HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-03-20; City Council; 10540; Agreement for Consulting Services to Prepare Environmental Impact Report for Realignmnet of Rancho Santa Fe Road1- F Qt 3b & c ,4 i D W 8 tE a < 5 s II F 0 a z 3 0 0 ClWOF CARLSBAD - AGEN-ILL y !/&3 ,I - DEPT. PLN 1 AB# /4i x@ TITLE: AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTING CITY MTG. 3/20/90 SERVICES TO PREPARE AN ENVIRONMENTAL DEPT IMPACT REPORT FOR THE REALIGNMENT OF RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD CITY ~~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: ADOPT Resolution No. 98- LL , APPROVING an agreement Cotton/Beland/Associates, Inc., for the preparation o Environmental Impact Report for the Rancho Santa Fe Realig Project, and APPROVING an agreement with the Fieldstone Co for the funding of the Report. ITEM EXPLANATION Preliminary design plans for the easterly realignment of R Santa Fe Road between La Costa Avenue and Melrose Drive hav been prepared and submitted to the City by the Fieldstone Com Also, an assessment district is being formed to fund construction of the realigned road. An initial environmental assessment identified the need to pr a complete Environmental Impact Report for the pro realignment project. Staff contacted a number of environm consulting firms to see if they had an interest and the avai time to prepare the report. Four firms responded. Statemer qualifications were requested from each of these four f Staff reviewed the proposals with respect to a number of fa including similar work, personnel and availability. Based or review, staff is recommending that the firm of Cotton/Be Associates, Inc., be selected to prepare the Environmental I Report for the realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road. The realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road will result in the to rearrange land uses in this portion of the City, th necessitating a future, subsequent amendment to the La Master Plan. An amendment to the Master Plan is not requested or approved at this time. However, in order to pr the Environmental Impact Report, the Report will addres: impacts of a conceptual rearrangement of land uses as propos the Fieldstone Company. Also, the Fieldstone Company is prop to do the overall grading for the area surrounding the realig of Rancho Santa Fe Road at the same time the grading for thc is done. The Environmental Impact Report will address additional grading but, again, City approval is not being for the additional grading at this time. FISCAL IMPACT Cost for the preparation of the Environmental Impact Rep0 $61,750 which will be paid for by the Fieldstone Company. will be deposited with the City in a trust account oncc agreements are approved and signed. EXHIBITS 1. City Counc:il Resolution No. Yd-LL: 2. Agreement with Cotton/Beland/Associates, Inc. (Consult 3. Agreement w/Fieldstone Company (Developer) including Scope of Services 1 I * '. II I ,. t i. II II 4 4 w 1 2 3 4 li v W RESOLUTION NO. 90-66 I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND COTTON/BELAND/ ASSOCIATES: AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE FIELDSTONE COMPANY, FOR CONSULTING SERVICES TO REVISE THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR I THE RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT PROJECT. , 5 11 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Californi( 6//does hereby resolve as follows: 7 11 1. That certain agreements between the City of Carlsb, 8 9 10 11 12 13 and Cotton/Beland/Associates, Inc., and the City of Carlsb, and The Fieldstone Company, for consulting services to prepa the Environmental Impact Report for the realignment of Ranc: Santa Fe Road, copies of which are on file in the office of t: City Clerk, and incorporated herein by reference, are here' approved. 14 11 2. The Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is here 15/1 authorized and directed to execute said agreements for and 161) behalf of the City of Carlsbad. x? /I PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of t 18 19 City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the 2( 2o I day Of March , 1990. AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Lars01 21 /I NOES: None 22 /I ABSENT : None 23 24 25 11 ATTEST: 26 27 ALETHA L. RAUTE 28 11 .A. < < L' P V w rl 8 AGREiEP.1EI:IT THIS AGREEMENT is made this 2% '%day Qf LGU ,193 between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporatlm af the State of Californi COTTONIBELAND/ hereinafter referred to 89 CITY, and ASSOCIATES INC. hereinafter referred to : CONSULTANT. KrdAslS FIELDSTONE, W-EREAS, the CITY, has entered into an agreement with ASSOCIATES j hereinafter called the applicant, wherein the 61pY agrms to prepare a(an) ENVIRONM; RANCHO SANTA FE IMPACT REPoRT for the pfOpQ$Qd prOj0Ct identifled a$ the ROAD REALIGNMENT which located in the southeat quadrant of the city of CARLSBAD and more precisely shown c the plat marked Attachment 1, attached htsroto and made 8 part hereof; and WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT has the quallflcations to prepare tP required ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ; and WHEREAS, It is undorstood that the CONSULTANT shall be a independent cmtractot of the CITY; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of thdr mutual covenants an conditions, the parties hereto agrea as follows! (1 1 DUTIES QF THE CONSLJCTANT CONSULTANT shall ptepare a(an)ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPoRT on th subject project in accord wllh the California Envlronmental Quality Act a implemsntsd by the Stats Guidalinos and by CITY in Title 19 of th Carlsbad Nlunlclpal Cod0 and Its irr~~lnrnclntlng resolutions, In carrying 01 thls obllgatfon the COPJSUL'I'ANTS dutles shall include tho followlng; r i % d ‘I. rr .) m e (a) the CONSULTANT shall, censiste~t with the Work ~rogrr COntaind in Attachment 2, (I) make all necessary and required fi. eXP!OratlOns, reviews and tosts; (2) make all nmessary and requir laboratory tests and analysis; (3) appear and be prepared answer questions and prepare testimony on the final ENVIRONM IjVPArT REPORT at all public hearings before the PIanni Cornmissfan and the City Council pridr to the certification of t report: (4) make ell raports necessary to Gornply with t raquirernents of tkls section. Before proparing the draft report, t CONSULTANT shall subrnlt five copies of a preliminary rep (screen check EIR) to the Planning Directat far staff review. T CONSULTANT shall wise the prcllmlnaty report a9 requested I staff In order to make it suitable for draft EIR review. (b) CONSULTANT shall prepare 8 draft rsparl in compliance with tl Work Program cmtatned in Attachment 2 on file at the Plannir Department (unless otherwise stated In thlg agreement), attach{ hereto and made 8 part hereof and wlth applicable state law ar City ordlnances, The CONSULTANT shall submit to CIN fit copies (in 3-ring binders) plus a reproducible master of the dral ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ta the C1N. (c) CONSULTANT shall attempt to determine as soon as possible in h study of the area involvad, those factors which coutd severely fnhlt or prohlbit the proposod projoct. If it appears that such factors ar 2 a i 1 W 0 c P Present, tw shall so Inform the Planning Director who in turn w - dl8Cuss with tho applicant tho fewslbllity of contlnuing with tl- report, The objactivo at this subsoctlon of the agreement Is 1 minimize the cost if thesa adverse factam exist. (d) CONSULTANT shall prepare and file with the CllY written response to all comments rocaived subsequent to public notice that the dta ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT has been filed. CONSULTANT sh; also prepare any response necessary to matters raised at the publ' hearings. The written rosponses shall bts prepared in a form thE will permft tho responses to be Incorporated into the anal ENVIRo IMPACT REPORT (2) PUJTIES OF THE ClW (a) be GIN will make pnymont to the CON$ULTANT as pravicfed fa in this agroomsnt. (b) Tbe CITY will mak8 available to the CONSULTANT any documents studies, or other infcmation in its possession related to thc proposed project. (c) The CfN will revlaw the Preliminary Report presented by thc CONSULTANT withln fourteen worklng days of their receipt anc make wrlttm commsnts to the CONSULTANT within that tlmg period. 3 i < s 0 0 L P - (d) The CITY ghPll provido th@ CONSULTANT wlth copies of all wrlttc .) COl”lbfltS r@CoiVQd on tho draft ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPOR‘: subsequsnt tu public notice that the draft ENVIRONMENTAL IMPAC: REPoRT has boon filed and Is available for public review. (3) TERMINATIQN QF,$XEMENI The CITY may tsrminate this agreement at any time by giving writtl notice to the CONSULTANT of such terminatlan and specifylng t: effwtive date thsreof, at least fifteen days prior to the effecttvs date of t termhwtlon, In event Qf termination, all flnlshed or unfinished doclumer and other materials prepared pursuant to this agreement shall become I propertyI Upon termination fQr reasons other than breach of tl- agreement CITY shall pay CONSULTANT the reasonable value af tt services complotod to the date of notice of termination. (4) MSE OF INFDRMATION BY CflNSUtTANT Any repom, Information or other data, prepared or assembled by tl (5) CONSULTANT undar thls agroement shall not be made available to ar individual or organization by the, CONSULTANT without the prior wrlttt approvaf af the CITY. QWmlP, PUB1 lWT!ON, REPRQDUCTIQN AN0 USE OF ENVlROl MENTAL IMPACT REPORTS AraD OTHER MATERIALS All documents and rnatm-lals prepared pursuant to thls agreement are tl- property of thfr CIR ’The CITV shall have the unrestricted authority 1 4 ’. .\ e Q L .+ L publish, disclose, distribute and otherwise use, in whole or In part, E L reports, data, of othetr materials prepared under thls agreement. (0) l?luMuI The CONSULTANT will bo paid 8 maximum of $61 ,750 . oodollars for work necessary to carry out the requlrements of thls agreement. Act payment shall be based on the cost of the report based on the costs sat forth In Attachment 2 on file at the Planning Department. 1 CONSULTANT shall b8 paid with 30 days, in response to moni invoice, for up to oixty porcont of the compensable services for completion of the scrmn check draft accordance with Paragraph 1 above, The CONSULTANT wilt be paid to an additional twenty-fivd percent upon acceptance by the GIN of response to comments from the CONSULTANT, the final fifteen percent be paid not to wxcmd the maximum amount provided in Its egrsem .wlthln thirty days after receipt of lnvaice, to be submitted after ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT certification of the (7) TIME OF .COMPLFTIQN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT by the City Councll, 7me Is of the essonco In carrying out the terms of thls agreement, I understood that inelemmt woathar conditlons may delay the complel of field work. The CONSULTANT will be allawed as many additional dl as are necessary to componsate for days lost due to inclement weati The CONSULTANT shalt Gubmit tg the CITY five copies of the Prelimlr 5 - 4 % I ,- c - (8) (9) DRAFT ENVl !P ONMENTAL e IMPACT REPORT 70 WORKING wlihir-1. DAYS - of the signing of thi agr'eemQnt by both COr'lCarrlod par-tias. Tho CONSULTANT shall submit t the CITY flfb copios Of t]7a draft ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTWifhIn 1: Y working days of tho CCmplCiGd staff reviow of the Prelimlnaly DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT MITg OF TClE QDLISAYK%J The limits Of the obligation of the CITY under this agreement is in the 8Ur $61,750.00 of " which amount IS estimated to be sufficient to compensate th COhISULTANT for all SQIVICOS performed lrarsunder durlng the terms t thls agreement. In tho ovant nt any time it appears to the CONSULTAN that said sum may riot ba suiiicient, he shall lmmedlately so notify th Planning Director, lio will riot potform any work or incur any obligatfo beyond sold gum of$61~750.00 without appropriate amendment to thi agresment. !J-IANGl$? IN WORl( If, in the wurw oi ti% contract, changes smn merlted by tt- CONSULTANT or tha CITY and informal consultations indicate that change in tho conditiont; of ti-m contract Is warranted, the CONSULTAN or the CITY may requmt a chsngo in ths contract. Such changes 8ht ba processed by tho CIN in tha following manner, A Iemf outlining tl- required changes shall bo fonvscded to tho CITY Or CO'dSULTANT 1 Inform them of th3 proposod ctmngss along wlth a statement of e$tilflatE G 1 , , 0 t c .1 changes in ChsfQQS or tiins schodule. After reaching mutual agteem on the proposal, a supplamental agreement shall be prepared by the C and approved by the City Council. Such supplemental agreement 8 not render ineffective or Invalid unaffected portions of the aqreem Cnanges requlrlng immediate Qction by the CONSULTANT Or the c shell be ordered by the Planning Director who will inform a principal of CONSULTANT’S flrm of the nacessity of such action and follow up W~I supplemental agtesment coveting such w/ork. The lump sum amounts dotalled in this agreement shall be adjusted changes, either addliive or daductiva, in the scope of work. (4 (3 HOLD HARM= The CONSULTANT will indamnify the CITY against and hold it harm from all and any cost, expense, or liability for damages on accoun injury or death to persons Qr damage to property resulting from or arir out of Qr in any way connected with the negligent or intentionally wron perfarmanca by CONSULTANT agreement, including the defense of action arising thorefrom. CONSULTANT will reimburse the CITY fo Costs, expenses and losses hturred by It In consequence of any la demands and causas of action which may be brought against it t person arising out of tho porfarrnance by CONSULTANT of agreement. 7 ? , 0 e 1. c (1 1) YAlNTAlN INSURANCE - CX"TANT shall, at 011 times that this agreement is in effect or ti Premises art3 occupied by CONSULTANT, cause to be maintained In forc and effect an imuranco policy or pollcles which will ensure and indemni both CJN and CONSULTANT agalnst tiability or financial loss re$u/tir from injuries fXCllrfiRg to persons or property In of about the premises (. occurring as a result of any acts or activity of CONSULTANT. The liabilil under euch insurance pdky zhalf be not less than $lW,O(Q for any or person hjured or $300,000 for any one accident and $5O,OOO for praperl damage. The pollcy shall be writton by a responsible company c companies to be plpptovd by CW, and shall be noncancelable excq on ten days' written notica to CITY. Such policy shall name CIN a additional insured and a copy of a certificate describing such policy sha be filed with the CITY. / (12) INDEPENDENT QJWTRACTOq CONSULTANT in accordance with his status as an independent contrado1 covenants and agrees that ha will conduct himself consistent with suci status, that he will nelther hold Iiimsolf out as nor claim to be an officer o employee of tha CtW by reason hereof, and that he will not by feasor hereof, make any clotm, demand, or application to of for any right 01 privilege applicable to an oftrcar or employee of the CITY Including, but m limited to, workmen's cornpansation coverage, unemployment insufam 8 -. 0 a # * b**efltsI B~CM security coverage, or retirement membershjp cred}t, w 11 3) ASSIGNMENT OF CQNTR,2GT CONSULTANT shall not assign this contract or any part hereof or a, monies due or to ~ecorno due theraunder YdithQut the prior wrMBn CO~BF at the CITY, (4 4) 8UBCONTRACTiNG If the, CONSULTANT shall subcontract any of the work to be performe under this contract by CONSULTANT, the CONSULTANT shall be f~l respcrnaible to the CITY for the acts and omissions of Its sltbcontractl and Of the persons either diroctly or indirectly 8mpl~ygd by H SUbGontfactOr, Et8 it is for the act9 and omissions of persons direct employed by it, Nothing contalned in this contract shall create an contractual relationshlp batween any subcontractor of CONSULTANT an1 the CITY, The CONSULTANT shall bind every subcontractor and ever, subcontractor of a Gubcontractor by their terms of this contract applicablc to its work unless specifically notsd ta the contrary In the subcontract ir question approved in writing by the CITY. (1 5) PROHiBlTED INTERW No offlclal of the CITY who is authorizsd in such capacity on behalf of thc GIN to nqotlato, make, accspt or approve, or to take part In negotiating, making, accepting Or approvlng any archltectural, englneerlncj, inwedion, Construction, or material supply contract Or subcontract in connection with 9 -. e a r F the CWBtrudbn of tho pfojact, shall become directly or indire( interested personally in this contract or in any part thereof, No offlc employee, architect, attornsy, onglneer cv inspector of or for the CITY w is auwrl~wi in SUG~ capacity and on beha1 of the CITY to exgrcisg 1 executive, supervisory or other similar functions in connectlon with perforrnanco of this contract shall become directly or indirectly lnteres personally in this contract or any part hereof, (16) VERRqCAmEEMENT OR CONVERSATIQN No verbal agreement or conversation wlth any officer, a~ant or emplo of the CITY, either befora, during or after the execution of this contr shall affect or modify my 6f the tarms cr obligatlons herein contained, such verbal agroernent or conversation entitle the CONSULTANT to additional payment whatsoover under the terms of this Contract, 10 .. \' I 0 e I IN W'TNESS WHEREoF~ the Padies hereto have executed this asreem Or' Ih* day and year first above wriften. By; CONSULPANT DONALD A. COTTON ATTEST: ALETHA 1, MUTENKRANZ, City Clerk' APPROVED AS TO FORM: It . b < 3 ", 9. tY ij CKj' I-@ ; Li-" ,X 35 0 zp ..A z 0 x In b 0 I..) .,,,.I,, :, ii 0' Uill /. .< ,.. I, ATTACH .I\ ,, /I ' '\ ~'~OIJ~)X~3d I! .,/, <,:I" I,,,",,, ," rltlnL!lsl s,,,,,,, I ,, llOi,t, .- '~l~f~~3-'L:jS>z# l~,,,:",,il,]: ,,.,, i,," \.,\j, ./" c;!*l Coundary .;"proxlm~lo Cllrlsbnd/San ~~JrCOJ \ 0 0 ATTACHMI 1 SCOPE OF SERVICES Cottan/Befand/Assaciates, Inca (CBA) will provide the following basic Services In preparation of the Envirvrlmerital Impact Report for the Rancho Santa Fe Road Real jgnhment/Project Grading. Data col lection anc analysis will focus on the specific impact areas identified In Task 2, The Scope of Services includes the followlng assumptlons: 1. City of Carlsbad Will prepare Notice of Preparation; 2. City of Carlsbad W1 provfde copies of all current project-relatec documents, including aerial photographs and topographic maps of project area; Section 3, Project days refet. to work days. 3. Draft EIR and Final EIR wll I be incorporated into a single set of 5 CBA-provided three-ring binders; 4. Tlme estimates for conlpletion of the Draft and Final EIR assume completion of biological impact analysis under separate contract by City-selected biologist and transmittal to CBA two weeks prior to Project Day 56. 5. Biologist consultation (not permit acquisition) wlth Repartments of Fish & Game and Fish and Wi Id1 i fe. Task 1. Recormal ssance Objective The purpose of this task is to farnjliarize the project te with the project, existlng conditions In the project area and the avai 1 ab1 e data base. Products Product Project Day EIR Mockup 14 Subtasks 1.1 Review Available Documentatjon. Cotton/Bel and/Associ ates wi 11 col1 ect necessary avai 1 ab1 e information related to the project from City staff, Materials to be reviewed include the City General PI an, road realignment studies, other project EIRs, zoning maps and ordinance, uti 1 i ty maps, aerial photos and other available information. 1.2. Inspect Project Arm CBA wj 11 survey the project area and surrounding areas to identify local conditlons of the natural environment, )ant use, noise, traffic and general environmental setting of the project. 1 a 0 " Task 2. Prepare Administrative Draft EIR Objective The purpose of this task 1s to prepare a complete draft the project EIR for revlew by the Ctty staff prior to publication. The adrninistv'ativct draft wll1 include all text, tables and figures. PrbduCtS Product Project Day Project Descri ptl on Memo 14 Cumulative Project list 14 Administrative Draft EIR (10 copies) 56 2 0 e I r) Subtasks 2.1 Draft Project Description. CBA will prepare a draft project description in the form to be included in the Draft EIR. The project descriptio wf71 include maps, tables and diagrams describing the project and prjncipal project alternatjves. The project description will describe existjng and antictpated land uses In the project area In acres and intensity of development measures (dwelling units, square footage), i quantitative pvoject description, even though it may be i "best estimate," is cruc-ial in identifying potential impacts . 2,2 Cunlulative Project List. CBA, in consultation with Clty staff, wlll prepare a cumulatlve projects list to identify related projects anc projects khich must be considered for cumulatfve effects, and the SANDAG growth forecast pol icy will be considered identifying cumulative effects, 2,3 Prepare AdmSnIstrative Draft EIR CBA w4ll prepare an administrative draft EIR in accordanc wlth CEQA and City EIR guidelines. The administrative draft will be provided for staff revietr prior to publication of the official draft EIR. The EIR will be formatted to incl ude the fol lotring sections: Executive Surmary. The Executive Summary wjll identify each significant effect of the project, with proposed mitigation measures which would reduce that effect; areas of controversy including issues raised by agencies and the pub1 ic; and issues to be resolved including the cholte anmg a1 ternatives and whether or how to rnitlgate significant effects. Introductlon. The Introductlon will summarize the legal role of the EIR In the development process. Section 1. Descrl ption of the Proposed Project. The project description will include a description of the project and key project alternatives. The project descriptton will include maps or diagrams illustrating tht proposed project and may include a table summarizing the differences among the project a1 ternatives, The project descriptfon will include a list of a77 action: for which envirormental clearance is being sought. Surrounding cities and San Diego County wi 17 be contul tec 3 + s 0 e Section 2, Description of Environmental Setting. This section will briefly describe the environmental setting i: the proposed project. A mre detailed descrjption of the environmental setting wi 11 be included in the following sectlon discussing project impacts and mitigation measure Sectlon 3. Environmental Impact. This section will discuss the environmental setttng, signlficant environmental effects, mitigation measures and appropriat City findings for each of the project impacts outlined below, organized in accordance vlith the environmental Impact checklist in the CEQA guidelines, CBA recommends th;s organization 1.0r the EIR in order to clearly demonstrate compliance wlth CEQA in reviewing a complete lfst of project impacts. The EIR will emphasize both site specific and regional, cumulative and growth-inducing impacts of the project. Mitigation measures wlll be identified for these impacts and for anticipated project-specific rrnpacts. 3.1 Earth, Grading jmpacts Sncluding disruptions, displacements, compaction and overcovering of the soil in the project area wtll be reviewed, Unique geological conditions that may affect development in the project area will be identified based on the supplemental sol1 and geologic Investigatton prepared for the project by GEOCON (January 1990). The GEOCON study includes suggested mi tigation measures to reduce or avoid impacts and includes a Woodward-Clyde Consultants assessment of lmpacts to the Stanley Mahr Reservoir which wil? be included in the section discussion. 3.2. Air. Existing and historic air quality in the Carlsbad area will be discussed, and the potential for thls project (individually and cumulatively wlth other projects) to adversely affect air quality will be estlrnated using recogntzed air quality impact assessment techniques .. CBA's Call tw 3 air pol lutlon assessment model will be used to identlfy pollutant emissions from natural gas combustion, electric power generation and motor vehicle trips. Emissions will be related to estimated emissions from the source/receptor area in which the project is located, Tables and/or graphs will be included to ?lustrate hI$tmic air quality, misSCon factors, emission estimates, and the relation of emissions to source/receptor area emissions. 4 , 0 The Callfornia (Caline) Line Source Model will be utilized to estimate air pollutant concentrations on arteria’ls. Concentrations will be related to existir levels and anhient air quality standards to indicate potentjal increases in number of days exceeding standards + Mitigation n~easures in accordance with ARB and San Di County Air Pollution Control Distr‘lct guidelines will identified. 3.3 Hater. The potentia? for drainage and water qua impacts in the project area will be assessed by Luke-Dudek, Civil Engineers, The potential for the project to increase ground coverage by impervious surfaces will be estimated and the effect on the rate amount of runoff from the project area discussed. Storm drain improvements included in the project and standard project-level mitigation measures (such as adequate site drainage and onsite detention) will be identified as mitigation measures, 3.4 Plant and Animal Llfe. The environmental resour( considered under this category will be identified thrc the preparation of a study by a Clty-selected biologis under separate contract administered by the City. The study 5 s assumed to provide all information necessary preparation of this section of the EIR, including wet1 delineation, detailed California gnatcatcher assessmen full biological survey report, recommended mitigation measures, and draft biological text for the EIR. 3,5 Noise, Construction noise impacts Including thosr associated with portable rock-crushing equipment will 1 briefly discussed and construction noise mitigation measures identlfied. The potential no1 se impact resul thg from traffic increases on Rancho Santa Fe Road will be descrj bed usi information contained in the City’s Noise Element (as amended) I Mitigation measures to reduce noise impacts will be Identified and their effectiveness discussed. Mitigation measures to be considered wlll include structural siting, barrier wa7 1 s and others as appropriate. 3.6 Llght; and Glare, Light and glare impacts will be briefly discussed and mitigation measures identified as they relate to street 1 Ighting associated with roadw improvenlents , - 5 1 e e 3.7 Land Use. Quantitative estimates of intensjty changes resulting from any planned land use location adjustnents associated with the road reallgnment wS1’ described. Intensity of development {dwelling unlts square footage of nonresidential uses} will be estim based on General P1 an 7 and use and Local Facil i ties Management Plan assumptions for intensity/density. Land uses will be tabulated in General Plan 1 and use categories sufficlently spec1 f3c to make meaningful estimates of inpacts on trafflc and public facilitie Anticipated development will be compared to the curr Genera7 Pl an and Zon i ng . 3A Traffic Clrculaticm. Traffic consideratlons associated with the project will be reviewed by West Pringle & Associates to identify potentially signifi traffic impacts. Existing traffic conditions in the area will be documented,, including the average dai7y traffic volu arterial streets, The data used in thfs analysjs wi obtained from the General Plan Traffic Circulation a Facil 1 ty tlanagement PI ans, and other avail able traff studies. The analysis of future traffic conditions w171 inclu average dally traffic vo7 umes on arterial streets an will also rely on the General Plan Traff‘lc Circu’lati and Facility Management PI ans. Traffic growth from existing condition will be estimated, based on the f 1 and use scenario developed for the General Plan plu growth in background traffl c, Traffic operational a Safety Concerns inel udhg truck rsuting adjustments be considered. Potential mitigatlon measures will be identifled for achleving acceptable short- and 7ong-term future conditions. Should design revislons to road configuration occur (for examp’re, modifjcation to th Melrose/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersectSon) and addit analysls be required, adjustment of the scope of wor and cost may be necessary. 3.9. Public Services, The potential for the projec cumulatively with slrnilar projects in the vicinity, add fire, police and other servjce requlrements wfll identified through d?scussions with the appropriate agencies. Specific mitigation mssures wfll be Menti fled based on these dlscussibns. 6 *I 0 3,lO. Utllitlcs. Utillty impacts, particularly those on Mater, sewer, storm drafns, power, natura gas and sol id waste dt sposal systems, will be identifled based on discussions with service providers. System dcrncznd will be estfrnated based recognlzed engineer in9 deslgn factors, and demand: re1 ated to avail ab7 e systern capacity, tf known, tc identify deflciencies. Specific mltlgation measur for each system aqi71 be Identified based on dlscussions with service providing agencies. Construction components (drainage structures, uti1 project wil? be included as mitigation measures, 3.11. AestheticsfLandform Alteration. Potential aesthetic impacts will be Identified and discussec terms of alterations to the natural setting and landform. Specific attention will be devoted to vegetation removal and grading impacts as they re‘ to the City’s Hi’llside Review Ordlnance. Mitigation measures to deal with potential impact! will be identified and tilethods of implementing mitigation measures recommended. 3.12. ArchaeologJcal/Mistorical* An archaeologlc field survey of the G84 acre project area and reo searches will be conducted by Roth & Assoti ate$ tl identffy site locations and possible resources, . initial survey will confirm the location of some ! all of the 28 sites previously {dentified by FRC l being within a one-mile radius of the planned roac realignment. Evaluation of the importance of the sites may result in recommendations for subsurfacl testing and sfgnificance determinations. Costs associated wlth such testing cannot presently be estimated and are not included in this proposal. This portion of the scope of work does not presen incl ude an assessment of paleontological resource This assessment can be included at additional cos desired by the city. underground1 ng , etch ) 1 ncl uded i n the proposed Sectton 4. Alternatives. The impacts of key project alternatives will be addre in dlscussion and summary table. Alternaths addres will Include the no project alternative, road widenin the existing alignment, and road real lgnrnent without residential area grading, Rltxrnatives will be revie with tllc City, atd Inininlw of khree alternatives will discussed in sow delaIl in Lhe EIR. Additional alternatives will increase E-IR costs. 7 ” 0 0 Settion 5. Arms of i:o Slgnfficant Impact, This section will (nclude identification of those jmpac. not found to be significant and not further discussed i: the EIR, Section 6. Short and Long Term Environmental Impact, The potential for the project to achieve short-term reviewed. Section 7. Signlflcant Irreversjble Environmental Chart This section will identify significant irreversible envlronmental changes krhich may result from the propose project . Sectlon 8. Grovdth-Inducing Impacts. The potential for the project to induce growth or remov barriers to growth will be Identified. Sectlon 9. Cumulatfve Effects. The cumulative impact of this project with other known projects and development In accordance Nith the General Plan will be identified. Specific areas to be emphasiz In discussing cumulative impacts Include traffic, air quality, noise and pub1 ic facilities and services lmpac Sectfon 10. Organlzations and Persons Consulted. This sectfan will identify those organizations and pers consulted in preparation of the Draft EIR. Mitigatton Flonitor‘ir’rg Program. A mltfgation monitoring program will be Incorporated into the ElR in accordance with Section 21081.6 of the Public Resources Code and h be included as an appendix to the EIR. objectives at the expense of 1 ong .I term goal s will be 8 e Task 3. Publlcation Draft EIR Object 1 ve The purpose of this task is to prepare a final Draft ETR for publ-ication by the City. Products Product Project Day Agency Markup (staff product) 68 Publication Draft EIR (50 copies) 82 Subtasks 3.1. Review Adrnfnfstratlve Draft, (City task) The City will review the administrative draft EIR and prepare revisions in the forw of a marked-up copy of the adrnlnlstrative draft EJR indicating all desired changes, corrections and areas for expansion, etc, The scope of work assumes only one admlnlstrative draft review. Shou' additional reviews of administrative drafts be desired b.: the Ctty, additiorlal costs will be incurred, 3.2, Prepare Publication Draft EIR. CBA will Incorporate City comments in the draft EIR and prepare a final Draft EIR for pub1 ication. CBA will incorporate comments and prepare a flnaf draft within 15 working days of receipt of comments on the Adminlstrath Draft EIR. CBA wlll provide 50 copies of the DEIR to the City for distribution. 9 < e * a Task 4. Response to Comxnts, Final EIR Objective The purpose of this task ts to prepare responses to comments by the prlbl ic and pub1 ic agencies on the Draft EIR, and to prepare it final EIR including changes In response to corrlrwrlts received, and summarl zi ng comments the draft EIR and responses to those comments, Products Product Project Day Final EIR (50 coples) 150 Subtasks 4,l Final EIR. CBA wi 7 1 prepare new EIR sections a$ a $Upplement to the Draft EfR incfuding the following: Revised cover page. Revised Table of Contents. Revised text of the EIR incorporating changes In re to new Information or comnents received. Response to Comments. Comments Rece I ved . CBA will incorporate changes to text from the listing o changes into a flnal EIR. IJithin 15 workSng days of receipt of flnal City comments, CBA will provide 50 cop of the Final EIR, Our schedule and budget for response to con~nents is bas on the assumption that the project wit 1 involve m moderate controversy. Hours budgeted for the portion o Task 4 include 30 hours of CBA time and 27 hours of subconsultant tlme; and should be sufficient to respond 10 letters of comment, If the project proves highly controversi a1 , dew1 ops organ i zed opposi ti on, or 5 nvol v responses requirlng addltlonal technical analysfs not anticipated in the original work scope, the allowance f response to comrnents is 1 i kely to be exceeded and addi t i mal costs wi 11 be incurred. I(! 0 e +> Task 5. Hearings Objecti ve The purpose of this task is to provide expert testimony i public hearings otl the Draft EIR. Task 5.1. Hearings, CBA’s principal -in-charge or project manager wI11 attend two public hearings or meetil to present the flndlngs of the EIR and respond to questic from the public and City officials. If additional hearil services not included in the f {xed fee proposal amount. are required, these hearings will be attended as additiol 11 5 0 0 PROJECT SCIIIEDULE The Table bel ow summar-izes CBA’s recontlnended schedule for Lhi s project, CBA will maintain the project schedule outlined in the Scope of Services, subject to timely provision of lnformation and response to draft materials by the Clty. Day I Agency Authorization Day 14 Project Description Menlo Curnu’l at ive Projects List Day 42 CBA Receipt of Biological Analysis Day 56 Day €8 Day 82 Administrative Draft EIR to City City comments on Adnllnlstrative Draft to CBA Final Draft EIR to City for distribution Day 136* EIR comments to CBA Day 150* Final EIR *Estimated date. Actual date depends on hearing schedule an1 comment period . The above schedule depends on City agreement on the project descriptio at the date specified. Changes to the project description following agreement may result in additional work and delays in the submittal of administratlve drafts. 12 I 0 e 1 PROJECT BUDGET The budget belovr represents CBA’s estimate of the labor and other costs required to complete the Scope of Services outllned. For all items described in the Scope of Services, w4th the exception of response to E comnlents, services wi ’I I be provided on a flxed fee basis. For response sufficient to deal wfth projects which are not highly controversial F controversial projects, or projects it1 which nw issues are raised requiring technical analysis not anticipated in the scope of services, this estimate is 1 i kely to be exceeded. This proposal is a firm offer by MA to cmplete the Scope of Services outllned for the total budget amount. The total fee required for completion of the EIR is $61,750. Component costs are given in the fol 1 owj ng chart e EIR comments, an allowance has been provided which is generally 13 a e '\ COST i3REAKDOI.IiI A. Staff Costs CBA Personnel Subconsul tants 1 Curnu? ati vt Jask IPerson-Hours) (Person-Hours) Costs UJfBU @ NJ ID N 1. Reconnalssance 2 15 28 3, Pub1 i cat i on 31,225 SO 100 60 2. Admin. Draft 25 80 200 $ 8,265 20 50 30 Draft EIR 10 15 30 16 17 27 6,315 4, Responses, Final EIR 10 20 35 16 16 I6 I 3 160 a - - 5. Hearings 8 - a 6,825 Subtotal 55 130 293 140 183 123 $53 t 790 B. Other Costs 1, Word Processing (80.0 hours) $2,240.00 2. Graphics (70.0 hours) 2,380.00 3, Support Person 540.00 4. Travel, phone, postage 600.00 5. Printing (Screen, Draft Final ) 2,2o_G.oD Subtotal lLu§Q TOTAL $61,750 NOTE: No reimbursable expenses are expected to be incurred unless changes in project description occur, additional technical studies not presently identified or addftional document coples are required, or responses to comments requirements exceed budgeted time, bAC - Donald A, Cotton JEB - John E, Bridges SCA - Shawna C. Anderson IdP - Weston Pringle & Associates RA - Roth & Associates LO - Luke-Dudek Services, Ci vi 1 Eng 1 neers 14 '. e a *I p$GP,~$LIENT THIS AGREEMENT is rnzcls this 26 &day of .L, 192 between tho CITY OF CARLSOAD, a municipal corporation of the State of Califor hereinafter retarred to ES Gin, and FI~xTONE/~~ CoSTA hereinafter referred tt APPLICANT. ASSOCIATES LIMITED IEFITALS WHEREAS, the APPLICANT lleo filed wlth CKY a request for approv; a proposed projsct Identified as the ROAD REALIGNMENT roqulring anENVIROx RANCHO SANTA FE IMPACT REPORT -; and WHEREAS, CITY has dstermincd that ita current staff is inadequatt ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT number to procsss the praposall -?I a timaly and thoro1 manner; and WHEREAS, APPLICANT Irl or'ciar to onsure the sxpedltlous procosslnl said ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT . . r- dosircs to pay to GIN the amount nBcesmr hire a Consultant, NOW, THEREFORE, in conddaration of tho coyanants and condition is agreed 8s fol~ows; 1. Tha CITY will angqe 1119 firm of COTTON/B~ELA~SSOCIATES, hereinnftrsr roferrsd to cs "Consultant" to perform the nmxs! work in thg- PREPARAT1oN "-.--df the u ENVIRONMENTAL I REPORT for tht. ore3 morn par-tlcularly dspictod upon a map attachod RS Atinchmont 1 and made a part of + ' <x 2. 3s 4, 0 0 agreement. It 1s understood tl72.t ttm Consuitant servicee shall Conform to Proposal attached 83 Piltacllrrrent 2 and m,ad8 a part of agreemmt, and may require: (a) Field exploratlon; (b) Weekly communication wlth the CiN Gtaff; (c) Writton rsports; and (d) Such other work nacessary to properly evaluate proposed project as directed by tho Planning Director. tt la Under6tQQd that the CITY will direct the Cansuitant to corn1 a draft and final ~ ' . at the earllest fsa time. Tho CllY will advise the APPLICANT in writing of any imp whlch may render the proposed project unfeasible with reasonablQ time altar CIV has rf3CaiVed the Consult conclusions in wrlting. The APPLICANT shall pay to tho CV'f the actual cast ol (h"t's 3ervlces. Such cost shall be based on the cost forth in Exhiblt I , The APPLICANT has advanced the ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT of $61,750 -00 .__ as payment an account for the actual cc the Consultant's aarvicas; in the went it appears, as the progfesses, that said sum wlll not be sufficient to cover the B cost, the CITY will notify the APPLICANT of the difference bat\ 2 4 + ‘ ” * * L. I I l a e the emount ckpasitad md the new sstltnated cost. clpf @nsur@, to tho o:dsnt fasiblo, that no further work will be perfor by the Consulknl; incurring an obllgatlon beyond the am advanced w”mJt an appropriate amendment to thh AQreer If the actual cost sf preparing the report is less than APPblCAPIT’s advance, any surplus will be refunded to APPCIC by CIR. 5. It is undmtood that the Consultant shall bet an indeper contractor of tho CITY. The APPLICANT egrees to parmi Consultant to enter upon his property and to perform all thereon as the Cansultant deems necessary to complete the . It is agreed that the APPLICANT wI Interfere with the consultant in the performance of such wo attempt to influanca such Consultant during the course c investlgation and report. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 6. It is understood that the CITY will attempt to bring the ENVIR IMPACT REPORT to Planning Carnrnis3ion and City Council 8s 8s possible, barring ne delays from the APPLICANT. 3 .. , ’. e e ‘ \‘ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hcreta have executsd this agreernE Y on the day and year first above wrlllan. crn OF CARLS~~AD, a Municipal Corparatitrn ot t Stato of 9 ifornia By: ATTEST: APPLICANT: FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES LIMITEI PARTNERSHIP, A California Limited Pi BY: THE FIELDSTONE COMPANY, A Calif01 ” u flP4-A -.. ALETHA L, FiAUfENKRANZ, City C&k City Attorney U 4 I* * *' 0 ~ " " " ." I III I ?* Z t4 % B (11 11.~.,..1.., ',,.I, I., 'I hf' i 0 I:Y"d ?; 11 ATTACHN 5'2 \ ';.:;\ j ,,,-. ,+nbru*ln:ofo trrtdbod/pma !.l,i,(:6, ~'.":.L.2"%1 L ...,. 0"" ,,,Irr, ,.,\ . CII, cO.rr,d",y 1111nr hit ;:,,,,t,: lo rl,.,,,ll ... l*:l"vd"Lll*... f!.,c ,,,. l',2.1,..l>.,?, 'Y 1 1 -\ ' 11 e a SCOPE OF SERVICES Cotton/Beland/Associates, Inc, (CBA) will provide the follohting basic services in preparation of the Environmental Impact Report for the Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignhment/Project Grading. Data collection and analysis will focus on the speci%ic impact areas identified in Task 2, Section 3. Project days refer to work days. The Scope of Services includes the follot~ing assumptlons: 1. Cf ty of Carl sbad wi7 1 preparc Not ice of Preparation ; 2. tity of Car'tsbad will provjde copies of all current project-related documents, including aeri a1 photographs and topographic maps of project area; 3. Draft EIR and F'lnal EIR ~$11 be incorporated into a single set of 58 CBA-provided three-ring btnders; 4. Time estimates for completion of the Draft and Final EIR assume completion of biological impact analysis under separate contract by City-selected biologist and transinittal to CBA two weeks prior to Project Day 56. 5, Biologist consultation (not permit acqulsition) wlth Departments of Fish & Game and Fish and Wildlife. Task 1. Reconnaissance Objective The purpose of this task is to fatniliarize the project t~ with the project, existlng conditlons in the project area and the available data base. Products Product Project Day EIR Mockup 14 Subtasks 1.1 Revi ew Wall ab1 e Docurnentatf on. Catton/Beland/Associates will collect necessary available information related to the project from City staff. Materi a1 s to be rcvi ewed include the City General PI an, road realigntnent: studies, other project EIRs, zoning maps and ordinance, utility maps, aerial photos and other available Information. 1.2. Inspect Project Arm. CBA will SWey the pvoject area and surroundjng areas to identlfy local conditbns of the natural environment, lanc use, noise, traffic and gcneral environmental setting of the project:. 1 ATTACHMENT 2 -\ . .' e e Task 2. Prepare Rdlninistrati ve Draft EIR Object .1 ve The purpose of this task Is to prepare a complete draft the project. EIH for review by the City staff prior to publication. 7he administrative draft will include all text, tables and figures. Products Product Project Day Project Descri ptlorl Memo 14 Cumulative Project List 14 Admfnistratlve Draft EIR (10 copies) 56 2 .i .. ,' e e d Subtasks 2-1 Draft Project UoscTi pti on. C8A w177 prepare a draft project description in the fopma project atld principal projcct alternatives, The project to be included in the Draft EIR. The project descrtptian will include maps, tables and diagrams describing the description will descr-ibe existing and anticipated land uses in the project area In acres and intensity of development measures (dwelling units, square footage). A quantitative project description, even though it may be a "best estimate," fs crucial in identifying potential impacts. 2.2 Cumulative Project List. CBA, !n consultation with Clty staff, will prepare a cumulative projects list to identify related projects and projects which must be considered for cumulative effects. Surrounding cities and $an Diego County wl11 be consulted and the SANDAG growth forecast pol icy will be considered identifying curnu7ative effects. 2.3 Prepare Administrative Draft EIR CEA will prepare an adminMrative draft EIR in accordancl with CEQA and City EII: guidelines. The adrninjstrative draft will be provided for staff review prior to publication of the official draft EIR. The EIR will be formatted to lncl ude the following sections: Executt vo Sunmary. The Execu t I ve Summary wf 11 identify each significant effect of the project, with proposed mitigation measures which would reduce that effect; areas of controversy including tssues raised by agencies and the public; and issues to be resolved Including the choice anlong alternatives and whether or how to mitlgate significant effects. Introduction. The Introductlon will summarize the legal role of the EIR {n the development process. Sectfon 1. Description of the Proposed Project. The project description will include a description of the project and key project alternatives. The project descriptton will include maps or diagrams illustrating the proposed project and may include a table summarizing the differences among the project alternatives. The project descriptjon will include a list of a71 actions for which envl rormental clearance is being sought, 3 .\ 3 8 (' - e e $ectton 2, Descriptiorl of Environmenta~ Setting, Thl s section will briefly describe the environmental setting o the proposed project. A more dctafled description of the environmental settirig will be included in the following section discussing project ilnpacts and rnitlyation measure Sectton 3. Environmental Impact. This section will discuss the environmental setting, significant environmental effects, mitigation measures and appropriat City findings for each of the project impacts outlined below, organized in accordance with the environmental Impact checklist In the CEQA guidelines. CBA recommends this organization i'or the EIR in order to clearly demonstrate compliance with CEQA in revielving a complete 1 fst of project impacts. The EIR will emphasize both site specific and regional, cumulative and growth-lnducing impacts of the project. Mitigation measures wtl1 be identified for these impacts and for anticipated project-specific impacts. 3,l Earth. Grading impacts including disruptions, displacements, compaction and overcovering of the soil in the project area w?ll be reviewed, Unique geological conditions that may affect development in the project area will be identified based on the supplemental sol1 and geologic investigation prepared for the project by GEOCON (January 1990). The GEOCON study includes suggested nlitfgation measures to reduce or avoid Impacts and includes a Wcodward-Clyde Consultants assessrnent of Impacts to the Stanley Mahr Reservoir which will be included in the section discussion. 3.2. Air. Existing and historlc air quality in the Carl sbad area will be discussed, and the potential for this project (individually and cumulatively with other projects) to adversely affect air quality will be estimated using recogntzed ajr quality fmpact assessmen1 techniques. CBA's Cat 'tne 3 air pollutlon assessment mode? will be used to identify pollutant emissions from natural gas combustion, electric power generation and motor vehicle trips. Emissions wlll be re1 ated to estl~llated em-1 ssions from the source/receptor area in which the project is 1 ocated. Tab1 es and/or graphs will be included to i'l'lustrate hlstoric air quality, emission factors, emission estimates, and the relation of emissions to source/receptor area emissqons. 4 .. .' e 0 The Cal iforni a (Cal i ne) Line Source Model will be utilized to estimate air pollutant concentrations on arterials. Concentrations wrll be related to exlstin levels and anlbient air qual ity standards to indicate potential increases in number of days exceeding standards. Mi tigation measures in accordance with ARB and San Di County Air Pollution Control District guide7 ines will identlfied, 3.3 Hater. The potential for drainage and water qua impacts in the project area will be assessed by Luke-Dudek, Civil Engineers. The potential for the project to .Increase ground coverage by impervious surfaces will be estimated and the effect on the rate amount of runoff from the project area discussed, Storm drain improvements included in the project and standard project-level mitigation measures (such as adequate site drainage and onsi te detention) will be identified as tnttigation measures. 3.4 Plant and Animal Llfc. The environmental resow considered under this category will be identified thrc the preparation of a study by a Clty-selected biQlogj: under separate contract administered by the City. Tht study is assumed to provide all information necessary preparation of this section of the EIR, including wet? dellneation, detailed California gnatcatcher assessmen full biological survey report, recommended rnitigatjon measures, and draft biological text for the EIR. 3,5 Nolse. Construction noise Impacts including thos associated with portable rock-crushing equipment wi 11 briefly discussed and construction noise mitigation measures identlfied. The potential noise impact resulting from traffic increases on Rancho Santa Fe Road will be descrjbed us information contained in the City's Noise Element (as amended). Mitigation measures to reduce noise impacts will be identified and their effectiveness discussed. Mitigation measures to be tons4dered will include structural siting, barrier wafts and others as appropr.i ate. 3.6 Light and Glare. Light and glare impacts will be briefly discussed and mi tigation measures identified as they relate to street llghting associated with roadh improvements + 5 $ \ , (I' e m 3,7 Land Use. Quantitative estjmates of intensity changes rcsul ting from arly planned land use location adjustments associated :Ji th the road real lgnment wSl1 described. Intensity of deve7opment (dwelling unlts a square footage of r~onrtsidentlal uses) will be estimat based on General Plan 1 and use and Local Faclli ties Management Plan assumptions for intensity/denslty. Land uses will be tabu1 ated in General P1 an land use categorles sufficiently specific to make meaningful estimates of impacts on trafftc and public facilities. Anticipated development will be compared to the curren General P1 an and Zon-i ng . 3,8. Traffic Circulation. Traffic consideratlons associated wfth the project will be reviewed by Weston Pringle & Associates to identify potentially significaq traffic impacts. Existlng traffic conditions In the area will be documented, Including the average daily traffic volume arterial Streets. The data used in this analysis will obtained from the General Plan Traffic Circulation and Facility flanagement Plans, and other available trafflc studies. The analysis of future traffic conditions wjll inclqde average daily traffic vol wes on artert a1 streets and wil I a1 so rely on the General Pi an Traffic Circulation and Facl1 i ty Management PI ans. Traffic growth from the existing conditlon will be estimated, based on the futu land use scenario developed for the General Plan plus growth in background traffic. Traffic operational and safety concerns i ncludl ng truck rout i ng adjustments wi 1 be cons i dered . Potential mitigation measures will be identified for achieving acceptabl e short - and 1 ong- term future conditions. Should deslgn revisluns to road configuration, occur (for example, modifScation to the Me1 rose/Rancho Santa Fe Road i ntersectj on) and addition; analysis be required, adjustment of the scope of work and cost may be necessary. 3.9. Public Services, The potential for the project, cumulatively with simllar projects in the vicinity, to add fire, police and other service requirements wlll be identified through discussions wlth the appropriate agencies. Spccific mitigation twasures wjll be Idcntiflcd bas;ucl cttl these discuksions. ,- 0 \ .\ . 0 0 ' b' 3.10. Utilities. Utility impacts, particularly those on prater, setuer, storm drains, power, natural gas and solid waste disposal systems, will be identified based on discussions with service providers. Systeni dcniand \.ti 11 be estimated based o recognized engineering deslgn factors, and demands related to available system capacity, Sf known, to identify deficiencies. Specific mitlgation measure for each syster;l will be jdenti fied based on dSscussions with servlce providing agencies. Construction components (drainage structures, utili undergrounding, etc.) included in the proposed project will be included as mitigation measures. 3.11. Aesthetlcs/landform Alteratjon. Potential usthetic impacts ~411 be identified and discussed terms of- alterations to the natural setting and landform. Specific attention will be devoted to vegetation removal and grading impacts as they rela' to the City's. Hillside Review Ordinance. Mitigation measures to deal with potential impacts will be identified and twthods of imp7ementing mitigation measures recommended, 3.12. Archaeological/Mls~orical An archaeologica field survey of the G84 acre project area and recorl searches will be conducted by Roth 8. Associates to .identify site locations and possible resources. Th tnitial survey will confirm the location of some or all of the 28 sites previously fdentified by FRC as being within a one-mile radlus of the planned road realignment. Evaluation of the importance of the sites may result in recommendations for subsurface testing and significance detarmlnations. Costs associated wlth such testing cannot presently be estimated and are not included in this proposal, This portfon of the scope of work does not present11 include an assessment of paleontological resources. This assessment can be included at additional cost ' desired by the city. Sect 1 oh 4. A7 tcrnati ves . The impacts of key project alternatives will be addressf in djscussion and summary table. Alternatives addressec will lncltrde the no project alternatlve, road widening i the exlsting a1 ignment, and road reallgnment without residential area grading. Alternatives wi71 be reviewec discussed in some detal'l in the EIR, Additional alternatives will increase EIIl costs. wlth the City, and minlniurn of three alternative$ viill bf 7 * ... a 0 )‘ Section 5. Arms o.T i:o SI gwl ficant Impact, Thls section will include identification of those Impact5 not found to be significant and not further discussed in the EIR. Section 6, Short and Long Tern] Envtronmental Impact, The potential for the project to achieve short-term objectives at the expense-of long-term goals will be rev .I ened. Section 7. Si gni f1 cant l[rreversi bl e Enyi ronmmtal Change This section will identify signjficant irreversible environmental changes chich tnay result from the proposed project . Sect! on 8, Growth- 1nduc.l ng Impacts. The potential for the project to induce growth or remove barriers to growth will be Identified. Sect I on 9. Curuu’l ativo Effects. The cumulative lmpcxct of this project with other known projects and development in accordance with the General Plan will be Identified. Specific areas to be emphasized In discussing currltrlatlve impacts hclude traffic, air quality, noise and publlc facilitfes and services impacts Section 10. Organlaatlons and Persons Consulted. This sectIan will identify those organizations and pewon consulted in preparation of the Draft EIR, Mitigation l.lonitor4ng Program, A ml tigation monitoring program will be incorporated into the EIR in accordance with Section 21081.6 of the Public Resources Code aud wi7’ be Included as an appendix to the EIR. 8 "' + ' *' i * Object 1 ve Products Subtasks e 0 Task 3. PublScatfcn Draft EIR The purpose of this task is to prepare a flna1 oraft EiR for publkation by the City. Product Project Day Agency Markup (staff product) 68 Publication Draft EIR (50 copjes) 82 3.3, Review Admtnistratlve Draft. {City task) The City will rcvicw the aclrnlnistrative draft ElR and prepare revisions in the form of a marked-up copy of the admlnlstrative draft EIR indicating at1 desired changes, corrections and areas for expansion, etc. The scope of work assumes only one adminlstrative draft review, Shou- additional review of administrative drafts be desired b: the City, additional costs will be incurred. 3.2, Prepare Publlcation Draft EIR. CBA will incorporate City comments in the draft EIR and incorporate comments and prepare a flnal draft wlthin 15 working days of receipt of comments on the Administrativc Draft EIR, CBA will provide 50 copies of the DEIR to the City for distribution. prepare a flnal Draft EIR for publicatlon, CBA wlll 9 I' 9 ' eS * . Objective Products Subtasks 0 0 Task 4. Rcsponsa .to Cov-acnts, Final EIR The purpose of this task fs to prepare responses to comments by the pub1 ic and pub1 ic agencies on the Draft EIR, and to prepare a fjnal EIR 'Including changes in response to ccmuents received, and summarizlng comments c the draft EJR and responses to those comments. Product Project Day Final EIR (50 coples) 150 4,1 final EJR. CBA will prepare nekv ELR sections as a supplement to the Draft EIR jncluding the followlng: Revised cover page. Revised Table of Contents, Revised text of the EIR incorporating changes in resp to new information or comrwnts received. Response to Conments. Comments Received. CBA will incorporate changes to text from the listing of changes into a final EIR. Within 15 working days of receipt of final City comments, CBA will provide 50 copie of the Final EIR. Our schedule and budget for response tu cotl~tnents is based on the assumption that the project will jnvolve m mpderate controvers!. Wours budgeted for the portion of Task 4 include 30 hours of CBA time and 27 hours of subconsultant time; and should be sufficient to respond tl 10 letters of comment. If the project proves htghly controversial, develops organjzed opposition, or Snvslves responses requlrlng addltlonal technical analys'rs not anttcipated in the orlglnal work scope, the allowance for response to comments is 1 i kely to be exceeded and additional costs will be incurred. 10 < i9 . *( t' 0 0 w Task 5. Hearings Objective The purpose of this task Is to pl-ovjde expert testimony E public hearings on the Draft; EIR. Task 5.1, tlearlngs. CBA's principal -in-charge or project manager wl11 attend two public hearings or meetir to present the flndlngs of the EIR and respond to questic are required, these hearings will be attended as additiol services not included in the f {xed fee proposal amount. from the publlc and City officials. If additional heari, 11 *\ * , +. e 0 " v PROJECT SCr'IEDIILE The Table below summarjzes CBA's reconmended schedule for this project. CBA will maintain the project schedule outlined in the Scape of Services, subject to timely provision of Information and response to draft rnaterlals by the Clty. Day 1 Agency Authorization Day 14 Project Description Memo Curnu3 at i ve Projects Li st Day 42 CBA Receipt of Biological Analysis Day 56 Day 68 Day 82 Administrative Draft EIR to City Clty comments on Ado~inistrative Draft to CBA Final Draft EIR to City for distribution Day 1365: EIR comments to CBA Day 150* Final EIR *Estimated date. Actua? date depends an hearing schedule ant comment period . The above schedule depends on City agreement on the project descriptio at the date specified, Changes to the project description following agreement may result in additional work and delays in the submitta'l of administrative drafts. 12 5 s. . 4 1 +* e e / 0 I PROJECT DUDGET The budget below represents CEA's estimate of the labor and other costs required to complete the Scope of Services out1 Ined. For a1 1 i tems described in the Scope of Services, with the exception of response to E comnlents, service$ will be prwided an a fixed fee bask For response EIR comments, an allowance has been provided which is general'ly sufficient to deal wjth projects which are not highly controversial. F controversial projects, or projects in which new issues are raised requiring technical analysis not anticjpated .In the scope af services, this estimate is 1 i kely to be exceeded. This proposal is a firm offer by CBA to complete the Scope of Services outlined for the total budget amount. The total fee required for completion of the EIR is $61,750. Component costs are given in the foll owf ng chart 13 7 “ i ‘.I *’ 0 Q I 6 b I COST BI?EPXDOtIiI A, Staff Costs CBA Personnel I Subconsul tants 1 Cumul at I \ Jask Jferson-Hours) (,Person-Hows) Costs &“&U E RA !& 1. Reconnaissance 2 15 28 3, Pub1 lcation 31,225 80 100 60 2. Admin. Draft 25 80 200 $ 8,265 20 50 30 Draft EIR 10 15 30 4. Re$ponses, C4nal EIR 10 20 35 6,315 16 17 17 1,160 8 - - 5. Hearings 8 c .. 6,825 16 16 16 Subtotal 55 130 293 140 183 123 I $53,790 B. Other Costs 1, Word Processing (80.0 hours) $2,240.O0 2. Graphics (70.0 hours) 2,380.00 3. Support Person 540.00 4. Travel t phone, postage 600.00 5. Printlng (Screen, Draft Final ) 3,200.Q Subtotal L.uQ TOTAL $61,750 NOTE: No reimbursable expenses are expected to be Incurred unless chan in project description occur, addltianal technical studies not presently Identified or additional document copies are required, responses to comments requirements exceed budgeted time. DAC - Donald A. Cotton JEB - John E. Brldges SCA - Shawna C. Anderson klP - Weston Pringle & Assoclat RA - Roth & Associates LO - Luke-Dudek Services, Civil Englneers 14