HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-04-03; City Council; 10565; CITIZEN REQUEST CONCERNING MIGRANT WORKERSn rn rl .ti rd u a, a $4 0 w rn a) u s G *rl E a, a, rn W u Ll 0 M w w a u rn rl cd G 0 .ti u -4 a a rd a a, u rn a) s rJ' a, &I rl *+I 0 G 1 0 V e 0 a \ m \ d- 2 0 4 E 6 5 z 0 GI YUP GAHLaUAU - AGENWBILL x> AB# hOt5c95 TITLE: DEPT, CITY I MTG, %3-@ CITIZEN REQUEST CONCERNING DEPT, Citizen MI GRANT WORKERS CITY ' RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept petition from "Concerned Citizens of Carlsbad" concerning the pli of migrant workers and their families. ITEM EXPLANATION: This "Concerned Citizens of Carlsbad" group met with the Mayor and Mayor Tern on Monday, March 19, 1990. As a result sf this meeting, Ramon Campbell submitted a request to address the City Council concerning migrant workers. EXUI B IT ! 1. Letter to the City Manager from Ramon A. Campbell, dated March 23, 19 I EXH - e W March 23, 1990 Mr. Raymond Patchett City Manager, City of Carlsbad 1200 Eln Ave, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Patchett: Request is hereby made by the "Concerned Citizens of Carlsbad" to appear before the City Council at the Council meeting on Tuesday, April 3rd, to present a petition concerning the plight of migrant workers and their families. t the address or phone number listed below. for the CONCERNED CITIZENS OF CARLSBAD 1015 Chestnut Ave., Suite H-2 Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619)720-2277 AXWL 3, 1998 0 fi- J7$f-2?-90 l2eL-Q T RAMON A. CAE4P13EIJL / 7 +Y= /t7 KATHLEEN WELENAN /' 7 .. .. G o c3 d 12 iL? e ri i i y H ;; 0 r L ~l ir' i. .S > C cy; It 13 (.: i I M UC: ia i:: P 2.' :i , t.: 1 I, y ?-I :i ri a r ',, j r.; j t c) I' s 1 -., I' hl:~ r i. r s t. .t, j EI~ 1 i: til~i~ PPZ f C> 7 c :*' (3 11 : i: \4 ;i s i.i i 11 1.1 e . 'I' 1.1 i s i-, i me 1 a X I1 ie;l;i: I'OZ- 23 group of C:~?,~.Z~)TI.L; ~1i0 TL~*C deep.1.y <:i>r1 I r" ne c1 2.1. L'> 0 u t I; h e p 1. 1 i !\<;I !fii.gpa:itds and t,bi~>.il' i'LiJl::Li 1.e~ iri .I:P).~-$; iI!j. .. I: :.1m i.l..:jmoYh Ckmp!.>e.i 1. . a t ?, e n d ii e 1. I y s :: 1-1 I> CI .I ,. ?I :%' w z 2 n d z 2 r d a!.:o~.;-t 3;j;t;ie is hap.pcning, iiot jast, $'or oursc~ ives anti our ci hi? i?rigr.:nn?t.:; , anti ;.kit: (..: j i.;: i 1i g~nerrti , 5ehal f i) f the CARING RESIDEN'I'S OF CAXLSRAD, si.r!g :I nii,mber. C) :. i.ssiii'~; APttorney ii some or' Lhe Lecal. qui:si; :.oris x ,. I 1) Mi- I Fel. ipc Somi r~guex, ::'a sr!iga*ant. ~hcj kia:~ t i ve!i ~..it,ii :-i is i. ~52i.1 US- clbo~.~t. ij~~ t ','1. ., ' be 1- i. c'~, c C a r ! x nitd i s in a st,at,e o f c: .r I :: :,it T'C i:; i: rl mafiy of whom ;~,I>C mi ~2t.a 8 y;, 3 c: I. i' 1 e . 1 .* I .y, I, ; I.: ; ' c: i: o i'i r; i t i o i? s , ;.i. 1' c h :j t i I rii j. 1 I '. g i ri ::: I.< r' r< ~?i:j.al t,e:-lsi.;?-p.i :ire ~n<:t.i;~$,j '1 11 L) *,'A TJ -1 ci (2 <I j;t.ore. Thc i.nd1-i,.(1;.~;11. <::i.c..i .i:ici; oi' a:intr.o1 I Somc:t;hic~g nu5, kc> do ..4i.:. 0 4' 1,:s; , 1 at <:!le .i ;.DE I>T;>"s :i -~:iilag(.:~ a:;ti ri)li(:.il i,s <:\I~YC:II,J :r; .i.dea thzt it is a p.leassr:t pi.:tt 5.. : i arid 1. rj 1' .i s i. t, ;l (_I i $ 1' i'$QT 21 X+' j 1 1 ;I% :,2 a, XI(; re ; i I, i t-; it i: .i ., Y . 1. p i,oii~ isni y itnci r:?anuf'ac:t.cr; tig are a..i i vi. t rii. i 1:dList.I'.i of' buul rte:ists, br.i~gs r.r-3~:1,~)ns.r.1-~i ii !.i( i coxiji.le:.;i. OUT ~;o7;ei*ilrner!if. lear-iers, iis :;~r+~~~b{:'.rs o!' i..!li-% t;ity, KC: )end:; 0'1 aci-;no>;lied.g i71.g t,l~~: i::or~?,~iisi.~?, i 01'1s <:>i' ;il .1 fr.i..ing Coge?,F.ier j.11 pe.;. m ' PAG,E 2. r?: I i ciroi.igh thc-:1. r xor.1.: , nigraxts pw!> food <)TI etr.er~- table i.n ~i.ir co!;31:i By 4,hI.:.;j i" wi.jrk 1,hcy ~2al;4Lc-: our \i(,;t.rj 5 1 01.i~: mote1.s % w~r ves-ta\xrar;ts, GU~ afld iS.i,hf::r !31..lSdi T'lCSSC!S k,O CJf><'I'2.?..C? + ~~~UF B8krkS 2lRd j~fi.I~d(;;.l'AF, t.!kTj.VC' Uridt" 7 c'.arf? * IjYIk j l.:e Ki<J??P fOI'*t~I.li'la~,C~ !Tt<?I!IhPZ'S of our commiiriiI;y, many of ti:cw from disni-.irr;irirzt,ion and kiungcr, hfrtngi of tflern live in.; t.erri.t?lr.: rorit~.: t.j I, t,hC t'?F?ldS Of thk? C~~.~.,~vr, Itd !S dit'f'.ici.l.f.-t, t;o COt.lrl!. eX8c'cl.y i?rJ\d Cl;rZT> doing so 9 but a. ccnser.va.t,ivi~ c?stirnat.e is 500, 'ro ignore their si !;un,tr. I MM GFb i? L 23, n d -1 E'R AT 1 ON A I, * 1- r>~c ;iiusO; do somu3 thing to heip those j.n Lhc greatest need 2 :<on: which --ese-r.v~:s pL thei z' ti 1gn.it.y and protects their h:nman ;.i ghts anti T 3. c;ainf-j Line 3 reduces the tens ion in the c~mriiunit.y a?icj R rcho.i e and 1:e i. ps the ci i-y on a more harrxoni o~is course. 7 -1 ~j.izit, ,mi.~.sL he {joilc;'? E7i rst, of 2~1 j. , we ask y0t.t t.c; iir:np,st3.;,- c:oiif'.rc; problem* There is PI0 tlcod t.0 5;c:tt rip a t<.i.id*: force tc> st.l.lciy kit€? iKl3ll;; issue yet anotfie-,r t i.mc:. itlC task ~CTC.E YOU ~~pp~inted i.~i 1986 s a Father Moore of St. Pt~t.:..i.ck's (::ti;hc~lic i:I.iu::ch, spenk two ?;i'?ar~:. 0:: c: are f u .I. s t ia r:i y 13 f t. h e :,b!er:is; ;:,r-~ci oiie of its most. j.ini:or'ta.nt ci:,nc.i:i.:j.o that a.~r1.c!.ii.5.c:n.~~I. hous !.TI$ must l)e pr-o.i.ided. The answer is before s!tr We know iq., is the iir~ni.,h. Enough of research; enough of words. Let .x. .. tQ solve tRe problem NOW! I:.' we pr.ovi.de hoi,i~;j rig, x~~d neim tl:~ i;onsi.ug I a kiri ng si t.c? (::,~RT~: bGkh fGl? the iT.~~F?~~f~~,Fi iinfJ t..Pi?? i'EIi)lG:;Cr:; % iie haVrI2 LkiC? beg i2Y: i :>;if 3 answer. Tension alori;; Lhc TC~~LS 741. j.1 be redu<:.~d, \iorI.:ex.:; I~J. 1 L pi.sce i,;.> 1. ivri arid it iG:lJ! !,o f i t:ci .jc?!?s-;, P?-<JI.-~.~ j ng klo 2 rig w j tdh a. h I x* i I! g may not s~ive ~:~.~,~~~~~,~-I~.~I~, 'n:.it. ~~i~c~~icirig ;t h.:!.ring ha1 t s :~i.!.one, il,:i21 :tot, .,t ef Eect,,.ve mc I.~TC, ;is Itj4i:< ;iL~:~~i:jy i (?1-1 i.t?r?r:?ed by c)?:r r.leighhbclr.iI-lg C:O% of Enc.irii.t,a.~:. e W L .'-)..A,-_) '.A We i;.nriw t-. ti 3. t, 0 i'C r i, he 1 0 range much more i'i 3. i. n s t 0 b e a c' c 0 111 p .I c'- ,~~irIsbii~.d !nust ful. fi Li. ?;lie sI,at,it standate to providp 1.100 ijr!it~ of' lcjb; hou.sing. Some of this mtlsi, be for migrants a.nd Lheir. fnrriilies. Ca needs a cc)i~~;ci,j. on migr:nnt affiiirs 8s well as c': b.i.iii.1guai direct rnigran-I; i SS~IQ~S whc2 (:an ac.1, xs 2. 1 iaisc~n bett:tte>:i t,tie migr.artt ur:tl ma c 0 ?Em 1.1 111 i. I., i f s , We believe j. t is impernti.ve tka~~t, migrant n~eds yep res e ID I:. :? d * 13ut. t..hr-> present r:ner$ency In housing and hirj rig is. sc? ~:r:ut. me~s~ires :.,c corrcrr:'i j. t, mi~s t be addressed immcdiateiy, ou I' pc! t j ~th~>~~f<j~~~?, focuses ~111 i,!i~ge :iic?iis. d PETITION :, I. 'il'e call U~CJ~I the City or" Carlsbad tc. take immediat,ct .r\ct (>ro~i.c!e LAND 9 HOUSJ-SG 9 ar~<l a if1 RING I.i>CilTION ~CIT ini E;;';:PI~,s, fo i 1o;is ; LAND i Fiakrr! l.an(:i avai i ab:le for. a .t,hrre t o fi vc >-;ez.r. 1.)~ r i o I.ocat, i on c~oriveri :~-,nt fer mig:-an? s and pm?i.op-ers EMERGENCY-SHORT TERM EOUSENG i Purcttiise portabl e I yrefabr i cat shcl tiers if:.; t,em[)crary housing for 500 xorkers anli p * i n fi .i ng t.:;~.i.e I- and po 2- t abl c t. o i i.r t s PIaRIhlG E8CA:TION i ~3rv~~,~ id<? c? Ioczi;io;i at. ti-. :r: e--." La.G-rqenc->- hn~as ir wi t,h k,c Lp:)licne i'a,c.i litdies, i,o help far iii-t::.,te c?ri!pioymenT,. MANAGEMENTi I~ci,ermin~~ c!i.era! 1 p~i.icies of the project in c;coj.js::. wit,l(i an OI-I-S i tc? SELF ?!AY,lGi<Yc_!E;dT tee.;n, g;overnrnentfii ani $7 r 0 1' i. t 0 L' g: : t !? E ;< i* t 1. 1 * Because t,he;-~ i s t.'. c:rj..ti.cai rieed for. mere perinanen?: hc)usi: rn i. y r ii ri t s ;? ri tf t; lie i. L' f' a m i 1 i c- I-: ~ I ;a: i.ii Gn 0:2r <>l-2Ctec' citj~' ~?,e~JrF?Senta,~'~'< act itr:i:;531:1 i:t!,ely on t hf? ;.:\(:.-lmn;e?l(l~:ti~~f of its t,,ssk f~rce and ap13L:~ .. grant r,fjiQ ava. I. La.o.1.t !.lnc::~r i,i.lP :I i I'ec tc,r's Sa3 Diego ColAnty F3rrr,.worker 8c Discr j.ozar,-{ ,?,ccoi.~rtt. F es~>c(- 3 5: i .j >- fs.r j.:lnl3:;at j.17~ j-ii-~,j~~ t.3 I 'The d~:c>(f 1. - e a _. ., v. s~~,~,~y, ?'here is enough tiae. ike recornr~i~~nc-i thit:: a 1) 1 1. 0 1, j ):-c .j e r: t L h-n y; .i 1.' f 0 y' 4' iundirlg t,c pu~'i:hase 10 mci2il.c hoines $ wi t,h 1.he prospe:;t cf' '':~ja<.k i ~k.9 fi.<>,~ ot,he~ SOZIYC~S fcr AR adtl.I.~,.i17~1~.! 40 i,ii-\j t,~, u Yhi.:~ .is what tn~lst be done. I3ir.L can i-1; be ctoi?c'? tlihat barri,ers, ,:itand in t.he wa;~ of doing it? rl Firs.F:. i there is human nature e rne tendenc:y t;o pctss the buck, ,;e rtre not responsible , somebsdy else is. The ccirint'y + sf The 3t.a e F'ederaf. ~overnment i.s, Or all of them. But, riot !.is, :'he :~r~swcr li. th.t we ABE respunsibIe. We arc BB-E-8. It is cXJ@ city. W.E mus-t. -k 'ic;t.icsnl. x?.$ I.i.tr21.e is the question of 1.a~d. I\: 1.1 t:: Y*P c an we p ii I: d s'rze-it~~'~ and niobiie homes for. pt:o;:~l.e on whom we c2epr:r:i.i 1 i -b~~l.i.iiq but, whose w*.,11-being 'we iiievc2 iq310r1:$d'? Tile ansr:.e?r i 'J t. :.-i.shai? DOES h~ve vacant !-tind I ap~~.0~--rnrtt~151 HOD acres o!: s t htiri 2% V;CIU 1.d be ~>t?~!di.c! for thrt ~jx~*c>,~jc~(;t, G Over. &he LCYI;: +.?it? ~RRC'I n:ii;>- be earmarked Tor devei.opmerrL 3 but, i.i-1 the short i-a..qg ':iamp:!c3 i' "%ACAH~O CAX~~OX" is not being used. tjsirig it in the shor. . (or I:~P i m~~~~Q~~i~P;e arid ~ompelli~~g reasons L+lreiidy ~~~enti~ined ~\ro~;Pd gi 'L 7; ., i. .tcs 1ocat.e a more permanent site. Or if city ?and is abs .I ~ ~. i' ;J.L of ?:.hi? :~j~e~t:i~rl, the <:Fty can lease Pialldy OF csbtain the US^ 1 :?,:id. For exampl-e, if 3Gt already being developed at this .times tile ; :i nd a t. t. he c '~aer' of E!. Czmino an3 Palomar Ai.rpo:r-t Road behind the '9 i~.hicili has water arid a ma,jor pipeline st"r~e:-~ might be made ZVR. IP: regard to the ques.tion of cost e There j. s funding avai 1.abl.e, :st t:n!.;e !:he; initiative. lie have called attention t.o some of tf-r fi::>7 a\'a:! I at33 c in the cotint~. AI., Etdditiunal $400 D 000 i~ a~ailable f ,i-i !i I"ii<?gt.> CCIU~I~S Farmworker Housing ACCOU;~~, . S:IC=~ seed tnofi~?~ cari ;yL ;;!ubi: - as $3 r UIJir, uvu Fra.ZI_BE:'S i?lf?fic;e. Under propos;tion 84, 'ir: 19e3t?,, $?0,~23,0fJO \48S sc:':. 3 n#?be r-c'2 I ar?il p p' 1' . %.., 4 ; r: g , <; (Z) :" I.-: C.l - 1 fi 9 j- c- serll e far the office cj,f Mjgrant Se,r.:jc;es iy\ the slate. I.i-1t.j? :i wel 1 i;houg Lj'? ~yi ,, C;ar"i sb~~.d (;an ii~pa I:;o ~i:.ai.: ~,tl SUC~ SC>:JTC~,"S t,i:p ia~ai+;e the pr-ojt real ?ty. :4:3~1t, again, we n;ust take he -iiTjt.j x? I SSU~ i nvo'l :ies $he ticji~j r.11 ~,trat.j~n of the .p3!-~je~$, apfj kdplt;~ ,- u y: .; I .4.. i.r I The c7i-k~ can call on nunlercua governmental agencies and non-l s for ass i stance. ?he i*/umec ' s Resoc T'C~ 2en.t~: r p i 17 Ocear .I wi 1 '1 ais:$ i st. Carl shad I 1 f asked. The Em9 1 oyrnent ~e.;/el oEment [hpartntent f-^es<>iJy.ce. The North county <;hap1 a? ??cy ~ the ci .t.-i Zf3i'I.S fcr tiLLil'RaY? D-I gr: it) ,i!tJ.-Ck;@S, ,.. 1 ./ the pol ~~~+---~:)1~ /qa\,,r. ju.5.k i-jired 3. spai=ja,] o-.i'fjcer -& i, cj pi i': r i;. KI i y r a r! t s 1; cj e ;< p 'i a j r: i.; .. .? ~ t. r : .i C pract.,; c:es---al 1 are I.-esour.ces, :'he C RESI%;EpJ; s <;? (-kRi';B,LI,Cj, ',<]i.)O 9O:jSS'SS a '?.jJ cje l-ar>ge r'- 3F py-of:es:sj<>r!al -:k 1 1 15, Ilu '73 1 r' whateve!- Nay Me car., p tc; do I:el;.K?rk.i ng ~ COnlnlt,i:: i '-y erj:jCat-I cy:, .z jn ~ran.6 ~~qr-~,~-i~~c~~ ;rzg<j ;!-I lr~ca.:;ific, t.he :n-jgran%c,,s and ~hejr farf;i7jes w e; igjb'ie Tcr er;lergent,y i.o!Jsinq. .. f- j r;a: 1 y 1 't j? e 1 a w : 1s -7; a b,=?F-rier Or'' r.;?*"'7 .rJC,. -ri-:-is c;uest:ioi? i. - -i rnpcr-?;ar~t. 1 that we have asked <>fie sf CJY rozrfiber-s, A?;"Lorney vie 7 9 ma;: ,I address it. $/e ha%,,~e pr-es,eni;e,--j ouy t-latj -tjon y7-t- 4LJ<, ri 1,o <>:erl I/u'o',,ir?CIS~ birL to h21p I-- them. 'j-he ci I;<y Via5 $eer) pr-ofo~r:d 1 y woiin<:ed by \+~hat i.;.a.s; hspper!ed , a.-:d 1 -i s (j 2,rr ge r- o.f2 i-' , 8 ,,A * r 1 i. 1 k i 3 - 1- dc~?epe.q? ZCJ of the \<,ic!~~d. AS 3 s'tep 1n tiie he; prosess, we cai i UD:;;' yc (2 !j r-. e i ecteci i eadei-s I tG te 'the aget?ts of Chi cjf cfjange ?<:I,? t?i~;! ~1,<1~t1:1 q.1" 'r.,he +ii;s:e ccj>mLjr-;jty. 1 " . , ~ x i~~r.l:~~~d "5 cha~ it i/: 4 7 1 yIe\'e 1" 3, \, 1 i 'I its(; a!> :t . 1;;. ;s {':;_?:,*/ ;3. I,$p;ij' 1 2rjf.j po\,qer-:c;; c j: t, ,:;df7 a ; :;,:.> beccJiri:e :3. ?\/C r' y ciegfi-: CC.ll--y, kr:awn for- ,i ks j I.:~G i 1 i .gent p 1 z.r;r-': t ~5 -.: y 0 2 j-- s 'r:, Y- 0 r, c! : $3 9 d ::? r j F ~ i rle T, :me tc k29.j 17 is $j(>b;.