HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-03-20; City Council; 10542; CITIZEN REQUEST CITY TREASURER'S POSITIONbo -4 44 Mal G- GM ad uv uu -4 cv 0 -4 a UG (dm Oal Wk (d dal (dM GH 0 -4 h c,u -d .rl av a (dw 0 & um *d c cu M *d SUI uo ala k a, o> c, -4 u WL) wa (dl+ ual m m as am uM Val a+ k -4 al r-lu *d G L) -4 GO sa oa va 0 a 1 0 cu \ m L EM 2 ; 3 .: a .% .. 2 0 5 a G a z 3 0 0 CIT,OF CARLSBAD - AGENDWILL OF AB# /4'#u2, TITLE DEPT. t MTG. 3/20./90 CITY A1 DEPT. *near CITY TREASURER'S POSITION CITY MI RECOMMENDED ACTION: CITIZEN REQUEST Receive presentation and discuss the pros and cons of makin the City Treasurer's position an appointed one, rather tha an elected one. ITEM EXPLANATION: Girard W. Anear of 1728 Calavo Court in Carlsbad, ha requested that this item be put on the Council agenda t discuss the advantages and disadvantages of making the Cit Treasurer's position an appointive position rather than a elective one. EXHIBIT: 1. Memo to City Manager from Girard Anear, dated March 9, 1990. __ _- * e -0 To: City Manager Ray Patchett From: Girard W. Anear - 1728 Calavo Cte, Carlsbad 729-4183 Subject: Council Agenda Item, Re: City Treasurer's Position I request the city treasurer's position be placed on the COUI agenda to discuss the pros and cons of making the position an ap- pointive one rather than an elective one. AGENDA ITEM: $'f&ed on the balrot: shall the position of City Treasurer remain aa elective posi ion, or shall the appropriate legal records be changed to make th position appointive. The City Treasurer shall be appointed by th City Manager and be considered a staff member. ADVANTAGES of having the city treasurer elected: I recommend this November the following proposition be -placl 1. Directly responsible to the people. 2. Prevents nepotism 02 political patronage . DIS-ADVANTAGES: c_ Other than being a registered voter of the city, cannot establish any other requirements or qualifications fo the position, i.e. : 1. Responsible only to the people. If performance is un- satisfactory can only remove candidate from office by a re-call election, or wait until the next election and vc for another candidate. Elected person can set their own hours and come and go a as they please regardless of the needs of other city age cies. 3. No incentative to become a "team player". 4. May not have the necessary health, education, motivatior etc., to do the job. 5. May not be people orientated, and difficult to work wit1 6. Field of applicants very limited by resident requiremenl and very few people interested in spending the amount oj time and money to get elected for a position that only pays $500 per month. 2. ADVANTAGES of having the city treasurer appointed by the city mal 1. Responsible to the city manager who in turn is responsil 2. If performance is unsatisfactory can be terminatkd. to the city council. - ~ I e * City Treasurer L 3. List of necessary and/or desireable qualifications can be established: Education Experience Good health Ability to work well with people (team player) Must be willing to submit to thorough back ground check. 4. Establish working hours for the convenience of the city the public. 5. Wider field to draw from with no resident requirements. 6. Chances of getting good candidates are improved when you recruit them, DISADVANTAGES of appoint e d treasurer . 1 . Not directly responsible to the people. 2, Indirectly, city council could put political presaure on treasurer tbough the city manager. As of now anyone who is a registered voter living in the cit can run for the treasurer’s position. out an application, with a nominating petition or in-lieu fee, Half of the city treasurers in North County are elected. the other half, two are filled by the finance directors, and one by the city manager. the bulk of the work is done by an assistant, who is appointed ax also has other city duties. the city must have the ’best person available for this position, An election is neither the most efficient or safest way to accom- plish this. All they need is to fill Ir Even where the city treasurer is elected With an investment potfolio of approximately $70 million Sine e rely /<&&&%4 A’Jx&e&e ~ -” Girard W. hear