HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-01-23; City Council; 10465; EXTENSION OF THE INTERIM ORFINANCE REGARDING OPEN SPACE IN ORDER TO ALLOW TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE WORK PLAN TO STUDY OPEN SPACEc Q 0 oi: II 9 2 Z 0 4 J z 3 0 0 .. 6 0 ClTWF CARLSBAD - AGENDWILL 2. ,~ - ~~ ~~ AB# /.4/ +&A TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE WORK /5 PLAN TO MTG. 1/23/90 TITLE; EXTENSION OF THE INTERIM ORDINANCE / REGARDING OPEN SPACE IN ORDER TO ALLOW DEPT. CA STUDY OPEN SPACE I I I RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Ordinance No. A3-/ET extending the interim ordil July 1, 1990. ITEM EXPLANATION At its regular meeting of December 19, 1989, the Council urgency Ordinance No. NS-101 which is effective for 45 days a public hearing for January 23, 1990 in order -to extending the interim ordinance to July 1, 1990. Extensic interim ordinance would provide additional time to c!omp. work plan without prejudicing the City's ability to comply when it is adopted. At its regular meeting of January 2, 1990, the Council appr work plan with the understanding that Task 1 regarding t study will also include consideration of maintenance and 1 of the trail system and that Task 2 involving growth ma standards will include the open space subcommittee and th responsible for completing this task. Extension of the interim ordinance would continue the thr features of Ordinance No. NS-101, namely: 1. It prohibits the approval of any development projet would delete the amount of open space shown on the OF map recommended by the Citizen's Committee. adjustments could be considered if certain findings as recommended in the report of the Citizen's Commit 2. It prohibits the approval of any development proje, would preclude the potential linkage of larger op~ areas as shown on the "Comprehensive Open Space Netw recommended by the Citizen's Committee. 3. It requires consideration of the revised Open Space recommended by the Citizen's Committee to be s immediately following the completion of the studies b part of the phase I of the work plan. FISCAL IMPACT Two or three consulting firms will need to be hired to assj in completing the work plan. The City Council has authorized a consultant to prepare the trail study The the trail study will be approximately $42,000 and has alrc budgeted. One or two additional consultants will be n address the overall financing/acquisition program and Space Management Plan. It is anticipated that the work two items will cost between $50,000 and $75,000. An est 0 e c Agenda Bill # /<, ./d2- Page 2 staff time and materials to accomplish the entire work pl, be $50,000. Therefore, the estimate for the total cost of plan would be $140,000 to $165,000. EXHIBIT Ordinance No. /t4",@ . a 0 ORDINANCE NO. NS-109 1 2 I 3 4 5 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ADOPTED AS AN URGENCY ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE TEMPORARY LAND USE CONTROLS IMPOSED BY INTERIM ORDINANCE NO. NS- 101 TO PROTECT OPEN SPACE LANDS IN THE CITY C)F CARLS BAD. - WHEREAS, the City Council at its regular me( 6 December 19, 1989, by the adoption of Interim Ordinance No. 7 determined it was necessary pending public hearings 8 welfare are protected by requiring new applications for dev 10 interim controls to insure that the public health, sa: 9 recommendations of a citizen's committee on open spac:e t 11 that ordinance entitled "Comprehensive Open Space Netwc 12 to preserve the open space lands as identified on Exhibi am ' w ' 13 &ZCb dated August 1989 so that the City Council's consideration: m> %S"W mo'o u .S& 15 $os$ WHEREAS, at its regular meeting of January 2, 1 qgy 0 0044 U z O1 14 prejudiced: and z>2z Q+-a >rn< Glum0 w z 2 d 16 City Council approved the work plan for consider c2$ 17 recommendations of the report fromthe citizen's committee Do 18 the proposed trail system and that Task 2 involvin? 20 study will include consideration of maintenance and liab 19 open space with the understanding that Task 1 involving t 21 11 management standards will include the open space subcommi 22 WHEREAS, the City Council at its regular me1 23 the groups responsible for said task; and 24 December 19, 1983 set a public hearing for January 23, 25 28 27 and 26 consider extending Interim Ordinance No. NS-101 to July I 0 0 1 WHEREAS, the interim ordinance may be extended f 2 II ten months and fifteen days following a noticed public 31 '1 pursuant to Government Code Section 65858 [a), 4 li NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 does ordain as follows: SECTION I: That the provisions of Interim Ordin NS-101 are h'ereby extended to July 1, 1990. DECLARATION OF URGENCY: This ordinance is declared to be an emergency ordinance adopted as an urgency to protect the public health, safety and welfare and. sh effect immediately upon its adoption. The facts constitut 12 cn>Z 13 <a:": 2zm oLum 14 -0 w ooaa z>.jz Q+-a: cqu'o 15 nk gLX yjZ&b 16 ZO$$ qgy Om sum LL '41 >:s 17 to o 18 emergency are those set forth in Ordinance No. NS-101 attachments and represent a threat to the public health, c general welfare of the citizens of Carlsbad. EFFECTIVE: This ordinance shall be effective imrr upon passage and shall be of no further force and effect af 1, 1990 or completion of Phase I of the "work plan" L occurs first unless, prior to that time, it is extended bq 19 20 21 1 fifths vote of the City Council pursuant to Government Cod€ the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be publis 65858(a). The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad shall CE 22 I1 in the Carlsbad Journal within 15 days after is adoption. 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~ I. ~ 1 a INTRODUCED, PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular mc Om &Em gang -0 w 0uam OO<< Z>?Z 0,--0: >ma m> 2WF .leg gwm0 $E&n ZO$$ '$E? >Z$ to 0 LL s <-I 21 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 9 -( 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 the Carlsbad City Council on the 23rd day of Janus 1990, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Pettine, Mamaux and Lar NOES: None ABSENT : Council Member Kulchin APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEG CLAUDE A. LgWIS, Mayor ATTEST : d&&i /Rh ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, Ci* Clerk ' Carlsbad JoGmal Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superlor Court of San Diego County Mail all correspondence regarding public notice advertising to North Coast Publishers, Inc. corporate offices: P 0. Box 878, Encinitas, CA 92024 (6 1 9) 753-6543 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitle I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general c published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Califorilia, ( newspaper is published far the dissemination of local newsand intelligenceof a general char which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list subscribers, and which newspaper has been estclblished, printed and published at regular iI the said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceedin13 one hereinafter referred to; and that the preceding the date of publication of which the annexed is a printed copy, published in each regular and entire is: newspaper and not in any supplement the following dates, to-wit: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that theCityCounciloftheCityofCarls- the City Council Chambers, 1200 had will hold a public hearmg at Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, atUOOP.M.,onTuesday,January23, 1990, to consider extending an in- terim ordinance establishing tem- porary land use controls to protect open space pending completion of Phase I of the Work Plan for im- plementing the recommendations of the Citizens Committee to Study Open Space. If you have any questions, please call the Planning Department at 4351161. Ordinance in court, you may be li- If you challenge the Urgency mited to raising only those issues public hearing described in this notlee or in written correspond- ence delivered to the City of Carls- bad City Clerk's Office at or prior to the public hearing. Applicant: City of Carlsbad CJ 8083: January 12,1990 you or someone else raised at the CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL #202-2M-I2i87 January 12 ............................... ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoir correct. Executed at Carlsbad, County of San Di California on the 12th. day of - JanmYr 199-0 i, :p , - 8. r, ~~ Clerk c *! - ,. 0 0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hc a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CE at 6:OO P.M., on Tuesday, January 23, 1990, to consider extending an interin ordinance establishing temporary land use controls to protect open space per completion of Phase I of the Work Plan for implementing the recommendations Citizens Committee to Study Open Space. If you have any questions, please call the Planning Department at 438-1161. If you challenge the Urgency Ordinance in court, you may be limited to rais: only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carls-bad C Clerk’s Office at or prior to the public hearing. APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad PUBLISH: January 12, 1990 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL e e NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will t a public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, Califor1 at 6:OO PM., on Tuesday, January 23, 1990 to consider extending an intc ordinance establishing temporary land use controls to protect open space pen( completion of Phase 1 of the Work Plan for implementing the recommendation! the Citizens Committee to Study Open Space. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to att the public hearing. If you have any questions, please call the Olanr Department at 438-1161. If you challenge the Urgency Ordinance in court, you may be limited to rai: only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing descrribec this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Car’l sbac or prior to the pub1 ic hearing. APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLISH: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL ala, sv UC OG cd U *d CM a (do li ah 24c rJ ha, 3M OM 3 a, sa, Us w u ow C oc 0 vi 0 u .r( (d k a a, -4 m c 0 V a, 5 a a, 3 r! C U C u 0 n 0 4 r- m I z m d a, U x a, .-c a, U w 0 k a, u U (d E .GO a,. urn m QI-3 a, m- m TYN cdh c k a n(d *o 3 OOSG ma A4 Q V G -c ahlo bc DWG L-4 hbO a 3)-1 cd .r! uaa, add @?S 0 awCJ (d 0.d rl MD r- .163 u Y-4 a CU 3aJk u" 22 cn n3 1 cJ\ 7-1 w -! -. z 0 I- o 4 .. - 2 0 z =3 0 0 CI'1)OF CARLSBAD - AGEN[)BlLL TITL~ORK PLAN FOR CONSIDERING THE RECOMMENDATIONS -OF THE REPORT FROM THE CITIZENS COMMITTEE TO DE CI' STUDY OPEN SPACE CI- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve work plan considering the recommendations of he Citizens Cor. Study Open Space. Adopt by 4/5th vote Ordinance No. /Js -/dl esl temporary land use controls to protect open space pending completion of I the work plan and set a pub1 ic hearing for January 23, 1990 to extend the to July 1, 1990. 1 ITEM <iPLANATION The City Council on September 12, 1989 accepted the Final Report from the Committee to Study Open Space. Staff was directed to return to Council w: plan for doing the studies and analysis necessary to consider the recomn contained in the Report. At that time, the Council also discussed the poss of having ad hoc committees work with staff during consideration recommendations. Attached is the proposed work plan. The work plan incl u ~ recommendations for the use of ad hoc committees if that is the Council ' , When the City Council accepted the Citizens Committee Report, the COUI referred a revised Open Space and Conservation Element prepared by the 01 Committee to the Planning Commission Subcommittee which is preparing ar General P1 an. After reviewing the proposed, revised Element, the Commission Subcommittee recognized that it contained policies and progr; were inconsistent with the updated Parks and Recreation Element. The Sub1 felt that these inconsistencies could not be resolved until the studies b8 ' as part of Phase I of the work plan were completed. Therefore, staff Planning Commission Subcommittee are recommending that consideration of thl Open Space Element proposed by the Citizens Committee be deferred until 1 1 studies are completed. The background and reasons for this strategy are c in greater detail in the attached memo to the City Manager from the Director dated November 22, 1989. Staff and the City Council Subcommittee have discussed this matter I that the only way they would feel comfortable with delaying consideratio revised element was if an interim ordinance was prepared. Staff has dr interim ordinance which is attached. In summary, the ordinance contains thr features: ~ Executive Subcommittee of the Citizens Committee to Study Open Space. It 1. Prohibits the approval of any development project which would de amount of open space shown on the open space map recommended Citizens Committee. Boundary adjustments could be considered if findings are met as recommended in the Report of the Citizen Com 2. Prohibits the approval of any development project, which would prec potenti a1 1 inkage of 1 arger open space areas as shown on the "Comprc Open Space Network Map" recommended by the Citizens Committee.