HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-02-20; City Council; 10501; APPOINTMENTS TO THE CARLSBAD ARTS COMMISSIONI 2; 3 .: da 00 ked a a, OF: aJu 0 WaJ d aJh E- 0 *rl am +J5 u .5 : $ .I: F.cE “2 $G $2 a aa aJP .rl b c,cd 2: gv UQ) & a+J $0 2: +J P &4w u+J ma cd !-la . c, .rl F9 ““5 $vd E52 cd cd a; 3 a, a, E Mal a, 4dg a, 2s; c OOaJ H au& z IC3 0 Gad *rl a, u c,a OOd a -4 m a0 u .d -ti .rl L, 0 .. 0 no o\ cu\g I\ 6 ~m a 1 0 z 3 0 0 ClTaOF CARLSBAD - AGENDWILL 6” AB# /<! gD/ TITLE: DEPT, MTG. 2/20/90 APPOINTMENTS TO THE CARLSBAD CITY 1 DEPT. cc RECOMMENDED ACTION: ARTS COMMISSION CITY I Adopt Resolution No. Yh’-$T , appointing two members to the Carl: Commission. ITEM EXPLANATION Kim Mikhael has resigned as a member of the Carlsbad Arts Commission. Th term expires in March, 1990. The term of Patra Straub also expires in Mar Therefore, it is recommended that the Mayor appoint two members to fill tt terms. A Notice Inviting Applications was advertised in the Carlsbad Journal 01 February 16, 1990 and the Blade Citizen, on Saturday, February 10, 1990. Other members of the Commission are: Joe Bear, Wayne Bischoff, Stanley Je Ladouceur, and Donna Mei 1 ach. Copies of applications received in calendar year 1989 and 1990 are att Counci 1 review. EXHIBITS 1. Resolution No. yddy$, appointing two members to the Carls Commission. 2. Copies of applications received in calendar year 1989 and 1990. b 1 2 3 RESOLUTION NO. 90-38 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE CARLSBAD ARTS COMMISSION. I 5 61 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 *: 17 I-8 19 0 0 WHEREAS, Kim Mikhael has resigned as a member of the Carl , Commission from a term expiring in March, 1990; WHEREAS, the term of Patra Straub expires in March, 1990; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following persons are hereby appointed to serve as I the Carlsbad Arts Commission for a term expiring in March, m. Patra Straub Laurie Batter PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City ( the City of Carlsbad on the 13thday of March , 1990, by the vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None I i ABSENT: Council Member Kulchin 1 2o ~ 21 22 23 I CLAUDE A. LEWIS,'Mayor ATTEST: 26 27 28 KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Deputy City Clerk (SEAL) I ARTS C @SION 9 PARKING AUTHORITY 1200 ELM AVENUE TELEF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619) 4: Offlce of the City Clerk MitQ af Mnrlsbab APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT 9 (2 BOARDW AND/OR COMMISSIOMW -% -.c m 3 (Please print or type.) 2- -5 x& , $3 h. - 5 Arts Commission / Parking Authority G -c..-- "1 w;;p: "II I a Y 9- NAME(S) OF BoARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN YHICH INTERESTED: .* --.~- NAME: j Seanley C. Jersey 3294 bjestwood Dr., ADDRESS : CITY: Carlsbad, ZIP CODE: 9200E HOME PHONE: (619) 729 8826 PRESENT OCCUPATION: BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: POB 713 WORK PHONE: (619) 729 8826 Marketing Consultant Food Service U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) X Yes Resident of Carl sbad (preference given to residents) x Yes Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some commissions) x Yes I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) I wish to serve; I am willing to provide required statements if appointed to a Board or Commissioi to financial disclosure; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a designated by the City ouncil or at the request of an individual Council Mem DATE: January 15, 15 k&& SIGNATURE: Stanley c- ersey (Continued on reverse side.) w lm EDUCATION 3/A, English Literature Loyola University, Evanston, Illinois EXPERIENCE President, Village Art Board, Oak Park, Illinois 90,000 ( 1974-77) Yember Artists Equity Guild, San Diego Chapter Director, Printmakers Atelier, LaJolla, California Consultant, Christies-Robson Lowe, St. James, London, England COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Chairman, SANDICAL-EXPO '89 a National Philatelic Exhibition held yearly at the SD Convention Center. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS *. 0- &UL- m RECEIVE& CfTY CLERK'S 3ff'r- 1200 ELM AVENUE %LE 89 Jk% 25 65 13: t?g) 4 CAR LS BA D, CALI FO R N I A 92008 Office of the C~ty Clerk CITY OF CASFSZ5.G Mifa rrf QktrlsfJall BOARD (SI AND/OR COMMISSION (SI APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT (Please print or type.) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: #?Tq \d C(C+/J( / SS/& 41 NAME: KWR- -7 p/d---/~ ,qe& ADDRESS : ,go(% -5flLAEDW Cd%Y ZIP CODE: q!?Z / 43 ?s CITY: HOME PHONE: PRESENT OCCUPATION: cgvmQ, &--p~~~(~& BUSINESS ADDRESS : 5nlye WORK PHONE: 57fi&fi2- \I BUSINESS NAME: U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) ><: Yes Resident of Carl sbad (preference given to residents) X' Yes Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some commissions) kl Yes I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) I wish to serve; I am willing to provide required statements if appointed to a Board or Commissio to financial disclosure; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Men SIGNATURE: t&h3 >/d& DATE : (Continued on reverse s de!) (/25/: C? L w W // ' -7\ I EDUCATION QA& i {f./i-,&LLLLL> b&c-,I, i' 1' / EXPERIENCE -?- I i&,(,q &t%zl<d L.? /$d7 h>[b~d~ J a',&&T -%j IY &LC} +4LX/LJd cd LLu &/ 7LM&/L/ \ 3 \ \.- p- Lkp$&Q;/pfl 4 -- COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS 1. 0 m DONA 2. MEIIACH 2018 Wente way Culmbad CA 92008 819 436-439s MCI Mdk 297-0943 PestTZuE PRESIDENT , CompuWrlte.. - . WdUng. Publishing. Consultlng. Marketlng. The GRAPHICS ADD VANI'AGE - Graphlcs & Communications Semlnars EDUCATION Northwestern Unimlty. MA. ART HISTORY Unfvnalty of Chicago. Ph. B Palomar College. San Matcos, CA (misc. courses) Chlcago Clty Junlor College (Student at Large) ArtInstitutcofc~cftgo " " " pITBwcATroNs - co~RB-BooKB BEFORE BEFORE YOU YOU BUY BUY WORD A USED PROC. COMPUTER SOFTWARE ~~~~~~Luiwhil~, c , BEFORE YOU BUYA COMWlER DYNAMICS OF PRESENI'A'IION GRAPHICS WSIRATED COMPVIER DICTJONARY PERFECT GUIDE To PERFECT WFUTER m-cRAFr-Bool;d A MODERN APPROACH TO BASKETRY RASKElTW TODAY/ with Dee Menagh BOX AHT: ASSEMBLAGE AND CONSTRUCTION COLIAGE AND FOUND ART/ Elvle TenHoor COLLAGE AND ASSEMBLAGE / with " CONlZMPORARYARTWlTH WOOD MACRAME ACCESSOfUES COHIEMPORARY LEATHER CONIEMPORARY BATIK AND TIE DYE co~~~mNEscumRE PAPERCRAFT CREA'RNG MODERN FURMTlJRE PfANT HANGERS CREAVNG SMALL WOOD OBJECTS PRJ"UNG CREATING AF?T Wl7I-i BREAD DOUGH CREATING ART FROM FIBERS AND FABRICS Cm4TNF, SrrrCHERY / Lee Erlln Snow CREATNE CARVING DECORATIVE AND SCULpNRtU IRONWORK DIRECT METu. sCm/ DOXI *lC ETHNIC JEWELRY EXmC NEEDWoM/Wth Dee MW HOW X) CPUm YOUR OWN DWIGNF MACEPAME GNOMES AND PUPPETS MACRAME: CREAm DESIGN IN KNU MAKlNG CONIEMP. RUGS h WALL HAf 'I CREATING WITH PmR PAPIER-MACHE ARTISIRY SCULPKJRE CASTING /Dennis Kowal Son SCULPNRE AND OTHER SOFI'A TILE DECORATING WITH GEMhfIA WEAVlfJG Off LOOM / Lee ErlIn Snow WOODWORKING THE NEW WAVE CREATJNG AKT FROM ANYTHING THEARTISTSEX3 BOOKS - YISC boo1tb-coom~ HOMEMADE CREAM LIQUEURS MARINADE MAGIC HOMEMADE LIQUEURS HOW To RELIEVE YOUR ACHING BACK JAZZERCISE / Judl Sheppard Mlssett "HE ART OF BEUY DANCING /Dahlena A DOCTOR DISCUSSES PREGNANCY/Wm Blrch A DOCTOR DISCUSSES MENOPAUSE/ME Dads A DOCN)R TALKS TO 5-8 YEAR OLDS/E Mandel ACCENI' ON CRAFTS BASKmRYlL11 CHIID'S PLAY/ Susan Mellach Scligx~~~ CREATIVE CRAFIS m ACCENT MY FIRST BOOK OF BIBLE HEROEs(4 1 Booga - EXERCISE - -'Mi W w ARTICLES On a varlety of subJects, published in magazlnes, newspapere and other media including: AMERICAN WOODWORKER ARCHllEClURAI, & ENGINEERING SYSTEMS ARls&AcTNlTlES BUSINESS SOFTWARE BYIE BUYER CHICAGO TRIBUNE COMFWIER NEWS OF SAN DIEGO COMPUTER GRAPHICS TODAY COMPVIER BOOKBASE COMPVTiNG FOR BUSINESS C0SMOPOLl"AN CREATNECRAFrS CUISINE WORKING CFWTSMAN FIBER NEWS FIBERlUZ"SS HARDCOPY IKlERFACE AGE PAGENW PCWEEK K!IbtmAzINE PeRIPHERALs En=. REDBOOK SAN DIE60 UNION SPHERE SIEP-BY-STEP ORAPHICS TOMYSDiENcM TRUE COpllFesslONS VIDEO FIEWE etc. 6THDICATED COLUMNIST slngv CommunlcatUons. "BYES IN YOUR BLISINESS" Current Chicago Mbune Coiumbla Featurwr. "CREATIVE CRAFIS" 1976- 1982. Travel & Craft features 1970- 1980 EDmR AND EDITORIAL POSR'IONS- WORK BACKGROUND COMPUTER GRAPIHICS TODAY COMWnNG FOR BUSINESS- SPHERE wwmm Arts & Crafts, Edltor DON & COMPANY Advertlslng Manager Contrlb. Ediltor - Current Contrlb. Edltor: columnlst FIBERNEWS. THE WORKING CFWFEMAN. ARTWEEK - Crttlc TEAcExNG A88IGE- Faculty, Univ. Cal, Ext. San Dlego 'EC CE"EFlS San Mego. Curriculum Dev & tralning Navajo Center. Sari Dlego Cornputera Mlra costa College!, CA Writing Mue Univcraity (Hammond) IN-Art HIstory. Crafts Moraine Valley Jr. College. ILFundamentals of Art Evergreen Park Iugh School. IL-Art-Writing -ION AND IUD10 APPEARANCES AM Washington DC: AMsanm- AMtr#Angelm KWHYLOSANGELESComputm klare mancia show Bprbara Wpltcr8, New York National Pnrbllc Radlo- and others oood Mow Shmw. Rlchmond National hbllc ?v - Cornputera Today HOUR hhgazhc (Gary Coh) Noon FM. Snn prandsco Jim canway show, chlcago sun-up snn Mego KABC RadlO -BEFOlRE YOU BUY A COMPUTER "&qAdvantagc - Cornputem KABC- Ray Brlcm I<pBs 1v I@OMPVTERPHOBIA- Kpss Rad00 san Dkgo - computas MIKE CARtRWms- syndicated radio pRoFE8810NAL PI3oToG~ Photos appear in all boob developed. newspapers and magazlne articles. Many used for covers on book jackets. TRAVEL- FIEZJ) WORK and ARTICYZS FILED FROM Europe and the Near East, Far East; Japan.Chlna,HongKong. Thailand. Ball. Phlillpplnes. Scandlnavia. Central America. Israel. Caribbean 1:dands. North Africa. SpaJn. Portugal. Australia, New Zeaiand. FIJI, throughout United States, Canada. .-I----- --------- 0 0 PROFE8SXONAL ASSOCIATIONS Author, Guild of Amerlca Computer Reas AssociaUon NaUonal Computer Graphlcs Assoc. (NCCA] Natlonal Assoclatlon of Sclence Wrlters National Speakers Assoelation/ San DIego San Mego Computer Society - Board of Directors SIGGRAPH (Speclal Interest Group Craphlcs) ACM Slgma Delta Chi- Soclety of Professlonal Journallsts YLEM- Artists Using Sclence 81 Technology PROFES$IONAL LISTINGS Biography International Community kaders and Noteworthy Americans Communlty Leaders and Noteworthy Americans Bicentennial Ed. Contemporary Authors FanmDst Women in Communications The World Who's Who of Women Ihe Intcmational Who's who of Contemporary Achievement Iko Thousand Women of Achievement hn, Thousand Notable Amerlcans Who'. who in the West wr who In callfornia Who'o Who In the Mtdwtst Who'r Who h Buslnesa and Flnance Who'r Who h Nlnols Who'r who In American Women Who'r Who h Professtonal & Exec. Women Who'a who In Technology Today PUBLIC SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS Pubhc Arts Advisory Council, San Diego County Art commlssionu, Clty of Carlsbad Art group., various posiuons Author's groups, varlous posltlons Chairperson, Technical sesslons, San Diego Computer Fair Chairperson, Award Ceremony San Dlego Computer Society. Judge. Computer Anhnatlon Contest. NCGA Brandeb Women's Org.. Art Walk Leader. Computer Classes Oflhcer. Beth Torah Temple. Chlcago Preaident-Organiztng: B"AI B'Rm-l Freedom Chgo. Chicago Sunday School Teacher, etc. CONSULTINQAND SEMINARS SAN DIEGO COUNIY DEI". EDUC. San Dlego CA CAL STATE UNIV.SAN BERNARDINO San Bemardlno CA CAllFORNIA BUSINESS EDUCATORS Irvine CA CORFCON '86 CONFERENCE Los Angeles CA DECISION VISION, INC LaJolla Ca G.D. SEARLE & CO. Skokle IL aLINOIS BRONZE PAINT CO. Lake Zurich IL MIRA COSTA COLLEGE Del Mar CA NATIONAL COMPUZER GRAPHICS ASSN. Anahelm, CA PERvISrnMS San Dlego CA RESOURCE STRATEGIES INC San Dlego CA SAN DIEGO COMPUIER SOClEn San Dlego CA SAN DlECO COMMUNlTy COLLEGE San Dlego CA TPIC CEKZER San Dlego CA TOUCH TeCHNOLOGlES Escondldo CA UCSD EXIENSION COURSES- BUSINESS La Jolla CA UCSD EDUCATION DMSON La Jolla CA W W - AND WORKSHOPS Bua/ROT. Mv. Assoc. Slide maklng 1987 hmc. On-Ilne llsers Sllde rnaklng 1987 MlTForum. San Dlego Cra p h I cs 1986 S.D. Computer Sa. 7th Fair Graphlcs. Word 1986 Elernentaq Tech. 'IYalnlng Inst. Keynote spkr 1986 San Dlego Publlc Rei. CuUd Buslness Craphlcs 1986 &sc of Info System Profession Buslness Craphlcs 1985 S. D.County Dept. of Art Ed. Computer Graphics 1985 NCCA WEST Business GrapMcs 1985 PCUSER'S CROUP Computer Craphlcs 1985 San Dlego Computer Society Used Computers 1985 loth San Franclsico Comp. Faire Used Cornpu ters 1985 Weatern Comput(er & Business Expo Word Processing 1985 Palomar College w1riUng 1985 Sydney. Australl;i Computer Graphics 1984 San Dlego Computer Soclety Word Processing 1982-87 I* Computer Buylng 1982-85 Non-Flctlon Wrltfng I983 1983 Mira Costa College, San Dlego unhr. of Haw Word Processlng 1983 San Dlego Art Educators Wood Dlrectlons 1979 UC Berkeley Wood Symposlum 1979 Humbldt Unlverslty Deslgn 1979 Fiber Gallery, Ottawa Canada Flber workshop 1978 Virginia Common,wealth Unlv. Deslgn 1977 Hobby & Craft Industry Houston. '"X 1977 Stanlslaus Imports(San Fran.) Baisketry 1976 Convergence 1976 (Plttsburgh) Flbers 1976 Bishop Museum . Hawail General Crafts 1976 Miami Cordage CO. Basketry 1976 Appalachlana Weavtng. Art with 1976 (Washington DCI Bread Dough, Mac. 1976 Hobby & Craft 1nchWx-y (Chgo) Basketry 1976 So. Callf. Ubraxy Assn. Authorship 1975 Untv. of Notre Dame (Ind.) Flber Arts 1975 Spin-It- Wean-It (San Dtego) Weaving Off-Loom 1975 CreaUve SUtcheqr Guild SU tchery 1975 CraR Kaleldoscope (Ind-polls) Basketry 1974 The hhnnings (Pa) Fiber Happenlng 1974 Mohawk College Flber Happening 1974 Rochester Institute of Art Basketry 1974 So. Callf. Embroltlery Ciitld Flbers (Los Ang.) 1974 &lolt Art & craft General Crafts 1974 " " San Dlego " " In w Univ. of Haw Computers 1983 C!na Brown's Flbercraft-Canada Fiber workshop 1977-78 and many othens , TELE 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619) i a '7rKz' L- Office of the City Clerk @itQ df (anrkbdi APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT I3 dm b3D 0 BOARD 6) AND/OR COMMISSION (S) tz C'3 (PJease print or type.) -4-7 NAME(S) OF BoARD(S) AND/OR CMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: -r1 1 LO c2 ;L! Lk 2- *g P3 A RTS c om I s s I o N '> ~ -LI K- NAME: Sue R. Ladouceur ADDRESS : 3460 Charter Oak Drive CITY: Carl s bad. Ca. ZIP CODE: 9200< HOME PHONE: 729-6555 PRESENT OCCUPATION: BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: 8n1 Pine Aveniro, rarlcharf ra 97nnA WORK PHONE: am 6 714 U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) x Yes Resident of Carl sbad (preference given to residents) X Yes Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some commissions) X Yes I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s I wish to serve; I am willing to provide required statements if appointed to a Board or Commissi to f i nanci a1 di scl osure; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Me I ibrarian-Maw1 ia Fwtary -. SIGNATURE: --- ---.-, . , ! QL-u 7 DATE : i/c-/g (Continued on reverse side.) w W EDUCATION EXPERIENCE COmUNITY ACTIVITIES ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COmENTS 0 e EDUCATION: 1981-1983 University of Texas at Dall as, Richardson, Texas- Graduate work in Humar 1930 University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas. B.A. in Visual Arts. 1969-1970 Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida. 1966-1981New School for Social Research, New York, New York. 1961-1962 Boston Museum School of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts. 1959-1961 Colby Junior College, New London, New Hampshire. Associates Degree. 1946-1959 Hartridge School, Plainfield, New Jersey. 21 hours towards F1.A. EXPERIENCE: 1987-1988 - Arts in Education Committee, City of Carlsbad, Carlsbad, Ca. 19d4-Present- Librarian- Magnolia Elem. School, Carlsbad, Ca. 1967-1983 Exhibit Art Shows; New York, New York; Boca Raton, Florida; Los Angeles, Dall as, Texas. 1981-1983 - Gallery Assistant: HumanArts, Dallas Texas. 1963-1972 - Taught art-classes at the Art Guild of Boca Raton, Florida. 1963-1969 - Taught art to Marymount Jr. college students, Boca Raton, Florida. 1969 - Taught art Upward-Bound Students, Marymount Jr. College, Boca Eaton, Florid 1962-1963 - Master Craftsman with Bill Tendler, New York, New York. 1987- 1988 Vestry,Holy Cross Hission, La Costa, Carlsbad, Ca. 1987-present - Arts Associates, Carlsbad, Ca. 1986-present - A.F.S. Board, Student Liasion. Carlsbad, Ca. 1967-1973 - Art Guild of Boca Raton, Boca Raton, Florida. 1978-1933 - The Craft Guild, Dallas, Texas. 1980- present - American Craft Council. Besides beinq a committed advocateof the arts, and a full-time librarian, I am a w mother of 2 daughters, ages- 17, 14. Our family enjoys travel, museums, sports, ri OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: Having been an active participant in the Arts in Education Committee for over a yea to be of further assistance to the Arts in Carlsbad. As an artist, parent and educ would bring to the Commission a commitment to the arts. To expose the City of Carl surroundings to the arts we must educate its people, young and old, to the value of basic to life. "W - 0- REC.:, ; -li @EB ,r 7 ly $9: 42 Cf 7 OF cs:! -... .25z3 MitQ of Qrlsbai - 1200 ELM AVENUE cfn CtEI;"*? fv~,cc TEL CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (61 9) Offlce of the C~ty Clerk APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT BOARD (SI AND/OR COMMISSION ($1 (Please print or type.) NAME(S) OF BoARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: CARLSBAD ARTS COMMISSION NAME: MARY W. SKINNER (Mrs. William P. Skinner) ADDRESS : 3065 Ocean Street CITY: Carl sbad HOME PHONE: to be determined PRESENT OCCUPATION: / BUSINESS NAME: n/ BUSINESS ADDRESS: IV /Ir/ WORK PHONE: U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) - X Yes Resident of Carl sbad (preference given to residents) X Yes Registered voter in Carl sbad (required for some commissions) will be Yes I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s I wish to serve; I am willing to provide required statements if appointed to a Board or Commissi to f inanci a1 disc1 osure; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Me ZIP CODE: 920 //l / Feb. 15/€ S I GNATU R E : (Continued on reverse si&.) ,// kai,, /$ ok;%wJ DATE : // W W EDUCATION B.A. Pomona College, Claremont CA M.A. (music) Columbia University, New York EXPERIENCE Meanber/rnusic faculty DePauw University, Greencastle Indiana Member/music faculty Chapman College, Los Angeles (before t Executive Secretary and Assistant to the Director/Thorne Ha Field Secretary for California Assemblyman FranK Lanterman Field Representative for US Congressman H. Allen Smith (now Executive Secretary Pasadena Beautiful Foundation campus was moved to Orange County) Occident-a1 College (in charge of concert series) deceased ) COmUNITY ACTIV IT1 ES Wember/Housing Advisory and Appeals Board, City of Pasadena (duties included monthly meetings with jurisdiction on hor Member/ Board of Directors Pasadena Symphony Association (9 Program Aninotator/Pasadena Symphony Association (4 yrs) President/Pasadena Symphony Association (3 yrs) Member/Pasadena Arts Council (3 yrs) Member/Board of Directors Young Musicians Foundation, Los An zoning/use violations relative to City municipal code) (2 yrs) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR CMENTS Community involvement and active participation in a variety i activities have always been part of my life here in Pasadena, While we have yet to be full time residents of CarPsbad, I hz continued to follow the local news through a subscription to Journal. Now that we will be making Carlsbad our home, I WOL enjoy being a part of its community life and hopefully bring it some of the experiences I have had. The fact that the Cit of Carlsbad recognizes that promotion of the arts as bringing benefits and advantages to all concerned is more than commend it is quite unusual! Pasadena just got around to creating it own Arts Conmission only this past year!! 0 @M?-? AR 9; 39 (aitp of aIrlsbnB Cff" C? CA~:,.c~c3 /-p. w u '/*' a 1200 ELM AVENUE CtfY CLERK'S RECENED 0' TEL CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 rFtCE 1619) Offce of the C~ty Clerk APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT BOARD (SI AND/OR COMMISS ION (SI (Please print or type.) NAnE(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR CMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: &fAk4aop 74% LL&mt;5s/.- NAME: Mar&& /&a ADDRESS : 7656 .D b4hkz-e c;(oe, HOME PHONE: 647. q?$ +Tr'Z- CITY: ZIP CODE: -72 PRESENT OCCUPATION: - BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE: U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) Resident of Carl sbad (preference given to residents) Registered voter in Carl sbad (required for some commi ssions) I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(! I wish to serve; I am willing to provide required statements if appointed to a Board or Commissi to financial disclosure; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by i designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Mc <es - /Yes - <es SIGNATURE: */A- & DATE : &4 (Continued on reverse side.) m e EDUCATION /9d7 7 - 33 .&gc/d scCh@s hil-k%, &F&&@-f>e - MkR &SA & ~cd A&;+ie& ar &UIfrnW& 9 #&zs, b &3t &?& dmbp67s L &;d% ;;L*?~iji g bk d&& k5 eMa&aA &d /W67 t--&&jm5u&v/ 197c- ms, Arf u- s pa maG@+ && d2W-f Pd45K&eC /?h# &fL% & 6d/y dL h7 y+ u$Lf&&- EXPERIENCE 75- 5- 46d6d &>.& Y / 9 76 -/ %YO ADOITIONAL INFORMATION OR CmENTS -z-@;~~~a4c&l//&& r2c /- &/G /" c &ad, 8 &p&I& (5&' ZY$i$!! 4 &#$ a E\ dZrFr22 I/ar&da*, kf H-6 Ai fi4ra=LY &Ykt A; af&py+4/25 5Pd4&&?=,- 4@&;z/a / 1 -k TEL (6 19) e 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of rhe City Clerk (aitg af (aarls bab APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT BOARD (SI AND/OR COMMISSION(9 - 0 :g -Jc -Cz (Please print or type,) r3 r- -0- &.-J 53 "* =n 3 1- x A-rts Conmission r'.n t3 %? 2.- 13cR HAnE(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMISSIoN(S) IN UHICH INTERESTED: NAME: n ADDRESS : 1535 Sunrise Circle CITY: Carlsbad. CA ZIP CODE: 97nq HOME PHONE: 619-434-2291 PRESENT OCCUPATION: -ive Virp -Pypsjdpnt BUSINESS NAME: 2 BUSINESS ADDRESS: 5411 Avenida Encinas, Ste. 100 WORK PHONE: 61 9-931-8400 U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) R Yes Resident of Carlsbad (preference given to residents) - X Yes Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some comnissions) - X Yes I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(! I am willing to provide required statements if appointed to a Board or Comniss- I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by i il or at the request of an individual Council Mt I wish to serve; to financial disclosure; DATE: 7/13/89 (Continued on reverse side.) w lD EOUCATIW Liberal Arts , Universi ty of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Institute for Organizational Xanagenent, University of Colorado, Boulder FXPERIENCC 1976-79 - Member/Chairperson, Fine Arts Committee, University of b7isc-Washington 1980 - Developed Community Program for Businesses and Residents for support for t 1977-1984 - Performer and Managing Assistant in the University Theatre Program 1981-56 - Member/Soloist Noraine Area Chorus 1983-84 - Developed Business Support Program for the Community Art Gallery University Repertory Theatre Principal roles in f'Godspell", "Fiddler on the Roof", "Pippin" 9 ITY ACTIVITm 1987 - Docent, LaPurisna Mission State Park (served as guide and resource to tour 1988 - Present - ?lember/Soloist, Choir, Beautiful Saviour Church, Carlsbad 1988 - Season Ticket BDlder, San Diego Ballet 1986 - worked with Victoria FIamilton in Santa Barbara County for a coalition for groups at this historic state park) Arts and Tourism. -- As the public relations director for a campus of the University of Wisconsin, I brought Art Exhibits, perfomances (including the National Theatre for the Deaf), well as grants from tht? National Endowment for the Arts. As a Chamber of Commerce Executive in three cities, I have encouraged the Business Community's support for cultural arts activities. W/J7 A 0 GJ -- a&& VEL 1200 ELM AVENUE 'EL CARLSBAO, CALIFORNIA 92008 'ITY ckERK8s 6Fg;ci ,6 19) 89JCSL f3 AH 9: I f situ of (ItarlslJnb CU-Y OF CA3LS&yJ Offlce of the City Clerk APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT BOARD ($1 AND/OR COMMISSION (9 (Please print or type.) NAnE(S) OF BoARD(S) AND/OR COmISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: CaslsbaA ,Ab -f.s c6 mmLs S/m NAME : ,* BM b. LWeu v4c1,~ ADDRESS : 1731 dh Po couvf+ CITY: aP /</,ad ZIP CODE: 7: PRESENT OCCUPATION: ome makey HOME PHONE: 734 - qm 3 BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE: U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) - X Yes Resident of Carl sbad (preference given to residents) - 6 Yes Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some comnissions) % Yes I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(: I wish to serve; I am willing to provide required statements if appointed to a Board or Commissi to financial disclosure; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Me SIGNATURE : DATE: 7-12 (Continued on reverse side.) w ul +5wnd /4LJ- /d./4. Unk. 6 put EDUCATION iy &h9-4?Ld.r LL md+K &d;Uh$/CtG’& EXPERIENCE / /* W@ JLa4f a&d& 9 ”: zFAgb2L T* 2#4yLo**.&&?- / hq &OA’ &e-kecn. .-- Wt;.j A+S -4~4% ~*kr fj7 .+!! A E&-& m7b p“Pm,, &-./?A ir.tzCLc6-t& L. + &-by; /Auk -*hay P a L-ziAlk 1 * j&d5.”” 7 ‘.%L- l,/ &/=&+ LLJ J-n, %“-” PI- &a CMN ITY ACTIVITIES ITIWL I NFOWTION OR COWFKIS /!LL+d B”’tr/ --%A/ - eamnZh-%,.to d--4pd % &L L-d ' IUU a-u 0 1200 ELM AVENUE TELE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619) L Offrce of the City Clerk Qitg of (anrlsbab BOARD ($1 AND/OR COMMISSION (SI APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT 2 :.Q (23 -K& 'rl ry NAME(S) OF WARD(S) AND/OR COEOMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: i-3 -4 g, 64~+=~ rn-, -.; ^r --uT 5; =E= 231. &5? -i 8 :z (Please print or type.) L" .,I..., - - - c3 e3 , -1 NAME: Theodore R. Frye ADDRESS : 71 -- 31 T.iwnr, T-rr~gk ----- CITY: Carlsbadl_ ZIP CODE: 92009 HOME PHONE: L?8 1765 PRESENT OCCUPATION: Retired. BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE: U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) X Yes Resident of Carl sbad (preference given to residents) v Yes Registered voter in Carl sbad (required for some commissions) X Yes I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) I wish to serve; I am willing to provide required statements if appointed to a Board or Commissio to financial disclosure; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Mem 'I 7 SIGNATURE: - .x -J /Ah DATE : (Continued on reverse side.) /-I e%i?&/A /'- &-g 6 / w - EDUCATION R.A., Oberlin College M.H.A., New Yo-rk University EXPERIENCE 15 years in U.S. Foreign Service 20 years, Treasurer, Rockefeller Foundation COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Tutor in Carlsbad Adult Learning Program ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS "/'"/?a - ' G .LJ 0 A- TEI 1200 ELM AVENUE CAALSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619 CGS Offlce of the city Clerk 0% 7, 7- 050 aitg af QklrlsttaB 4% C3Q * 233- 3 v)- APPLICATION FOR AP POINTMENT BOARDW AND/OR COMMISSION(S), (Please print or type.) WZ-, ggi OR CWISSIW(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: NAME: ADDRESS : CITY: HOME PHONE: 7*bc)13 PRESENT OCCUPATION: BUSINESS WE: BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE: U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) - J Yes Resident of Carlsbad (preference given to residents) J Yes Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some cormnissions) 1/ Yes I am familiar wi,th the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Conmission( ired statements if appointed to a Board or Comiss ing my qualifications for appointslent by l at the request of an indtviduol Council MI I wish to serve; DATE: 398 ( w W EWCATIOW /&hfrE&]ffi:- &om sJg-/%dE 04 giq 3fi,df& pL,- ASK-/ d ?E?lxu;erE EmwE<5 rW~ElR EZ- ’7J& (7,fl,,,,,;., i7,//5 kJ& j ;i” i EXPERIENCE Tm~q - O’K+- ?g~ I CEJ oc QQ~ m E CC~ %TWOLSL~ s ter ( / 4-€j@z-q ?fi-yr h5. 5AJQ6p &d& k e-\Eit-QC (097 +i 533 7i,& kc k8S -to rv-e7 7ho3L-/ pqd. &g CitjoNrrC &al E/ 0 rrl 7 8 5TrnL&M &kwaT v N&k<o kL - -- .. *;p&ygJduLh~F&bm -a$/-/& r@* w, AJ flPflwBi d 7/-flA&/*:/&L 7% 8-4 W0/ "- e- 1200 ELM AVENUE TELE CA A LS BA D, CALI FO RN IA 92008 \619) Offce of the C~ty Clerk cr) o_ !"!3 4G 4c (aitgl rpf (llLtlEls;bekB r- 0 L1 5- AND/OR COMMISSION(S) r LA JC W-F BOARD ($1 (Please print or type.) 7- - APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT %I a -.I NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMISSION(S) IN YHPCM INTERESTED: _W-G'cS~&r-> ~75 CQW&;G,~ NAME: A@ulaW 3' 8A;rTEK ADDRESS : 912-8 C/qm/ ,vim fitA-DR/bA& CITY: CARL5 BA P ZIP CODE: %-( HOME PHONE: 6/9-q38*$304 PRESENT OCCUPATION: ZO b-ofixf'h'od - S C@ fP SttyMd a-ffa Ch r BUSINESS NAME: -&e h mm 'of- fdsh&2AW'OQ ofky BUSINESS ADDRESS: ma ptc1~dv~f. bLigo~ccf U U WORK PHONE: U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) Resident of Carl sbad (preference given to residents) Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some comnissions) I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s I wish to serve: I am willing to provide required statements if appointed to a Board or Commissi to financial disclosure; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Me J Yes '7 Yes t/ Yes - -- DATE: if?+@ \/ SIGNATURE: dh%u - (Continued on reverse side.) w - EWCATIQH / ddched/oc o/,+&h, Pas< ~C~YS;CC.~_K PeQfZAp LLVI/I/SV~I' Lie l/-e l arL cl OH0 JdP, f 4 75 ~{rt~~f. &p+- h~fD/ - Gpac/ua/p~ CM~~Z /aLic/s NLdfd L@dCA c4 Ccf- /9m J Y d Cek -fi $'(a 1~7'ou ~~/cL-y7a~~o ,,+fi+G/t/ /?myrd-,- onfl 3 c&.tfi f+ci 7rtz+m- 6 72 7CQff7 TiF;/-wd - 72/f'r2.?&&& 3/V//'i?p9 %choo/ oi Con QL2 PI, ' %5&7 Ch jki tpn "7, ^9 97 EXPERIENCE Y dfk? CQ 1475; a// LoG2k Pwe . b Lefl H - pa/-2a $#/ blXSl'nQ5S, YkQ rnx;y- 4' Q f)?-*ac-fim vu 2v .oc~o-& fau. hieau ,WVO/LCW A' ~~o~s ee wm( % lk~~-fOnd, mQ./,ckQd and coorcPl'n&d ab)m~ p d4h/ I'XWJL w c.ic& , COO^'^ ~ac- &ovne//,y md c ,m ccluzk /"y ai a h/'qh /Pu'd pchw$/, ,cy&& md %y no+ cbwjh;tqbly d/rmR9 cat fa ?'(/a f fly+- l -b&.lcerr,;Q- S0c;et-y pr counq ChVk4 * e8 c/1'/-, e W! - &&4I/pd @L+- WQ dmd &&.' h/9hsChdo/ dFQ&~&)M w COr?@&ihwr un CVLGjPf&hL'aa CMN ITY ACT IV IT1 ES +'me w Cdony a'--lWLda.q$ %t b rn ah$p 3n'on' l/lS yLQ urn X,JP? &u9. Yt4-Q c*a; c yb k kmmn GI Lca%*z%dP /?a 7% I/lmL.ecayMa L/2Awd &M- J FU'G~~ 9 c~3~ /'ntjQIHd ~rr;irh n Dodandmfl ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COmENTS 61zck f-0 * & and p-aA1+h'y G+ 9" w mJU; 7% P e-- * &- A mud* 9 &= mr d Immh*maP: /de dn-td MI/ c& ' 6 ?f%2 ck?wnmw& % C?'? v 427 & h ccztd a/3 L!GL~-L/Z= m / 3 a 0 LAURIE J. EATTEF; Carlsbad. CA ~ZCICICI 912-B Caminitcl Madriqal (619 ,) .iiz>:3-3z,i)& A proven sales and marketing professional with more than 10 years of experience at setting goals, and surpassing them. A&.QP-E?L.. . iNDUST.EIES . .. . - _._- - . . - . .._-. - lDlC. - -. . .--- . ---- San --.. Marcos. - . -_--. -.--...---- CA. ____ !?Ee!L-c!B:L-z -JAIL?- .-E533 Eight years of increased responsibilities in customer relations and sales administration. Demonstrated performance in key acccur management. pro~ram development. motivation, training. . Manager of Customer Relations 1958 - 1989 . Manager of Sales Administration 1986 - 1989 . Assistant to Vice President-Sales 1982 - 1986 * Created and managed outbound dealer telemarketing department ~ Development of all goals, quotas, scripts, systems, training. - Achieved 50% contact to sales presentation ratio. with 12% program commitment. * Developed International Market, participated in international shows, conducted training seminars, coordinated all orders. - Increased sales bv 22%. * Managed Order Entry Department. including all special sales promotions, upsell/cross-sell program. - Processed in excess of $30 mil in orders annually. Average upsell/crGss-sell S%/year. * OEM key account management, developed existing and new accounts, custom requirements, quality assurance, pricing recommendations. - Average annual key account order $150,00O/year. *. Recommended and implemented policy/procedures relating to custom€ Pricing. gross margins. credit considerations, promotions, and where required. complete product phase out. - Sold entire inventory of product phase out in one week. - Identified buyer for product line and assisted in transition. * Developed and implemented sales management analysis and reporting systems: dealer profiles, call books, monthly sales tracking, new prclduct activity, feedback reporting. a 0 X Wrote key marketing/sales communications including customer bul training materials. sales manuals. planning guides. trade artic * Administered Marketing. Advertising and Sales programs and budgets. including co-op advertising ( $500, (20O budset 1 ~ direct iristore dealer promotions, distributor open houses. X Planned and coordinated national and regional sales meetings am trade shows. Participated in annual incentive convention. * Hired, trained. supervised and motivated staff. BATTER OFFICE PRODUCTS, Vista, CA. AUg. 1975 - Au~. 1980 SALES MANAGER, FIELD SALES * Generated 40% increase in sales. * Managed 150 accounts; supervised two people. * Implemented sales management system. developed market segmentation selling strategy. YMCA/CAMPUS BRANCH . Cleveland. OH. I_ AUE. 1.9ZS - July 1978. OFFICE MANAGER * Budget projections. fund raising. published monthly newsletter, maintained mail list, assisted Board of Directors. EUUCAT ION - Case Western Reserve University. Cleveland, Ohio. B. A. Cum Laude. - Certified, Management Action Program (MAP), Newport Beach, CP - Certified Trainer, GTE Telemarketing, Train the Trainer. Sales/Telemarketing. - French Fluency. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS - American Telemarketing Association. -e =v h a 1200 ELM AVENUE TELE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619) 4 Offce of the City Clerk 423 c? l.0 CaiQ af (anrlBbn8 BOARD (SI AND/OR COMMISSION (SI --4 c= APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT -4 :;= 0 -q ^d 1- L3 ~ -* 73 2 NAME(S) OF BoARD(S) AND/OR CCMISSIoN(S) IN YHICH INTERESTED: *J 37 7- ta Y A* w (Please print or type.) CR Carlsbad Arts Commission NAME: Melinda L. Morrin ADORESS : 3745 Monroe St. CITY: Car 1 sbad ZIP CODE: 9200 HOME PHONE: 434-5561 PRESENT OCCUPATION : BUSINESS NAME: Assemblyman Robert Frazee BUSINESS ADDRESS: 3088 Pi0 Pic0 Ave., Suite 200, Carlsbad 92008 WORK PHONE: - 9 Lea 1 s la t ive As s i s tan t U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) XX Yes Resident of Carl sbad (preference given to residents) xx Yes Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some commissions) XX Yes I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) I wish to serve; I am willing to provide required statements if appointed to a Board or Commissic to financial disclosure; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Men DATE: ?//</?, - SIGNATURE: 7IdL;L$I( $1 ILLUL, (Continued on reverse side.) w m EDUCATION Bachelor I s Deqree Northern Arizon? University, Flagstaff, Arizona Journalism/Public Relations EXPERIENCE 8 years' experience as a political aide 2 years' experience with a local newspaper. 1 year in hospital public relations CWNITY ACTIVITIES 4-year term on San Diego County Commission on the Status of Womi Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Task Force (ADAPT) La Jolla Cancer Research Foundat.ion, member Paradise Valley Hospital Foundation Board, member Selective Service Board; Appeals Board Coordinator, George Bush San Diego County Speakers' Bureau, 198 vice-chair, appointed by Supervisor Brian Bilbray Carlsbad High School, PTA 24 ADDITIONAl INFORMATION OR COmENTS I have attached a resume which shows my activities up to joinins Assemblyman Frazee Is staff in January 1 989; itioved to Carlsbad ir February 1989 (2nd I would very much like to get more involved wj my new home cizy through this appointment. 0 m STA'E CAPITOL SACFIAMEYTO 958'4 9161 M5-2390 - f i MELINDA MORRIN LEGISLATIVE ASSISTANT ASSEMBLYMAN ROBERT C FRAZEE i 3088 PI0 PIC0 DRIVE COAST (619) 434 1749 INL4ND (619) 74d 310 SUITE 200 CARLSBAD CA 92008 SOUTH COUNTY (714) 661 1601 , c--- 7 e r j 1 I L j m W (619) 585-85 rmmR(IIIIIIIIIIIIIR -IIIIIRrm-~IIIImmwrnIm~IRrmmlwm~mm~-- - MELzEmA L. MDm (Tibbetts) 170 El Capitan Drive Chula Vista, CB 92011 OKTEKTIVE: Utilization of skills in comnications, government/media/constituent relations, public relations, problem solving, creative event coordination and prouotions, public speaking. -- Bachelor's Degree in Journalism/Public Relations with a minor in mass QUAT.,IFIED BY: comnications, Northern Arizona University -- Seven years experience as administrative staff in the California State Legislature and San Diego City Council - Served as assistant public relations director for a 235-bed acute care hospital, one year - Journalist, editor, and special promotions coordinator for a bi-weekly newspaper, two years EXPERIENCE Legislative Assistant to Assemblywoman Sunny Mojonnier BIQILICarrS: 3368 Governor Drive, Suite C, San Diego, CA, 92122, (619) 457-5775 Senior administrative staff member in district office. related to health issues, such as child abuse, mental health, and alcohol and dr abuse. Represent member at district events, which often include Resea and develop ideas for legislation. constituent problems. Maintain a rapport with media, community leaders, citizens professionals in fields relating to legislative issues, and keep member informed dis t ri c t issues . Council Representative to Councilman Dick Murphy 202 C Street, San Diego, CA, 92101, (619) 236-6677 Represented Councilman in half the district, approximately 50,000 constituents. Primary role was to deal with citizen complaints and concerns and act as problem solving liaison with the City. represented him at community events, and acted as his political representative. Field Representative to Senator Jim Ellis 2755 Navajo Road, El Cajon, CA, 92020, (619) 464-7204 Served as constituent liaison in a problem solving capacity. Reports, a bi-weekly, 30-minute format television program on KCOX CABLE TV. Selected program topics and issues, coordinated guest appearances, and briefed th Senator on issues. Other duties included writing newsletter copy, representing t Senator at various community functions, preparing and distributing press releases Raised $9,000 to purchase and distribute child passenger safety seats for low-inc families following passage of a new Al funded and distributed 2,000 child passenger safety bumper stickers for law enforcement vehicles in the County. Public Relations Assistant at Paradise Valley Hospital 2400 E. Fourth Avenue, National City, CAY 92050, (619) 267-9500 Produced newsletter and other in-house publications, wrote press releases and ac as media liaison, photographed hospital events, supervised and promoted special events, wrote and produced outside advertising. Coordinated 75th Anniversary Ga developed United Way/Chad employee contribution campaign, served in Director's absence. Administer her programs Coordinate task forces on substance abuse and family reunification. Investigate and facilitate solutions to public speaking. Kept Councilman updated on district issues, Produced Jim Ellis -- state law making safety seats mandatory. 0 Q .. - TV Weekly Magazine Editor, Promotions Coordinator, Society Editor Star-News Publishing Co, 835 Third Ave., Chula Vista, CA, 92011,(619)427-3000 As TV Magazine Editor, responsible for 25% editorial content of a mailed, guide/shopper with 67,000 circulation. produced editorial features, TV log, and promotional house ads. Laid out the seven-zone book, supervised artist, typesetter, and paste-up artist. Handled pub and advertiser complaints, wrote local stringer column for bi-weekly newspaper. , Promotions Coordinator, produced and coordinated all in-house promotions and promotional material. Wrote house ads for the newspaper, wrote, laid out and supervised until camera-ready all special sections, such as Car Care, Fiesta De LC Luna Parade, Thanksgiving, and Christmas special sale sections for the paper. As Society Editor, coordinated a 40-page National City Directory for the Chamber of Comrce, wrote obituaries, and covered social events. Touring Counselor, Automobile Club of Southern California, 7290 El Cajon San Diego, CA 92115, (619) 464-7001 Planned and mapped travel itineraries, secured hotel reservations, operated teletype, completed Department of Motor Vehicles transactions, and was head bookkeeper for a time. Hotel Desk Clerk, Restaurant Hostess, AAA Reservation Counselor, Secretary, Reporter, college newspaper, magazine Radio/TV voice-over and on-camera advertising March of Dimes, press relations Edited several state and national newsletters Campaign P.R. Coordinator, Councilman Dick Murphy's re-election Area Precinct Coordinator, Deukmejian Campaign, 1982 Volunteer speaker, "Yes on Proposition 9 Water Initiative" campaign, 1982 Concord Conference (Republican campaign training seminar), 1984 Volunteer with White House Advance Team, George Bush visits to San Diego, Ontario, 1988 Bush/Quayle Campaign, Coordinator, San Diego County Speakers Bureau San Diego County Commission on the Status of Women, Vice Chair Republican State and County Central Committees Republican Associates, Board Member, 1981-85 Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Task Force (ADAPT) Child Abuse Prevention Foundation La Jolla Cancer Research Foundation Paradise Valley Hospital Foundation Board weekly Developed style from the first issue and Boulevai --- - OTBW EXPERIENCE: Medical Billing Clerk Cerritos and Reding ORGANIZA- TIONS : Selective Service Board; Appeals Board REPERENCES: Chris Heiserman, Chief of Staff The Honorable Dick Murphy Assemblywoman Sunny Mojonnier Judge, San Diego Municipal Court (619) 457-5775 (619) 236-2787 Senator Jim Ellis or Bill Kolender, Former Police Chief Elizabeth Dahl, Chief of Staff City of San Diego, 1400 Broadway (916) 445-3952 San Diego, CA 92102 (619) 293-1108 Gayle Falkenthal, Managing Editor The Honorable Wayne Peterson KSDO Radio, San Diego, California Judge, San Diego Superior Court (619) 283-7121 (619) 236-6534 e. $‘T /,& ucc, hi44 1200 ELM AVENUE TELE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619) 4 Offrce of the City Clerk aitp of akrlsba3 BOARD ($1 AND/OR COMMISS ION ($1 LC3 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT e7a +c. 4% 3 “I*- -?+! - C7,w -IJa .1;7 * r x- en - CARLSBAD ARTS COMMISSION id (Please print or type.) WE(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR CMXSSIoN(S) IN WHICH IHTERESTED: p .. is Q NAME : JOSEPH N. (JOE) EGGLESTON ADDRESS : 3301 Belle Lane CITY: Car Is bad ZIP CODE: 92008 HOME PHONE: 729-5091 PRESENT OCCUPATION: Retired, USMC & Retired City of Carlsbad BUSINESS NAME: None BUSINESS ADDRESS: None c WORK PHONE: None U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) - X Yes Resident of Carl sbad (preference given to residents) - X Yes Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some comnissions) - X Yes I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) I wish to serve; I am willing to provide required statements if appointed to a Board or Comnissior to f i nanci ai di scl osure; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a ( designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Meml SIGNATURE: li.t., ht f$$W 4- DATE: February 2, - (Continued on reverse side.) ‘ W W EDUCATION Graduated from Chagrin Falls, Ohio High School in 1947 and Mira Costa Junior College in 1975, received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Administration from San Diego State University in 1977 and a Master of Arts Degree in public Administration from the California State University at Long Beach in 1981. EXPERIENCE Twenty-six years in the U.S. Marine Corps going through the ranks from Private to Staff Sergeant and Second Lieutenant to Major, being assigned responsible tasks as Battalion, Company and Platoor Commanders : Third Marine Amphibious Force Motor Transport Officer, Camp Pendleton, California, Base Motor Transport Officer, Marinc Barracks Security Officer and Inspector/Instructor for Marine Corps Reserve Squadron. Fifteen (15) years in municipal government working for the City oi Carlsbad in the Departments of Planning, Personnel, Parks 6 Recreation, Public Works Administration/Development Services, Engineering and Utilities & Maintenance as a Department Administrative Assistant, Administrative Assistant 11, Seniol Manhgement Analyst and Acting Parks and Recreation Director (I months). COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Member of the Carlsbad Rotary Club, Carlsbad Chamber of Commercl (Ambassadors and Military Affairs Committees), Carlsbad Historica Society, Disastar/Emergency Planning Group for Carlsbad (durinl employment with City) , Public Safety and Service Center Planninl Group (during employment with City) and Carlsbad Veterans Memoria Committee. ADDITIONAL INFOEXATION OR COMMENTS I am sincerely interested and have sufficient time to partkipat actively in the €unctions of the Carlsbad's Boards, Commissions an Committees. Respectfully request consideration for the tasks whic the City Council. deems me best qualified. 0 - ,// "/ o w-2.a 1200 ELM AVENUE RECEI 'b& TELE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 CITY "t@TS OFF;f3E 1619) 4 Offlce of the City Clerk &C!JUl, 16 p2 1:j-J; caitQ of (anrlstt&y CF C~,"L~fC~3 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT BOARD ($1 AND/OR COMMISSION (SI (Please print or type.) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COWISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: CARLSBAD ARTS COMMISSION NAME: Dawn Larsen ADDRESS : 6839 Alderwood Drive CITY: Carlsbad ZIP CODE: 92009 HOME PHONE: 931-9401 PRESENT OCCUPATION: Director of Resident Relations (Retirement Facilitv) BUSINESS NAME: Casa de las Campanas BUSINESS ADDRESS: 18655 West Bernard0 Drive, San Diego, California 92127 WORK PHONE: 451-9152 Ext. 812 U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) Resident of Carl sbad (preference given to residents) Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some commissions) I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) I wish to serve; I am willing to provide required statements if appointed to a Board or Commission to financial disclosure; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a c designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Memb Yes - Yes - Yes SIGNATURE: DATE: 11 July 89 (Cant inued on reverse side.) w w EDUCATION See attached resume EXPERIENCE See attached resume Additional Information: Responsible for the creation of a Senior Citizen Art Gallery in two retireme.it communities. Helped develop a Senior Art Appreciation Program ,and a program in a local elementary schoo~. COmUNITY ACTIVITIES ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COmENlS 0 0 DAWN LARSEN 936 Hawthorne Carlsbad, California 92008 (619-931-9401) - EXPERIENCE: Activities Director Wesley Palms 2404 Loring San Diego, California 1987-Present Scheduling and implementation of daily social, educational, and physical activities for retirement facility of 315 res- idents, coordinate management training and inservice instru tion of management staff, plan and facilitate major marketi events. Educational Prosram Coordinator Senior Center 24350 Civic Center Drive 1985-1987 Southfield, Michigan Faculty Supervisor, design and schedule educational program organize and facilitate faculty meetings, open house, stude faculty events, responsible for design and distribution of class brochure, set up and facilitate workshops, coordinate class registration, supervision of volunteer program. Adult Education Instructor West Bloomfield Adult Education 5475 Maple Road 1984-1987 West Bloomfield, Michigan Farmington Community Center 24705 Farmington R9ad 1984-1987 Farmington Hills, Michigan Franklin Club Apartments 28301 Franklin Road 1983-1987 Southfield, Michigan Southfield Senior Adult Center 24350 Civic Center Drive 1984-1987 Southfield, Eichigan La Vida Del Mar 850 Del Mar Downs Road 1987-present Solana Beach, California Present slide lectures on educational and culturally enrich topics, develop curriculum, photograph and research materia. arrange educational field trips to museums and galleries. Facilitator of Self Awareness Geriatric Prosram Cambridge Nursing Care West Facility - Beech Dall: 1983 Redford, Michigan Bloomfield Hills Care Center 50 W. Square Lake Road 1983 Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Created and implemented program combining art enrichment with self-awareness for residents in nursing care facilities . . v 8 * ? Page two Coordinator of Art Appreciation Procrram Walled Lake School System Keith Road 1978-1984 Union Lake, Michigan Established and participated in a program introducing visual i to elementary school children, advisor for volunteers. Smithsonian Archives of American Art Detroit Institute of Art, 1982 Organized and prepared material acquired from artists to be put on microfilm. Intern for Smithsonian EDUCATION: Oakland University B.A. Art History Rochester, Michigan 1982, Magna Cum Laude Skyline College A.A. Liberal Arts San Bruno, California 1977, With Honors, Dean's List PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: North County Activity Professionals' Organization May 1987-1988 Executive Board Recording Secretar: