HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-02-20; City Council; 10506; CCVB quarterly report* e u bl 0 a a) &A a) 5 a a) I4 .rl w Q) 5 a u a Q) 0 c) (d 01 ?I -rl c) F: 1 u 0 0 .. z 0 a I 0 N I N 6 a 1 0 z 3 o 0 il CITi)OF CARL~LIAU - AUtNw BILL &- AB# /<i 3/86 TITLE DEPT. ). CITY A1 MTG. DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: 2/@/90 CCVB QUARTERLY REPORT CITY MI FIN Information item, no action required. ITEM EXPLANATION: Attached is the first quarterly report from the Carlsbad Convention an( Visitors Bureau (CCVB) for the month ending December 31, 1989. This reporl is issued in compliance with the contract between the City and CCVB. For the period of 7/1/89 through 12/31/89, income to CCVB totaled $85,755 with $69,600 coming from the City and $15,855 coming from other sources such as fund raisers, donations, and cooperative fees. Expenses totale $70,944 for the same period, with $54,925 going toward administrative an operating costs, while $16,019 was spent on projects and programs. A ne operating "profit" of $14,811 has been realized to date. CCVB has receive $15,855 in cash contributions which qualify for the matching City funds. The Table below compares funds which the City is making available to CCV versus expenses which have occurred to date. Administrative/operating cost are nearly 48% depleted, while unrestricted project/program funds are near1 29% expended. Unrestricted funds available to CCVB total $170,000, of whic nearly 42% have been spent. INISTRATIVE a OPERATING TOTAL PRGGRAMIPROJECTS TOTAL AVAIL WITHOUT MATCH The CCVB reports that several marketing programs have been accompl ishc during the October 1, through December 31, 1989 time period. The: marketing programs included a four day Familiarization Tour of the area, ti attendance at three Trade Shows in San Diego, one-3 day Silicon Valley, and the placement of advertisements in five magazines, a two newspapers. FISCAL IMPACT: None. EXHIBITS : CCVB Quarterly Report. Sales Mission 4 e 0 c ARBAD CALIFORNIA January 25, 1990 Debbie Neville Sr . Management Analyst F inance De par tme n t City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Debbie: Attached is a synopsis of the major activities of the garlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau from October 1 to date. Financial and visitor statistics are reported through December 31. I am also including some newspaper clippings to provide you with a broader perspective of our activities . If you need additional information, please call me. Steve Link Manager Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau P.O. Box 1246 * Carlsbad, CA 92008 - (619) 931-9050 Division of [he Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce e The ConVis has carried out several marketing programs since September. 1. Familiarization Tour October 26-29: The ConVis in a joint project with the North County Marketing Group and AMTRAK hosted 38 travel planners from the Los Angeles area. 2. Trade Shows November 24-26: The ConVis manned a booth for the three-day trade show a the Grand Opening Celebration of the San Diego Convention Center. January 4: In cooperation with the North County Marketing Group, the ConVis manned a booth at the Mixer Plus Visitor Industry Trade Show at tk San Diego Convention Center. January 15: The ConVts met with 150 visiting travel agents from the United Kingdom at a mini trade show at Sea World. 3. Sales Mission January 11-13: In cooperation with the North County Marketing Group, tht ConVis participated in a sales mission to Silicon Valley. ninety travel agencies from Redwood City to San Jose were personaily vis it ed . 4. Magazine Ads One hundred Ads have been placed in Motorland, Westways, San Diegan, Tucson Lifestylc L.A. Magazine, and Golden State. 5. Newspaper Ads An ad has been placed in the Orange County Register, Several other ads have been placed in the L.A. Times in cooperation with the North County Market i ng Group . 0 m CARLSBAD CONVENTION & VLSI.TORS BUREAU FIN'ANCIIAL STATEMENT YEAR 1989-1990 MOYTH ENDING December 31, DATE OF RETORT January 8, BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET Y-T-D !€-T -D NO INCOME: City of Carlsbad $79998 $69900 $13333 Other (Fund Raisers, Cooperative Fees, Donations, Misc.) 16008 15855 2668 TOTAL INCOME $96006 $85755 $16001 EXPENSES: Administration $46103 $44996 $ 7683 Operation 8916 9929 1486 Pro j e c t s / P r o g r am s 40944 16019 6824 TOTAL EXPENSES $95963 $70944 $15993 NET PROFIT (LOSS) $ 43 $14811 $8 0 0 VISITOR INFORMATION SUMMARY October 1, 1989 - December 31,1990 CA. resident Out of CA Foreign Total for visitors visitors visitors month October 3 31 208 123 662 November 354 182 76 61 2 December 309 224 53 58 6 3-mont h totals 994 614 252 1860 *Above figures represent one member of family and/or group Oct . Nov. Dec. Totals Phone inquiries 178 148 137 463 Mail outs 27 3 181 883 1337 Travel agent mail outs 75 330 405 Summary. 89 I 60 .Q- & i GZ.2 32$2 E@%=g 2.5 qsa Q).? :z-.cjj 3 3 C4 3 Q) S'Crn%;S no, &5Z O.~X~@~~ 2 E'S sc-, p a@ &%Z "OS a@ c*% Ei ~$,*P~5hQ@32@E I, 2% @idea Ql t-l kMfQ.2 22 9 ; 2-c sz G a gq @ Q @ + 8 q)z 342s a, h 9 2: E "qLzE @h 3QO Q) Q).-U.~ agsz " E2 a .r( a++&&7? sap2 0, $5 'Ph $4 2 o ge- 2 35,s .zLQ)$$-" .+i kp aw $';:sQ)Q)sQ)a,a+o$ m@& E e- Q) a 2pE5'2Q) $2 bbu 223 c! g p.$%p+gE,:fiEQ).e b@ m 5 $ &L$mES 3& E s.2 3es ti6 -'hb"L$ hGh$g .S?Qa3@c ' Q) &C 1-w m k.52& &@o@g "aU" '"MOEca o% Q) 22 &- g Mm-2 2 2 E c.5r=co b 6 -3 5? %.E &* 8 @;a4 c 6 ' s-5 @ @* c m @ 2 sz-z<$z 5 Q) a &* Q) E s5.+.3z 258.2- "Ki,,o S%O.S 5 g -5%- g.a $4 8 u $$%.5 E $z;j;;& g 2 bo &&- cat;'-, @U c Q)z a G "8'- h v1 e Q)2 a.rc.5 sou $@e.- '$";.yQ.T; &,,b Ea* O@+E M' a-as c a QJ e- 3% 80 9 +d p2.2;x 0 w.2q -4s 3*CU "LCm k ~~~B'~~ -d o*md a+,s.s$+ Q) 0 ?$ E e.: P 23s a+ 0 0 2.H a . Q) "'SO&Q) uW*aO 'z*!aJca ' Q) bun,# * Q)Gp? lo3EZ&G- &o" wC5~rn $OpazQp uQ))"kE a r! Ss2em ,3'€c: 32 " h " a'%* k a Q) c n 5 E 0 MQ o; .z a: .- pzH:~ gsq2.g.g~ Ek.2 Q)5; g gzc-gs; ag2p7 dZ"6 0 "Zd ~* 0 !a%** X.2 2 .-,em 29" 1-6 a42 a 0) h @$ o.c g A-5 c 0 2 €0 G 0 Q) @,E- a.z0*5C 2.5 t: x k3 .~-%*-F.Q MaC 6' c Zd.22 2.55ze e"c5 g$55.55S o..5zi2m &Q) M m *-w Mce~~ ..a& m *I &Z &%A E 2.9 $6 E 0 s4-m @ az.5 @ 0 E: - g3 a.2u a@ ;* ez.5 'CM Moa g* 2 Q)n.z E C C~S5)ya~~ - MO@a"GGO$hC'CLac~3iQ) om MX e' & & 0: 6.4 7 Q) @ 3* 2 z g €6 -. e 0 ConVis Shines at SD Convention Center Opening at last month’s grand opening of the San Diego Convention Center. Volunteers who manned the Carlsbad Convention and Visi- Grand Opening of the San Diego Convention Center bragged ab- out Carlshad’s charms to thousands of people who toured the Center. It is estimated that about a quarter of a million people strol- led through the Center during the Grand Opening weekend, November 24-26. Besides the ConVis staff, the volunteers working the booth were: Carol Dudeck, Orpha Froblom, Lee Ann Lilinthal, Dave Stookey. George Willis sbad as an ideal place to relax and browse through unique “Many people who talked to us were looking for a weekend get-away, either for themselves or to give as a Christmas gift,” said Wrisley. “We gave them lots of ideas. And many people were interested in the upcoming Tournament of Champions at La Costa.” “We will have our booth at other trade shows in Los Angeles, Anaheim and Tucson during the next few months,” said Steve Link. Carisbad Con- Vis Manager. “But. it is impor- tant to be visibie in nearby San (sok!es Fro- Diegc 83 *;,-e!! U‘e want San Diepaas to thxk rJf Carlsbad when n!mr?inz a weekend ex- cxrstcii til‘ 1Cst an afternoon tors Bureau’s booth at the shops.” 4 Canish Bakery md .: :x. ,,.:en peop!e to our bootn ,::.e ~. :....srAe:.”saii “1 .-ed C2r!- 9hop~?nc ‘”p ” .* -. 0 1) ................................................. Santa Clara Maniot Hotel on January 13. The teams will reaffirm the invitation and present a packet of North County literature to each agency. CONVIS Bureaus Go on Three-Day Blitz More than 300 travel agencies in San Jose area will soon learn why they should send their clients to North San Diego County. A dozen volunteers and staff members of the CONVIS Bureaus of ‘Carlsbad, Escondido and Oceanside will travel to San Jose, January 11 to 13, to personally Visit the targeted agencies. Teams of two will visit 50 agencies during the three-day sales blik. travelers as well as tourists to stay in Carlsbadj” Carlsbad IM sales director Carol DuDeck said. ’Travel agencies in that area need to be more aware of accommodations in North County when planning the itineraries of their business clients:’ agencies will have already received invitations to a reception at the At the reception, the managers of the Redwood City, Santa Clara and the COWS Bureaus of Cabbad, Escondido and Oceanside will present a program about their communities. In February, teams will be organized for a similar blitz of travel agencies in Phoenix. A third blitz is scheduled in Orange County during March. * I ................................................. . ‘We are looking for more business ‘k Before the team’ arrival, the