HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-02-13; City Council; 10494; Construction Change Order to the 1988-89 Street Overlay ProgramGI I P GAHLSUAU - -1 .J ( AUtNUIP'LL { AB#,^$& TITLE. MTG. 2/13/90 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE ORDER TO THE 1988-89 STREETS OVERLAY PROGRAM DEPT. 'IM DEPT. CITY I CITY r I I I RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. -%-.y& approving Construction Change Order 2 for the 1988-89 Streets Overlay Program, Contract No. U/M-26 ITEM EXPLANATION: On September 26, 1989, the City Council awarded a $338, construction contract to Daley Corporation for the placement remedial asphalt overlay on various City streets. Overlay work been completed on El Camino Real between College Boulevard Faraday Avenue, El Camino Real north of Marron Road, Paseo Norte south of Palomar Airport Road, Chestnut Avenue east of Mon Street, Ponto Drive, and Laurie Circle. Change Order No. 1 in amount of $1,947 for additional lane striping was previou executed in accordance with Administrative Policy No. 7. Change Order No. 2 adds the portions of Carlsbad Boulevard Carlsbad Village Drive within the area of Streetscape Phase construction to the Streets Overlay Program. The Phase Streetscape contractor is required to fill his trenches ~j asphalt to match the existing asphalt, but an asphalt cap over entire project was not included within the scope of the Streetsc construction. The pavement is serviceable, but has a patc appearance. When the Streetscape Project was designed, it anticipated that the existing pavement surface would not reqL maintenance repairs. However, the existing pavement section Carlsbad Boulevard and Carlsbad Village Drive has deteriorated the point that a maintenance overlay is recommended in the Pk II Streetscape Project area. Change Order No. 2 also inclc rolled fabric over cracked sections of Carlsbad Boulevard Carlsbad Village Drive to prevent pavement cracks from reflect through the new overlay surface. This material was not inclL in the Streetscape construction, but is recommended where asphalt overlay is placed for a section of cracked asphalt. Q w 90 3 oe: e z 0 .. E a The sidewalk and median curbs on Carlsbad Boulevard u constructed at a slightly higher elevation than originally desi< to improve drainage. An asphalt overlay is also desirable to me the driving surface with the curbs. The project-wide overlay will give the Streetscape road surfac new and finished appearance. The Daley Corporation requj approximately five (5) working days complete the change 01 asphalt overlay. The Phase I1 Streetscape contractor is worE concurrently to complete the installation of sidewalk furnit (benches, trash receptacles, newspaper racks, and drinE fountain) and the median landscaping. Immediately, after 1 asphalt overlay work is done, the Streetscape contractor will I u z all the lane striping and post the permanent "No Parking" sigr 3 0 Carlsbad Village Drive between Washington Street and Harc 0 Street. 0 0 4 Page 2 of Agenda Bill NO. /<dd FISCAL IMPACT: Change Order No. 2 totals $92,323. This is an expenditure Street Maintenance Account No. 001-820-5110-2412 funds towa construction and preventative maintenance on Carlsbad Boulevard Carlsbad Village Drive. There currently is an unencumbered bala of $177,417 in the account to fund the overlay construction. There is insufficient funding in the Phase I1 Streetscape Proj account to pay for the overlay construction. Approval of Cha Order No. 2 will result in the use of $92,323 of the General Fun Streets Overlay Program budget. There will , however, be substantial off-setting savings in the Phase I1 Streetscape Proj by replacing scoped work in Phase I1 with the proposed over1 These savings include: 170 tons of asphalt trench paving Cold planing, 2500 S.F. Adjusting manholes Adjusting 15 valve boxes Deletion of sealcoat $11 I 2, 1, 4, 21, Total Phase I1 Savings $41, EXHIBITS 1. Location map. 2. Resolution No. %-3a approving Construction Change Or No. 2. 3. Change Order No. 2. v t L8CATION v L NORTH ENTRY VILLAGE ART FEATURE LEGEND AREA TO BE IMPROVED %$$$ **:% z.-.*....fZ f*..2..Zz r PROJECT NAME ' EX PROJECT # STREETSCAPE PHASE 11 3288 I1 m e 'c /I 1 RESOLUTION NO. 90-32 2 3 4 5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 OF CONTRACT NO. U/M-26 FOR THE 1988-89 STREETS OVERLAY PROGRAM WHEREAS, it is desirable to provide additional 6 7 pavement within the project area of Phase I1 of the Strec WHEREAS, the City has an ongoing Streets Overlay : a Program: 9 with the Daley Corporation of San Diego, as the prime cant: 10 WHEREAS, a sufficient unencumbered appropriation 11 and 12 13 in Streets Account No. 001-820-5111-2412 for Change Order : City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 14 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council 15 16 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council approves Change Order No. 2 17 18 amount of $ 92,323 to the Daley Corporation of San Diego a is authorized to sign the attached Change Order. Followin 19 contractor for the 1988-89 Streets Overlay Program and th 20 21 /// 23 /// 22 /// /// 24 /// 25 /// 26 /// 27 /// 28 /// I/ e e 1 1 Mayor's signature, the City Clerk is directed to return said c 2 order to the Utilities and Maintenance Department for proces 3 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting c 4 Carlsbad City Council held on the 13th day of February , 5 by the following vote, to wit: 6 NOES: None 7 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and a ABSENT : kme 9 10 'I 11 ATTEST: 12 13 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk 14 11 (SEAL) 15 16 17 18 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e m t CITY OF CARLSBAD FUl3LXC WORKS PRQTECT CHANGE ORDER NO. 7 CONTRACT NO. U/M-26 FURCHASE ORDER NO. 8984 . ACC~UNT NO. 001-820-5110-241; ~NTRA~RIS NAME: DALEY CORPORATION ~~NTRA~T~R'S ADDRESS 2400 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, P.O. BOX 20188, SAN DIEGO, CA 921 The Contractor is directed to make the follmiq changes as described herein. shall include all labor, materials, equipment, contract time extensions, and a1 goods and services required to implement this change. payment stated on this order includes all chaqes, direct or indirect, arising out of this additional h is expressly awe& between City and contractor to be the camplete and fina hereof. The requirements of the specifications, where pertinent and not in conflj this change order, shall apply to these changes. This change order is not el unless signed by the City Manager and/or the myor. CHANGE: Construct in Carlsbad Boulevard and Elm Avenue: 9. Approx, 0.1 ft. asphalt paving , 1600 TONS at $45.40 = $72,640 11. Place 1 ft. Petrotac paving fiber 1,000 LF at $.75 = 750 12. Adjust manholes, 3 EA at $265 = 795 13. Adjust gatevalve covers, 15 EA at $200 = 3,000 REASON FOR CHANGE: Additional asphalt overlay and related construction is recolnmended to maintain the existing road surface and improve drainage in the Streetscape construction area. 10, Cold planing, 2610 S,Y, at $5.80 15,138 COST: TlME CHANGE: L;Lmtp Sn-n - Unit prices X Both Add days +7 Educt days - Total this extra $ 92,323 Add/deduct days this change - Previous net changes $ 1,947 Previous add/d&ct days - Original contract amount $ 338,275 Original contract days New contract total $ 432-.545 New contract time 8- - CITY OF CARLSBAD 03WRAWR /=p&&." /- I , J* i ~ I-$- .. 'io 2-8- construction Ins&ctor - - Date BY / I I White - Job File pink - project Inspector Yellm - Contractor , Gold - purchasing with P.0. Qlan