HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-01-09; City Council; 10447; Historic Preservation Commission ReportCL -
SB#./o, TITLE:
0 6
The Historic Preservation Commission seeks City Council
direction in the implementation of the Historic Preservation
Ordinance and duties of the Commission.
The Historic Preservation Commission requested a meeting
with the City Council in order for the Commission to give
the Council an update of their activities and to seek
direction on the implementation of the City’s Historic
Preservation Ordinance.
Commission Chairman Roy Blackford will introduce the
Commissioners which will include individual biographies.
The Commission will also give a slide presentation and will
review the development and implementation of the Historic
Preservation Ordinance and formation of the Commission, and
a review of Commission accomplishments to date.
The Commission will conclude with a verbal presentation to
the Council seeking clarification from the Council regarding
the duties and responsibilities of the Commission (Exhibit
1, Item IX.)
There is no fiscal impact.
1 . Document titled “City Council/Historic Preservation
Commission Workshop: Agenda/Schedule. ”
2. Historic Preservation Commissioner biographies.
3. City of Carlsbad Historic Preservation Ordinance.
4. Document titled “City of Carlsbad: Certified Local
Government - Historic Preservation Program.”
A. Chairman Blackford will introduce Commission members.
A. How local preservation was started.
A. Preservation tax benefits B. Historic building code C. Zoning and preservation D. Special use permits E. Funding sources
A. Historic buildings
B. Trees C Nei ghborhoods D. Archeology E. Miscellaneous structures
A. Historic buildings and structures B. Archeological sites
A. Resources (i.e., buildings, structures, etc.) that were converted from one use to another.
A. Carlsbad’s resources connected with pioneer families, events, and architecture.
A. Designated local landmarks and points of interest
B. Documentation of sites that have been lost and
placement of plaques.
C. Obtaining Certified Local Government status.
C. Receipt of grants totaling $538,000 from the State
Office of Historic Preservation.
D. Commission archeological resource work.
A. The Historic Preservation Commission is currently
involved in the following activities:
B. In order to prevent duplication of effort, the Council
may wish to consider the following alternatives to the
Recommending to Council the designation of historic sites (e.g., local landmark, point- of-interest).
The development of archeological guidelines for use by the Planning Commission/ Department.
Seeking funding sources for the promotion of
historic preservation in the City of Carlsbad.
Participating in the disseminating of public information and education pertaining to historic preservation.
Participating in the review of Environmental Impact Reports.
Participating in the review of development
projects that affect historic resources.
Commission’s continued participation in all of the above activities.
ALTERNATIVE 1. Continue to participate in all the above
historic preservation activities.
ALTERNATIVE 2. Continue to do Items 1, 3 and 4.
Discontinue participation in Items 2, 5 and 6 for the
following reasons:
Item 2, preparation of the archeological guidelines, has been completed. The guidelines will be forwarded to the Planning Commission/Staff to implement. No further review by the Historic Preservation Commission will be needed for
archeological sites.
Item 5, review of Environmental Impact Reports by the
Historic Preservation Commission, is a duplication of Planning review under CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) and the prepared archeological guidelines.
Item 6, review of all development projects that affect historic resources is a duplication of Planning review. The Historic Prese;vation Commission review of those projects which contain a historic structure should continue.
If the Council chooses Alternative 2, Council should direct staff to modify the Municipal Code to reflect the change in duties.
OllJC8 81 MO cm CIee
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TEUP*Q,c~ (71q43&&
Citp of Carf~fiab
Nm Of aOUd Or cmmisaionr Zistoric Preservation
mm (Print of Typd t Brian Kelly Robertson
Ad&a#s$ 4660 31 Cahno Zeal
phona 8 438.2845 . ?rarmt Occupatfong Teacher, ‘driter, Farmer
Euriner# Name and Addresrr Sane
Bus. Pbonor Same Resident of Carlrbadt ‘ye23
Horn8 Pbon8r Regfrtered Voter in C=,lrb8dt Yes
. I am fmiliat with the rorponribilitier aariqnad to tha Board or Comniraioa en which I wirh to l rvo. If appointed to a Board or Comnfr8&on uhf& 18 rubfwt to ffnancfrl disclorure 18~. I am willbg to pmvida ruch rtatumnta as may be rquired. I am willlag to appear for an intamriaw regardfag nry qualifications for appoiatmrnt baforo ruc)r apmnittoa u may be deriqnatod by the city Cowcil 0s if requortod by iadivtdurl Council Mmberr.
DATE: VW85 SfcmTulm ,’ I \
(Sao mmrao rido)
Srades: ~-8 Carlsbad Schools g-12 Carlsbad High School, Graduated i 367 AA Cegree, Palomar College 1969 BA Degree San Giego State in Automotive, ?letal 2nd ,Y315ip.g :~chnols
1971. MA Degree San Diego State in Automotive Technology 1373
1972 to present: Full tize instructor, ?alomar College
1977 to pesent: Overate faming o,=eratioa on family grogerty in Carlsbad
1984 to present: Contributing Editor to T&iLZP, LIFE and XOTOXiOME Magazines.
Vember: C::‘AA, Outdoor Zriters Association of America
Member: Kational Trust for Historic Preservation
I have lived in Carlsbad for 31 years. My relatives have li*;ad b?re since 1568. I am currently compiling the history of the Kally family from 1814 to the .aresent. 1\ large portion of this history deals Ath the "eVOltition9t of Carlsbad. 1 currently live in ‘my graat-gr:nsfzthzr’s house, built in 1892 ..hich has been restored by ny wife and wa. I have a s;ecial attachaent to Carlsbad and I an q?lite fmili3r *::it!~ the 13,000 acre area hov;n as Sancho Agua Hedionda, as I have s??nt Z3r.Y a day ;lodding over the hills of the 3ancho and v:hst is C3:1;'::-* \
i619) 434-2808
om0 ot rho City Clerk 9 APR -4 AH 10: 47
@it9 of ~&h@FCARLSl3A~
(Please print or type.)
NAME : Dennis Ftichas~
BUSINESS NAME: . EX Environmental and Eg%rcrv SPTVIPPS a (w-1
WORK PHONE: c;l a,A(i8-‘WA0
U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) Yes Y - No
Resident of Carlsbad (preference given to residents) Yes y - No
Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some conmissions) Yes x - No
I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Comnission(s) on which I wish to serve; I am willing to provide required statements if appointed to a Board or Commission subject to financial disclosure; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member.
DATE: 3-f/-89
(Continued on reverse side.)
B.S. Business - California State University, Northridge, 1973 B. A. AnthrOpOlogY - California State University, Northridge, 1974
Archaeologist for the state of California 1969 to 1974 Conducted archaeological excavations at both prehistoric and historic sites in central and southern California
Archaeologist for the Bureau of Land Management 1975 to 1977 Conducted sample inventories for over 3 million acres in the California desert
Archaeologist for WESTEC Services (presently EBCE) 1978 to present Lead archaeologist for prehistoric and historic studies
Presentations given to the La Jolla Historical Society, San Elijo Volunteers, San Diego County Archaeological Society, Pacific Coast Archaeological Society and City of Carl&ad.
m I have been involved in archaeological studies for both prehistoric and historic resources for the past 20 years. This experiencehas allowedme to takepartin all aspects of these studies fran field excavation to project planning to management of cultural resources for park planning and preservation.
I am also very familiar with EIRs and sections dealing with cultwal resources, having written over 200 cultural resources reports. My research interest is
Early Holocene Occupation in San Diego County with emphasis on coastal lagoons
such as Agua Hedionda and Batiguitos Lagoon. My personal interest is to involve the public in cultural resource studies and to use cultural resources for educational purposes.
, --* I .
,a & rvlNUl . m cIcIuw @uIOfiNM 9300 -N, (714) 43&q&
Olnc0 d rm cm -
City of Cstlrbhb
App~TIOU ?on APPdrmMmJT ‘pb -Awl OR ~?mTssIoq
pIm og loud 08 -~~uion~ my Hfitoric Preservation Commission
H&o (Priat 0s m) : Roy R. Blackford
hddmrr* 3616 Oxford Street, Carlrbad, California 92008 . .
. . . . . .
moaat 729-5627. . P~ii~t~ac~~t&,,~ Archftc;t ,- . * .
gwuou aw md wu8t ROY R. 6lacktord. Archltut
2942 Hardfng Street, Suite E, Carlsbad, Calftornfa 920043
. . -
our, *-* 7294553 Roaidmt of Caslrbadt Yes
Hoam PROW8 729-5627 Roq&atuad Votw ta Culrbds yes
. I 818 frd&iu w$th the raaporrribilittm uaignod to the Boud of
Cam&w&on on wh&Q I rlrh to rana. tL rpgointrd to 8 Baud og b-@&W wh&d8 $8 8Ubf@ct t0 iiBUM$ti di8CiO8USO 1-8, f - uiU,bq to 1pmv$& ruch l tatwnt8 u may bo rquirmd. I aa
w%lZW to WaE foe YI iatdrr ragudaq l-q qu8ufic8tteM
fOr 8p@obtsat boforo 8Ucb aomrtttn 88 m bo d88iqn8td b’Y the C&w auqe$& og tf r-8-d by iSd&-d CQudL --. A
(300 1COVaX8. rid.)
Fullerton Jun& College - 2 years. university of Southern California - Sch001 of Architecture _ 4 years.
1. Archftut&r and Land Planning.- 22 years.
2. Licensed Architect - 12 years.
. . . ., . . . .
‘* . . .,. _, ” * . : . . . . . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘. . ‘. . . . . ..
. .
1. Carltbad Rotary 10 years. m -,
2. Amerfcan Inttl tute ot Architects - ., 13 years. '.
3. Carlsbad Frlendr ot the Library - 10 years.
4. Photography.
5. Printmaking - Xirtaglfo.
6. Sculptum
1 an sincerely fntcrested in the cultural growth of our area and would
look forward to partfclpatfng with the Commission's efforts to direct a Quality Cultural Environment for the enrfchment of "The Carlsbad Everfence".
:a ELM rvEWf * CA8UaAO. CALmANIA 92008
Ortic ot rrw cm c&a
&itp of Cadsfrab
N~.oC Board of Comnisaionr
mm (Print or Type) :
Phonor724- &TsY - PrOSent OcCup&ion: : f]&pN>AE& .
~uataoaa Ham. and Addraaa:
Bw . Phone 8 Roafdant of Carlrbad, ‘c105 b
Homa Phone t 7,~+2^uSI( Ragiatered Votar in Culrbads be- .
I am FIIIJlfar with the r@aponaibilttiea aaaiqmd to the Board or Comniaaton 08 which X wish to l arvo. if appQin+ed to a Board or Coxmn%arioa which ir l ubjact to tinurciU diaclorure laws, I ain williag to pmv%b such atrtemmnta as may ba rcquirad. I am villiag to 8-u for ma tntarviw roqrtding my qutiiticrttonr for rppoiatamnt ‘bofote such. aotmittm u may be drraignrted by the City counci& OS if raquoatad by iadivLdu81 Council Nmbora. -.
(Sea ravarao aida)
&&w - &LD SfQh &p-ld
bG dr, oJb2L L
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hvAd xlurrL+ /’
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ortic 0t m0 City Ct*r&
TECEPhQNf. (7141 43&553j
~~8 of”Boud or Cammisaiont Historical Preservation Commission
N-O (PrLnt or Typo) t Kay F. Christiansen
Address t 2802 Carl&ad Blvd, Carlsbad, (P.O. Box 188) *
. Phon8 s 729-2301 Present Occupation: Realtor, Property Owner
Buainaaa Nam and Addraaat Fennel & Christiansen, 2796 Carlsbad 81
Bus. Phono:72g-2301 Resident of Carlsbadr Yes
Homa Phone: 729-2301 Reqiatared Votar in Carlab8dt Yes
1 am familiar w$th the reaponaibilftiea assigned to the Board or Comfaaion 08 which X wish to servo. If appointed to a Board or Gmmfaaion whi& is subject to flnancid disclosure laws, I. am willin to provib such statamenta aa may ba required. I am willing to 8ppau for an fntentiw ragarding my qualifications for appointnrurt before au& oormittao u may bo deaiqnatod by th8 City cOunc&l of if reqriaatrd by individual Council Members,
DAk Feb. 4, 1986
(Se@ raverao aid.1
EDUCATION: I High School, 1 year music education.
ExFEitIENC&r Hesident of Carlsbad since-1926. Family never moved
from Carlsbad. Husband retired in 1951 in L.A. & we moved to my
family town, Carlsbad.
OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES t Historical Society, Carlsbad Merchants Assn., / Tri City Hospital Auxiliary life member, Carlsbad Womanls Club Past President & Life member
Mostly - just promoting Carlsbad and the outstanding community it is.
MD=+i '~~l'!?&ION OR Com$r
Owner of Alt Karlsbad, built by Mr. Christiansen in 19b4* It is a California Historical-Site and-Chris and 1 have always enjoyed giving visitors and new residents the history of our communitk'.S background,
. .
Title 22
22.02 General Regulation and Administration
22.04 Historic Preservation Commission
22.06 Historic Resources, Historic Landmarks and
Historic Djstricts
22.08 Permits and Permit fiocedure
22.10 Chapters, Enforcement, Penalties and
2202.0 10
Chapter 22.02 22.02.040 Definitions.
Whenever the following words or terms are
used in this title they shall have the meaning
established by this section:
22.02.010 Short title.
22.02.020 Purpose and intent.
22.02.030 Boundaries and areas of
22.02.040 Definitions.
22.02.050 Review of development plan.
22.02.010 Short title.
This title shall be known as the *‘historic pres-
ervation ordinance.‘* (Ord. 9776 8 1 (part). 1985)
22.02.020 Purpose and intent.
It is the intent and purpose of this title to:
(1) Effect and accomplish the protection.
enhancement and perpetuation of historic
resources. landmarks and districts that represent
or reflect elements of the city’s cultural. social.
economic. political and architectural history:
(2) Safeguard the city’s historic heritage. as
embodied and reflected in its historic resources.
landmarks and historic districts:
(3) Stabilize and improve property values: (4) Foster civic pride in the character and
accomplishments of the past:
(5) Protect and enhance the city’s attractions
to residents. tourists and visitors and serve as a
support and stimulus to business and industry:
(6) Strengthen the economy of the city:
(7) Romote the use of historic districts and
landmarks for the educatioti. pleasure and wel-
fare of the people of the City. (Ord. 9776 9 1 (part). 1983
( 1) “Alteration” means any change or modifi-
cation. through public or private action. of any
historic resource or of any property located
within a historic district. including, but not lim-
ited to. exterior changes to or modifications of a
structure or any of its architectural details or
visual characteristics. including paint color and . surface texture. grading, surface paving, new
structures. cutting or removal of trees and other
natural features. disturbances of archeological
sites or areas. and the placement or removal of
any objects such as signs. plaques. light fixtures.
street furniture. walls, fences. steps. plantings
and landscape accessories a!Tecting the historic
qualities of the property.
(2) “Archaeological site” means an area
where remains of man or his-activities prior to
keeping of history are still evident.
(3) “Certificate of appropriateness” means a
certificate issued by the city council approving
such plans. specifications. design. or statements
of work. for any proposed alteration. restoration.
construction. removal. relocation or demolition.
in whole or in part. ofor to an historic resource or
to any improvement within historic district.
(4) “Commission” means the historic preser-
vation commission established by this title.
(5) “Contributing structure” means a struc-
ture within a designated historic district which
has a special character. special historic or aes-
thetic interest or value. and is incorporated into
the district for that reason.
22.02.030 Boundaries and areas of
This title shall apply to all historic resources.
publicly and privately owned, within the corpo-
rate limits of the city. (Ord. 9776 9 1 (part). 1985)
(6) “Exterior architectural feature” means the
architectural style. design. general arrangement.
components and natural features and all the
outer surfaces of the improvement. including,
but not limited to. the kind and texture of the
building material. the type and style of all win-
dows. doors. lights. signs. walls. fences. and other
fixtures appurtenant to such improvement. and
the natural form and appearance of any grade.
817 ” Hhlsbad 348)
rock, body of water. stream, tree, plant, shrub. road, path, walkway. Pbk fountain. sculpture
of other form of natural or artificial landscaping.
(7) “Historic district” means any area which
contains one or more historic resources or
landmarks which as a special character or special
historical value. along with other structures, cul-
tural. architectural, archaeological. community
or aesthetic value, or which represent one or
more architectural periods or styles typical to the history of the city, that has been designated a
historic district pursuant to this title.
(8) “Historic resource” means improve-
ments, buildings, landscape, structures, signs.
features, sites, places. areas, or other objects of
scientific. aesthetic. educational. cultural. archi-
tectural. or historic significance to the citizens of
the city.
(9) “Historic resources inventory’* means the
historic resources inventory adopted and main-
tained by council pursuant to Chapter 22.06 of
this title.
(10) “Historic point of interest’* means any
property or improvement. man-made or natural.
which has special historic. cultural. architectural.
archaeological or community interest or value as
part of the development. heritage or history of
the city. the state of California. or the nation and
that has been designated a point of interest pur-
suant to this title.
(11) “Improvement” means any building,
structure. place. site. structural work of art. land-
scape feature. plant life. life-form, scenic condi-
tion. parking facility. fence. gate. wall. or other
object constituting a physical bettetment of real
property. or any part of such betterment. *
(12) “Landmark” means any property or
improvement. manmade or natural. which has
special historic. cultural. architectural. archae-
ological, community. interest. or value as part of
the development, heritage or history of the city,
the state of California. or the nation. and that has
been designated as a landmark pursuant to this
( 13) “Ordinary maintenance” means any
cleaning, painting and restoration which does
not result in the alteration of an improvement or
(14) “Paleontological site” means an area ’
where fossilized or otherwise preserved remains
of plants or animals which generally predate
man’s emergence on the earth are still evident.
( 15) “Person” means any individual. associa-
tion. partnership, firm, corporation. public
agency. or political subdivision.
(t6) “Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for
Rehabilitation” means the Secretary of the Inte-
rior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and Guide-
lines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings by the
U.S. Department of the Interior. National Park
( 17) “Site” means any parcel or ponionpfreal
property which has special character or special
historic culturaI. archaeological, architectural.
community or aesthetic value. (Ord. 9835 5 1.
1987: Ord. 9776 $ 1 (part), 1985)
22.02.050 Review of development plan.
As part of the environmental review of devel-
opment projects al’fecting historic resources. the
plans and application shall be referred to the
historic preservation commission for review. The
commission may recommend that specific
environmental studies be done as part of the
environmental review for the project. The com-
mission shall receive notice of all environmental
review decisions on a project potentially af%ct-
ing an historical resource and may submit writ-
ten comments to the land use planning manager.
(Ord. 9776 $1 (part). 1985)
IChrlsbrd hill 818 “,:’
Chapter 22.04
22.04.010 Creation.
22.04.020 Composition-Appointment.
22.04.030 Duties.
22.04.040 Organization, rules and
22.04.010 Creation.
Pursuant to this title of this code a historic
preservation commission is created. (Ord. 9776 ij
1 (part), 1985)
22.04.020 Composition-Appointment.
(a) The historic preservation commission
shall consist of five regular members and one ex-
oflicio representative of the planning commis-
sion. All regular members of the commissions
must have knowledge of and a demonstrated
interest in historic preservation and of local his-
tory. The commission shall be composed of
members having the following qualifications:
(1) Three members. each of whom has a dif-
ferent recognized expertise in architecture,
archaeology. history. biology. engineering or
geology or related field:
(2) One member who has an interest in local
history and has resided in the community for at
least thirty years:
(3) One member at large from the commu- nity with an interest in local history.
(b) All members of the commission must be
registered voters. The ‘ix-officio representative
shall not be entitied to a vote. Appointment to
the historic preservation commission shall be
made by the city council. The planning commis-
sion shall appoint a member of the planning
commission to serve as the ex-oEcio represen-
tative to the historic preservation commission.
Of the five members of the commission first
appointed under this chapter. qne member shall
22.04.0 10
be appointed for One year. one member shall be appointed for tw0 years, one member shall be
appointed for three years. and two memben shall
be appointed for four years. The successors shall
be appointed for terms of four years. If a vacancy
occurs other than by expiration of a term, it shall
be filled by appointment by the city council for
the unexpired portion of the term. Each member
shall hold office until reappointed or a successor
is appointed and has been qualified. (Ord. 9776 $
1 (part). 1985)
22.04.030 Duties.
(a) The commission shall act in an advisory
capacity to the city council. planning commis-
sion. and design review board in all matters relat-
ing to the identification. protection. retention
and preservation of historic areas and sit& within
the city.
(b) It shall be the responsibility o[ the com-
mission to provide advice to the city council on
the following matters:
( 1) Criteria for guidelines to be used in a com-
prehensive historic survey of properties within
the city:
(2) The designation of historic landmarks or
historic districts:
(3) Sites and areas to be considered for listing
on Carlsbad’s historic resources inventory:
(4) The hiring of staff or consultants to con-
duct a comprehensive survey of properties
within the boundaries of the city to identify his-
torical sites and areas:
(5) The adoption of standards to be used by
the commission in reviewing applications for
permits to construct. change. alter. modify,
remodel. remove. or significantly atFect any his-
toric area or site:
(6) The purchase of interests in property for
purposes of historic preservation:
(7) Participation in and the promotion and
dissemination of public information. education
and interpretive programs penaining to histor-
ical areas and sites:
‘2 04.030 - .
(8) Cooperation with local. county, state and
federal governments in pursuant of the objec- tives of historic preservation; and
(9) Any other matter which the commission
deems necessary to protect historical resources. (c) The commission shall be responsible for:
(1) Reviewing the conduct of land use. hous-
ing and redevelopment, municipal improve-
ment. and other types of planning and programs
undertaken by any agency of the city. the county.
or state. as they relate to the historic preservation
of the community: (2) Publicizing and periodically updating sur-
vey results:
(3) Maintaining and Carlsbad historic
resources inventory;
(4) Maintaining a local register of historical
areas and sites within the city:
(5) Investigating and repotting to the city
council on the use of various federal, state. local
or private funding sources and mechanisms
available to promote historic preservation in the
(6) Rendering advice and guidance. upon the
request of the property owner or occupant. on
the restoration, alteration. decoration, landcap-
ing or maintenance of any historical area or site:
(7) Performing any other functions that may
be designated by the city council. (Ord. 9776 5 1
(part), 1985)
22.04.040 Organization, rules and
The historic preservation commission shall
establish such rules, regulations; and procedures
not inconsistent with this chapter for the transac-
tion of business and shall keep a public record of
its resolutions, transactions, findings and deter-
minations. (Ord. 9776 3 1 (part). 1985)
Chapter 22.06
22.06.010 Establishment of historic
resources inventory.
22.06020 Criteria for historic resources
22.06030 Historic landmark designation
22.06.040 Historic district designation
22.06.010 Establishment of historic
resources inventory.
The city council shall establish and maintain a
historic resources inventory. (Ord. 9776 9 1
(part). 1985)
22.06.020 Criteria for historic resources
inventory. ,
A historic resource may be considered for
inclusion in the historic resource inventory based
on one or more of the following:
( 1) It exemplifies or retlects special elements
of the city’s cultural, social. economic. political.
aesthetic. engineering or architectural history: or
(3) It is identified with persons or events sig-
nificant in local. state or national history: or
(3) It embodies distinctive characteristics of a
style. type. period or method of construction. is a
valuable example of the use of indigenous mate-
rials or craftsmanship or is representative of a
notable work of an acclaimed builder. designer
or architect: or
(4) It is an archaeological. paleontological.
botanical. geological. topographical. ecological
or geographical site which has the potential of
yielding information of scientific value: or (5) It is a geographically definable area pos-
sessing concentration of site. buildings. struc-
tures. improvements. or objects linked
historically through location. design. setting,
materials. workmanship. feeling, and/or associa-
tion. in which the collective value of the
improvements may be greater than the value of
each individual improvement. (Ord. 9776 9 t
(part), 1985)
22.06.030 Historic landmark designation
procedures. 1-
Historic landmarks shall be established by the
city council in the following manner:
(a) Any person may request the designation of
an improvement or landscape feature as a his-
toric landmark by submitting a written request . for such designation to the historical preserva-
tion commission. The historical preservation
commission. planning commission. design
review board. or city council may also initiate
such proceedings by motion.
(b) Any such request shall be tiled with the
development processing departmetit upon pre-
scribed forms and shall include the following
( I ) Name and address of property owner and
assessor’s parcel number and address of site:
(2) Description of the proposed Landmark.
including special aesthetic. cultural. architec-
tural. or engineering interest or value of a historic
nature. including information about the archi-
tecture. notable features. construction and other
information indicating the historical significance
of the site:
(3) Sketches. photographs. or drawings:
(1) Statement of condition of structures:
(5) Explanation of any known threats to the
’ improvement of the site:
(6) Additional information:
(A) Site plan in appropriate scale.
(B) Legal description of the property.
(C) Photographs. old and recent.
(D) Proposed use.
(E) Existing zoning.
(F) Bibliography and references.
(G) Chain of title. if available:
‘.. 82i Kxlrbad 348)
(c) Within forty-five days of the date of the
request. the commission shall hold a public hear-
ing to review the landmark application according
to the criteria of Section 2206.020.
(d) Notice of the public hearing shah be given
as provided in Section 21.54.060(2) of this code.
In addition, notice of the date. place. time and
purpose of the hearing shall be mailed. return
receipt requested. to the owner of the proposed
landmark property as shown on the last equal-
ized assessment role at least fourteen days prior
to the date of the public hearing. Failure to send
notice by mail to any property owner when the
address of such owner is not on the latest equal-
ized assessment role shall not invalidate any pro-
ceedings in connection with the proposed
(e) A notice of the request for designation as a
historical landmark shall be forwarded to the
building department and no building or demoli-
tion permits for any alteration to any exterior
architectural feature of the proposed landmark
shall be issued while the matter is pending final
(0 After the public hearing, the commission
shah by resolution make a report and recom-
mendation to the city council. If the commission
determines that the improvement does not meet
landmark criteria. the process shah terminate
and the commission shall notify the property
owner and applicant of such termination in writ-
ing within ten days of the commission’s deter-
mination. If the commission determines that the
resource warrants landmark designation and the
propercy owner has consented to same in writing,
then the commission shall submit-a written rec-
ommendation to the city council incorporating
its reasons in support of the proposed landmark
designation. Without the property owner’s con-
sent to the proposed designation. a site shall not
be designated a historic landmark. If the com-
mission determines that the improvement war-
rants inclusion in the historic resource inventory
or the owner has not consented to designation as
a historic landmark, the commission may ret-
ommend that the resource be designated a his-
toric point of interest. Permits shall be required
to work on a designated historic landmark as
specified in Chapter 22.08 of this code. No per-
mit shall be required to work on a historic point
of interest.
(g) The city council shall hold a public hear-
ing on the proposed historic landmark designa-
tion within thirty days of the receipt of the
recommendation for the commission.
(h) At the conclusion of the public hearing on
the proposed designation. the city council shall,
by resolution, designate or conditionally desig-
nate. or disapprove the designation of the his-
toric landmark. Written notice ofthe city council
action shall be mailed to the property owner.
(Ord. 9835 $2.1987; Ord. 9776 $1 (part), 1985)
22.06.040 Historic district designation
Historic districts shah be established by the 0
city council in the following manner:
(a) The procedures for designating a historic
district shall be the same as for designating a
historic landmark. except as otherwise provided
in this section.
(b) Any application for designation of a his-
toric district shall be filed with the planning
department upon the prescribed form and shah
include the following data:
( 1) Boundaries of the proposed district and a
list of names and addresses of property owners.
assessor’s parcel numbers and addresses of prop-
erties within the boundaries:
(2) Description of the proposed historic dis-
trict. including special aesthetic. cultural. archi-
tectural. or engineering interest or value of a
historical nature:
(3) Sketches. photographs or drawings:
(4) Statement of condition of structures and
improvements within the district:
(5) Explanation of any known threats to any
cultural resource within the district:
821 ‘,., KiwIsbad 3-(1U,
(6) Other information requested by the pian-
ning department.
(c) If written consent of two-thirds of the
owners of Property within the proposed district
to the proposed designation is not obtained at the
time of the historic preservation commission
hearing, the process shall terminate and the com-
mission shall noti@ the property owners and
applicant of said termination within fourteen
days of the commission’s determination.
(d) If the commission determines that the
area warrants historic district designation, it shall
822-l ” tCxlsbad 3-W
submit a written recommendation to the city
council incorporating its reasons in support of the proposed historic district designation. within
fourteen days of reaching its decision. Such rec-
ommendation shall include a report containing
the following information:
(I) A map showing the proposed boundaries
of the historic district and identifying all sttuc-
tures within the boundaries, contributing or non-
contributing; (2) An explanation of the significance of the
proposed district and description of the cultural
resources within the proposed boundaries:
(3) Recommendations as to appropriate per-
mitted uses, special uses, height and area regula-
tions, minimum dwelling size. floor area. sign
regulations. parking regulations. and any other
modification to existing development standards
necessary or appropriate to the preservation of
the proposed historic district:
(4) Proposed design guidelines for applying
the criteria for review of cefliticates of appropri-
ateness to the nominated historic district. (Ord.
9776 4 1 (part). 1985)
22.08.010 ‘,
Chapter 22.00
Permits to work on historic
resources, historic landmark or
historic district.
Permit procedure.
Permit criteria.
Duty to keep in good repair.
Existing improvements.
22.08.010 Permits to work on historic
resource, historic landmark or
historic district.
(a) It is unlawful for any person to tear down.
demolish. construct. alter, remove or relocate
any improvement. or any portion thereof which
has been designated a historic landmark pur-
suant to the provisions of this chapter, or which
lies within an historic district, or to alter in any
manner any feature of such a historic landmark.
historic landmark site or improvement within a
historic district without first obtaining a permit
in the manner provided in this chapter.
(b) No board. department or commission
shall grant any permit to carry out such work on a
designated historic landmark. historic landmark
site or within a historic district. unless a permit
has previously been issued by the city council as
provided in this chapter. No application for a
building permit, demolition permit. grading per-
mit. redevelopment permit, conditional use per-
mit. variance. development plan, zone change.
tentative parcel or subdivision maps or any other
permit which would allow ‘the alteration of a
historical landmark. historical landmark site or
any improvement in a historical district shall be
deemed complete unless a permit has previously
been issued pursuant to this chapter. (c) No permit shall be necessary for ordinary
maintenance and repair ifthe proposed work will
not alter or change the style. color. design. fea-
tures or character of the site or area and a permit _.
is not required under 9 301(b) of the Uniform
Building Code. nor does this chapter prevent the
construction, reconstruction, alteration. restora-
tion. demolition or removal of any such feature
when the building department certifies to the
council that such action is required for the public
safety due to an unsafe or dangerous condition
which cannot be rectified through the use of the
California Historical Building Code.
(d) The permit required by this chapter shall
be in addition to any other permit required for a
proposed project. (Ord. 9776 0 1 (part), 1985)
22.08.020 Permit procedure.
(a) An application for a permit to do work in a
historic district or on a historical landmark shall
be submitted to the development processing
division on forms designated by the land use
planning manager. This application must incltid-
ing the plans and specifications for the proposed
work. Within thirty days from the receipt of said
complete application the commission shall P
review the application and shall make a written
report to the city council. The city council shall
hold a public hearing on the application within
thirty days of receipt of the commission report.
Notice of the public hearing shall be given as
provided in Section 21.54.060(b) of this code.
(b) At the conclusion of the public hearing on
the permit application. the city council shall, by
resolution. issue or deny. in whole or in pan. any
permit application. (Ord. 9776 5 1 (part), 1985)
22.08.030 Permit criteria.
The city council shall isissue a pennit for any
proposed work if. and only if. it determines:
(1) In the case of a designated historical site.
that the proposed work would not detrimentally
alter. destroy or adversely affect any architec-
tural or landscape feature:
(2) If the owner of a designated historial site or
area demonstrates to the city council that such
property cannot be economically used and
denial of a permit would deprive the owner of all
or most of his or her economic interest in the ‘I
property, the council may issue the permit with structure or other feature involved. and that
an effective date one hundred eighty days from approval of the application will be consistent
the date of issuance of the permit to allow time with the purposes of this chapter. (Ord. 9776 $ 1
for the investigation of alternatives to the work (w-0, 1985)
proposed in the permit application such as
acquisition of site or improvement by the city or
a public interest group;
(3) In the case of construction of a new
improvement, building or structure upon an his-
torical site. that the exterior of such improve-
ments will not adversely affect and will be
compatible with the external appearance ofexist-
ing designated improvements. building and
structures in said site:
(4) That the applicant has presented clear and
convincing evidence of facts demonstrating to
the satisfaction of the city council that such dis-
approval will work immediate and substantial
hardship on the applicant because of conditions
peculiar to the person seeking to carry out the
proposed work. whether this be property owner,
tenant or resident, or because ofconditions pecu-
liar to the particular improvement. building or
22.08.040 Duty to keep in good repair.
The owner. occupant or other person legally
responsible for a historic landmark or historic
district shall keep in good :tpair all portions of such historic landmark, district or site when sub-
ject to control as specified in the designating
ordinance or permit and all interior portions and
appurtenances thereof whose maintenance is
necessary to prevent deterioration and decay of
the resource. It shall be the duty of the building
director or designee to enforce this section. (Ord.
9776 $ I (part). 1985)
22.08.050 Existing improvements. .’
All repairs. alterations. reconstructions. resto-
rations or changes in use of existing
improvements shall conform-to the require-
ments of the California Historical Building
Code. (Ord. 9776 $ 1 (part), 1985)’
Chapter 22.10
22.10.010 Appeals.
22.10.020 Enforcement.
22.10.030 Restitution.
22.10.040 Penalties.
22.10.010 Appeals.
(a) The applicant or any other interested per-
son may appeal from any action of the historic
preservation commission to the city council.
Any such appeal shall be filed with the city clerk within ten days after the action of the historic
preservation commission from which the appeal
is being taken.
(b) Upon filing of an appeal, the city clerk
shall set the matter for public hearing. Such hear-
ing shall be held within thirty days after the date
of filing the appeal.
(c) Within thirty days following the conclu-
sion of the hearing, the city council shall render
its decision on the appeal. The decision of the city
council is final.
(d) Not later than seven days following the
city council decision. the city clerk shall send
written notice of the decision to the applicant
and appellant. (Ord. 9776 $ 1 (part), 1985)
22.10.020 Enforcement.
(a) Whenever any alteration. demolition.
relocation. construction or grading of any site is
being done contrary to the provisions of this title. .
the director of building and planning or designee
may order the action stopped by notice in writing
served on any person or persons engaged in the
doing or causing such action, and any such per-
son or persons shall forthwith stop such altera-
tion until authorized by the director of building
and planning or designee to proceed.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to carry
out any work on any building, structure or site in
violation of a notice stopping such work.
(c) Any violation of the provisions of this title
shall constitute a public nuisance. (Ord. 9776 $1
(part), 1985)
22.16.030 Restitution.
Upon damagef’destruction or removal of a
cultural resource. historic landmark or historic
district without permit. the preservation com-
mission shall review the action and make recom-
mendation for restitution commensurate with
damage inflicted, specifically assessing the cul-
tural. as well as economic. value of the resource
destroyed. (Ord. 9776 $ 1 (part), 1985)
22.10.040 Penalties.
(a) Any person violating any provision of this
title shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
and upon conviction thereof shall be filed in an
amount not exceeding five hundred dollars. or be
imprisoned for a period not exceeding six
months. or be so fined and imprisoned.
(b) Each day such violation is committed or
permitted to continue shall constitute a separate
offense and shall be punished as such hereunder.
(Ord. 9776 $ 1 (part). 1985)
In 1987, the City of Carlsbad applied for and received membership
in the State of California's Certified Local Government Program.
This program allow5 for direct local government participation in
California’s comprehensive statewide historic preservation plan.
Benefits to the City for membership in the CLG program include:
1. Participation in State’s program for nominations to the
National Register of Historic Places.
2. Eligibility to apply for funds from the Historic
Preservation Fund.
a. To date,’ the City of Carlsbad has received
813,000 in grant funds.
Continued involvement in the CLG program is contingent upon the
City’s compliance with the adopted procedures established by the
State Department of Parks and Recreation. These procedures
1. Membership criteria for persons appointed to the
Historic Preservation Commission.
a. Three members with professional expertise in
architecture, archeology, biology, history or
b. One member who has an interest in local history;
and has resided in the community for at least 30
C. One member at large from the community with an
interest in local history.
2. Maintenance of local legislation (i.e., the City’s
Historic Preservation Ordinance) that provides for the
designation and protection of historic and
archeological resources throughout the City.