HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-01-23; City Council; 10470; REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL ON MR. HAMMER'S PUBLIC COMMENT OF JANUARY 16, 1990.' ,. I 1 ? CITPF CARLSBAD - AGENDmILL 31 ( I I AB#,- I TITLEREPORT TO CITY COUNCIL ON m. wmmR* s IDEPT. ~b.1 I MTG. DEPT. 1/23/90 cA I PUBLIC COMMENT OF JANUARY 16, 1990 I CITY ATTd CITY MGS c 1 I I u $4 0 a a k a 5 a u a a a L) CJ (d rl .I4 2 g V 0 0-l \ m \ N rl 2 0 .. 6 6 a Z 0 3 0 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive a. report from the City Attorney and reply as the Counc: deems appropriate. ITEM EXPLANATION During the public comment period at your meeting of January 11 1990, Mr. Hammer appeared and said that Mr. Mamaux had violated his pledge never to vote on any legislation effecting Cent: Development Company because he voted on November 14, 1989 . approve two resolutions for the preparation of an environmentl impact report for the Carlsbad Promenade project, a hot1 development by Centre Development Company near Palomar Airpor Mr. Hammer claimed that Council Member Mamaux had a priva interest in this public legislation and asked the City Council encourage all of its members to avoid even the appearance impropriety or conflict of interest. The Mayor, with the conse of the Council, directed that this matter be returned to t Council at your meeting of January 23, 1990 with a report from th office on whether or not Mr. Mamaux's votes violated the confli of interest provisions of the Political Reform Act. The City Clerk and the Planning Director have given me the fac of the matter. Mr. Holzmiller reports that he has had prelimina discussions with Centre Development regarding a project in t Carlsbad Airport Center on Palomar Airport Road referred to !ICarlsbad Promenade!' but that no application for the project h been submitted to the City. The City Clerk has forwarded materia from the November 14, 1989 meeting including the agenda bill, whi is attached. As you can see, the actions that were taken at th meeting authorized preparation of EIR 89-2 by Recon to evaluate t environmental effects of a project proposed by CARLCANN Associates called Carlsbad Promenade located on the SDG&E proper next to Interstate 5 and the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Since it is apparent that Mr. Hammer was confused it seemed to that there was no need for any further report from this off ice. EXHIBIT Copy of Agenda Bill No. 10,366 and location map. 1. I) a w JANUARY 17, 1990 TO: RAY PATCHFIT, City Manager VMCE BIONDO, Ciry Attorney FROM: MICXAEL J. HU~~~R, Plmning Director I#, Sma CARLSBAD PROMENADE iPROECX,".iiUC c.O&lMEi\X AT JANUARY 1% 1990 m mmm lvlEmTNG On November 14, 1989, the City council atlthosh~l the 3i~i~g of ti consultant zo prepare an EIR for the "Carlsbad Promenade" project which is a proposal to develop a regional shopping mall at the northeast comer of Cannon Road and 1-5, The preject applicant is the Carltas Company. Staff has had preliminary discussion with Centre Dcvekyment regarding the proposed deva~oprnent referred to in the public cornrnert~ particzl of the City Council meeting of January 16, 1990, which was aiso referxd to as "Carlsbad 3:isneaadc." This proposed project would be locnttd In the Carlsbad hport Cmter ~n iZa!mmr i%irport ROE$. However, no application has been submitted to the City and therefore, the City Councii has taken no actions regarding this proiposcd prcjact. MJH:lh 01-37-90,~~ e * Mayor Lewis: Mr. Hammer Mr. Hammer: Good evening Mayor Lewis, members of the Council. My name is Dan Hammer. I live at 4015 Isle Drive in Carlsbad. Last week, Councilman John Mamaux admitted that he had begun working for Centre Development Company in November, 1989. He pledged that of course he would never vote on any 1 egi sl ation that remotely affected his company. In reviewing the minutes of recent Council meetings, we can see that Mr. Mamaux has violated this pledge. Centre Development Company is currently in the process of developing Carlsbad Promenade, a hotel, office, retail complex near Palomar Airport - another Centre Development. At over 900,000 square feet and I don’t know if you’ve seen this but it’s a major project near the airport. It will not only be Centre‘s biggest project, but the biggest project in the Airport area. Before a project of this magnitude can proceed an environmental impact report or EIR must be prepared. No EIR, no project. On November 14, 1989, the Council adopted resolutions 89-405 and 89-406 approving agreements with private consultants to prepare EIRs on the Carlsbad Promenade Project. Mr. Mamaux voted to approve these resolutions. He never told the Council or the public about his interest in the project or about his private interest in this public legislation. Our form of government is based on a bond of trust between the community and their representatives. When that trust is breached citizens begin to look with suspicion on their government. I strongly bel ieve that out City Council must never be compromised. It should always remain above reproach. At the moment that standard is not being met. To restore faith in our City government, the Council needs to encourage a1 1 its members to avoid even the appearance of impropriety or conflict of interest. Thank you. 4 caJ,L” w”J I i”c%k””-.1 cc 2 @/&&L& (59“ M -~ mGI.--v”c7c ”- v ,OA kb & u, I /-I ~n -1 a C.”.*- ApT ‘ $.YL 8 * Mayor Lewis: Next please, I think I...Mr. Hammer? Mr. Hammer: Good evening Mayor Lewis, members of the Council . My name is Dan Hammer. I live at 4015 Isle Drive in Carlsbad. This past weekend, local newspapers revealed that John Mamaux has been secretly working for a local developer while continuing to serve on the Carlsbad City Council, Leaving aside for the moment the larger questions, the potential dangers of Mr. Mamaux’s dual role as developer and councilman, and whether any growing city can to1 erate the presence of a fox guarding the hen house, I‘d 1 i ke to point out how Mr. Mamaux has already compromised the city government and this council in a conflict of interest. Just last Tuesday, the Council was considering how to expend the nearly 1/2 mi 11 ion dol 1 ars in excess funds from the Pal omar Airport Road Assessment District. Several useful alternatives were proposed including street lighting, sidewalks and underground utilities. Instead though, Mr. Mamaux urged the Council to spend the money on landscaping 1.5 miles of median on Palomar Airport Road. Despite a number of objections from the Mayor, including a lack of adequate background information, the Council went along with Mr. Mamaux and gave 1 andscaping top priority. Since last Tuesday, new facts have come to 1 ight, It turns out that the are,a in question constitutes the approach to Mr. Mamaux‘s office. It also seems that the median in question has already been built and paid for. It’s all asphalted and finished with reflectors. In order to spruce up his place of business, Mr. Mamaux is asking the City to tear up a completed project and do it over while neglecting other, more useful alternatives. I’ve driven along this section of Palomar Airport Road at night, and believe me it’s dark and dangerous. What this stretch of road needs is not more landscaping but street lighting. But street lighting doesn‘t do much during business hours. It doesn’t impress the clientel the way landscaping does. Mr. Mamaux may offer other reasons besides business considerations for choosing landscaping over public safety, but really, how can the public or the Council know. When is he speaking as a Councilman and when as a private developer and businessman. In the past, Mr. Mamaux has not leveled with the public about his development connections. In 1986 he hid $21,000 in developer money that was funneled into his campaign for Council and not reported until after the election. In 1989 he hid the fact that he was again working for a developer after previously renouncing his ties to the development industry. And already in 1990, he failed to tell the Council and the public about the private benefits he stood to gain from a public project near his place of business. This wasn’t Mr. Mamaux’s first conflict of interest and it won’t be his last. Thank you. . information that Mr. Mamaux did not share with the Council or with the public. pw~cLc ~,MG-J~- AT 1/9]~0 C~~~CLL ~zETL/~~~- VE~~&&TI~ TRRIJ~ cRtf?r @&QvlESrE.D ay d- PRQVlDED 1 0 c- ePchULkL w.ErN3ER MAmAdX. dK .c % '5. ? e August 30 , 1990 David J. Tracy, D.D.S. 1716 Panorsma Road Vista, CA 92083 Mr. Claude Lewis Edayor, City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Mayor: This letter is to request that you place an item on the Housing and Redevelopxent Commission/City Council Agenda on my behalf. I am an Oral and ?!axillofacial Surgeon and wish to establish my practice and residence in Carlsbad. I nave lived in the Tri-City area since 1963 and have the necessity to relocate IJY practice. My first choice is the City of Carlsbad. Your city does not have an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon. Residents requiring the services of a surgeon must travel to Oceanside, Vista, Encinitas or other cities for treatment. In addition to the city's lack of my speciality, Carlsbad is a very pleasant area to live and raise a family.. mensed in May. I wish to locate in the downtown area which would make my office very accessable to my patients. I applied for a Business License on May 25, 1990 with the hope of practicing at 785 Grand Avenue. My application was denied because the number of parking spaces dictated by the city code was not adequate for my "medical" use. I then searched the downtown area for professional office space with "medical" parking. To date, I have not found a location which satisfies my practice requirements and has existing "n-.edical I' parking. Since other satisfactory space was not available I chose to appk.91 the denial of my Business License application. I was advised to request a hearing by the Design Review Board. My appeal was to be heard on July 18, but was postponed until August 1 due to a lack of a quorum. At the Aagust 1 meeting, the assistant city attorney stated . that the Design Review Board was not the appropriate body $4~ quest for establishing a practice in Carlsbad com- to consider my appeal and that the Iiousing and Redevelopment Advisory Cormittee needed to act upon my requests. at the Redevelopment Office, my request for a variance to the parking at 785 Grand Avenue and other acceptable professional buildings was placed on the agenda. The hearin2 iiith the assistance of Kathy Graham and Debbie Fountain Q /J-j--~,~~~~~ ?/r'/yo DYPlrSG 3y GL-lC- C.ii.3mmE~ *+ .. c * Letter - Mr. Claude Lewis August 301 1990 Page 2 * was held on August 27, The Committee chose not to make a decision on my request .for the variance but felt that the medical professions should be encouraged into the Redevelopment Area. be compared equitably to General Dentists for two reasons. The first reason is that I will be the sole health care provider in my practice. Xo other professionals will be providing direct patient care. This is unlike the General Dentist who employs Hygienists and Assistants with advanced general anesthesia which requires me to treat patients one at a time, again, which is in contrast to my dental colleagues who may be treating multiple patients concurrently. concern to the City, this lack of income will eventually dictate that I seek other locations out of the City to locate my practice. My practice will be an asset to the community., As can be inferred by ray endeavors to this point, I am very interested in establishing ray practice in Zarlsbad. 1 am asking that you place on the agenda for the earliest possible meeting (September 4) ny request for a variance on the park- ing issue regarding my business ase since my parking impact is not the same as fo; busier medical uses. If you desire to meet with or call me to further discuss this matter please feel free to contact me. The basis for my appeal is that my patient flow cannot training. The second reason is that I will be administering Since April I have not been practicing, Although of no Sincerely, David J. Tracy, D.D.S. DJT : Cmt I , I * Petition for upmuse of Lake Calaveras and- @ ,,lrroundinv .. area. pqpp-~rEB D u R/d'G 13dG11C cO~msdr IQ" From: Citizens of Northern San Diego County .. To: . Mayor, City of Carlsbad I..nZE 7-r Carlsbad City Council SjIY190 coy r\/CIL We, the below signed citizens of Northern San Diego County urge and demand that the .. City of Carlsbad retain land around Lake Calaveras for open recreational use by the general public. The Lake Calaveras area should be designated a l&gi,onal Park with bike trails, jogging trails, picnic areas, adbther forms of unstructured - and informal recreation. - In the present undeveloped state, the land around Lake Calaveras is used by hundreds of citizens every week for various forms of recreation including walking, jogging, bicycle I . riding, fishing, picnicking etc. "Bicyclists and joggers leave nothing but tracks." Lake Calaveras area provides the only area where joggers and bicyclists of all ages have many miles of trails where they are safe from automobiles and automobile exhaust gases. Please, do not allow this unique and valuable recreational area to be destroyed and transformed into a golf course which will be used by many fewer citizens than are using the area now. Within and near Carlsbad there are many Golf Courses and there are no areas where bicyclists and joggers can safely pursue their recreational goals. ~~~~~~-~~Q~~~-~-~~~~~f z4!%!&Q2&?9/, 'Y -bkLE-T~LEwCLflE~" Izo-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ Bp sopQc,;3 A&-&3 1261 OAK wwmi2CPPc "720 IC+[\ OR 72% zw ".........".. ~ .. . . . . ... . . . .. .' RECONSIDERATION OF PLABNED CALAV%RA HILLS GOLF COURSE TO, 3NTE'R: !' INTO A' HIKING, BIKING, MULTIRLXREATIONAI, TRAIL SYSTEM WITH PRZ,SERVATION OF " NATURAL OPEN SPACE OUR PRIMARY coucxm WITH . ' ' THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A CALAVXRA EIILLS CITIZZNS ADVISORY COMMITTIm. ,- .. 5.. . . . :: "". $ I Petition for op@ use of Lake Calaveras and a rroundinp area. .. From: Citizens of Northern San Diego County To: Mayor, City of Carlsbad Carlsbad City Council We, the below signed citizens of Northern San Diego' County urge, and demand that the City of Carlsbad retain land around Lake Calaveras for open recreational use by the general public. The Lake Calaveras area should be designated a Iiegional Park with bike trails, jogging trails, picnic areas, and other forms of unstructured - and informal recreation. . : I * In the present undeveloped state, the land around Lake Calaveras is used by hundreds of citizens every week for various forms of recreation including walking, jogging, bicycle '* . riding, fishing, picnicking etc. "Bicyclists and joggers leave nothing but tracks." Lake Calaveras area provides the only area where joggers and bicyclists of all ages have many miles of trails where they are safe from automobiles and automobile exhaust gases. Please, do not allow this unique and valuable recreational area to be destroyed and transformed into 8 golf course which will be used bv many fewer citizens than are using the area now. Within and near Carlsbad there are many Golf Courses and there are no areas where bicyclists and joggers can safely pursue their recreational goals. Simature Printed Name Address,Citv.Phone -6- I SF? f ew JE&~s+..T _____ _________ T ...................... 3Z60 cq d., 5t &&&J 72s- 89 2_3~~~_s~*~s~~~~-~~~~ \ "_" i5" l!hhHY&- xsY&De~Q-&Q!= Y L-bGs-a" mLs&UmLU%F"&?2d $ ""_ """"_ 52w ydcgq-o#J 2. "" 4 """""""_ U$LS'Bk() *q-+L v- """"_ u- -~~~~-~~-~~-~~~~~~~~-~~~~"~~~ """""""""- " q34Y U 3 6 -7 p "V kg Zt&" -~~~"~~~~-~"~~~~~~-~ "" A76 6 &m " "-& """ >, , . """""""""_ 57Gdzs NI4CkTf -~~-~-~~-~~-~~-~-~~~~"~~~ "" L" "" "_ "_ &&"A! (a " x2g-!_~s""a-s-&: 3<4? A@ACvrLf. dLea"r, d- / 7 41-4 -$ """_""" Cc\oK 0 rJ&- " ""_"" 2f62 r ~-=~~-~-~~-~~-~-~"~~ ~~~~"~~~~~2~~~"~~~-?~"s~~-! n /. I - 13 N L&.i-Je"J-Jg3>-E-2"'""" -222 """"""""""""" U cc 'i tl 6 Fee SpIJJDELW,, 15-2g hJ#q (SpCRWG kb-l a33 I.5 ' pi4 ?,=I W/"/,L Jq5jc -97 &Jfy 9 fijfc, m= (7 ~..".I """ -e... .. __" l. . .. ~ .. " __..._._." . . .. .. ... .-. .1 : .'. RECONSIDERATION OF PL,~NED CALAVERA HILLS GOLF COURSE TO. NWE'R. . .: 8 ' '.' INTO A' HIKING, BIKING, MULTIR&CREATlONAL TliAIL SYSTD'I WITH '. PRESERVATION OP NATURAL OPEN SPAC.!: OUR PRIMAKY CONCERN WITH .. '. THS ESTABLISHMENT %OF A CALAVERA HILLS CITIZXNS ADVISORY COMMITT$E., .. -. <, .G - -, 3 Petition for OB use of Lake Calaveras an d) durrounding:area. " l(p From: Citizens of Northern San Diego County : .To:' . Mayor, City of Carlsbad Carlsbad City Council We, the below signed citizens of Northern San Diego County urge and ,demand that the City of Carlsbad retain land around Lake Calaveras for open recreational use by the general public, The Lake Calaveras area should be designated a Regional Park with bike trails, jogging trails, picnic areas, and other forms of unstructFred and informal recreation. . In the present mdeveloped state, the land around Lake Calaveras is used by hundreds oj citizens every week for various forms of recreation including walking, jogging, bicycle ._ r ,' ' riding, fishing, picnicking etc, "Bicyclists and joggers leave nothing but tracks." Lake Calaveras area provides the only area where joggers and bicyclists of all ages have many- miles of trails where they are safe from automobiles and automobile exhaust gases. Please, do not allow this unique and valuable recreational area to be destroyed and transformed into a golf course which will be used by many fewer citizens than are using the area now. Within and near Carlsbad there are many Golf Courses and there are no areas where bicyclists and joggers can safely pursue their recreational goals. S' - ~~~~~-~~~~~~-~~-~~~~~~-~~-, k '_s_,4,4rn!Wd"" 27~0 "_""""""" i;)oa.~oC/e/$ A r """"""" 'C '&&A PM """"" A PAY^ d bk CWSM 04MdG& 7E&W5DJ 1318 dd/d ef. Ai4? Wib-L?QS -40 Cr5w-c .. . .. RECONSIDERATION OF PLAliNED CALAVEU HILLS GOLF COURSE *TO: BNTE'R. I' ' INTO A'HIKING, BIKING, MKLTIlUCRL'Al'I0W.L TIiIAIL SYSTEM WITH PRESERVATION OP NATURAL OP~ SPACE OUR PRIMARY coNcxrcN WITH CO"ITT~X., ' THE ESTABLISEiMfiNII OP A CALAVERA RILLS CITIZZNS ADVISORY 3' -._ d t. JhY T- I. i I e Petition for om use of Lake Calaveras an urroundiny , area. From; Citizens of Northern San Diego County ,,,.,*’ ( 3 e*6 j+&+&& .& < To: Mayor, City of Carlsbad ?z!- (s Carlsbad City Council We, the below signed citizens of Northern San Dieg i County urge, and demand that the City of Carlsbad retain land around Lake Calaveras for open recreational use by the general public. The Lake Calaveras area shhld be designated a Regional Park with bike trails, jogging trails, picnic areas, and other forms of unstructFred and informal recreation. citizens every yeek for various forms of recreation including walking, jogging, bicycle . In the present undeveloped state, the land around Lake Calaveras is used by hundreds o ,A ’ riding, fishing, picnicking etc. ‘“Bicyclists and joggers leave nothing but tracks.” Lake Calaveras area provides the only area where joggers and bicyclists of all ages haw many miles of trails where they are safe from automobiles and automobile exhaust gases. Please, .do not allow this unique and valuable recreational area to be destroyed and transformed into a golf course which will be used by many fewer citizens than are using the area now. Within and near Carlsbad there are many Golf Courses and there are no .. ~ areas where bicyclists and joggers can safely pursue their recreational goals. ”- 6-zfi”@dzhpece?d&. 2-5 “dzLYQ-k~u9” j 33 L- ””- : V3&! : ””- -NLw-*AEt” ”” 9w-c*mk&u*&JH“2& #IJ!.k!!”ZitkL ”~~~~~-~“~~-~~~-~-~~~ ”” ”””””-”““” ” Eb-bm E ~~_~$~~~~~-~~~~~~~~--~~ I. 1 -. .. I. . RECONSIDERATION OF PL,AIWED CALAYERA HILLS GOLF INTO HIKI KING, BIKING, MULTIRBCREATIONAL I'RAIL .( .$PWSERVATION OF NATURAL OPEN SPACfi OUR PRIMAHY .. THE ESTABLISHMilNT OF A CALAVERA HILLS CITIZiC'NS !. , . .. COMMITT~ :: . .. . : 1' COURSE TO, Ell TBR.. SYSTEM WITH coNcmw.;.w,mil . ,: 5 ADvISGR;I' I . 1. , .' Petition for use of Lake Calaveras an d surroundin? area. .. From: Citizens of Northern San Diego County To; Mayor, City of Carlsbad Carlsbad City Council We, .the below signed citizens of Northern San Diego County urge and demand that the City of Carlsbad retain land around Lake Calaveras for open recreational use by the genera public. The Lake Calaveras area shbuld be designated a Regional Park with bike trails, jogging trails, picnic areas, and other forms of unstructyred and informal recreation. - .- I . In the present undeveloped state, the land around Lake Calaveras is used by hundreds, L. .. ( citizens every week for various forms of recreation including walking, jogging, bicycle' .. - riding, fishing, picnicking etc. "Bicyclists and joggers leave nothing but tracks." : Lake Calaveras area provides the only area where joggers and bicyclists of all ages hav many miles of trails where they are safe from automobiles and automobile exhaust gases. Please, do not allow this ,unique and valuable recreational area to be destroyed and transformed into a golf course which will be used by many fewer citizens than are using the area now. Within and near Carlsbad there are many Golf Courses and there are no areas where bicyclists and joggers can safely pursue their recreational goals. Sipnature Printed Name Address,City,Phone ""-""""" _Y&3bAL_P!&,A-?&a" L-~&&-d-2-&2 """""""_ """""""""~"""" "" @KMe """"" Jy/3mflza """""""-$"""""--" hid& &/ky 3bF .-. Rood#!- :._-, , ... . .. . . .. . I. ~ ..-.\."- - - - , Petition for OB use of Lake Calaveras an 8 urroundine area.’ Frpm: ’ Citizens of Northern San Diego County .. To: Mayor, City of Carlsbad Carlsbad City Council ,. We, the below signed citizens of Northern San Diego County urge and demand that the City of Carlsbad retain land around Lake Calaveras for open recreational use by the genera\ public. The Lake Calaveras area should be designated a Regional Park with bike trails, ’ jogging trails, picnic areas, and other forms of unstructured % and informal recreation. . In the present undeveloped state, the land around Lake Calaveras is used by hundreds 0: citizens every week for various forms of recreation including walking, jogging, bicycle .. . ’ riding, fishing, picnicking etc. “Bicyclists and joggers leave nothing but tracks.” Lake Calaveras area provides the only area where joggers and bicyc1ist.s of all ages have many miles of trails where they .are safe from automobiles and automobile exhaust gases. Please, do not allow this unique and valuable recreational area to be destroyed and transformed into a golf course which will be used by many fewer citizens than are using the area now. Within and near Carlsbad there are many Golf Courses and there are no areas where bicyclists and joggers can safely pursue their recreational goals. MdL&&h-tdkde””&3d3 ~-~~~~-~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~ / &Ef&u!JL!9QGd fi2aQA-~~d-a&.5Ll&kl fL-Ly~33.ULu -~-~~~-~~~€~”~~-~~~~~-~~~ 4 -. .I . \ , . . . . . , . . . . .- - . - . .. . . _l_l. -. . . .. .....”. - ..-. . .. ,. . . . .. . . ..~. I . . . ,” . . RECONSIDERATION OF PLAXNEI) CALAVERA HILLS GOLF COURSE To;I%TER. I' ' INTO A"HIKING, BIKING, MULTIRl5CRIN"'Nfi TItfdL SYsYm WITH '. P~S~RvATIoN or NATURAL OPEU SPAC,~ OUH PRIMARY comra WITH ' THE ESTABLISHMZNT OP 'A CALAVERR HILLS CITIZDIS ADVISORY COMMITTgE'. , I' ., . . . .I. New ' 4:?fk4Y~,;;;. . .,, '. . ;'*". Roplslrallon . N~~~ ,7, .. . Residence Addross ONLY > ' " . .. , : . ': i, siaoa,ureas .. .., :J::&*.. .; ' , Ragisletod Cily . New'' jd,.p,,,y,~ .' .. ' . ' , Resider!ce "Qi?f$?! '1 Name .. ! .. . .. Addross ONLY , "-.. .. Zip .. *. .. ' ~ ,:\ :'; * >! .' . ., .,.. . . . : Signature as . .. ,,.? .. ; Regisl$red '.:''. .,' :.". .' " 'I .. :. -. i' .. .,*:.,.. .. Ci1y ,- 'e FRIENDS OF CALAVERASHILL '' L L4lc-t .I . 'I .. :' RECONSIDERATION OF PLmNED CALAVERA HILLS GO!! COURSE *TO: XNTER: !. INTO A' HIKING, BIKING, MULTIUCRZIATIONfi TRAIL SYSTIN WITH g 1 I Yetition for oDen use of Lake Calaveras and surroundinp area. From: Citizens of Northern San Diego County To: Mayor, City of Carlsbad Carlsbad City Council We, the below signed citizens of Northern San Diego County urge and demand that the City of Carlsbad retain land around Lake Calaveras for open recreational use by the gener: public. The Lake Calaveras area should be designated a Regional Park with bike trails, jogging trails, picnic areas, and other forms of unstructured and informal recreation. c . In the present undeveloped state, the land around Lake Calaveras is used by hundreds citi~~ns every week for various forms of recreation including walking, jogging, bicycle 3 . riding, fishing, picnicking etc. "Bicyclists and joggers leave nothing but tracks." Lake Caiaveras area provides the only area where joggers and bicyclists of all ages hav many miles of trails where they are safe from automobiles and automobile exhaust gases. Please, do not allow this unique and valuable recreational area to be destroyed and transformed into a golf course which will be used by many fewer citizens than are using the area now. Within and near Carlsbad there are many Golf Courses and there are no areas where bicyclists and joggers can safely pursue their recreational goals. - p.&u.?LL-~uq.u52. "33a-~~-~~~~~~~~"~~~~~ "-"""""""" """"""""_" 7o5d-ws J/s;n &- 42d' I-"""""" 5- c 7 l 4 (0 il IL 15 2-D c k- 2"k&"c@-~ """""_ 8 CkTALtEJ4 &tE "- & """" s7p G4 XLUAb!_CE-k2-9i4@-Q sm ~~~~~-_sr__~~-~~~~-~-~. """I" _A&wf "" U-L~""~~U7" q9 _.""_ - """"_"""""""" m"- q4!S=?Ez @a"$ +"?" 1 %Is- 3sz I wh!LcAhlT-<" -~~~-~-~-~~~~"~~-"~~-~~~~ - """""""""_ "_ ?322e&wTs"-@deGYi .I e e __ ..-. . .. . _... . rctItIuII 1u1- uvcu. - u3t; UL hilht; billilVClilJ Q11U. JUL 1 UUllUlllr -. UA ~UO From: Citizens of Northern San Diego County To: Mayor, City of Carlsbad Carlsbad City Council We, the below signed citizens of Northern San Diego County urge and demand that the Citv nf Carlchsld retain land mmnnrl T.QkP Crrlaversc fnr nnm rPrrPatinnQ1 IICP hv thP uPnPrml w+7f7 ).L4hlcu +e.S.QES 3sn T€idA-ciFro CK*36L 7 OcG4PJs rlDe c/F 9s)- %Q+ &4b RNSn OC{;U~~P 4'71 Qos-t4t W -4-N \Jktq c4. 79083 33A xl?m 1860 poC I$ho G!!, I~ ' O(tw 6& / 64 7267 @p/gayLsiaee/ 2 iOS .a w.4 (7 EN CWT TR 5 J (0 aLLLcl" 1bOI l@&d*q& Df- "- .I EL?Y"44w h5 zpj$ ci?w PL. ml5~44~ qwq 45-L 6AEUFff jJ'.# p-w C&USR$4 C&-. 9zood I 36 VG eEppa Ad6 OC€4AdCIC fi -s2cLcL /8Zf pALfsApe5 bk. IyLn, + VNLL br 404 €dL<,~ &dJ. # 388 7 €J-LtiviAkJ, c4 4L624 \ k..a*9-Qh& U&*rnY3 -30 GJ& / & &? &- 77b?tOk/Js- fl&u4m w? flzk~ Br UfSrf/, c@ufi qam -4 4b4 kL %dJA IWC LCLr'S Ls- JohlJ g @ .I/lw. cd 4M3 P5* c4- q??L?b 3 .' JP= A e 0 ecakJI A@. q 2w-y Sq4- S+C<GFf. GOq &cip$- 1436 Petition for open l!R e of Lake Calaveras and AP s oundinp area. From: Citizens of Northern San Diego County To: ' - Mayor, City of Carlsbad Carlsbad City Council We, the below signed citizens of Northern San Diego County urge and demand that the City of Carlsbad retain land around Lake Calaveras for open recreational use by the general public. The Lake' Calaveras area should be designated a Regional Park with bike trails, jogging trails, picnic areas, and other forms of unstructured and informal recreation. citizens every week for various forms of recreation including ,walking, jogging, bicycle riding, fishing, picnicking etc. "Bicyclists and joggers leave nothing but tracks." c In the present undeveloped state, the land around Lake Calaveras is used by hundreds of Lake Calaveras area provides the only area where joggers and bicyclists of all ages have I many miles of trails where they are safe from automobiles and automobile exhaust gases. Please, do not allo* this unique and valuable recreational area to be destroyed and transformed into a golf course which will be used by many fewer citizens than are using the area now. Within and near Carlsbad there are many Golf Courses and there are no areas where bicyclists and joggers can safely pursue their recreational goals. SiFnature Printed Name Address.Citv,Phone /?/C#ARD E lL4!7w Y@yg F2?P?FA @/u"catT zu? i%mg?B """"""""_ " "" """""""""""" ~l~~~~~"~~~"~-~~~-~~~-~~~~ $sv-n'.! .hAb) """"""""" (23 c5 GJ%k&& "_ &t ""_ 8.&93& """""""""" V/Xrn5&d@ "e4 -=kt="-. """_ m3 ~-~-~~~-~~~"~~-~~-~~~~~~~~ ?&"* -3YLZ3-&*a-D&+m&c -2H"L@K&M4&-GL:r+ / 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - AND CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT MEETING AUGUST 14, 1990 NOTICE TU THE PUBLIC 1. Citizens may have an i tem listed on the agenda by submitting a letter to the City Manager ten (10) days prior to the meeting. 2. It is Council's policy to adjourn meetings no later than 1O:OO P.M. 3. Meetings are divided into categories shown below. 4. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state Your name and address. CONSENT CALENDAR: If you desire to talk about an i tem on the Consent Calendar, a written "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk prior to the time the Consent Calendar is cal led. The i tems 1 isted under Consent Calendar are considered routine and wi 11 be enacted by one motion as 1 isted. There wi 11 be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed. PUBLIC COMMENT: If you desire to speak about an item not listed on the agenda, a pink "Time Reservation Request" form should be filed with the City Clerk. A total of 15 minutes is provided for the Public Comment portion of the Agenda. Speakers are 1 imi ted to three (3) minutes each. In conformance with the Brown Act, no action can occur on items presented during Public Comment. PUBLIC HEARINGS: It is not necessary to file a request to speak on items listed on this agenda as Public Hearings. ALL OTHER CATEGORIES: For all other agenda items a "Request to Speak" form must be fi led with the City Clerk before the i tem is announced. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. 0 e CALL TO ORDER: 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: PRESENTATIONS: NONE APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Special Meeting held July 31, 1000. CONSENT CALENDAR WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting. 1. AB #lo, 762 - RESPONSE TO GRAND JURY REPORT NO. 12, - PROPERTY EVIDENCE ROOMS. Adopting Resolution No. 90-287, authorizing the Mayor to send a letter responding to the 1989-90 San Diego Grand Jury Report No. 12. COUNC I L ACT ION : 2. AB #10,763 - CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR CULTURAL RESOURCES SURVEY. Adopting Resolution No. 90-288, approving a consultant agreement with the firm of Roth and Associates to conduct a survey of cultural resources within the City of Carlsbad. COUNC I L ACTION: 3. AB #10,764 - LANDSCAPE PLANCHECK CONSULTANT. Adopting Resolution No. 90-289, approving a consultant contract with Lawrence Black and Associates for landscape and irrigation plan checking and inspection services. COUNCIL ACTION: 4. AB #10,765 - FISCAL YEAR 1990-91 TAX RATES FOR LIBRARY AND SEWER GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS. Adopting Resolution No 90-290, fixing the amount of revenue to be received from taxes; and Adopting Resolution No. 90-291, setting the general obligation tax rate for 1990-91 * COUNCIL ACTION: 5. AB #10,766 - SETTLEMENT OF METZGER V. CITY OF CARLSBAD. Adopting Resolution No. 90-292, approving the settlement of the lawsuit entitled Metzqer v. City of Carlsbad, N42529 and authorizing the di sbursement of $250,000 from the 1 i abi 1 i ty sel f - insurance reserve account. COUNCIL ACTION: - 2 0 a 6. AB #10,767 - HISTORIC POINTS OF INTEREST - HIGHLAND BUNGALOWS, GAGE HOUSE, AND HART REALTY BUILDING. Adopting Resolution No. 90-293, designating the Highland Bungalows as a historic point of interest (HSD-90-1); and Adopting Resolution No, 90-294, designating the Gage House as a historic point of interest (HSD-90-2); and Adopting Resolution NO. 90-295, designating the Hart Realty Building as a historic point of interest (HSD-90-3). COUNCIL ACT I ON : 7, AB # 10,768 - SDG&E EXPANSION AT ENCINA PLANT - PRELIMINARY REPORT TO CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION - (SDG&E N.O.I. 89-1). Adopting Resolution No. 90-296, approving the Preliminary Issues Report and authorizing its submission to the California Energy Commission in connection with the application by SDG&E to construct a 460 megawatt combined cycle powerplant at its existing Encina Facility. COUNCI L ACTION: .............................................................................. * * * In conformance with the Brown Act, no Council action can occur on * * items presented during Public Comment. * * * * PUBLIC COMMENT * * A total of 15 minutes is orovided so members of the Dublic can address * * the Council on i tems that' are not 1 i sted on the Agenda. Speakers are * * limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the * * tion Request" form should be filed with the City Clerk. * When you are called to speak, please come forward and state Your name * * and address. 5 * Council about an i tern not 1 isted on the Agenda, a pink "Time Reserva- * -k * * * * .............................................................................. PUBLIC HEARINGS 8. AB #10,769 - APPROVAL OF BATIQUITOS ENHANCEMENT PROJECT. - EIR 86-5/SUP 90- - 9. To consider certifying EIR 86-5 and selecting an environmental mitigation alternative for a project generally including restoration of tidal flushing to Batiquitos Lagoon through dredging and construction of a tidal inlet structure; and To consider approving a special use permit (SUP 90-9) for a floodplain encroachment for the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project. Resolution Nos. 90-297 and 40-298. COUNCIL ACTION: - 3 0 e CITY OF CARLSBAD CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 14, 1990 6:OO P.M. CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: APPROVAL OF MINUTES! NONE CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. AB #38 - QUITCLAIM OF OFFER OF DEDICATION - CMWD 90-C-339. Adopting Resolution No. 681, quitclaiming an offer of dedication for a waterline easement over a portion of Lot 1 of Carlsbad Tract 80-33 to Thomas M. Linden. BOARD ACTION: 2. AB #39 - ACCEPTANCE OF CONSTRUCTION OF WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN REPLACEMENT IN EL CAMINO REAL FROM COUGAR DRIVE TO TAMARACK AVENUE - PROJECT NO. 85-101. Adopting Resolution No. 680, accepting the construction of the water main rep1 acement in El Camino Real from Cougar Drive to Tamarack Avenue, authorizing the recordation of the Notice of Completion and the release of the retention funds. BOARD ACT I ON : 3. AB #40 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED AND SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT -FOR WATERLINE PURPOSES - MADISON SQUARE - PHASE I1 - CMWD PROJECT NO. 89-C-293. Adopting Resolution No. 678, accepting a Grant Deed for Waterline purposes over a portion of Lot 17 of Carlsbad Tract 80-38 from Donald R. and Letitia H. Swortwood. BOARD ACTION: - 4 w 0 4. AB #41 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED AND SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT FOR WATERLINE PURPOSES - CMWD PROJECT NO. 88-C-252. Accepting a Grant Deed from Marl borough Development Corporation and a Subordination Agreement from Security Pacific National Bank for water1 ine purposes over a portion of Lot 1 of Windsong Shores, Carl sbad Tract 83-4. BOARD ACT ION : 5. AB #42 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED AND SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT FOR WATERLINE PURPOSES - CMWD PROJECT NO. 88-C-252. Adopting Resolution NO. 676, accepting a Grant Deed from Marlborough Development Corporation and Subordination Agreement from Security Pacific National Bank for waterline purposes over portions of Lots 1 and 2 of Windsong Shores, Carlsbad Tract 83-4. BOARD ACTION: 6. AB #43 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEEDS AND SUBORDINATION AGREEMENTS FOR WATERLINE PURPOSES - MADISON SOUARE - PHASE I1 - CMWD PROJECT NO. 89-C-293. Adopting Resolution No. 679, accepting two grant deeds from Madison Square Development and two Subordination Agreements from Security Pacific Pacific National Bank for waterline purposes over Lots 18 and 19 of Carlsbad Tract 80-38. BOARD ACTION: ADJOURNMENT. - 5 0 e DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS 9. AB #10,714 - TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS. To consider appointing three members to the Traffic Safety Commission. Resolutions Nos. 90-229, 90-230, and 90-231. COUNCIL ACTION: 10. AB #10,715 - APPOINTMENTS TO BEACH EROSION COMMITTEE. To consider appointing seven members to the Beach Erosion Committee. couw I Resol uti on No. 90-232. ACTION: 11. AB #10,770 - REPORT ON CITY INVESTMENTS. Report from the City Treasurer on the status of the City's investment portfolio as of July 1, 1990. COUNC I L ACTION: .............................................................................. * * * The remainder of the categories are for reporting purposes. In * * conformance with the Brown Act, no public testimony and no Council * * action can occur on these items. * .............................................................................. COUNCIL REPORTS Pett i ne A1 coho1 and Drug Abuse Prevention Task Force (ADAPT) McCl el 1 an-Pal omar Airport Advi sory Committee Mamaux City/School Committee Corridor 78 EFJPA (A1 ternate) Encina Waste Water Facility (JAC) ENCINA ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCY (EAA) BUDGET COMMITTEE (BAC) PLANS AND POLICIES COMHITTEE Energy Commi ssi on Subcommittee Go1 f Course Steering Committee Home1 ess Subcommittee League Growth Management Task Force League Revenue and Taxation Committee North County Transfer Station Siting Committee Offshore Oil Drilling Task Force Olivenhain Road Study Committee (alternate) Recreational Facilities Financing Committee SANDAG SANDAG Committee to Study SDG&E/Edison SANDAG Regional P1 anning and Growth Management Review Board LOCAL JIJRISD1CTICM bDVISORY-~ITTEE REGIONAL RECYCLING STRATEGY CDlllITTEE - 6 w 0 Larson Association of Water Reclamation Agencies Buena Vista Lagoon Committee EFJPA Encina Waste Water Facility (JAC) SOLID WSTE SITE SELECTION eOnnlTTEE Library Building Review Committee NCTD (A1 ternate) SANDAG Mid-County Traffic Study Committee ENCINA ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCY (EM) SOLID ADVISURY MmITTEE <SAC1 Kulchin Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Task Force (ADAPT) (Alternate) Board/Commi ssion Chair Subcommittee Carlsbad Legislative Subcommittee Coastal Regional Beach Erosion Committee Corridor Commuter Committee Downtown Village Merchants Futtsu Steering Committee LAFCO Library Building Review Committee Local Coastal Plan LOSSAN Corridor Committee NCTD Oceanside/Carlsbad Beach Erosion 01 i venhai n Road Study Committee SANDAG (A1 ternate) San Diego Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies Board (SAFE) Buena Vista Lagoon Committee Carl sbad Legislative Subcommittee City/School Committee Corridor 78 Futtsu Steering Committee Homeless Subcommittee LAFCO League Revenue and Taxation Committee Local Coastal Plan North County Immigration Task Force North County Mayors and Managers North County Mayors Council 01 ivenhain Road Study Committee Proposition C - Regional Planning Lewi s Board/Commission Chair Subcommittee North County Transfer Station Siting Committee CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS: CITY MANAGER COMMENTS : CITY ATTORNEY COMMENTS: - 7 t c- 0 a t .............................................................................. * After Closed Sessions, Council may reconvene in open session for * * Council discussion and action on Closed Session items. * .............................................................................. CLOSED SESSION: 12. CLOSED SECTION PENDING LITIGATION To consider holding a closed session regarding pending litigation Nocell a v. CaDodicci . Ci tv of Carl sbad, et a1 . +. Case No. N44574. COUNC I L ACTION: ADJOURNMENT. - 8 -L WVIUIVII IVI VWWIL. uvv VI "I." LUIUVL1U3 UllU JUl L uullulllr UJ. bU* - .. .. .. From: Citizens of Northern San Diego County . To: . Mayor,' City of Carlsbad J-/q Carlsbad City Council ., We, the below signed citizens of Northern San Diego County urge and demand that the City of Carlsbad retain land around Lake Calaveras for open recreational use by the general public. .The Lake Caiaveras area should be designated a Regional Park with bike trails, jogging trails, picnic areas, and other forms of unstructured and informal recreation. ' . - . In the present undeveloped state, the land around Lake Calaveras is used by hundreds of citizens every week for various forms of recreation including walking, jogging, bicycle riding, fishing, picnicking etc. "Bicyclists and joggers leave nothing but tracks." Lake Calaveras area provides the .only area where joggers and bicyclists of all ages have many miles of trails where they are safe from automobiles and automobile exhaust gases. Please, do not a11qw this unique and valuable recreational area to be destroyed and transformed into a golf course which will be used by many fewer citizens than are using the area now. -,.Within and near Carlsbad there are nlmy Golf Courses and there are no areas where,. bicyclists and joggers can safely pursue their recreational goals. _"" """""_ 3-73 *&CA ,Qr CcrbQJ! ~~~~"~~~~~-2~~~~-~~-~-~!~~~~~~~~dJ (k ""- """- "-"""""~""""" 3-50 CEdWfl5 W-G .. ,.<, . . . . . . . . " . . - . """.._".". . . . . . . . . -~ I . . ... . .. . . . . ,~, ,. I .. Petition for ooen rt' se of Lake Calaveras and s @ roundinp area... ;. .. . 13 From: ' Citizens of Northern San Diego County To: Mayor, City of Carlsbad Carisbad City Council We, the below signed citizens of Northern San Diego County'urge and demand that the City of Carlsbad retain land around Lake Calaveras for open recreational use by the general , public. The Lake Calaveras area should be designated a Regional Park with bike trails, jogging trails, picnic areas, and other forms of unstructured and informal recreation. % ' In the present undeveloped state, the land around Lake Calaveras is used by hundreds of citizens every week for vario.us forms of recreation including walking, jogging, bicycle . riding, fishing, picnicking etc. "Bicyclists and joggers leave nothing but tracks." Lake Calaveras area provides the only area where joggers and bicyclists of all ages have many miles of trails where they are safe from automobiles and automobile exhaust gases. Please, do not allow this unique and. valuable recreational area to .b,e destroyed and transformed into a golf course which will be used by many fewer qitizens than are using the area now. Within and near Carlsbad there are many Golf Courses and there are no areas where bicyclists anh joggers can safely pursue their recreational goals. --- """"""_ """ - """ &I ~O%WLLL--- UQU~LL~GLQ~~~~~~ZD~ m b-9 fo 33757 . lf( !G" "1s.3 X!h& s--Ghc&-nLtL?9- ~~~~"c4?1?2~_Np_o~A;/~~-~~~~c/ """ ------"----"""~ """""""""""""""" ps ~~;'scLs <;r-. Cbf/dd . ~4% Petition for open use of Lake Calaveras and surroundine area. .. '. From: 1 ' Citizens of Northern San Diego County , , To: . Mayor, City of Carlsbad .:<;~.,. : Carlsbad City Council We, the below signed citizens of Northern San Diego County urge and demand that the City of Carlsbad retain land around Lake Calaveras for open recreational use by the geners public. The Lake Calaveras area should be designated a Regional Park with bike trails, jogging trails, picnic areas, and other forms of unstructured and informal recreation. ' . b . In the present undeveloped state, the land around Lake Calaveras is used by hundreds E : ' citizens every week for various forms of recreation including walking, jogging, bicycle I- I .. ' riding, fishing, picnicking etc. "Bicyclists and joggers leave nothing but tracks." Lake Calaveras area provides the only area where joggers and bicyclists of all ages havt many miles of trails where they are safe from automobiles and automobile exhaust gases. Please, do not allow this unique and valuable recreational area to be destroyed and transformed into a golf course which will be used by many fewer citizens than are using the area now. Within and near Carlsbad there are many Golf Courses and there are no areas where bicyclists and joggers can safely pursue their recreational goals. Printed Name Address,Citv,Phone - """""- JW c Le$& "!QlK"-s~-~-c-w! """_ """" %'Mef, G&!LJ!!!- 221 WQib Cmh $1 q t"- //i& "" -"""""""" %4LB ', Aho5- ~~~~~~~~!~~~-~~~~~~~~"-" ~~~~~~~~-~~~-~~~-~~-~~-~"~~~~~~~~ "" - LQ4dYL4J:d- """"""" cGe *<(kJ 44 """" ""-6 "-z_G_>_7_bxQ~-o-cL """ 3637 Chesh;tc &,c Gtkblrq ,-PA. flqpss """"" """" "-"""- """"""""""" "-1""" QLL "" 3LY"LL"k """" ' - """ +w23 &d-Gb?-& -IC_s_"_-~Y~-~~O~~~~~~~~~~~-- AB&"Y*EL- _Ya"dJ-Aa&A-e"d& --Ea-!m.-a-&~cr~~~ ".&~-~ - \ " " c;-k - dl* "- f 0 -&e"- -@E?y"2&-c&Lf "4&3"X-&b"&L-Q& s * e - . " . . -.. I, . . ~ . . .. ... . . . . I ._. .. ,.. .._ . . . .. ~ ._."._. _" ... ..- . Petition for op-use of Lake Lalaveras ana =rivullulllg 0. aL cqtt I Fvom: Citizens of Northern San Diego County '.. To: Mayor, City of Carlsbad Carisbad City Council We, the below signed citizens of Northern San Diego County urge and demand that the City of Carlsbad retain land ' around Lake Calaveras for open recreational use by the gener public. , The Lake Calaveras area should be designated a Regional Park with bike trails, jogging trails, picnic areas, and other forms of unstructured and informal recreation. . In the present undeveloped state, the tand around Lake Calaveras is used by hundreds c citizens every week for various forms of recreation including walking, jogging, bicycle 5 ridirlg, fishing, picnicking etc. CCBicyclists and joggers leave nothing but tracks.', Lake Calaveras area provides the only area where joggers and bicyclists af all ages ha many miles of trails where they are safe from automobiles and automobile exhaust gases. Please, do not allow this unique and valuable recreatianal area to be destroyed and transformed into a golf course which will be used by many fewer citizens than are using the area now. Within and near Carlsbad thee are many Golf Courses and there are no areas where bicycliszs and joggers can safely pursue their recreational goals. mature , . ,Printed Name i Address,Citv.Phone - ~~~-~~_~~~~~"-~"~~~~~~~~~ 7 Ak5E- &. m. yzaz """"""""" """"""&""- """""""""""""""~ , ,- . ~. .. ,..~. . I.. .~. .t- d:, :c>.. -,,, ,, .. ' A B'L E , _,AD;*V E,,R,;T:.I..,S I Y 0 Q I .- 0 0 CARLSBAD VILLAGE CARRIAGE TWHi CU~~~A ’Serving Carlsbad’s Transportation Needs” The Carlsbad Village Carriage operates on a half-hour circuit route from 1O:OO AM to 3-:00 PM. .All seniors are invited to use this FREE service. Simply flag down the shuttle by holding up your bright pink card at any location along the route. You will be dropped off at any location along the route. Special destinations not included on the route in the Village will be honored only at the driver’s discretion and onZy if time permits. See reverse for the route map. .. Qm oc.”1 p& &&+&.Y‘ &- 6/.4/90 ” 8 z 4 E u 4 + B 3 4 B E m 8. H c5 4 4 Ll ;zI n L! 4 cp m 4 c> 2 ,4 'a 1s e 3 G @ & e ,fi E! E 2 Q & e E3 a @ a 8 rir, da 0, rir, s & 0, rl3 4 2 6 .E G u3 %I e b bo e 8 d d 0 0 cv 0 * 0. d d 0' 0 u3 0 0. E & m Q) * a k a Q) 0 Q) blD a *d 5 u k * ? * *r( a rR 3 Q) bn cd P4 - s 3 d Q co m c') 8 6 0 > Q) k cn *d g 2 *rl * a 3 E: *d z s m * Q) 0 + Td Q) + *d *d 2 Q, 2 8 d 0 k * H 4 4 e. 6 blD a ._ 4 s 2 * c c 0 * .rl *d k3 0 0 - h * .d 1 cd a * *d m 3 2 cb * a cw ecr 0 Td Q) a a 0 a 4 a zt Td 3 0 *A a Q) Q ._ d *d s s 3 lz El z u, b < F4 u2 E 63 CIO a0 * YP CQ * 03 co 1 e Q) 1 PI 3 0 c) k & 0 0 e rc3 w 0 d 0 111 k 6) PI k Q) PI 0 0 e+ 4 00 rn z 5 k c3 z 3 q + w E?@ Eg ** W@ SI 02 2. .o" &4 $ @a I42 0- SS c4@ EL '2; 92 H 0 F4 0 c4 0 p4 n 9 8 2 Es 43 m gl 3.1q QQ wk 88 8ctl v % pj q $6 gQ 9 3 t) % I \ rr - . A ~/sj-flra.?-E~ JUG JUG &aLr. CQF?M.GJ~ /Q Y 4/zY/pe &du~c/~ mf5‘E7”/N6 I 6 ,J a: 1.' e .-# ' e Jack Sprague 4800 Wllllamsburg Lane #lo4 La Mesa, CA 92041 January 24, 1990 Gary Wayne - Assistant Planning Director Robert Wojcik - Principal Civil Engineer Development Processing Service Division City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 CERTIFED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT NO. P 763 635 823 Re: 2:OO p.m. Meeting Friday January 5, 1990 Paul Schumann Application on parcels 167-230-24 and 25 Dear Gary and Bob: I wish to thank both of you for meeting with Paul Schumann, Bob Kevane and myself to discuss the above referenced property, on Friday, January 5, 1990. I wish to also thank you for your responsiveness and willingness to look at the property from a problem solving standpoint, as opposed to reciting problems verbatim from the rule book. I believe with your planning background and awareness of how problems within the city are resolved, that you can help us all come to an equitable solution to our problem. As was stated by Bob Kevane during our meeting, at the request of the Carlsbad City Attorneys office, following my deposition concerning litigation relating to the subject property, that we should submit an actual request to the city for development of the property, so that we will all be in a better position tb access the dollar value of damages, So as to not confuse the issue with our past frustrations with the city, we have entered into an option/sale agreement with Mr. Paul Schumann to process all required paperwork including engineering; soils; required studies; meeting with personnel etc., on what we will refer to as an "independent" basis from ourselves. We have intensionally disassociated ourselves from personally processing a proposal with the city, so as to be in a position to present independent testimony in court, should the need arise. We state this so that you might be aware of the numerous attempts we have made to develop the property along with other developers over the years, in addition to the County of San Diego's tax assessor. / f .e'. .-f 0 e Gary Wayne - Assistant Planning Director Robert Wojcik - Principal Civil Engineer January 24, 1990 Page Two All of the prospective purchasers, as well as, the county assessor, came to the conclusion that the city did not want the property developed. Apparently talking with staff on an -informal :. basis (vs. a formal !!paid fortt proposal) is not good enough for court, at least according to your city attorney's position. Consequently, under the present proposals we have personally spent in excess of $15,000 within the past six months, on engineering and soil studies. We will continue to document the process in some detail, so that the city attorney does not suggest we didn't really try to develop the property. This is the main reason we requested that our meeting be video taped, so that no one could suggest we weren't really trying to develop the ., property (We wanted a record of what was discussed). We feel we have tried for the 17 years we have owned the property, to develop in a responsible manner, ,however, for one more time, we are again attempting to gain some reasonable economic use of the property. While Mr. Schumann for over one hour during our meeting, attempted to set forth exactly what he has done so far in an attempt to develop the property, I feel that with your intervention, the process can now continue at a much faster pace. Probably the most significant information that was determined by us during the meeting, came from your questioning of Bob Wojcik. This occured after Mr. Schumann had stated that our engineer had projected that the improvements required by the City of Carlsbad to be made to El Camino Real, by the developer, relating to the development of our property would exceed $350,000 while the onsite requirements due to the landfill would also exceed $350,000 or a total of $700,000. You asked Bob Wojcik if the improvements for the construction of one house would be the same as for a number of houses. Mr. Wojcik's response was that the City's requirements would be exactly the same, irregardless of the number of units. During Bob Kevane's summary remarks, he indicated that both the City of Carlsbad personnel and the city attorney failed to realize the significance of the city's demolishing the existing residence on the site. The attorneys continue to want to look at the intrinsic value of blocks and mortar as opposed to the fact that a single family residence already existed on the site. This residence could have been re-furbished and at least some economic use could have been made of the site. The key point here is that $700,000 of offsite and onsite improvements could have been avoided if we are only goinq to end up with one house on the property. I /J" I) e Gary Wayne - Assistant Planning Director Robert Wojcik - Principal Civil Engineer January 24, 1990 Page Three In summary, even if you gave us the right to re-contruct one house, it's our understanding that we would be required to perform the widening of El Camino Real, including curb; sidewalk; street' lights ; median improvement; irrigation, etc. Obviously even the most expensive losts in La Costa or Aviera could not absorb this type of development cost. In addition, should you have any comments with respect to the information conta'ined in this letter, or additional thoughts, I would appreciate your input. I realize I am being somewhat blunt in this letter, but we really have nothing to hide and want everyone to know we are being as up front as we can be, and would appreciate reciprocal courtesty. All we want is to be able to have some reasonable use of the property. We are tired of attempting to jump through the impossible hoops! Consequently, we appreciate you putting on your thinking cap and maybe we can come to a mutually acceptable development alternative. Yours very truly, Jack Sprague Enclosures cc: Paul Schumann Bob Kevane Tas Panos Herb Patterson Ron Ball I 0 0 Apr; 1 3, l9 5 "7-22.. !%aL &(o L<JJ(i f &ad GLCY?C 1 i b@ewj b-clrs @;fq ,UWY~A qer ?q+c.Ileff 4 PC( k D/&.c &r BrdJ sf-Pe6.t 6 h'/d (' om rn /SSI Gc, @dsbd Atl/,/etrL RecEa &-, A ssoc / ah 0~ 401 3cf;0n primurJy &?v you+/., ~p~~+s &&kd ) uc-f-s ~tcs c&c&+&~~ "/o A; ,j h/ 3 Fr5m: RQYMC~W FmoiI~, QAR4 Chte(*pv?rlahq b !I fhe M~C-~S of CUP cG, i Idpl2n's ac-+/L;d iycn .< SIC JY The- need js /ncwQsm / cp;+,&( LC fh,h * for hertIt/iy m- ccnlied IYCW~+/~~ dbe +c, [I 0 ueed of both parew+s (~ohrvl *here Yl GIP~ +c kOPIC $0 SU OF$ +he fmi/y, GL1d (3) f WYa s Coi.fh[& 0 e ;$I 5clr h CcdS, cl) b the CizclIh, G ?+hc 3 pupent ~dwwi1 c7-1 fh; ' f 3. 4 Pf d~C-([he of let S&es Gud 5cic"c p id- 'I b79- .. '7 t0cLsed OLE IrHers "&-em Sef CC~V yoir+l, spc o75ctn~-Liijwv Thht u;I( upcfok yoLi +e tble b /'ncred;hie ~~LL)+G, G-f ~~rf;c;/"~-tS ~ad tk 5 6, I k-7 f?kLi i hL .iGm+rZi h7k. of /Dreu ;Cc ,/75 spli C& - { PLiy Ccr &w- eh;iclwq f I~r/lo~.thc tiqlqgIr"e .$w upcon?!il3. par-ks . CL'& a$; 1 f Gf laud &ad c,lc>s;v)L-; 5i:me 5tree-+s. I ppi"4 plc miiy ~iirisjrLcCS/oyl pvy?-p&+s &&. d&)elo me&-< f Lire hdtd md b%4V&jff(-j "(j ~C~(y@C[(&. P e1/1 Q LWWL kp-i- apprised of P+ P deb/elapmev?t. ut fce,l -fie [cis cak7 is)& ckyuJ-cci bL 5Lba J Ou~j<wd S,PLCWS. CIL,~~ e.hj/dvlen ape e -u&//y IVM - pcrtout, L.+S 40 ~~~~ "GLp +hatil/\ b-/k A atf2 qomD 0 e - UpdCLk 04 surf Soccerr &d-,&-: f?;chd FoSg 7C&" 03/5 h-t years Au3Ms-t Soccer -CaurnamenJ hg. lO-O+> had 28 ar-C;ci pa4;mo teumS G d bmu&t ccpproY;ma+e $4 3 Goo, OOo, x CO of which L CC~~/MC Jom EuV~+. J the +CF-~~CIW\~~ hsed 500 Io=&/ h&( po r;?-Co +G\e cowmuni+ Y* *. . . ._ -. .. .. . . . . . . . - . . .. . .I 0 0 .. Leuc ad i a Soc I:: er C1 ub 7720 ' B' El Camino Real Suite 188 Car 1 sbad, CA '32(309 Mar I:: I? 28 , 1'39C) Izar 1 =bad fa+ k:.~ $< Retreat i crn t:l:lmmi ,551 un Ilar 1. =bad, IZA '32(:)(:)8 Dear Commi ssiun Members: 'The Lectcadia Scxcer Club CLSCf provides youth soccer to approximately lOtX) children- between the ages of 5 and 18. Although the club was started in Leucadia 123 years ag~:~~ ~:~ver 7(3% I:I~ cur players now cmne frdm the south 1:arlsba.d area of La C:~:~sta. With the new constructiun alung Alga Road bctth east and west I:I~ El Camino Real F the number clf south Car lsbad youth wanting to play recreational slxcer will increase dramatically in the next few years. This projected player increase will result in an even higher demand for practice and game fields that are already in st1w-t supply. Last, year cur Car lsbad f i el: ds at Levante Far I::? Fuerte P~rk, and S.tagecctach Pari:: were fully bmsl.::ed far pT;\c.tices znn Pli-Inday through Friday and all da,y Saturday fotr games. In addition, the full size (li3il yard:) field at Fcierte Park had tm be shsrtened 20 yards because uf the additional clas~sr~x~ms in.stalled at the adjacent La Costa Meadows s~:hcal. Asking our c~lder players to play games on this shlztrtened field is 1 i ;::e asking baseball players tts play using 79 instead nf '3(5 foot base paths! The field situation fax youth .st:It:t:er in sm-ttI.7 Carlsbad is already ser i clus and wi 11 ctnl y get worse in the next few year s. We therefcw e r eqctest that ' y~xt ccrnsi der the above i n for mat i an i n your planning fur future recreatimal facilities. WE will be glad to meet with city representatives at any time to discu'ss specific field size requirements. Sincerely, Mi Lvcs.w 11 iam C. Waggmer President Leuc ad i a Sot: 1: er 11: 1 ub " , . . . . . . .. . .. - . . . . . . - . .. .._._ ~-. .__ . . . . .. . . -j - .. ".. . - .. . . . . . ..... ~. . -.. , . ~. ..,. ___._ .. A 0 0 i' . .. .I ', . &' LA COSTA YOUTH ORGANIZATION February 21, 1990 Carlsbad Athletic and Recreation Association C/O Ramona Finnila 4615 Trieste Drive Carlsbad, California 92009 Dear Members, The contents of this letter is to inform you of the present use and future needs of baseball/softball fields in south Carlsbad for the La Costa Youth Organization. i For the 1990 Season, LCYO with 1040 children has 85 teams, which represents 136 per ce increase since the 1985 Season and an increase of 21 teams sin.ce last season, We are utilizing all backstops at the following fields: Stagecoach Park, El Fuerte Park, Levante Park and the Safety.Center Field. Additionally, we have 18 T-Ball teams that are playing at the fields on Alga Road provided by St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church LCYO has maximized its size.with the present facilities. There can be a little growth of our Sr. Boys at-the Safety Center Field. Practice times have been reduced and include much with out use of dirt infields for some Divisions. Games during the week are scheduled Monday-Friday and on Saturday from 8A"6PM. Compounding this problem is the fact that St. Elizabeth Seton will start construction of its church in 1991 or 199: leaving a minimum of 240 T-Ball players without a place to play. We are presently using Safety Center Field for our new four team Senior Boys (15-14 yr Anticipated growth, based on our birthday sort, for this division for 1991 would be to increase to four teams. .. When future fields are planned, special thought has to be given to regular hard ball fields that can accomadate 90' bases and a pitching mound plus outfield fences or permission given to utilize portable fences at league bxpense. .AS the community grows, the demand is there and this part of the population should be accomadated. Also, cert: fields should be set aside for 9-12 yr. olds where pitching mounds would be allowed. The above requirements are for the months of February through June. As a league, we are planning to launch a fall flag football league in 1990 with the first Season being played at the.Safety Center Field. Flag Football will be an alternative to Soccer and Tackle Football and will probably cut into the increases of the local soccer clubs We realize that the crunch is on as we feel the growing pains of increased population and regret that the 1991 Season will be the first that children are durned away. Since ely your 4 Ad. ,&LkLj P.O. BOX 9000 Carlsbad, CA 92009 Samuel V. Briedis, President (619) 438-0943 -:~ -,,,. ". . . ..... ... . . , .I. .."" . .. ,. __._. ~ " ".... ,....._.. ".__,_.__^,__ . - "".. ...- ....... - -_-..-I - 4 '. 1 C* { e m Parks And Recreation Commission City of Carlsbad October 17, 1988 President, Carlsbad Larry Grandy Soccer Club 2738 Victoria Ave. c-2 Ca Ca. 92008 De.ar Pienbers, provi.ded for, your use. If there are any questions in the futur.e,. please call me and I will get the answer. the last four years. From 1983 to 1987 we have rown b 5%, with ~GZ+ZZ in ex- c 5- 1987 showing a 25% increase alone. We now have Or exceed000 - players. The increase in numbers of players has two causes ; Soccer Club provides opportunity for children in La Costa.) organization, good coaches, winning competitive teams. During the 1990-1995 timeframe, I expect the CSC to grow to f300-1'500.players. The city will also see more requirements for adult soccer fields due to incr.eased interest in the sport by par- ents and coaches. ed. on Enclosure 1. Ideal and minimum field sizes .are depicted on Enclosure 2 along with the names of the fields that we are cur'rent- ly using. None of the fields are lighted. The primary thought to keep in mind during your planning dis- cussions is that the CSC does not make use of any city facilities because there are none for us to use. All fields that we now uti- and Ret. Should this arrangement cease to exist or the School Dis- trict find more important use for the land, (ie, expanding school facilities), the CSC is out of luck. At that point our only option Would. be to turn kids away. Thank you for your consideration. The information contained in this letter and the enclosures is The Carlsbad Soccer Club (CSC) has seen tremendous rowth during cess of 800 player3a 1 anticipate that next yearwe will approach 1. Increase in population in northern Carlsbad. (Leucadia 2. Success and reputation of the Carlsbad Soccer Club. Good Field requirements for 1989 and the out years 1990-1995 are list- - lize belong to the School District and are scheduled through Parks ., &*. L. B. Grandy J N+: -+his ~ks u~;~~-, L~ ~~gg. the 1440 flLtWlbw gf tams i5 dS! blsbad 50ccw Club Pesideflf is Gy.3 /q@i&<t"bflJ L/3q -dy7r . .- "." -.,___.. . - -. . - .,~~-. .. .- -." ~ - - . . . . .. .. .. . i. - .. .... -. .."..~. . . ._.-.--- ,- . ",...., " - ". - .. .. _"_.__.___ ...-.. # _I 0 CARLSBAD NATIONAL I. .. LITTLE LEAGUE, INC. 0 ! ., '* . February 13, 1990 Ramona Finnila ' CARE 4615 Triest Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Carlsbad Fields Usage Dear Ms. Finnila: I am writing to describe for you what the Little League program currently requires and anticipates.for future field usage in the coming years. At the present, we have our lower divisions, 8 through 12 year olds playing on the three Chase Fields. American League and National League divide time on those three fields during the Because of the shortage of fields, the lower divisions are unable to practice on those fields. For that, we must utilize Those practice fields have no infields and are in such poor condition for baseball that it is not safe to allow the boys to .. months of March through June. some of the school fields, Kelly, Hope, Magnolia and Buena Vista. ,. take infield practice. Our upper divisions, 13 through 15 year olds play on Pine Field. Again, we have barely enough field space to accommodate the games. We are not quite sure how we will fit practices for the teams in the upper divisions this year. I Between the American League and the National League, this year Carlsbad Little League has registered over 600 players. This is up 10% to 15% from last year. All indications are that our registration will continue to grow. With the completion of housing developments that are- now being started in south Carlsbad, we fully expect to be forced into a third Little League in Carlsbad within five (5) years. Little League fields planned for any place in Carlsbad. They are building softball fields which could accommodate the lower divisions (8 to 12 year olds) if the back stops were adapted. needed for the upper divisions. .. Unfortunately, as I understand it, Parks and Recreation have no - _. There are absolutely no plans to build the larger fields that are POST OFFICE BOX 810 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 ..- . ... .---,. -. ... ..-.- _.....- i-.. ..",_. ~."".. . . . -,- __ .-.- - "~ -. .-. " .." ___ ...". _. -" -,.. ""~- ___".. "" .~ ._._ __ "... -.. .~ ____"_ ". - .. / ,J e 0 Page TWO . February 13, 1990 Our problems with the upper divisions are compounded even further . by the fact that with the growth and popularity of girls softball, the high school has given the field on which the boys' freshman team had previously played, to the JV girls. I understand this year the high school will also have a freshman girls' softball team which will increase the demand for what high school fields exist. 3 As a result, the boys' freshman baseball team practices at Pine Field which limits our use of that field for Little League. The adult softball leagues are also using Pine which limits the amount of time our Little Leaguers can be on that field even more - The people we have worked with at Parks and Recreation have done all possible to accommodate our needs with the limited resources they have. The problem lies -higher up in the. planning, allocation and acquisition of fields for this growing town. Manny Valdez, President. of Carlsbad American Little League and I are both committed to working through whatever channels are available to insure. that our kids have fields on which to continue the Little League program here in Carlsbad that has enjoyed 35 years of success. I would be more than happy and most interested to provide whatever assistance I could toward that end, Please feel free to call me at work, 729-7979 or at home, 434-O873. $ Your courtesy and cooperation is greatly appreciated. Yours Very Truly, ;bvAAA/Q 2. /$!I&":.-. . ANDREW So ALBERT President cc: Manny Valdez .._ " .. ...... ..- I. ." ...-. .-. ,_. .. . . ._ .- , .. . ... -. ._.__ ..,,- .. ... .,.". .,. _"_ ..".. .. .. . . - ..... . - . .. ..-.. . .....- -..,_-. "._ .._...,.". .. . I ,. 0 0 PUBLIC COMMENT FROM MEETING OF 3/27/90 Mr. Thomas Smith: A1 though you and the City Attorney pub1 icly proclaim there is nothing extraordinary in Council Mamaux‘s lobbying this City on behalf of Centre City Development, it seems the City Attorney‘s Office and the Bond Counsel are privately hedging their bets. A week ago the City requested the FPPC (Fair Political Practices Commission) in Sacramento gave an opinion as to whether Mr. Mamaux can vote on issues regarding Mello Roos financing in over 100 million in critical public facilities for which we presently have no money. The request for the opinion is, as usual around here, not quite on the level. The facts to be re1 i ed upon by the FPPC, as suppl i ed by the City and Bond Counsel who recent1 y prejudiced themselves in favor of Mr. Mamaux are incomplete. Specifically, it Development. #2) Fails to state that Mr. Mamaux has already moved and voted on the issue on November 14, 1989 in a regular Council meeting before he disclosed he worked for Centre - again at Mr. Forward‘s bidding. Failed to disclose the true benefit to Centre and the financing where in we don’t get money from the developer but a new exception to the Growth Management Plan where we get a paper which may allow us to charge some unknown person later on, after Centre, like the Hunt Brothers, has left town with the money. There are other necessary facts of this request prepared by the Bond Counsel that were left out. The upshot is to make the relationship between Mr. Mamaux and Centre City seem unimportant. They don’t even state there is really no Centre City Mortgage Company a1 1 eged subsidiary of Dean Greenberg and it has no business license, no fictitious name, nor any mortgages that we can see. Nor does Mr. Mamaux have any exposure, or excuse me, any experience in the mortgage field. But then he doesn’t need any, since his job is not to manage mortgages, it is to push projects through the City. These facts that have been sent to the FPPC should be rewritten to reflect Centre’s true benefit here under Me1 1 o Roos. For example, they should include four (?) Mr. Mamaux, on November 14, 1989 - no disclosure, no abstention, just an unregistered lobbyist selling his seat on the Council for money. I also think that Mr. Mamaux should disclose as to where all the money came as financing Centre City’s development. Centre City, a few years ago left town leaving us with a $100,000 bill. They had nine Superior Court cases in this county against them - they owed everybody. All of a sudden now, they are advertising in the LA Times they have $350 million in assets in this city. Where did all the money come from. Thank you. fails to state the exact date when Mr. Mamaux began to work for Centre City the dollar difference in the two financing methods, If we have an essence count f+ d“--+d 4 m. P”+ 0 e PUBLIC COMMENT FROM MEETING OF 3/20/90 Good evening. My name is Thomas Smith. I reside at 2342 Caringa Way, Carlsbad. All of you know me personally. The next time you launch another sophomoric attempt to discredit me, you should have the courage to afford me the simple courtesy of notice and opportunity to be heard the same night. Maybe my invitation was lost in the mail. I’ve come tonight to speak about the Conflict of Interest charges surrounding Mr. Mamaux, Mr. Mamaux has for some time been a lobbyist for Centre City Development. He lobbies for his employer despite stating falsely during his campaign that he would not represent real estate interests while on the Council. Now that they pay him, he has forgotten his promise. On at least three occasions he has intervened with the City on behalf of his employer to the detriment of the citizens of Carlsbad. He sold us out. First, he leaps over established procedures, moves and votes to consider spending $500,000 to improve the landscape along the road next to his employer’s development. We can’t afford to subsidize his employer. Second, Mr. Mamaux sits in on a closed door session while the City Attorney briefs the Council regarding litigation against his employer. It seems the last time they developed here they skipped town and stiffed the City with a bill in excess of $100,000. We don’t need a spy on the City Council with access to inside information. Last week, Mr. Mamaux got even bolder. He discovered his employer’s development may be closed down because of traffic problems which will cost him millions to ... or cost the city and these companies mill ions to correct. He moves for, and then votes on, a resolution to study the widening of Palomar Airport road in order to forestall the ha1 ting of his employer‘s development. We get another study instead of action. Our traffic safety and convenience are less important than Mr. Mamaux’s employer’s interests. How many times has and will this happen to us. Why don‘t you just quit and work for Centre full time because you wouldn’t have gotten the job if you weren‘t on the Council. Mr. Mamaux’s response it’s just political. He built May Company and Car Country, he‘s just managing a mortgage company. Nonsense. Mamaux chose to represent Centre City. This mortgage company doesn’t exist except as a front. Car Country and May Company were coming here anyway. He was well paid for his efforts. We need to protect ourselves from this type of corruption. We need a conflict of interest law for the City that has teeth to register and screen these lobbyists. Mr. Pettine proposed such a law over a year ago. Mr. Mamaux whined that he was being picked on and stomped out of the room. The proposal died for lack of a second. You should all be ashamed. We need such a law and we need it now. Any questions? Thank you. p/ 4 m. mcc?”.dLuIcjip ALA -)E 0 Distributed to Council c 0 Public Comment 3/13/90 Carlsbad, March. 13, 1990. To : Mayor Lewis; Carlsbad City Council: The recent 'concern shown by Assemblyman Frazee concerning potential oil spills off our ,coast is t'hely.. The subsequent .action of .the Carlsbad City Council to pursue the matter further 'is to*be commended.. The Committee .to,. Found the Agua. Hedionda Lagoon .Foundation has exactly thc s'ame.. and 0ther"concerns becaus,e of.the:proximity.of the offloading operation to the mouth of Agua Hedionda.Lagoon. If a spill were to occur, it would reach the lagoon in'a matter of minutes. .The lagoon is a valuable ecologica1,recreational and.economic'resource. Wetlands and plar are.adapted to their..particular habitat and should never be placed in jeopardy.. To reduce the. risk; the' Committee to Form the Agua Hedionda Lagoon . . Foundation' recommends that the.City explore the 'feasibility of surroundin5 the tankerwith an oil boom to. contain potential.splills during offloading operations. Also the possibility of strategically placing booms at the mouth of the inlet 'to the outer lagoon.; ' and fallback emergency booms by the railroad bridge for the middle-lagoon,.and by 1-5 for the. inner lagoor .. Other concerns worthy of pursuit;-,are:. 1: What .effect an oil spill woulc have on SDGE's cooling watery 2: How would SDGE's plant be affected'. operationally if an. oil spill were to happen? 3:. Wou'ld SDGE! s plant' be out-of service, and. for how-long?. 4: What back-up systems are presently - in place? 5: ' How-would the City and SDGE's.customers be affected if the plant had. to. shut down due to an oil spill? 6:- Are there alternative methods for fuel/oil. delivery,. such.as pipelines, etc? 7:' What i,s the difference in containing crude oil vs. .refined.oil in-an oil spill?. .As you can see, there are. several areas of concern. We certainly hope thi you will explore this issue to it's fullest,, and pursue every avenue avai: in trying to resolve this extremely important issue. Thank you for your time . *. GcT eran M4"d Chairperson The Committee' .to, Form' the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation P.O. Box 4281 Carlsbad CA. 92008 ..