HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-02-06; City Council; 10485; AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BUENA VISTA LAGOON VISITATION AREA, PROJECT NO. 3304ClPOF CARLSBAD - AGENWBILL 4 TITLE: CITY M VISITATION AREA, PROJECT NO. 3304 ClTY A' AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION DEPT. I ./ 4 -9 . .y, .:, AB# , 2 , ,- pi -./ MTG. 7-6-90 DEPT.ENC. RECOMMENDED ACTION: OF BUENA VISTA LAGOON - Adopt Resolution No. -':,?- I..,, transferring and appropriating funds, accepting bid! awarding a contract for the construction of the Buena Vista Lagoon Visitation Area, P No. 3304. ITEM EXPLANATION: On July 18, 1989, the City Council approved plans and specifications, and authc advertisement of bids for the construction of the Buena Vista Lagoon Visitation Area September 13, 1989, one (1) sealed bid was received from: ABC Construction Company, Incorporated - $209,287.50 ABC ConstructionCompany'sbid exceeds the available project funding by over $200,000 project as currently designed provides a first class facility with optimum features for accessJighting, landscaping and site furnishings. *,,< z 0 .. b a G I J z 3 0 The original design concept included a graded, open parking area covered with a cr staff did not believe this approachwas advisable long term given the lack of drainage fac organized striped parking spaces, potential for settlement in the parking area which i cause vehicles to get stuck in the parking lot during the rainy season, lack of safety lig and the general appearance and attractivenessof the lagoon-side facility. Accordingly, ( the design process, staff developed a new design concept which included a paved parki with an interior circulation pattern and striped parking spaces for 20 vehicles. Additic the new design concept also included parking lot lights for safety as well as perimeter fc and a safer access entrance from Jefferson Street into the parking lot. From bo aesthetic and long term maintenance perspective, the Buena Vista Lagoon Visitation A currently designed and bid will provide a superior City facility and better serve the nec the Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation and the California Department of Fish and Gam aggregatematerial and no security lighting, Although considerablyless expensive to con^ PROJECT ALTERNATIVES In consideringits recommendationof contract award, staff reviewed bids for areas of PO' cost reductions. 0 e 0 Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. /L? #.r3’ The five primary project elements and approximate costs are as follows: I Roadway improvement I Parking lot construction w Parking lot lighting w Landscaping and appurtenances w Furniture and signing $ 48,000 53,000 35,000 50,000 23,200 $209,200 Redesign of the project could significantly reduce or elminate any of these elements wit exception of the parking lot construction. A no frills basic paved lot excluding any street improvements, lighting or landscaping ( be attained for $60,000 plus design and administration costs. Return to the original graded rock structure could likely be completed within budget. Implementation of a redesigned project would require rejection of the current bid and in up to an additional $10,000 in design costs. The resulting project, though functional, would not provide an aesthetically pleasing fi with optimum safety. For these reasons staff recommends award of the upscale facilit! References have been verified on the bidder, and staff recommends award of the contr, ABC Construction Company, Incorporated. Receipt of only one construction bid fo project reflects the extremely busy public works/generalengineering construction enviror currently underway. Additionally, this project is of fairly small scale and short time du~ in a confined area adjacent to sensitive habitat and a coastal lagoon. Staff has coni several of the general contractors who secured sets of plans and specifications yet di submit a competitivebid. Universally,each bidder indicated their efforts were directed tc larger, more complex general engineering contracts currently out to bid. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: The construction of the Buena Vista Lagoon Visitation Area was determined by an P 3, 1988 minute motion of the Planning Commissionto be consistentwith the Carlsbad Gc Plan. 0 0 Page 3 of Agenda Bill No. ;L7 ' 7' .Q," ;.J ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The California Department of Fish and Game, on November 12, 1987, issued a finding the construction of the visitation area is categoricallyexempt under the applicable sectio the California EnvironmentalQuality Act (CEQA). A copy of the finding was filed wit1 State Clearinghouse for review by other agencies and cleared on December 13, 1987. Project will be constructed entirely within State property absent the Jefferson Street wc COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: The California Coastal Commission issued Permit No. 6-89-100 on May 12, 1989, apprc condition that no grading be done between November 1 and March 31. However, the was already graded for a parking lot during the 1983-84 lagoon dredging project. Re plans were submitted to the Coastal Commission to clarify this site condition and 1 acknowledgedin a December 12, 1989 Notice of Acceptance. FISCAL IMPACT: On June 14, 1988, the City Council appropriated $30,000 each to project account nun 300-820-1840-3156 and 180-820-8130-3156for a total available funding of $60,000. U $30,000 of the City's cost is reimbursable by the Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation throul State Park Grant funds. The estimated project costs are as follows: constructionof the Buena Vista Lagoon Visitation Area. The permit was issued with a sp Construction Construction Contingency (15%) Project Design Inspection Project Administration and Miscellaneous Total Estimated Cost: $ 209,288 31,393 6,500 5,000 $ 262,181 $ 10,000 Current Appropriations: $ 60,000 Total Additional Project Funds Required: $ 202,181 Cost of 12" Waterline, Traffic Control, and Related Water Service Items to be Funded from the Water Operating Fund $ 31,788 Total Additional General Funds Required; $ 170,393 0 e Page 4 of Agenda Bill No. M +'-?; 1' The proposed project will be maintained by the City and will require an estimated $1 per year in ongoing costs. It is recommended that the City Council authorize the transfer from the General I Unappropriated Reserve to the General Capital Construction Fund and the subsec appropriation to the project account $170,393 to enable proceeding with the constructi City Council approve the appropriation of $31,788 from the retained earnings of the F Operating Fund to the project account for all costs associated with tlhe extension of thc waterline for this project. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. Resolution No. yp - n'c; transferring and appropriating funds, accepting bid: awarding the contract for the constructionof the Buena Vista Lagoon Visitation i 3. Letter dated January 24, 1990, from ABC Construction Company extending the the Buena Vista Lagoon Visitation Area at this time. Additionally, it is requested thz it will accept a construction award. 4. Letter dated December 11? 1989, from the California Department of Fish and ( approving the Buena Vista Lagoon Visitation area plans. & LOCATION MAP LEGEND VISITATION AREA I VIcfNlTY MAP N. T. S. PROJECT NAME EXH/j PROJ- NO- BUENA VISTA NATURE VISITATION AREA 1 3156 '. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 I e e RESOLUTION NO. 90-26 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, TRANSFERRING FUNDS, ACCEPTING BIDS, AND AWARDING A CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUENA VISTA LAGOON VISITATION AREA, PROJECT NO. 3304 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carl California has determined it is necessary, desirable and i public interest to construct the Buena Vista Lagoon Visit Area: and WHEREAS, bids were publicly advertised artd solicit qualified contractors; and WHEREAS, one qualified bid was received in propel on September 13, 1989, by ABC Construction Company, Incorpol in the amount of $209,287.50. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and corrc 2. That the low and sole bid submitted b] Construction Company, Incorporated, in the amount of $209,; is hereby accepted and the Mayor and the City Clerk are 1 authorized to execute a contract thereafter. /// /// /// /// /// /// /// 28 /I/ /I 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. That the City Council does hereby approve a trz in the amount of $170,393 from the General Fund, Unappropl Reserve to the General Capital Construction Fund and the subsc appropriation to the Project Account No. 3304 to enable prom with the construction of said project at this time. 4. That the City Council does hereby approve a trz in the amount of $31,788 from the retained earnings of the Operating Fund and the subsequent appropriation to the PI Account No. 3304 to enable proceeding with the said project ai time. PASSED APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting ( Carlsbad City Council held on the 6th day of February 1: the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and NOES: None ABSENT ; No*e A. LEWIS, Mal ATTEST : (SEAL) e 8 ABC CONSTRUCTIO~ COMPANY, INC. 3120 iValionul Avenue San Diega CaliJorniu 9X13 Liceme NO. A-254763 Phone 619-239-3428 FUX 613-239-66!3 Januery 24, 1990 CITY OF ChRLSBU 2075 Las Palms Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 AtZention: Hz. J6hn J. Cahill P?ferencs?: Extend Deedline for Award of Buena Vista Lagson Visitation Center Dear k . Cabill: ~bt?k YQU for yogr telepbne call of this datt confirzing our ability $0 extend the time necessary prior to the Award of this CantZsCtt AAC COPJST2,GCTION will be abla to extend the dace of Award to Fe"Pribary 28, 1990 without any increase in costrract prfce. Sirxxrely, MC CONSTXUCTZOX CO., IXC. ~~~ q6t Kenneth Czube Tt"t Vice PresiCent STaTE OF CALIFORNIA-THE RESOURCES AGENCY 0 GTO"E z!-;<,!,j- ,L, , DEPARTMENT OF F~S~H AND GA,ME - " __ 330 Golden Shore, Suite 50 Long Beach, CA 90802 (213) 590-5113 December 11, 1989 ___\ " ,,-.., :-, c- ,- -<---.- "-% ..! '.'a .! ' . i 4 ! '..' :I i ;- .~__ - _-.e "~. . . ',,:>/, I ' ,. ? 'f , k"', c >-./i' Mr. John J. Cahill Municipal Projects Manager 2075 Las Palms Drive Carisbad, CA 92009-4859 .- .- 7 : .; 5:;r. ! ,: ~ ,L. ~. , .; " -- - .( I ,-, . . 8, ; I. I . '.;, ~. -. .-/- ;:~<j,.j~.cJ:> -,:\ , .:.I r ut j: ,aj'L'i'! Dear Mr. Cahill: We have reviewed the City's plan for the Buena Vista Lagoon visitation area located on the Department's Buena Vista Lagoon Ecological Reserve. We approve of the plan dated June 4, 1989, project number 3156 and support completion of the project as soon as possible. It is our understanding the project cost will be funded by the Foundation grant and the City of Carlsbad. Final wording on the entrance sign will be prepared by the City and my staff. This project will be a valuable public-use area for observing Lagoon wildlife. If you have any questions or need assistance on this project, contact Mr. Earl Lauppe, Wildlife Management Supervisor-Lands, at (213) 590-5158. Sincerely, "c -.." >" ",. I' j .,"~--"-" 45.. . "y// ,: .+6;z/4/ " .' Fred Worthley Regional Manager Region 5 .- cc: Paul Webb - Coastal Corn-izsion San Diego Terry Stewart