HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-04-03; City Council; 10564; Aporoval Project Management Assessment District ReimbursementCIT-OF CARLSBAD - AGEND.qILL AB#&!id- MTG.%iii% TITLE: APPROVAL OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ASSESSMENT DISTRICT REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT DEPT.- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. yfl&%8 approving Project Management and Assessment District Reimbursement Agreement with Fieldstone/La Costa Associates. ITEM EXPLANATION: Fieldstone/La Costa Associates (Fieldstone) is in the process of obtaining approvals from the City for the subdivision and development of property in Local Facilities Management Zone 12. It is anticipated that Fieldstone will also initiate plans to develop property located in Zone 11. These properties are proposed to be included within the boundaries of assessment and financing districts for construction of public facilities including but not limited to improvements to Ranch0 Santa Fe Road and Olivenhain Road. Fieldstone and City staff believe it to be in their mutual interest to coordinate all environmental studies, engineering, surveying and other related services for the projects due to their scope and length of time anticipated to complete them. Fieldstone and City staff also agree that Helming Engineering, Inc. should be utilized to coordinate the development process for the projects, Douglas L. Helming of Helming Engineering was chosen as most qualified to coordinate the development process due to Mr. Helmings twelve years of engineering experience in the Carlsbad/La Costa area and background on projects surrounding the proposed Fieldstone developments. In addition, Mr. Helming currently is employed by the City as a consultant planchecker and is familiar with City/Engineering Department policies and procedures. Fieldstone has agreed to deposit funds with the City to compensate Helming Engineering for work related to their projects. The funds are to be deposited in a City trust fund account and will also be utilized to retain other professional services necessary to accomplish right of way acquisitions, assessment engineering and bond financing of public facilities. A portion of funds deposited by Fieldstone under the agreement is subject to reimbursement or credit upon sale of bonds for assessment districts related to their projects. All costs eligible for reimbursement will be approved by the City Engineer. If proceedings to establish assessment districts are abandoned and no bonds are sold, no reimbursements will be made to Fieldstone except for funds remaining in the trust fund after final payments are made to consultants and administrative costs to the City are deducted. FISCAL IMPACT: All administrative and consultant costs will be covered by deposits made by Fieldstone to a City administered trust fund account. EXHIBlTS: 1. Resolution No.$O-$g 2. Consultant Project Management and Assessment District Reimbursement Agreement. 3. Letter dated November 6, 1989 to Fieldstone/La Costa Assoc. regarding Trust Fund Account. .- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 90-88 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ASSESSMENT DISTRICT REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT WlTH FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has determined it to be in the public interest for Consultant services to be utilized for coordinating the processing of development plans submitted by Fieldstone/La Costa Associates; and WHEREAS, the City anticipates that special assessment districts will be formed to provide funds for construction of public facilities within portions of properties to be developed by Fieldstone/La Costa Associates; and WHEREAS, Fieldstone/La Costa Associates have negotiated an acceptable agreement for project management and assessment district reimbursements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Fieldstone/La Costa Associates for project management and assessment district reimbursement, a copy of which is attached (Exhibit 2) and made a part hereof, is hereby approved. 3. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill ~ Ill Ill 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 3rd day of April , 1990 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None ABSENT: None AlTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) - CONSULTANT PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ASSESSMENT DISTRICT REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT is made and entered into this La day of / , 1990, by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Public Agency of the State of California (hereinafter referred to as "City'), and the FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES, a Limited Partnership (hereinafter referred to as tlFieldstoneWt). A. Fieldstone is the owner of certain unimproved real property located within Local Facilities Management Zones 11 and 12 of the City of Carlsbad (18PropertylV). Fieldstone is in the process of procuring certain discretionary approvals for the subdivision and development of the Zone 12 property and will thereafter initiate a similar~ process for the Zone 11 property. B. The Property is currently proposed to be included within the boundaries of special Assessment and Financing Districts for the construction of certain public facilities including but not specifically limited to Ranch0 Santa Fe Road and Olivenhain Road. The subdivision process described in paragraph A and the public facilities contemplated in this paragraph B shall be collectively referred to as the 11Projects.11 C. City and Fieldstone deem it in their mutual best interests to coordinate environmental study, engineering, surveying and related services for the Projects due to their scope and the length of time contemplated to complete them. In addition, Fieldstone agrees to advance funds for said services subject to reimbursement of a portion as herein agreed upon a successful confirmation of taxes or assessments and sale of bonds. In consideration of the foregoing, City and Fieldstone agree as follows: 1 - 1. Consultant Proiect Manaaement and Coordination Services City has entered into an agreement with Helming Engineering and Douglas L. Helming for the consulting services of Helming. Consistent with the intent of the Agreement, City agrees to define the scope of work under the Helming Agreement as follows: Project management and coordination services will be provided by Douglas L. Helming Engineering, and shall include but not be limited to the following: a. GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES (1) Liaison between City staff, consultants, property owners, and other governmental agencies. (2) Maintenance and monitoring of project schedules. (3) Coordination of consultant activities and scope of services on all aspects of the project. (4) Coordination of plan check activities. (5) Actively pursuing projects to completion. (6) Regularly reporting progress to City Engineer. b. ZONE 11 AND ZONE 12 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS (1) Olivenhain Road (a) Interim 4-lane Facility 1) Coordinate and pursue feasibility report process. 2) Coordinate final engineering design document process. (b) Ultimate Facility 1) Coordinate and pursue route adoption report process. 2) Coordinate final engineering design document process. 2 . (2) (3) (4) Ranch0 Santa Fe Road (a) Coordinate and pursue route adoption report process. (b) Coordinateengineeringdesigndocumentprocess. Calle Barcelona (a) Coordinate final engineering design document process if the facility is included within an assessment district. Assessment District formation coordination or other public financing program coordination for all or any of the project listed above. C. PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS (1) Arroyo La Costa (Zone 12) (a) Coordinate final engineering design document process including design of Calle Barcelona if not included within an assessment district. (2) La Costa Southeast II and III (a) Coordinate tentative map process in the Engineering Department. (b) Coordination with Planning Department processing of Specific Plans, Master Plans, Zone Plan Amendments, etc. (c) Coordinate final engineering design document process. Helming shall be paid on a hourly basis in conformance with the most current billing schedule, however, Fieldstone shall be provided thirty (30) days notice of any change in project management. 2. . . . 1 Services Sublet l t of this Aareemen t So long as Fieldstone continues to advance costs as provided in this Agreement, City shall retain such professional services as are necessary to accomplish right of way appraisals and 3 acquisitions, related legal services, including bond counsel, in connection with any assessment or bond financing of public facilities on the Property, assessment engineering, and environmental studies. Fieldstone shall also advance funds to cover the costs of City administrative time. Detail of scope of work and terms and conditions of the contracts for the above services shall be as defined in separate agreements for consultant services between the City and various consultants. 3. Obliaations of Fieldstone a. Fieldstone agrees to advance all funds necessary for City to pay for the services defined in paragraphs 1 and 2. This Agreement contemplates estimated lump sum payments being made by Fieldstone semi-annually upon City's written request in anticipation of regular monthly statements being received by City from its consultants. All funds paid by Fieldstone shall be deposited to an interest-bearing account and interest earned shall be credited to Fieldstone pursuant to a letter agreement between City and Fieldstone dated November 6, 1989, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. b. Fieldstone shall timely and adequately respond to City's requests for information and material necessary to process the Projects subject of this Agreement in order to assist City ih the expeditious processing of these Projects. . 4. 1 ursement. City and Fieldstone intend and agree that a portion of the money paid by Fieldstone under this Agreement is subject to reimbursement or credit upon the sale of bonds under future assessment districts. City accordingly agrees to keep records which itemize the expenditures so that items subject to reimbursement will be clearly identified. Fieldstone also agrees 4 to itemize its separate expenses for the same purpose. It is understood and agreed that all costs eligible for reimbursement shall be approved by the City Engineer. Upon completion of the proceedings and a successful sale of bonds, Fieldstone shall have the option of having the approved reimbursement items refunded in cash or be applied as a credit to assessments or a combination of both. If proceedings to establish special assessment districts are abandoned and no bonds are sold, then no reimbursements or credits shall be due Fieldstone, excepting only any funds then held by the City in excess of those needed for final payment of consulting services and/or administrative time. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if abandoned assessment district proceedings are re- established, bonds are sold, and work to establish the district is utilized which was paid under this Agreement, then the reimbursement provisions of this Agreement shall apply. 5. All plans, specifications and other preliminary documentation as prepared for public facilities construction shall become the property of the City, regardless as to whether any assessment districts are actually formed or confirmed. 6. . . Term&Q&&on of Aareement This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice, or in the event Fieldstone fails to deposit requested funds within thirty (30) days of demand. 7. Citv's Right of Abandon Assessment District Proceedings This Agreement does not in any way create an obligation or vesting that the City will decide to proceed with a special Assessment District, and the City expressly reserves the right to abandon the proceedings at any time prior to the conclusion of the public hearing. 5 - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the day and year first above written. FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a California Limited Partnership BY: THE FIELDSTONE COMPANY, a Californja Corporation, Its Ggn,er,al Partner &/ ATTEST: BY ,f 1 Jw &wfi BY ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk City Attorney Y 6