HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-02-20; City Council; 10495; BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT NO. 3 (CANNON ROAD WEST)> - Q ul i5 E 2 2 0 F 0 4 g z 3 0 0 0 A% - OF CARLSBAD - AGENWBILL A - 8" APPROVAL OF OUT OF STATE TRAVEL TO ATTEND ClTy DEPTm Am- HD4 AB#.A@~ZL TITLE: MTG. 3-3n-9n DETENTION BASIN DESIGN SEMINAR DEPT.L CITY MGR.: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. ,%--%3 approving out of state travel for one (1) membe of the Engineering Department to attend Detention Basin Design Seminar. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City Engineer recommends that the Principal Civil Engineer - Plancheck Divisioi attend a detention basin design seminar that will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada 01 March 12, 13,14 and 15, 1990. This course provides the most current information 01 design for cost effective construction and maintenance of detention basins. The cows( comes highly recommended by professionals in the field who have attended identica seminars in the past. FISCAL IMPACE Total estimated cost for transportation, lodging and meals is $537.00. There arc adequate funds available in the Engineering Department travel expense account for thi: purpose. EXHIBIT: 1. Resolution No. B- 2-7 approving out of state travel to attend detentior basin design seminar. I i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e RESOLUTION NO. 93-33 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING OUT OF STATE TRAVEL TO ATTEND DETENTION BASIN DESIGN SEMINAR. WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends and the City Council concurs that is desirable and in the public interest for a City staff member to attend a detention ba! design seminar; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer and other professional engineers have higl recommended the specific seminar to be held on March 12, 13, 14 and 15, 1990 in I Vegas, Nevada. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the City Council hereby authorizes out of state travel for one ( Engineering Department Staff member to attend a detention basin design seminar in L Vegas, Nevada. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad Ci Council held on the 20th day of Februaq 1990 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Pett NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: w2! ALETHA L. RAUTEN (SEAL) t 0 t 0 4 I 3- h& CITY OF CARISB- STANDARDS - 0 e % b CITY STANDARDS PLEASE PRINT YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, TITLE AND PHONE NUMBER BELOW AND SUBMIT THIS TO THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT WORD PROCESSOR. Name Title Address Telephone NO. of Copies REVISIONS, CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS WILL BE SENT TO YOU. €NGINEER1WG DEPT. City of Cartsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 9 e 0 * c STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA FOR THE DESIGN OF PUBLIC UORKS IRPROVEHENTS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER &HL /7,/987 - DATt . 1987 i c 0 0 + b INDEX PAGE 1 5 6 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 16 19 20 21 25 32 35 38 42 44 45 46 47 so 51 52 56 58 - GENERAL STREET - ALIGNMENT - STRUCTURAL SECTION - CURBS - CROSS GUTTERS - SIDEWALKS - SIGHT DISTANCE - FRONTAGE ROADS - STREET TREES AND LANDSCAPING - STREET LIGHTS - TRAFFIC SIGNALS - TRAFFIC SIGNING AND STRIPING - PAVEMENT MARKINGS - GUARD RAILS - MONUMENTATION - TABLE A - TABLE 8 - HILLSIDE STREETS - STREET WIDTHS AND STANDARD VARIANCE - HOUSE SERVICE - PUMP STATIONS - INLETS - DRIVEWAYS 13 - WATER SEWER DRAINAGE PRIVATE STREET/DRIVEWAY CRITERIA CARLSBAD IMPROVEMENT PLAN - GENERAL NOTES - STREET NOTES - SEWER NOTES - C.R.M.W.D. NOTES - TYP. EROSION CONTROL NOTES GRADING PLAN - NOTES GRADING PLAN CERTIFICATES STD. SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR USE WITH AGC/APWA STD. SPECS. MODIFICATIONS TO S. 0. REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWINGS IND-EX TO CITY Of CARLSBAD SUPPLEMENTAL STANDARD DRAWINGS SHT # REVISIONS/ADDENDUM ITEM SHT # ITEM - \ v 0 e * C STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 1 - GENERAL - DESIGN CRITERIA 1. This criteria shall apply to all public works and grading design within the City of Sarlsbad which is subject to the review of the City Engineer. This criteria is also applicable to private roads and water works designs. 2. All drawings shall be on standard size sheets (24" X 36", 8-1/2" X 11" or 8-1/2" X 14") with standard City title block. All lettering shall be l/a" or larger. California coordinates shall be computed and included for each plan. 3. All title sheets shall have an index or key map clearly indicating the sheet numbers issued. All index maps shall- be drawn at a scale of 7" = 200' or 1" = 100' showing overall layout of the water, sewer (including laterals and future extensions), storm drain, fire hydrants, and street signing and lighting systems. 4. Each sheet is to be signed and sealed by a Registered Civil Engineer. Complex structural, electrical or mechanical installations shall also be signed by the Registered Engineer doing the design. When a soils report is required, grading plans shall be signed by the Soils Engineer and/or Geologist. In addition, all calculations, plats and reports shall be signed and sealed by the engineer responsible for the design. 5. Revisions. made after original approval by the City Engineer shall be initialed by a Registered Civil Engineer and submitted to the City Engineer for approval. Plan revisions must be signed off by the City Engineer or designee prior to construction of the revised improvement.(Reference Construc- t ion Plan Revision Procedure of "Procedures for Engineering A p p 1 i c 8 t ions and P e rm i t s . 'I ) 6. All improvements are to be designed and constructed in accordance with this design criteria, Standard Specifica- tions for Public Works Construction, Costa Real Municipal Water District Standard Plans and Specifications and California Department of Transportation Traffic and Highway Design Manuals (all latest editions). J J + 4 0 2 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 7. Profiles shall be shown on the top of sheets. Vertical curves shall show curve length and P.I. elevation, in addition to normal stationing and elevations. 8. Normally the scales for improvement plans shall be 1" = 40' for the horizontal and 1" = 4' for the vertical. The verti- cal scale should be changed to 1'' = 8' or other appropriate scale where grades are steep. For complex plans, the scale shall be 1" = 20' or larger as necessary for clarity. 9. Improvement and grading plans shall be prepared in ink on mylar drafting film or reproduced by photo mylar (sepia, ammonia mylar or vellum are unacceptablelunless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 10. Easements shall be a minimum of IS feet in width unless a lesser width is specifically authorized by the City Engi- neer. Approved means of all weather access to the easement must be provided. Utility and drainage easements parallel to side lot lines shall be laid out so that the easement is all on one lot. Easements between future dwelling units or building structures shall be a minimum of twenty feet (20') in width easements. 11. Water, sewer, drainage calculations and maps shall accompany all plans submitted for checking, unless the requirement is specifically waived. 12. All plans, calculations and reports are to be checked by the Enqineer-of-work for consistency, accuracy , clarity and conformity with City Standard Specifications, drawings, and desiqn criteria before submission for approval. If this em done, th e plans will b e returned obviously h as not b unchecked by the City. Unsigned plans, calculations and reports will also be returned unchecked by the City. 13. Plans submitted for checking shall be accompanied by a letter of transmittal. 14. The original check prints shall accompany revised plans 15. The Design Engineer shall submit a detailed cost estimate to the City Engineer prior to final approval of the plans if the project requires improvement security. resubmitted for checking. f v 0 0 * r STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 3 16. Original drawings shall become the property of the City upon being signed by the City Engineer. 17. The original drawing shall be revised to reflect as-built conditions by the Engineer-of-work prior to final acceptance of the work by the City. The as-builts shall include the final layout for all utilities (gas, telephone, electric, television and street lighting) in addition to the public improvements. 18. The Engineer-of-work shall submit maps of any proposed subdivision, drawn to scales 1'' = 100' and 1" = 500', prior to City approval of the final subdivision map. These maps will be used to update City atlas maps. They shall contain the following minimum information and be drawn on repro- ducible drafting film. A. 500 scale - outline of streets and lots; no dimensions. B. 100 scaLe - streets: name and width lots: number and dimensions easements: type and dimensions (The map submitted may serve a dual purpose, e.q., vicinity map, grading plans, or may be the tract map itself.) 19. The Carlsbad Fire Department has recently developed a computerized emergency response mapping system. The Fire Department shall be supplied with the following prior to final map approval, improvement plan approval or issuance of building permit, whichever occurs First: A. A 1" = 400' scale photo reduction on mylar with street names; 8. -Existing cross streets; and C. All fire hydrants shown. 20. The number of sheets submitted should normally be limited to that required for clarity of presentation. Separate drawings for streets, water, and sewers will not normally be accepted. 21. Improvement plans shall show all existing trees within the street parkway and within Five feet outside the right-of-way and specifically designate those to be removed. ** + J 0 0 4 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 22. All plans, specifications, and supporting documents shall be signed and sealed by the Engineer in responsible charge of the work. Each sheet shall be signed and sealed, except that bound documents may be signed and sealed on their first page* Additionally the first sheet of each set of plans shall have the following certificate: "DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE" I hereby declare that I am the Engineer of Work for this project, that I have exercised responsible charge over the design of the project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code, and that the design is consistent with current standards. I understand that the check of' project drawings and specifi- cations by the City of Carlsbad is confined to a review only and does not relieve me, as Engineer of Work, of my responsibilities for project design. (Name, Address and Telephone of Engineering firm) Firm: Address: City, St.: Telephone: BY Date: (Name of Engineer) R.C.E. NO. # EXPIRATION DATE % @ 0 * c STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 5 STREET - DESIGN CRITERIA 1. WIDTHS A. All street classifications shall conform to the latest adapted Circulation Element of the General Plan and any special plan thereto. (Refer to Supplemental Standard drawing GS-1.) 8. Street widths shall be in accordance with Table A. C. Intersection of arterials, depending on estimated traffic volumes, may require special design. The use of single and double left-turn pockets, free right-turn - lanes, right-turn islands, raised medians, etc., may be required. 0. Where feasible, when streets are improved for only one- half widths, the unimproved half shall drain away from the paved section and shall be provided with a paved ditch or adequate drainage facility, as approved by the City Engineer. A 2" X 6" redwood header shall be required at the edge of paving. E. Where half-street improvements are required for streets, the developer of the first half is required to install the half-street section plus 12 feet of additional paving except for secondary, prime or major arterials. 2. GRADES A. Vertical curves are required when grade breaks exceed 1.5%. 8. Normal crown slope on A.C. pavement shall be 2.0%. C. Where grades exceed 7% or on lesser grades where tributary drainage areas are large, special erosion control such as 1" X 4" redwood boards shall be placed across parkway on a 45" angle at 50 foot intervals. e 0 f, J 6 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 0. Grades of- 12% or greater shall be constructed of Portland cement concrete or thickened ashpalt section and shall have a rough texture surface. Steeper grades or 12% grades in excess of 400 feet in length require the special approval of the City Engineer. E. All street plans shall extend design a minumum of 200 feet beyond property line to demonstrate the feasibility of future extension. For collector streets and above, 500 foot minimurn, longer extensions may be required by the City Engineer. For newly developing areas, an alignment study may be required with each project to show "overall circulation picture." F. For all collector-to-arterial and arterial-to-arterial intersections, the improvement plans shall include a 20- scale plan view of the intersection detailing surface elevations on 10-foot by 10-foot grid locations. Extend grid elevations to a minimum of 50-feet beyond the BCR. (Similar requirements for collector-to-collector inter- sections may be. required.) C. All street widening plans shall include working copies of cross sections not to exceed 50-feet on center. Additional cross sections may be required where design situations develop. H. Typical centerline qrades for the upper reach of cul-de- sac streets shall be 6% to provide positive drainaae. 3. ALIGNMENT A. Streets shall normally intersect at right angles. Where feasible, local streets shall have at least 50 feet of tangent adjacent to an intersection, measured from 8. C. R. -- Collectors shall have at least 100 feet. Arterials will require special design. An angle of intersection more than 10' from a right angle requires special approval and design. Hillside terrain will require special design. B. The centerline of streets entering upon opposite sides of any given street shall normally be offset by at least ZOO-feet for local residential streets measured from + c e e c c STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 7 centerline to centerline. Cul-de-sac streets shall normally be designated as "T" type intersect ions, and may be offset at 150-feet. C. Cul-de-sacs: REFER TO ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CUL-DE-SAC 0. Minimum length of tangent between reversing curve shall be 100 feet. A lesser length may be used for local streets/or hillside streets with the approval of the City Engineer. Compound curves, broken back and other special designs shall comply with AASHTO Design Policy and obtain specific approval of the City Engineer. These concepts are generally discouraged. E. All corner returns for local and residential collector streets shall have a minimum 20 foot property line- radius; arterial streets shall have a minimum property line radius of 25 feet. Arterial streets may require special design. POLICY. 4. STRUCTURAL SECTION A. Design shall be in accordance with the California Department of Transportation stabilometer method. B. The design structural section shall be based upon recom- mendations contained in the preliminary soils report. Tests and core samples are required. When sub-base is exposed, specific 'IR" value tests shall be performed by a qualified soils laboratory to verify recommendations contained in the preliminary soils report. IF recommendations are less than the minimum thickness for the proposed roadway, the City's minimum standard structural section shall be used. In either case, the City Engineer shall review the "R" value tests and approve the recommendations for thickness or the structural section prior to placement of base and asphaltic concrete pavement. C. Extend base of roadway under curb/gutter and sidewalk ' per the aboved mentioned paragraph, 48. (4" minimum under sidewalk; 6" minimum under curb and gutter). Ref. GS-1 0. Maximum lift thickness for all asphalt paving operations - shall not exceed 3". : 0 a 4 0 8 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 5. cum - A. Use 6" curb face with 18'' gutter (S.D.R.S Type tfGff) unless 8" is required to handle drainage. The use of roll-type curb is prohibited. 6. CROSS-GUTTERS A. All cross-gutters shall be 10' minimum width and conform with San Oiego Regional Standard Orawing G-13, unless spec i f i c a1 1 y app roved . 6. No cross-gutters shall be allowed on streets classified as collector or above. Any variation will require the specific approval of the City Engineer. 7. SIDEWALKS A. Sidewalks shall be installed along both sides of all streets except hillside streets and shall be located contiguous with the curb unless an alternate location is approved by the City Engineer. 8. The minimum width For sidewalks in any zone shall be 5.0 feet, not including the top of curb. A 4.0-foot minimum clearance shall be maintained around all obstructions such as street lights, mailboxes, fire hydrants, etc. C. Minimum thickness: 1. At commercial or multiple residential driveway approaches: 7-1/2"; residential 5-1/2". 2. All other locations: 4" D. Sidewalk ramps shall be required at all intersections where -sidewalks are required. E. Sidewalks around curb returns shall be widened on all . collector and above designated arterials to provide for future signals, lights and mounting posts. 8. SIGHT DISTANCE A. All sight distances shall be in accordance with the AASHTO policy on geometric design fo highways and streets. c b 0 0 4 c STANDARD D€SIGN CRITERIA 9 8, for. local streets, maintain triangular area at inter- section, measure 25' back from E.C.R.'s, to form a triangle free of any obstructions in excess of 30'' in height, A sight/view corridor shall be established to restrict obstructions. Any variations Will require the approval of the City Engineer. C. For intersections involving collector or arterial streets, provide clear sight distance as recommended in AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets. 9. FRONTAGE ROADS A. Frontage roads shall enter arterial streets through "bulb-type" intersections capable of storing at least four cars between frontage road and major street. 10. STREET TREES AND LANDSC.4PING A. All parkways and medians shall be landscaped ana irrigated as required by City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual, Std. Dwg. GS-8, and applicable Municipal Code. 8. All landscape and irrigation systems intended for public right-of-way and maintenance by the City of Carlsbad shall be drawn on City standard mylar to be filed with the grading and improvement plans for the respective project at the same time construction/improvement plans are filed. C. All irrigation systems shall delineate water main con- nection, meter location and all valves and backflow preventers. 0. All irrigation systems shall include Flow calculations for each specific head proposed and estimated coverage/saturation projections. E. All medians shall include drainage systems to drain runoff water, not surface flow across streets. 11. STREET LIGHTS A. All street lights shall be high pressure sodium vapor type. 0 0 4 3 * 0 10 STAN0AR.D DESIGN CRITERIA 8. Each Street light shall include an approved pull box located at the base of each light and not exceed 200- feet apart. C. Street light spacing shall be in conformance with the 0. At intersections the light shall be placed on the far right corners of the major street. E. Street lights shall normally be located on the outside o f curvea. Light standards (posts) shall be located behind sidewalk when curb and sidewalk are continguous. Mast arm length shall be 8'. f. No direct burial shall be permitted. All foundations shall be formed and poured with 560-C-3250 class concrete. attached Table 8. 12. TRAFFIC SIGNALS A. The developer shall submit a design for the construction or modification of traffic signals adjacent to the development which are required as a consequence of that development. 8. Any work at or near an intersection shall include interim traffic control and replacement of loop detectors if damaged or modified. C. Interconnect and advance warning devices shall be incorporated into all signal design and construction. 0. Prior to beginning design of a traffic signal plan or modification to an existing signal, a pre-design meeting shall be held with the City Traffic Engineer or his designated representative. E. All traffic signals shall incorporate a Type 170 controller, Type 176 intersction control program and E.V.P.E. (emergency vehicle preemption equipment). F. All traffic signal plans or intersection design plans, shall include the ultimate layout of the intersection shown. Existing proposed and future improvements shall be shown, including utilities. \ b e 0 s Y STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 11 G. Prior to installation of any traffic signal,. written H. All traffic signal plans shall be "as-built" similar to I. All traffic plans shall be reviewed along with the complete set of improvement plans for the associated project. Plan check fees shall cover this review, include estimate of construction costs with submittal. authorization from the City Engineer shall be obtained. other improvements (reference Page 2, No. 17). 13. TRAFFIC SIGNING AND STRIPING A. All collector and arterial street improvement plans shall include traffic striping .and signing designs on a separate sheet(s) (100-scale recommended). All improvement plans shall include traffic control/- detour plans. Prior to design of control/detour plans, a pre-design meeting should be held with a representative of the City Engineer. 8. All striping and signing plans shall conform to the latest edition of the State of California Department of lr ansport ation Traffic Manual. C. All traffic plans shall be reviewed along with the complete set of improvement plans for the associated project. Plan check fees shall cover this review, include estimate of construction costs with submittal. D. All traffic generation rates shall be based upon the most recent edition of San Oiego Traffic Generators, or as specifically approved by the City Engineer. E. Detour plans and traffic control plans shall be based upon Chapter 5 of the latest edition of the State Traffic Manual "Manual of Traffic Controls" and the Stan#ard Specifications for Public Works Construction (Green Book). These detour plans shall be submitted with improvement plans for the proposed development. * F. Any deviation from approved traffic control plans shall be approved by the project engineer and City Engineer prior to change in field. 0 4 > 0 0 12 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA G. The, deve-loper shall pay for the installation of street name and traffic signs. H. Two street name signs shall be located on one post at I. '*Stop" signs shall be located on local collector intersections and above, where required by the City Engineer . J. "Not a Through Street" sign shall be used when the end of a street cannot be seen. K. Other signs ("NO PARKING" or other regulatory signs) may every intersection. be required by the City Engineer. Oiego Regional Standard OS-13. M. Whenever possible, combination signs shall be used (i.e., stop and street name signs combined on the same L. Location of all signs shall be in accordance with San post). 14. PAVEMENT MARKINGS A. Pavement markings shall be in conformance with the criteria as presented in Chapter 6 of the latest edition of the State of California Department of Transportation Traffic Manual. 6. Fire hydrant pavement markers shall be included in construction of any project in conformance with S.D.R.S. M-19. 15. GUARDRAILS -- A. Guardrails shall be provided along the tops of slopes adjacent to roadways in accordance with Figure 7-1 of the California Department of Transportation Traffic Manual or as required by the City Engineet. 8. Typically sidewalks shall be located behind guardrails. t % 0 m t c 13 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 16. DRIVEWAYS Maximum* Minimum* Type Commercial 36 feet 24 feet 7-1/2" PCC Residential 30 feet 12 feet 5-1/2" PCC Maximum Frontage: Residential - 40% of lot width Commercial and Industrial - 50% of lot width Typical X = 3' Clear width measured at bottom of 'cX", modification may be 4. Minimum clear distance between driveways on same' 8. Minimum clear distance from property line: 3 feet. C. Minimum distance from curb return: 0 feet - no permitted if approved by the City Engineer. property: 2 feet. encroachment. 0. Minimum distance from fire hydrant: 5 feet, E. Grades - see GS-14/GS-15. All dimensions (A-0) are to top of "X" unless otherwise noted. See Private Street/Driveway criteria for additional standards. 17. MONUMENTATION A. Centerline monuments {S.D.R.S. M-10) shall be installed at the P.I. of all curves if found within the paved roadway (otherwise at the E.C. and B.C.), at the centerline intersection of all streets and at the radius point of all cul-de-sacs. A 5.0 foot offset may be used to avoid conflicts with access covers. 8. Survey tie information shall be submitted to the City Engineer far all public streets monumented. ab 4 J b 0 14 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA STREET CLASSIFICATION Prime Arterial & Major Arterial Secondary Arterial Co 1 lec t o r Indust r ial Local Cul-de-sac RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL ADJACENT TO COMMERCIAL OPEN SPACE SCHOOLS & PARKS 22,000 lumen 22,000 lumen 22,000 lumen 300' staggered 400 ' st aqge red 300 ' staggered 600' mas. on ea. 800' meas. on ea. 600' meas. on side side ea. side 9,500 lumen 9,500 lumen 9,500 lumen 250' staggered 350' staggered 200' staggered 500' meas. on ea. 700' meas. on ea. 400' meas. on side side ea. side 9,500 lumen 9,500 lumen 300' staggered 400' staggered 600' mas. or, ea. 800' meas. on ea. 9,500 lumen 9,500 lumen 9,500 lumen at all intersec- at all intersec- 200' staggered t ions t ions 400' meas. on 250' staggered at mid-block ea. side 500' meas. on ea. 5,800 lumen at intersect ion 5,800 lumen at intersect ion at far end of 200' staggered at far end of bulb bulb - See 400' meas. on at mid-block if industrial street ea. side greater than 300' IF applicable in length -------------- side side side I w W J * + a 16 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 18. HILLSIDE STREE-TS A. Hillside streets shall be designed on a case by case basis in accordance with the general guidelines estab- lished in these Standards and Chapter 21.95 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (Hillside Ordinance). 8. Hillside streets shall be defined as those streets which traverse land forms with a slope in excess of 25%. Special consideration may also be given to streets or land with slopes between 15% and 25% with the approval of the City Engineer and the Planning Director. C. Hillside street design criteria are as shown on Table A. Modifications may be made to this criteria with the approval of the City Engineer and Planning Director on a case by case basis. Such modifications may include but not be limited to the following: 1. Split roadways which step down the hillside and 2. Off-set crown or tipped roadway sections. 3. Deletion of sidewalks on one or both sides. 4. Reduction of tangent requirements or introduction reduce grading quantities. of compound, broken back or reversed curves. 0. Where curb widths have been reduced, the use of parking bays and scenic view turnouts is recommended. E. Consistent with the Hillside Ordinance, the use of "notch" or "gunsight" road cuts through hills shall be avoided. F. A skid resistant top course asphalt overlay will be required on all hillside streets when grades exceed 7% or horizontal curve radii are less than 200-feet. 19. STREET WIDTH AND IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE A. Where the literal interpretation and enforcement of these standards would result in practical difficulties, * * 0 e * b STANOARD DESIGN CRITERIA 17 environmental degradation or results inconsistent with the general purpose of these standards, formal written request to vary from these standards shall be made to the City Engineer. The formal variance may be split into two categories: 1. Minor, to be administered at staff level with the consent of both the City Engineer and the Planning Director; or 2. Major, to be presented to the Planning Commission as an administrative act subject to the provisions stated below. The Planning Commission shall have the authority as an administrative act to grant a variance to the38 stan- dards subject to the provisions stated below. In all- cases, the variance shall be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the standards and with the safety and the welfare of the public. 8. The areas wherein the design standards for street widths and improvements may be deleted or modified, may include, but not be limited to, narrowing the right-of- way width, narrowing of the roadway width, deletion of sidewalks, deletion of curbs, separation of opposing traffic lanes around sensitive environmental features, reduction of lighting standards in sensitive environ- mental habitats and Other design modifications consistent with the conditions and intent of this sect ion. C. Major design standard variances may include, but not be limited to: street width, sidewalk meandering or deletions, horizontal alignments, environmental issues, 41: design variations that could lead to a substantial conformance issue. Minor design standard variances may include, but not be limited to: driveway locations, street accessory improvements, storm drain, sewer and/or water improvements. 0. Before any variance may be granted, it shall be determined: w 4 + + 4 18 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 1. That -there are extraordinary or unusual circum- stances or conditions applicable to the situation of surrounding property necessitating a variance of the standards. 2. That the granting of such variance will not cause 3. That the granting of such variance will not conflict with existing or future traffic and parking demands or pedestrian or bicycle use. 4. That the granting of such variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity in which the variance is granted. 5. That the granting of such variance will not adversely affect the comprehensive general plan. E. The applicant or other affected party may file an appeal of the decision to the City Council within ten days of the Planning Commission's or City Engineer's decision. substantial drainage problems. - a e e & u STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 19 -UATER SYSTEM - DESIGN CRITERIA 1. GENERAL SEE COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT FOR ADDITIONAL DESIGN CRITERIA. 2. FIRE HYDRANTS A. Hydrant spacing required: 1. FIRE FLOW AVERAGE AREA PER DEMAND GPM HYDRANT IN S.F. 1,000 120,000 2,000 110,000 3,000 100,000 4,000 90,000 6,000 80,000 2. 300' spacing desired with 500' maximum for 3. residential. 300' spacing maximum for commercial and industrial. 8. Hydrant locations: 1. On the prolongation of the 8.C. radial or property 2. Near side of main. line. C. Hydrants shall be installed in accordance with the a3pr op r iat e St andard Drawing. If not applicable, special design is required. D. If cul-de-sac is over 200' long, a fire hydrant is required on the cul-de-sac street. E. Blue pavement buttons located in conformance with the appropriate Standard Drawing shall be installed with all fire hydrants. W v 2 * 4 20 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 3. HOUSE SERVICE - A. One separate service shall be installed to each lot. A I'W" will be stamped on the curb face at the lateral location. B. Minimum size shall be 1" copper. unless otherwise specified. C. Services shall be installed in accordance with the appropriate Standard Drawing of Costa Real Municipal Water District or per specific design if applicable. If not applicable, special design is required. prior approval of the City Engineer. 0. No service shall be installed in a driveway without the E. When future lot widths are not known, a service shall be installed at the minimum lot width as specified in the surrounding zones. F. Meter box will be located at back of sidewalk when sidewalk is contiguous with curb, and meter box will be located at back of curb when sidewalk is non- contiguous. -- c * e . c 21 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA SEWER SYSTEH - DESIGN CRITERIA 1. MAINS A. General 1. Minimum size shall be 8" and 6" on cul-de-sacs serving less than ten units. 2. Sewers shall normally be placed at least 6' below finished grade to top of pipe. Minimum depth permitted is 3' to top of pipe. Maximum depth allowed is 12' to top of pipe unless speciFically approved otherwise. 3. Material shall be extra-strength vitrified clay unless an alternate material is approved by the City Engineer. 4. Up to 15" P.V.C. pipe may be utilized provided depth is less than 15' with 3/4" rock backfill per San Oiego Regional Standard STD S-4, Type C and pipe meets A.S.T.M. STD. 3034 for SDR 35 solid wall p ipe. 5. P.V.C. may not be allowed under certain industrial uses. 6. Joints shall be rubber compression joints unless otherwise specified and specifically approved by the City Engineer. 7. Submit design calculations to verify line size and -- bedding design. Normally, a Manning 'IN'' = 0.013 will be satisfactory. V.C.P. "N" = .013/P.V.C "N" = 0.011 8. For diameters 10" and smaller, depth of (peak) flow = 1/2 the diameter. For diameters 12" and larger, depth of (peak) flow = 3/4 the diameter. 9. Minimum curve radius shall be 200' unless otherwise approved. W + . 22 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 10. No vertical curves shall be permitted unless specif- 11. All sewer installation shall comply with San Diego ically approved by the City Engineer. County Health Department Standards. 8. Locations 1. Alley: Mains shall be offset 3' minimum from 2. Street: Main locations shall be in accordance with centerline to clear alley gutter. appropriate Standard Drawing (GS-6; on centerline). special design (median offset) . pavement if street is to continue. 3. Streets with more than 84' of right-of-way require 4. Extend and install cleanouts at all dead end8 beyond 5. In those areas considered private, the City will only maintain the sewer main in the paved street. The City will not take any responsibility for laterals or lines serving off the paved area between buildings, etc. C. Minimum Slopes: Maintain minimum velocity of 2 FPS. Special attention should be given to maintaining adequate velocities at low flows. Minimum Desirable Minimum 1. 8" 0.40% 0.50% 2. 10" 0.28% 0.40% 3. 12n 0.21% 0.30% - 0. Demands 1. Domestic Demands a. In residential areas, assume 246 gallons per dwelling unit for average day. 4 I 0 * . 4 23 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA -b. Maximum flows should be based on ratio of peak to average flow of 2.5 unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. c. Industrial and commercial demands require special design. 2. ACCESS HOLES A. Shall be required: 1. At all changes of slope which exceed 2% between 2. At all changes of direction unless a special design 3. At intersections of mains. 4. At ends of line unless a cleanout is provided. 5. At changes in pipe size. - access holes. is required by field conditions. 8. All access holes shall be numbered on the plans. C. Oesirable spacing between access holes shall be 300', but in no case shall it be greater than 350'. 0. Top cone of access holes shall be set 6" below finish subgrade (covers must be placed to keep system clean). Patching around manholes shall be 6" minimum, hot mix A.C. E. In unpaved areas, top of access holes shall be set 6" above finish grade, and above 100-year Flood line where applicable. F. Stub out of all access holes two feet (2') to provide for extensions or future tie-in (unless design to extend main is unfeasible). G. AAccess hole at the low end of sewer improvements shall be plugged until the City authorizes its use. e- ' L . 4 24 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 3. CLEANOUT A. Shall be located at permanent ends of line, a maximum distance of 200' beyond last access hole with a desirable 150' spacing. 8. Cleanouts shall - NOT be located in driveway. C. Cleanouts must be located in approved box. 0. Cleanouts shall have screw-on caps. 4. LATERALS A. Size 1. Single family - minimum 4". 2. All others - minimum 6". NOTE: From property line back, the Uniform Building Code shall aapply to determine pipe size and cleanout location. Compaction shall be 90% for the entire length of the trench. 8. Locations 1. Right angle or radial to street right-of-way. 2. Center of lot to 5' above downstream lot line (shown on as-built plans). 3. When future lot widths are not known, a lateral shall be installed every 60' in residential areas. 4. Laterals shall not be located in driveway. 5. A cleanout shall be located on the property line. A l'Yn shall be used with a one-foot (1') stub for house connection. Raise cleanout stub three-feet (3') above rough grade for location and future adjustment to finish grade. An approved box and lid shall be used to cover cleanout. . e 0 & 4 25 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 6. -An IcS18 shall be stamped on the curb Face at the C. Depth - five-feet (5') at property line (to top OF pipe). D. Taps - All taps shall be made by the I'Shewer" method or equal and under constant inspection by Public Works Inspector. E. No connections shall be made on same lateral within 2' off an existing connection, only "wye'' connections will be permitted. No connections to cleanout riser will be permitted. lateral location. 5. PUMP STATIONS A. General 1. Wet wells shall be physically separated from pump 2. Provide alarm system in all lift stations. Monitor power Failure, high H20, low H20, by use of automatic dialing alarm system. 3. Paint interior of structure, all machinery, and piping and exterior below grade. All concrete shall be waterproofed prior to backfill. investigated. 5. City to be provided with complete manufacturer's brochures, technical data, operating and maintenance area. 4. The use of variable speed pumping shall be - manual, for all equipment and controls. 6. An emergency bypass connection shall be provided adjacent to receiving access holes. 7. Investigate ejectors for flows less than 500 GPM and 60' TDH. 8. Minimum two hour retention time in the wet well and the collection system at peak flow. W , A 26 STANDARD OESIGN CRITERIA 9. Easement area to be fenced per requirements from the City of Carlsbad Utility/Maintenance Department. Fence shall blend into surrounding development. 10. Provide access completely around station for large vehicles. Station should be located as near to a publicly dedicated roadway as is possible. If a driveway is required, it should be a minimum of 12' wide with an asphalt surface or other all weather surface as approved by the City Engineer. 11. All permanent lift stations to be installed below ground with the wet well separated from the stat ion . 12. All stations installed will be equipped with continual gas monitoring devices to detect: a. Sulfides. b. Combustibles. c. Oxygen deficiency. 13. All stations with a vertical drop of 10' or more will be equipped with safety climb harness. 8. Structural 1. Permanent structures shall be concrete. 2. Provide access other than vertical ladders for permanent stations (safety climb harness). 3, Spring-loaded roof hatches with stainless steel or corrosion-proof hinges are required for entry. removal of major equipment components. 4. Provide roof hatch adequate for replacement and 5. Where applicable, provide lifting eyes in roof of station. 6. All structures shall have ample working room around machinery; minimum clearance to wall shall be 24" or < 0 e * . STANDARD D€SIGN CRITERIA 27 greater, as needed for adequate maintenance. 7. Design of structures shall provide for adequate 8. Interior steel shall be hot-dip galvanized after water proofing. fabrication. C. Pumps 1. Minimum desirable size - 4'' non-clog type. 2. Maximum velocity in suction - 5 FPS. 3. Maximum velocity in discharge - 8 FPS. 4. Sewer lift stations will be required to have direct- suction self priming pumps. 0. Mechanical and Piping 1. All designs shall satisfy minimum requirements of State Health Code. 2. A Health Department approved air gap is required on all domestic water connections. 3. Provide an automatic blower system for *Ll underground areas to exchanqe air each six minutes, m inimurn. Design system to exhaust air from lowest point in station. 4. Provide an automatic sump pump (slope floor to sump). Sump pump discharge should be returned to wet well, -- 5. Provide standby capacity equal to largest single unit. 6. Use DeZurik or equal plug valves instead of gates. 7. Provide 1-1/2" metered fresh water service adjacent to each station. w w > b * 28 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 8. In case of power failure or other emergency, make 9. Sump pumps and blowers should be easily removable 10. Metal structures and supports shall not be mounted directly on floor; provide concrete pedestal. 11. From each pump to sump, provide 1" diameter PVC stuffing box drain line. 12. Piping layout shall provide for easy access to pumps for maintenance. Locate flexible coupling between valve and pump, 13. Provide guards for all moving parts of equipment which are a safety hazard. All piping shall be adequately braced. provision to bypass station. for maintenance. 14. Use valves on both suction and discharge lines. 15. Provide water supply with reduced pressure type back flow device as determined by the City of Carlsbad Utilities/Maintenance Department. 16. Provide individual hour meters with chart drives for each pump. 17. Dual pump systems must be set to alternate automatically with a manual by-pass switch. E. Actuation of Pumps 1. Provide a manual override switch to alternate lead pump in system. 2. The control system to actuate pumps is subject to approval of a specific design. Bubbler pressure type controls shall be used. Use of "reed" type bubbler air compressors is prohibited. F. Electrical e e , STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 29 1. -All electrical installation shall comply with Division of Industrial Safety requirements. 2. Use enclosed pre-fabricated electrical panels. 3. Provide running time meters and chart recorders for all motors and each pump (reset type). 4. Provide explosion proof electrical appurtenances below ground of approved type disconnect and time delay. 5. Provide separate blower system within all electrical panels located below ground (adequate ventilation). 6. Provide an approved type alternator. 7. A manual switch adjacent to motors which will 8. Adequate lighting shall be provided. 9. Color code all wiring. 10. Sewer pump/motor systems shall be 220 Volt - 3 phase. Upon specific approval by the Utilities/ Maintenance Department, 440V for larger systems may be used. All motors shall have adjustable overload protect ion. override the control panel shall be provided. 91. Alarms: a. Will be automatic dialing alarm Monitor Model 1510 (or approved equal): 1. High water 2. Low water - b. Power failure - all with normally open contacts. 12. Provide emergency generator hook-up for all stations with 25 HP or less. w * 30 STANOARD DESIGN CRITERIA 13. All lift stations that exceed 2'5 HP will have on- site emergency generator. and in pump area for night maintenance. 14. Adequate overhead lighting in work area to be fenced G. Painting 1. All painting work shall consist of a three coat minimum system, approved by the Engineer, and be applied in a manner to provide a uniform thickness and smooth appearance. 2. The paints shall be epoxy or approved equal, both 3. All surfaces to receive paint shall be properly cleaned, washed, sand-blasted, etched, etc., and dry. a. Interior walls - coat with light green semi- gloss enamel. b. Exterior walls - below grade - three coats hot- mopped asphalt; above grade - cream-colored, semi-gloss enamel. sulfide and mildew resistant. c. Ceiling - cream-colored, semi-gloss enamel. d. All equipment and machinery, including electrical conduit and fittings, motors, pumps, fans, sewage pipes, valves, etc. - light green, semi-gloss enamel. e. Special treatment For floors shall be incor- - porated into the design. H. Force Hains 1. Require special design and approval. 2. Material shall be reinforced plastic mortar, asbestos cement or mechanical joint ductile iron pipe, or P.V.C. pipe that meets A.W.W.A STD. C-900, as approved by the City Engineer. 4 e- d) * STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 31 3. .Minimum cover shall be 36”. The top of main elevation and profile shall be shown on the improvement plans. 4. Sulfide buildup i~ force mains should be investigated and provision for aeration and other protective measures taken as necessary. 5. Design shall provide for surge protection. An analysis should accompany design calculations for each specific project. -- w v . * 32 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA DRAINAGE - DESIGN CRITERIA 1. GENERAL A. All drainage design and requirements shall be in accor- dance with the latest City of Carlsbad Master Drainage Plan and the requirements of the City Engineer and be based on full development of upstream tributary basins. 8. Public drainage facilities shall be designed to carry the ten-year storm underground, the 50-year storm to the top of curb and the 100-year storm to the right-of-way line. C. The use of underground storm drain systems, in addition to standard curb and gutter shall be required: 1. When flooding or street overflow during 100-year storm will cause serious damange. 2. When 100-year storm flow from future upstream development (as proposed in the existing General Plan) will cause drainage problems. 3. When existing adequate drainage facilities are available for use (adjacent to proposed development). 4. When more than one travel lane of arterial and collector streets would be obstructed by storm water based on 10-year storm. D. The use of underground storm drain sytems may be required: 1. When the water level in streets at the design storm - is within two inches of top of curb. 2. When velocity of water in streets exceeds 11 FPS. 3. When the water travels more than 1,000 feet overland. 0 0 c STANDARD DESIGN CRITERXA 33 E. Permanent open drainage ditches will not be permitted in public right-of-way. F. The type of drainage facility. shall be selected on the basis of physical and cultural adaptability to the proposed land use. Open channels may'be considered in lieu of underground systems when the peak flow exceeds the capacity of a 48-inch diameter RCP. Open channels shall be Fenced. G. Permanent drainage facilities and right-of-way, includ- ing access, shall be provided from development to point of satisfactory disposal. H. Concentrated drainage shall not be discharged to City streets unless specifically approved by the City Engineer . I. Diversion of drainage from natural or existing basins shall be discouraged. 2. HYDROLOGY A. Offsite, use a blue-line print OF the latest edition 200 scale San Diego County Topographic Survey Mapping. Show existing culverts, cross-gutters and drainage courses based on field review. Indicate the direction of Flow; clearly delineate each drainage basin showing the area and discharge and the point of concentration. 8. Onsite, use the grading plan. IF grading is not pro- posed, then use a 100 scale plan or greater enlargement. Show all proposed and existing drainage facilities and drainage courses. Indicate the direction of flow. Clearly delineate each drainage basin showing the area and discharge and the point OF concentration. C. Use the charts in the Master Drainage Plan for Finding the 'IT 'I and llI". New material From San Diego Flood Control bfanual may supercede City data. 0. Use the existing or ultimate development, whichever -- gives the highest fcC't factor. e a . 34 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA E. Use the -rational formula 9 = CIA for watersheds less than 0.5 square mile unless an alternate method is approved by the City Engineer. For watersheds in excess of 0.5 square mile, the method of analysis shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to submitting calculations. 3. HYDRAULICS A. Street - provide: 1. Depth of gutter flow calculation. 2. Inlet calculations . 3. Show gutter Flow 0, inlet 0, and bypass 0 on a plan OF the street. 8. Storm Drain Pipes and Open Channels - provide: 1. Hydraulic loss calculations for: entrance, friction, junction, access holes, bends, angles, reduction and enlargement. 2. Analyze existing conditions upstream and downstream from proposed system, to be determined by the City Engineer on a CaSe-by-CaSe basis. 3. Calculate critical depth and normal depth for open channel flow conditions. 4. Show the HGL plotted on a scale drawing OF the pipe or channel profile. Include this information on the profile of the construction plans. _- 5. Design for non-silting velocity of 4 FPS in a two- year Frequency storm unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 6. All outlets shall show HGL, velocity and Q value(s) for which the storm drain is designed to discharge. 4 0 0 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 35 4. INLETS - A. Curb inlets at a sump condition should be designated for two CFS per lineal foot of opening when. headwater may rise to the top of curb. 8. Curb inlets on a continuous grade should be designed based on the following equation: 3/2 Q = 0.7 L (a + y) Where y = depth of flow in approach gutter in feet a = depth of depression of flow line at inlet in L = length of clear opening in feet Q = flow in CFS feet. C. Grated inlets should be avoided when possible. When necessary, the design should be based on the Bureau of Public Roads Nomographs (now known as the Federal Highway Administration). All grated inlets shall be bicycle proof. D. All catch basins shall have an access hole in the top unless access through the grate section satisfactory to the City Engineer is provided. E. Catch basins/curb inlets shall be located so as to eliminate, whenever possible, cross gutters. Catch basins/curb inlets shall not be located within ten-feet (10') of any curb return or driveway. F. Minimum connector pipe shall be 18". G. Flow through inlets may be used on the upper reach of drainage systems when pipe size is 24" or less and open channel flow characteristics exist. -- 5. STORM DRAINS A. Minimum pipe slope shall be .005 (.5%) unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. e a * 36 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA B. Minimum Qtorm drain, within public right of way, size C. Provide cleanouts at 300' maximum spacing and at angle points and at breaks in grade greater than 10'. For pipes 48" in diameter and larger, a maximum spacing of 500' may be used. 0. The material for storm drains shall be reinforced concrete pipe or asbestos cement pipe designed in con- formance with San Diego County Flood Control District's design criteria, as modified by Carlsbad Standard Specifications. Corrugated steel pipe shall not be used. Plastic/rubber collars shall be prohibited. E. Horizontal and vertical curves shall be avoided. If proposed, specific approval of the City Engineer is required. F. The pipe invert elevations, slope, pipe profile and hydraulic grade line shall be delineated on the mylar of the improvement plans. The strength classification of any pipe shall be shown on the plans. Minimum D-load for RCP shall be 1350 in all City streets or future rights-of-way. ACP shall have 1.5 times the minimum 0-load required for RCP. G. For special designs - for all drainage designs not covered in these Standards, the current San Oieqo County Hydrology and Design and Procedure Manual shall be used. shall be 18" diameter. I _. H. For storm drain discharging into unprotected or natural channel, proper energy dissipation measures shall be installed to prevent damage to the channel or excessive erosion. I. The use of detention basins to even out storm peaks and reduce piping is permitted with substantiating engineering calculation and proper maintenance agreements. e 0 * STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 37 J. Ocsiltation measures for silt caused by development shall be provided and cleaned weekly during the rainy season (October 1st to April 15th) and after major rainfall as necessary. K. Protection of downstream or adjacent properties from incremental flows (caused by change From an undeveloped to a developed site) shall be provided. Such flows shall not be concentrated and directed across unprotected adjacent properties unless an easement and storm drains or channels to contain Flows are provided. I. Unprotected downstream channels shall have erosion and grade control structures installed to prevent degradation, erosion, alteration or donncutting of the channe 1 banks -- 0 38 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA PRIVATE STREET/DRIVEYAY CRITERIA 1. ACCESS A. All private streets and driveways shall adhere to intersection spacing, Department Policy No. 22 and any amendments thereto. 8. Sight distance to and from all streets and driveways shall meet minimum City Standards. C. Where private streets meet public streets, Public Street Standards shall apply (access, ramps and utilities). 0. Private street widths shall be as Follows: - 1. Single family or Duplex Minimum Width [ from 2 1.45.090 (h ) ] Curb to Curb Two (2) lanes, parking 36 feet on both sides Two (2) lanes, parking 32 feet on one side Two (2) lanes, no parking 30 feet serving twelve (12) or less units with off street parking bays 2. Multi-Family Attached Minimum Width Curb to Curb - Private Driveways (No 30 feet Parking) E. Comrnercial/industrial parking lots and driveways: 1. Minimum aisle widths shall be in accordance with Section 21.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. I e 0 + STANDARO DESIGN CRITERIA 39 2. Aisle width adjacent to buildings where truck loading bays are not provided shall be a minimum of 32 feet wide. F. Sidewalks: 1. All private streets and driveways shall provide for pedestrian and handicapped access to all units or buildings proposed. 2. When consistent with City Policy, sidewalks may be deleted on one or both sides of the street along low use, single fronted or cul-de-sac streets with the approval of the City Engineer and Planning Director. 3. Meandering sidewalks ace encouraged. 2. CIRCULATION A. All private streets and driveways shall provide a queuing area free of backing and intersection conflicts. The queuing area shall be a minimum of twenty Feet (20') for each 1,000 ADT or Fraction thereof (i.e., 3,500 ADT = 80 feet). Queuing depth shall be measured from the back of the sidewalk. 6. Industrial and large commercial projects shall provide for semi-tractor trailer circulation and loading. The design vehicle shall be a semi-tractor trailer per California Department of Transportation Highway Design Manual, Figure 4070. C. Office, small commercial and light industrial projects shall provids access and circulation for a Forty foot (42') truck or bus per California Department of Transportation Highway Design Manual, Figure 407E. 0. All projects shall provide access and circulation to trash enclosures. The design vehicle parameters and turning radius for a trash truch shall be the same as the truck or bus design ment.ion above, Figure 407E. 0 0 40 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA E. All loading zones, truck bays and turn-arounds shall be free of parking stalls and obstructions. Loading zones shall not obstruct free movement and circulation of passenger cars. F. All parking lots with an ADT greater than twenty (ZO), or more than two (2) units shall provide an approved turn-around or internal circulation to preclude backing onto City or private streets. G. Maximum fall across parking areas shall be five percent (5%). H. Reciprocal access for adjacent lots shall be provided where feasible. (future development shall be considered I. Typically, the private streets or driveways are dedi- cated as "public utility and access easements." Water, sewer, gas and electric, cable television, telephone and storm drain facilities may be included within this general easement. J. Circulation Design shall vary depending upon land use. For example, if a site changes from commercial to industrial (or vice versa) the parking, access and circulation will also change to accommodate the specific land use. 3. DRAINAGE A. Concrete swales between parking lot aisles are discour- aged . Tipped sections with concrete curb and gutters are preferred. 8. Hydrology and hydraulic design shall be in accordance with -Public Orainage Standards. Pipe sizing and ,mater- ial specifications shall be designed by a Registered Civil Engineer and subject to the approval of the City Engineer. sidewalks onto public or private streets. * C. Concentrated site drainage may not surface flow across D. Special design shall be required for all parking lots which, by design, may retain storm waters to reduce down stream flooding. * 0 0 STANOARD DESIGN CRITERIA 41 E. Publ-ic storm drains may be included within the "general utility and access easement" if specifically approved by the City of Carlsbad. 4. STRUCTURAL SECTION A. Private streets shall be constructed with the same structural sections as public streets (D.G. is not permitted). 8. Parking lots and driveways shall be designed based upon a traffic index of 4.5 and the 'R' value of the soil(s) at the project site as determined by a Registered Soils Engineer. Minimum section shall be two inches (2") asphalt concrete on six inches (6") decomposed granite or four inches (4") Class I1 base. Modifications of this Standard may be made if approved by the City- Engineer. C. Truck routes through parking lots or aisles with an ADT greater than 500 shall be designed with a traffic index of 5.0. All areas in front of trash enclosures shall be designed for heavy loading, minimum 4" A.C. over 6" Class I1 base. NOTE: All other Standards for the City of Carlsbad shall apply to private streets. Variations From these Standards may be allowed with the approval of the City Engineer and Planning Director. - -. 0 0 42 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA CARLS8AD IHPROVEHENT PLANS GENERAL NOTES 1. All work shall be done according to the approved plans and specifications, the current Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction (Green Book), the San Diego Regional Standard Drawings as modified by the City of Carlsbad Standards, the City of Carlsbad Supplemental Standard Drawings and all applicable City of Carlsbad Ordinances. 2. The contractor shall design, construct and maintain all safety devices, including shoring, and shall be solely responsible for conforming to all local, State and Federal safety and health standards, laws and regulations. 3. The contractor shall conform to Labor Code Section 6705 by submitting a detail plan to the City Engineer and/or concerned agency showing the design of shoring, bracing, sloping or other provisions to be made for worker protection from the hazard of caving ground during the excavation of such trench or trenches or during the pipe installation therein. This plan must be prepared for all trenches Five feet (5') or more in depth and approved by the City Engineer and/or concerned agency prior to excavation. If the plan varies From the shoring system standards established by the construction safety orders, the plan shall be prepared by a registered civil or structural engineer at the contractor's expense. 4. The existence and location of utility structures and facilities shown on the construction plans were obtained by a search of the available records. Attention is called to the possible existence of other utility Facilities or structures not known or in a location different from that shown on the plans. The contractor is required to take due precautionary measures to protect the utilities shown on the plans and any other existing facilities or structures not shown. 4 0 0 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 43 5. The contractor shall verify the location of all existing facilities (aboveground and underground) within the project site sufficiently ahead of the construction to permit the revision of the construction plans if it is found the actual locations are in conflict with the proposed work. 6. The contractor shall notify affected utility comDanies at least 48-hours prior to starting construction near their facilities and shall coordinate the work with company representative. (NOTE: Current phone numbers of all affected utilities shall be shown on the plans.) 7. No work shall be commenced until all permits have been obtained from the City and other appropriate agencies. The contractor shall notify the City of Carlsbad at least five (5) working days prior to starting construction so that - inspection may be provided. (Phone 438-3550) performed by a qualified soils engineer is required. Compaction reports shall be submitted to the Public Works Inspector upon completion of the work. 8. Where trenches are within City easements, a soils report. 9. No revisions will .be made to the construction plans without the written approval of the City Engineer noted within the revision block on the appropriate sheet of the plans. 10. Access for fire and other emerqency .vehicles shall be maintained to the project site at all times during the construction. 11. Revisions of these plans may be required if the proposed improvements are not constructed prior to the expiration of the Improvement Agreement. 12. City approval of plans does not relieve the developer or Engineer-of-work from responsibility for the correction of error and omission discovered during construction. Upon request the required plan revisions shall be promptly submitted to the City Engineer for approval. -- a 0 44 STANOARD DESIGN CRITERIA STREET NOTES 1. The structural section shown on the plans is the minimum section required by the City. Actual structural sections will be determined after the "R" value test has been conducted by a qualified soils engineer on the prepared sub- base material. The "R" value test and engineered structural section muat be approved by the Engineering Inspector prior to the installation of base and paving materials. Structural sections differing from the minimum shall be noted on the "as-built" drawings. 2. A right-of-way permit is required from the Engineering Department prior to start of any construct,ion within City right-of-way. 3. Street lights shall be installed as shown on the Plans. Underground conduit runs, service points and hand-holes shall be shown on the l'as-builtI1 plans. 4. All underground utilities and laterals shall be installed prior to construction of curbs, cross gutters or surfacing of streets. 5. Storm drain pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe with a minimum 0-load of 1,350 or asbestos concrete pipe with a minimum 0-load of 2,000. 6. Wheelchair ramps shall be installed at curb returns per requirements of State Uniform Building Code, Title 24. 7. Street trees shall be installed at an average interval not to exceed-- one (1) tree per forty-foot (40') of frontage. Trees shall be planted in conformance with City of Carlsbad Standard GS-8 and the requirements of the Parks and Recreation Director. Trees are to be planted a minimum of four-feet (4') from the edge of the sidewalk. 8. Fire hydrant markers shall be placed in the street adjacent to all new and existing fire hydrants in conformance with requirements of San Diego Regional Standard M-19. 0 a STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 45 SEWER NOTES 1. Laterals and mains shall be 100% air tested after construc- tion of other utilities as specified in the City of Carlsbad Standard Specifications. 2. All mains shall be constructed with a three-foot (3') mini- mum depth to top of pipe in private streets, maximum depth of twelve-feet (12') to top of pipe, unless otherwise approved, approved by the Engineering Inspector prior to backfilling. bedding in accordance with the appropriate standard drawing. 5. All laterals shall be constructed to a minimum five-foot (5') depth (to top of pipe) at property line and shall be clear of driveways. All laterals shall be clearly marked with an ''S" on the curb and shall be shown on the "as-built" drawings. equivalent to the road section (,It minimum). 3. All sewer lines and appurtenances shall be inspected and 4. All pipes shall have a four-inch (4") minimum crushed rock- 6, All access holes shall be patched with "hot mix" A.C. 7. Single-family residential lots shall be served by a four- inch (4'') V.C.P. lateral set at a minimum grade of two percent (2.0%) with a minimum drop of 0.3 feet. 8. Clean-outs shall be installed on all laterals at the property line using a wye connection in accordance with the requirements of the Engineering Inspector. 9. Two (2) sets of cut sheets shall be provided to the Engi- neering Inspector. 10. Prior to acceptance of any sewer line by the City, all mains shall be flushed clean using the "Wayne" ball method and mandrel1 tested. m 0 46 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA COSTA REAL WATER SYSTEM NOTES 1. Water main and appurtenances shall be constructed in accordance with the Costa Real Municipal Water District's (or other district, if applicable) Standard Plans and Specifications, 1987 Edition. 2. The contractor shall obtain an excavation permit from the Division of Industrial Safety before any excavation and shall adhere to all provisions of the State Construction Safety Orders. 3. Before any connection or shut down of valves on existing CRMWD lines, a permit shall be obtained from the CRMWD office and must be signed and approved by District Engineer and District Superintendent. 4. A preconstruction conference meeting shall be held a minimum of seven (7) days before construction begins. 5. The contractor shall notify Costa Real Municipal Water District 48-hours prior to starting work so the inspection may be provided and shall coordinate his work with district representatives (Phone 619-438-3367). -- e 0 I STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 47 GRADING NOTES (IN ADDITION TO REQUIREMENTS OF 11.06 OF THE CARLSEAO MUNICIPAL CODE.) 1. A permit From the City Engineer will be required For any work in the City right-of-way. 2. Approval of these plans by the City Engineer does not authorize- any work or grading to be performed until the property owner's ,permission has been obtained and a valid grading permit has been issued. 3. All operations conducted on the site or adjacent thereto, including the warming up, repair, arrival, departure or- running of trucks, earthmoving equipment, construction equipment and any other associated grading equipment shall be limited to the period between 7:OO A.M. and sunset each day, Monday through Friday, and no earthmoving or grading operations shall be conducted on the premises on weekends or (Obtain a list of City holidays From the ming Department counter.) 4. All off-site haul routes shall be submitted by the contractor to the City Engineer for approval 48-hours prior to beginning of work. 5. Import material shall be obtained from, and waste material shall be deposited at a site approved by the City Engineer. The contractor shall be responsible For any debris or damage occurring along the haul routes or adjacent streets as a direct result of the grading operation. 6. A preconstruction conference shall be held at the site prior to beginning of work and shall be attended by all representatives responsible for construction, inspection, . supervision, testing and all other aspects of the work. 7. Brush shall be removed only within the area to be graded. No trees are to be removed unless specifically noted on the plan. 0 0 I 48 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 8. All areas shall be graded to draF7. Improper grading 9. Where an existing pipe line is to be abandoned as the result of the grading operation, it shall be removed within twenty feet (20') of building or street areas and replaced with properly compacted soils. In other areas the pipe should be completely plugged with concrete or removed. 10. A soils compaction report and compliance verification regarding adherence to recommendat ions out lined in the soils report is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. All grading shall be done under the direction of a qualified soils engineer. All fill or future fill areas shall be constructed in accordance with the City of Carlsbad Standard Specificat ions and the "Earthwork Specifications" attached to the preliminary soils investigation. 11. Contractor shall provide erosion control measures to control soil movement satisfactory to the City Engineer. In the event the site is exposed to erosion during the period from November 16th to April 14th, special erosion controls shall be required. Erosion control measures shall include, but are not limited to, slope protection, stilling basins, sandbags, and storm drains. 12. All earthen swales and ditches shall have minimum one percent (1%) slope. resulting in the ponding of water is not permitted. 13. All cut and fill slopes shall be trimmed to a finish grade to produce a smooth and uniform surface or cross section. The site shall be left in a neat and orderly condition. All stones, roots or other debris shall be removed and disposed of at a site approved by the City Engineer. 14. As soon as grading is completed, slopes shown shall be established by hydroseeding, mulching and fertilization. The seed mix shall be designed by an expert in the field and shall be approved by the Parks and Recreation Director. The mulch shall be applied at not less than 2,000 pounds per acre and the fertilizer at not less than 1,000 pounds per acre unless otherwise specified and approved by the City Engineer. L e 0 I STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 49 15. Permit8 -for work in the pubic right-of-way shall not be issued until a certificate of insurance is filed that names the City of Carlsbad as additional insured on the permittee's policy in an amount of at least $100,000.00 for each occurrence of liability. 16. All retaining walls to be constructed under separate permit which must be obtained From the Building Oepartment prior to grading permit. 17. All slopes shall be planted and/or hydroseeded within ten (10) days following rough grade certification. Failure to complete hydroseed operation within thirty (30) days shall be reason for the City of Carlsbad to stop all construction activity on the project. 18. Finish grading and planting shall be accomplished on all slopes prior to October 1 or immediately upon completion OF- any slopes graded between October 1 and April 1. Pads or other relatively level areas shall be planted as directed by the City Engineer. - e 1 L 50 STANOARO DESIGN CRITERIA TYPICAL EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. In case emergency work is required, contact at (phone number). 2. Equipment and workers for emergency work shall be made available at all times during the rainy season. All necessary materials shall be stockpiled on site at conven- ient locations to facilitate rapid construction of temporary devices when rain is emminent. 3. Devices shown on plans shall not be moved or modified nith- out the approval of the Engineering Inspector. 4. The contractor shall restore all erosion control devices to working order to the satisfaction of the City Engineer after each run-off producing rainfall. 5. The contractor shall install additional erosion control measures as may be required by the City Engineer due to uncompleted grading operations or unforeseen circumstances which may arise. 6. The contractor shall be responsible and shall take necessary precautions to prevent public trespass onto areas where impounded waters create a hazardous condition. 7. All erosion control measures provided per the approved grad- ing plan shall be incorporated hereon. 8. Graded areas around the ‘project perimeter must drain away from the face of slope at the conclusion of each working day. 9. All removable protective devices shown shall be in place at the end of each working day when the five (5) day rain probability forecast exceeds forty percent (40%). Silt and other debris shall be removed after each rainfall, , 0 0 , STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 51 GRADING PLAN CERTIFICATES The soils report titled 9 prepared by 9 dated , 19 f shall be considered as a part of this grading plan. All grading shall be done in accordance with the recommendations and specifications contained in said soils report. SOILS ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE 1, , a Registered Civil Engineer of the State of California, principally doing business- in the field of applied soil mechanics, hereby certify that a sampling and study of the soil conditions prevalent within this site was made by me or under my direction between the dates of- . One (1) complete copy of the soils report compiled from this study, with my recommendations, has been submitted to the Office of the City Engineer. SIGNED: R.C.E. NO.: 9 19- and 9 19- (SEAL) DATE: LICENSE EXPIRATION DATE: -- OWNER'S CERTIfICATE I (we) hereby certify that a Registered Soils Engineer or Geologist has been or will be retained to supervice over-all grading activity and advise on the compaction and stability of this site. NAME DATE 1 e 0 52 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA STANDARD SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR USE IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE AGC/APWA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION 1-2 DEFINITIONS Add the following: "Agreement - The written agreement with the City of Carlsbad covering the performance of the developer's improvement work which shall include and make reference to plans, specifica- tions, and faithful performance bonds; also, any and all supplemental agreements amending or extending the work contem- plated and which may be required to complete the work in a substantial and acceptable manner. Supplemental agreements are written agreements covering alterations, amendments or extensions to the agreement and may include contract change orders. "Final Acceptance - A written notification by the City relieving the developer of the maintenance responsibilities under the public improvement agreement for improvements constructed in accordance with approved plans and specificat ions notwithstanding the developer's obligations for the one year guarantee or warranty period under the agreement. The date of the final acceptance shall be the start date of the one year guarantee or warranty period and the date the City assumes the maintenance responsibilities. "Contractor - In addition to the definition given, "Contractor" shall mean the developer. "Developer - The person or persons, firm, partnership, corporation, joint venture, or combination thereof, who have entered into an agreement with the City of Carlsbad to construct pub 1 ic imp tov emen t s . "Standard Drawings - Standard drawings shall mean the San Diego Area Regional Standard Drawings current edition together with the City of Carlsbad modifications thereto and the Clty of Carlsbad Supplemental Standard Drawings. e e 53 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA "Referenced Oocuments - The following documents form a part 1. The development plans prepared by the developer's 2. The City/developer agreements setting forth the requirements for construction of the work shown on the development plans. I' of these specifications: engineer and approved by the City Engineer. For the following sections, delete, revise or add as specified. 2.9 SURVEYING . 2-9.3 Survey Service. Delete first and third "Unless otherwise specified, all construction survey- ing shall be performed under the supervision of a Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor at the expense of the contractor.!' paragraphs and substitute the following: 4.1 MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP 4-1.4 Tests of Materials. Revise the last sentence of Paragraph 1 to read: "For private contracts, all expense for testing and retesting shall be borne by the developer or permit tee. It 7-10 PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY 7:20.3 Street Closures, Detours, Barricades. Add to the first paragraph: "Traffic controls shall be in accordance with Section 8-550 of Division of Highways Planning Manual, Part 8. In the event that the contractor fails to install barricades or such other warning devices as may be required by the Engineer, the City may, at its sole option, install the warning devices and charge the contractor $lO/day/warning device." * * 0 54 STANDARD DESXGN CRITERIA "7-10.5 Hours of Work. All work shall normally be performed between the hours of 7:OO a.m. and sunset from Mondays through Fridays. The contractor shall obtain the approval of the Engineer if he/she desires to work outside the hours stated herein." 200-1 ROCK PRODUCTS 200-1.1 General. "Alternate Rock Material - Type S may be used on the work (Ref. Section 400>." 207-20 PIPE APPURTENANCES "207-20.7 General. Unless otherwise specified, all pipe appurtenances shall comply with the appropriate standard drawing of the City of Carlsbad." 306-1.2 INSTALLATXON OF PIPE "After completion of all work, except the street or. trench resurfacing, an approved type sewer ball equal to the diameter of the pipe shall be sent through sewers from the uppermost structure. The contractor shall, at his/her own expense, furnish all materials, including water, for carrying out the operation and removing any obstructions that prevent the ball from traveling through the pipe. "All exposed piping shall be adequately supported with devices of appropriate design." 306-1,.2.3 Field Jointing of Clay Pipe. Add the following: "Only Type F or G joints are acceptable for vitrified clay pipe. All other provisions of this section apply." 309 MONUMENTS -- 309-2 Materials. Delete the last sentence. 309-4 Payment. Delete "(except marker plates)." m rn I 55 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 400-2 UNTREATED BASE MATERIALS 400-2.2 Base Material. Revise to read: "When base material without further qualification is specified, the contractor shall supply disintegrated granite. Processed natural material shall be provided for all streets with a design traffic index of 7.0 or greater or a design grade df 12 percent or g rea t e r . I' 400-4.3 Combines Aggregates. Add the following: "The exact percentage to be included in the mix shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer." -- e e 56 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA l4ODIFICATIONS TO SAN OIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWINGS The Standard Drawings for the City of Carlsbad shall be comprised of the current edition of the San Diego Area Regional Standard Drawings (SDRSD) as published by the San Diego Department of Transportation and as modified by the additions and substitutions listed below and the City of Carlsbad Supplemental Standards attached hereto. Modifications to the San Oiego Area Regional Standard Drawings D- General modification; refer to City of Carlsbad Engineer- ing Department Policy regarding installation of steps in all drainage structures. 0-2 Add: Width (including "TVt) to back of sidewalk, typically 5' (not 4'3"). - - 0-20 Delete. 0-27 Add: A maximum of three (3) combined outlets in lieu of Std. 0-25. D-40 Add: 'IT" dimension shall be a minimum of three (3) times size of rip rap. 0-70 Minimum width shall be 6' to facilitate cleaning. 0-75 Delete IrType-A" Add: 6" X 6" X #lO X #10 welded wire mesh, instead of stucco netting. E-1 Qelete direct burial foundation. Add: The light standard shall be prestressed concrete round pole. G 1. General Modification: Minimum 6" Class I1 base material requireed under all curb, gutter and 4" under sidewalk. 2. Concrete requirement within public right of way shall be 560-C-3250. G-3 Delete. m 0 57 STANOARD DESIGN CRITERiA G-4 Delete G-11 Add: Remove curb/gutter and sidewalk from score-mark to score-mark or From joint to joint or approved combination. G-12 Add: smooth trowel flow line (typical). G-13 Add: smooth trowel Flow line (typical). G-14 Change: Residential Thickness = 5-1/211 Commercial Thickness = 7-1/2" (2-15 Delete requirement 3 G-26 Change: Thickness from 5-1/2" to 7-1/2" Add: Minimum 4" Class I1 base material required under all curb, gutter and sidewalk. M General: Agency shall be "City of Carlsbad" M-2 Add: To be used only with specific approval of the City S General: Refer to City of Carlsbad Engineering Depart- ment Policy regarding installation of steps in all sewer manholes. Engineer. s-4 Add: Type 'IC" shall be used for all plastic pipe. s -9 Add: The distance along the pipe between the anchors shall be 16' for 1:l slopes, 18' for 1-1/2:1 slopes; 20' for 2:l slopes and 24' for 3:l slopes. S-13 Add: --5) Clean-out shall be constructed three feet (3') above rough grade. Upon completion of surface improve- ments, clean-out shall be flush to grade in concrete box with top marked "SEWER". S-14 Delete. e 0 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA 58 INDEX TO CITY Of CARLSFJAD SUPPLEHENTAL STANOARD DRAWINGS Drainage Improvements DS-1 ----------- Local Depression for Concrete Gutters DS-3 - - - - - - - - - - - Desiltation Basin Outlet and Capacity DS-5 - - - - - - - - - - - Concrete Pipe Collar 05-6 - - - - - - - - - - - Transition Structure No. 1 05-7 - - - - - - - - - - - Junction Structure No. 2 DS-8 - - - - - - - - - - - Transition Structure No. 3 05-9 - - - - - - - - - - - Connection to Curb Inlet General Surface Improvements GS-1 - - - - - - - - - - - Standard Street Width GS-lA- - - - - - - - - - - Hillside Street Width GS-2 - - - - - - - - - - - Standard Knuckle GS-3 - - - - - - - - - - - Concentric Cul-de-sac GS-4 - - - - - - - - - - - Offset Cul-de-sac GS-5 - - - - - - - - - - - Temporary Turn-around GS-6 - - - - - - - - - - - Standard Locations of Underground GS-7 - - - - - - - - - - - Typical Alley Section GS-8 - - - - - - - - - - - Parkway Tree Planting GS-9 - - - - - - - - - - - Special X-Gutter GS-lO- - - - - - - - - - - Special X-Gutter Design Chart GS-11- ----.- - - - - - - - Median Taper and Nose Flare GS-12- - - - - - - - - - - Typical Driveway Key Detail GS-13- - - - - - - - - - - 6" and 8" Curb Key Detail GS-14- - - - - - - - - - - Grading of Slopes and Required GS-15- - - - - - - - - - - Typical Lot Grading GS-16- - - - - - - - - - - Typical Trash Enclosure GS-17- - - - - - - - - - - Structural Section of Streets and Alleys GS-18- - - - - - - - - - - Hail Box Standard OS-2 - e - - - - - - - - - Table - Brow Ditch Debris Rack 05-4 - - - - - - - - - - Utilities Set backs W * 59 STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA General Surface Improvements (continued) GS-19- - - - - - - - - - - Street Lighting Specifications GS-20- - - - - - - - - - - Asphalt/Concrete Paving Requirements GS-21- - - - - - - - - - - Concrete Pull 80x for Traffic Signal and Street Lights Sewer Improvements SS-1 - - - - - - - - - - - Concrete Drop Access Hole SS-2 - - - - - - - - - - - Shallow Access Hole 55-3 - - - - - - - - - - - Sewer Lateral/Cleanout Detail Water Improvements wS-1 - - - - - - - - - - - Electric Utilities Crossicg Water Lines -- I CONTINUOUS PLAN 25' 2.5' GRADE - FLOW fl ,-TOPOFCURB W-j - fL0W I I L 1- *I~~ 2- I a ' A 0 k GUTTd -&77-:-.=ii-. f .':e $1 A* SECTION - NOTE CUR6 FACE TRANSITIONS AN0 WAI AREAS SHALL NOT EXTEND INTO ( RETURNS, DRIVEWAYS, ALLEY - ENTRANCES, OR ANY OTHER CUR6 OPENING. I I 5.5' 5' 5.5' - CURB INLET - 7 I r------ I I , L-------J i I I I W*l // f v pl a 1- I ILi - FLOW, CONDITION PLAN __ . .- TOPOFCURS\ FLOW - I ill I .r t J +[ GUTTER ;?:. -?*?.?:-.-. SECTION - z L j0-l REV. APPROVED DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY EWNCER e t I INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -- J REV. APPROVED DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD 3ATE CifY EYGINEER I OS-2 ' SUPPLEMENTAL STANOARD NO. J L - e 0 BASIN CAPACITY TABLE TO STORY DRAIN OR WATER COURSE 08LIQUE VIEW IS"C.S.C! OR EQUIVALEN ALL JOINTS WATERTIGtll W= WIDTH AS DEI MINED 8Y ENGINE1 8E SHOWN OM PL NOTES 1 ) OESILTAllON BASINS BUILT ON L ADJACENT TO OWELLINGS SHA COMPLETELY LINED WITH 3"Gl S'C4NWlE-I6"C.S.P WIM Z"P€RFORATK)(US AT 8"O.C 2)WlTH TANDEM BASINS CHANNE USE CUTOFF WALL AT END OF SPILL WAY. PLAN OR RIP RAP PER STD. 0-40 SECTION A-A ~ ---dl la-/ CITY E"CLR C SUREMENTAL REV. APPROVED M7E CITY OF CARLS8AD I eTnvnrsn - ng i OESILTATION BASIN OUTLET AND CAPAClTY TABLE r 0 e @ R€OlON A8OV€ 0€8RIS AREA SUFFICIENT To 2"GAlVANlZEO IRON PASS THE -ION FLOW k PIPE AT I2"O.C. VERT FILLED WITH MORTAR m ENCASEMENT SECTION A-A 1 6' StLINOAm [I , \I +- d DEBRIS RACK-SEE S€CTlON A-A FOR COIU~CTlOCY =mu L PLAN . TRANSITION ELEVATION --- CITY OF CARLS8AD x L /&/<-a 3. newrOve0 WE OATX UTY EWER I BROW DITCH DEBRIS RACK 1-1 M STAW?lARn m.Ds4 ? L 0 0 c 3-#4 CIRCULAR TIES NOTES 1) A CONCReTE COLLAR IS REQUIRED WHER€ THE CHANGE IN ORAOE EXCEEDS 0.10 PT. PER Ft. 2) WHERE PlP€S OF DIFFERENT DIAMETERS ARE JOINED WITH A CONCRETE COLLAR,L AND T SHALL BE THOSE OF THE LARGER P!P€. 0s 01m 02 WHICHEVER IS GREATER. 3) FOR PIPES LARGfR THAN 66" A SPECIAL COLLAR 4) FOR PIP€ SUE NOT LISTED USE NEXT SIZE LARGER 5) OMIT REINCORCINO ON PIPES 24" AND LESS IN OETAIL IS REQUIRED. OlAMLtEA AN0 ON AU PIPES WHERE ANGLE A IS LESS THAN IO.. THC CIRCULAR TIES SHALL BE OY2xWAUMICKNESZ 6) WHERE REINFORCING IS REQUlA€D THE OIAMETER Of 7) WHEN ol IS EOUAL TO OR LESS THAN %,JOIN INVERT AN0 WHEN 01 IS GREATER THAN 02JOIh SOFFITS. SUREMENTAL me A(Af?CH) SEE NOTE5 8 CONSTRUCTIW JOINT SEE NOTE7 SECTION 8-8 'I P€ 1 OR PLAN 1" BOX OR ARCH TO PIPE USE CONSTRUCTION JOINT OF BOX OR ARCH. BOX TO ARCH US E CONSTRUCTION JOIN T OF BOX. --- 1 * ARCH MAYHAVQ A 7- CIRCULAR, ELUPTICAL HORSESHO€-SHIIQED, OR SIMILAR CROSS SfCTION. 1). CONCRETE SHALL 6E TYPE 564-C-3000, 2). AT PIP€ JUNCTURE, EMBEDWNT P SHALL 8€ 5 INCHES COR PIPE SIZES Of 96 INCH€S OR 31. THE HORIZONTAL ANGLE OF DIVBWNCE OR CONVERGENCE, 8, SHALL NOT EXCEED 5.M' 4). RLIWFOIPCINO STEEL OAR SIZES, SPACINO, PATTERN AN0 COVER OVER THE STEEL SHALL LESS, AND 6 INCHES FOR PIP€ SIZES OVER 96 INCHES. 8L AS FOLLOWSr- BOX r0 P!P€ AN0 BQX To ARCH: THAT OF 80% SECTION ARCH TO PIPE: THAT OF ARCH S€CTION ARCH TO ARCH: THAT OF ARCH SECTION HAVING THE THICXER WALLS TH€ 6uI LEIYBTHS SHALL VARY UNIFORMLY THROUGHOUT THE TRANSITION 8OX TOPIPE AN0 ARCH To PIP€: THATWARCH OR BOX SECTION UNLESS THE WALLTHICK- NESS OF IX PIPE RUS 4"IS WATER,M WCH CASE TH€ CONCRETE THICKNESS SHALLVARY UNIFORMLY FROM THATOF r)# ARCH OR BOX SECTION To THATOC THE PIPE WALL RUS 4': BOX TO ARCH AND ARCH TO ARCH: THAT OF THE L10301NHQ box Of? ARCH SECTION AT EACH EN0 Of THE TRANSltlON AN0 SHAU VARY UNIFORMLY BETWEEN THE TWO ENDS. 6). THE INTERIOR SURFACE SHALL BE SMOOTH AMI VARY UNIFO-Y BETW€EN 7H€ ADJOININQ S~CTIONS. n. KEYED CONStRUCflON JOINTS Of TH€ SAM€ DlMENSlONS AS THOSE OF THE BOX OR ARCH S€CTION MAY BE CARFIlIED T'HCKXIOH TH€ TRANSITION StRUCTUR€ AT CONTRLUSrOR'S OPnON. 5). THE CONCRLTE THICKNCSS SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: gL /O-'Z5- APPROV€D WE CITY OF CARLSBAD TY cm)mCta b I I SUePCEYINTAL *a * 1 TRANSITION STRUCTURE 1 6- 4 f 1). Jl"fm SnUCnJRL Ho.2 13 TO l3g USED wne 1s MEAlTJQ THAN 1/2 'TWL 1.0. OF 0, OR 8 13 $WN 24 INCWES. 8 SHALL NOT EXCEED 9/40 ,( INCHgS. NOTE: NO MORE THAN ONE ORNiNG kllm IN ONE SECTION OF PI=. 210 VALUES Of A, B, C. ANDO ARE SHOWN ON WE( INGS.ELEVATl0N R AN0 ELEVATION s ARE snty RLOUIRLD mR NOT€ 12. rnL1IWISL 3)(oww. THAN 3 MSTUlCL fROU CUITERLINC J 8 ?/I2 0 + 8 lMCHt3. SMlm UNE. 11). WHM JUCTK)N STRUCTURE NO. 2 13 SP€CIRED WIT REINFORCE0 HONOLIUlfC ARC)( STORM DRAJN, VAL WILL REFER TO WULM SPAN OF THE ARCH. REINrOllClNO STELL SHALL BE CUT AND BENT IN JUWCnOM STRUCTURL IN THE SAUL: MANNER AS M m CRADCE UWDCR RLINCCMC€D MONOLITH ARC84 13 HOT REOUIR~D. 12).WHrN fLLVAllON R AND ELEVATION s ARE NO SHOWN ON PROJECT DRAWINGS, INLET PIPE SHALL I MAIN LINE RAOIAUY. WHEN INLETPIPE ENTERS I LlWa OTHER THAW RADIALLY, ELEVATlOM s St+& $HM ON PROJQCT ORAWINCS, AM0 INLET PI# St bL LAJO OM A STRAWIT GRAM FROM ELEVATlON UtQl MSIN OR GRAOL BREW IN LINE. €LEVATI( SMALL W SWWM OW PROJECT DRAWINGS WY WH STUb 13 To BE PROVIDEO IN MAIN LINE FOR FUl'Uf CONSTRUCTlON Of INLET PIPE. 13). STATIOWS SPLClFlED ON DRAWINGS APPLY AT THE INTfRSECTlON OF CENTER UNES Of MAIN LINE AN LATLRALS, UCEPT THAT STATIONS FO(P CATCH %A! COHJE- eteE APPLY AT INSlOE WAU. OF STRUCTUBr 14).ALL INSIDE SURFACES SHALL BE FORMED TO PROW! '-1:3:5CONCFIfTE FINAL SHAPL. STRUCTURES POURED WITHOUT FO 8). E rrr0 f tAR3 3nAl.L N CIRRI= TO A WNT NO 9). CoWCllLIL SHALL m TYPI S4-C-3000. io& Rooa OF STRUCTURE swAu w ~~~~OWILI SECTION MoM REINFORCING = WILL BI RLJECTED. JUNCTION STRUCTURE N0.2 0 0 OUW EDGES to RMUS AM0 8 EARS-4 .STATlON POINT LUES FOR A,B,C,01,02,fLN. R AND fLLV. 3 UL tM ON THE MOJLCT DRAWING. 1. WE HORIZONTAL ANCLL OF COe)VCR6UICL OR OWRaHCt,8, WALL NOT EXCEED So*'. ). 8 SHALL MOT W USS WAN I2 INCMrS WOIl o(1uTZR THAU I44 INCHES. THE 0.0. OF THE INLET PlPE WALL 8€ EQUAL to 011 CCICAlZR T)(lrw TMRCt-OUARTERS W THC DOmSTREIY MAIN LiNC 01 AYETER. 1. CONCRETE SMALL M TWS w-C-3009. b. FLOOR OF STRUCTURC SHALL BE STEEL- TROWELED UP TO SPWM0 LINE. 1. RLtNfORCIM0 STEEL WALL BE PLACED WITH THE MINIMUM OF i-l/2maEAR FROM fACE OF CONCRETE UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. LONBITUOINAL WALL I# 03 SPACLb I0.M LESS ON CENTER. 1. ELEVATlON 3 APPLlU AT CfNTfR OF MAW LlWL ON PROLONGLO INVERT OF SPUR. ).l'RANSlTtOM STRUCTUM WALL M POURED IN ONE Co(yTINU0US OPCRATION, EXCEPT THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE Tnl OCTlON Of CLAClNO AT THC STRlM61WO LINE A CONSTRUCTION JOINT WITM A LOMU1TU01~AL Ke'rWAY. PIPE ENDS, USING 0 BARS IN EXTENDID PORTION OF SAME DIAMETER AND SPACING AS SPECIFIED IN THE TABLE, BUT ANY CHANGE IN THE LOCATlON OF THC SPUR MUST BE APPROVED 8Y TH€ ENGINEER. DRAWING. 1. THE LENGTH Of THE STRUCTURE MAY BE INCREASED AT TWL OPTION OF THE CONTRACTOR TO MEET 1. EMBEDMENT P SHALL BE A SPECIfI€O IN THE TA8LE UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN IN THE PROJECT )).WHEN OlMENSIOM c 13 NOT SPEClflED THE SPUR SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUCTED AND A AN0 8 BARS SHALL BE OMITTED. 0 0 ~ -E BARS - 2 ABOVE AND SECTION A-A OR CLOSEf 1). REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE I I&" CLEAR FRW FACE 2) REINFORCING STEEL FOR INSIDE FACE OF CURB INLET OF CONCRETE UNLESS OTHLRWISE SHOWN. BASIN SHALL BE CUT AT CENTER OF OPENING AND BENT INTO WALLS OF MONOLITHIC CONNECTION. REINFORCING STEEL FOR OUTSIDE FACE OF CATCH BASIN WALL SHALL BE CUT 2,'CLEAR OF OPENING. 3). CONNECTION SHALL BE POURED MONOLITHIC WITH CURB INLET. THE ROUNDED EDGE OF OUTLET SHALL BE CONS- TRUCTED BY POURING CONCRETE AGAINST A CURVED FORM WITH A RADIUS OF 3". 4). FLOOR OF STRUCTURE SHALL BE STEEL-TROWELED TO SPRING LINE. A) PIPES, IZI'THROUGH 72"IN DIAMETER, INLET OR OUTLET 8) ANGLE A, FOR PIPES 24"THROUW 30"INOIAMETER, IS X)O C) PIPES, 33" THROUGH 72"IN DIAMETER , INLET OR OUTLEl - CORNER CONNECTION 5). CONNECTIONS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WHEN: THROUGH CORNER OF CURB INLET. OR LESS. THROUGH THE SIDE WALL OF CURB INLET. 6). ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE TYPE 564-C-3000. CONNECTION TO CURB INLET FOR PIPES 12" THROUGH 72" w e PRlME ARTERIAL STREET MAJOR ARTERIAL STREET SECONDARY ARTERIAL STREET COLLECTOR S'TREET MAY bt REDUCED m M' FOR CUkOE-SAC OR LOOP STREETS IOCAL STREET STANOARO STREET WIDTHS1 SIRSgMgma ee . 1 t----t---l . .x % SINGLE FRONTED DOUBLE FRONTED -- w PLAN NOTE: YINlMLUllO.S% W ALLmRIZONTAL CURVE ORAOES 1 ?L /O-W-#O I APPROVED WE CITY OF CARLSBAD 1 I . MlX an E'rn ~ SOeRLYfWlAL WCYrn**ni m as-? STANDARD KNUCKLE M 8, i. L $ 0 0 .' 11 I i' T PLAN -- fL /u-/5 REV. APPROVED OAT€ CITY OF CARLSSAD i CITY ENGINEER CONCENTRIC CUL- DE-SAC SumEMENtAi STANnAnn Iyn Gs r w e / /I / I CURVE 4 a PROPERfY LINE CURB LINE -0 - 1 i 4 1 I 1 - 0- 8--+ I 1 I+ I ii CENTERLINE 1 I 21 I PROPERTY LINE PLAN I CITY Of CARLSBAD ~~~ f&n& /0-/5-@0 1. APPROVED WE OAR CITY LmilnCER SUPPLE MENTAL e-rw-+nrr +- GS-4 1 1 1 I OFFSET CUL-DE-SAC ,, *. .< r b e 0 z SECTION A-A 2" MIN. A.C. ON AOEQUATE -- BASE ( TEMPORARY) WHEN REQUIRED --- PLAN fL 16- REV. APPROVED OAT€ CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY ENGINEER SUPPLEMENTAL 1 TEMPORARY TURN-AROUND AT DEAD-END STREET QTAYnABn A! TYPICAL SECTION FINISH GRAOE NOTES ! 1. LOCATION OF WATER MAIN WILL GOVERN LOCATION Of UtlLltlLS. NORMALLY TM WATER MAIN WILL BE LOCATED ON SOUTH AND EAST S10€ Of STRLLT. 9- LIGHT 21. N'REfT LIGHTS AND FIRE HYDRANTS WILL BE LOCATTO I8'OFF FACE Of CURVE WHEN CONTIGUOUS SIDEWALK EXCEEDS 5 FEET IN WIDTH. 3) OLLS MAY E W OCJ N LEVEL Wlfn ELECTRICAL WITH I' MIN SEI#RATlON. UTILITY TRENCH DETAIL 1 1 ;p& ,0-l& GS-6 * UNDERGROlJMD lJkll, .!TIES e-T-m %+l CITY Of CARLSBAD LOCATIONS OF ONE Odd L /I 718 7 UTI C-LR I I SUeRLYCWlAL Y. APPROVED WE . .\ 0 a BOX ED ADJAC TO REDWOOD HEADER AS SPECIFIED NOTES I__ WRAP ALL POWER POLES WITH S/B"EXPANSION JOINT MATE 2. WEAKENED PLANE JOINTS AT 12' MAXIMUM INTERVALS 3. CONCRETE SHALL eE 564-c-3000 FOR ALLEY WAY AND 517-0-2500 FOR GUTTER 15 RADIUS CURB RETURNS WITH ACCESS RAMPS 4 AqLEY OPENINGS ONTO PUBLIC STREETS SHALL INCLUO B REX APPROVED DAd CITY OF CARLSBAD I C! Y EYGINJEE? SUPREMENTA E STANOARO NO TY PlCAL ALLEY S EC TI ON n , 4 /P - f 3- fi 0 REV. APPROVED UTE CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY ElWlMER OATL GS- 8 SURE MENTAL PARKWAY TREE PLANTING STANOARO NO. 4 *= I 6 a *SEE STD.DW. FOR K GRAPH WtAKLNED PLAn JUU- W8%WAHSloeJ JOINT3 DETAIL PLAN OF CROSS GUmfR VARIA8LC: . .. '.'.*...' . 0; : SECTION A-A SECTION C-C SECTION 8-8 ' fL 10-1 Am. mD WE: CITY OF CARLSBAD an E~~LR m (STEEP GRADES) I SUePCfYLNTAL fi4 SPECIAL CROSS GUTTER *. + PC.R G2 76 IO - /g-go I O*n RW. mvm WE CITY EnOrrCER GRAPH FOR 1-1 SPECIALCROSS GUTTER w -. c *' , 4 0 0 I TEXTURED CONCRETE OR ( - IO' IO' IO' IO' ; 40' 40" I - ! (3 w t m Ilr NOTE : FOR STREETS REQUIRING LONGER TAPERS THE OIMENSIONS MAY BE EXTENDED IN A PROPORTIONATE MANNER. DETAIL 120' TAPER TRAFFIC SIGNAL WHEREEQUIREO TEXTURED CONCRETE 9 OR INTERLOCKING PAVERS w DETAIL NOSE FLARE I f&A 14- REV. APPROVED CITY OF CARLSBAD MEDIAN TAPER AND CITY ENGINEER SUPPLE MENTAL n NOSE FLARE I QTANnAPn MG: ', 6ff-8 DRIVEWAYS GSI ' SUPPLEMENTAL STANOARO NO. 12 '.t 6 .' r 0 I / 2 " R A 0 I u I TYPE "B-I" TYPE "8-2" TYPE "G-2" MOTES. : 1. PROVIDE WEAKENED PLAl QUICK JOINT AT 15' Hi SPACItlG AND AT DRIVE COMPACTED CLASS II APPROACHES, B.C.'S, f CROSS GUTTERS AND CA' BASIN TRANSITIONS. control I i ng sidewalk 2. CHAMFERED KEY 1" X 2' separation and upheaval required when expansion index for subgrade 3. CHAMFERED KEY 1" x 2' exceeds 50. BE CONSTRUCTED kfHET.4 d L COIICRETE PAVIXG IS RE BRCK OF CURB. i b G: REV. APPROVED ()Ad CITY OF CARLSBAD w i( Cl TY/E.';IGiNEE? I ' SUPPLEMENTAL STANOARO NO. 6" S 8" TYPE B-I.,B-2 & G-2 a %. v I - FOR SETBACK SEE CITY STD. OWG. CS-13 STREET TOP OF FOOTlNC WALL LLVtL LEVEL ----- a SECTION A-A &I MTAR FILLED BLOCK WALL PER CITY OF CARLSB AD :1AS ON RY P(TYPICAL1 3' IN CONCRETE FOUNOA TlON 3' A8OVE TRASH ENCLOSURE .! *. L .& 1. A.C. = Asphalt concrete 95% compaction. 2. A.B. = All aggregate sub-base materials shall be Class I or Class I1 per Cal-Trans Section 25.1.02A, Page 25-1, 1984 Edition. All other considered base materials to be approved by City Engineer on a case-by-case basis. 3. 4. The bottom figures listed are the minimum permitted. Top 12" of sub-grade to be 95% compaction. 1 1 1 * f A' 4" 38" , 5" 37" FACE 6" 3v 1 8" Yl'l 1 I MAIL BOX STANDARD ' SUPPLEMENTAL 4) * * 0 b-t L STREET LIGHTING SPECS 1. PULL BOXES A. Service Point 1. When SDG&E handhole is utilized, it will be considere first pull-box in circuit. When SDG&E transformer is utilized, first pull box wi be located adjacent to the transformer. Line conductor in first pull-box will be fused for circuit protection. Consult City Electric Department for exceptions for unusual conditions. All pull-box locations will be stamped in curb face as shown: 2. 3. 4. 5; B. Luminaire Pole 1. Pull-box will be located adjacent to each pole with fuse protection inside of pole. C. Conduit Runs 1. No conduit run will exceed 200' without a pull-box junction. A pull-box will be located on both sides of roadway when a 'conduit run crosses that roadway. To designate the locations of pull-boxes in both above instances, curb-face will be stamped or marked with a P.B. All pull-box lids will be marked "Street Lighting." As-builts will give distances between all pull-boxes in circuit and clearly show direction of conduit runs. 2. 3. -- 4. 5. ~ STREET LIGHTING SPECS. STANOARO NO. W (4 * w- ALL TRENCHES: MAIN LINE AND LATERALS 3R SERVICES SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 90%, AND TOP 12" TO BE 95% AND CERTIFIED BY AN APPROVED TEST- ING LABORATORY. ALL SUB-GRADE-UNDER ALL ASPHALT PAVING, CURB AND GUTTER, SIDEWALKS, BROW DITCHES, CONCRETE BOX CULVERTS, SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 95% ON TOP 12", AND FILL BELOW TO BE go%, AND CERTIFIED BY AN APPROVED TESTING LABORATORY. ALL BASE MATERIALS SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 95% AND CERTIFIED BY AN ALL ASPHALT PAVING SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 95% AND CERTIFIED BY AN ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 3000 P.S.I. AND CERTIFIED BY AN ALL AGGREGATE SUB-BASE MATERIALS SHALL BE CLASS I OR CLASS I1 PER CAL- APPROVED TESTING LABORATORY. APPROVED TESTING LABORATORY. APPROVED TESTING LABORATORY. TRANS SECTION 26.1.0221, PAGE 25-1, 1984 EDITION. SIDERED BASE MATERIALS TO BE APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER ON A CASE- BY-CASE BASIS. ALL OTHER CON- ALL ASPHALT PAVING TO BE AR 8000 FROM MARCH TO OCTOBER, AND AR 4000 FROM NOVEMBER TO FEBRUARY, UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE INSPECTOR BASED ON ATMOSPHERIC TEMPERATURE. - ALL ASPHALT PAVING MIX WILL BE AS FOLLOWS: PRIME ARTERIAL 3/4" MAXIMUM COURSE MAJOR ARTERIAL 3/4" MAXIMUM COURSE SECONDARY ARTERIAL 3/4" MAXIMUM COURSE COLLECTOR 3/4" MAXIMUM COURSE INDUSTRIAL 3/4" MAXIMUM COURSE LOCAL 1/2" MAXIMUM COURSE CUL-DE-SAC 1/2" MAXIMUM COURSE ALLEY 1/2" MAXIMUM COURSE Hz-LLSIDE 3/4" MAXIMUM COURSE DURING WARRANTY PERIOD OF TRACTS OR DEVELOPMENTS, THE BUILDER/DEVELOPER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL REPAIRS TO ALL IMPROVEMENTS IN CITY RIGHT-OF- WAY AS INSTALLED BY THAT DEVELOPMENT/BUILDER. DEVELOPMENTS, ALL ASPHALT PAVING WILL BE FOG SEALED OR SLURRY SEALED, DEPENDENT UPON THE CONDITION OF THE ASPHALT AS A CONDITION OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY. PRIOR TO FINAL BOND RELEASE AT END OF WARRANTY PERIOD OF TRACTS/ 2AT Cl Y N INEER rn swR~Mmln'G S ASPHALT/CONCRETE PAVING REQUIREMENTS tt--t-l CONCRLTE COLLAR Sa S.D.R. S. S-1 FOR ECCENTRIC SECTION c-c rm 8G a-r on RUSH WITH St TYPE ACCESSHOLL CHANNEL DETAIL STANOAR0 "T'ERANCH SpIW ET IN 1 :2 MIX =WENT MORTAR JOINT WITH *Tu BRANCH 1 FIRST SECTION OF PIPE T JOINED PRIOR TO INSTALL IN ACffSSWOLlE TWO 3 /ai 2 3i4u LAO scm EXlEHSION SHIELDS WW AN0 3/8'r en LAG SCIKW' GALVANIZED PER EACH 4 AC-MOLC RING AS SHC RINGS AN0 APPLY NEAT Cfl PASTE PRIOR TO POURING ! 90°PIpE SPIGOT EN0 TO E OR FLUSH WITH INSIDE SU CLEAN AND ROUGHtN SURF, ENOOC SPWEA MAIN DROP SECTION EXTENO BASE TO WlrWlN 4* Of NECK # PlPL JOINT LEGEND ON PI ALL P!P€ IN ACCESSHOLE SHAL STANOARO VlTRlFlED CLAY Pi1 AN0 SHALL BE INCLUDED AS F OF ACCESSHOLE. DOUBLE DROP ACCESSHOLE IS CONSTRUCTED THE SAME AS C ACCESSWLE EXCEPT ThAT IT lW0 DROP SECTIONS. I . w * 'd '- & Y 1/2*YIN. FINISHED GRADE 2 0 m z Y c X W - --- -- -- S€CTlON A4 SECTION 8-8 LDLD LETTERS I PLAN NOTES c COVER YIW.#rm mpe tOOL-~ aOXAMD L* we R I). USE STEELCOVER WHEN SUBJECTED TO r macnDsl OCTINW TRAWIC LOADS. 3m I3/4" anNmm 2). PULL BOX COVfR SHALL BE MARKED 'STREET LlOWTlNG ' WHERE WLL BOX No CONTAIiS STRL€T LlGHTlNO CONOUCTORS 5 2" 22" 23 Vb' 13W" I V4" ONLY. HIUH VOLTAGE w SHALL BE ADDED WHlRC VOLTAGE IS ABOVE 600 VOLTS. 3) THE L AND W OIMIENSIONSOCTHCCOVER S€AT SHALL BC 1/8"GREATER THAN THE COVER DIMENSIONS. PULL BOX. 153/8" 10 m" 1 1/8" A J) TOP OlMfNSIW 4). COMPACT EARTH UNDER AND AROUND I ---- CITY OF CARLSBAD fL /&M- 9 REV. APPROVED WE 6/1+7, PULL BOX FOR CITY EIIOI(ILL1) 01 NJ. ,\**I= €?a4 SUPPCL YE NTAL STAHOAR0 W. TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND STREET .I LIGHTING SECTION C-C CHAMME1 DETAIL L CITY OF CARLSBAD ~d f & /8-/5- REV. cIpPROV€D WE OATC CITY E"EER SHALLOW ACCESSHOLE -LML)JTAL --_-_---- -.- - qq- - 4 A v W y CLEAN OUTS IN YARO TO BE COVERED WITH PLASTIC COVER BY CARSON OR CLEAN OUTS IN CONCRETE TO BE COVERED LID BY J & R OR BROOKS PART # 3-R-T. SEWER CLEAN OUT RISERS TO BE FITTED WITH MALE SCREW I$ PLUG. LATERAL LOCATIONS TO BE STAMPED WITH AN "S" IN THE CUR6 FACE. A4 R€QUlREO. -VEL CCI 4cI1J0 BE001rJG n SPRhBUNEOFWE PND 1.0 m -- 1. THE LATERAL SHALL BE BEDDED THE SAME AS THE WIN LINE SEWER. INSPECTOR ON FORMS PROVIDED PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL OF WORK. 3. ALL LATERAL DITCHES TO PROPERTY LINE AND SEWER HAIN DITCHES TO BE COMPACTED TO 90%. 2. AS-BUILT SEWER LATERAL LOCATIONS SHALL BE FURNISHED TO THE CITY 4. CLEAN-OUT TO BE ADJUSTED TO GRADE AFTER FINAL FINISH GRADING. SEWER LATERAL c FINISH GRAOE I/// ////////////I I 1 I ------------I--- ----- --- 4 “a 1 W’ * s? --8 0‘ &O ------- ---- ------- 1 =z 25 -- @--_ELECTRICAL CONDUIT @----WATER MAIN PIP€ I REV. APPROVED DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD 2c&% WTY EPWJUICfR SUPPCfMEMTAL pi ELECTRIC UTILITY LINES m-mmmm-r\-m C^1r’rrrrrr, 1 .?.-rrn