. Resolution No. ff-/f , accepting an invitation from the Cit of Futtsu, Japan, to become its Sister City. 3. Resolution No. fF/y , establishing the Sister City Steerir Committee (SCSC) to be responsible for the Sister City Progrz in Carlsbad. i ' -7 3 * /j e 0 - 1 !I - RESOLUTION NO. 88-19 !I 2// 3 4 5; A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ESTABLISHING THE SISTER CITY STEERING COMMITTEE (SCSC) TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SISTER CITY PROGRAM IN CARLSBAD ~ WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes the cultural, ec 6 tional and economic benefits of a Sister City relationship; i 7 8, WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to share the benefit: responsibilities of such a relationship with other organiza. g in the community; and ', 10 WHEREAS, various organizations in the community have I 11 bited support and enthusiasm for a Sister city proqram anc 12 13 willing to commit to the ongoing effort to make it successfu THEREFORE, BE ST RESOLVED by the City Council of the Ci, 14 I; Carlsbad, California: 15 ' 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 16 1 2. That the ongoing Sister City Steering Committee ( /I I? 1 is hereby established. 18 /[ 3. That the SCSC shall be charged with (i) planning a 19 \i implementing programs which foster mutual understanding and 20 goodwill between the citizenry of the City of Carlsbad and t I 21 22 City of Carlsbad as a "Sister City", and (ii) the financia citizenry of any city duly designated by the kity Council of 23 I1 management of the program, including all fundraising to supp 24 I 1 the Sister City Program. 25 1' 4. That the SCSC shall advise the City Council upon re I1 26 'I 27 I 11 on matters pertaining to any Sister city program. 5. That the SCSC shall meet on a quarterly basis unles 28 1 Committee determines that adaitional 'meetings are needed. 'I I J I; JL * t .. 11 w m w I/ I// Summary reports on Committee activities and actions shall be 2 1 forwarded to the City Council. I 3' 6. That once a year the SCSC shall present to the City 4 mendations for the future year's activities for Council appro' 5 Council a review of the previous year's activities, and recorn. 7. That the following organizations shall be charter 6 7 a 9 10 I l1 11 ! 12 13 14 ' l5I 16 i 17 18 ,i I I members of the SCSC: (i) Business & Professional Women's Association (ii) Carlsbad Arts Commission (iv) Carlsbad Rotary (VI Carlsbad Unified School .District (vi 1 Centre Development (ix> Convention & Visitors Bureau (x) Daniels Cablevision (xi) Encinitas/La Costa Rotary (iii) Carlsbad Economic Enhancement Council (vii) Chamber of Commerce (viii) City of Carlsbad (xii) Hi-Noon Rotary (xiii) HPI Development Company (xiv) Hughes Aircraft (m) Mitsubishi Bank (mi) Pea Soup Andersen's (xvii) Sammis Properties (xviii) Student Representative Representatives of the above Organizations shall be selel 19/i by their respective bodies. I! 20 j 8. That the following officers shall be selected by a 21 1 majority vote of the Committee and shall serve one year terms 22 i (i) Chairperson - Who shall supervise, direct anc 23 I 25 the SCSC; appoint the chairperson of any sub-committee. 24 control the affairs of the committee; preside at all meetings 26, person during the absence of the Chairperson. 27 I. 1 (iii) Secretary - Who shall prepare agendas, take 28 !minutes, disseminate same, record all committee activities of 11 (ii) Vice Chairperson - Who shall serve as Chair- I/ 1 ll a **- 6 ; " // e "3 II 1 2 25 26 i 27 i/ ,/ I! e- importance, and handle all matters of correspondence. The Mayor shall select the first chairperson to facilit the establishment of the SCSC. 9. That the City Manager shall designate a City staff ber to serve as the liaison between the SCSC and Sister Citi International and provide limited staff support to the Commi lo. Committee members shall serve without any compensa 11. That Robert Rules of Order shall be observed at a1 Committee meetings. . <. 12. That meetings of the SCSC shall be open to the puf: 13. That the SCSC shall adopt any additional procedura rules it deems necessary, with the approval of the City Coun PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of th Carlsbad City Council held on the 26th day of January 1988, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None ABSENT: None p[ r .. /y / , (.I/{., /.. ', , -, / . '., 8 .i ,. ././-/ : \ , CLAUDE' A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: /A ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk ( SEAL) 28 I * -* I a f .' *.> ' m P (<f\Lr-\ En3 MI s April 18, 1988 TO: MAYOR LEWIS MAYOR PRO TEM KULCHIN COUNC I LMEMBER LARSON COUNC I LMEMBER MAMAUX COUNCILMEMBER PETTINE FROM: Senior Management Analyst, R/AG SUMMARY REPORT OF MARCH 31, 1988 SISTER CITY STEERING COMMIUEE (SCSC) MEETING Fifteen public and private organizations were represented at the first SCSC meet i ng . 1. Mayor Lewis introduced the first chairperson of the SCSC, Carman Cedola. Mr. Cedola is the Vice President and Manager of the North San Diego County office of Union Bank and is an active member of the Chamber of Commerce and the Carlsbad Economic Enhancement Council. 2, The SCSC unanimously adopted the following mission statement: Promote a greater understanding and respect between the citizens of Carlsbad and its Sister City, Futtsu, Japan by enriching the cultural and economic resources of each city. '< 3. The SCSC unanimously adopted five strategies to fulfill the above mission. 4. Seven standing sub-committees (executive, membership, fundraising, finance, pub1 icity, economic development and cultural development) were approved and organized. 5. The sub-committees were directed to meet individually and report back to the full SCSC at the next meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 21, 1988 at 4:OO p.m. in the Public Safety & Service Center. c A' LA<4/ 9 /fd.#LLG L- GRA MANUES c: City Manager Assistant City Manager Department Heads